Venous congestion or passive hyperemia: causes, symptoms, treatment. Exercises to improve blood circulation in the pelvis Stagnation of energy in the pelvis

Stagnation of blood in the small pelvis in women leads to insufficient supply of oxygen, minerals and other nutrients to muscle tissues and organs, and also prevents the full removal of metabolic products from them. This is becoming one of the common causes of diseases of the internal reproductive organs. In the presence of "favorable" factors, this disorder can develop at any age.

To understand what stagnation of blood in the pelvic area in women is, it is necessary to know the features of the structure of the organ. It is a bone frame, the back wall of which is formed by the sacrum and coccyx, the lateral ones include the ischial bones, the anterior part is formed by the pubic bones and symphysis.

In both sexes, the pelvis contains the rectum and bladder. A feature of female anatomy is the presence in it:

  • ovaries (places of egg maturation and production of sex hormones);
  • uterus (a hollow organ designed for bearing a fetus);
  • vagina that connects the cervix and the genital slit.

The pelvic cavity has three sections - upper, lower and middle, filled with vessels and nerves. The main purpose of the bone skeleton is to protect internal organs from damage.

Important! A feature of the pelvic organs is a close relationship with each other. When there are violations in the work of one of them, the pathological process covers the rest.

circulatory system

Around the pelvic organs there are venous plexuses that feed them with the necessary substances and oxygen. A feature of the circulatory system in this part of the body is a large number of anastomoses (paired branches) and the absence of a valve system in the vessels. This specificity is often the main cause of stagnation of blood in the uterus and other female internal organs.

Causes of blood stasis

Most often, this pathology is observed in patients who lead an inactive lifestyle and stay in a sitting position for a long time. Hypodynamia contributes to the clamping of blood vessels by cartilage and muscles, as a result of which blood is not able to flow to the organs located in the small pelvis.

Other causes of stagnation include:

  • malnutrition with a predominance of fatty foods in the diet;
  • weakened vascular walls;
  • frequent heavy lifting;
  • special structure of the uterus (the presence of a bend in it);
  • protection from unwanted pregnancy using oral contraceptives;
  • passion for rigid diets with insufficient amounts of vitamins necessary for vascular health;
  • wearing tight clothing;
  • pregnancy and the consequences of spontaneous childbirth;
  • varicose veins in the pelvis (both women and men).

The development of congestion in the pelvic area is largely facilitated by the hereditary structure of blood vessels and their reduced tone, bad habits (alcohol abuse and smoking). Alcohol can reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, and nicotine provokes their spasm.

Venous stasis accompanies many diseases of the genitourinary system. If the pathology has become chronic, this contributes to an increase in irritability, aggressiveness, and sudden mood swings.

The danger of blood stasis for women

In women of reproductive age, this pathology often causes infertility. The greatest danger of venous stasis in the pelvis is for patients bearing a child. During pregnancy, pathology can cause miscarriage, the birth of a premature baby.

Symptoms and diagnosis of pathology

The disease is characterized by gradual development. Venous congestion in the pelvic area is characterized by the following first signs:

  • Feeling of tingling and pressure in the lower abdomen.
  • Discomfort in the lumbar region.
  • Numb lower limbs.

The intensity of symptoms is steadily increasing. The pain acquires a sharp character, it can appear suddenly and also abruptly pass, give to the perineum and legs. Sometimes the symptoms and signs of venous stasis in the pelvis in women are activated after sports or sexual intercourse.

This condition requires immediate medical attention. A neglected pathology can cause damage to important internal organs, the rectum.

It is possible to diagnose existing congestion on the basis of the following types of studies:

  • Ultrasound, which assesses the current state of the uterus and allows visualization of blood flow;
  • computed tomography, necessary to study the anatomy of the small pelvis and identify varicose veins (this procedure is associated with radioactive exposure, and therefore is not used in pregnant women);
  • magnetic resonance imaging, which allows you to obtain detailed images of internal organs and make the most accurate diagnosis.

Less commonly, for examining patients, a phlebogram is prescribed, which involves the introduction of a special dye into the inguinal vein with the further use of x-rays.

Treatment of venous stasis of the small pelvis

Treatment of pathology is carried out by various methods:

  • medication;
  • with the use of traditional medicine recipes;
  • surgical.

At an early stage in the development of pathology, conservative methods of treatment are used. Often gynecologists combine them with non-traditional methods.


Among the most effective modern medicines prescribed for venous congestion are Goserelin (Zoladex) and Medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera). These drugs demonstrate the effectiveness of therapy in approximately 75% of women, significantly reduce the intensity of pain.

Also widely used:

  • Aescusan, which has a pronounced tonic effect;
  • Ascorutin, which exhibits an antioxidant effect;
  • Venza, which maintains the tone of the vascular walls and tissues of the pelvic organs.

Gymnastics, swimming, or yoga are often recommended to patients to enhance the effects of drugs. It is important for a speedy recovery to refrain from eating unhealthy, fatty foods rich in cholesterol, highly salted, spicy, fried foods, strong coffee and tea. Treatment will not bring a pronounced result in the presence of bad habits, which is why it is mandatory to quit smoking and alcohol.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies should be paid attention to in the initial stages of the disease. The safety of non-traditional prescriptions allows them to be used for the treatment of various groups of patients without causing an increased risk of side effects.

One of the most effective natural components used to normalize blood circulation is parsley root. An infusion is prepared using this plant. To do this, two tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for about 40 minutes. Take the resulting remedy 3 to 5 times a day. The process is repeated for several weeks (until you feel better).

Decoctions of hawthorn and wild rose fruits can also be used. 100 g of well-cleaned and washed raw materials (dry or fresh berries) are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and brought to a boil. Then the fire is turned off, and the composition is left to languish for another hour. The resulting product is consumed ½ cup before meals.

When Surgery Is Necessary

At the advanced stage of the disease, there is a need for surgical treatment. Most often, 3 types of operations are performed:

  1. Subcutaneous transcatheter vein embolization.
  2. Open surgery.
  3. Laparoscopy.

Pelvic vein embolization is a minimally invasive surgical intervention, after which the patient can soon leave the medical facility. In most women who have undergone the procedure, a noticeable improvement occurs within 14 days. The probability of recurrence after subcutaneous embolization of small pelvic vessels does not exceed 10% of cases.

This type of treatment is performed using an X-ray machine and a TV-like monitor, under local anesthesia. The technique eliminates large surgical incisions. For the procedure, only a small incision is needed on the skin, which does not need to be sutured in the future. This avoids the risk of large blood loss and scarring at the site of the surgical incision. Simultaneously with an embolism, a pelvic venography, an invasive examination that involves the introduction of a dye through a small catheter into the inguinal or jugular vein located in the neck, can be performed.

The remaining treatment options are carried out only under general anesthesia, and require a longer recovery phase.

How to improve blood circulation in the pelvic area and prevent congestion

In order to prevent the disease and prevent stagnation, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • abandon the passive way of life;
  • give preference to a healthy diet and avoid overeating;
  • gradually get rid of bad habits;
  • engage in available sports (swimming, Nordic walking, running).

The simple exercises described below will greatly help improve blood circulation. To obtain a pronounced effect, it is important to perform them regularly.

Exercises to prevent blood stasis

There are effective exercises that prevent blood stasis. The following complex will become effective:

  1. Having taken the deepest breath and sticking out your stomach, you need to hold your breath for 10 seconds, then draw your stomach in as much as possible and exhale with effort (repeat 3-7 times).
  2. Lying on your back, you need to bend it and lift it, without lifting the back of the head and buttocks from the floor. In this position, you should linger for 10 seconds, then relax. All actions are repeated 3 to 10 times.
  3. Lying on your back, resting your shoulders, elbows and the back of your head on the floor, perform the classic "birch tree" (raising your legs up 90 degrees from the floor surface, and supporting your pelvis with your hands). In this position, they are delayed for 2 minutes, after a short rest, the movement is repeated at least 7 more times.
  4. Lying on their stomach, they roll up and down on a large rubber ball, helping themselves with their hands (you need to ride every day for at least half an hour).


Prerequisites for a favorable prognosis are early diagnosis of pathology and properly selected treatment. Untimely access to a gynecologist is fraught with the development of irreversible complications, including various mental disorders.

In order for the pelvic organs to work properly, blood must circulate freely. In some cases, the valves of the vessels cease to fully conduct the blood flow, which leads to the appearance of pain and discomfort. Treatment of stagnation of blood in the small pelvis cannot be postponed, otherwise complications will not keep you waiting.

Causes of stagnation of blood in the pelvis

To eliminate the disease forever, it is important to find its real cause and take the necessary measures. Consider the causes of poor circulation in the pelvis:

  • sedentary activity. As a result of regular and prolonged sedentary work, the cartilage and muscles of the small pelvis begin to pinch the blood vessels, preventing their circulation.
  • Carrying heavy objects. Regular carrying of weights can also provoke the onset of the disease.
  • Thickened vessel walls. Excessive consumption of fatty and junk food entails the appearance of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which prevent proper blood flow.
  • Thinned vessel walls. A similar phenomenon may occur due to a lack of important nutrients.
  • Other reasons. The bending of the uterus, taking contraceptive drugs, pregnancy, childbirth can provoke the disease.

Symptoms of stagnation of blood in the pelvis

There are signs by which this disease can be recognized. It proceeds rather slowly, so the symptoms increase gradually. First, tingling or slight pressure begins to occur in the pelvic area, which brings some discomfort. Over time, there are sharp stabbing pains that appear more and more often. There may also be discomfort in the lumbar region and sides. In most cases, a little physical activity helps relieve pain, but only temporarily. Wrong lifestyle takes its toll, so the unpleasant symptoms will only intensify.

Treatment of stagnation of blood in the pelvis

If you find the above symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor - therapist or phlebologist as soon as possible. In the early stages, it is not difficult to eliminate the disease. The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe drugs that will help thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. He will also provide advice on lifestyle changes. But if the disease has progressed too much, only surgery will help. With the help of a special apparatus, the patient is made several punctures in the pelvic area, a micro-camera is inserted there, damaged vessels are found and restored.

To prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is important to follow simple rules. Let's consider them in order.

Physical exercises

If you work primarily while sitting, take frequent breaks. It is necessary to move (or at least stand) 5-10 minutes per hour. Get out of your chair for a while or walk around the table. If this is not possible, change the type of activity, otherwise the recurrence of the disease will not take long. It is recommended to include in your schedule morning jogging with gymnastics, evening walks and additional sports 2-3 times a week. If you find it difficult to force yourself to exercise, consider getting a dog - you won't be able to get out of the mandatory walks.

Proper nutrition

Try to eat homemade food and minimize the consumption of harmful and fatty foods to avoid clogging of blood vessels. It is worth noting that there are many products and preparations aimed at cleansing blood vessels - perform this procedure from time to time. It is also recommended to take courses of vitamins to strengthen blood vessels. Nicotine lovers will have to give up their habit, since smoking adversely affects vascular tone, not to mention other body systems.

Subject to the implementation of these recommendations, you can permanently get rid of blood stasis and feel great. But remember that when the first signs of the disease appear, it is important to immediately consult a doctor, because self-medication may not bring the expected results, but only aggravate the situation.

Hello, friends! Did you know that the most common disease in women is stagnation of blood in the pelvis? And our ladies face this problem mainly at working age. Let's talk about this delicate issue in more detail today. This disease occurs as a result of structural features of the intestine, in particular, the rectum. After all, the wall of this organ is supplied with blood vessels that create entire plexuses. Blood from the vessels flows into the large vein of the small pelvis, and then into the inferior vein. When the blood flow is disturbed, there is stagnation of blood in the pelvis. As a result, the venous weaves are filled in excess of the norm and their walls are stretched. Such a section of the venous plexus is a hemorrhoid. Moreover, venous blood from the pelvic organs and legs goes in one direction, entering the inferior vena cava. This combination provokes not only stagnation of blood in the pelvis, but varicose veins on our beautiful legs.

Why does blood stasis occur in the pelvis?

The causes of occurrence are predisposing and provoking. In the first case, heredity and age affect the appearance of the disease. It turns out that in this case it is not so easy to protect yourself from the disease.

In the second, venous blood stagnation occurs due to numerous external factors. These include:

First of all, limit physical activity. Women who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to suffer from this disease.

- stagnation of blood can appear due to irregular stools: feces, being in the intestine for a long time, put pressure on the walls of the intestine and injure it.

- stagnation of blood in the pelvis is associated, of course, with malnutrition. After all, in order for the intestines to work well, vegetables and fruits should be included in the menu every day. In reality, everything turns out differently, because women consume meat, smoked meats, and alcohol. And this provokes poor bowel function, and, as a result, the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

Signs of the disease

Stagnation of blood in the pelvis has its own characteristic features. It is not difficult to recognize them, first of all, by the discomfort that is felt in the rectum. It manifests itself in the form of tingling, pain and itching after a bowel movement. In addition, bleeding of hemorrhoids may occur, and in some cases, their prolapse.

Treatment of the disease

Today, medicine knows several ways to treat hemorrhoids. These include conservative, surgical and minimally invasive methods. In addition, each definition of the case requires the selection of treatment in accordance with the degree of the disease. The conservative method involves the use of ointments or suppositories, along with which medications can be taken in parallel to strengthen the venous wall. With a minimally invasive method, a laser or special latex rings are used. When the previous two treatments do not help, then medicine turns to surgical removal of the nodes.

How to prevent the disease?

Stagnation of venous blood, provoking the appearance of hemorrhoids, can and should be prevented in advance. With proper prevention, the risk of experiencing these unpleasant symptoms will be reduced to a minimum. To exclude stagnation of blood in the pelvis, it is necessary:

1. Increase motor activity.
2. Eat vegetables and fruits every day. In turn, it is better to refuse smoked meats and alcohol altogether. This will help the formation of normal stools.
3. Don't lift heavy things. It is with the frequent lifting of heavy things that the development of hemorrhoids is usually observed.

Take care of your health, dear women! And if the first symptoms appear, immediately, without hesitation, consult a doctor so as not to start the disease and not take it to extremes.

Helped us:

Evgeniya Tishchenko
Gynecologist, osteopath, General Director of the Quality of Life Clinic for Restorative Medicine; PhD

Anna Vladimirova
Founder of the Wu Ming Dao School of Health Practices

You know, movement is life. Wise WHO experts even wrote a special report in which they concluded that the basis of most of our diseases is circulatory stasis. If the blood in some compartment of the body moves slowly, the organs and tissues begin to “starve” - they receive less nutrition and oxygen. Well, they get sick, of course. Therefore, all doctors, as one, talk about the benefits of cardio - improve microcirculation and be healthy.

“However, there is a zone in our body,” says gynecologist Evgenia Tishchenko, “ where it is almost impossible to reach with the help of classical fitness. This is the pelvic area where we sit most of the day." And there, as you know, all the most valuable is stored: the ovaries and uterus, for example.

Causes of congestion in the pelvis

Why, in fact, the stomach, lower back and perineum tense up? “This is both the result of a sedentary lifestyle and a consequence of the so-called emotional stress,” says Anna Vladimirova. Even if a girl runs cross-country most of her life, but at the same time she worries, suffers and makes a lot of strong-willed efforts, problems in the pelvic area cannot be avoided - because feelings that cause moral tension also provoke muscle tension. And rigid muscles compress blood vessels, worsening blood microcirculation.

Conduct an experiment: if suddenly you have to be late somewhere, and around, as luck would have it, there is a total traffic jam, pay attention to the area in the lower abdomen. With a probability of 99% there will be all stone. A similar phenomenon can be observed, for example, while sitting in an airplane on takeoff. When we are anxious and unpleasant, we shrink into a spring - and its base - the muscles in the pelvic area. “What is most offensive, the tension does not go away even during sleep,” Anna Vladimirova adds fuel to the fire.

Consequences of the problem

What happens against the backdrop of stagnation down there? “The worse the blood moves, the better the opportunistic microorganisms feel,” Evgenia continues. “This means that the risk of various dysbioses (they are often combined under the term “thrush”), inflammatory diseases of the genital organs increases, and, among other things, the reproductive function subsequently suffers.”

How to improve blood circulation

How, one wonders, to deal with it? We bet you came up with a variety of stretch marks up to the twine, which should “free” the pelvic area? We are forced to disappoint: by torturing the twine, you increase the mobility of the hip joints, and what is inside remains without work.

« One of the movements that improves microcirculation in the pelvic area is belly dance.", - says Evgenia Tishchenko. The principle of this oriental "exercise" is simple: the girl makes many different movements, while maintaining relaxation in the abdomen, lower back and perineum - that is, in the entire pelvic area (this is the key to the beauty and attractiveness of the dance). And what is needed for good microcirculation? It's relaxation.

Plus, without special exercises, I'm sorry, you can not do it! Learn, practice - and enjoy (by the way, increased blood circulation "there" makes sex even more enjoyable).

The human body is a complex machine driven by the heart. This unique organ, which operates in an “automatic” mode, pushes blood to all organs and tissues in the human body by the force of its ejection. Arterial blood saturated with oxygen is carried by the arteries, and venous blood already saturated with carbon dioxide returns through the veins to the heart. Then it is again enriched with oxygen, and the cardiac cycle repeats again. Throughout a person's life, such cycles are repeated billions of times, and the system works smoothly if the body is healthy. But the vessels through which blood flows can also hurt, and one of the most dangerous manifestations of their pathology is venous congestion.

Symptoms of venous congestion in the pelvic organs in men

As you know, the organs of the genitourinary system have a large number of blood vessels and are very well supplied with blood. Due to various pathological conditions in the pelvis, venous stasis may occur in the genitourinary venous plexus. As a result of such stagnation, degenerative changes develop in the organs of the reproductive system, leading to reproductive and sexual dysfunctions, as well as urination disorders. This condition of the body is called congestive disease, and very often the disease occurs in males.

Venous stasis:

  • why does venous stasis develop in the pelvis;
  • what happens in the pelvic organs during venous congestion;
  • clinical picture of venous congestion: symptoms in men.

Why does venous stasis develop in the pelvis

The development of venous stasis in the genitourinary venous plexus of the male body may be due to the influence of such etiological factors as:

  • reticular form of the structure of the genitourinary venous plexus, which predisposes to stagnation;
  • weakness of the walls of the veins, underdevelopment of the muscular-elastic elements or insufficiency of the venous valves;
  • thrombophlebitis and thrombosis of the veins of the pelvis;
  • pelvic injury;
  • injuries of the spine and spinal cord, as a result of which there was a violation of the innervation of the pelvic organs;
  • diseases of neighboring organs;
  • neoplasms and metastases in the pelvis.

What happens in the pelvic organs during venous congestion

Under the influence of the above etiological factors, functional changes occur in the pelvis, the vessels of the urogenital plexus expand, blood flow slows down in the pelvic organs, and a sufficiently large volume of blood is turned off from circulation. Subsequently, dystrophy and sclerosis of the walls of the venous vessels of the urogenital venous plexus develops, as a result of which persistent congestion occurs in the pelvic organs. The processes of microcirculation and transcapillary exchange worsen, favorable conditions are created for delaying infection and the development of phlebitis and thrombophlebitis, congestive pathologies of the genital organs develop, against the background of which inflammatory processes quite often occur. Venous congestion in the genitourinary venous plexus can lead to very serious and dangerous complications.

The clinical picture of venous stasis: symptoms in men

The clinical picture of venous congestion in the pelvic organs in men is dominated by pain and dysuric syndrome, as well as disorders of the genital organs. The symptomatology depends on in which organs of the small pelvis the congestion is more pronounced. Pain during venous congestion in the small pelvis occurs in the perineum, in the groin, above the pubis, in the testicles, appendages, urethra and other structures of the small pelvis. The pain is diffuse and aching in nature, aggravated after prolonged sitting or being in an upright position. Dysuric manifestations occur in the form of nocturia, pollakiuria, sensation of a full bladder. In addition, patients complain of decreased libido, accelerated ejaculation, sluggish ejaculation, and spontaneous and sometimes painful erections that disappear after emptying the bladder or rectum. The appearance of such symptoms may indicate the development of venous stasis in the pelvis.

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