An overview of sun protection contact lenses with UV filters. Sunscreen against UVA and UVB rays: which one to choose? How to choose sunglasses according to the degree of darkening

For many people, sunglasses are an everyday accessory that allows you to emphasize style and create the look you want. However, we should not forget that these optical products perform another important function - protecting the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Consider what determines the degree of blocking of UV radiation in sunglasses.

Currently, there is a wide range of sunglasses on the market for ophthalmic products. The range is replete with the presence of popular brands, a variety of shapes, designs and colors. However, when buying eyeglass optics, you need to take into account not only the decorative component, but also the protective properties of the lenses. It is important that the corrective agent provides the necessary level of protection of the organs of vision from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Many are interested in how to choose sunglasses according to the type of protection. We propose to look into this issue.

Should you protect your eyes from UV light?

To understand whether it is worth protecting the eyes from exposure to sunlight, you need to understand their types, the nature of their appearance and the impact on the human organs of vision. Up to 40% of the radiation is categorized as visible and allows us to distinguish colors. About 50% of the sun's rays are infrared. They make you feel warm. Finally, 10% of the sun's rays are ultraviolet radiation, invisible to human eyes. According to the wavelength, it is divided into several subcategories (long-wave - UVA, medium-wave - UVB, and short-wave - UVC).

Types of ultraviolet radiation:

  • UVA - is in the range of 400-315 nm. Mostly reaches the surface of the Earth;
  • UVB - is in the range of 315-280 nm. Mostly delayed by the atmosphere, but partially reaches the surface of the Earth;
  • UVC - is in the range of 280-100 nm. It practically does not reach the Earth's surface (it is delayed by the ozone layer).

Do you need goggles to protect your eyes from UV rays?

Ophthalmologists say that in moderation, ultraviolet is good for the body, as it helps to strengthen the immune system, increase body tone, and even improve mood. Under the influence of UV rays in the eye, metabolism and blood circulation are stimulated, and muscle function improves. In addition, the body produces vitamin D, which strengthens the musculoskeletal system, and produces histamine, a substance that has a vasodilating effect.

However, with intense exposure, ultraviolet rays have a detrimental effect on the body, including the organs of vision. The lens captures long-wave UV radiation, gradually losing transparency and acquiring a yellowish tint. Experts recommend paying due attention to protecting the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, since clouding of the lens leads to the development of such a serious disease as cataracts. In 50% of cases, in the absence of timely treatment, this eye disease is the cause of blindness. The mucous membrane of the eye and the cornea absorb medium-wave ultraviolet radiation (UVB), which can significantly damage their structure under intense exposure. The use of sun protection avoids this problem.

To correctly approach the purchase, you need to decide what kind of UV protection sunglasses should have. This factor should be given priority when purchasing these products.

Why you should protect your eyes from intense ultraviolet radiation:

  • The lens captures long-wave UV radiation, gradually losing transparency and acquiring a yellowish tint. This can lead to the appearance of cataracts;
  • The cornea absorbs medium-wave ultraviolet (UVB) radiation, losing its optical properties.

How much protection should sunglasses have?

Many people do not know how to determine the protection of sunglasses and mistakenly believe that the darker the lenses, the better they block UV rays. However, it is not. Clear lenses can absorb harmful radiation just as well as dark lenses if they are coated with a special coating. Moreover, the pupil under dark lenses dilates, so in the absence of a filter, ultraviolet rays are easily absorbed by the lens.

Products from world famous brands without fail have a special marking that characterizes the degree of protection. Spectacle optics marked "UV400" are considered to be of the highest quality. It filters up to 99% of UVA category ultraviolet with a wavelength of up to 400 nm. However, it should be borne in mind that with the systematic wearing of such glasses in the summer, a “mask” forms on the face, since the skin around the eyes does not tan. Much more common are products labeled UV 380, which filter only 95% of UV rays. Inexpensive products provide blocking from 50% of radiation. All products that capture less than 50% of UV rays do not protect the eyes from their negative effects. Often they are used only for decorative purposes.

Sometimes there is a label that indicates the degree of protection from UVA and UVB rays at once: “Blocks at least 80% UVB and 55% UVA”. This means that the filter applied to the surface prevents the penetration of up to 80% of UVB rays and up to 55% of UVA rays. Doctors advise choosing products where both indicators are above 50%.

In addition, there is another option for marking glasses:

  • cosmetic. Optical products that block less than 50% of UV radiation. These glasses are not recommended for use on sunny days, as they do not protect the eyes from the sun;
  • General - universal products with UV filters that block from 50 to 80% of UV rays. Such glasses can be used for everyday eye protection in the city, at mid-latitudes;
  • High UV-protection - models with enhanced UV filters that block almost 99% of ultraviolet radiation. They can be used on a bright sunny day in the mountains, near the water, etc.

How to choose sunglasses according to the degree of darkening?

After you have decided on the degree of protection of glasses from UV radiation, you need to choose the level of their light transmission, or darkness. This parameter will determine how brightly you can perceive the world around you. As a rule, such marking is located on the temple of glasses and consists of two components: the name of the model and the darkness index, for example, “Cat. 3" or "Filter cat. 3".

Classification of sunglasses by darkness:

  • Marking (0). This product is almost completely transparent. It transmits from 80 to 100% of visible sunlight. Such glasses are recommended for use by athletes when exercising in the absence of bright light.
  • Marking (1,2). This optics has a light transmission from 43 to 80%, as well as from 18 to 43% of the light, respectively. This is the best option for wearing in low and medium solar radiation.
  • Marking (3,4). These glasses should be used in very bright sunlight.

In the hot summer period for our latitudes, optical products with 2 and 3 degrees of light transmission will be the best choice. For use on summer mornings, as well as in spring and autumn, models with 1-2 degrees of dimming are suitable. Points with an indicator of 4 are recommended for travelers in extreme conditions, for example, when conquering mountains.

It should be clarified once again that the degree of darkening has nothing to do with protecting the eyes from the adverse effects of ultraviolet rays. This indicator affects only the brightness of the image perception and the comfort of wearing optical products.

What else can protection glasses have?

Modern manufacturers of sunglasses make sure that their products are as comfortable, practical and durable as possible. Therefore, in addition to the UV filter, additional coatings are often applied to the surface of products.

  • Polarizing filter. Fully blocks glare - rays reflected from horizontal surfaces (water, snow-covered field, car hood, etc.);
  • Anti-reflective coating. Cuts off some types of sun glare, increasing the comfort of use;
  • Mirror finish. As a rule, it is applied to one degree or another on all points. Reflects visible sunlight, providing extra comfort to the eye;
  • Abrasion resistant coating. Increases the resistance of spectacle lenses to the appearance of mechanical damage (scratches, cracks, etc.);
  • Melanin spray. It is applied to the inside of the lens to prevent eye fatigue.
  • Gradient coverage. Allows you to increase safety while driving. The upper, darker part of the lens provides good visibility when looking at the road. In turn, the light bottom of the lenses contributes to a good overview of the dashboard.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with a wide selection of glasses and contact correction products on the website. We offer you high quality products from world brands at competitive prices. With us you can easily place an order and receive the goods in the shortest possible time!

When performing professional duties, many specialists face the risk of splashes of biological fluids, solutions of chemicals, small elements into the eyes, exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the organs of vision. All of these can lead to infection or eye injury. Special protective glasses will avoid this without reducing the clarity of vision. More information about medical glasses can be obtained

Scope of application

They are most widely used in dental practice, by surgeons, laboratory assistants, protecting the eyes from:

  • particles and dust accompanying the process of sawing bones;
  • splashes of biological fluids;
  • ingress of drugs, chemicals;
  • radiation from photopolymerizers;
  • cleaning agents and their fumes.

They will also be indispensable for dental technicians involved in the manufacture of prostheses, those who work with lasers, quantum devices. Medical protective goggles against ultraviolet radiation able to minimize the negative effects on the eyes of UV lamps and irradiators.

Main varieties

This product is available in several categories:

  1. Open. They touch the face with only part of the body or frame. Outwardly, they are quite similar to sun protection models. Increased eye protection is provided by more extended temples. Designed to protect against small particles, splashes. They can be additionally equipped with a light filter, protecting from IR, UV and blinding radiation.
  2. Closed. They adhere to the face with the whole body, comprehensively protecting the eyes. Outwardly similar to a mask for scuba diving. Most often used when working with lasers.
  3. Helioprotective. Available in open and closed versions. They are equipped with light filters, which makes them in demand when working with lasers and in dentistry. Their main task is not to transmit the blue spectrum of visible radiation coming from the photopolymerizer.

Face shields are in a separate category. These screens are quite large in area, mounted on the temples, nose pads, headband. They protect not only the eyes, but the entire face from splashes and small particles. They can be used in combination with other types of goggles, respirators, masks.

Key Features

When choosing medical goggles, you should pay attention to the parameters that are responsible for the convenience and reliability during use:

  • lenses of ordinary glasses must withstand a single impact with an energy of more than 0.6 J, and reinforced ones - more than 1.2 J;
  • environmental friendliness of materials used in the production process;
  • the presence of softening pads in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples and nasal arch;
  • resistance to scratches, chips, fogging;
  • tightness to the head even with sudden movements;
  • simplicity and efficiency of dressing/removing;
  • the possibility of individual regulation of the size of the temples;
  • high visibility.

Starting the choice, you need to clearly know for what purposes this accessory will be used.

Care rules

The eye care process is quite simple. They should be periodically inspected for defects, stored in a dustproof case, cleaned and disinfected after use. If there is any damage, the goggles should be replaced.


If you want to buy goggles high quality and at an affordable price, we advise you to pay attention to the products of ROSOMZ. You can get acquainted with the assortment of goods from this well-known domestic manufacturer in the catalog of our website. You are guaranteed to find a model that meets your individual needs. All products have certificates of conformity, official guarantees apply to it.

2 chose

When summer is in the yard, products with SPF against UVR, as well as "defenders" from UVA/UVB. But what are these mysterious abbreviations and what is the meaning of each of them? Let's figure it out!

UVR- the simplest of all the abbreviations presented, which means Ultra Violet Radiation - ultraviolet radiation.

IPF- Immune Protection Factor - immunoprotective factor. This is an effective protection of Langerhanz cells and other internal skin structures from solar radiation. Scientists are also studying the properties of antioxidants such as green tea, grapes and grape seed oil for further use as free radical scavengers.

SPF- the most popular "set of letters" - Sun Protection Factor. Sun protection factor, which indicates the degree of protection against ultraviolet rays. SPF "informs" how many times your usual time in the sun can increase before the skin begins to "burn". The higher the SPF, the more protection. UVA protection is harder to determine because they don't cause pain or redness. Therefore, in this case, coefficients are applied that determine the so-called pigmentation - permanent (PPD) or instant tan (IPD).

UVA- long-wave (320–400 nm) ultraviolet rays of group A, which reach the surface of the earth all year round and even pass through clouds. They make up 95% of all ultraviolet radiation that hits the Earth. It is important that the radiation is able to penetrate window and car glass. Its "strength" does not depend on the time of year or time of day. It reaches the dermis, acting directly on fibroblasts and other skin cells, and, above all, damages collagen fibers. It has also been proven that under the influence of UVA rays it can lead to changes in DNA and the occurrence of mutations. The main consequences of exposure to UVA radiation include photoaging of the skin and the development of cancer. This is a good reason to remember to use UV filters all year round.

UVB- medium-wave (280–320 nm) ultraviolet rays of group B, which act painlessly, but penetrate the skin so deeply that they reach the dermis cells. They represent 5% of the UV radiation that reaches the Earth's surface. Its intensity increases from 10 am to 3 pm, especially in summer. Does not penetrate window glass and clouds, but easily penetrates through water. It is responsible for redness and burns, allergies that occur on the skin after sunbathing, as well as for the development of tumors (melanoma).

UVC- ultraviolet rays of group C, which have the shortest waves - 100-280 nm. They do not reach the Earth's surface due to the ozone layer.

How to choose the right filter?

In order to protect the skin of infants and young children, the use of physical filters that do not absorb into the skin is recommended. Chemical filters can cause allergies, irritation or dermatitis. An alternative is cosmetics containing chemical filters designed specifically for the sensitive skin of children. In addition, all products in this category regularly undergo special tests. For babies, we recommend products with a minimum SPF 30 filter in our climate. For babies, the filter should be SPF 50. Be sure to use a moisturizer after sunbathing.

PhototypeI– very fair skin, freckles, red or blond hair, skin easily burns, rarely tans (it is recommended to use creams with an SPF of at least 30),

Phototype II- light skin, few freckles, light hair, skin easily burns, tans with difficulty (SPF at least 20),

Phototype III– dark skin, no freckles, brown hair, fairly resistant to burns, tans very easily (SPF 12-15),

Phototype IV– very dark skin, no freckles, dark brown or black hair, skin does not burn, always tans very well (SPF 8-10).

How to apply creams with a filter?

  • Cream with a filter is applied to the skin at least 20 minutes before leaving the house;
  • Apply the cream every 2.5 hours and renew it after each bathing, perspiration and if you towel dry;
  • Try not to sunbathe during the day (especially in the early days of summer, when the dose of sunlight is the most intense).

The lenses in Polaroid and INVU goggles are UV-400 or 100% UV-Protection, which guarantees 100% UV protection. Let's tell you more about how it works.

Ultraviolet radiation is dangerous for human eyes: UVA waves are responsible for premature aging of the eyes, UVB can cause corneal irritation, UVC is carcinogenic and can damage cell membranes and cause mutations.

The impact of ultraviolet radiation on the eyes is most often cumulative. If you neglect to protect your eyes from harmful radiation for many years, this significantly increases the risk of cataracts and cancer. But there are circumstances in which exposure to ultraviolet light in a matter of days or even hours affects the health of the eyes. For example, many of you have heard about such a disease as "snow blindness" - a burn injury to the eye, which often develops in persons exposed to ultraviolet radiation reflected from a snowy surface - skiers, climbers, polar explorers, winter fishing enthusiasts, etc.

The easiest way to protect your eyes from UV radiation is to wear quality sunglasses. But how not to make a mistake when choosing them?

Myths about UV glasses:

1. Sunglasses with clear lenses do not protect the eyes.

This is not true. Non-tinted glasses can also be excellent eye protection. The fact is that additional coatings or layers in the body of the lens provide UV protection. And the dimming layer is only responsible for reducing the brightness of the light.

2. D Cheap non-brand glasses do not protect against ultraviolet radiation.

Let's be honest, numerous professional and amateur tests, publications about which can be found both on the Internet and in various media, have shown that both Chinese fakes "from the transition" and branded glasses equally cope with UV protection, most often. from official stores.

Does it make sense in this case to buy more expensive sunglasses? This is everyone's personal choice. Obviously, buying things of dubious production is always a risk. For example, with low-quality sunglasses, there is a risk that UV protection may not be in their lenses, or it may be provided by a coating that will quickly wear off during use. In addition, such glasses will be significantly inferior to branded ones in many other parameters.

3. Glass lenses protect your eyes better than plastic lenses.

It really was so, but many decades ago. Thanks to modern technology, high-quality plastic lenses are not inferior to glass ones in terms of UV protection. Let's say more - modern plastic lenses are much better than glass ones, if we evaluate them in terms of convenience, durability and safety. Glass lenses are quite heavy in weight and are very easy to break with the slightest impact, and fragments from them can injure you. Plastic, on the other hand, makes it possible to produce the thinnest, almost weightless lenses with various inclusions to protect against ultraviolet radiation, eliminate glare, increase the strength of the lenses and protect them from scratches.

Reading the label: UV-400

A proven brand and the inscription on the label "UV-400" are a guarantee of 100% eye protection from ultraviolet radiation. You can also see the spelling 100% UV Protection or 100% UV protection . This means that the lenses provide eye protection from all ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength less than 400 nm - that is, from UVA, UVB and UVC rays.

There is also a standard "UV-380" - the presence of this marking means that the lenses block light waves with a wavelength of less than 380 nm. According to most experts, UV-380 labeled glasses provide only 90% protection for the eyes from harmful effects, and only a few experts tend to argue that this degree of protection is sufficient for eye health.

What is the degree of protection of sunglasses?
What you need to know about the light transmission of lenses in sunglasses?
Will cheap sunglasses ruin your eyesight?

When buying sunglasses, people are divided into 2 categories:

  • those who are extremely scrupulous in their choice, study all the marks and icons on the labels
  • and those who take their favorite glasses in the accessories section of any clothing store or supermarket just because the model fits the face or clothes.

We will not say yet whether there is the only right approach, but we will tell you what parameters sunglasses have, so that each person can choose what suits him in this particular situation.

tags medicine glasses eyes

What do you think is the main function of sunglasses? That's right, it is even "indicated" in their name - to protect from the sun. And here is an important nuance! Protection is not just "make sure that your eyes do not squint in the sun", but - "protect your eyes from exposure to harmful ultraviolet light, which is present in the sun's rays." And the perfect option for sunglasses is 100% UV blocking. Goggles with UV400 symbols on the temple (sometimes called the "arm") provide such protection. The number 400 in the marking means that these glasses block all rays of the ultraviolet spectrum of solar radiation with a wavelength of up to 400 nanometers.

The minimum allowable value, according to GOST R 51831-2001, is the UV380 marking. It is not recommended to buy glasses with protection below this limit, since they transmit ultraviolet light, which can provoke the development of cataracts and retinal diseases.

In Ochkarik optics stores, all sunglasses have the highest degree of protection, and you can be sure of their impeccable reliability.


In addition to the degree of protection against UV rays, there is another important parameter: the category (filter) of the light transmission of the lens. Like the first, it can also be indicated on the temple of the glasses.

If the corresponding marking is not there, it may be indicated in the documentation for the glasses. This is acceptable and is not evidence of a fake or poor quality of the goods, since Russia does not regulate the place where the category of light transmission of glasses should be indicated. In Europe, by the way, there is a corresponding quality standard - EN ISO 12312-1, which requires that the category be indicated on the temple (arm) of glasses. It might look like this:

Consider the categories of spectacle lenses:

  • 0 category orcat.0 transmits from 100 to 80% of the light.

This category includes ordinary glasses "with diopters" and clear lenses, which are made according to a doctor's prescription and are designed to be worn indoors, at night or at dusk; night glasses for drivers; some sports and goggles against snow and wind, which are used in the absence of bright light.

  • 1 category orcat.1 transmits from 80 to 43% of the light.

These are glasses with light lenses for cloudy weather, for wearing in the city with weak sun, for use as an accessory.

  • 2 category orcat.2 transmits from 43 to 18% of the light.

These goggles are medium in darkness and should be used in changeable clouds, in moderately bright sunny weather, suitable for driving.

  • 3 category orcat.3 transmits from 18 to 8% of light.

Heavily tinted glasses that protect from bright, including sunlight, light. Suitable for drivers.

  • 4 category orcat.4 transmits 8 to 3% of the light.

The maximum tinted lenses in these glasses allow you to use them in conditions of blinding light (from the sun, snow, water): at sea, in the mountains, in snowy regions, etc. Not recommended for driving as they may make it difficult to identify traffic light colors.

There are also glasses that transmit less than 3% of the light - these are special glasses, for example, welding or arctic. They do not belong to any category, are created for special conditions and are not sold in ordinary optics.

The degree of dimming is the reciprocal of the category of light transmission. That is, if the glasses let in 30% of the light, then they are darkened by 70%. And vice versa. It is important to keep in mind that the tint of a lens does not automatically protect the eyes from UV light! Even absolutely transparent from category 0 can have a UV filter. And vice versa: dark lenses in glasses, but let UV rays through.

In our salons, most of the sunglasses are in category 3. There are also category 1 club glasses with glasses of different colors: yellow, pink, blue.


Today's technology allows you to make the proper degree of eye protection even in very inexpensive sunglasses. If so, what explains the price difference?

  1. Brand

    Opticians and online stores sell glasses of those brands and brands with which they have contracts (from the mass market (brands that the majority can afford) to the premium class (high price category). The more famous and popular the brand, the higher maybe its price.

  2. materials

    High-quality, reliable, natural, rare, hypoallergenic or simply difficult-to-process materials are more expensive. Designer and decorated glasses are also usually more expensive than others.

  3. Optics quality

    Good glasses will not even have microscopic and invisible gaps, notches, cracks and other defects that can significantly reduce the life of the product, affect its appearance or even damage health. Additional checks and quality control require corresponding costs, which add "weight" to the final price of the product.


And now the main question that follows from all of the above - can inexpensive sunglasses bought, say, in an underground passage spoil your eyesight?

ANSWER: The main thing is not where and for how much you buy sunglasses, but what materials they are made of, how reliably and efficiently they are processed, whether they have the qualities necessary for your needs - the right category of light transmission, the degree of darkening, and, of course, whether they protect against ultraviolet.

The chief doctor of the Ochkarik chain of optics stores comments this: “Modern theories of the effect of ultraviolet radiation on vision suggest that ultraviolet provokes the development of cataracts (clouding of the lens) and some retinal diseases.

High-quality sunglasses can have very dark lenses, but not have UV protection, that is, let harmful radiation into the eye. And that's even worse than if you didn't wear sunglasses at all. Physiologically, in bright light, the pupil narrows, the eye squints, thereby preventing the passage of ultraviolet radiation. And in sunglasses, the pupil is wide, you do not squint, and in the meantime, ultraviolet rays penetrate the eye and gradually damage it if the glasses do not have UV400.

In cheap glasses, there is a higher risk that the processing of materials, primarily the lens itself, will be insufficient (a poorly processed edge can crumble!). That is, microscopic crumbs and particles of materials can get into the eye, and this is dangerous. Frames made of questionable materials will not only not last long, but can also cause allergies or skin irritation.

We do not claim that absolutely all cheap glasses are bad. However, in those points of sale where you cannot be shown quality certificates, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or guarantee their availability, you always run the risk.


There are no best or worst - there are those that are suitable or not suitable for a particular situation. If you plan to stay under the scorching sun for a long time and in bright light, for example, at sea or snowboarding, then you need glasses with maximum protection "on all fronts" - both from UV and with maximum blackout. If glasses are needed for a photo shoot or a party - of course, the option of simple glasses is acceptable.

However, vision is given to us one and for life. We perceive the world primarily with our eyes. We get the most vivid impressions through what we see. And is it worth saving on this ... It's up to you to decide.

By the way, in the Ochkarik optics salons you can check the degree of UV protection of your glasses, absolutely any - even if you bought them a long time ago and not from us. We really care about our customers, so we do UV checks for free for absolutely everyone!

Come visit us and see for yourself!

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