Child's drawing of my dream house. Drawing in the preparatory group “House of my dreams. Dynamic pause "Construction"


Target: familiarization with the types of residential buildings, the features of the profession of a builder.

Tasks: to acquaint with various residential buildings, features of the profession of a builder; consolidate the ability to embody your idea in a drawing, depicting a house with paints, develop thinking, coherent speech, creative imagination, fine motor skills of hands; to cultivate respect for the work of builders, a caring attitude towards one's home.

Materials and equipment: photographs or pictures of a residential building, construction site, construction work; inventory for dynamic pause; sheets of white paper, paint.

In front of the children on the stand there are pictures depicting a residential building, construction site, and the work of builders. The teacher suggests considering which houses are shown in the pictures.

Topic conversation.

Educator. Guys, each of you has a home - a place where you live with your family. Tell me where you live.

Some of you live in an apartment in a high-rise building, some in your own small house, and some live in a hostel with your neighbors. Hostel - "common life", a house in which people live together. Repeat this word and try to remember it. Tell us what your house is made of? What does it have? How many rooms? How are they decorated?

How should you treat your home so that it has order and comfort? How do you help adults with this?

Educator. Do you think it's easy to build a house? Why do you think so? (Building a house is not easy, I think that first you need to invent it and draw up a plan.)

Before starting to build a house, the architect draws up a plan for the future house. And then the builders will build the house strictly according to this plan.

What is the name of the people who build the house? (Builders.)

That's right, builders. There are many different building trades. Let's remember them:

What does a stonemason do? (Lays a brick, builds walls of houses.)

What does a carpenter do? (Makes wood doors, windows, thresholds, wooden stairs.)

What does a painter do? (Paints the walls and whitens the ceilings.)

What does an electrician do? (Lays electrical wiring, repairs electrical appliances.)

What does a plumber do? (Makes plumbing and sewerage.)

What does a tiler do? (Puts ceramic tiles on the walls.)

What does a designer do? (Decorates the apartment, selects the colors of the walls, curtains, floors, etc.)

I invite the children to imagine themselves as builders and build (draw) the house they would like to live in, using paints and sheets of paper.

Dynamic pause "Construction".

Children are divided into teams and line up. The first child must give the last a certain amount of "large building material." Then all team members start building a common house. At the end of the game, the children tell what exactly they built and evaluate each building.


Analysis of finished works.

Organization of an exhibition of children's art "House of my dreams."

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In Russia and other countries, drawing contests for children and teenagers are often held. One of my favorite themes is "Dream House". Let's take a look together at the drawings created by young artists with their own hands ... We will not condemn and evaluate ... just look and admire ... Well, sometimes you can smile

So... go ahead! We are waiting for houses and houses that children have drawn, armed with imagination, fantasies, paints and pencils.

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How do you see your dream home?

Plan-summary of directly cognitive activity with preschoolers in the older group.

Theme: "House of my dreams"

Integration of educational areas:

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

"Cognitive Development"

"Social and communicative development"

"Physical development"

"Speech development"



Outline plan directly educational activities with preschoolers in the senior group.

Theme: "The house of my dreams."

Integration of educational areas:

« Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Physical development”, “Speech development”.

Tasks: To consolidate the ability to embody your idea in a drawing, depicting a house with colored pencils, independently choosing the format and location of a sheet of paper. ("Artistic and aesthetic development»); To consolidate the ability to navigate the types of residential buildings, the features of the profession of a builder. Develop imagination, creative thinking, sensory perception, the ability to build in accordance with the plan - the scheme. ("cognitive development»); Continue to consolidate the ability of children to compose creative stories, complex common sentences. Enrich the dictionary: the names of construction professions, develop coherent speech (Speech development»); Raise respect for the work of builders. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your home (“Social and communicative development»). Develop movement coordinationPhysical development»).

Methods and techniques:

Practical: drawing a house, building houses from large and small building materials.

Visual: viewing photographs and pictures depicting the city of the village, showing the drawing of various buildings.

Verbal: writing a descriptive story, riddles.

Materials and equipment:

Sheets of paper, paints, photographs depicting various cityscapes, pictures, small and large building materials, diagrams depicting simple buildings made of building material. Shape blocks of various colors, stripes, small toys, an envelope with a letter, a house, stones.

Forms of organizing joint activities.

Children's activities

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities


Dynamic pause "Construction"


D / exercise "In order to." Game: Fairy tale city. Construction game "House".


Writing a descriptive story about my dream home.

Reading fiction

Reading a poem about a city


House drawing.

Logic of educational activity

The activities of the educator

Activities of pupils



Organizing time

Children talk about the house they live in.

Generate interest in upcoming activities.

Didactic exercise "In order to"

Game "Fairytale City"

Children complete the sentence, for example, “The roof is needed in order to ...”

Children build structures according to blueprints.

Develops attention, thinking. Enriched vocabulary.

Imagination, creative thinking, sensory perception develops.

Dynamic pause "Construction"

Children are divided into teams. A certain amount of large building material is passed from hand to hand. Then they start building a common house.

General coordination of the body develops, the ability to play in a team, to assemble buildings.

Organize children's self-drawing, help, display, reminder.

Children draw the house of their dreams.

The skill of independent drawing is formed, fine motor skills of hands are developed based on drawing various geometric shapes.

Reflection. Ask questions about the content of the lesson. Asks to tell about your building.

Children evaluate each other's work. Make judgments.

Develops the ability to evaluate each other's work. Connected speech is formed.

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