Valerian root medicinal properties and contraindications. Valerian medicinal properties photo

Rhizomata rhizomes with valerian rootscumradicibusValerianae

Valerian officinalis - Valeriana officinalis L.

Valerian family - Valerianaceae

Other names:

- pharmacy moun

- cat root

- magpie herb

- shaggy grass

- maun

- meow

Botanical characteristic. A perennial herbaceous plant with a height of 50 cm to 2 m. In the first year of life, only a rosette of basal leaves is formed, in the second - flowering stems. The rhizome is short, vertical, with numerous roots. The stems are straight, hollow inside, furrowed outside, pale purple in the lower part. The leaves are pinnately dissected, the lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are sessile. In the upper part of the stem is branched, forms corymbose or paniculate inflorescences. Corolla pink, funnel-shaped. Stamens three, pistil one with lower ovary. The fruit is an achene with a tuft. Blooms from late May to August, fruits ripen in June-September.

Spreading. Almost ubiquitous. It does not form thickets suitable for harvesting, therefore it is cultivated in the middle lane in many Rolhozes and state farms. Plantations produce raw materials of the best quality. The rhizomes of cultivated plants are twice as large. Cultivate high-yielding varieties "Maun" and "Cardiola".

Habitat. In the steppe, along rocky mountain slopes, mainly in wet meadows, in floodplains, among shrubs, in swamps, in forests. In the northern regions, valerian has thinner roots, in the southern regions the rhizome and roots are larger. It is cultivated on fertile, preferably meadow-marsh soils or in wet areas. The soil is fertilized with mineral fertilizers of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in a ratio of 1:3:2. Propagated by fresh seeds. Sowing summer, autumn or pre-winter to a depth of 1-2 cm with a row spacing of 45-60 cm. Recently propagated by rhizomatous offspring and grown as an annual crop. Harvest of roots 20-25 c/ha.

Harvesting, primary processing and drying. Harvesting of rhizomes with valerian roots should be carried out in late autumn (late September - mid-October), when the growth of the root mass is completed. During spring harvesting, the quality and yield of raw materials are significantly reduced (almost by half). Harvesting of raw materials in farms is carried out with a valerian harvester or potato diggers. Rhizomes with roots are cleaned of remnants of aerial parts and earth, thick rhizomes are cut lengthwise, quickly washed with water on washing machines (no more than 20 minutes) and dried with active ventilation, spread out in a layer of 3-5 cm.

Dry in thermal dryers at a temperature not exceeding 35-40 ° C or in the air in the shade, under a canopy with good ventilation. Farms use conveyor steam dryers; the temperature of the heat carrier above the upper tape should not exceed 50 ° C, above the lower one - 30 ° C, the thickness of the raw material layer is 3-4 cm.

Standardization. The quality of raw materials is regulated by GF XI and FS 42-1530-89.

Security measures. After digging up the underground parts, the seeds from the plant are shaken off into the same hole where the roots were and covered with earth; in addition, all small plants and some large ones are left at the collection site for the renewal of thickets. Stems with seeds are cut without damaging the rhizomes. Plants reproduce by rhizomes.

External signs.Whole Raw Material is a whole or cut along the rhizome up to 4 cm long, up to 3 cm thick, with a loose core, often hollow, with transverse partitions. Numerous thin adventitious roots extend from the rhizome from all sides, sometimes underground shoots - stolons. The roots are often separated from the rhizome; they are smooth, brittle, of various lengths, up to 3 mm thick. The color of the rhizome and roots is yellowish-brown on the outside, at the break - from pale yellowish to brown. The smell is strong, fragrant. The taste is spicy, bittersweet.

crushed raw material. Pieces of roots and rhizomes of various shapes, light brown in color, passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 7 mm.

The powder is large. A mixture of pieces of rhizomes with valerian roots of various shapes, brownish-brown, passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 2 mm.

When viewed under a magnifying glass or stereomicroscope, shapeless pieces of rhizomes or cylindrical pieces of thin roots are visible, dark brown on the outside, lighter on the break. The surface of the root pieces is slightly longitudinally wrinkled.

Medium powder. Pieces of roots and rhizomes of a grayish-brown color, passing through a sieve with holes of 0.2 mm. The smell and taste of crushed raw materials and powder, as in whole raw materials.

Possible impurities. In the roots of valerian, similar plants are sometimes harvested. All impurities are easily recognized by the absence of a valerian smell in dry raw materials.

Microscopy.Whole, crushed raw materials. On the transverse section of the root, the epidermis is visible, the cells of which are elongated into long hairs or papillae. The cells of the hypodermis are larger, often with drops of essential oil. The bark is wide, consists of homogeneous rounded parenchymal cells filled with starch grains, simple and 2-5-complex, 3-9 (rarely up to 20) microns in size. Endoderm consists of cells with thickened radial walls. Young roots have a primary structure. The old ones in the basal part have a secondary structure with radiant wood.

The powder is large, medium fine. Micropreparations are prepared from a part of the analytical sample according to the method of preparing micropreparations from cut, crushed or powdered medicinal plant materials (SP XI, issue 1, p. 282).

When examining micropreparations, fragments of parenchyma with simple and 2-5-complex starch grains (sometimes gelatinized) are visible: individual starch grains; less often - drops of essential oil; scraps of integumentary tissue and wood vessels with a spiral and ladder type of secondary thickening of the walls; occasionally stony cells.

Numerical indicators. Rhizomes with roots. Whole raw material. Extractive substances extracted with 70% alcohol, not less than 25%; humidity not more than 10%; total ash not more than 13%; ash, insoluble in 10% hydrochloric acid solution, not more than 10%; other parts of valerian (remains of stems and leaves, including those separated during analysis), as well as old dead rhizomes, not more than 5%; organic impurities not more than 2%, mineral - not more than 3%.

crushed raw material. Extractive substances, humidity, total ash, acid insoluble ash, the content of other parts of valerian, organic impurities are the same as for unground raw materials; particles that do not pass through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 7 mm, not more than 10%; particles passing through a sieve with holes of 0.5 mm, not more than 10%; mineral impurity no more than 1%.

Powder. Particles that do not pass through a sieve with holes of 0.2 mm, not more than 1%. The content of extractives, ash, humidity are the same as for the crushed raw materials.

Rhizomes with roots are fresh. Extractive substances not less than 25%; moisture not more than 85%; total ash not more than 14%; ash, insoluble in 10% hydrochloric acid solution, not more than 10%; stem residues, including those separated from rhizomes, not more than 3%; organic impurities not more than 3%, mineral - 1.5%.

Chemical composition. About 100 individual substances have been found in valerian roots. The roots contain up to 0.5-2% essential oil, the main part of which is bornylizovalerianate (valerian-borneol ester), free isovaleric acid, borneol, bicyclic monoterpenes (camphene, a-pinene, d-terpineol, l-limonene), as well as sesquiterpenes, borneol esters of formic, acetic and butyric acids, nitrogen-containing alcohol and kessyl alcohol - proazulene (tricyclic sesquiterpene alcohol); alkaloids - actinidin (which has a stimulating effect on cats), valerin, hatinin, tannins, saponins, sugars, organic acids (formic, acetic, malic, stearic, palmitic, etc.), glycosides (valeride, valerosides A, B and C) , monoterpene alcohol mertinol in free form and in the form of isovaleric acid ester. The aglycone of valerosides A, B and C is valerogenin, which belongs to triterpene ketones. In addition, 2 unknown ketones were found.

The raw material contains about 1% valepatriates, polysaccharides, organic acids. Valepatriates are found in fresh raw materials and in a living plant. During the drying process, they decompose with the formation of free valeric acid or its analogues.

Storage. According to the rules for storing essential oil raw materials packed in bags and bales, in dark rooms inaccessible to cats that gnaw and pull apart the roots. Shelf life of dried raw materials is 3 years. Freshly processed raw materials must be processed within 3 days in pharmaceutical plants.

Distinctive features of valerian and related plants

plant name

Diagnostic features

inflorescences and flowers

root system

Pharmacy valerian - Valeriana officinalis L. (Valerianaceae)

Leaves pinnately dissected, alternate or opposite.

The inflorescence is a corymb with small pink flowers. Flowers tubular, 5-petalled. Fruits with a tuft.

The rhizome is short, vertical, densely surrounded by long adventitious roots. Fresh roots are light brown, darken when dried.

Hemp vine - Eupalorium cannabinum L.

Leaves are tripinnate, opposite.

The inflorescence is a complex shield; pedicels bear small pink baskets.

The root system is similar to that of valerian.

Filipendula ulmaria Maxim (Rosaceae)

Leaves intermittently-unpaired-pinnately dissected.

Dense paniculate inflorescence, flowers small, white, freely 5-petaled.

The rhizome is short, horizontal, with numerous long adventitious roots.

pharmacological properties. Valerian has a multilateral effect on the body: it depresses the central nervous system, lowers its excitability; depresses oropharyngeal breathing, regulated by the midbrain, enhances the action of chlorpromazine; reduces spasms of smooth muscle organs. Essential oil of valerian reduces convulsions caused by the alkaloid brucine, which is similar in pharmacological properties to strychnine. Among the plants used in folk medicine for the treatment of patients with epilepsy, when experimentally tested on various models, valerian turned out to be the most promising; it reduces the excitation caused by caffeine, prolongs the action of hypnotics, has an inhibitory effect on the systems of the medulla oblongata and midbrain, and increases the functional mobility of cortical processes. Valerian regulates the activity of the heart, acting indirectly through the central nervous system and directly on the muscle and conduction system of the heart, improves coronary circulation due to the direct action of borneol on the vessels of the heart. Valerian enhances the secretion of the glandular apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract, enhances bile secretion.

Valerian is an example when the total extract from the plant gives a therapeutic effect, while isolated substances do not have the corresponding effect.

Medicines. Chopped rhizome with roots, briquettes, infusion, tincture, camphor-valerian drops, thick extract, sedative collection, tablets, dragees, Cardiovalen, Valocormid, liquid extract for making mixtures.

Application. Although valerian infusions and tinctures have been used in medical practice for a long time, opinions about their activity as a sedative differ. Some authors point to the great value of valerian as a sedative, while others refer it to ineffective medicinal preparations. Perhaps these disagreements are due to the non-standard activity of different series of valerian sold in pharmacies.

Valerian is used for various indications: as a sedative for chronic functional disorders of the central nervous system, for neurosis, hysteria - a neurotic state characterized by a sharp violation of the relationship between the first and second signal systems (increasing the tone of cortical cells, valerian in this case leads to the establishment of normal relationships of these systems); with epilepsy, along with other therapeutic measures, excitations on the basis of mental trauma, insomnia, migraine; with neuroses of the heart and chronic disorders of the coronary circulation, pain in the region of the heart; with hypertension, to reduce the excitability of the cerebral cortex and reduce vegetative-vascular disorders; with palpitations, extrasystole, paroxysmal tachycardia associated with a neurotic state.

Valerian preparations are used for gastric neurosis, accompanied by spastic pain, constipation and flatulence, with violations of the secretory function of the glandular apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract; with dysphagia, especially with cardiac spasm, which is persistent; diseases of the liver and biliary tract in complex therapy; with thyrotoxicosis with painful subjective symptoms (sensation of heat, palpitations, etc.); diabetes insipidus; with some types of beriberi as a sedative, with menopausal disorders and a number of other diseases accompanied by sleep disturbance and increased irritability. Valerian enhances the therapeutic effect of small doses of chlorpromazine, the hypnotic effect of barbamil, stabilizes the vasodilating effects in angina pectoris, has a desensitizing effect, and tones the vasomotor centers. Valerian improves the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Valerian is more effective with systematic and long-term use due to the slow development of the therapeutic effect.

To potentiate the action of neuroleptics and reduce their doses, valerian is used together with chlorpromazine. It is also used for early and late toxicosis of pregnancy as a sedative.

Valerian infusion is used in the complex therapy of obesity as an anorexigenic agent. By suppressing the hypothalamic centers of appetite, valerian reduces the feeling of hunger, suppresses appetite, and helps to endure food restriction. For this purpose, an infusion of valerian (10.0:200.0) is prescribed 3-4 times a day before or instead of meals.

As a rule, valerian is well tolerated, however, in some patients with hypertension, it has the opposite stimulating effect, disrupts sleep, and causes heavy dreams.

One of the components of the therapeutic effect of valerian is its smell, which reflexively acts on the central nervous system. Inhalation (through the lungs) intake of medicinal substances into the body is also possible.

Valerian root infusion (Infusum radicis Valerianae): 10 g of dried valerian roots and rhizomes are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, then infused for 2 hours, filtered, taken 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Decoction of valerian (Decoctum Valerianae): 10 parts of the roots and rhizomes of valerian are crushed (the length of the particles should be no more than 3 mm), pour 300 ml of water at room temperature, boil for 30 minutes in a water bath and cool. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day. A decoction of fresh valerian roots. A decoction of their fresh valerian roots is prepared in the same way as from dried roots. The ratio of raw materials to the extractor is 1:5. Doses are the same.

Valerian potion with fennel. A decoction is prepared from the roots and rhizomes of valerian. Fennel fruits (1 part) are crushed, poured with water at room temperature (10 parts), boiled in a water bath for 30 minutes and infused for 45 minutes. Both decoctions are mixed and taken 1 glass in the morning and in the evening in a warm form.

Collection sedative (Species sedativae). Ingredients: 1 part of valerian roots and rhizomes, 2 parts of mint leaves and three-leaf watch and 1 part of hop cones. The mixture is crushed, take 1 tablespoon, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter and drink. 1/2 cup 2 times a day.

Valerian tincture (Tincturae Valerianae) is prepared with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Assign inside adults 15-20 drops per reception 2-3 times a day; children receive as many drops as the age of the child. Produced in bottles of 30 ml.

Thick valerian extract (Extractum Valerianae spissum). Used in coated tablets, 2 tablets per dose. Each tablet contains 0.02 g of thick valerian extract.

Valocormidum (Valocormidum) is a combined preparation containing tinctures of valerian and tincture of lily of the valley, 10 ml each, belladonna tincture 5 ml, sodium bromide 4 g, menthol 0.25 g, distilled water up to 30 ml. Used for cardiovascular neurosis, bradycardia. Produced in bottles of 30 ml. Assign 10-20 drops 2-3 times a day.

Valosedan (Valosedan) - a combined preparation containing 0.3 g of valerian extract, 0.15 g of hop tincture, 0.133 g of hawthorn tincture, 0.83 g of rhubarb tincture, 0.2 g of sodium barbital, 20 ml of ethyl alcohol, distilled water to 100 ml. Produced in Czechoslovakia. Used as a sedative for neurosis and neurasthenia, 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day.

Corvalol (Corvalolum) is similar in action to the drug Valocordin, which comes from Germany. Ingredients: ethyl ester of a-bromoisovaleric acid 20 g, phenobarbital 18.26 g, mint oil 1.4 g.

Camphor-valerian drops (Tunctura Valerianae cum Camphora) consists of 10 g of camphor and valerian tincture up to 100 ml. Assign 15-20 drops 3 times a day as a sedative.

As part of medicinal raw materials - valerian rhizomes with roots , which contains essential oils (the main part is the ester of borneol and isovaleric acid), borneol, valeric acid, a number of organic acids, tannins, alkaloids (hatinin and valerin), sugars, and other active ingredients.

Release form

Valerian rhizomes with roots is produced in the form of crushed raw materials, as well as powder.

The agent can be contained in packs from 30 to 100 g, and is also sold in filter packs of 1.5 g, 10 or 20 such packs are put into a cardboard pack.

Raw materials are harvested in early spring or autumn. The crushed raw materials contain pieces of rhizomes and roots of various shapes with a pronounced aroma. The decoction has a bitter-sweet, spicy taste.

pharmachologic effect

Valerian root has a sedative and antispasmodic effect on the body, reduces the level of excitability of the central nervous system. There is an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive system, urinary system.

The drug helps to normalize the onset of sleep. In this case, the sedative effect appears gradually and relatively slowly, but is stable.

The tool produces a choleretic effect, activates the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the expansion of coronary vessels. With prolonged use of galenic forms of the drug, a weak hypotensive effect is noted.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

There are no exact data on the pharmacokinetics of valerian due to the impossibility of identifying the active principle of the drug.

The therapeutic effect is observed under the condition of systematic and prolonged therapy.

Indications for use

The tool is used in the following cases:

  • with a high level of nervous excitability;
  • at and sleep problems
  • with hysteria, spasms of the digestive organs, hepatic and renal colic (as part of complex treatment).


You can not use valerian root during, as well as in the first trimester pregnancy .

Side effects

There may be some side effects if valerian root is used:

  • depressed state;
  • deterioration in performance;
  • (with prolonged use);
  • (on rare occasions).

Instructions for use of Valerian root with rhizomes (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use provides for the internal use of the product in the form of an infusion. To prepare it, you need to take 6-20 g of vegetable raw materials per 200 ml of water.

Raw materials should be poured with hot water, closed with a lid and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. After that, the infusion needs to be cooled, filtered, squeezed and diluted with water to end up with 200 ml of the product. Ready infusion should be taken in a tablespoon three or four times a day.

Drink the drug should be half an hour after eating. Children under three years old are shown to take half a teaspoon, children from 3 to 7 years old should take 1 teaspoon of infusion, children aged 7 to 12 years old - one dessert spoon three times a day. You should shake the infusion before using it.

The use of bags provides that 3 filter bags should be poured with 100 ml of boiling water and insisted in a covered bowl for 15 minutes. Next, the packages need to be squeezed out and the volume brought to 100 ml.


If an overdose occurs, the patient may begin, manifest and drowsiness .

With such symptoms, it should be taken after gastric lavage.

If necessary, symptomatic therapy is carried out.


Valerian preparations enhance the effect of sleeping pills, as well as other drugs that act depressingly on the central nervous system.

Terms of sale

You can buy valerian root without a prescription.

Storage conditions

It is necessary to store raw materials in a dark and dry place, keep out of reach of children. Ready infusion to store in a cold place.

Best before date

You can store dry valerian root for 3 years. The prepared infusion can be consumed within 2 days.

special instructions

If the infusion is used for a long time, deterioration of psychomotor reactions is possible. Therefore, you need to drive very carefully and work with those mechanisms that can be dangerous.

The Valerian genus belongs to the Honeysuckle family. It unites more than two hundred species, the most famous of which is Valerian officinalis.

Valerian officinalis grows on moist soils: the banks of rivers and lakes, floodplain, swampy places, as well as on the edges of forests and mountain slopes. Growth area - Europe, in Ukraine - Zhytomyr, Chernihiv region.

Procurement of raw materials

The medicinal raw material is valerian root. Harvesting is carried out in late summer and early autumn (from July to October), when the seeds have flown around, and the stems remain recognizable and cannot be confused with other plants similar to valerian.

For harvesting, the roots of the plant are dug up and cleaned from the ground, washed with cold water. Then they are left to dry in the fresh air. After that, the roots of valerian are dried under a canopy. When using a dryer, the temperature should not exceed 35–40 °C.

Finished raw materials are packed in paper bags, tight boxes or cans. Medicinal properties are stored up to 3 years.

Medicinal properties

History reference

According to one version, the plant is named after Pliny Valerian, who tried to use it for the vast majority of diseases. Before him, valerian was valued in ancient Greece only as a perfume. After the definition of therapeutic benefits, it became the main remedy for hysteria in Rome, Egypt, India.

Cleopatra considered the aerial part of valerian an aphrodisiac and placed it near the bed.

In the 18th century, Italian doctors recognized the benefits of valerian for the treatment of hysteria and epilepsy.

In Tibetan medicine, valerian rhizome with roots serves as a medicine for pneumonia, tuberculosis, neurasthenia, and hemoptysis. In Korea, it is a remedy for toothache, removing age spots and freckles, and strengthening gums. In Mongolia - antipyretic and analgesic.

The action and use of valerian rhizomes

At the moment, in medical practice there is a description of a medicinal rhizome with roots as a sedative, relieves the excitability of the cerebral cortex, and reduces vegetative-vascular disorders.

Valerian depresses oropharyngeal respiration, reduces spasm of smooth muscles and arousal caused by caffeine. Improves the functional mobility of cortical processes and coronary circulation, has an inhibitory effect on the middle and medulla oblongata, enhances the effect of chlorpromazine and sleeping pills.

In England and Germany, a rhizome with roots. For the same purposes, it is used by 45.7% of US residents with sleep disorders.

Valerian stimulates the separation of bile and the secretory function of the glandular apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract; regulates the work of the heart and vascular system, activates vasomotor centers, has a desensitizing effect, stabilizes vasodilating effects in angina pectoris.

Valerian is effective for weight loss and is used in the complex therapy of obesity. Serves as an anorexigenic agent. Reduces appetite, suppresses hunger and calms. During the diet, they drink a glass before a meal or replace it with a meal.

In official medicine, valerian rhizomes with roots are prescribed:

  • with neurosis, hysteria, chronic functional disorders of the central nervous system, mental trauma, migraine, menopausal syndrome, insomnia;
  • in case of violation of the coronary circulation, dysfunction of the first and second signaling systems, neurosis of the heart, palpitations, extrasystoles;
  • when thyrotoxicosis, liver or biliary tract disease, violation of the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric neurosis, cardiac spasm, beriberi, diabetes insipidus are detected.

Valerian in folk medicine is additionally used for paralysis, wounds of the rectum, intoxication. It is used externally to improve vision (washes the eyes), as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent for sore throats (gargling), lichen planus and epilepsy are treated with baths, and they wash their heads for headaches.

Valerian rhizomes in cosmetology

Valerian helps to get rid of hypersensitivity of the skin, rashes and redness. Improves complexion, reduces pallor.

The infusion is used for hair loss, dandruff, restoration of hair structure, prevention of early gray hair.

According to materials:

1. Maznev N. I. The Golden Book of Medicinal Plants / N. I. Maznev. - 15th ed., add. - M .: LLC "ID RIPOL Classic", LLC Publishing House "DOM. XXI century”, 2008. - 621 p.
2. Maznev N. I. Travnik / N. I. Maznev. - M.: Gamma Press 2000 LLC, 2001. - 512 p. from ill.
3. Tovstukha Y. S. Phytotherapy / Y. S. Tovstuha. - K .: Zdorov "I, 1990. - 304 p., il., 6.55 arc. il.
4. Chukhno T. Big encyclopedia of medicinal plants / T. Chukhno. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 1024 p.

The information is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used for self-treatment.

Valerian officinalis

Valerian medicinal - herbaceous perennial of the Valerian family. From Latin, the name translates as "to be healthy." A decoction of the roots and tincture of valerian (infusion of valerian root) are used.

For the special love of the feline representatives for this plant, he was nicknamed the cat's root. He also has many other names: pink yarrow, marian, moun-grass, goat, earthen incense, odolan, sore, aromatic, shag, or magpie herb.

The ability of valerian to heal various diseases was already known in the Middle Ages. In ancient Rome and Greece, it was used for medicinal purposes, as a cosmetic, added to wine. In Russia, the plant was used under Peter the Great. Official medicine recognized it at the end of the 18th century. Now in the pharmacy you can buy tablets and alcohol tincture (infusion of valerian root).

Valerian officinalis biological description

The height of the stem is from half a meter to two meters. The rhizome is thickened and shortened, hollow inside, has many roots. It is characterized by a specific aroma, familiar to everyone.

Small pale purple, pinkish or white flowers (they can be seen throughout the summer) form an inflorescence shield, emit a characteristic aroma.

Medicinal valerian grows wild on forest edges and banks of water bodies, near swamps and on mountain slopes, prefers wet areas. Usually grows in small groups, without forming thickets.

Valerian raw material collection

For medicinal purposes, two-year-old rhizomes are used, which are harvested in the last summer days or the first autumn days, when the seeds fly around, and the leaves are preserved so that marians can be easily recognized. Often other similar plants grow nearby. Their roots intertwine and acquire a valerian smell. Therefore, when collecting raw materials, special attention must be paid.

The rhizomes are dried in special dryers or in the shade, away from other medicinal herbs in a place inaccessible to cats. Raw materials are stored - up to three years.

The composition and properties of valerian

Odolyan contains essential oils that give a specific aroma, valenotriates, vitamins, alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, sesquiterpenes, borneol, mertinol, macro- and microelements, organic acids.

Aroma is best known as a sedative and heart remedy. It calms the nerves, has a hypnotic effect, dilates blood vessels, relaxes muscles and eliminates muscle spasms, relieves cramps, lowers blood pressure, stimulates cardiac activity, increases appetite, and activates the secretory activity of the digestive system.

They drink with pain in the chest, palpitations, tachycardia, digestive disorders, flatulence, liver pathologies, menopause. You can chew the root or take the powder obtained from the crushed rhizome.

Alcohol tincture of valerian (infusion of valerian root) will help with migraines, insomnia, mental disorders, vegetovascular dystonia, epilepsy, spasms of the esophagus, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, malfunctions of the thyroid gland, uterine spasms, menopausal problems.

How to use valerian

To prepare decoction of valerian roots (decoction of valerian) for internal use, chopped dry (5 grams) or fresh (25 grams) rhizomes are brewed with water (250 milliliters) and boiled for a minute. They insist half an hour. Drink 20 milliliters 3-4 times a day for insomnia, palpitations, neurosis, vomiting.

A decoction of valerian for baths is prepared a little differently: crushed roots (15-25 grams) are poured with water (2 liters) and boiled for a minute. Leave to infuse for an hour. Pour into a bath filled with a third of warm water. Take baths for a quarter of an hour before going to bed. They have a calming effect. Therefore, it is especially recommended for nervous disorders and insomnia.

For the infusion, the rhizomes of the sore, hop cones, leaves of the three-leaf watch and peppermint are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1: 2: 2. The resulting mixture (10 grams) is brewed with boiling water (half a liter) and infused for half an hour. Drink 120 milliliters twice a day to calm the nerves.

If needed alcohol tincture of valerian (infusion of valerian root), rhizomes are poured with alcohol in a fivefold volume. Take 20-30 drops, diluted with water, three times a day before meals.

Valerian for children

Children with severe fright, epileptic seizures and mental disorders will help alcohol tincture of valerian(children are given a number of drops equal to the number of full years, diluted with water) and baths from a decoction of valerian rhizomes. After the bath, the baby, without wiping, is put to bed and wrapped well. With vomiting, colic, convulsions, a tincture is given, having previously made enemas from chamomile broth: first cleansing, and after a quarter of an hour the main one.

With pain in the tummy and flatulence, the child is given 5 milliliters of water infusion every two hours. To prepare the infusion, the roots (3 grams) are crushed and steamed with boiling water (250 milliliters). Insist 2 hours. You can use another recipe: combine the rhizomes of odolyan, chamomile flowers and dill seeds in equal proportions. Pour the mixture with boiling water and insist.

For dysentery and helminthic invasion use decoction of valerian roots (decoction of valerian) for internal use (5 milliliters each) and for enemas.

Valerian contraindications

Preparations from earthen incense are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, enterocolitis (possibly exacerbation of the disease), hypertension. Due to the ability of the plant to increase blood clotting, it is better not to take it to the elderly, especially if there is a threat of a stroke or heart attack.

With prolonged use (over two months) or an overdose, drowsiness, a feeling of lethargy, apathy, decreased ability to work, muscle weakness, malfunctions of the digestive system, and constipation may occur. If the above symptoms are found, then you need to temporarily stop treatment or lower the dose.

Since ancient times, valerian root has been attributed to soothing properties. The ancient Greeks considered valerian a means that could control a person's thoughts. In the Middle Ages, this plant was revered for its ability to give a person peace and good mood.

Valerian root: healing properties

Useful properties of valerian

Valerian officinalis concentrates the main substances useful for the human body in the roots. In addition to essential valerian oil, this plant contains:

Valeric acid; - acetic acid; - malic acid; - formic acid; - stearic acid; - sugar; - alkaloids and so on.

The main therapeutic effects are due to the essential valerian oil, which has a sharp specific odor.

The roots and rhizomes of Valerian officinalis are used in pharmaceuticals for the manufacture of sedatives. Valerian has calming and tonic properties, has an antispasmodic effect, and is useful as a choleretic drug. In addition, preparations made using this plant increase the secretion of the stomach, as well as the expansion of the coronary vessels.

Infusion and tincture of valerian are used for spasms of the digestive tract. In most cases, "valerian" is taken to get rid of insomnia, tachycardia, renal or hepatic colic. Valerian is very useful in diseases of the thyroid gland, problems with the functioning of the liver or biliary tract.

Essential valerian oil has an anticonvulsant effect

Do not forget that valerian has contraindications. It is not recommended to take drugs from this plant in old age, especially if there is a threat of a stroke or heart attack. You can not use valerian in the first trimester of pregnancy and with individual intolerance.

In addition, you should be aware of the symptoms of an overdose of valerian, the manifestation of which should immediately stop the use of drugs (in case of deterioration, be sure to consult a doctor):

Nausea; - drowsiness; - tachycardia; - prostration; - decrease in working capacity; - violations of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract; - manifestations of an allergic reaction.

Preparation and application

To prepare a decoction of valerian, take:

Crushed Valerian Root - 1-2 teaspoons; - water - 200 milliliters.

Crushed valerian root must be mixed with water. Put the mixture on fire and boil for 1 minute. Then let the broth brew for about 30 minutes. It is recommended to use the decoction 1 dessert spoon 3 or 4 times a day after meals.

To prepare a decoction of valerian for baths, you need:

Chopped valerian root - 1-3 tablespoons; - water - 2-2.5 liters.

Mix valerian root with water and boil for 1 minute. The broth must be infused for an hour, after which it can be added to warm water. It is recommended to take such a bath for 15 minutes, preferably at night.

Valerian baths are taken for insomnia, at the initial stage of hypertension. Such baths lower blood pressure and calm the central nervous system.

And in European countries, valerian is often used as a spice. In cooking, the leaves of the plant are used, as they do not have such a pungent odor as the roots and rhizomes. They are added to desserts, salads, used in the preparation of marinades, side dishes for fish, lamb, lamb. By the way, valerian leaves are rich in vitamin C, which is often lacking in the body.

You can make a salad of valerian leaves and appreciate their original taste. To do this, take the following ingredients:

Valerian leaves - 50 g; - pine nuts - 30 g; - cherry tomatoes - 150–200 g; - hard cheese - 100–150 g; - olive oil - to taste; - salt - to taste.

First, valerian leaves should be washed well with running water. Then, in order to remove unnecessary moisture from the leaves, spread them on a dry towel. Cut the washed tomatoes in half or quarters. Cut hard cheese into slices as thin as possible - so the taste of each component of the salad will appear brighter. Put some valerian leaves, tomatoes, cheese on each plate, sprinkle everything with pine nuts, salt a little and season with olive oil.

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