What kind of disease is when the legs swell. Reasons why legs swell. How to deal with swelling of the lower extremities. Why do legs swell

Many patients, when contacting a doctor, complain that their legs swell. Edema is a symptom of various diseases. The most common cause is stagnation of venous blood or lymph. Edema of different etiologies have their own characteristics.

Surgical treatment is contraindicated in the late stage of varicose veins and with the development of eczema. Not everyone knows what to do if there is chronic venous insufficiency. Therapeutic tactics depend on the degree of its severity. Compression is in progress. Phlebotonics are shown. To eliminate old edema and prevent the appearance of new ones, patients should follow the following recommendations:

  • do not stay in a standing or sitting position for a long time;
  • reduce body weight (in case of obesity);
  • use comfortable shoes;
  • walk more.

Preventive actions

Prevention of edema involves the exclusion of risk factors that can provoke the development of varicose veins, thrombosis, lymph stagnation, pathology of the heart and kidneys. The following recommendations must be observed:

  • move more and sit less;
  • avoid standing for a long time;
  • eat well;
  • take vitamins;
  • To do a massage;
  • give up tobacco products and alcohol;
  • do sport;
  • drink more fluids;
  • prevent hypothermia;
  • timely treat inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and chronic diseases;
  • do not self-medicate;
  • prevent the development of ischemic disease and hypertension;
  • limit the intake of salt and foods rich in animal fats.

More often, edema appears in the later stages of the disease, therefore, when a heart or kidney pathology is detected, all medical recommendations must be followed so that the disease does not progress. Thus, swelling in the legs is a symptom of various diseases. The most common cause is congestion of venous blood. If swelling occurs in the legs, you should consult a doctor. Cardiac and renal edema are the most dangerous, as they indicate insufficient organ function.

What is leg swelling?

Swelling of the legs is an overflow of cells and intercellular space of the muscle tissues of the legs with fluid. Such pathological changes are most often exposed to the distal segments of the lower extremities - lower legs and feet. This phenomenon is associated with the highest functional load, which is performed by the feet and legs of a person in the process of life, and their lowest position in relation to the central parts of the body when in a vertical position.

All fluid in the body is located in the vascular and intercellular spaces. The possibility and degree of edema increase depends on the balance between them.

In this self-regulating mechanism, the key links belong to:

    Hydrostatic pressure of blood on the vascular wall;

    Hydrodynamic characteristics of blood flow;

    Indicators of osmotic and oncotic activity of plasma and intercellular space.

Edema of the legs can have different degrees of severity, but they are always evidence of an imbalance between the actual possibilities of physiological mechanisms for regulating fluid exchange and the load on the intercellular space. Swelling of the legs can be both an adaptive normal reaction of the body to environmental conditions, and the first manifestation of serious diseases.

It is possible to understand and suspect the presence of swelling of the legs on the basis of certain symptoms. They can have varying degrees of severity, and at the same time they are able to remain at a stable level or progress. In the first case, they talk about the physiological mechanisms of the appearance of edematous syndrome. In the second - definitely about the pathology. Therefore, considering such issues, one cannot ignore any manifestations of edema, which may indicate a dangerous disease.

Alarming symptoms include:

    pasty. It is a diffuse light impregnation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the legs in the lower third and the area of ​​the ankle joint around the entire circumference on both limbs. Its presence is evidenced by light traces remaining after strong pressure on the skin of the anterior surface of the lower leg in the projection of the tibia. The same diagnostic value belongs to traces of socks;

    Local swelling. As a rule, it is located on one or two limbs in the ankle area or around the circumference of the ankle joint;

Causes of swelling of the legs

Swelling of the legs is not a separate disease, but a symptom that must be correctly interpreted in relation to determining the possible cause of its occurrence. There are several groups of diseases manifested by swelling of the legs. All these diseases and the main differential diagnostic criteria are given in the table:

Group of causative diseases

What does swelling look like

Edema of the legs in healthy people, caused by overload of the lower extremities and hydrostatic effect on the vessels of the microvasculature against the background of a long stay in an upright position.

Both legs and feet swell to the same extent. Edema is represented by pastosity in the lower third around the entire circumference of the legs. Appears in the evening after standing or physically hard work. After rest, such swelling disappears.

Swelling of the legs as a sign of heart failure

In diseases of the heart, accompanied by circulatory failure, there is a constant stagnation in the veins. This is manifested by edema of different density and prevalence: from mild and insignificant in the initial stages, to dense and widespread up to the knee joint during decompensation. Both limbs swell. In the morning, swelling may decrease slightly.

Swelling of the legs in renal pathologies

The shins and feet swell most of all with nephritic syndrome and severe renal failure. Mandatory the same expression on both limbs. Unlike cardiac edema, these edema are more pronounced in the morning, and decrease in the evening. Puffiness of the face is more characteristic than the lower extremities.

Edema of the legs in diseases of the venous system of the extremities (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, post-thrombophlebitic syndrome)

Edema is necessarily unilateral, and if bilateral, then with a predominant lesion of one of the legs. Such edema is very persistent and dense. Sharply increase after staying in an upright position, especially motionless. The edema of the ankle region is most pronounced. After staying in a horizontal position, the swelling decreases.

Edema of the legs in diseases of the lymphatic system of the extremities (erysipelas and its consequences, lymphovenous insufficiency, lymphedema)

Like venous, edema is located mainly on one side. Differ especially in high density and firmness. Rarely decrease from any manipulation and action. A characteristic manifestation of edema of lymphatic origin is localization on the dorsum of the foot in the form of a pillow.

Swelling of the legs in the pathology of the musculoskeletal system

Almost always unilateral, limited, localized in the area of ​​the affected joint or bone, accompanied by pain and dysfunction of support and walking.

Edema of the legs with inflammatory and purulent-infiltrative diseases of the skin and soft tissues, with injuries of the limbs

The swelling is limited. Expression may vary. With bites and injuries, edema spreads around the focus. With deep abscesses, the entire affected segment increases in volume.

For fractures, local swelling at the fracture site is more characteristic, for torn ligaments and sprains, widespread edema of the type of hematoma is more characteristic.

Other causes of leg swelling:

    Myxedema and hypothyroidism;

    Premenstrual syndrome and pregnancy;

    Hyperaldosteronism and adrenal hyperfunction;

    Alimentary exhaustion and cachexia of other origin;

    Neuroparalytic vascular disorders against the background of the pathology of the nervous system.

Edema is soft, uniform, located on both limbs. The exception is cases of diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by unilateral paralysis.

In such a situation, edema is localized on the affected limb. These swellings are relatively stable throughout the day, but may increase in the evening. They do not reach great severity, except in cases of decompensation of diseases and aggravation of the general condition, due to the addition of other causes of increased swelling.

When determining the possible causes of swelling of the legs, the general condition and accompanying symptoms must be taken into account. If there are any, these are definitely pathological edema requiring medical intervention!

Treatment of swelling of the legs is not always the right and grateful thing. After all, the elimination of a symptom cannot save a person from the disease. Therefore, it is more correct to treat not edema, but the disease that led to their appearance. The exception is cases of hydrostatic edema in healthy people against the background of overexertion of the legs.

Differentiated treatment tactics for swelling of the legs can be as follows:

    Hydrostatic edema in persons without pathology:

    • Limitation of physical activity on the legs;

      Periodic unloading for the calf muscles in the form of their elevated position, gymnastics and massage;

      The use of compression stockings (stockings, stockings, tights), which help to retain fluid in the vascular space by compressing soft tissues;

      Specialized measures are not required due to the physiological origin of edema. It is acceptable to use ointments and gels, described in the section "treatment of edema of venous origin".

    Cardiac and renal edema:

    • Diuretics. Various loop (furosemide, lasix, trifas), thiazide (indapamide, hypothiazide) and potassium-sparing (veroshpiron, spironolactone) diuretics are used. The frequency of administration, dosage form and duration of treatment depend on the degree of heart failure. Severe edema is treated with injectable loop diuretics with a gradual transition to tablet intake of identical drugs or drugs from another group. For long-term decongestant therapy, thiazide diuretics are best suited in combination with veroshpiron;

      Potassium preparations (panangin, asparkam). Necessarily are part of drug therapy with loop diuretics. This is necessary in order to compensate for the loss of potassium ions, which are excreted in the urine when diuresis is stimulated. But such drugs are contraindicated in renal failure.

      Cardioprotective agents. They do not have a direct anti-edematous effect, but strengthen the heart muscle, the weakness of which causes heart failure and swelling of the legs.

    Edema of venous origin:

    • Compression of the legs and feet with elastic bandages or special knitwear. This event should be the first in the complex treatment of edematous syndrome, since it not only helps in the fight against swelling of the legs, but is a really good method for preventing the progression of venous insufficiency. The main thing is to follow all the rules of elastic bandaging;

      Phlebotonics (escusan, troxevasin, detralex, normoven). The mechanism of the anti-edematous action of drugs in this group is to strengthen the walls of the veins and vessels of the microvasculature. Phlebotonics of plant origin (escusan) can also be prescribed in the absence of obvious signs, if there is a pronounced pastiness that goes beyond the usual hydrostatic edema;

      Blood-thinning agents (aspekard, cardiomagnyl, lospirin, clopidogrel). The mechanism for reducing swelling of the legs is associated with a decrease in blood viscosity. If it becomes more liquid, then its outflow improves, and this prevents stagnation and sweating in the tissue in the form of edema;

      Local preparations in the form of ointment and gel (lyoton gel, heparin ointment, troxevasin, hepatrombin, venohepanol, aescin, venitan). Their local application is quite effective, both in venous pathology and in edema against the background of habitual leg fatigue as a result of overstrain.

Diuretics for swollen legs

Diuretics for swelling of the legs have a common name - diuretics.

They, in turn, are divided into several classes:

    Saluretics that can be presented: loop drugs (Bumetanide, Torasemide, Ethacrynic acid, Lasix, Furosemide), thiazide agents (Cyclomethiazide, Hypothiazide), carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (Diacarb, Acetazolamide) and sulfonamides (Clopamide, Chlortalidone).

    Potassium-sparing diuretics, including: Spironolactone, Amiloride, Veroshpiron, Triamteren, Eplerenone.

    Osmotic are Mannitol and Urea.

All these drugs differ in effectiveness, in duration of action and in the speed of onset of a therapeutic effect. They have indications and contraindications and are prescribed exclusively by a doctor in accordance with the patient's disease.

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Andrology" was obtained after completing residency at the Department of Endoscopic Urology of the RMAPO at the Urological Center of the Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways (2007). Postgraduate studies were completed here in 2010.

Swelling of the lower extremities causes a lot of discomfort. This is a common problem that affects all age groups. The accumulation of fluid in the tissues signals problems in the body that impair the functioning of the capillaries. The legs can also swell in a completely healthy person, after intense physical exertion or a large amount of liquid drunk. What to do if the leg is swollen and how dangerous is this condition?

When the legs swell, this is reflected in both the physical and aesthetic condition. If the puffiness is not associated with pathology, it is enough for a healthy person to rest a little, after which the lower limbs will return to normal. But if places of swelling appear regularly, this indicates pathological disorders in the body. There are a lot of reasons for this condition, ranging from mechanical damage to heart disease.

It is important to understand that swelling of the lower extremities is not an independent disease, it is only a consequence of disorders in the body that can be determined only after seeking medical help.

Causes of swollen feet

What to do if the lower limbs began to swell regularly? First of all, it is necessary to exclude causes that are not associated with pathology. Legs can swell due to the intake of certain groups of drugs, for example, glucocorticoids and hormonal drugs that contain estrogen and progesterone.

Also, the lower limbs can swell during the period of bearing a child. The fact is that during this period, the concentration of progesterone in the blood increases sharply in expectant mothers, this relaxes the smooth muscles of the vessels, as a result of which fluid is retained in the body. The lower extremities can also swell due to an increase in the uterus, which from the second trimester begins to compress the vessels in the abdominal cavity, which makes blood flow difficult and, as a result, the lower extremities may swell.

Often this problem is observed before and during menstruation. The reason lies, again, in the increased concentration of hormones - estrogen and progesterone, because of which the legs, face, and mammary glands can swell.

There are a number of other reasons why your legs may swell:

  • addiction to salty foods;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • excess weight;
  • a large amount of liquid drunk;
  • high air temperature.

Legs can also swell due to intense physical activity, if before that the lifestyle was not too active.

To fix the problem, it is enough to review your diet, give up alcohol and put your weight in order. If the lower limbs continue to swell, then we are talking about pathological disorders in the body. There are many diseases that cause this problem. Let's consider the main ones:

Heart disease is the main reason why lower limbs can swell

The main cause of swollen feet is heart failure. This is a serious disease, which is characterized by swelling of both lower extremities. In this case, the patient does not experience any characteristic pain, the pain syndrome is completely absent. Discomfort can only be delivered by their numbness and sensations of constant cold. In heart failure, the legs may swell, especially after sleeping. With a long stay in a prone position, other parts of the body also begin to swell: face, arms, lower back.

The cause of severe swelling of the lower extremities in heart failure is a violation of blood circulation. As a result, the veins in the legs expand, and blood begins to accumulate in them. There is an outflow of plasma into the tissue. Edema in heart failure is characterized by immobility. The skin above them becomes cold and cyanotic, and when the swelling is squeezed, discomfort is felt.

Swelling of the legs in this case is complemented by a number of accompanying symptoms: pain in the heart, shortness of breath, arrhythmia. The disease weakens the myocardium, resulting in impaired blood circulation.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Treatment of heart failure, in addition to medical intervention, includes diet therapy, physiotherapy, and optimization of sleep and rest. In severe cases, surgery is required.

Venous insufficiency is one of the main reasons why legs can swell.

Swelling of the lower extremities is a frequent companion of varicose veins, in addition to swelling, pain, heaviness and the presence of a venous network under the skin are also observed. With venous insufficiency, swelling disappears after sleep, this is the main criterion for differential diagnosis.

With varicose veins, the affected veins are not able to fully remove blood and intercellular fluid from the tissues, which leads to stagnation in the lower extremities. The tumor on the leg disappears only in the supine position, when the outflow of blood is the most active.

Treatment of varicose veins is aimed at normalizing the venous outflow. For this purpose, venotonics, local ointments and gels containing anticoagulants, as well as tight bandaging of the lower extremities are used, especially if the patient has been standing or sitting for a long time.

Renal pathologies

With renal pathologies, the face may first swell, then the swelling spreads down. The reason for this is the inability of the kidneys to cope with excess fluid. A characteristic feature of renal pathologies is the formation of "bags under the eyes". The lower extremities, like other parts of the body, can swell due to a deficiency in albumin protein.

Edema in renal pathologies are of two types:

  • Nephritic. Occurs due to impaired blood circulation in the kidneys. Their characteristic feature is a soft texture. Occur with glomerulonephritis, localized on the face and lower legs.
  • Nephrotic. The ratio of protein is disturbed, from which the face, lower back, and legs swell. To the touch, nephrotic edema is dense.

In this case, not only the legs may swell, but other characteristic signs may also appear: lower back pain, turbidity, and other changes in urine that are detected during tests.

Depending on the severity of the disease, diuretics, NSAIDs, antibiotics, saline solutions, diet therapy, and so on can be used for treatment.


Swelling and pain in the lower extremities often appear in diseases of the thyroid gland. Swelling and pain in the legs are localized in the ankles. If you touch the swelling, then there will be no characteristic fossa on it.

With a lack of thyroid hormones, almost all tissues of the body can swell. Places of edema turn yellow, peel off, the skin over them becomes rough. In this case, patients significantly gain weight. May swell the face, resulting in a mask effect. The general condition of the body worsens: nails exfoliate, hair, eyebrows, eyelashes fall out.

With this disease, muscles, ligaments and internal organs can also swell. Treatment consists in replenishing the lack of thyroid hormones.


In some cases, tumors form on the lower extremities from sunburn. Most often, this problem occurs in women, due to an excess of ultraviolet radiation. If swelling is observed after a sunburn, additional symptoms will be blisters on the skin, increased body temperature, redness, dizziness and a feeling of heat. In this case, it is necessary to take an anti-allergic agent, lubricate the burnt skin with panthenol or a cream like Boro Plus.

The leg may also swell after an injury, such as a fracture or dislocation. This process occurs due to impaired blood flow in this area. Moreover, it can swell both immediately after the injury, and a few days, or even weeks after it.

The leg can swell when tissues, ligaments or muscles are damaged. Puffiness in this case is observed for a long period and is difficult to treat. Patients experience intense aching pain, as well as a change in the color of the skin at the site of injury.

The lower limbs can also swell after intense physical activity, if before that the person led a not too active lifestyle. In this case, you should refrain from sudden large overloads or have more rest after training. The load should increase gradually, only in this way the legs will stop swelling and hurting.


Often the reason that the legs swell and hurt is an allergy to one or another antigen. This medical condition is called allergic arthritis. As a rule, pathology develops against the background of joint damage. In some cases, allergic puffiness can provoke.

If the legs itch and swell, and itchy sensations are complemented by pain, most likely we are talking about allergic arthritis. The manifestation of such symptoms can begin both immediately after contact with the allergen, and after a few days or even a week.

As a rule, the disease proceeds in a rapidly reversible form. In this case, there are pronounced swelling with reddening of the skin, as well as intense pain. This condition is treated simply, it is enough to eliminate contact with the allergen and conduct anti-allergic therapy.

In some cases, a protracted form of allergic arthritis develops. It is long and very difficult. At the same time, the legs can swell to an impressive size, accompanied by unbearable pain. This condition does not go away on its own and needs emergency medical attention. Treatment is with antihistamines, glucocorticoids, and analgesics.


Gout is a disease in which excess salts are deposited in the joints. The result of the pathological process is unbearable pain, swelling, pressing sensation in the toes. Joint diseases are characteristic of patients who do not limit themselves to heavy meals (all kinds of fish and meat). Usually gout affects the joints of the legs, but in some cases it can also develop on the upper limbs.

A characteristic manifestation of the disease is swelling and pain in the joints, someone may experience symptoms of intoxication. Often the body temperature rises. Usually, inflammation begins with the big toe, then, if left untreated, the nearest joints are involved in the process.


Swollen legs of a lymphatic nature are not amenable to conventional methods of treatment, so there is no single method for solving the problem. Interruptions in the work of the lymphatic system lead to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, as a result of which the affected areas may swell.

Often the cause of swelling is primary lymphedema. This disease is caused by congenital underdevelopment of the lymphatic vessels.

The approach to the treatment of lymphedema should be comprehensive. It includes decongestant therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, bandaging, gymnastics and more.

Liver disease is another reason that feet can swell.

Why can legs swell with liver diseases? The fact is that the advanced stages of diseases, for example, cirrhosis or liver cancer, disrupt blood circulation, as a result, the outflow of blood from the lower extremities decreases. Blood begins to stagnate in the tissues, which leads to swelling.

As a rule, with liver diseases, the legs swell greatly, and the usual shoes become cramped. To the touch, the legs are dense and warm, and the trace after touching them remains for a long time.

Puffiness in severe liver diseases is accompanied by pain in the legs, vascular patterns, lethargy, weight loss, enlargement of the liver and spleen, symptoms of encephalopathy, pain in the liver.


In the legs, as well as throughout the body, malignant tumors can appear. With cancer, a tumor appears on one leg, which begins to compress blood vessels and block blood flow, as a result of which the lower limb may swell. There are pain sensations that are increasing in nature. Localization of tumors can be varied, ranging from the toes, ending with neoplasms between the leg and groin, which in most cases is a metastatic lesion of the lymph nodes. In the later stages of the process, patients feel symptoms of general malaise, which are expressed by weakness, loss of appetite, fever, nausea, and weight loss.

If you find any neoplasms on the legs that do not go away for a long time and are accompanied by swelling, you should contact the appropriate specialist as soon as possible.

How to remove swelling on the leg

If the legs are swollen and sore, first of all, it is necessary to exclude non-pathological factors that could lead to this process. It can be tight shoes, intense physical activity, or a large amount of liquid you drink. In this case, it is enough to rest a little and everything will return to normal. However, the legs can swell for no apparent reason. If this happens regularly, you should seek medical attention.

What to do with alarming symptoms, how to treat swollen legs? First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the swelling. This can only be done with the help of a specialist. Initially, you can contact a therapist who, if necessary, will refer you to a nephrologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist and other specialists for examination. Before removing leg tumors, doctors will carry out the necessary diagnostic measures, after which the patient will be prescribed appropriate treatment.

Medical treatment

The patient will be prescribed treatment depending on what caused the swelling in the legs. For symptomatic relief of swelling, the following drugs are used:

  • Heparin ointment. A good and inexpensive remedy for removing swelling of the legs. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood circulation, and is effective for microthrombosis.
  • Essaven gel. Strengthens the walls of capillaries, improves blood circulation.
  • Venitan. It contains an extract of horse chestnut, which has a strengthening effect on the walls of capillaries.
  • Troxevasin. The ointment relieves swelling of the legs well, strengthens the walls of capillaries, and has an analgesic effect.

Diuretics are also used to relieve swelling, but only as directed by a doctor.

Treatment with folk remedies

Foot swelling is a fairly common problem. In this regard, people are trying to achieve improvements by all possible methods, including traditional medicine. There are many effective recipes that you can cook at home. However, they should be taken with caution, since herbs have no less side effects than drugs. Consider effective herbal infusions that will help relieve puffiness:


The lower extremities may also swell after prolonged fasting. Protein-free diets with fasting days, all this causes a protein deficiency, due to which fluid is retained in the body. In order to remove the tumor from the leg, it is enough to normalize the diet. In this case, a nutritionist will help, who will correct the diet and correctly select the ratio of nutrients.


In order not to ask once again the question: what to do when your legs swell, you need to monitor your health from the very beginning. Prevention of swelling of the legs consists of the following measures:

  • the bulk of the liquid should be drunk before 7 pm;
  • if possible, change shoes during the day, especially when it comes to high heels;
  • during the day, give your feet a rest, stroke them, massage;
  • do not consume a lot of salt and carbonated sugary drinks;
  • during sleep, it is advisable to put a pillow under your feet;
  • at the end of the day, do foot baths using decongestants.

After the procedures done, the state of a healthy person will quickly return to normal. But do not forget that the lower limbs can swell due to disorders in the body. Therefore, if the performed procedures did not bring the desired result, it is necessary to consult a specialist. To determine the cause, various methods of examination and other diagnostic manipulations are carried out at the discretion of the doctor.

There are a lot of reasons why the lower limbs can swell. These include both harmless factors and diseases requiring complex treatment. In any case, after determining the cause of the pathology and competent treatment, the swelling will quickly subside, which will allow the patient to return to a full life.

The appearance of swelling of the legs is a symptom that can be caused by a variety of reasons. With swelling, there is an increase in the circumference of the lower extremities, there is a possibility of simultaneous manifestation of other unpleasant signs. General diseases or certain pathologies are capable of provoking swelling of the legs. If they appear on the legs, they can differ in varying degrees of severity (only the toes suffer or the hips are also affected).

Edema in the legs is divided into several types:

  • congestive. Such puffiness is formed with an increase in vascular permeability, an increase in pressure in the capillaries, and a decrease in the level of protein-albumin in the blood.
  • Hydremic edema. They occur as a result of the accumulation of a large amount of excess fluid, which can occur with certain kidney diseases.
  • Neuropathic. Can be formed in the presence of diseases such as diabetes and alcoholism.
  • Cachectic edema will appear as a result of severe exhaustion of the body or with certain cardiovascular diseases (for example, stroke).
  • Allergic (Quincke). They are deep skin swelling. They develop instantly and also quickly resolve if timely and correct treatment is provided.
  • Mechanical edema develops as a result of injury, which can occur in the presence of tumors or during pregnancy.

The main causes of swelling of the limbs

Swelling in the legs can occur for a variety of reasons. It could be:

  • violation of the correct metabolism in the body;
  • drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day;
  • the presence of a variety of immunological diseases;
  • severe burns;
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  • habit of constantly crossing legs when sitting;
  • being overweight;
  • manifestation of acute thrombophlebitis of superficial, deep veins;
  • the presence of certain kidney diseases;
  • long sitting on low or too soft seats causes puffiness;
  • malfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • development of varicose veins.

The foot may swell due to improperly selected shoes, increased load on the leg, or in the presence of flat feet. If such a phenomenon was provoked by thrombophlebitis, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, otherwise there is a possibility of developing serious health problems. In the case of persistent swelling of the legs, it is important to first determine the cause and only then begin treatment, otherwise this problem will soon appear again.

Heart failure

Swelling of the legs is a common phenomenon, which is one of the main signs of heart failure. In people suffering from such a disease, there is a significant weakening of the main function of the heart - pumping, it becomes difficult for it to distill blood from the legs to the upper body, which often causes edema.

During sleep, the body is in a horizontal position, which significantly reduces the load on the heart. When spending the whole day in a standing or sitting position, in the late afternoon, the resource of the heart is greatly depleted, which causes swelling in the legs, and the skin becomes unhealthy bluish. Only the foot can suffer from such edema, or it spreads to the entire leg, up to the level of the thigh.

After taking medication

Provoke the appearance of severe swelling of the legs can and taking certain medications:

  • If glucocorticoids are taken for a long time (drugs that are prescribed in the treatment of allergic, autoimmune diseases, tumors), there is a possibility of swelling. Such drugs affect the functioning of the heart, as well as the circulatory process.
  • The cause of edema can be male and female sex hormones, which retain excess fluid in the body. These substances are part of contraceptives. The intake of male sex hormones is prescribed for obesity and impaired male reproductive function.
  • High blood pressure medications can also cause swelling. If such a problem occurs, you should consult a doctor.

Varicose disease

The initial sign of the development of varicose veins is swelling in the legs, which occurs for various reasons:

  • The walls of the vessels are very thin and easily stretched.
  • Sedentary lifestyle, overweight.
  • Eating large amounts of salt and water provokes swelling not only of the lower extremities, but also of other parts of the body.

Liver disease

Legs may swell due to certain problems in the liver. The most common cause is cirrhosis, in which there is a pronounced disruption of the functioning of this organ. In this case, you will not be able to deal with the problem on your own. It is necessary to undergo an examination to determine the cause of the swelling, after which the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.


Injuries can provoke the appearance of edema in the legs:

  • dislocation;
  • bruised limb;
  • fracture (ankle, ankle, bones of the foot, fibula and tibia, toes);
  • hemarthrosis.

How to remove swelling of the legs at home

Swelling in the legs often deliver not the most pleasant sensations and discomfort. To completely get rid of them, you need to accurately establish the cause that caused their appearance. If you want to solve this problem, follow these simple tips:

  • You can not sit in one position for a long time, tucking your legs under you.
  • Try to change your shoes during the day so that your feet can rest (this primarily applies to girls who wear heels every day).
  • If you are forced to stay upright all day, in the evening you need to lie down for at least half an hour, raise your legs higher to ensure the outflow of stagnant blood. Then make a light massage with pinching movements, which helps to quickly get rid of swelling on the legs.
  • Diversify your daily diet with foods containing potassium (bananas, lettuce, honey, apricots, dried apricots, peaches).
  • In the summer, try to eat more berries that have a diuretic effect (watermelons, lingonberries, strawberries), which prevents puffiness.
  • During sleep, put a cushion or a small pillow under your feet so that they are above the level of your heart, and then in the morning you will not encounter this unpleasant problem.

Folk remedies

Quite successfully, traditional medicine is used to relieve edema. The best therapeutic effect against puffiness is achieved when using foot baths and compresses:

  • Wraps with birch leaves. We take simple cotton bags (old pillowcases are also perfect), the height of which should cover the knee. We put a lot of fresh birch leaves in them, put bags on our feet. The foliage should fit tightly in a thick layer so that the legs begin to sweat. We wait until all the leaves are completely wet, and then remove the bags. It is necessary to carry out 2-3 procedures, and you can forget about swelling forever.
  • Tincture of Kalanchoe leaves. Fill with vodka (500 g) finely chopped leaves of the plant (250 g), leave the medicine to infuse for 14 days. After the specified time, rub the tincture into problem areas overnight. In the morning, swelling and pain that they cause completely disappear.
  • Garlic. Grind 1 head of garlic, pour boiling water (1 tbsp.), Leave for at least half an hour. As soon as the garlic gruel has cooled to room temperature, we rub it on swollen legs, after 25-35 minutes we wash it off with cool water, and the swelling completely disappears.
  • Compress. We take a piece of plain cotton fabric and moisten it with warm water, wrap our legs, put a plastic bag on top, leave the compress on all night. In the morning we do a light massage. This tool helps to quickly get rid of edema.
  • Turpentine. We mix turpentine and castor oil (warm) in a ratio of 1: 2. We rub the mixture into the skin, working well on each joint, put on warm socks, and leave the compress all night, in the morning the swelling disappears.
  • Sea salt. We collect warm water in a basin and dissolve a little sea salt in it, keep our feet in the water for about 25-33 minutes, then rinse with cool water and do a light massage. This method helps to quickly remove swelling on the legs.
  • Peppermint oil. We dissolve a couple of drops of oil in cold water and lower the legs into it for a couple of minutes. Regular procedures will help to forget about the problem of puffiness forever.

Tinctures and decoctions will help get rid of edema:

  • An excellent diuretic is knotweed grass, which helps to quickly remove excess fluid from the body. Pour boiling water over raw materials (1 tablespoon) and insist for exactly an hour. During the day we drink filtered medicine and forget about swelling.
  • Pour flax seeds (4 tablespoons) with a liter of water and boil over low heat for about 12-14 minutes, leave for an hour in a warm place. We drink a filtered drink against swelling of the legs warm every 2 hours for ½ cup. After 14 days, you will be able to forget about this problem.
  • Pour boiling water (2 tablespoons) birch leaves (2 tablespoons) and her kidneys (1 tablespoon). We introduce soda (1/2 tsp) into the solution, and insist the decoction against swelling of the legs for at least half an hour, then filter and take 1/3 cup every day before meals (3 times a day).
  • Grind parsley root and greens in a meat grinder. We take exactly 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the resulting mixture and pour boiling water (2 tbsp.), We insist for at least 10 hours. We drink a ready-made drink against swelling of the legs, 1 tbsp. spoon throughout the day. After a few days of treatment, the problem completely disappears.

Before using this or that folk remedy in the fight against swelling of the legs, you need to know that not all of them are safe for health. If the swelling was triggered by varicose veins, pregnancy, diseases associated with the genitourinary system, or other diseases, such treatment can harm your overall health.

Medical treatment

Modern medications will help relieve swelling, which should be used taking into account the characteristic health disorder. If the swelling was caused by heart or kidney disease, your doctor may prescribe diuretics. With varicose veins, creams, gels and ointments containing blood-thinning and venotonic components will help. If the calves of the legs are very sore during swelling, when buying creams, give preference to those products based on horse chestnut extract or leeches.

How to deal with swelling during pregnancy

In almost all cases, as soon as the pregnant woman eliminates the cause that provokes swelling in the legs, they disappear on their own after a couple of days. It is necessary to limit the consumption of table salt, do not forget about proper rest, minimize exposure to the sun. Some women mistakenly believe that in order to get rid of edema, it is worth drinking more liquid, but on the contrary, its amount must be reduced, not forgetting the daily rate.

It is advisable to drink plain clean water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice. Cranberry and cranberry juices, which have a diuretic effect, also benefit. It is necessary to completely exclude coffee from the daily diet, other factors provoking the appearance of swelling of the legs. For example, do not eat salty, spices, foods containing a large amount of sodium (nuts, seeds, etc.), carbonated drinks, smoked and fried foods. It will be helpful to increase the amount of protein in the diet.

It is not recommended to sit in one position for a long time (a common cause of swelling of the legs), walk in the heat, and exercise. To avoid this problem, arrange for yourself more frequent walks in the fresh air and good rest. During daytime sleep, it will be useful to put your feet on a small hill. Alternative medicine methods can also help relieve swelling during pregnancy (but it is strictly forbidden to use them without the permission of a doctor):

  • A decoction of dried apricots. Pour boiling water over dried apricots and leave overnight. We drink the resulting compote in the morning about 35-45 minutes before the start of the meal.
  • Diuretic herbs for swelling of the legs. Decoctions from lingonberry or bearberry leaves, bear ears, kidney fees, hawthorn berries and flowers, cherry stalks, and horsetail help to cope with this problem. Treatment lasts no more than a month and no more than one glass of medicine is taken in one day.

It is not recommended to resort to self-treatment of edema in the legs with the use of modern medications. The use of folk methods and other means of treatment must be agreed with the doctor. Cool foot baths can help with swelling. By doing regular light foot massage, you will make it easier for yourself to fight puffiness.

All of the above methods help to get rid of physiological swelling of the legs, which are considered the norm and appear in about 77-82% of expectant mothers. They are completely safe, do not pose a threat to the health of the child, but such puffiness must be eliminated. However, edema is not always harmless during pregnancy, so it is necessary to pay attention to them in time and take appropriate measures in a timely manner to treat them.


If after a tiring day at work or during hot weather your legs get very tired and swelling appears, a simple set of exercises shown in the video below will help you.

Swollen feet are a problem, both medical and aesthetic. If the leg of a healthy person is swollen, it is ugly and unpleasant. Feet may swell during menstruation in women, after a long flight, prolonged exposure to the sun or alcohol abuse, as a result of sleep disturbance. To relieve swelling of healthy legs, it is enough to rest for just a couple of hours.

If the legs swell and swell too often, you should take care and seek the advice of a doctor.- a symptom of a number of pathologies and a serious problem requiring medical attention.

The causes of swelling of the legs are different: allergies, injuries, vascular somatic and endocrine diseases. The infection often leads to swelling of the lower extremities: abscesses, cellulitis and some skin diseases. Only a doctor after a comprehensive diagnosis will be able to determine the etiological factor of the pathology in each case.

Ankle swelling can be unilateral or bilateral. Swelling of two limbs is a sign of a developed pathology that needs to be treated. If only the right or left leg swells, there is most likely an injury or local lesion.

Heart Disease Causes Swollen Legs

Leg swelling due to heart failure

manifestations of severe heart failure

Treatment of venous diseases of the legs is complex and serious.

Renal pathology

Kidney disease is also the cause of swollen feet. Inflamed kidneys can not cope with excess fluid, and edema is formed. They are localized on the face around the eyes and gradually spread down to different parts of the body. The pathognomonic symptom of kidney pathology is due to edema. The cause of fluid retention in the body is the lack of albumin protein, which is excreted along with urine. Renal edema is mobile; when squeezed, they can move. Outwardly, the edematous area is slightly paler than the surrounding skin areas.

  1. Nephrotic edema caused by an abnormal ratio of proteins in the blood. They are accompanied by swelling of the face, lower back and are dense.
  2. Nephritic edema associated with circulatory disorders in the kidneys. They are localized on the face, feet, are soft and develop with glomerulonephritis.

Edema is always accompanied by other symptoms of the disease: oliguria, pain in the lumbar region, characteristic changes in the urine. With the improvement of kidney function after the treatment, edema quickly disappears.

For the treatment of renal edema, patients are prescribed diuretic drugs "Lasix", "Veroshpiron", "Mannitol", etiotropic drugs - antibiotics and NSAIDs, diet therapy, the introduction of saline solutions.


Severe thyroid dysfunction is often manifested by swelling of the legs. Hypothyroidism produces little thyroid hormone. In patients, the leg swells around the ankle. When pressing on the swollen place, there is no hole left. This is a characteristic sign of edema in the defeat of the thyroid gland.

Myxedema occurs with significant damage to the thyroid gland. At the same time, almost all tissues of the body swell. The skin in the area of ​​edema becomes rough, scaly and yellowish. Patients have increased body weight. Edema is well expressed on the face, which becomes mask-like: puffy and inanimate. The general condition of patients worsens: hair, eyebrows and eyelashes fall out, nails break and exfoliate. With myxedema, the skin, muscles, ligaments, nerves, and even internal organs swell. Treatment of the disease consists in the additional administration of thyroid hormones.


Injuries are one of the common causes of swollen feet. If the leg is swollen after a fall, the nature and result of the injury should be clarified.

Swelling, increasing pain, hematoma, dysfunction and unnatural position of the limb are signs of a fracture. With a bruise, there is swelling of the injured area and gradually subsiding pain. A hematoma forms a couple of days after the injury. Swelling prevents full movement of the injured leg.

Traumatic swelling of the foot can be determined visually: it swells and increases significantly in size. The toes become swollen, the skin becomes cyanotic. Patients have a feeling of heaviness in the legs, discomfort, pain.


Allergic reactions develop to certain medications, insect bites, and food. One of the manifestations of allergies is local swelling of the legs. To get rid of it, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen: stop taking medications or eliminate other sources of irritation.

Allergic swelling of the legs is a pathological condition, also called allergic arthritis. This is a clinical sign of Quincke's edema or other allergic reaction, as well as any articular pathology.

Symptoms of allergic edema: swelling of the limb, redness of the skin, a small rash and severe itching. Pain syndrome is another clinical sign of pathology. The pain intensifies after a long stay in an uncomfortable position, physical activity, weight lifting. In severe cases, swelling can spread to surrounding tissues and internal organs. Such changes are quite serious and can lead to fainting and even death.

Puffiness of the extremities is caused by hormones, antidepressants, steroids, beta-blockers and other antihypertensive drugs.

Liver disease

edema due to portal hypertension

Cirrhosis or liver cancer leads to liver cell death and organ dysfunction. Metabolism is disturbed in the body, fluid is retained in the body. Affected hepatocytes cease to fully produce albumin protein, blood stagnates in the systemic circulation, and ascites develops. With cirrhosis, connective tissue fibers prevent the outflow of venous blood, it stagnates in the veins on the legs, which is manifested by edema. In patients, the skin turns yellow, the chest enlarges, the palms turn red and breathing becomes difficult.

As a result of compression, the legs also swell. manifested by swelling of the ankles and the anterior abdominal wall, as well as hepatosplenomegaly.


Gout is a common cause of swollen feet. Metabolism is disturbed in the body, and salts of uric acid salts accumulate and settle in the joint bag. Urate enters the body with food: from meat, mushrooms, herring. Their deposition leads to redness and swelling of the joint. Patients suddenly have paroxysmal pain in the joints, they turn red and swell. Patients complain that their legs are “on fire”. Gout usually affects large joints in the legs. Therapeutic measures for gout are aimed at relieving inflammation and eliminating swelling and pain.

  • Limit alcohol intake and diet
  • Cover the affected joint with ice and wrap in a dry cloth,
  • Drink a lot,
  • Ensure complete rest of the inflamed limb,
  • Keep your leg elevated
  • Take drugs from the NSAID group - Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Diclofenac,
  • Apply topical ointment "Fulflex".


The cause of lymphatic edema of the legs is impaired lymphatic drainage, leading to the accumulation of lymph in the tissues. Primary develops from birth and is due to congenital predisposition. Secondary pathology occurs as a result of excessive loads on the legs, excessive fluid intake into the body, metabolic disorders.

manifestations of lymphostasis by stages

In the first stage of the disease, swelling in the legs occurs periodically, usually in the late afternoon and disappears after waking up. At the second stage, there is pain, fatigue of the legs, convulsions are possible. The third stage of the disease is irreversible. The limb stops functioning. elephantiasis develops. Symptoms accompanying swelling in lymphostasis: weakness and fatigue, headaches, white coating on the tongue, inability to concentrate, arthralgia.

The treatment of lymphostasis is complex, including the mechanical disposal of the lymphatic system from excess lymph and drug therapy. Patients are advised to keep the sore leg in an elevated position, prescribe manual lymphatic drainage massage or hardware pneumocompression, as well as the use of special bandaging - bandaging. Drug treatment consists in the use of drugs: Detralex, Troxerutin, Troxevasin, Lymphomiazot, Wobenzym.


Causes of swelling of the legs: fasting, frequent fasting days, protein-free mono-diets, cachexia, vegetarianism. Due to protein deficiency in the body, fluid is retained in the tissues and the legs swell. To cope with swelling of the legs, it is necessary to normalize nutrition. To do this, you should visit a nutritionist who will help you properly adjust your diet and individually calculate calories, as well as the optimal ratio of essential nutrients.

With swelling of the legs, you should not independently look for the causes and eliminate them. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will identify and cure the underlying disease. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis after examining the patient and obtaining test results. Self-medication often leads to serious consequences and even death.

Are feet swollen normally?

  1. Drinking too much fluid leads to swollen feet in healthy people. These swellings are safe. They disappear without a trace after a while. You can speed up this process by taking a diuretic, best of all a harmless rosehip broth.
  2. Running, walking and other excessive exercise often results in swelling of the legs, which quickly disappears after a short rest.
  3. Excess weight also leads to the appearance of a similar problem, which will help get rid of proper nutrition and physical education.
  4. In pregnant women, swelling of the legs is not uncommon. Changes in the hormonal background and the characteristics of blood circulation are the main causes of edema in the legs.
  5. Legs swell in women before or during menstruation. During this period, fluid is retained in the body. Edema disappears on its own immediately after menstruation.
  6. Uncomfortable, narrow shoes with high heels, as well as a long, uncomfortable body position lead to increased pressure in the veins, their dysfunction and swelling of the legs.

Alternative treatment at home

Sprained your leg, it is swollen and you don't know what to do? You can try to relieve swelling at home using traditional medicine recipes.

With swelling of the legs, regular gymnastics and light foot massage will help to cope. It is useful from time to time to raise the legs to a vertical position for 10 minutes. The daily use of such measures is really effective for non-starting edema, and at the same time, it will alleviate the condition at any stage.

If gout is the cause of swollen feet, use an iodine-based solution to rub the affected joints or take foot baths with this remedy. Iodine disinfects open wounds and penetrates deep into tissues, reducing the symptoms of internal inflammation.

You can use diuretic phytotherapeutic agents for swelling of the legs after consulting a doctor: infusion of birch leaves, parsley, kidney tea.

You should immediately consult a doctor if:

  1. Acute pain in the chest appeared along with swelling of the legs and does not go away,
  2. Legs hurt and keep swelling
  3. History of heart, liver, or kidney disease
  4. Leg suddenly swollen and reddened,
  5. The body temperature has risen
  6. You are pregnant,
  7. The edema does not go away after taking any measures, but becomes larger.

The main task of specialists is to identify the cause of swelling of the legs and the correct treatment.

Video: swelling of the legs - the program "Live healthy"

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