What is the best penis size? Ideal penis length. What should be the normal size of the penis

penis dimensions- indicators of the length, thickness of the male genital organ in a calm state and with an increase in volume as a result of filling the cavernous bodies of the organ with blood (in an erect state).

The size of the penis has an important impact on the sexual life of a man, since the size characteristics contribute to the usefulness of a man, his psychological state and the quality of intimate life in general.

Classification and types of penis size

Norm of dimensional characteristics of the male genital organ is 12 to 18 centimeters long and 3 to 4 centimeters in diameter when erect. In a calm state, the penis has such average length indicators: from 7 to 10 centimeters. Depending on the indicators of the length in an erect state, there are the following types of penis size:

  • micropenis- less than 8 centimeters in length;
  • small dick- length from 9 to 12 centimeters;
  • middle penis- length from 13 to 18 centimeters;
  • large penis– length more than 18 centimeters.

The reasons for the different size of the penis mainly depend on the race of the man, it is known that representatives of the African American race have the highest parameters, Asians - low, Europeans have an average size of the penis of the reproductive system.

The most comfortable penis size is the average size. The owners of average sizes have more opportunities for a full-fledged intimate life than the owners of the highest indicators of length and thickness, and the owners of a small penis, the size of which can be the basis for the onset of depression and irregular sexual activity. Thus, the size of the penis is reflected in the way of life and in the future on physiological health.

Signs of the size of the penis in a calm state depend on the filling of the cavernous bodies with blood. The work of the cavernous bodies is identical to the work of the vessels of the body, which narrow with a decrease in temperature and expand with an increase. Ambient temperature effectively influences the effects of penis size. But the characteristics of the penis at rest and the dimensions of the erection are not related and do not reflect possible changes in parameters.

Measuring the size of the penis

The size of the penis is important for the psychological health of a man, who independently sets the norm, which is formed on the basis of unsuccessful sexual experience, personal data and assumptions, inaccurate information and indicators. Such a diagnosis of the size of the penis can cause a depressive state with a subsequent rejection of intimate life.

Measurement of the reproductive organ must be carried out in a room with an optimal temperature, when the penis is in a state of erection, in order to prevent psychological complications that may arise from incorrect measurement.

The length of the penis is measured from the pubis to the end of the head, evaluating the functional parameters and capabilities of the penis. In the presence of diseases associated with the reproductive system and erectile dysfunction, the size indicator may have errors and show inaccurate data. Normal indicators of the penis in the absence of diseases are evidence of the normal physical health of a man.

Treatment for penis size

The dimensions of the penis are not just indicators of the organ, for a man it is a characteristic of his functionality, courage and dominance. Despite having a predominantly average size, many men prefer to use the surgical method of treating size, through penis enlargement surgery. The reason for the operation may be the indication of the andrologist or the dissatisfaction of the man with his intimate life.

Considering the experience and professionalism of modern doctors, penis enlargement surgeries are gaining more and more popularity, although it is necessary to take into account the fact that satisfaction from intimacy is achieved not due to the length of the male penis, but due to its thickness and the force of compression of the vaginal muscles.

Before the operation, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination to make sure that there are no contraindications.

An effective alternative to surgery

We all know that modern medicine does not stand still and develops every day. Not so long ago, European scientists showed their innovative development, thanks to which it is possible to increase the size of the penis even at home.

Penis Size Prevention

Prevention of a healthy and fulfilling intimate life cannot exclude the prevention of the health of the reproductive system and genital organs. From the age of 12-13, when the increase in the size of the penis becomes more noticeable, it is necessary to have regular examinations with a doctor, who can, if necessary, prescribe surgery or growth-stimulating drugs.

Penis size is an important indicator of manhood, at least that's what all men think. And as practice shows, most of the male population is dissatisfied with their natural data. In fact, many of them do not even know what the normal penis size is recognized by medicine and specialists.

The norm is an average indicator that cannot be perceived as the ultimate truth, but at the same time it can show how true or wrong a person’s beliefs are. Regarding the penis and its size, scientists here also deduced the norm for the length and thickness of the penis, but taking into account various factors, whether it be nationality, body proportions or genetics.

The average length of a man's dignity, depending on nationality

The first thing every man who is concerned about the size of his reproductive organ should pay attention to is nationality. The size of the organ is considered normal for each race with completely different indicators. For example, in the post-Soviet space, the highest norms go to Georgians - 15.6 cm, Belarusians own the figure 14.6 cm, Ukrainians 14 cm, Russians 13.2 cm.

For reference! The average normal size of the penis of the inhabitants of Russia has decreased over the years due to the fact that there is a mixture with Asian peoples.

If we consider Europeans, the Hungarians have the most worthy indicators - 16.1 cm, followed immediately by the French and Czechs 15.9-16 cm. In the world ranking, the inhabitants of the African continent occupy the leading positions, their penis size is 17 .5-18 cm. The smallest indicators of 9-10 cm belong to Asian nationalities, for example, Thailand.

What determines the size of a man's penis?

To understand why nature rewarded a man with specific dimensions of the penis, it is worth looking into the anatomy, considering the structure and factors influencing the growth of the penis. Experts name the following factors:

  1. Genetics- those data that are observed in men in the past generation will be transferred by genetic code to subsequent men.
  2. Hormone balance- Normally, the male body should have an optimal ratio of both male and female hormones.
  3. Anomalies in the development of the genital organs- there are many congenital or acquired pathologies that affect the shape and size of the penis.
  4. chronic diseases- the growth and development of the phallus can be affected by various systemic and chronic diseases associated with the endocrine, genitourinary, cardiovascular system, brain and spinal cord.
  5. Lifestyle- bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition can slow down growth and development or disrupt the functions of a member.

Also, there are cases when small indicators of the length and thickness of the phallus were observed in men living in adverse environmental conditions.

Normal penis length and diameter

To identify the most normal penis size for a particular country, state and nation, experts repeatedly conduct research and experiments. So, for example, one specialist in the course of 17 studies managed to identify one pattern. Among the 100 men studied, only 5 had a penis larger than 16 cm, and the same number had indicators below 10 cm.

In general, the medical certificate says that the optimal length of the penis in an erect state should be 13-18 cm, in a calm state - 8-10 cm. The average penis will not exceed 15 cm in length. As for the thickness, a figure of 3-4 cm is considered normal. When measuring the circumference of the penis during an erection, 10-15 cm is considered the norm. Despite these parameters, the concept of normal penis thickness is not practiced in sexology.

What is more important: length or width?

Each man determines for himself what the normal size of the reproductive organ should be in order to satisfy a woman.

Practice proves the fact that the concepts of the normal size of the penis in men and women are completely different. Multiple studies have only confirmed that for sexual intercourse and pleasure of a woman, thickness is more important than the length of the phallus.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family Relations Expert. Family psychologist.

The depth of a woman's vagina in an unexcited state is 7-12 cm, and the width is about 2-3 fingers. But in an excited state, the female genitals narrow and lengthen, and the maximum sensitivity is at the beginning of the vagina by 3-5 cm. Accordingly, for maximum pleasure, the diameter of the penis is much more important than its length.

Possible deviations from the norm

As mentioned earlier, factors such as genetics, hormonal levels, diseases and pathologies, as well as age can affect the state of the male genital organs. All future data regarding the penis are laid in the intrauterine development of the fetus. Rarely, but there are also congenital anomalies that lead to a change in the shape and size of the phallus, for example:

  • anorchims;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • Pasculani syndrome.

If there is a lack of testosterone in the body, doctors diagnose hypogonadism, which may result in underdeveloped testicles and a micropenis. Possible risks include injuries, as well as acquired pathologies that affect the development of the genital organs. These can be vascular and heart diseases, elephantiasis, obesity, etc.

Opinion of women and men: surveys

The first thing you should pay attention to regarding the size of the penis is the opinion of women. To do this, surveys were repeatedly conducted, in one of which the following interesting statistics were established:

  • 81% of the women surveyed would choose an outwardly unsightly man, but with a large phallus, rather than a handsome man with a modest size;
  • 75% of women noted that they consider both the girth and the length of the penis to be important;
  • 61% would even be ready to refuse communication with a man whose data on this issue does not match their expectations.

If you look at the data of male surveys, we can conclude that 66% consider their penis to be medium in size, 22% are satisfied with the size, and 12% consider their phallus to be small. Among all men, only 8% were firmly convinced that their body had sufficient length and girth to satisfy a woman.

How to measure length and thickness correctly

It can be in two states - relaxation and erection. In any case, you need to take a ruler, attach one part of it to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pubic bone above the penis so that the ruler rests against it. Next, you need to measure the distance to the extreme point on the head of the penis.

Do you know how to take penis measurements?


It will be more difficult to measure the girth of the penis with a ruler, so you can use a measuring tape. It is taken and wrapped around the thickest part of the phallus, after which the final result is obtained. If there is no tape available, you can do this with a piece of paper, and then measure its distance with a ruler.


About what should be the size of the penis, no specialist will give an answer to a man. But if you take into account average statistics and calculations, you can set a certain standard for a nation and even a specific country. Statistics say that among Europeans, the normal length of the penis is 13-15 cm, and the thickness is 3-4 cm. Small errors should not be a cause for concern and complexes.

The size of the penis of men is an absolutely individual characteristic. In the representatives of the stronger sex, there are several values ​​\u200b\u200bthat can be regarded as the length of this organ. First of all, the dimensions are determined in an adult male of a young age in an unexcited state. She can compose on average 7.5-10.5cm. The indicators may differ depending on the age of the man, heredity, as well as the race to which the man belongs.

So, in young men in adolescence, the sexual organ may be slightly smaller than in men of mature age. Nevertheless, by the elderly and senile period, the sizes decrease again. In the first case, this is due to the still incomplete development of the male reproductive system, since there is not always an adequate production of hormones. By the old age, changes begin to occur in many body systems, including sclerotic and atrophic processes. fabrics lose their elasticity and the ability to bleed.

Normal male penis length

The maximum length in the unexcited state is detected at 21-25 years. These are the periods the most sexual activity and intensive maturation of the organism as a whole and the reproductive system in particular. When screening a study of blood tests for hormone levels, a large number of hormones inherent in this sex can be detected.

In an erect position, the indicator can also be different, its average values ​​are from 13 to 19 cm. Maximum values in this state, on the contrary, they are observed in young people in adolescence or a young period, when there is a rapid restructuring of the reproductive system, including large amounts of hormones in the blood.

Relatively large indicators in size are observed among representatives of African Americans. The average size organ, both in an unexcited and in an erect position, is 2-3 cm higher than the average. It largely depends on the size of the cavernous and cavernous bodies, the larger it is, the more blood flows and a strong swelling and increase is seen.

Representatives of Asians have an average value less than 1-2 cm. But this value does not affect the reproductive possibilities of the population.

But it should also be borne in mind that these figures are purely individual, since hereditary predisposition is of great importance. In men, whose father was large enough, above average, or vice versa, smaller, will have approximately the same indicators. Violations in this area should also be attributed to hereditary predisposition, especially if they arose very early in the parents.

The table shows statistical comparison of the length of the erect penis, depending on the age of the man.

Thickness and circumference of the penis

These indicators of the penis depend primarily not on hormonal changes in the body, but on the development of the circulatory system and the degree of blood filling of the bodies of the penis.

Average thickness the genitals of a man may be 3.2-3.5 cm. The average circumference may be 6-7 cm. The measurement may be different and differs from each other when determined by different people.

The greatest thickness is observed in the representatives of the stronger sex at the age of 18-25. Before this period, the dimensions may be less than normal due to the fact that the body has not fully developed.

Usually, the length of the growth of the penis is ahead of its thickness.

Already after the finally formed length of this organ, the final formation of the thickness occurs.

In mature or elderly age, the thickness of the penis begins to gradually decrease, especially for the size in an erect state.

In an unexcited state, the dimensions after the final formation of the penis are the same for a long time. But during an erection, the indicators change depending on the filling of their cavities with blood. At a young age, there is a better filling of the bodies of the penis, and in the senile state, atherosclerotic processes occur.

An erection loses its qualities, over time it may become worse, hence the elasticity and, as a result, the thickness decrease. The thickness condition can also be influenced by inflammatory diseases. These include past acute or chronic prostatitis, as well as the presence of prostate adenoma. It impairs erectile function and, accordingly, the indicators may change downwards. Sometimes a problem can also be a congenital pathology of the structure, as well as past traumatic effects.

Being a male teenager is hard. Everything matters, especially penis size at 15 years old - this excites almost the most. But interest is quite approved from a medical point of view. It is important to monitor sexual development and its correctness in order to prevent problems in the future. Infertility often occurs due to insufficient awareness of parents and their children about their genitals. Therefore, do not worry if you suddenly began to wonder what size the average teenager's penis should be.

Psychological side

Parents and the female environment (such as other children) may laugh at boys' strange interest in penis length. The fact is that society itself partly encourages interest. This is done in two ways:

  • through official sources. For example, advertising of clinical examinations, where the concept of “norm” and the average length of an organ is somehow affected.
  • Through friends, acquaintances, partners - unofficial sources. For example, the opinion was established that the normal size is from 17-18 centimeters. There should be exceptions, but not everyone understands this.

The motivation for the first example is concern for health. This is directed at the boy's parents. They want to get grandchildren and will do everything so that the son is able to conceive. Therefore, questions are often raised in various forums, where mothers or fathers discuss the average size of the penis in children, they ask if it is time to go to the doctor. No one can answer this question better than a specialist.

The motivation for the second example is pride. An impressive, and not an average (usual) penis length, is associated with power, strength, the ability to win more girls. In part, this was reinforced for centuries by nature itself - just remember the lion pride, where only the healthiest, strongest male is able to become a father. People are far from it.

Proper Development

The reproductive organs begin to develop even in utero. The doctor examines the baby shortly after birth. This is necessary in order to prevent the occurrence of pathologies of the penis, while it is still possible to correct something. What penis size should a child have? According to statistics, collected partly thanks to doctors, the answer became known - from 1.5 to 2 cm. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the baby for the first few years of life - crying during urination should alert.

The reproductive organs develop in the womb.

The average size of the penis excites children so much that they are constantly looking for deviations. Adolescents should be aware that puberty is both premature and relatively late. Therefore, often the size of the penis at 9 and 14 years old is not significantly different.

signs of maturation

The average length of the penis depends on when the first signs of maturation appeared. Sometimes it's all about one year. It should be noted such noticeable features indicating that the boy is becoming a teenager:

  • Active growth of hair under the arms, on the pubis.
  • The appearance of skin rashes - acne, blackheads.
  • Increased nervousness, frequent irritability, sometimes apathy to everything that happens.
  • An increase in the size of the penis - the reproductive organs begin to mature.

Usually puberty begins at the age of 12 (sometimes at 13-14). Every year, the size of the penis increases by an average of 1.0-1.5 cm - it depends on the genetic predisposition and health status. Therefore, the size of a penis at 13 cannot be the same as that of an adult.

Bad habits affect the body, also slowing down mental development - for example, smoking constricts blood vessels, making it difficult for brain cells to exist. Therefore, drinking teenagers are often surprised when looking at the size of a penis at 16 years old - for some reason they do not know what caused the unimpressive size. Sometimes excess weight is to blame, but malnutrition will not bring anything good either. The average length often depends on lifestyle.

The fact that the boy is becoming a teenager may be evidenced by acne and pimples on his skin.

Stages of development

The first stage of development is from the moment of birth to the onset of maturation, which in boys normally begins before the age of 14. The size of the organ has not changed much yet. The child grows, develops, along with this, his penis gradually increases (up to 4-5 cm on average). However, puberty has not yet arrived, so the process is slowing down. By the age of 8, physiological phimosis disappears. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor. The second stage of development occurs at the beginning of puberty. Subcutaneous fat disappears, the testicles gradually descend. The pituitary gland is activated. The size of the penis in adolescents gradually increases in size.

The third stage is about the middle of maturation. In addition to a significant increase in the average penis (by 1.5-2 cm per year), active hair growth begins on the skin. This is especially true for the groin area. A teenager's hormone production increases.

During the fourth stage (14-15 years), the penis grows not only in length, but also in thickness, increasing by 0.5-1 cm in average diameter.

The fifth stage continues until the age of 17-18. Often, development ends later, and by the age of 22-23, young men are already fully prepared for procreation - their reproductive system has formed. The penis reaches "adult" size.

Below is a table comparing average penis sizes in adolescents and children, starting from 6-7 years old. Note that the data shown is in its normal state. To calculate the length in an erect, just add 5-7 cm - these are statistical data. The third row of the table is the permissible deviation from the norm.




Too early puberty (up to 9 years old) or its significant delay (no changes even at 14 years old) should alert. These are the main reasons to visit a doctor, which indicate significant problems in the body. If puberty does not start on time, the penis will not grow normally, the reproductive organs will never form adequately.

If puberty began before the age of 9, you should consult a doctor.

Features of the reproductive apparatus

The average penis size at 17 years old reaches up to 17 cm in an erect state. Heredity plays an important role. This is one of the few factors that makes the average length in teenagers difficult to calculate. The ability to become a father does not depend on penis size. This is the main thing that teenagers should understand. Proper development of the sexual apparatus is the key to creating a happy family. You should know that normal testicular enlargement is observed between the 11th and 15th years.

Parents are obliged to establish a trusting relationship with their children so that they are not afraid to discuss even such an intimate thing as the size of the penis, its average length, volume. It is important to explain that you can not wear very tight clothes - in the summer you can wear looser underwear. At the beginning of life, the correct development of the body of children is the responsibility of parents. However, later the teenager himself is obliged to take an active part in the struggle for his health, an important indicator of which is sometimes the average length of the penis.

Of course, every man pays great attention to his penis, because the latter is of great importance in terms of self-esteem and communication with the opposite sex. For this reason, almost all representatives of the strong half of humanity are concerned about the answer to the question of what is the optimal size of the penis.

The opinion about the ideal parameters of manhood has repeatedly changed throughout history, until modern standards have finally been developed. What is the most optimal penis size will be discussed in the article below.

In the heyday of the first developed civilizations (we are talking about Ancient Rome and Greece), the ideal size of the penis was 10-. This was explained by the fact that it is precisely these parameters that make it possible not to experience any discomfort during intimacy for either a woman or a man. However, the fashion for a small penis did not last long and sunk into oblivion along with the fall of ancient civilization.

New ideas about beauty were brought by barbarian peoples, among whom a large penis was associated with masculinity and was an attribute of a real warrior. Probably, it was precisely because of the ideas of the inhabitants of the early Middle Ages that humanity later developed a stereotype that the most ideal penis size is more than 15 centimeters.

Such parameters began to be actively cultivated in the minds of large groups of people during the period of the sexual revolution that struck the world in the middle of the last century. The most zealously undertook the popularization of members of the long length of porn directors, who invited the owners of truly gigantic penises to play roles in their films. Because of this, in the future, many men began to worry about the discrepancy between the length of their dignity and the size that actors from adult films could boast of.

However, recently a number of studies on what should be the optimal length of the penis, as well as numerous surveys of women, have completely dispelled such stereotypes. It turned out that the standards imposed by the porn industry, to put it mildly, do not correspond to the real state of affairs.

The ideal dimensions of manhood: what scientists say about it

Modern scientists began to look for an answer to the question of what is the ideal penis size from about the 1980s. First, they classified all penises according to their shape. So, in their opinion, manhood can be:

  • cylindrical. Such a member is distinguished by an almost equal circumference of both the base and the head;
  • mushroom-shaped. Penises of this form are characterized by a rather narrow base and an overly wide head;
  • pointed. In this case, the base is much more massive and voluminous than the head, which is why the penis takes the form of a spearhead.

Also, leading sexologists have developed a line of members according to their length. These data can be found in the following table:

The latest work of the staff of the National Academy of Surgery of France should have shed light on what is the optimal penis size. The result of the research somewhat surprised supporters of the theory that "the more the better." It turned out that the average value of the size of the penis varies within 13-, and its volume is about 10 cm during erection.

After a series of studies were conducted, the ultimate goal of which was to find out what is the ideal penis size. It took more than one year to determine the optimal dimensions. The parameters of male dignity of representatives of various races and nationalities were analyzed, during which it turned out that Negroids can boast of the largest average length, while Mongoloids have a member of small sizes.

These data almost completely coincide with the results obtained by American and British scientists. Sexologists from the United States came to the conclusion that the most optimal penis size is 15 cm, while representatives of the United Kingdom called the average size 14 cm.

What sizes do women like?

However, the last word in assessing what is the optimal penis length always remains with the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, because these parameters are extremely important for them when choosing a partner for sex. What is the optimal length, according to women, for a penis in a combat state?

As the American scientists already mentioned above assure, girls prefer members whose size is not much higher than the average. We also focus your attention on the fact that during these studies it turned out that they are thinking about what the ideal size of the penis is only for those women who are just getting ready to enter into a close relationship with their chosen one. Girls who have been married for a long time practically do not pay attention to this nuance.

For the accuracy of the experiment, employees of several universities printed over 30 models of erect members of various lengths and shapes on a 3D printer. The phallus of an ordinary American was taken as a basis with the following dimensions:

  1. length - a little more than 15 cm;
  2. volume - 12.5 cm.

The participants in the experiments were asked to choose among all this variety the optimal penis size for sex (moreover, a gradation was assumed for intimacy for one night and for long-term sexual intercourse). The answers of the majority of the 75 women shed light on the fact that the ideal size of a male penis for casual sex exceeds that for a serious relationship.

16 cm was recognized as a good size for one-day romances, which exceeds the average by approximately 1 cm. For regular sexual contacts, the most optimal penis length is 15.5 cm, which almost completely coincides with the results obtained by American sexologists when calculating the average penis size. organ. The optimal indicator is within 12.5 cm.

According to sexologists, the choice of a longer relationship is due to the fact that women, on a subconscious level, are trying to protect themselves from possible discomfort associated with the penetration of gigantic penises. Also, scientists remind that for a woman during sex, the psychological component is primarily important, so during love they do not pay attention to the dimensions of the partner's phallus.

At the same time, a higher indicator of the optimal length of the penis for sex for one night suggests that girls are not averse to experimenting and adding variety to their intimate life. Also, it is likely that the desire to enter into a relationship with a man with a large penis is associated with a woman's instinctive desire to obey a dominant male with pronounced primary sexual characteristics.

Well, summarizing, it is worth noting that about 40% of the respondents put at the forefront not the optimal size of the penis, but its shape and aesthetic appearance. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that if you want to succeed with the opposite sex, you must definitely carefully look after your manhood.

When is it worth resorting to surgical penis enlargement?

As we can see from all of the above, the ideal penis length, according to the girls, is quite comparable with the average results, so the vast majority of men should not think about penis enlargement.

The only exception are the owners of the so-called micropenises, who may experience both physical and psychological discomfort from the unsatisfactory dimensions of their phallus.

The best solution in this case for them would be to contact an experienced surgeon, who will be able to lengthen the penis due to the muscles of the inguinal zone. However, in pursuit of the optimal size of the male penis, do not forget about the possible risks. So, at a respectable age or with serious illnesses, it would be prudent to refuse such interventions and try other methods.

We should not forget that after such operations, ugly scars may remain (therefore, the best option would be the scrotal enlargement method, in which there are practically no scars), and the end result will not always please the patient.

Curious facts

In conclusion of our discussion of what is the optimal size of the penis, we offer a few interesting facts related to the topic of this conversation. First of all, let's say that women of the post-Soviet space are in solidarity with American women in assessing penises. This is evidenced by the fact that 80% of girls from the CIS consider the optimal size of a male penis to be 15 cm.

The following should also be highlighted:

  • 42% of our compatriots pay attention to the thickness of the penis, and not to the length. They explain this by the fact that the optimal volume guarantees a much more pleasant feeling from physical intimacy with a man;
  • height, contrary to popular belief, does not affect penis size. The optimal dimensions of the phallus can be observed in both tall and short males;
  • condom manufacturers say that only 4% of men have a penis larger than 18 centimeters. The average length varies between 14-16 cm.

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