Sea buckthorn suppositories are an effective remedy for hemorrhoids at all stages. Candles with sea buckthorn from hemorrhoids and in gynecology

Sea buckthorn suppositories for constipation help well with prolonged absence of stools. They are rendered and harmless to babies when used properly. Prolonged constipation causes not only discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen, but also headaches, irritability, skin rashes and sleep disturbances. Sea buckthorn suppositories for constipation have a good result in chronic diseases.

At the beginning of treatment, you need to determine the cause of constipation, and only then decide on the drug.

Indications for use

Patients use sea buckthorn suppositories for diseases or complaints in the field of proctology. This drug has a wide spectrum of action. Sea buckthorn suppositories are used for pain that manifests itself during emptying, hemorrhoids, radiation injuries, as well as cracks and ulcers of the rectum. Suppositories perfectly help in restoring the body, improve separative processes, and heal affected tissues.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various drugs. To improve bowel function after taking the drugs, you need every day drink a simple remedy ...

Dosage and administration

Sea buckthorn suppositories for constipation are prescribed 1 suppository per day, in the morning after a meal.

In a longer process and complex cases, the dose is increased to 2 capsules.

For kids

Constipation in young children is a common problem. Improper nutrition, the transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding, high fever, psycho-emotional stress - all these factors can affect the fact that a child cannot go to the toilet for a long time.

Sea buckthorn suppositories for constipation help to free the intestines from accumulated feces. The children's dose for the use of suppositories is not indicated anywhere. With a child, you can take a whole candle.

Up to 2 years, the candle should be divided into two or three parts. For newborn babies, ¼ of a candle will suffice.

It is a well-known fact that sea buckthorn suppositories are used when small wounds appear, they have a healing effect and neutralize the inflammatory process. Therefore, if a child has redness in the anus, this is not an adverse reaction to the drug, but something completely different.

This drug is an inexpensive, effective and safe way to eliminate constipation. It is important to remember that a more serious illness or pathology may be the cause of the prolonged absence of stools. Therefore, with frequent violations of the normal act of defecation, it is necessary to undergo an examination of the whole organism.


Contraindications exist only for those who are allergic to sea buckthorn. Do not use this drug for diarrhea. It is worth interrupting the course of treatment if side effects or a skin rash begin to appear. Before you start taking sea buckthorn suppositories, you need to consult a doctor.

How sea buckthorn suppositories work for constipation

Sea buckthorn suppositories always come with an instruction that contains a brief description of the use of suppositories during the treatment of hemorrhoids. Then, when sea buckthorn suppositories are used as a drug for hemorrhoids, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Before using the suppository, wash the anus and wash your hands.
  2. Lie on your side and insert the candle as deep as possible.
  3. Lie down for at least 20 minutes.

With the constant repetition of bowel problems, you need to put candles for about 10 days. But it should be understood that such treatment will only relieve symptoms and cannot guarantee that in the future there will be no problems with defecation and its failures.

From allergies or sensitivity to the action of sea buckthorn, after applying the candle, itching and burning will be felt.

This situation may not happen again if you use other drugs for constipation. Since sometimes when a suppository is inserted into the rectum there are slight tingling sensations, this should not be feared, this is within the normal range.

Video about the benefits of sea buckthorn oil:

When you begin treatment with sea buckthorn suppositories, it is important to remember that suppositories tend to smear clothes. After inserting a candle, it is not uncommon for underwear and bedding to have orange-colored stains that are difficult to wash off. Therefore, when treating with candles, it is advised to wear simple underwear and use pads.

Sea buckthorn suppositories during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there are occasional episodes of constipation that cannot be relieved with most common laxatives.

With a long absence of stool, doctors advise women to use suppositories during pregnancy, and suppositories with sea buckthorn are included in the list of approved drugs.

Sea buckthorn suppositories for constipation in pregnant women act only at the local level, most of the components of the drug do not enter the bloodstream. The natural-based drug has a mild effect and allows a woman to quickly empty the intestines.

Medicinal plants for treatment, used not only by healers and healers, official medicine also recognizes sea buckthorn candles as a worthy example.

Suppositories containing sea buckthorn are used both in gynecology and proctology. Candles with sea buckthorn oil have a stimulating effect on reparative processes in the mucous membranes of the intestines and vagina. The herbal component of suppositories that are soft in action and convenient in form help the body activate regenerative processes, accelerate healing.

Sea buckthorn candles: instructions for use (official)

Description of the drug

Sea buckthorn candles visually resemble small dense orange torpedoes with a greasy sheen and a faint specific aroma. The active substance of the drug (oil extracted from sea buckthorn) gives the suppositories a bright sunny color, thanks to which they are so fatty. Preservation of the shape of candles provides petroleum jelly.

Like all suppositories, vaginal sea buckthorn suppositories and rectal suppositories melt under the influence of the temperature of the human body and interact with the mucosa in this form. A certain amount of oil and petroleum jelly may end up on linen, so the instruction recommends using sea buckthorn candles with sanitary pads.

Store the package with the drug in the refrigerator. It is a cardboard box with opaque blisters, in individual cells of which there are torpedo candles. Torpedoes are removed from the cells only before use. If the candles have been frozen or exposed to high temperatures, stored at room temperature, especially during a hot period, their use is not recommended. This drug is over-the-counter, but this does not mean that self-medication with their use is permissible. Like any substance, even of natural origin, sea buckthorn candles have contraindications.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn suppositories are useful during pregnancy, in childhood and adult patients. Their uniqueness and versatility is explained by the composition of the most active substance - oil, where there are many triterpene, polyunsaturated fatty acids and organic acids that activate healing processes. Sea buckthorn is rich in vitamins, first of all, it is vitamin E (tocopherol), retinol, vitamin C and phylloquinone, as well. Contained in sea buckthorn oil are amino acids and tannins, flavonoids and phytoncides. Thanks to such a rich composition, sea buckthorn suppositories are able to nourish, heal and restore damaged tissues quite successfully.

Indications and contraindications for use

Sea buckthorn suppositories are described as an effective remedy for erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the vagina and rectum, as well as mechanical damage and cracks. Gynecologists recommend such candles:

  • with endocervicitis;
  • erosive lesions of the cervical canal;
  • colpitis.

In proctology, sea buckthorn suppositories are most often used for hemorrhoids. In addition, proctologists can prescribe this drug:

  1. With radiation injury.
  2. Sphincteritis.
  3. Pain during bowel movements.
  4. Various forms of proctitis.

Many women during pregnancy suffer from such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids. The situation is aggravated by the fact that almost all remedies for this disease cannot be used in the gestational period. with sea buckthorn oil are an exception. Sea buckthorn candles from pregnancy are allowed, effective, and according to some patients, even in severe stages of the disease.

Sea buckthorn suppositories instructions for use categorically do not recommend administering if you are allergic to sea buckthorn oil or excipients of suppositories. Do not use this drug for diarrhea (diarrhea), hepatitis. But since the oil begins to be absorbed directly in the affected area, it can be used in the form of suppositories for certain liver diseases in consultation with the attending physician.

The advantage of the tool is considered to be a fairly quick effect. Relief occurs within the first half hour after the introduction of the candle.

Rules for taking the drug

Candles with sea buckthorn oil instructions for use recommends inserting deep into the anus (1-2 times a day) or into the vagina once at night, after hygiene procedures. It is not recommended to get up after this in order to minimize the leakage of the product. Sea buckthorn vaginal suppositories are administered after emptying the bladder, while rectal suppositories should be administered after defecation.

The medicine helps well in healing not only mechanical injuries, but also in the recovery period after surgery.

Candles for hemorrhoids with sea buckthorn oil are administered within 2 weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated, taking a break for only a month.

For adults, suppositories are administered rectally twice a day, for children under 6 years of age only once, and for babies from 6 to 14 years old, 1 to 2 times a day.

Sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids can reduce tissue swelling, they make the act of defecation less painful, prevent tissue injury when feces exit, cope well with anal fissures, and nourish damaged tissues.

Sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids are presented as a remedy that helps get rid of itching and other inflammation. This is one of the most effective and safe means.

Sea buckthorn suppositories are especially good for hemorrhoids in the early stages of the development of the disease, when you can do without antiplatelet agents and hemostatic drugs.

If there is discomfort during their administration, a burning sensation, pain or other unpleasant sensations, the use of the product should be discontinued.

The cost of the drug

For sea buckthorn suppositories, the price depends on the number of suppositories in the package. Most often they are packed in packs of 10, but there are references to packs of 3. and 30 pcs. Also, the price of sea buckthorn candles depends on the pharmacy chain. Sea buckthorn oil is one of the most economical and effective herbal medicines.

The declared cost of this tool is from 36 rubles to 108 rubles. Candles sea buckthorn price 106 rubles in the amount of 10 pcs. offer pharmacy chains - suppositories of domestic production of the Nizhpharm company. Sea buckthorn candles for hemorrhoids at a price of 76 rubles for 10 pcs. the same manufacturer can be found in any online pharmacy. You can find candles with sea buckthorn oil at a price of 47 to 55 rubles - suppositories of 500 mg No. 10 produced by Farmaprim.

Summary of Reviews

Sea buckthorn candles reviews are mostly positive. Patients don't like just three things. Firstly, these are greasy orange stains, which, if they get on linen, are very difficult to remove. Secondly, the packaging, from which it is difficult to remove the candle without damaging it, usually, you need to resort to the help of scissors. Almost all domestic products produced in the form of suppositories sin with this. Thirdly, the presence of preservatives in the composition of the medication, which is the most serious drawback of sea buckthorn suppositories as a pharmaceutical product, but, unfortunately, preservatives cannot be dispensed with. The oil itself has a very short shelf life, even under all conditions.

Sea buckthorn candles for hemorrhoids get very good reviews, in many cases their effectiveness is compared with advertised remedies. Some patients prefer sea buckthorn, and not the most popular suppositories. This drug is very pleasing to women “in position” and mothers after childbirth, who get acquainted with many ailments precisely in the process of bearing a baby or immediately at birth.

Sea buckthorn suppositories from hemorrhoids during pregnancy are famous for their reviews. Sea buckthorn oil is available both in liquid form and in capsules. It is applied both externally and actively used orally. In all cases, sea buckthorn has proven to be an effective "restorer" of damaged tissues. Sea buckthorn candle oil for hemorrhoids has positive reviews, but not only for hemorrhoids or anal fissures, sea buckthorn gives a good result. He is praised by parents who were forced to use this drug for children under 6 years old and women who have suffered from erosion for many years.

Video: Sea buckthorn oil and its beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn have been known for a very long time.

According to the instructions for use, sea buckthorn candles are used to treat many diseases that are associated with inflammatory processes. It is worth noting that sea buckthorn is recommended not only by traditional medicine, but is also widely used by qualified doctors.

The greatest benefit comes from the seed of the plant from which the oil is extracted. This remedy effectively heals wounds, relieves inflammation and helps in the treatment of many ailments, including diseases of the stomach, joints, respiratory tract and genital organs. Sea buckthorn is especially useful for women, because the oil is widely used to treat problems in the field of gynecology.

Often, doctors prescribe drugs with sea buckthorn oil for burns and mucosal lesions. This remedy can quickly soothe pain and speed up the healing process of complex wounds. Candles with sea buckthorn oil are also very popular. They are often prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids and diseases of the genital organs in women. Moreover, sea buckthorn is high in antioxidants and vitamins, so it can cleanse and strengthen the body.

Often, candles are made from sea buckthorn, which have a torpedo shape, they are very convenient to use. They can be distinguished by their orange color and characteristic aroma. Due to the fact that the suppositories consist of sea buckthorn oil, they are quite fatty, however, due to the auxiliary components, the preparation acquires a certain hardness. Thus, sea buckthorn suppositories are very convenient to use, while they dissolve easily inside the body.

Features of sea buckthorn candles

When using sea buckthorn oil in the form of candles, you must be very careful, as they tend to dissolve quickly, and then they can flow out, leaving marks on clothes and bedding. At the same time, prints are visible very well, since their color is orange. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to use pads during the application of candles.

Preparations containing sea buckthorn are allowed for free sale, so they can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy. In boxes, as a rule, from 3 to 20 suppositories are packaged for rectal use. Each candle is individually packaged. Despite the fact that sea buckthorn candles can be easily purchased at any pharmacy, you should not use it without first consulting a specialist.

Candles from sea buckthorn can be purchased in two versions, namely, in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories. The former are necessary for the treatment of erosion, colpitis, inflammatory processes in the genital organs, as well as endocervicitis. The positive effect is due to the fact that candles quickly soothe pain, inflammation and improve skin regeneration.

As for sea buckthorn suppositories from hemorrhoids, they are able to eliminate ulcers and cracks in the rectum. In addition, the drugs are useful for painful bowel cleansing, sphincteritis, proctitis and radiation injury. Sea buckthorn suppositories make it possible to accelerate the healing processes of the mucous membrane and skin, so they have a beneficial effect on the surface of the rectum.

Pharmacological effect

The main purpose of the suppository components is to stimulate immune cells, while active penetration of cells into the center of the inflammatory area occurs. The consequence of this is a decrease in skin inflammation, pain, removal of swelling and itching. Due to the active effect of the components of sea buckthorn suppositories, the level of histamine decreases, which leads to vasoconstriction, and, as a result, their permeability and vulnerability decrease.

Sea buckthorn suppositories have a strong antibacterial effect, but the effect is local. As a result, active substances can successfully fight against staphylococcus aureus, salmonella and E. coli. This also applies to suppositories for vaginal and rectal use.

Sea buckthorn suppositories in the field of gynecology

For the treatment of female diseases, suppositories based on sea buckthorn oil are often prescribed. Their effectiveness has been proven by many years of use, so doctors often advise suppositories for gynecological ailments associated with inflammation. At the same time, both rectal and vaginal remedies can be used to treat female diseases.

According to the instructions, sea buckthorn suppositories are effective due to the fact that they are able to quickly heal wounds on the skin and mucous membranes, moisturize the vagina and cervix. In addition, suppositories quickly relieve pain caused by a gynecological problem. Often, such drugs are used to recover from surgery, for example, after cauterization of erosion. Sea buckthorn oil prevents inflammation and promotes rapid wound healing.

Candles based on sea buckthorn oil are sometimes recommended as contraceptives. Their effectiveness cannot be called one hundred percent, but in some cases they cope well with the role of emergency contraception.

When using sea buckthorn suppositories in gynecology, first of all, a thorough cleaning of the place where the drug will be used is carried out. Douching with warm water works well for this. Sometimes doctors recommend decoctions of medicinal herbs, which gives an even greater therapeutic effect. After the cleaning is done, you need to lie on your back and remove the candle from the shell. You need to enter the suppository quickly, as it melts quickly. The suppository should be placed deep in the vagina.

In most cases, the use of candles based on sea buckthorn oil is prescribed for 10 days. This course will be quite enough to completely get rid of inflammation or heal a wound. According to reviews, sea buckthorn candles are best administered at bedtime, and use a pad at night.

Despite the effectiveness of such drugs, they have a gentle effect on the body. Due to local effects, sea buckthorn suppositories are allowed to be used even by pregnant women. In this case, the effectiveness of the drug becomes noticeable immediately. The pain goes away quickly along with the discomfort caused by the inflammation.

Candles based on sea buckthorn for the treatment of hemorrhoids

If the patient suffers from hemorrhoids, he may be prescribed special suppositories for rectal use. According to reviews, sea buckthorn suppositories from hemorrhoids have a quick effect and relieve discomfort within half an hour after administration. It is necessary to use rectal suppositories after cleaning the intestines. It is best to carry out this procedure at night and leave candles until morning.

The location of the drug should be deep enough so that after dissolution the agent does not leak out and has a positive effect for a long time. The course of treatment with candles with sea buckthorn from hemorrhoids is 10 days. During this time, the patient completely gets rid of redness, itching, swelling and other negative manifestations that are associated with hemorrhoids.

Contraindications and storage

Candles with sea buckthorn have a high level of effectiveness, but at the same time they are quite safe and have practically no contraindications. They can be used even by pregnant women and nursing mothers, since the drug does not have any effect on the fetus and milk.

It is worth noting that the benefits and harms of sea buckthorn depend on the individual tolerance of the components. For example, it is worth refusing to use candles for diarrhea, as during this period they will not be effective.

Among the side effects, only a burning sensation in the rectum or vagina can be noted. However, this effect does not occur in every patient. Cases of overdose of suppositories with sea buckthorn oil have not been identified.

For suppositories based on sea buckthorn oil to be effective, candles must be stored properly, as they deteriorate quickly. The thing is that such preparations based on sea buckthorn have a low melting point. Therefore, if you just leave them in the room, they will simply melt and spread over their shell. As a result, it will be impossible to remove the candle if you do not freeze it.



  • can be used during pregnancy and lactation.


  • don't help

I tried sea buckthorn suppositories to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth. Since this tool could be used during breastfeeding, I didn’t think about any more candles. The cost is also quite acceptable - 72 rubles for 10 pieces in a package.

I was treated with them for 14 days, put one candle in the anus 2-3 times a day. But there was no effect. Moreover, the candles simply spread if I go to the toilet, or on the bed while sleeping. And they left orange stains because the candles are orange.

Maybe they help someone, but in the mildest cases. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Approved for use by children.

Attention! Before using medicines, consult a specialist!



  • Does not help
  • leaving yellow marks

After giving birth, I suddenly discovered a problem in myself, which I’m even ashamed to talk about, but what can I do. I thought that this trouble would bypass me, but the miracle did not happen.

I had a caesarean section, after which I was given antibiotics for five days. As a result, I developed dysbacteriosis, although I took pills to normalize bowel functions. There was a terrible liquid stool at first, which was replaced by a thick stool, that is, constipation began. And after about three weeks of this condition, I got hemorrhoids, and bleeding. Before that, I didn’t even know what it was and what it looked like. I thought that if they did a caesarean section, then this problem would not exist, because here you don’t strain and don’t push hard.

To get rid of the trouble, I began to search the Internet for ways to solve this problem. And I read about the miraculous effect of candles with sea buckthorn oil. Candles were supposed to save me from hemorrhoids, anal fissures.

I bought candles in a regular pharmacy. Their cost is approximately 45 rubles. I introduced a candle into the anus in the morning and in the evening after a shower. Then I lay for about 30 minutes so that the candle would not leak out. Of course, it flowed out later and the yellow stains from it were difficult to remove from clothes.

Used the drug for a week. There was no result. Candles did not cure hemorrhoids, they did not save me from anal fissure, they also do not remove pain.

Why they are used for a problem with hemorrhoids, I did not understand. Since then, I don’t use these candles with sea buckthorn oil anymore.


  • not effective
  • stains clothes
  • melt in the hands

Faced such a delicate problem, but not everyone can use during pregnancy. Previously, I used only imported products (candles, ointments), and after such a useless purchase I decided that I would never buy domestic ones again.

Plus, I can only mention one- price (about 100 rubles), everything else - solid cons. Most importantly - DOES NOT HELP. Store only in the refrigerator. I tried to use them for exactly 2 days, but besides the fact that I got smeared myself, I also ruined the linen. It is even impossible to imagine that you can light a candle and go outside. The smell is unpleasant. Sheer torment. After suffering and not experiencing relief, she threw it away without regret and again went to the pharmacy for an already proven remedy.


  • cheap
  • possible with gv
  • natural composition
  • price


  • may cause irritation
  • does not immediately relieve acute pain
  • not effective
  • stains clothes

My review is based on my experience only!

The problem with the fifth point arose after childbirth, approximately immediately after discharge. The bump came out and the nightmare began. I went to the toilet with "glasses" and sobbed there sobbing.

They advised candles "Sea buckthorn oil" from Nizhpharm. Bought it and tried it right away.

The package contains 10 candles of orange color, without any smell. Easy to insert, you don't feel any discomfort after insertion.

But there is one but. They leak and stain the linen beyond recognition. They don't wash off. Even with daily pads, everything gets dirty. Wear something you don't mind throwing away

The effect of a candle on me would not be curative, unfortunately. After 20 minutes, a hurricane immediately began in my intestines and everything that was in it came out with the same wild pain and "glasses"!

She also earned an internal crack, which then hurt like hell for several more months! These candles didn't work for me. Their price is cheap, you can buy at any pharmacy.

Neutral Feedback

Attention! Before using medicines, consult a specialist!


  • compound
  • relieves pain and discomfort from the first application


  • stains clothes, so I used dailies all the time

I recently faced the problem of hemorrhoids, although I am 25, I have no children, apparently sedentary work and a decrease in mobility have recently affected. At first, I panicked in general, ran to the doctor, but the surgeon gives directions to the proctologist, the queue is weeks ahead of him, when the date of admission eventually came up, they simply gave a referral for an examination, which is another 1.5 weeks to wait, but to endure pain and I didn’t want discomfort, so I studied the Internet and self-medicated.


Personally, I had to use all 15 days (a course of 10 to 15 days), the result (decrease in nodes) is rather slow, but true, but the discomfort goes away immediately, a week (approximately) after the end of the intake, everything finally became fine, all inflammations disappeared . I recommend the drug, but do not expect everything to pass without a trace in 3 days =)

Candles with sea buckthorn oil helped well with the appearance of hemorrhoids, and I had it after childbirth. I had stitches, so I had a fear of emptying the intestines, the stitches could disperse, and it was forbidden to sit down for two weeks. This is how I got this problem. Candles are allowed during lactation, so I bought these candles at the pharmacy.

Suppositories are indicated for use in anal fissures, hemorrhoids. They are produced in a convenient contour package, which is easy to open and remove the candle. They must be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise the candles will melt, and they will not work.

These candles effectively treat internal hemorrhoids, reduce pain, but they also have disadvantages. Candles are orange, and they stain the laundry, and it is impossible to wash the laundry stained with them. Therefore, this is the only significant minus that I noted from them. And they are very cheap, up to 80 rubles. The main thing is that they really eliminate the signs of hemorrhoids. After I stopped breastfeeding, I began to look for candles that were more suitable for me. The main thing is to treat everything on time in order to quickly get rid of the painful and not so pleasant symptoms of this disease.


  • effective
  • ease of use
  • natural composition
  • relieves pain immediately
  • price


  • can stain clothes
  • melt in the hands

Every third, probably, a person faced such a problem as hemorrhoids in his life. Itching, pain, burning near the anus, and possibly even blood - all these are signs of hemorrhoids. A very unpleasant disease.

A person can feel that a lump has formed in the anal canal, and it can be of different sizes. In such situations, I recommend candles with sea buckthorn oil. For example, the company Nizhpharm.

The price is affordable - within 23 UAH. Candles are easy to use, it is convenient to open them, there is a special incision, you open the candle, thanks to its smooth structure, you quickly get it. Also easy to insert. Inflammation is removed literally immediately, and hemorrhoids are fought for several applications. Most of the time you won't need the whole package.

There is, unfortunately, a minus, since they are sea buckthorn, they have a characteristic yellow color, the substance remains on the hands. They can also stain laundry.

At the same time, sea buckthorn suppositories do not cause discomfort, irritation, itching, burning, and do not have a laxative effect.

The main thing is their effectiveness, so I still recommend them.


  • possible with gv
  • price


  • can stain clothes
  • very hard to open
  • melt in the hands

After giving birth, I faced such a problem as a fissure, a hemorrhoid, and everything to that - constipation. It was not possible to get to the doctor, therefore, on the advice of knowledgeable people, I decided to try candles with sea buckthorn. There are enough of them in the pharmacy to choose from. I decided to stop on candles from Nizhpharm. Their price varies about 100 rubles (I bought for 90). There are also cheaper candles. In appearance, they are torpedo-shaped, like many candles, orange in color with a specific smell. If you open a candle, you must apply it as quickly as possible, as it begins to melt before your eyes. As a result, we store them only in the refrigerator. I used it at night, as the candle has the ability to flow out and stain the laundry. But if you don’t have the opportunity to put it on overnight, then after inserting it, just lie down for 30 minutes, let it melt. I used suppositories together with D-Panthenol ointment.

Important! Put candles after a bowel movement. I felt relief already on the second third day after use. In general, do not start this and immediately run to the proctologist, the sooner the better! Heal and be healthy!)))


  • Effect
  • high content of sea buckthorn oil concentrate
  • affordable price


  • preservatives in the composition

It so happened that recently I had to try a lot of sea buckthorn candles from different manufacturers. To try - not in the sense - "to taste"))). And in the sense of how they are supposed to be used according to the instructions)

I took Monfarmovsky, Lekkhimovsky, and Nizhfarmovsky - the subject of my review. The package contains 2 blisters of 5 pieces, traditionally.

They open more or less normally. It is very difficult to open Lekkhimovsky ones without a cutting object, Monfarmovsky ones are easy, and these ones are somewhere in the middle.

In this review, conducting a comparative description of sea buckthorn candles from three manufacturers, I want to say the following.

Suppositories from "Monfarm" contain 0.3 g of sea buckthorn oil concentrate - they have a bright orange saturated color; excipient - solid fat;

Suppositories from Lekhim contain 0.35 g of sea buckthorn oil concentrate (carotenoids at least 300 mg%); almost the same color and the same excipient;

But suppositories from Nizhpharm contain 0.5 g of sea buckthorn oil concentrate (in terms of beta-carotene - at least 240 mg%), a darker color, a matte surface and a whole list of excipients - antioxidants and preservatives E320, E321; solid fat and glycerin.

If in terms of efficiency, then all three options seemed to me approximately the same - if in terms of convenience, then Lekhim candles are clearly losing (difficult to open), if in terms of price, then the cheapest Monfarm.

In general, I made a choice for myself. All health!

Positive reviews

In my previous reviews, I touched on the problem of constipation in my little daughter, who is not yet 2 years old. Often babies suffer from constipation, but it's one thing when this problem disappears over time, and another thing when it disappears, it suddenly comes back again.

Remember hot days in July? Children run around naked in the country, they are hot, but you can’t force them to drink. That's why I think we're having problems again. My daughter ran quietly for 3 days, and when she was already impatient, her small body could not stand it and a crack appeared. I have not encountered such problems, but people who know say that anal fissures are terrible as it hurts. Just imagine, this is a small 2-year-old miracle that cries from adult pain.

I read reviews on the Internet and decided to resort to candles Sea buckthorn oil. And - oh, a miracle! - they work wonders! After all, it got to the point that my baby simply refused to go to the toilet. When prompted, she began to cry and ran away from me when I wanted to put her on the potty. And after 5 days of taking the suppositories, she felt better and at least she stopped crying on the potty.


  • natural composition
  • price


  • stains clothes

Like most women, I was visited by such a nuisance as cracks after childbirth. At first I did not pay attention, and in the first half of the year it did not bother me so often.

And then it began more and more often, the discomfort and pain intensified. It was not possible to go to the doctor and I began to self-medicate. Yes, I know that this is not good, but after pregnancy, I realized that the best doctor is myself, because, unfortunately, what the doctors prescribe, for one reason or another, does not fit or does not help.

After reviewing the list of suggested remedies, I decided to try these candles. Why? Well, because they have good reviews, the composition is natural, reasonable price. I completed the course for 10 days. They have a pleasant smell (I love sea buckthorn). But the color that remained on the linen is not pleasant, but in principle everything was washed off. At first I used daily pads, then I switched to regular ones and the linen stopped getting dirty.

There were no side effects. Relief came on day 5. It's been about 4 months since the treatment, so far nothing bothers me.


  • effective
  • cheap
  • mild herbal remedy


  • can stain clothes

Sea buckthorn is a plant widely known for its medicinal properties. People have been treated with it since ancient times, using it as an external and internal remedy for many diseases and problems. It is the oil of this plant that has magical, healing properties - it relieves pain, relieves inflammation, stimulates the healing of wounds and ulcers, and protects against infections.

After the birth of my daughter, I started having problems going to the toilet, it turned out to be a microcrack, and so I decided to try candles with sea buckthorn oil. I bought it in a pharmacy for only 40 rubles and now they are always in my first aid kit. After 2 days from the start of the reception, I immediately felt better and the pain during bowel movements was gone. At the slightest brewing of a problem, I immediately begin to use these candles and they help a lot. The only inconvenience is that the laundry gets dirty in orange. There are no restrictions for use during pregnancy and lactation. Indications for use: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the rectum, proctitis ... Adults and children from 14 years of age are prescribed 2 suppositories per day.


  • possible with gv
  • mild herbal remedy
  • natural composition
  • price

Well, here I became the lucky one, who finally found out what it is, Hemorrhoids. Apparently the second pregnancy has made itself felt. the fetus presses and it’s worth a little pushing, like here you are. By evening, such a bump appeared, and I, not knowing where to run, remembered that a couple of sea buckthorn candles were lying around in the refrigerator. Previously, they were used for anal fissures after childbirth, but to no avail, it was necessary to apply them immediately, but I didn’t go, I suffered for a week, and then I went to the doctor. I scold myself to this day for it. At the first signs of hemorrhoids, she put a candle for the night, and waking up at 4 in the morning she found that there were no bumps, and by morning there was no trace of hemorrhoids. However, I continued my treatment. Surprisingly it helps. The main thing is cheap - only 90 r for 10 candles, and it’s safe during pregnancy, after all, sea buckthorn oil is a natural remedy. The only negative, well, everything is very dirty, from underwear, sheets to the toilet, sorry. And they must be stored strictly in the refrigerator, because they melt instantly. In general, I will now keep candles regularly at home, firstly, hemorrhoids in a woman who has given birth is a frequent occurrence, because the rectum is already sluggish, and you never know what will happen, unsuccessfully went to the toilet, immediately put a candle and all the microcracks healed. As practice has shown, sea buckthorn oil in candles works effectively only if applied immediately.

Well, for lovers of anal entertainment, I would also highly recommend these candles) because there is a healing effect, and besides, it is absolutely safe and cheap, if it goes out of date, it’s not a pity to throw it away

Sea buckthorn has long been used in folk medicine, it is very pleasant that official medicine also uses sea buckthorn in its arsenals. Ointments, creams, oils are prepared from it, added to other medicines. One of the healing properties of sea buckthorn is that it is wound healing. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures and bleeding, and so sea buckthorn oil, in the form of candles, does an excellent job with the problem. The suppositories are very soft and are inserted completely without pain. Inside, they do not cause any discomfort. Pain and noticeable improvement occurs after a few days. I am very pleased that the drug is natural, and practically does not cause side effects.

I used it for only a few days, after the relief came I stopped. sometimes helps me with constipation. Now sometimes, when discomfort appears, one candle is enough for the prevention and removal of signs of such an unpleasant disease. It can also be used by children, which indicates the safety of the medicine. It can also be used by pregnant women.


  • herbal medicine.


  • You can get dirty with sea buckthorn oil, which then does not wash well!

Good afternoon!

Today I want to talk about Nizhpharm Rectal Suppositories "Sea Buckthorn Oil". Few of us willingly go to the doctors. And even more so, many people delay visiting a proctologist for a long time! I do not want my review to be regarded as a call not to go to the doctors. On the contrary, I believe that this should be done without delay. If you have any discomfort in the rectum, a crack or painful bowel movements, these are clearly signs of serious diseases and you cannot do without a doctor. However, sometimes we set ourselves up to go to the doctor for weeks, but we want to somehow help ourselves now! It is dangerous to start using something more serious on your own! But sea buckthorn oil - it has a lot of advantages and is unlikely to harm you! Well, maybe it doesn’t really help, this also happens, since proctological diseases are very different and require complex treatment.

I really like the manufacturer NIZHFARM. And if I need some kind of ointment or suppositories, then if possible, I try to buy them from this particular manufacturer.

Why is sea buckthorn oil so good? The active ingredients that sea buckthorn is rich in, penetrating into inflamed areas, are able to have an effective effect on immune cells. As a result of this, inflammation is removed, itching is eliminated, swelling disappears and even pain sensations decrease!

I like the way NIZHFARM suppositories are packaged. There is no need to resort to scissors. It is enough to pull these tips in different directions and I can easily remove the suppository. The suppository has a characteristic beautiful orange color and a pleasant sea buckthorn aroma!

Keep these candles without fail in the refrigerator. The only drawback in these candles is that when they are introduced, linen can be stained, and sea buckthorn oil does not wash well!

Even if you have never encountered symptoms of hemorrhoids or other proctological diseases, then most likely you have had to deal with food poisoning and, as a result, intestinal upset. And the rectum is not happy with frequent defications even when everything is already behind. Now, if you have such suppositories in the refrigerator at home - they will help calm the rectum! Personally, I have resorted to the help of these suppositories many times and am ready to sing their praises. They are hypoallergenic! Approved for pregnant women. And although they are usually well tolerated, individual sensitivity should still be remembered. I believe that treatment with such candles is one of the safest ways, but no one has canceled consultations with a specialist. Be healthy!


  • The plant extract does wonders.


  • A slightly unusual smell of the drug and the laundry is not washed.

I heard a lot of good things about this plant, sea buckthorn, from my grandmother. Sea buckthorn, for example, more precisely, sea buckthorn oil cures all inflammatory processes on the skin, heals wounds, cuts, cracks and relieves swelling, eliminates pain in various diseases. True, the oil of this plant has an orange color, which is not washed off so well, sediment and smell. But, when something hurts, it doesn’t matter how the medicine looks, what it smells like, the main thing is that it brings relief. When I found out that I had secondary hemorrhoids, I had already had this disease before, I immediately went to the pharmacy and bought candles with sea buckthorn oil. Well, they are not expensive, this time, secondly, they quickly help, and thirdly, this is a drug based on a natural plant. A couple of weeks passed and I didn’t seem to be sick at all, there wasn’t even a hint of pain, it was comfortable, without any manifestations. Cracks and wounds in the causal place healed quite quickly, and sea buckthorn candles helped me in this. Before that, I bought very expensive products, but the effect was not long.


  • no contraindications
  • gentle and effective effect


  • in this case they are not.

By the way, sea buckthorn suppositories are used not only for hemorrhoids, they are no less effective in gynecology. But, in this review we will focus on the use in proctology. When I developed health problems from a sedentary lifestyle, including the initial signs of the above disease, I decided to buy this particular version of healing candles, which are so safe that they are indicated even during pregnancy, during the period of feeding a baby. They should be used before going to bed, which is quite understandable.

Since my disease was not too advanced, therefore, after 4 days, all the symptoms of the disease were gone. So I didn’t think to use any other means additionally, although the instructions say that an integrated approach is the best way out. In general, the sooner you start treatment, the sooner the sore will go away.

One of the common diseases in men and women is an increase in hemorrhoids that form on the veins of the rectum, in which the nodes move down, and even fall out.

The dysfunction consists in an increase in the flow of arterial blood in the rectum, with a significant decrease in the outflow of blood through the cavernous veins. In this regard, damaged veins fill with blood, stretch and cause a painful condition.

All this delivers tremendous discomfort to the patient, and therefore it is necessary to start treating hemorrhoids in the early stages, when the symptoms have just made themselves felt and not wait for their bleeding.

Doctors do not know the exact cause of the disease, however, heredity and a sedentary lifestyle are considered the most likely.

Factors that provoke hemorrhoids include chronic diarrhea, bowel problems (constipation), poor nutrition, smoking and alcohol abuse.

Stages of the disease

There are four stages in the development of hemorrhoids:

  1. At the first stage(initial) disease causes slight itching and few noticed. When the vein fills with blood and a nodule appears, a sharp pain begins to appear, which cannot be relieved by anything. This is the first degree of the disease. Painkillers or ointments are powerless here. Neither warming baths in the anal area, nor enemas with healing solutions will help. Nodes can be internal or external, mixed hemorrhoids are also observed, in which both internal and external nodes are formed.
  2. Second stage the disease is more complicated, because the nodes can fall out of the anus during bowel movements. But they can still be set inside on their own, while the condition is greatly facilitated, but not for long.
  3. Third stage hemorrhoids - this is when the nodes already fall out involuntarily with minimal physical exertion. They are already greatly enlarged. But they can still be refueled inside.
  4. Fourth stage the disease is characterized by constant loss of nodes from the anus, while it is impossible to set them. They can bleed heavily, thrombosis begins. The knots that have fallen out can be infringed, causing severe pain, there is a strong swelling of the rectum. In this case, the urgent help of a proctologist is necessary.

Properties of sea buckthorn oil

Our ancestors have long noticed that a tree like sea buckthorn has fruits that are beneficial to humans.

Northern olive is also called sea buckthorn because of the high content of various types of oils in its berries. The combination of several substances in optimal proportion and concentration contributes to the unique composition of the oil.

It has regenerative properties, restores the internal and external tissues (skin) of the body.

Among the medicinal substances:

  • carotene;
  • carotenodes;
  • tocopherols;
  • linoleic and palmitic acids.

The composition of sea buckthorn oil includes a huge amount of basic, metabolism-stabilizing vitamins - A, E, groups B and C, as well as the most important trace elements - Mg, Mn, Fe, Ni, Si, Ca, K.

Organic acids, phytoncides, tannins are very important. The yellow-orange color of the berries is given by a group of carotenoids. More than in sea buckthorn oil, they are not found in any other oil.

The oil is also rich in vitamin C - the main vitamin, without which there can be no full-fledged synthesis and metabolism.

Sea buckthorn suppositories and their place in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Candles with sea buckthorn are the oil itself and wax, as an additional ingredient that is added to harden suppositories from hemorrhoids. They are orange in color and greasy to the touch.

When injected into the anus, they quickly dissolve and instantly begin to act.

From the composition of sea buckthorn oil, it is obvious that it has a wonderful regenerating effect. Also, substances can effectively fight viruses and microbes.

This predetermined the place of sea buckthorn in the treatment of many diseases, including hemorrhoids. Candles with sea buckthorn oil are safe, affordable and highly effective for patients of any age and gender.

Quite often, cases of curing the disease in those cases where surgical treatment is already recommended.

What effect does it have on the body?

The use of sea buckthorn candles has a complex therapeutic effect on the body:

  1. Healing of cracks, wounds, ulcers in the rectum and their regeneration.
  2. Restoration of the rectal mucosa happens very quickly. Active substances help to accelerate the work of immune cells. This helps to relieve the inflammatory process, itching, swelling, pain.
  3. As a result suppression of histamine production, which provokes and aggravates the inflammatory process, pain and itching disappear.
  4. Antibacterial properties of candles destroy bacteria, which can cause staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, salmonellosis.
  5. The work of the components consists in their rapid absorption into the rectal mucosa, enveloping the affected tissues and alleviate burning sensation.
  6. Swelling subsides instantly caused by inflammation, the pain syndrome disappears. The wounds and fissures of the anus caused by dry feces heal instantly, thanks to the magical properties of sea buckthorn oil.

Wide field of use

Sea buckthorn suppositories quickly relieve proctitis, microcracks in the anus, treat colpitis, ulcers and erosion.

Proctologists prescribe treatment with sea buckthorn suppositories to all patients. Hemorrhoids can be successfully treated in all stages with use of suppositories.

If, together with a diet and other procedures, the drug is regularly used, then the treatment is successful, with a visible and noticeable result within 2-3 days.

Patients, on the advice of a doctor, should adjust their diet or use a diet to prevent constipation. The diet includes many foods high in fiber - oatmeal, fruits and vegetables.

How to apply effectively and safely?

Before using sea buckthorn suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids, you must read the instructions for use. It is usually always in the package with the drug.

Sea buckthorn suppositories are used mainly at bedtime.

Before administration, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines, the most practical method is enemas. Rectal suppositories are placed only after the complete or partial release of the intestine.

A candle is inserted into the rectum as deeply as possible, for this it is necessary to relax the body, take a “lying” position.

After inserting the candle, stay in this position for about half an hour. Act on the affected area, sea buckthorn oil reduces pain, does not cause discomfort. Just one candle can relieve swelling, heal a microcrack, relieve itching.

It doesn't take long. Significant relief is already felt in the morning. Rectal suppositories prescribed by a proctologist for acute hemorrhoids are applied 2 to 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is about 2 weeks.

Often, when a suppository is inserted into the rectum, the patient may experience a burning sensation. This should not be feared, as this is a short-term phenomenon and it will pass on its own after some time.

After watching the video, you will learn how to cure hemorrhoids using sea buckthorn candles:

It will help almost everyone, except for extremely severe cases.

An effective remedy for hemorrhoids - candles with sea buckthorn oil, are used only in the presence of a disease.

They are safe and harmless for stage 1-3 hemorrhoids. They have only one contraindication - individual intolerance to the drug, namely, sea buckthorn oil.

At the fourth stage of the disease, an operating method of treatment and suppositories are prescribed, they are practically useless in the treatment of huge, bloody nodes of the rectum that fall out.

Expert opinion

Having studied the reviews of proctologists, you can find out that sea buckthorn candles really help to recover from hemorrhoids in the initial stages. stages. Doctors prescribe them to most of their patients.

When prescribing therapeutic treatment with the help of suppositories, a quick therapeutic effect is manifested and occurs.

In the first three stages of the disease, the drug makes it possible to avoid surgical intervention, which has a very positive effect on the condition of patients. The only thing that can complicate the treatment is an untimely visit to the doctor.

Collected on special forums

Patients note the high effectiveness of the drug. Candles with sea buckthorn do their job perfectly: they relieve swelling and pain in the rectum, quickly heal wounds and cracks, stop bleeding and remove itching - we recommend that you study individual reviews that confirm this.

I no longer hoped that the disease could be cured. Hemorrhoids have been tormenting me for a long time, because I work 10-12 hours a day while driving a car.

The prescribed treatment with sea buckthorn oil suppositories was very effective. Without interrupting work, he underwent a course of treatment at home and his condition improved dramatically.


At the beginning of pregnancy, itching and burning in the rectum appeared. I went to the doctors, they prescribed me suppositories with sea buckthorn oil. It helped immediately, after 2 weeks it was gone.


Issue price

Candles with sea buckthorn oil are available in 0.3 g, 0.35 g, 0.5 g, the price of the drug also depends on the dosage, which starts from 80-120 rubles.

The cost also depends on the manufacturer of the drug:

  • Nizhpharm manufactures 5 candles in a cell pack (2 pieces) and sells them online for 119 rubles;
  • Dalhimpharm produces the same products, i.e. in a pack of 2 packs, candles of 0.5 g in the same proportions, sells for 86 rubles;
  • Farmaprim SRL, Moldova sells suppositories at a price of 82 rubles.

An amazing natural remedy - suppositories, have become an excellent solution to a delicate problem. Sea buckthorn candles are so effective that the expected effect exceeds all possible hopes.

They are harmless and natural, affordable and can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.

An insidious disease can occur without any warning. In order not to be caught off guard, preventive measures should be taken.

Regular and balanced diet, avoid hemorrhoids. An active lifestyle and physical education will not interfere. Refusal of bad habits also contributes to the prevention of the disease.

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