Gel rock medical minerals from fluorosis. Gel Rocks and strengthening children's teeth. How does Rocs gel affect baby's tooth enamel?

To have a beautiful smile, you need strong and healthy teeth. Bad habits and a wrong way of life destroy the enamel, making them ugly and fragile. How to keep your teeth healthy? Is it possible to strengthen enamel at home? If yes, what is needed for this? The answers to all these questions are below.

Tooth structure and enamel features

The tooth, both for children and adults, can be conditionally divided into 3 parts: crown, cervical and root. The first of them is located above the gum, and the other two parts are immersed in the tissues of the alveoli. The cavity inside the tooth is filled with connective tissue with many nerve endings - the pulp. The top of the crown is covered with enamel, which is the hardest tissue in the human body.

What is enamel? What is its role in human life? So, enamel is a transparent film that covers the surface of all teeth and protects them from external influences. For 95-97% it consists of minerals, including calcium and phosphorus. The enamel layer is a crystalline structure that includes small prisms of hydroxylapatites. Such a porous network is the reason that acids easily penetrate the enamel and displace minerals. The resulting acidic environment causes the development of caries, which, if left untreated, can progress to painful pulpitis.

When caring for the oral cavity, do not forget about the gums. With the help of bristles of medium hardness, they can be lightly massaged. To relax your mouth, you will need a soft brush. After the massage, it would be good to use a conditioner. It is both an antiseptic and a tonic.

How to restore the erased enamel, because any damage to it can lead to irreversible consequences, and it will not be able to recover itself? In this case, the mineralization method is used, as a result of which the enamel is strengthened by saturating it with minerals.

When is a remineralizing gel indicated?

Remineralizing gel is a special tool for strengthening teeth, high-quality care for enamel and the entire oral cavity. It is used for:

Strengthening and whitening teeth

There are many ways that help not only reduce the likelihood of cavities, but also strengthen teeth. One of them is an enamel remineralization gel (we recommend reading:). He is able to improve her condition and reduce sensitivity to changes in food temperature.

The gel contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and xylitol. Thanks to this composition, it replenishes the mineral balance of the teeth and, thereby, strengthens them. This gel can be used at home. The main thing is to act according to the instructions.

All that is required of you is to brush your teeth with a regular toothpaste, use a mouthwash and apply a thin strip of remineralizing gel. To obtain a visible result, the whitening gel is used for at least one month. After this therapy, the teeth become whiter by at least 2 tones.

The composition of mineralizing preparations includes special components that protect the teeth from exposure to the active substance. Enamel whitening with gel can be done in several ways:

  1. using a toothbrush on which the product is applied;
  2. using a brush that is included with the gel;
  3. placing the gel in mouth guards.

Slowing down the carious process

Remineralizing gels contain special components that create a transparent film around the teeth. It protects the latter from the effects of acids that are formed in the mouth due to the absorption of carbohydrates by bacteria. This function of the gels provides not only the prevention of caries, but also the slowing down of its development. Remineralizing therapy for carious tooth damage looks like this:

  1. thorough cleaning of the tooth from plaque and pellicle (we recommend reading:);
  2. use of rinse aid;
  3. treatment of the damaged area with a multi-percentage acid (for example, 40% citric acid) for additional cleaning and preparation for the next procedure;
  4. applying a remineralizing gel to the site of damage (by application or by electrophoresis).

10-20 procedures and a white spot on the tooth, indicating the initial stage of caries, should disappear. The enamel then takes on its natural color.

Description of Rocs gel and its properties

Remineralizing gel Medical Rocs is designed to restore enamel at home. It has been clinically proven that its composition is absolutely safe for both adults and children, including infants.

Rocks gel is characterized by the following properties:

  • removal of white spots, indicating the initial stage of development of caries;
  • improvement of the external condition of the dentition;
  • decreased sensitivity of the enamel;
  • brushing teeth to prevent caries;
  • restoration of enamel after braces;
  • teeth whitening up to 5 tones;
  • the enamel becomes shiny after using the gel;
  • oral flora returns to normal.

The composition of the product

Rocks minerals are based on the following components:

  1. calcium and phosphorus - to strengthen the enamel;
  2. magnesium - to maintain the interaction of active components;
  3. xylitol - to protect teeth from infections and replenish mineral balance.

Due to the fact that the gel forms a protective film over the entire surface of the tooth, minerals enter the dental tissue all the time. Rox Gel does not contain fluoride, which means that it is safe to swallow and can be used even by children.

Instructions for use

Mineralizing gel is applied exclusively to brushed teeth. The paste should not contain fluorine. To evenly distribute the gel over the surface of the teeth, you must use a toothbrush. After applying Rox, it is advisable not to drink anything and not eat for at least 40 minutes. Frequency of use - twice a day for at least two weeks.

For a more pronounced effect, experts recommend using a mouth guard, in which Rox is placed for about 15 minutes. Rinse your mouth after using the drug is not recommended.

For adults

Strengthening Mineral gel Roks is ideal for those who are contraindicated in toothpastes with fluoride (see also:). These include patients with nephrolithiasis, mineral metabolism disorders, various forms of osteoporosis, thyroid problems, etc. Also, this type of gel is suitable for those who live in areas where the fluorine content in the water is overestimated.

For kids

To begin with, the baby must be taught how to use the Rocs Medical Minerals preparation on their own, since they will have to use it daily. A pea-sized gel will suffice for a child. It must be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the teeth. At the same time, the layer of the drug should be thin. Rocs minerals paste is absolutely safe and this has been proven in many clinical trials. Pregnancy and lactation are also not a reason for not using this drug.

One could assume that he does not have any contraindications at all, but still there is one caveat. It contains casein, a protein found in cow's milk, and the baby may have an allergic reaction to it. In this case, the use of this tool is not recommended.

Gel analogues

So far, there is no absolute analogue to Rocs Minerals gel, but there is a very close one - Tooth Mousse. It also strengthens tooth enamel and heals gums.

To restore the enamel and its remineralization, dentists recommend using preparations similar to Rox:

  1. gel Lacalut fluor;
  2. Protefix dental gel;
  3. Apident Active;
  4. Elmex Gelee;
  5. Splat Likvum-Gel;
  6. Miradent Mirafluor.

If you want your smile to shine with whiteness and give a great mood not only to you, but also to those around you, do not forget to take care of your teeth and visit the dentist twice a year. He will tell you how to properly care for them, and how to remineralize tooth enamel at home.

Until recently, toothpaste was perceived exclusively as a means of oral hygiene, the only requirement for which was to remove soft plaque from the surface of the enamel and freshen breath.

But manufacturers of oral care products are not standing still. Today, home remedies for teeth can strengthen enamel as well as professional treatments in the dental office. And a perfect example of this: Roks gel for cleaning and strengthening teeth.


Rocs Medical Minerals has an innovative formula that really strengthens tooth enamel.

Rocks has three main components: phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Once on the surface of the teeth, these three components have the ability to penetrate into the dentin through the edentulous tubules and microcracks, thereby restoring the tooth from the inside. It is noteworthy that the gel has a consistency that promotes faster penetration of the components.

Wrong lifestyle, lack of a complete diet, chronic diseases make teeth less resistant to decay. In this case, doctors recommend taking minerals with food or with special vitamin complexes that will eliminate this cause. However, ingestion of microelements in excess is fraught with problems with the kidneys, bones, joints, therefore, in this case, using a remineralizing gel locally is the most correct and safest way.

Prevention of caries

Like any other paste, Rocs Medical Minerals gel allows you to fight the cause of caries - bacteria. When a person does not conduct oral hygiene properly, consumes a lot of sweet foods that leave an invisible film on the teeth, pathogenic bacteria multiply actively. Due to this, plaque forms and turns into stone much faster, and therefore the enamel cannot resist resolution.

It is noteworthy that bacteria on the surface of the teeth entail not only caries, but also serious diseases of the connective tissue, kidneys, heart, and joints. If the human body has pathologies in the immune system, and according to scientists, this applies to more than half of the world's population, and this number is steadily growing every year, the immune system begins to produce antibodies. The tissues of the kidneys and heart are similar to bacterial cells, so the immune system begins to attack them instead of bacteria. Autoimmune diseases today are incurable, and maintenance therapy has a whole range of side effects that negatively affect well-being and appearance. Therefore, meticulous oral hygiene is extremely important, and Rocs Medical Minerals will find its rightful place on the shelf of any bathroom.

Aesthetic effect

It is also important that Rox is able to make a smile visually more beautiful in just a couple of weeks of regular use.

  • Gel for cleaning teeth eliminates white spots that appear on the surface of the enamel - fluorosis.
  • The composition of Rocs Medical Minerals includes soft abrasive particles, which, without damaging the enamel, make it possible to achieve a pronounced lightening of the color of the teeth. In addition, the gel will restore shine to the smile: using the gel for daily cleaning, a person contributes to the effect of polishing the enamel. This not only enhances the aesthetic qualities of a smile. But it also serves as a prevention of plaque formation: it is much more difficult for it to accumulate on a smooth enamel surface.
  • Rocs Medical Minerals is very effective at the stage of removing orthodontic braces. The fact is that wearing a system of arches and locks demineralizes the teeth, they become more sensitive to cold and hot, their color becomes darker. The remineralizing composition makes it possible to quickly and effectively restore dentin and enamel.

How to use the tool

Rocs Medical Minerals gel can also be bought at pharmacies and simple cosmetic stores. Rocks has established itself as an absolutely safe tool for cleaning teeth, it can be used even during pregnancy and lactation. Its effect is especially pronounced with a deficiency of minerals in the body, which cannot be replenished by taking drugs: for example, with kidney or liver failure, osteoporosis. In this case, Rocks solves two problems at once: it works to strengthen the teeth and eliminates unnecessary side effects.

The instruction suggests using Rocs Medical Minerals in the following way: you need to brush your teeth twice in the gel, applying it like a regular paste on a brush, foaming on the surface of the enamel and leaving it for a couple of minutes so that the minerals can penetrate through the edentulous tubules into the canal.

In order to clean the child's oral cavity, it is necessary to use the Rox Medical Minerals product, no larger than a pea. The instruction suggests distributing this amount over the surface of a special soft brush for cleaning the teeth and gums of children, gently massage the mucous membrane, and then rinse with water. Even if the baby swallows part of the Roks Medical Minerals product, this will not bring the slightest harm to his body.

Roks is suitable for continuous use, it is not necessary to use courses in case of problems. On the contrary, the prevention of oral diseases with the help of Roks Medical Minerals is guaranteed to eliminate the need for treatment, which will not only save the budget, but also avoid the most unpleasant minutes of therapeutic treatment of caries.

To strengthen your teeth at home, you will need a remineralizing gel, the best of these is ROKS (manufacturer Russia - Switzerland). Available in a small tube of 35 ml. With caries, the structure of tooth enamel is destroyed, resulting in a hole. If you do not take preventive measures and do not start treatment, a complication known as inflammation of the pulp can occur. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to use the "ROKS" gel. It is universal and suitable for both adults and children. It can be used continuously or in courses. It is completely safe for health.

Composition features

The main substance that contains in its composition the gel "ROKS" is xylitol. It improves the microflora of the oral cavity, prevents bacteria from developing, protects the gums well, and increases the remineralizing properties of the gel. Due to the fact that the gel has good antibacterial protection, caries is difficult to develop, and the likelihood of its occurrence is sharply reduced. Additional components that make up the gel (magnesium, calcium and phosphorus ions) perfectly protect and strengthen tooth enamel, enveloping it with a transparent, stable protective film. Because of this, active additional substances act much longer than other similar preparations and gels.

What does ROKS (dental gel) do?

The positive effect of the gel is manifested in the following:

  • Due to its preventive action, it prevents caries from forming.
  • At the first appearance of a white spot from caries, it instantly destroys it.
  • With the disease, fluorosis makes the teeth look much better.
  • Greatly reduces tooth sensitivity.
  • In case of violation of the aesthetic appearance of the dentition after the installation of braces, the ROKS gel will quickly restore tooth enamel.
  • It has the ability to whiten teeth by almost 5 tones.
  • After applying the gel, the teeth acquire a radiant shine.
  • Maintains the normal bacterial composition of the oral mucosa.

The instructions for using the gel say that there is no fluorine in it, so the following qualities can be guaranteed:

  • If the gel is swallowed, it will not cause harm.
  • Gel "ROKS" can be used for small children (there are gels for small children with different flavors).
  • It is very effective in the fight against caries. Drinking water contains a high content of fluorine, and the gel can penetrate into the most inaccessible places where this substance accumulates and eliminate it.
  • Well suited for people who cannot take medications containing fluoride (people with diseases of the endocrine system, as well as those with kidney problems).

Gel "ROKS": instructions for use

Each person using the gel has a choice: to use it permanently or temporarily. Clinical studies conducted on the drug have not revealed side effects, those who wish to use it on an ongoing basis can not be afraid for their health. Those who decide to conduct course therapy should remember that it is carried out for two weeks and no more than 1-3 times a year. An important detail is that its effectiveness depends on how correctly the recommendations for the use of the ROKS gel are followed.

First you need to brush your teeth in the usual way, then apply the gel to the toothbrush and do the same manipulations with the brush so that the gel is applied to the entire surface of the teeth. It is recommended to apply it in the standard way - 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening.

In order for the result to be optimal, you need to withstand the gel without eating or drinking for 30 minutes. Dentists recommend using dental caps to improve the effect of the gel; they are made of plastic according to an individual cast of the jaw. Mouthguards are absolutely safe and give the gel the opportunity to show the maximum effect on tooth enamel.

What makes teeth stronger

"ROX Minerals" (gel) perfectly strengthens teeth, because it contains components that help improve its properties and strengthen tooth enamel.

Components such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, get on the tooth enamel and penetrate into the tooth from the inside, through special tubules called edentulous. Thanks to this, "ROKS Medical" (gel) restores the tooth from the inside. It has a very light consistency, which allows its components to easily penetrate tooth enamel.

With proper lifestyle and good nutrition, timely treatment of chronic diseases, teeth become very resistant to various diseases and destruction. Doctors recommend taking vitamin and mineral complexes along with the gel. But this must be done carefully, because trace elements in large quantities negatively affect the kidneys, as well as bones and joints. To avoid trouble, it is best to use the gel. Thanks to him, it will be possible to avoid possible complications and the problems that follow them, its effect is local and only on the teeth.

Why "ROKS" is necessary to fight caries

"ROKS" (gel for teeth) perfectly copes with infectious bacteria that cause carious formations. If oral hygiene is not observed, then an environment is formed in it in which “bad” microorganisms develop, which leads to the formation of tartar, caries and tooth decay. Enamel alone cannot protect the tooth.

Microorganisms that are on the tooth enamel provoke not only the occurrence of caries, but also a number of related complications, they affect the connective tissue and even lead to kidney disease. People with autoimmune diseases are most susceptible to this. Since microorganisms are similar to the cells of the heart tissue, it becomes possible for the immune system to attack the cells along with foreign bodies.

For this reason, it is very important to monitor compliance with hygiene standards and use ROKS gel even for preventive purposes.

Aesthetic effect of the gel "ROKS"

Gel "ROKS" makes a snow-white and irresistible smile in just a few weeks. Its action is shown as follows:

  • It perfectly destroys the light spots that appear with fluorosis.
  • With the help of the abrasive particles in it, it brightens the teeth without affecting the enamel.
  • When using the gel "ROKS" every day while brushing your teeth, they will noticeably polish and acquire a radiant shine. And also the gel perfectly fights plaque, making the enamel smooth, this does not allow plaque to accumulate.
  • After the braces are removed, demineralization occurs. The arcs of braces affect the teeth in such a way that demineralized places become vulnerable, and hot or cold food is perceived too sensitively. Tooth enamel in these places begins to acquire a dark shade. The drug "ROKS" has the necessary components in order to return the teeth to their original appearance.

Use ROKS gel and your teeth will always look beautiful.

The use of the gel "ROKS" for children

Gel "ROKS" does not have a negative effect on the children's body, this is confirmed by numerous studies. You can use the gel even for infants. You can use the drug at home as written in the instructions for it, or you can go to an appointment with a dentist, and he will give specific advice on the use of the drug by examining the child's oral cavity.

Young children are afraid of hospitals, and even more so of dentists, understanding this, parents should in every possible way support the health of children's teeth. It is important to follow a balanced diet, children should consume:

  • Meat.
  • Fish.
  • Dairy products.
  • Vegetables and fruits.

Perfectly help to take care of children's teeth at home gel "ROKS". It does not contain fluorine in its composition and has a pleasant taste. Baby gel has the following properties:

  • Maintains the balance of acids and minerals in the child's body.
  • Reduces the threshold of susceptibility and sensitivity of teeth to temperature changes and rapid changes in tastes.
  • Returns the aesthetic appearance of tooth enamel.
  • Eliminates harmful microorganisms.

Gel "ROKS" for children should be applied to a soft brush in a small amount, about the size of a pea. The child, just like with ordinary toothpaste, brushes his teeth, massages his gums and rinses his mouth with water. If he swallows the remedy, then there is nothing to worry about.

This drug for children has one contraindication. It contains casein (a protein found in cow's milk). If the child is allergic to this protein, then the drug should not be used.

Analogues of the gel "ROKS"

Most often in dental practice, in addition to the preparation "ROKS", the following remineralizing gels are used:

  • Blend-a-med.
  • "Fluodent".
  • Elmex.
  • "Fluocal".

They practically do not differ from each other in terms of efficiency, they all contain calcium and phosphorus in their composition in a bioavailable form, the only difference is that these gels contain a small amount of fluorine, and it is absent in the ROKS gel. And also all gels differ in price.

Most often, ROKS remineralizing gel is required to strengthen teeth. With caries, the top layer of enamel is destroyed. This destroys the tooth and creates a hole. If you do not carry out prevention and treatment, then there is such a complication as inflammation of the pulp.

To avoid such problems with your teeth, you should use ROKS gel. It is suitable for the treatment of various dental problems, including reducing tooth sensitivity.


The composition contains a substance called xylitol. It significantly increases the remineralizing ability of the gel, inhibits the development of bacterial infections, and protects the gums from various lesions. Due to antibacterial protection, the likelihood of developing caries is greatly reduced. Additional components protect the teeth by forming a transparent and stable film on their surface. Due to this, the active substances act much longer than in other gels and preparations of the same application.

What does the gel do?

ROKS minerals medical gel for sensitive teeth helps to do the following:

Instructions for using ROKS gel to strengthen teeth says that it does not contain fluorine. Therefore, the following qualities are guaranteed:

  • if swallowed, the drug will not cause any harm;
  • it can be used even by the smallest children (there are special Rocs children's gels with different flavors);
  • it is very effective in fighting caries. Drinking water contains a lot of fluorine, and the gel penetrates into hard-to-reach places where the substance accumulates and eliminates it;
  • good for those people who cannot use drugs containing fluoride (people with endocrine diseases and kidney problems).


ROCS Medical Minerals Tooth Strengthening Gel instruction: it contains the best ingredients that significantly improve its properties and strengthen the enamel.

Due to the components contained in the gel (phosphorus, calcium and magnesium), they settle on the tooth enamel and penetrate into the dentin through a special tubule called edentine - thus they restore the tooth from the inside. The gel has such a light consistency that it easily allows the components to penetrate the enamel.

If you lead the right lifestyle, eat well and start treatment of chronic diseases on time, then your teeth will be very resistant to various destructions. In such situations, doctors advise taking vitamin and mineral complexes along with the gel. But this should be done with great care, as trace elements can seriously affect the kidneys, bones and joints. Therefore, it is best to use the gel - it will help to avoid all unpleasant complications and problems, acting locally, namely on the teeth.


Rox Medical perfectly fights bacterial infections that cause carious formations. If oral hygiene is not carried out properly, then this gives
an excellent environment for the development of microorganisms. Because of this, tartar is formed from plaque, and enamel cannot affect its development in any way.

It is worth noting that the microorganisms located on the enamel lead not only to the occurrence of caries, but also to such complications as damage to the connective tissue, CCC, and kidneys. This is especially true for people with autoimmune diseases. Since microorganisms are similar to heart tissue cells, it is possible that the immune system will attack the cells along with foreign bodies.

That is why it is important to monitor compliance with all hygiene measures and use ROKS gel even as a preventive measure.

Aesthetic action

ROKS medical can make your smile irresistible in just a few weeks. This is possible when used in the following cases:

  • it perfectly eliminates light spots that appear with fluorosis;
  • with the help of abrasive particles, the gel brightens the teeth without affecting the enamel;
  • if you use Rox every day when brushing, you can visibly polish your teeth so that they acquire some shine. It also helps fight plaque: the enamel becomes smooth, so plaque practically does not accumulate;
  • when removing braces, such an unpleasant problem as demineralization can occur. The arches and locks of braces have a peculiar effect on the teeth, making demineralized places more susceptible to cold and hot food. Also, the enamel in these locations acquires a dark tint. The Rox preparation contains all the necessary components to restore the teeth to their original appearance.

Where to buy and how to apply?

Rox is in pharmacies or cosmetic stores. The drug is well established in the drug market as a safe and very effective drug. ROKS is used to clean enamel, it can be used even by pregnant and lactating women.

It helps well when the body contains few mineral components and their deficiency cannot be replenished by taking medications: this, for example, with renal
insufficiency or osteoporosis. In such cases, the drug not only strengthens the teeth, but also eliminates side effects completely.

According to the instructions, the gel should be used as follows: you need to apply it on a brush and clean it as usual with a paste. After cleaning, you need to leave it for a few minutes so that the minerals can penetrate through the edentulous channels into the tooth.

Children are advised to give a pea-sized gel. According to the instructions, you need to massage the gums with a gel and a soft brush, and then gently rinse with plain water. If a child swallows the drug, then this will not lead to any negative consequences.

ROKS can be used instead of toothpaste. Such prevention will save the oral cavity from various problems, complications and expensive treatment.

Using the gel for children

No adverse effects have been found with the use of ROKS in children. It can be taken by both infants and older children. When using the drug at home you can use the scheme that is given in the instructions. But you can go to an appointment with a dentist so that he can adjust the gel intake for you.

Little children are always afraid of dentists, so parents should do their best to help their child's teeth grow healthy. A lot depends on a balanced diet: it should contain meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. You can visit the dentist to strengthen the enamel. But you can take good care of your child's teeth at home if you use the gel. Children's ROKS does not contain fluorine and contains substances that give it a pleasant taste. Baby gel has the following properties:

  • maintains the balance of acids and minerals in the body;
  • reduces the threshold of sensitivity and susceptibility of teeth to temperature changes and a sharp change in tastes;
  • returns the aesthetic appearance of the enamel;
  • eliminates harmful microorganisms.

Of the contraindications, only the fact that the drug contains casein (a protein found in cow's milk) can be distinguished. If the child is allergic to it, then it is better to stop using the drug.

Gel Safety

Very often, pregnant and lactating women ask dentists a question: is it possible to use a gel to strengthen teeth during these periods? Neither pregnancy nor lactation is included in the list of contraindications for the drug. Dentists even strongly recommend using the drug to strengthen teeth during periods of hormonal changes.

Pregnancy causes a lack of calcium in the body, so tooth decay during this period may be more likely. A drug such as ROKS with a remineralizing effect will strengthen the enamel and generally improve the quality of the mucosa. In children, parents notice special improvements when switching from one type of food to another.

Gels for strengthening teeth are now not only very popular, but also safe. They have virtually no contraindications and can be used by people of any age.

It is necessary to find out in a timely manner: is there an allergic reaction to one of the components of the gel, and only then begin prevention or treatment. If a person has osteoporosis, kidney failure, or thyroid problems, then drugs with the use of fluoride are contraindicated. It is absent in the ROKS preparation, so dentists recommend using it.

Oral care is an important part of the daily life of a modern person. However, it is not uncommon for teeth to need special care with the help of specialized tools. Unique developments aimed at solving certain issues come to the rescue. An acute problem of modern dentistry is demineralization, that is, a violation of the balance of minerals in the tooth.

ROCS remineralizing gel belongs to the Medical line and aims to complement traditional oral care. Anyone can use it.

Remineralization - what is it?

Tooth enamel is hard but thin tissue, which is subject to destructive processes. She can suffer from bad habits (both smoking and the constant desire to chew on a pencil), malnutrition, diseases (metabolic disorders), improper dental care (regular whitening, brushing teeth with soda). In addition, representatives of certain professions - miners, polishers - who have to come into contact with abrasives and acids are prone to problems with enamel. If the shell is destroyed, it will be impossible to restore it completely. However, at the prevention stage, the use of special tools will help strengthen tooth enamel and reduce the negative impact of the above factors.

Remineralization is an increase in the strength of enamel by stabilizing the balance of minerals in its structure. For this purpose, special preparations are used, the composition of which is saturated with minerals. This is an important preventive measure that improve tooth strength, reduce the risk of caries, soak its upper shell with useful substances.

When to spend

You should think about remineralization in the following cases:

Product Introduction

Many dentists recommend ROKS gel as the most balanced way to saturate tooth enamel with minerals. The main purpose of the gel is restoration of the enamel structure at home. Due to its composition, it can be used by people of all ages, including children.

Operating principle

After applying the ROKS gel, a transparent thin film is formed on the surface of the teeth, rich in bioavailable minerals, essential components of tooth enamel. They penetrate the enamel, strengthening it. Due to the light consistency of the gel, the active ingredients easily penetrate through the enamel into the dentin of the tooth, restoring it from the inside. The gel formula is a unique development and is patented.


Remineralizing gel ROKS includes the following essential components:

  • to strengthen the enamel - calcium and phosphorus, the two main minerals that make up the enamel;
  • to enhance the interaction of active components - magnesium;
  • for remineralization and the fight against caries and gum disease - xylitol.

In addition, ROKS gel forms a protective film around the tooth, which guarantees a constant supply of minerals to the dental tissue. No fluoride is among the additional benefits, because it makes the gel safe when swallowed, and also possible for use by people suffering from fluorosis, thyroid disease, kidney failure, osteoporosis. ROKS gel can be safely used in areas with a high fluorine content in the water.

Beneficial features

  • Prevention and treatment of caries;
  • Reducing tooth hypersensitivity;
  • Gentle whitening;
  • Making teeth smooth and shiny;
  • Improving the condition of the teeth with fluorosis and after using braces;
  • Stabilization of the microflora of the oral cavity.

Such a wide range of useful properties determined the popularity of the product on the market.

People who have already tried the ROCS product note its following advantages:

The use of ROKS medical gel allows very effectively deal with caries problems. It should be remembered that this disease is caused by bacteria that live in the oral cavity. With improper care, these pathogens not only lead to the formation of tartar, but also enter the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, and can even cause heart complications. That is why the use of a quality prophylactic, which is ROKS, is important for health in general.

In addition, ROKS gel allows you to make your teeth aesthetically attractive and help you not be embarrassed about your smile. The tool makes it possible to get rid of the unpleasant effects of fluorosis, gives the teeth a natural whiteness, without damaging the enamel due to low abrasiveness. After regular use, the enamel becomes smooth and polished.

The ROKS mineral gel will be a real salvation for those who have just taken off their braces. Wearing them makes the teeth unevenly colored due to the fact that the braces leave behind thin white streaks demineralized enamel with hypersensitivity. The use of ROKS will significantly reduce hyperesthesia and give the teeth a uniform shade.

Product varieties

  • Remineralizing gel;
  • Remineralizing gel with fruit flavor;
  • Remineralizing gel Sensitiv - for sensitive teeth;
  • Remineralizing gel for children and teenagers (with strawberry flavor).


After the appearance of white spots or streaks on the teeth as a result of whitening errors, dentists recommend 2-4 week course of treatment with ROKS gel.

The gel is very easy to use at home. One application lasts 30 minutes a day, the minimum course lasts 2 weeks, the optimal one is a month. Depending on the condition of the enamel, it is recommended to conduct from one to three courses per year.

For prevention purposes, you can limit yourself to two two-week courses per year. And if there is already caries and it is necessary to strengthen the enamel, at least 4 courses should be carried out. When whitening teeth, ROKS gel should be used throughout the entire course of home whitening, and then for another 2 weeks after completion.

With an acute sensitivity of the enamel, a course of treatment with ROKS gel is recommended daily until the symptoms disappear completely.

You can use the gel in accordance with the instructions in two ways:

  • Without mouth guard: apply the product on the teeth with a special applicator or brush. After application, you should wait about an hour, you can not rinse your mouth, drink and eat.
  • Using a mouthguard: The gel is added to the mouthguard, then it is put on the teeth. After thirty minutes, the mouthguard should be removed, after which you should refrain from eating, drinking and rinsing your mouth for another half an hour. It is recommended to use mouthguards made of polymers or non-oxidizing metal.

Secrets of efficiency

  • The first use of the gel is best done in an abbreviated version: leave the remedy for 10-15 minutes to understand how the teeth react to the new preparation.
  • To effectively strengthen the enamel, the remedy should be used with regular complexes compiled by the dentist after the examination.
  • Remineralizing gel is not a replacement for traditional care, but only its addition, which is why you should not refuse toothpaste. Before using the ROKS gel, the teeth should be cleaned.

Mode of application

  1. Brush your teeth with regular toothpaste (without fluoride);
  2. Apply the gel to the surface of the teeth;
  3. Wait a certain time (from 30 to 60 minutes);
  4. Rinse your mouth.

You can buy ROKS products in pharmacies, cosmetics stores, and a wide range of hypermarkets. Each tube of gel is supplied with instructions., so there should not be any difficulties in application.

ROCS remineralizing gel helps to strengthen tooth enamel with minerals, effectively fights the main problems of the oral cavity, helps protect teeth from caries, and reduces hypersensitivity. Due to the absence of fluorine in the composition, the gel is completely safe and can be used by the smallest children, pregnant women or people prone to diseases. Wide versatility and high efficiency makes the tool very popular and popular.

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