Why there is an unpleasant smell from the scalp and hair and how to solve this problem. The smell of curls is unpleasant: what can be done

It is a well-known fact that body odor is of great importance for the sexual desire of the opposite sex. Unfortunately, many people have problems with this. For example, an unpleasant odor from the hair and head can occur even with proper and complete care.

Unpleasant smell from the head: hair care

The reasons

The smell of the head, like the body, is individual for each person. For some it is more pleasant, for others it is not. The smell can also be described in different ways. However, most of them are unpleasant.

It is known that hair has the ability to absorb a variety of odors. Therefore, they often try to disguise them using various perfumes. Experts do not recommend resorting to this solution to the problem. Firstly, toilet water contributes to hair discoloration. Secondly, it is in principle intended for other purposes. Thirdly, due to the high alcohol content, it dries the hairline and scalp.

To identify the true causes of the unpleasant smell of the head and hair, you should consult with a specialist. Trichologists say that they cannot smell on their own. This is facilitated by certain factors and processes occurring in the body.

Odors are emitted by sebaceous and sweat glands, the work of which depends on the functioning of organs and internal systems.

Main reasons:

  • food consumed (smoked meats, marinades, sauces, spices)
  • problems with internal organs (diseases of the kidneys, liver, intestines)
  • hormonal changes
  • regular use of cosmetics (foams, serums, etc.)
  • Thin hair
  • disorders in the sebaceous glands
  • seborrhea
  • dirty and unkempt hair

Eliminate bad odor

First you need to regularly wash your hair with a good and high-quality shampoo. If necessary, the procedure can be carried out daily. To give your hair a pleasant aroma after washing, you can rinse it with water and essential oils. The only contraindication in this case: an allergic reaction. In this case, the use of essential oils should be abandoned. Experts recommend using special deodorants for hair. They will not harm and will give a unique aroma. You can buy them in a specialized store.

Experts say that the hair itself does not have a certain aroma. Some factors that occur naturally in the body contribute to the appearance of odor. The smell, as a rule, is emitted by sweat and sebaceous glands. In turn, their work is associated with the constant functioning of all internal systems and organs. Even a slight disturbance in the work of the sweat or sebaceous glands can provoke the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the hair.

It is worth noting that dirty hair can smell unpleasant. This is a matter of personal hygiene, which, of course, must be observed. If necessary, the curls should be washed every day, especially if it is an oily hair type.

If there is such a problem as, then an unpleasant odor from the hair will come as a result of the disease. To cope with this disease will help special drugs and cosmetics. A qualified specialist will help you choose the right one.

Also, the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the scalp can signal problems associated with internal organs. For example, diseases of the liver significantly affect the change in the natural secretion secreted from the glands. Thus, an unpleasant repulsive odor is formed. In this case, you should undergo a detailed medical examination. Only after finding out the true appearance of an unpleasant odor can you get rid of the problem.

Unpleasant smell from the hair can also be associated with the temporary use of certain medications.
It is worth noting that even the food you eat can be the culprit for the bad smell coming from the hair. Take a close look at your diet. The smell can provoke artificial spices, sauces, marinades, smoked meats and more.

Naturally, if the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the hair lies in a certain disease of the body, it follows by contacting a medical institution for help.

In the event that the cause of an unpleasant odor from the scalp is not known, you should contact a dermatologist or trichologist for help. Often the cause of this disease lies in reproduction on the head, vitamin deficiency or metabolic disorders. An experienced specialist will help to deal with this problem and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

Aromatherapy can help to get rid of the unpleasant smell of hair, if the cause of its occurrence was extraneous aromas. To do this, add 2-3 essential oils, chamomile or vanilla to the shampoo every time you wash your hair.

The smell of the scalp is a rather unpleasant condition that can cause discomfort to a person when in contact with people. In addition, this is not only a cosmetic and aesthetic problem - often after identifying its cause, a person is found to have very serious diseases in the body. How to eliminate odor from the scalp? To learn about the causes of the appearance, trichologists will help - doctors who treat hair and scalp. They believe that in a normal state of health, a person should not have such a smell. Let's consider what problems can be with such a phenomenon.

Causes of an unpleasant odor

The causes of an unpleasant smell of the scalp can be different. Often this is evidence of health problems, improper hair care or poor nutrition. Let's understand in more detail.

Reason 1

The most common disease that causes the head to smell bad, and even stink, is seborrhea. With this disease, the glands secrete a much larger amount of fat, containing fatty acids.

Important! Hair becomes dirty very quickly, a person is tormented by constant dandruff, the skin thickens, and also acquires a grayish tint.

Reason 2

If the internal organs do not work properly, this can also lead to problems with the hair and scalp. Often this is a sign of a diseased liver, kidneys, intestines, because they remove toxins from the body.

If their functions are lost, then other purification channels are actively connected, and first of all, this is the skin. That is why metabolic disorders, malnutrition, slagging of the intestines become the reason that the human scalp begins to smell unpleasant.

Reason 3

Taking certain medications can also cause an unpleasant odor from the scalp.

Reason 4

Improper hair care causes an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands. This happens if a person washes his hair very often or constantly dries it with a hot air dryer. And infrequent washing can lead to the accumulation of fat on the skin, which is why they acquire an unpleasant odor.

Reason 5

Bacterial or fungal infections in the body can spread to the scalp and contribute to odor. In addition, due to the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, hormonal disruptions in women can occur.

Other reasons:

  • Too hot hats made of moisture resistant materials.
  • Frequent use of hair styling products.

Important! And there are more banal reasons that the smell of the scalp has become unpleasant: here we are not talking about the skin, but about the hair, which is able to perfectly absorb all the surrounding aromas. So, the work of a farmer, a doctor, a person associated with the processing of fish or meat, causes a corresponding smell.

Ways to deal with the problem

It is not the smell itself that needs to be eliminated, but its cause. It is better to do this after consulting a doctor. He will help you choose the right shampoo and prescribe special masks for the head.

With seborrhea, it is desirable:

  • Eat foods that are rich in vitamin A, B, C.
  • General strengthening of immunity in order for the body to fight bacteria and fungi.
  • Drugs that normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Important! As a rule, a person is prescribed a diet that excludes sweets, baked goods and yeast products.

To eliminate the unpleasant smell of the scalp, which is caused by a malfunction of the internal organs, they should be thoroughly examined and, if possible, treated.

The best way to get rid of toxins is a diet based on the use of water and fiber in large quantities, the rejection of pastries, meat, fried foods, sweets, sauces, fatty foods, mayonnaise, fast food, smoked meats. At the same time, you can carry out massages, cleansing enemas, go to the bathhouse and do gymnastics.

Important! It is necessary to identify foci of infection, and if any, to eliminate them correctly. It can be dysbiosis of the genitourinary system and intestines, bacterial diseases of the throat.

You can also try:

  • Wash your hair more often, if necessary - daily.
  • Choose the right shampoo.
  • Avoid styling products and hot air blow dryers.
  • Eliminate freezing of the scalp.
  • If some external factors influence the smell of the skin from the head, then you should get rid of them or avoid them.
  • During work, wear a scarf made of natural fabric.

Important! The headdress should be selected according to the season so that the skin does not overheat, and vice versa - it does not freeze. The fabric must be breathable.

Folk remedies

To remove the smell from the scalp, you can try to apply folk tips:

  • Apple cider vinegar as a mask or rinse.
  • Head massage with coarse sea salt.
  • Adding a few drops of tea tree oil to shampoos or hair masks.
  • Whey, which remains after straining the cottage cheese, has proven itself well. She should wash her hair once a day for a week, then take a break for a few days.


There are many ways to eliminate the unpleasant smell of the scalp. But the main thing is to remember that if after performing the above procedures the situation does not get better, you need to see a doctor, because cleanliness and beauty are evidence of a healthy body.

An unpleasant smell from the hair sometimes worries some girls. The problem is that the smell persists despite careful and regular hair washing and the use of quality shampoo. What is this phenomenon? And what causes the development of such a problem? Finally, what can be done to eliminate the trouble? Let's take a look at the answers to all these questions.

A little about the nature of the fragrance

Of course, the smell of hair plays a significant role. After all, this is not only a hygienic aspect, but also an intimate one: a woman with fragrant hair will be especially attractive to men. That is why it is important to achieve the presence of an attractive aroma of your own strands.

Unfortunately, a number of girls have problems with this: an unpleasant smell appears. And they are surprised that the reason is not at all untidiness or bad shampoo.

About possible causes

Each person has their own, purely individual smell of hair. And in some cases it can be annoying. It is noteworthy that even an unpleasant smell is quite diverse: some describe it as “dirty”, while others have a completely different smell. But what are the reasons for this?

In order to reliably establish the true cause that served as a factor in the occurrence of an unpleasant smell of hair, something like a small investigation should be organized. It involves careful observation of oneself, the means used, the way of life, and so on.

The fact is that hair does not tend to have at least some of its own smell. Therefore, the occurrence of such a phenomenon must be associated either with the influence of certain factors, or with the processes occurring in the female body. This is explained as follows: the smell itself is the result of the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which, in turn, depend on the functioning of absolutely all organs and systems of the body.

In this regard, in order to eliminate an unpleasant odor, it is very important to detect the provoking factor in a timely manner. Let's name the main reasons that are possible:

  • hair pollution. In this case, the only right decision is a thorough and regular shampooing (if necessary, daily);
  • seborrhea;
  • atypical functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • thin strands;
  • hormonal changes;
  • the presence of one of the diseases of the internal organs;
  • influence of the food consumed;
  • too frequent use of styling products.

Once the cause is identified, action should be taken to eliminate it, which will lead to getting rid of the unpleasant odor.

What do we have to do?

Very often, those who suffer from an unpleasant smell of hair seek to refresh the strands through the use of eau de toilette. However, such actions are undesirable. The fact is that:

  • toilet water, in principle, is not intended for hair;
  • its use contributes to the discoloration of the strands;
  • due to the high alcohol content, toilet water leads to the fact that the scalp, along with the hairline, is very dry.

It is better to take other measures if the smell of your strands is unpleasant:

  • First of all, it is recommended to start washing your hair regularly (even daily, if necessary) with a very high-quality shampoo. And if you use a deodorizing shampoo in the morning, you can keep a wonderful aroma for the whole day;
  • to mask the smell, it is permissible to use special deodorants for strands;
  • if the reason is the wrong diet, then you should make adjustments to your menu.

As an option, an alternative can be called the use of essential oils in cases where the smell of curls is unpleasant. You just need to dilute them in water and rinse your head with the resulting product after washing. In this case, you should very carefully choose the right oil, because the possibility of an allergic reaction is not excluded.

As you can see, certain actions can be taken with an unpleasant smell of hair. But if it is impossible to cope with this phenomenon on your own, then you should contact the appropriate specialist.

Recently, many women have begun to complain more and more about the unpleasant smell of their hair, despite their regular washing or the use of quality shampoo. What does it say? Why is this happening? How to deal with such a "smelling" problem? We will try to give detailed answers to all these important questions.

The smell of hair is not so much a hygiene issue, but a very intimate one. We all know how pleasantly smelling hair affects sexual desire. They not only increase sexual arousal, but also allow you to build passionate moments in your imagination. First of all, men are susceptible to the smell of hair. The aroma alone can evoke pleasant or not so pleasant memories in their memory. Therefore, it is very important that the smell of hair does not scare them away, but attracts them for a long time (as an option, forever).

But here's the problem: some women are categorically unlucky with pleasant aromas. And it’s not even about untidiness or poor-quality shampoo (although this may be), but for absolutely incomprehensible reasons that lead the owner of the hair into despondency and even despair.

What does bad hair smell indicate?

Everyone has their own hair smells: some are more or less pleasant, others are not. They can be described in different ways: from a dirty smell to an unusual “aunt smell”. However, they all belong to the category of unpleasant.

We all know that human hair has the ability to absorb any odors. Therefore, when such a problem occurs, most people try to refresh them with ordinary toilet water. However, this is not recommended. Firstly, ordinary toilet water is not intended for hair. Secondly, it contributes to their discoloration. And thirdly, due to the high alcohol content, it dries the scalp and hairline.

In order to identify the causes of the appearance of an unpleasant smell of hair, it is necessary to conduct your own mini-investigation, the results of which will tell you how to proceed.

According to trichologists, hair does not smell on its own, this is facilitated by the processes occurring in the body and certain factors. Smells are emitted by sweat and sebaceous glands, the work of which depends on the functioning of all internal systems and organs. That is, any violation can provoke the appearance of a “stench” from the hair, so it needs to be identified in time, and then cured or eliminated.

Causes of bad hair odor:

  • Dirty hair - to eliminate it, it will be enough to wash your hair more often, if we are required - and every day;
  • seborrhea;
  • Abnormal functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Thin hair;
  • Frequent use of a variety of styling products: serums, foams, and so on;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Problems with internal organs - diseases of the intestines, liver, kidneys;
  • Food consumed - artificial spices, sauces, marinades, smoked meats can cause an unpleasant smell of hair.

After finding out the cause of the "smelling" problem, you can begin to eliminate it.

How to deal with bad hair odor?

First of all, you need to start washing your hair regularly (if necessary, every day) with a quality shampoo, but without a conditioner. In addition, using a deodorizing shampoo in the morning, you can inhale its wonderful aroma throughout the day.

Since unpleasant odors can be caused by an incorrectly formulated diet, it is worth reviewing it and making a healthier option. By the way, fungal infections can also provoke bad smells, and they are known to be transmitted to us from animals. Therefore, contact with animals should be minimized, if not completely abandoned.


To give the hair a pleasant aroma, after washing it is recommended to rinse with water with essential oils. A specialist in aromatherapy will be able to suggest the optimal oils. If you are allergic to any essential oil, you should refuse to use it.

If the bad smell does not leave your hair, you can not do without the help of specialists. After all, the causes of a “smelling” problem can be very serious, and together with a trichologist or dermatologist, you will quickly deal with the causes of the disaster!

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