The corpus luteum does not disappear. The corpus luteum in the ovary: what is it, functions in the body. Luteal phase in the menstrual cycle


The corpus luteum in the ovary develops only after ovulation. As soon as the walls of the follicle rupture, and the egg formed in it comes out, the luteal gland begins to form from the remaining granulosa cells. You can see the formation during ultrasound diagnostics. With its small size, according to the results of ultrasound, the doctor can diagnose hormonal deficiency.

Yellow body in the ovary: what does it mean

If a woman goes for an ultrasound in the second half of the cycle, then the doctor should see a temporary luteal gland. Its presence indicates that the egg has already matured and left the follicle.

A luteal formation appears under the influence of luteinizing hormone, which is secreted in the anterior pituitary gland. During this period, the vascular system actively grows in the granulosa cells and the corpus luteum of the ovaries is formed, which produces progesterone. This hormone is required to prepare the endometrium for egg implantation and to support the development of pregnancy in the first weeks.

Important! The absence of the luteal glandular structure in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle indicates that there was no ovulation.

The opinion that endocrine formation appears only during pregnancy is erroneous. It is formed from the cells of the burst follicle (its granular layer) after the release of the egg.

When is the corpus luteum formed in the ovary

The corpus luteum becomes visible in the ovary after ovulation is completed. After the release of the egg, the follicular fluid is poured out, the cavity of the follicle closes. A glandular endocrine structure is immediately formed in it, in the first days it is small in size.

This temporary formation increases gradually. Its diameter is directly related to hormonal activity. The larger the size, the more progesterone it produces.

Signs of a corpus luteum in the left ovary

Only with the help of ultrasound can the presence of a corpus luteum in the ovary be established. It is impossible to independently determine whether it appeared in the 2nd half of the cycle. The temporary structure responsible for the production of progesterone forms and disappears asymptomatically, no visible changes occur.

If during ovulation a woman felt pain or tingling in the left lower abdomen, then it can be assumed that a temporary hormonal gland will appear on the left.

If the ultrasound shows that the corpus luteum in the left ovary is 18 mm in diameter, this means that the egg came out of the left female gonad. This size corresponds to the 2nd phase of the cycle. When planning a pregnancy, it is better that its diameter is more than 20 mm. This is an indirect confirmation that progesterone is produced in sufficient quantities. When the size of the hormonal formation is less than 16 mm, they speak of insufficiency of the 2nd phase.

Can the corpus luteum in the ovary hurt

The endocrine gland formed at the site of the ruptured follicle should not provoke the appearance of pain. Although some patients of gynecologists talk about the appearance of pulsation and discomfort in the lower abdomen, which are concentrated on one side.

Severe pain occurs, as a rule, during the formation of a cyst. This condition is characterized by the fact that by the time menstruation begins, the temporary organ does not decrease in diameter, but continues to grow. It begins to accumulate intracellular fluid. Cysts can be up to 8 cm in diameter. In 90% of cases, they resolve themselves within a few months.

Sudden sharp pain may indicate that the corpus luteum in the ovary has burst. This is a pathology that doctors call apoplexy. The condition requires immediate hospitalization and surgery during which a resection or complete removal of the problematic organ is performed. Due to the rupture, blood begins to accumulate in the abdominal cavity, the lack of timely medical care provokes the development of serious consequences.

Corpus luteum in the ovary and retention

If there is a delay in menstruation during an ultrasound scan, the doctor should assess the size and structure of the formation that appears in phase 2. The absence of menstruation on time in the presence of the luteal gland may be due to pregnancy. Normally, its size should be 20-30 mm. On ultrasound, it looks like a hyperechoic formation with heterogeneous contents.

With a delay in menstruation on ultrasound, the doctor can see an anaechogenic rounded formation with a homogeneous structure - a cyst. Its diameter varies from 30 to 80 mm. To normalize the condition, patients are prescribed progesterone preparations in a short course. A few days after their cancellation, menstruation should begin.

Reference! If, with a delay in ultrasound, the corpus luteum in the ovary is not visualized, then this indicates a possible endocrine pathology or disease of the reproductive organs.

A situation is possible in which the delay is caused by the persistence of the corpus luteum in the right or left ovary. Persistence of an immature hormonal gland is characterized by low levels of luteinizing hormone. The temporary organ cannot fully ripen, because of this, the 2nd phase of the cycle is lengthened.

With the persistence of a mature gland, it does not decrease in size by the beginning of menstruation, but passes into the next cycle. In this case, a full-fledged follicular phase and an elongated luteal phase are observed. It lasts 20-25 days and is accompanied by hyperproduction of progesterone.

Corpus luteum in ovary without pregnancy

If there are no problems with reproductive health, and ovulation occurs regularly, then in the 2nd half of the cycle, a temporary endocrine structure should form in one of the gonads. In the absence of pregnancy, it decreases in size and is reborn by the beginning of menstruation.

What does corpus luteum mean in right ovary

During an ultrasound, the doctor can detect the luteal gland. By seeing a 22 mm corpus luteum in the right ovary, the doctor will be able to confirm that ovulation has occurred on the right.

What does the corpus luteum in the left ovary mean

The detection of a hyperechoic round formation on the left indicates that ovulation has occurred in the left gonad. In the absence of problems with the reproductive organs, it does not matter which side the egg comes out from. If a woman's fallopian tubes are removed or blocked, then it is important to track ovulation. Pregnancy can occur provided that the egg is released from the side where the healthy fallopian tube is located.

Two corpus luteum in one ovary

Quite rarely, in natural cycles without ovulation stimulation, a situation occurs in which 2 eggs are released. After all, the norm in the body should form and burst 1 dominant follicle.

If 2 eggs are released in the cycle, then 2 temporary glandular organs will be formed in their place. This situation is often found in cases where ovulation is stimulated with the help of special drugs.

With stimulation or in a natural cycle, two corpus luteum may appear in different ovaries. In the absence of pregnancy, they regress to the onset of menstruation. If a delay occurs, their presence may indicate the development of a multiple pregnancy. This situation occurs in cases where 2 eggs are fertilized at once.

White body in the ovary: what is it

If fertilization does not occur, the stage of reverse development of the temporary hormonal gland begins before menstruation. The cells of this formation die, and the connective tissue, which is located in the central scar, is absorbed. As a result, a whitish color formation remains in its place. It exists for about 5 years, then begins to gradually dissolve, reborn into a scar from the connective tissue.

The corpus luteum in the ovary: dimensions

The process of formation of a glandular structure from the granulosa cells of a burst follicle starts after ovulation. When the follicle ruptures and the mature egg is released, blood is released from the damaged blood vessels. It accumulates in the center of the emerging temporary gland. In the same place, a stigma is formed - a connective tissue scar, cells of the granular layer begin to multiply around it. They are covered with a dense network of capillaries. This stage is called proliferation and vascularization. The size of hormonal formation during this period is 12–15 mm.

Then granulosa cells begin to accumulate lutein (a pigment that gives a characteristic yellow color) and degenerate into glandular cells - granular luteocytes. Theca-luteocytes are formed from the cells of the inner folder. This stage is called glandular metamorphosis.

The production of progesterone begins at the 3rd stage of flowering. At the specified time, the temporary organ reaches a diameter of 24 mm. During this period, doctors call the formed glandular structure cyclic or menstrual.

2-3 days before menstruation, it decreases to 12-15 mm, scar tissue is formed from it. This leads to a decrease in the production of progesterone and the onset of menstruation.

If fertilization has occurred and the embryo has formed, then the flowering stage lasts 10-16 weeks. The hormone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary is required for the maintenance and normal development of the fetus.

During pregnancy, the size of the corpus luteum in the ovary reaches 30 mm. Over time, its functions pass to the placenta, it begins to regress.

How long does the corpus luteum live in the ovary

If there are no problems with reproductive health, then a temporary hormonal formation appears immediately after the release of the egg and continues to develop for 12-14 days. If during this period the egg is fertilized and begins to implant in the wall of the uterus, then it will continue to develop. The life of the corpus luteum in the left ovary during pregnancy can last 16 weeks.

What hormone contributes to the regression of the corpus luteum of the ovary

The process of formation and regression of the temporary luteal gland is under the control of the pituitary gland, growth factors and the immune system. O 2 radicals, cytokines, prostaglandin F2α, prolactin, oxytocin are characterized by luteolytic action.

The corpus luteum in the right (left) ovary during pregnancy is necessary for the production of peptides and steroids necessary for the preservation and development of the embryo. With fertilization and implantation of the egg, the body begins the synthesis of hCG. This hormone affects the formed structure, provoking an increase in the process of progesterone production.

In the absence of pregnancy, the stage of reverse development begins. The production of progesterone, inhibin A and estradiol decreases. By reducing the concentration of inhibin A, its blocking effect on the pituitary gland is eliminated. As a result, the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone resumes. This is also facilitated by a decrease in the concentration of progesterone and estradiol.

The corpus luteum in the ovary is formed immediately after the release of the egg. Thanks to its presence, it is possible to confirm the passage of ovulation. During fertilization and embryo formation in the current menstrual cycle, the luteal gland is preserved, you can understand the features of its effect on the body by watching the video:

If fertilization does not occur, then it regresses.

Sometimes, during a routine examination by a gynecologist on an ultrasound, a woman can hear about the formation of a corpus luteum in her. What is the corpus luteum, why is it formed, why is it necessary and is it not dangerous for health - we will consider all this in more detail in our article.

The corpus luteum is an endocrine gland that temporarily appears in the female reproductive system under certain circumstances. If the very name “yellow body” scares you, I can reassure you - this is a completely harmless and normal process for a woman in the active reproductive phase. By the way, for beautiful ladies planning a pregnancy, the appearance of the corpus luteum is an important and responsible part of the process of implantation and fetal development in the early stages.

  1. The endocrine gland of the corpus luteum is nothing more than a source of synthesis of the hormone progesterone necessary for the development of pregnancy. It is this part of the female reproductive system that is responsible for filling the bloodstream with the female hormone at the proper level.
  2. After ovulation, the egg is released from the dominant follicle, and a small corpus luteum forms in place of this hole.
  3. The appearance of a corpus luteum during an ultrasound examination does not indicate pregnancy, but is only a sign of the fact that ovulation has occurred.
  4. If we consider the appearance and size of the corpus luteum by the days of the cycle, then the moment of its appearance is not considered to be the actual day the egg leaves the follicle, but the moment the egg tubercle disappears from the ultrasound map. In early pregnancy, the corpus luteum will be present, slightly changing its size, and will disappear only after the formation of the placenta - at the end of the first trimester. This happens because the finally formed placenta independently maintains the hormonal background by secreting progesterone, and the functional need for the corpus luteum disappears.
  5. The successful introduction of the blastocyst of a fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterus, as well as the subsequent normal growth of the fetal egg, depends on the quality and size of the resulting corpus luteum.
  6. If pregnancy does not occur during ovulation, planned menstrual bleeding begins. At this time, the corpus luteum decreases in size, and then completely disappears from the surface of the follicle, leaving a scar in this place, which is called the white body in gynecology. The formation of a white body is a completely normal process and does not pose any danger to a woman's health and her ability to have children. In some clinical observations, even the disappearance of such scars in a natural way was noted.
  7. The corpus luteum is an exclusively female gland and cannot appear in men.

How is the corpus luteum formed?

The process of formation of a corpus luteum of normal size, its existence and disappearance is divided into 4 stages, during which the pituitary gland, ovaries and the woman's immune system are responsible.

Stage 1: follicle proliferation

At the time of ovulation - the release of an egg ready for fertilization from the follicle into the abdominal cavity, there is a normal jump in the level of luteinizing hormone, under the influence of which the transformation of the ovary walls begins. The tissue of the ruptured follicle is evenly collected in folds at the site of the rupture. The next step is the release of blood into the thus connected cavity, and the active division of its cells.

Stage 2: vascularization of the corpus luteum

At this stage, blood vessels grow into the newly formed gland cells of the follicle. Thus, this will allow the corpus luteum in the ovary to reach the desired size and fully work due to good blood circulation. Doctors have found that the corpus luteum of the ovary has the most intense blood circulation in the female body.

Stage 3: flowering of the corpus luteum

By "flourishing" is meant the maximum hormonal activity of the newly formed gland. During this period, the corpus luteum acquires a dark red color, increases in size and begins to protrude in the form of a tubercle above the surface of the ovary, which is quite normal. This stage is the most favorable for pregnancy. If at this time, about 10 - 12 days, the fertilization of the egg and its implantation in the uterine mucosa do not occur, the activity of the corpus luteum gradually begins to decline.

Stage 4: fading of the corpus luteum

This stage is characterized by the occurrence of dystrophic processes in the cells of the newly formed corpus luteum, if pregnancy has not occurred. The cells gradually begin to decrease in size until they completely turn into a pale white scar. This white body may subsequently disappear spontaneously, or it may remain, which in principle is also normal. It is at this stage that the concentration of pregnancy hormones gradually decreases, which entails the rejection of the upper layer of the uterine mucosa and the onset of regular menstrual bleeding. From the moment the regression begins, a new follicle begins to form in the ovary and the endocrine glands start the process of maturation of a new egg. In the event that, in the period from 10 to 12 days, the attachment of the ovum to the endometrium of the uterus nevertheless occurred, the chronic gonadotropin produced by it stimulates the corpus luteum until the formation of the placenta is completed at the 12th week of pregnancy.

How big should the corpus luteum be?

The normal size of the corpus luteum during pregnancy is individual and largely depends on the amount of hormones that it produces. Depending on the stage of development, the amount of hormones produced is not the same, therefore, the size of the corpus luteum on the days of the cycle and at different weeks of pregnancy is different.

  1. In the first week of pregnancy, the corpus luteum constantly increases until it reaches the size of a large cherry.
  2. As the placenta forms, somewhere from 5 to 6 days from the start of formation, the corpus luteum begins to gradually decrease in volume and completely disappears by the end of the first trimester - from 9 to 16 weeks of pregnancy.
  3. Obstetrician-gynecologists have recorded cases when the corpus luteum does not disappear until the prenatal period in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Examination of the corpus luteum by ultrasound

Only the attending physician at the next ultrasound examination can detect and determine whether the corpus luteum is of normal size.

  1. The corpus luteum can be found in the form of a rounded bag of heterogeneous structure, which is usually located on one side of the ovary.
  2. The corpus luteum must necessarily be slightly elevated above the level of the ovary. If the ultrasound does not clearly show the selection of a rounded sac, and pregnancy is recorded as a fact, this may be a bad sign of a threatened miscarriage due to a lack of pregnancy hormone in the body.
  3. In case of delayed menstruation, if the gynecologist does not diagnose the occurrence of a corpus luteum, this may indicate a disease of the endocrine or reproductive system of a woman.
  4. Often, average values ​​​​with small deviations are taken as the norm: from 10 to 30 mm.
  5. It is believed that any deviations from the norm to a smaller or larger side may be signs of a violation of the course of pregnancy. Such cases require further investigation.
  6. Probable reasons for the deviation of the size of the corpus luteum from the norm can be either its insufficiency or the development of a cyst.

Ultrasound: normal size of the corpus luteum

  1. The golden mean of the diameter of the average corpus luteum can be considered 18 mm. It is at this rate that the fetal egg attaches to the endometrium of the uterus, grows and develops well.
  2. With an increased size of the corpus luteum up to 24 mm, gynecologists diagnose the growth of the follicle and the absence of the fact of ovulation. The limits of this diameter are considered a consequence of the development of a follicular cyst. However, such education does not have any negative consequences for the health of a woman and her reproductive system. Often it disappears on its own during the next menstruation or gradually after 3-4 cycles.
  3. The size of the corpus luteum in the range of 29 mm or more, in the absence of pregnancy, is diagnosed as a cyst.
  4. The norms of the diameters of the corpus luteum on ultrasound in mm:
  • 18 - 24: ovulation;
  • 19 - 29: the norm during pregnancy;
  • 24 - 29: development of a follicle cyst if pregnancy has not occurred;
  • 29 - 40: the development of a corpus luteum cyst.

Pathologies of the corpus luteum

Often, unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant are directly related to the malfunction of the reproductive system, as well as to pathological processes during ovulation and the development of the corpus luteum.

Insufficiency of the corpus luteum during pregnancy

  1. In medical practice, insufficient work of the corpus luteum is understood as a low level of the pregnancy hormone produced by it.
  2. Due to the low level of progesterone in the body of a woman, the fetal egg cannot gain a foothold on the surface of the endometrium of the uterus and begin full development. Often this leads to spontaneous miscarriage due to the rejection of a foreign organism (fetus) by the mother's body.
  3. If, under conditions of insufficiency, the fetal egg still manages to penetrate the blastocyst into the uterine mucosa, against the background of a low level of progesterone, the development of the embryo will be difficult and the level of the threat of rejection will still be high.
  4. With the diagnosis of acute insufficiency of the corpus luteum, obstetricians take steps to artificially correct the level of pregnancy hormone in the mother's body. Modern hormonal preparations prevent the possibility of developing placental insufficiency in the first trimester of pregnancy with the help of the achievements of modern medicine.

Corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy

  1. Even a small increase in corpus luteum diameter during pregnancy should prompt a woman to check for cyst development.
  2. The reasons for the formation of a cyst from a temporarily formed ovarian gland have not yet been established. There are a number of theories, but none of them has received its scientific justification to this day. The main reason taken for the frequent coincidence with such a diagnosis is the bad habits of a woman.
  3. Medicine has not determined the negative effects of the emerging corpus luteum cyst on the woman's body. In addition, the presence of such a pathology also does not bring negative consequences to the developing fetus.
  4. In gynecology, a corpus luteum cyst is referred to as a temporary benign formation during pregnancy, which disappears on its own by the end of childbirth and does not interfere with their successful resolution.
  5. Unpleasant, and even painful sensations that intensify during intercourse, with a developed corpus luteum cyst, can become negative for a woman. Excessively active and inaccurate sex can cause a gap in such education.

The body of a woman has a very interesting structure and functions. In reproductive age, the body of the fairer sex undergoes monthly changes. The latest diagnostic tools, in particular ultrasound equipment, help track this or that process. This technique allows specialists to learn more about the state of the reproductive organs. This article will tell you what to do if the ultrasound showed a corpus luteum. What kind of education - will be described below.

The doctor saw a corpus luteum on an ultrasound - what does this mean? You will receive the answer to this question after reading the article.

What is a corpus luteum?

On ultrasound, this formation is easiest to detect. This is how women often find out about a bubble unknown to them. Most of the fairer sex are scared. However, this is not entirely correct. What is a corpus luteum? Before you learn about what the detected element means, it is worth saying a few words about it.

A healthy woman has her period every month. Immediately after its completion, a dominant follicle is determined in one of the ovaries. It is he who will rapidly increase in size in the coming days. When the time comes and the luteinizing hormone begins to be produced, the follicle will burst and release an egg from its walls. This gamete is completely ready for fertilization, which may not take place.

At the site of the rupture of the follicle, a new accumulation is formed. It is this formation that is called the "yellow body". On ultrasound, it is determined quite clearly. The corpus luteum is necessary for the production of progesterone. It also releases androgens and estradiol in small amounts. All of these hormones are essential for the normal progression of pregnancy and the completion of the menstrual cycle. In case of fertilization, the formation will function for about another three months. If the conception did not take place, the corpus luteum undergoes a reverse development. In its place, a so-called white body is formed, which is almost impossible to see during ultrasound diagnostics.

A corpus luteum was found in the ovary on ultrasound: should I be worried?

What does this education mean? Should a woman be worried about his presence? Many representatives of the weaker sex immediately turn to a gynecologist and demand that they be treated. The situation is aggravated by the case when a corpus luteum cyst is detected on ultrasound.

Doctors say that in this case you should not worry. There is nothing wrong with the appearance of such an education. The neoplasm does not require treatment. Even if a corpus luteum cyst is detected during an ultrasound examination, it is functional. In most cases, it undergoes a reverse development within a few months. Let's try to figure out what it means if a corpus luteum is found on an ultrasound.

Fact one: a woman is of reproductive age

If a specialist says that he sees a corpus luteum on an ultrasound scan, then you can think about the patient's fertility. Most women ask the question: "What does this mean?". In fact, everything is quite simple.

Fertility is the ability of a woman or a man to conceive a child. Even if ovulation did not occur in this cycle, but there is a corpus luteum left in the ovary from the previous month, this indicates a woman's fertility. It is worth noting that one can speak about the absolute ability to conceive only after taking into account the remaining data (the condition of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and so on).

Fact two: shortly before the study, ovulation occurred

The corpus luteum on ultrasound after ovulation can be detected within a few hours. So, if a specialist speaks of the presence of this formation, then, most likely, a rupture of the follicle occurred a few days ago.

Once a month, a woman ovulates. During this process, the follicle leaves the gamete, which is capable of fertilization. If sexual intercourse occurs during this period without the use of contraceptives, then the fairer sex may soon find out about her pregnancy. The corpus luteum never forms in an anovulatory cycle. That is why its presence in the ovary indicates a recent rupture of the dominant follicle.

Fact three: pregnancy and corpus luteum

The corpus luteum during pregnancy on ultrasound can be seen up to about 12 weeks. As you know, this formation secretes a very important hormone - progesterone. It maintains the normal condition of the uterus and promotes the development of pregnancy.

If during the study a specialist detects a corpus luteum, then pregnancy is likely. It is worth noting that in most cases, a cyst is found in women in an interesting position. This is the same glandular formation, but somewhat larger. There is an assumption that it becomes so because of the need to allocate large portions of progesterone.

Fact Four: A woman has a normal menstrual cycle

Sometimes it happens that this period in a woman becomes very short. So, normally the cycle should not last less than three weeks. When this time is reduced, doctors are talking about progesterone deficiency. Often, such representatives of the weaker sex cannot get pregnant for a long time and have some health problems. This is due to the fact that after ovulation the right amount of progesterone is not produced.

If a corpus luteum is found in a representative of the weaker sex during ultrasound diagnostics, then, most likely, there can be no question of any progesterone deficiency. The hormonal background of such a patient is debugged, and the ovaries are functioning correctly.

Fifth fact: there is a second phase of the menstrual cycle

What else can the presence of a corpus luteum in the ovary, detected on ultrasound, indicate? This formation indicates that the second phase of the menstrual cycle is now underway, and menstruation will soon come.

The corpus luteum usually functions from 10 to 14 days. During this period, it secretes progesterone and maintains uterine tone. With the end of this time, the glandular formation undergoes a reverse development. A small scar forms in its place.

What does the cyst of the corpus luteum, which was found during an ultrasound, say?

A cyst is a formation that is slightly larger than normal proportions. So, we are talking about an enlarged corpus luteum when its diameter is more than three centimeters.

A corpus luteum cyst may remain on the ovary for several cycles. If it has not disappeared after two months, then the patient may need a slight correction. In most cases, doctors prescribe oral contraceptives for three or six months. Such treatment promotes the rest of the ovaries. As a result, ovulation stops for these months, and the cyst fades away. To confirm the picture of improvement, it is necessary to re-conduct an ultrasound examination and visit a gynecologist.

Complications identified during ultrasound diagnostics. What does a hemorrhage in a corpus luteum cyst indicate?

The corpus luteum or cyst in some cases may take a hemorrhagic form. This suggests that there was a hemorrhage into the glandular cavity. Such a complication, identified during an ultrasound examination, requires immediate treatment. Often it is carried out in a hospital and requires the following appointments.

The patient is prescribed bed rest and emotional rest. A cold compress is also applied to the abdomen. In addition, the fairer sex is recommended to take hemostatic drugs and sedatives. After the correction, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis and note the presence of improvements.


So, you have learned what a corpus luteum found on ultrasound is. In some cases, doctors are mistaken and take pathological formations for a glandular structure that occurs after ovulation. The usual corpus luteum does not cause any discomfort to the fairer sex. It appears after each ovulation and disappears in the same way. If the specialist diagnosed a corpus luteum cyst, then this suggests that the study should be repeated after menstruation. Health to you!

How do the sizes of the corpus luteum change on the days of the cycle? This question will be answered by a gynecologist.
The temporary gland that appears after the release of a mature egg from the follicle is called the corpus luteum, it has a huge impact on the female body. What difficulties may arise with his education?

The appearance of the corpus luteum after ovulation is a natural physiological process for the body of every woman. Such an education signals that it ended positively, the second half of the menstrual cycle will go well.

The main purpose of the corpus luteum is the creation (pregnancy hormone), the appearance of which is very important in the first days after conception, since it is progesterone that prevents the muscles of the uterus from contracting, and the egg is fixed on its walls. In parallel, it is this hormone that is responsible for the proper development of the entire pregnancy, taking an active part in preparing the body for bearing an unborn child.

All changes in the body of the expectant mother are under the influence of progesterone. And if the corpus luteum cannot function normally, then pregnancy does not occur or it may be interrupted. But sometimes the function of the VT can be performed by the adrenal glands.

What should be the size of the corpus luteum after ovulation? Matter begins its development immediately after ovulation. At this stage, the normal size of the corpus luteum is considered to be about 20 mm. When the egg is fertilized, the gland begins to gradually increase to 25 mm. If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum shrinks and gradually disappears until the next menstrual cycle. During pregnancy, such processes occur after 12 weeks.

If, during examination with the help, it was found that the volume of the corpus luteum increased to 30 mm, this indicates the presence of a cyst. In this case, you should not be upset, because the main thing is that the gland continues to fulfill its purpose and positively influence the course of pregnancy. And when the time comes for the reduction and disappearance of the corpus luteum, an additional examination using ultrasound is prescribed. As a rule, by 12 weeks this problem disappears.

Change in the corpus luteum by day of the cycle

How does the size of the corpus luteum change by day of the cycle? From the cells that form the follicle, the gland develops. Then the created matter produces a special hormone and creates a good environment for conception. At this stage, the corpus luteum is up to 20 mm in volume. Further, the increased activity of matter coincides with a favorable environment for conception. This period falls on the 13-17th day of the cycle and is called vascularization.
The corpus luteum begins to increase to 25 mm. This indicator is acceptable for the 20-30th day of the cycle. If we take into account that ovulation occurs on the 12-17th day, then during this period of time conception occurs or the egg dies.

If it dies, then VT undergoes changes at the cellular level. Gradually, the tissue is transformed into connective matter and scarring occurs. At the stage of its withering, VT decreases to 10 mm. There is a color change from yellow to crimson, and the VT becomes convex above the level of the ovary. Then the tissue is completely replaced by connective matter. Only after 2 cycles of iron becomes white and embossed.

For each woman, this process proceeds individually, for some it is faster, for others it is slower. But this should not be given importance, because the synthesis of progesterone is stopped. In the next cycle, this work will be taken over by the newly formed corpus luteum.

The rate of development of the corpus luteum up to 8 weeks is from 10 to 30 mm. But at the same time, there are two ways of life of VT after the onset of pregnancy.
The first way is the transformation into connective tissue up to 12 weeks. This can happen if the placenta can handle the supply of progesterone on its own and VT assistance is not required.

And the second way, which, although rare, happens - the life of the corpus luteum continues until the very birth. To date, scientists have not been able to determine the reason why VT does not disappear even after the placenta begins to provide progesterone on its own. Sometimes the corpus luteum disappears before the allotted time. In this case, the adrenal glands can come to the rescue, which manage to keep the pregnancy until the moment when the placenta is included in the work.

The adrenal glands work in tandem with the corpus luteum to produce the same hormone. The adrenal glands themselves account for the minimum amount of progesterone, and they cannot completely block its need.
There are several schemes for the development of the situation, in the event of a decrease in the level of the female hormone, namely:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • miscarriage:
  • normal delivery.

It is for this reason that pregnant women should take a repeated biochemical blood test for hormones. This is necessary in order to determine when labor activity may occur, and to take appropriate measures in time.

If pregnancy occurs and it is possible to detect a lack of progesterone in time, then the pregnant woman is prescribed drugs that contain its analogue. This helps to carry the baby until delivery.

With an unfavorable hormonal background, the likelihood of placental insufficiency is high. It is for this purpose that maintenance therapy is prescribed almost until the very birth. The decrease in progesterone takes place in a planned manner and under the supervision of the attending physician. This approach makes it possible to plan and prepare a pregnant woman for labor. It is important to conduct all tests in time to notice malfunctions in the body. The doctor adjusts the treatment by prescribing hormones in the right dosage and developing a regimen for taking the drugs. Self-medication can lead to irreparable consequences.

Every month, the female body undergoes cyclical changes, including the maturation of the female cell, ovulation and the emergence of the corpus luteum, which performs the most important intraorganic tasks. Why is such a gland so important, what does the corpus luteum look like on ultrasound after ovulation, and what is the duration of its life.

The female cycle is divided into several successive stages, at each of which processes significant for the female body occur. The first phase is estrogenic. It begins with the cycle and lasts until the moment when a superior follicle is formed. Then the estrogenic phase is replaced by the ovulatory one. During this period, the predominant follicle ruptures, releasing a mature and fully prepared egg for fertilization, which is sent to the fallopian tube, in which fertilization takes place. Then the cell is sent to the uterus, where, with successful fertilization, it is introduced into the endometrial layer. Often the question arises, after how long the introduction of the cell. In most patients, a similar process takes place, as a rule, on the sixth or seventh day.

Then, at the end of the ovulatory period, the third stage comes - the luteal, which is also called the yellow body phase. Its duration is about two weeks. During this period, implantation of the cell occurs. When fertilization occurs, it is introduced into the endometrium, and the glandular body becomes hormonally active, if fertilization does not happen, the cell dies and leaves with menstruation, and the yellow gland disappears.

So, after ovulation, the corpus luteum appears - a short-lived glandular organ, the formation of which is carried out in the luteal female phase. Such a structure is responsible for maintaining a full cycle and bearing a fetus. In the absence of conception, the corpus luteum disappears, appearing again after the next ovulation. This structure performs the most important tasks, although many do not even know about its existence.

The basis of the gland is the vessels and granular cellular structures that remain after the rupture of the follicle. A yellow tint to the gland gives the luteal pigment, which is present in most intraorganic tissues.

The importance of the corpus luteum

Although this gland is a fickle organ, it is very important.

  • The fundamental purpose of the corpus luteum is the production of progesterone, which performs the most important functions during pregnancy, restraining uterine contractions and helping the embryo to properly attach to the endometrial layer.
  • In the future, the corpus luteum maintains the hormonal status of the pregnant woman, preparing the body for the most difficult 9-month mission and the appearance of the baby.
  • Many of the transformations that take place in the pregnant body are determined by the progesterone hormone. Progesterone deficiency is fraught with reproductive problems, conception may not occur, or a woman may lose a child in the first months.

It is the corpus luteum that provides the woman with the necessary amount of progesterone, which prevents bleeding and stimulates the uterine glands to produce special mucus, which creates favorable conditions for the egg to successfully implant into the endometrium. In addition, progesterone inhibits follicle-stimulating hormonal activity, so as long as the gland continues to live, a new egg cannot appear.

There are several types of glandular organ: during menstruation and during conception. They are almost identical, have the same stages of development, but there are also differences, consisting in the duration of existence, in the field of glandular activity. When a pregnancy occurs, the size of the corpus luteum gradually increases, it begins to actively produce progesterone, in the absence of conception it disappears, and in the next cycle it is reborn again.

When the gland does not perform its functions, pathological processes develop, such as a too long luteal phase, the onset of menstruation, an irregular cycle, ovulatory disorders, an excessively thin endometrial layer to which the embryo cannot attach, immune rejection of spermatozoa, which makes pregnancy impossible.

Stages of formation

The formation of the gland proceeds in several successive stages. The formation process begins with the proliferative stage, when the superior follicle burst, its cellular structures began to actively divide. This stage begins with the release of a mature egg, so ovulation and the corpus luteum are interconnected. Then comes the second stage of the origin of the gland - angiogenesis or vascularization, when the vascular structures actively grow into epithelial cells. Experts say that the corpus luteum has the highest blood flow among all organic structures. Therefore, it often happens that vascular ingrowth causes bleeding with further ovarian apoplexy. In order for progesterone to be produced by the yellow gland to a sufficient extent, it needs just such increased blood circulation.

Then comes the stage of the heyday of the gland, which is characterized by a peak of hormonal activity, the so-called. hormonal birth of the corpus luteum. This stage begins when the gland begins to produce progesterone, and ends after about 10-12 days (when there is no fertilization). The volume of the gland reaches about 2 cm. The formation of the glandular body is a unique process, because it represents the transformation of follicular remnants from an estrogen-secreting structure into a progesterone-synthesizing temporary intrasecreting gland. During the yellow-bodied flowering of the gland, it becomes purple in color and begins to protrude slightly above the ovarian surface.

How long does the corpus luteum live after ovulation? The duration of its existence is determined by the fact that conception has taken place. The fourth stage of gland formation is called regression. This stage comes if fertilization has not happened. The end of this stage is the beginning of menstruation. In the glandular cells, dystrophic changes begin to appear, which leads to their reduction, fouling with connective tissue fibers and the formation of a whitish body (hyaline formation).

The corpus luteum and ovulation

After the exit of the yellow cell, the formation of the corpus luteum immediately begins. The size of the corpus luteum after ovulation begins to gradually increase, and by the third stage of development, when the maximum activity of the gland is observed, its dimensions can reach 18-24 mm. In fact, this is a full-fledged glandular hormone-producing organic structure. If a corpus luteum has formed, then such a phenomenon must be regarded as the absolute readiness of the body and reproductive structures for pregnancy and bearing a baby.

Important! Some women mistakenly perceive the formation of a yellow gland as a confirmation of fertilization and conception that has occurred. When ultrasound diagnostics reveals the absence of the yellow gland during the luteal period, this confirms that the cycle was anovulatory, that is, there was no ovulation, respectively, the egg did not come out.

The development of the gland can be monitored in the most detailed way using ultrasound equipment. Such procedures allow you to clearly track the stages of ovarian change without penetrating directly into the abdominal space. The diagnostician on the monitor sees the volume of the corpus luteum after ovulation in real terms. When the size of the gland reaches 2-3 cm, this indicates the formation of pregnancy, and parameters of 3-4 cm already indicate cystic formation. If two yellow glands are found, then multiple gestation develops, that is, the woman is pregnant with twins.

Signs of pathology

Although the corpus luteum is an organ that appeared only for a while, it is not without specific pathologies. Paradoxically, even appearing for a while, the gland in its short life can be affected by various diseases such as cysts or functional insufficiency.


Cystic formation of the corpus luteum is a quite common phenomenon. For such a pathological condition, the presence of dysfunctional disorders of the gland is typical. What harm can such education bring? In fact, the cyst is a tumor of benign etiology, which is formed at the location of the undissolved gland. Cystic processes can persist for four menstrual cycles. The cyst is usually asymptomatic, although sometimes it can announce its presence with slight soreness in the area of ​​the affected ovary or menstrual irregularities.

The cause of glandular cyst formation is often a circulatory disorder, which leads to a lack of regression. As a result of the disappearance of the body, as it should be, it does not occur, but the accumulation of serous-hemorrhagic substance begins inside it, which gives rise to abnormal growth of the gland up to 4-7 cm. Such a cystic formation does not threaten gestation in any way, therefore it is usually not removed, unless there are no special, vital indications. In fact, the cyst is a corpus luteum enlarged several times, continuing the uninterrupted production of progesterone hormone, therefore, there are no risks for bearing, as such, unless a cystic rupture occurs. But this is extremely rare in medical practice.

Pregnant patients with a yellow cyst are advised to take precautions regarding sexual intimacy in order to exclude possible ruptures or trauma to the cystic formation. Other cases of a glandular cyst do not create problems for a pregnant woman, but by about the 2-3rd trimester or after the birth of the crumbs, it resolves on its own.

If fertilization did not take place, then the presence of a cystic process can provoke all sorts of menstrual anomalies, however, in general, there is no threat. When such a cyst does not resolve itself for a long time or after appropriate treatment, it is removed.


If the patient has developed glandular insufficiency, then this is a more significant problem. Why can this condition cause so many problems?

  • The body produces insufficient hormones, therefore the normal development of pregnancy is physiologically impossible.
  • Hormone deficiency provokes menstrual disorders, painful or irregular periods, problems with conception or interruptions due to insufficient fixation of the embryo.
  • If pregnancy with insufficiency of the corpus luteum successfully occurred, then the risk of placental abruption remains for the entire pregnancy. As a result, such pregnancies usually end sadly - in spontaneous miscarriage.

For treatment, the patient is prescribed hormonal therapy, which involves taking Utrozhestan, Duphaston and other drugs of the hormonal group.

Let's summarize. The corpus luteum is actually a temporary glandular structure, which is incredibly important for procreation, because thanks to it, a woman safely becomes pregnant and bears a baby. The fact that the yellow gland functions correctly determines how easy the pregnancy will be. In the presence of dysfunctional disorders of the corpus luteum, as a rule, the problem arises of the inability to conceive or a miscarriage occurs. But such problems are completely removable, they can be cured with the help of properly selected hormone therapy. The only problem is how timely the diagnosis is detected.

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