What are contraceptives for men. Male contraception. PUR stopper

After studying the statistics of Internet user requests, we were surprised at how often people look for male contraceptive pills. They want to find them for sale, find out how they are used, how they drink them, prices, names, varieties ... There is only one problem - for men, contraceptives in the form of tablets are not officially produced yet. That is, they are developed, but so far they are a scientific experiment, and they definitely cannot be found on sale.

Why is there still no oral method of male contraception? Now we will explain to you the complexity of this method of protection. We will also tell you more about the latest development of scientists and find out if such products can become a replacement for the usual female oral contraceptives or condoms.

Perhaps, reading the previous lines, some of you will be indignant: “How is it that there are no male contraceptives? I read an article about them and heard feedback from people who have tried the pills on themselves! There are very real explanations for this.

In the United States, male oral contraceptives were indeed released a couple of decades ago, but were quickly discontinued. They did their job quite well and prevented unwanted pregnancy, but they had an incredible amount of side effects, being a serious threat to the health of a man.

Unscrupulous manufacturers of dietary supplements sometimes position some of their supplements as male contraceptives.

But if you read the composition of such miracle pills, it becomes clear that this is an ordinary divorce (and at a fairly significant price). Such pseudo-contraceptives, as a rule, have a herbal composition, and not a single herb or berry can block the performance of male spermatozoa. Even if a guy takes such a remedy, the probability of pregnancy in a partner will be 60%.

There are other drugs that reduce male fertility (like Ajudin, Gamendazole). This action is a side effect, and the true purpose of such a drug is the treatment of cancer. Accordingly, it is strictly forbidden to use them as contraceptives for men. If a man takes such a serious remedy without a doctor's prescription, then kidney or liver failure may develop.

The problem of hormonal contraception

Hormonal pills for men have been developed for a long time, but the success of these developments is much lower than similar contraceptives for women. The reason is a completely different physiology and hormonal background.

A woman is only at risk of conception on the days of ovulation, when the egg is released from the ovary for fertilization (usually in the middle of the cycle). If the spermatozoa enter the female body in a different period of time, then the pregnancy will not take place. If a girl drinks special drugs, then ovulation is absent, since ovarian function is suppressed. To achieve this result, a low dose of the hormone is sufficient, which, with regular intake, mimics the non-fertile phase of the cycle. Under this condition, girls cannot become pregnant.

In men, there is no cyclical readiness for conception; it is impossible to stop the production of germ cells completely, imitating the natural hormonal background. This will require a huge dose of testosterone, which will reduce the activity of spermatozoa, preventing conception.

In tests, this hormone was administered by injection, which gave a reliable result of reducing the mobility of germ cells, albeit a short-term one. Scientists experimented with injection doses to achieve an acceptable result. Having come to the conclusion that a large dose of testosterone gives a good effect, doctors began to develop the idea of ​​​​replacing the injection with taking a pill, since it is extremely inconvenient for men to take contraceptive injections every day.

The very first oral contraceptives for men, which were subsequently banned, consisted of pure testosterone at a high concentration. Reduced fertility was noted after taking the first pill. But in men who drank such a horse dose of the hormone, the following side effects were noted:

  • Thickening of the blood.
  • Exacerbation of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Baldness.
  • Uncontrolled aggression, nervous breakdowns.
  • Arthralgia, pain in the legs, cramps.
  • Sudden weight gain.
  • Respiratory disorders.

Such adverse reactions occur in almost all men who take testosterone in excess of natural doses. Of course, oral contraceptives were recognized as dangerous on its basis, after which their production was banned.

Revolution in contraception

Modern scientists developing a new male contraceptive drug assure that it will not cause the above adverse reactions. This is due to the fact that pills for men will have a completely different composition. Which? At this stage, this information was classified - the tool is still undergoing the necessary tests, followed by obtaining safety certificates and a patent. Manufacturers are afraid of leakage of information to competitors.

It is only known that the new male tablets will have a completely different main component, to which the manufacturer has chosen the name JQ1 so far. It is he who will be able to make the drug safer than its predecessors. This chemical compound was discovered by American scientists from the Baylor College of Medicine and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and has already been successfully tested on laboratory mice.

If a man takes these birth control pills, the activity of the testicles will be blocked, which will completely disrupt the production of spermatozoa or they will become almost immobile.

This method of contraception is the most convenient, as it provides high efficiency, combining it with a narrow focus of action. The reversibility of the process is also important - after stopping the drug, the male fertility returns to normal.

At this stage of clinical research, it has been found that the new pill reduces the concentration of spermatozoa to 1 million per 1 ml (normally this figure is from 20 to 40 million per 1 milliliter of seminal fluid). It also reduces fertility by 99%. At the same time, no adverse reactions were recorded in any of the volunteers participating in the study of the drug.

Available Methods

What will be the name of the new male contraceptive, what will be its price - this, unfortunately, is also unknown. They will start selling them no earlier than in five years, so you will have to be patient and use the usual means of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

The most effective methods of male contraception

The name of the method of male contraception

Short description



Interruption of sexual intercourse

Extraction of the male genital organ from the woman's vagina before the onset of ejaculation.

Is free.

Available to everyone.


Unreliable (in every tenth case, it is not possible to remove the penis in time).

Does not allow you to relax during sex.


A contraceptive product made from latex, a material that is impervious to spermatozoa.

High protection against pregnancy (85-97%).

Reliable protection against HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

Easy to use.

Affordable price.

A slight decrease in the sensitivity of the male genital organ.

Not always available.


You may be allergic to the condom material.


A surgical operation during which the ejaculatory streams intersect.

Pregnancy protection over 99%.

The operation is done once in a lifetime.


High price.

Recovery period after surgery.

Does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

The theoretical benefits of future birth control for men are:

  • High degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy.
  • Ease of use - you can drink the drug at any time of the day.
  • Reversible result (the number and quality of spermatozoa will return to normal levels if the drug is stopped).
  • Preservation of the quality of sex - the medicine will not reduce the sensitivity of the penis, will not worsen the erection.

In addition, the manufacturer promises that the drug will have no contraindications and will be cheaper than female birth control pills. However, so far these are only promises, since the funds do not officially exist yet. It is too early to talk about whether it will really be more effective than the usual methods of protection.

Surgical contraception

Vasectomy - blockage of the vas deferens in order to prevent the passage of sperm. Male sterilization is an inexpensive, reliable and simple method of contraception for men. After consulting a doctor, completing the necessary documents, you should collect an anamnesis, exclude the presence of bleeding, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, allergies, diabetes, urinary tract infections, STDs. During an objective examination, blood pressure, pulse, the state of the subcutaneous fat layer, skin, perineal zone, the presence of cryptorchidism, varicocele, inflammation of the scrotum are determined.

Vasectomy Techniques:

  • first. The vas deferens are crossed without ligation, subjected to electrocoagulation to a depth of 1.5 cm, a fascial layer is applied;
  • second. The vas deferens are fixed, the muscle layer and skin are cut, the duct is isolated, ligated, and transected. Each segment is cauterized. For greater reliability, a segment of the vas deferens is sometimes removed;
  • third. To release the ducts, they resort not to an incision, but to a puncture. Local anesthesia is performed, an annular clamp is applied to the duct without affecting the layer. An incision is made in the wall and skin of the vas deferens with a dissecting clamp, isolated, and occluded.

The contraceptive reliability rate of vasectomy is 99% during the first 12 months. The percentage of failures is associated with an unidentified congenital anomaly of the vas deferens or with their recanalization. Standard vasectomy is almost irreversible, but today the technique of "reverse vasectomy" has been developed, in which fertility is restored in 90-95% of cases.

Oral contraceptives for men

Contraceptive pills for men were created relatively recently. The main problem for the developers of male OKs was that, unlike women who need to protect the egg only on the days of probable conception, sperm is constantly formed, so contraceptives must neutralize the process every day.

Groups of male OK

The best contraceptive effect (90-95%) is achieved when taking OK, which have a targeted effect on mature spermatozoa. After the end of taking oral hormonal contraceptives, male fertility is restored in full.

One of the most unreliable. It is believed that the effectiveness of the method does not exceed 70%, almost every third act can be dangerous, since a small amount of sperm can be released at the beginning of sexual intercourse. In addition, such "protection" can lead to sexual disorders in both partners.

Artificially prolonged sexual intercourse

Also applies to unreliable methods. Of course, it prolongs the time of sexual pleasure of partners and, as a rule, does not lead to ejaculation, but it cannot guarantee security, since sperm is released not only during orgasm, but also along with lubrication. In addition, if this method is used frequently, it can lead to impotence and health problems in men (increased blood pressure and headache).

"Samurai Egg"

Hot scrotum is an ancient Japanese method of temporary sterilization of a man by increasing the temperature in the scrotum, which is achieved by taking a daily hot bath of 46.6 0 C for 45 minutes for a month. When the testicles are overheated, sperm production is disrupted. By the way, the same effect is obtained if you sit behind the wheel of a car for more than four hours a day. After these procedures, the man becomes sterile for almost six months. Then everything is restored again in the same volume, but ... there is a danger of cancer.


Ideal option for a man. However, the condom can break, and its use requires some skill. Modern technologies offer high-strength and ultra-thin latex condoms in various lengths, colors and flavors. However, the condom can break, and its use requires some skill.

Hormonal remedies

Subcutaneous implant for men

Ampoules containing "androgens" are implanted by the surgeon under the skin, where they dissolve within 2-4 weeks. During orgasm, a small amount of "neutralized" sperm is ejected. The effect lasts for about 3-5 months. Sometimes there are not very pleasant side effects (headaches, genital cramps, etc.). The development of more advanced injectables continues - 1 injection in the arm annually or monthly.

The drug containing "cyproterone-acetate"

These are the same oral contraceptives, only for men. Continuous use of the drug leads to temporary sterilization and a decrease in the amount of sperm. After stopping the pills, sperm volumes are restored, but it is not yet clear how long a man will be able to fertilize.

Tablets containing "estrogen and androgen"

Such pills cause an increase in sexual desire and at the same time reduce the quality of sperm. You can use it for 1 month, and then take a break for 3-4 months. With too long use of the drug, side effects may occur: mental disorders, decreased tone and interest in life.


Ligation of the spermatic cord, which can be untied if desired. An ideal method in the treatment of sexual weakness, the prevention of inflammatory changes after removal of a prostate tumor.


male contraception. This operation involves cutting the vas deferens that carry sperm from both testicles. About a month after her, the man becomes completely infertile. Previously, the main disadvantage of a vasectomy was that the man was deprived of the opportunity to conceive a child for the rest of his life. Currently, the operation of "reverse vasectomy" has been developed, when the crossed vas deferens are sutured again, and the man again becomes capable of fertilization. The ability to conceive a child is restored in 90% of cases.

There is also an alternative technique, when specially designed miniature valves which can be opened and closed again at will with a very small operation.

Recoverable vasectomy with the help of soft rubber plugs that prevent the advancement of sperm. They are inserted surgically and can be removed.

PUR stopper

The operation can be not only surgical, then a substance is introduced into the spermatic ducts, which hardens and gives a contraceptive effect.

male spiral

So far, a little-known method of male contraception. The male coil looks like a miniature umbrella and is inserted through the head of the penis into the scrotum. At the end of the spiral is a gel that has a spermicidal effect.

To decide on the choice of contraception, a man must consult with an andrologist.

Unfortunately, in recent decades, medicine has concentrated on contraceptives for women, this is due to the ease of development of such drugs. To avoid pregnancy, it is enough for a woman to block an egg every 28 days. In the case of men, the situation is different - you need to stop the "army" of sperm, which is much more difficult. But effective contraceptives for men still exist, it's time to consider these methods in more detail.

Five basic methods of male contraception

Interruption of sexual intercourse.

Efficiency is about 80%. A man must remove the penis from the partner's vagina until the moment of ejaculation. According to statistics, every fourth man uses this method.


  • does not require the use of tablets or other means;
  • free;
  • does not harm the body.


  • a man needs to be able to control ejaculation well;
  • requires constant tension during intercourse, so as not to miss the right moment;
  • does not protect against sexual infections;
  • with prolonged use reduces libido.

Use of a condom.

Approximately 56% of men prefer condoms. This is the most popular and effective male contraceptive. Modern products are made from latex - a substance impervious to spermatozoa.


  • the highest efficiency (85-97%);
  • protects against HIV and other sexually transmitted infections;
  • ease of use and wide availability in the market.


  • psychological discomfort and decreased sensitivity during intercourse;
  • requires some skills to use;
  • not always available at the right time;
  • sometimes men and women are allergic to latex;
  • if used incorrectly, condoms break and slip, resulting in loss of protection.

Despite all the shortcomings, it is the condom that is considered the main means of male contraception. In addition to allergies, there are no other contraindications.

Vasectomy (sterilization).

This is a surgical operation lasting 30 minutes, during which the ejaculatory streams are crossed. Does not affect the potency and sexual desire of men. After 2-3 months after sterilization, the need for other means of contraception disappears completely. The efficiency reaches 99%.


  • high reliability;
  • the operation is done only once.


  • requires surgical intervention;
  • irreversibility (a man will no longer be able to have children);
  • high cost;
  • does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases;
  • according to Russian law, sterilization is allowed only for men over 35 years old with at least two children.

This method is considered the most radical, after the operation, a man can no longer become a father, naturally, this prospect does not suit everyone.

Male birth control pills.

A new word in contraception. Like female counterparts, they contain sex hormones. The increased content of testosterone in the blood of a man prevents the formation of spermatozoa. After the end of the reception, the childbearing function is restored over time.

Birth control pills for men are still in development

These tablets are not yet on sale, since the drugs are still at the stage of clinical trials. But many experts are already skeptical about these tools. The fact is that male germ cells mature within 70 days, that is, to prevent unwanted pregnancy, pills must be taken regularly for three months. Side effects of such drugs are also not excluded.

Contraceptive pills for men can not yet be called no matter how effective contraception. It may be years before these products appear on the market.

Male contraceptive implant.

Another untested novelty. This is a small (2.5 cm) object containing hormones that is injected under the skin. The tool suppresses the production of spermatozoa and for some time levels the reproductive function of a man. The only advantage of the implant is that there is no need to take other means.

The disadvantages are the same as for male pregnancy pills - they do not provide reliable protection and can cause negative hormonal changes in the body. There is also no need to talk about protection from infection with sexually transmitted infections.

Conclusion: male contraception is effectively represented only by condoms, the use of other means is associated with certain risks.

The condom is the most popular, most common method of contraception. If you follow the instructions and put it on correctly, it is a very reliable method of contraception. In reality, given incorrect donning and use, the reliability of condoms drops from 98% to 75%.


  • Well distributed
  • Protect against diseases
  • A large number of species
  • Have no contraindications
  • Harmless


  • Requires application skills
  • Low efficiency in the absence of proper skill
  • The psychological aspect of a foreign object

Vazhktomiya, ppa and other methods on video:

Hormonal contraceptives


"Birth control" oral contraceptives for men have been developed quite recently. The main component of the tablets is testosterone. At low doses, testosterone can cure impotence and other disorders of the reproductive system, but at high doses, the effect is mirrored.


  • High efficiency (up to 99%)
  • Rapid recovery to reproductive functions (6-12 months)
  • The natural feeling is preserved

Disadvantages of hormonal contraceptives

  • Decrease in hairline on the head, increase in other parts of the body
  • Disruption of the cardiovascular system
  • thicker blood
  • Possible skin rash
  • Pills based on testosterone and progestogen can negatively affect libido
  • Tumor in testicles
  • Does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases

Androgens - male hormones, testosterone.

Antiandrogens are substances that suppress male hormones.

Hormonal contraceptives based on androgenic and antiandrogenic substances cause azospermia - the temporary disappearance of sperm and infertility. The recovery period is up to 1 year.

Subdermal implants

An ampoule with a large amount of androgen is introduced under the skin, where it dissolves over several weeks. The meaning of the action is the same as with “contraceptive” pills for men: due to the large amount of male hormone, spermatozoa are not capable of conception.

Time of infertility 3-4 months.

Contraceptives based on cyproterone acetate

Similar pills for male contraception as androgen-antiandrogen drugs.

The drug was originally developed for the treatment of tumors of the prostate and testicles in men. As a result, a "side" effect was noticed: spermatozoa are not capable of conception.

The advantages and disadvantages are similar to the hormonal contraceptives described above.

Injections and injections

This method also applies to hormonal, since a large amount of hormones is introduced into the body through a syringe. The negative aspects are the same: baldness, prostate enlargement, thick blood, stress on the cardiovascular system.

Surgical method


The essence of the method is the surgical ligation of the sperm cord. The reliability of the method is 99%. The advantage is the possibility of freeing the sperm pathways for conception. This method is practiced to prevent the removal of prostate tumors.

Polyurethane plugs

This method is similar to vasorectomy with the following exception: a polyurethane-based liquid is injected through the genital ducts into the vas deferens. The liquid dries up and a plug forms. Efficiency - 99%.


Another surgical intervention - and the sperm channels are cut. Efficiency - 100%. It is used when there is already a child. Previously, it was believed that this method is not reversible, but recently, canal stitching operations have been possible. After cutting the channels, after a while, the ability to conceive is lost.

Other options are also used: instead of cutting, valves are inserted into the channels, which can be opened as needed.

male spiral

The method is rather uncommon. It is an umbrella, with a spermicidal gel on the tip. The bottom line is that a spiral is inserted through the urogenital canal into the scrotum.

Behavioral methods of contraception in men

The main advantages of behavioral methods are the naturalness of sensations.

The main disadvantage is the high probability of pregnancy and the acquisition of sexual diseases, as well as mental disorders.

PPA (Pulled Out). Essence: a member is removed from the vagina before the onset of orgasm. The effectiveness of the method for the PPA gurus is 4 Pearls, the average is 27. The PPA is most effective together with. Read more about this method, + and -, as well as the features and training of the PPA in the article:

Artificially prolonged sexual intercourse. The bottom line: the stage of the main excitation is overcome, then it becomes much easier to have sex, there is no feeling of an approaching orgasm.

"Samurai Egg". For a month, every day a man should take a hot bath with a temperature of 46.6 degrees for 45 minutes. Overheating of the scrotum negatively affects the production of sperm. The same effect is observed if you use heated seats in winter. A samurai egg makes a man sterile for half a year.

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