Contraception to have. Methods of female contraception: pros and cons

Prevention of abortions is a key moment in preserving the reproductive health of a girl. According to experts, artificial termination of pregnancy quite often leads to infertility. Today, approximately one in five pregnant women resort to abortion. Despite the high effectiveness of contraceptives, many young ladies unreasonably neglect this opportunity. Do not forget that the main tasks of contraception are not only to ensure the prevention of medical abortions, but also to prevent infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

Varieties of contraception

Methods of contraception are different. However, regardless of the type of contraception, female contraceptives must be highly effective, safe for health, easy to use and affordable.

Modern methods of contraception:

  • Physiological.
  • Barrier or mechanical.
  • Chemical.
  • Hormone.

Female contraceptives can be bought in pharmacy chains without a prescription.


A feature of the physiological method of contraception is that a girl during a certain period of her menstrual cycle must refrain from intimacy or actively use other contraceptives. As a rule, if the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, then it is necessary to abandon vaginal sex in the period from the 11th to the 18th day, when ovulation occurs. The physiological method is based on the alternation of periods of high and low fertility (fertility). Scientists have found that the egg remains viable for 1-3 days, sperm - about 5 days. What methods can be used to clarify the time of ovulation:

  1. Calendar. It is necessary to calculate the fertile period, taking into account the individual duration of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Temperature. To determine the fertile period, rectal temperature measurements are taken. They should be held in the morning at the same time. In the supine position, the woman inserts a special thermometer into the rectum for 5-6 minutes. Ovulation is recognized by analyzing the temperature curve. The defining moment is a temperature drop of 0.2–0.3 °C and a subsequent rise of 0.7–1.0 °C. Similar changes are observed only 1–2 days after the completion of the ovulatory phase. Having determined the day of ovulation, the “dangerous period” is calculated.
  3. Cervical. By the nature of the changes in cervical mucus due to estrogens during the menstrual cycle, it will be possible to judge what phase a woman is in.
  4. Multicomponent. Judging by the name, it is not difficult to guess that this method includes measuring basal temperature, fixing changes in the properties of cervical mucus, calendar calculations, and some subjective signs (in particular, the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, discharge, etc.).

The main advantage of the physiological method is ease of use and absolute safety for the female body, since no consequences or adverse reactions can be expected. However, it is worth noting that this method of contraception is suitable for women who have normal menstrual cycles. But for teenagers and young girls, the physiological method is inappropriate for several reasons:

  • Irregular ovulatory cycle.
  • In young girls, accidental or extraordinary ovulation is quite common.
  • Late ovulation is more common.
  • Low efficiency.
  • It is difficult for girls to make correct calculations and perform basic methods of physiological contraception.
  • This method is not able to protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Not all types of contraception can provide 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Barrier or mechanical

The use of special means that prevent sperm from moving into the uterine cavity is called a barrier or mechanical contraceptive method. It is known that barrier contraceptives are provided for both women and men. The most common types of barrier protection against unplanned pregnancy:

  • Condoms (female and male).
  • vaginal diaphragm.
  • Neck caps.


Latex is the main condom material today. It helps not only protect against unplanned pregnancy, but also prevents infection with sexually transmitted diseases. The main disadvantage of the method is the frequent breaks of condoms made of thin elastic rubber. According to statistics, this happens about once in 50-300 sex sessions.

If a condom break occurs, it is recommended to introduce a spermicidal substance into the vagina and / or use an oral contraceptive for emergency postcoital prevention of unwanted pregnancy. In addition, quite often, when using a condom, both sexual partners note a decrease in sexual pleasure. As clinical studies show, many boys and men neglect this method of contraception.

Therefore, a condom for women was invented, which is effective both as a contraceptive and in terms of preventing infection with sexually transmitted diseases. It must be put on a few hours before intimacy and removed after having sex. Multiple use is strictly prohibited.

Vaginal diaphragm

In a nutshell, the vaginal diaphragm is a fairly good barrier contraceptive, shaped like a hemisphere, and consisting of a rubber cap connected to a ring. To prevent the advancement of spermatozoa, it should be inserted into the vagina in such a way as to close the cervical canal. To increase contraceptive effectiveness, the vaginal diaphragm is used in conjunction with spermicidal agents, which can be purchased in the form of creams, foams, gels, etc.

Various models and sizes are available, so it is recommended to select individually. As a rule, the introduction of the vaginal diaphragm is carried out immediately before intimacy, reversed with a spermicidal agent on both sides. Her extraction is carried out 7-10 hours after the completion of sexual intercourse. I would like to note that this barrier method of contraception does not help protect against diseases transmitted during sex, although it can protect the internal genital organs from certain types of infections.

cervical cap

The mechanism of action and contraceptive effectiveness of the cervical caps are almost the same as those of the vaginal diaphragms. In shape, they resemble a hemisphere with thickened edges. The created negative pressure helps the cap not to slip off the cervix. It should be administered 30-10 minutes before sexual intercourse. It can stay in the vagina for 6-9 hours (the maximum period is 1.5 days). Unlike a condom, the vaginal diaphragm and cervical cap can be used more than once. Before using any of the means of barrier or mechanical contraception, it is recommended that you carefully read the instructions.

Modern contraceptives for women (contraceptives) must be dispensed by prescription.

Chemical (spermicidal)

The chemical or spermicidal method of contraception is based on the use of special agents that can inactivate spermatozoa. This effect is realized due to the active component, which destroys the cell membrane of male germ cells in a few seconds. Spermicidal agents are available in the form of a gel, cream, suppositories, foam, tablets, etc. The effectiveness of a chemical method of contraception directly depends on the correct use of it. Application Features:

  1. Spermicidal preparations are administered no later than 30-60 before sexual intercourse.
  2. Spermicides must be in contact with the cervix.
  3. If you do not know how to use the chemical method of contraception correctly, consult a gynecologist.

The active substances that make up spermicidal agents can not only destroy spermatozoa, but also have a bactericidal and virocidal effect. For example, the active ingredient nonoxynol or benzalkonium chloride inhibits the growth and reproduction of such pathogenic microorganisms as chlamydia, mycoplasma, trichomonas, ureaplasma, etc. To increase contraceptive effectiveness, many experts advise combining the use of chemical and barrier contraceptive methods.


One of the most popular spermicides for chemical contraception is Pharmatex. For the complete destruction of spermatozoa, 20 seconds of the presence of male germ cells in the medium with Pharmatex is enough. With repeated sexual intercourse, a new administration of the drug is required. In addition, it has antimicrobial activity against a number of sexually transmitted diseases (for example, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.). At the same time, Pharmatex does not affect the normal microflora of the vagina and does not lead to menstrual irregularities.

It can be combined with intrauterine devices (spiral), condoms, vaginal diaphragm, cervical caps. Pharmatex is available in the following forms for vaginal use:

  • Tablets.
  • Tablets.
  • Candles.
  • Tampons.
  • Cream.

Each of the forms has its own characteristics of use, which can be found by reading the official instructions for the drug. It should be remembered that Pharmatex is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its active components and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. In order to avoid a decrease in the spermicidal effect, the simultaneous vaginal use of several drugs is not recommended.

contraceptive sponge

A tool that combines mechanical and chemical protection against unwanted pregnancy is called a contraceptive sponge. It acts as a barrier, preventing the advancement of male germ cells in the cervical canal, and also releases a spermicidal component that helps destroy spermatozoa. The shape is a rounded pillow with a small depression on one side, which should be adjacent to the cervix. However, due to the low contraceptive effectiveness, it is usually not recommended for use by adolescents and young girls. More experienced and adult women can quite cope with the installation of this type of contraceptive and have no particular problems with the use.

The best method of contraception is the combined use of contraceptives (such as hormonal drugs and a condom).


Statistics show that almost 150 million girls and women around the world take oral contraceptives daily. At the same time, at present, the latest hormonal preparations are taken both orally and can be introduced into the body in other ways (by injection, transdermally, intravaginally, etc.). The mechanism of hormonal contraception is as follows:

  • Slow down the production of gonadotropic hormones.
  • Suppress the process of ovulation.
  • Increase the viscosity and density of cervical mucus, which is produced by the cervix.
  • By changing the property of cervical mucus, sperm motility in the direction of the uterine cavity is inhibited.

Taking oral contraception stops ovulation and prevents the fertilization of the egg. Also, due to the impact on the endometrium, the prevention of implantation of the egg in the uterine cavity is observed.

Oral contraceptives

There are many types of hormonal contraceptives. Let us dwell on the most clinically significant. Depending on the composition, oral contraception is divided into the following main groups:

  1. Combined hormonal preparations containing progestogen and estrogen (Mersilon, Ovidon, Regulon, Rigevidon, Silest, Triziston, Triquilar, Belara).
  2. Hormonal preparations, the active component of which is progestogen (Exluton, Ovret, Microlut, Charozetta). They are also called mini-pills.

When choosing the optimal combined oral contraceptive, the content of ethinyl estradiol plays a significant role. Given the amount of estrogen, hormonal drugs are divided into three large groups: high-, low- and micro-dosed. Popular representatives of each of these groups:

  • The first is Anteovin, Silest, Non-ovlon. They contain more than 35 micrograms of ethinylestradiol.
  • The second - Regulon, Belara, Microgynon, Femoden (30 mcg each).
  • The third is Mercilon, Mirrel, Minisiston (20 mcg each).

Main advantages and disadvantages

Among all hormonal oral contraceptives, monophasic preparations containing a stable amount of both female hormones (for example, Mercilon) are in priority. Two- and three-phase drugs have different amounts of estrogens and progestogens, which helps them act at different periods of the menstrual cycle. The main advantages of monophasic oral contraceptives:

  • They have the most pronounced effectiveness than other types of non-invasive contraceptives.
  • Available for most girls and women.
  • They do not have serious consequences for the body.
  • After stopping the intake, fertility is quickly restored.
  • It is considered a highly secure method.
  • Long-term use is possible.

A distinctive feature of most new combined oral contraceptives is high efficiency and safety. In addition, according to clinical studies, the contraceptive effect is not their only property. What else is typical for contraceptive hormonal drugs:

  • Able to regulate the menstrual cycle, especially in young girls.
  • Helps to get rid of algomenorrhea (painful menstruation).
  • If you choose the right contraceptive, you can not worry about weight gain.
  • Do not affect the main types of exchange.
  • Eliminate insufficiency from female hormones.
  • Reduce the likelihood of a number of gynecological and somatic diseases.

The appearance of side effects is possible in the first 3 months of taking combined hormonal drugs. In most cases, they gradually disappear over time. Prolonged use usually does not provoke such adverse reactions as headache, dyspeptic disorders, swelling of the mammary glands, painful menstruation, etc.

Unlike combined oral contraceptives, mini-pills containing only progestogens have less pronounced contraceptive efficacy. However, they do not cause serious harm to the young body. In addition, they are recommended to girls and women who have contraindications to the use of other oral contraceptives.

The use of the latest methods of contraception for women is recommended after consultation with a specialist.


Hormonal contraceptives can boast a fairly long list of various kinds of contraindications. Those with a high lethal risk deserve the most attention. Diseases related to absolute contraindications for the use of hormonal oral contraceptives:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (uncontrolled high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, atherosclerotic lesions of the bloodstream).
  • Severe pathologies of the blood coagulation system and other diseases that provoke the formation of blood clots (venous thrombosis, thromboembolism).
  • Tumors of the reproductive system and mammary glands.
  • Severe pathology of the liver and kidneys with the development of functional failure.

How to take oral contraceptives?

To reduce the development of side effects and increase contraceptive properties, new regimens for the use of hormonal contraceptives have been developed. One of the latest innovations has been the introduction into clinical practice of an extended regimen of combined oral contraceptives. It was proposed to take the drug continuously for 3-5 menstrual cycles, after which a 7-day break was made and the use was resumed.

A mode called "63 + 7" has successfully passed a clinical trial. Its essence lies in the fact that the contraceptive is taken for 63 days, then a pause is made in taking exactly one week. In certain cases, the prolonged mode can be extended up to 126 + 7. With prolonged use of oral contraceptives with a minimum interruption, a decrease in the occurrence of "withdrawal symptoms" is observed. A prolonged regimen made it possible for girls and women to experience less headaches, menstrual irregularities of a different nature, breast pathology and other side effects.

In addition, another innovative approach to taking hormonal contraceptives is being actively developed, which is called quick start. What are its features:

  1. It is allowed to start taking combined oral contraceptives at absolutely any period of the menstrual cycle.
  2. The absence of a significant negative impact on pregnancy and fetal development from the latest contraceptive drugs allowed scientists to come to such conclusions.
  3. In the case when pregnancy is diagnosed against the background of the use of oral contraception, then the drug should be stopped. It has been established that short-term use of hormonal contraceptives during the period of childbearing does not affect the threat of abortion.

The combined method is the most reliable way to protect against unwanted pregnancy, involving the simultaneous use of several types of contraceptives.

Modern contraceptives for women may have contraindications and side effects, which should be familiarized with before using them.

emergency contraception

Despite the extensive range of contraceptives, the problem of unplanned pregnancy remains very relevant for millions of girls and women. As a rule, the risk of unwanted pregnancy is associated with having sex without using contraception or its ineffectiveness. Oddly enough, but many women believe that in such situations, the only thing left for them is to wait for the next period to go or not.

However, by using emergency contraception methods, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of unexpected conception. It is worth noting that such an approach is practically unknown to many girls and women. At the same time, the popularization of the basic principles of emergency contraception to the masses would significantly reduce the number of abortions.

When is emergency contraception indicated?

It's no secret that the chance of conceiving a child varies throughout the menstrual cycle. According to some data, the probability of pregnancy after unprotected intercourse is approximately 20%, regardless of the day of the menstrual cycle. However, if sex without contraception occurred during the periovulatory period, then the chances of getting pregnant already increase to 30%.

A British study has shown that unprotected intercourse during ovulation can result in conception in 50% of cases, even during the first menstrual cycle. It has long been proven that spermatozoa located in the genitals of a woman retain their viability for 3–7 days, and an unfertilized egg for 12–24 hours. According to most experts, it is advisable to carry out emergency contraception in the first 1-3 days after intimacy. When is it shown:

  • Any unprotected intercourse. Simply put, vaginal sex occurred without the use of contraceptives (condom, vaginal diaphragm, combined oral contraceptives, etc.).
  • In the process of intimacy, the condom broke or tears.
  • Premature removal of the vaginal diaphragm or cervical cap.
  • Missing oral contraceptives or taking the drug more than 12 hours late.
  • A girl or woman was forced to have sex without her consent.

As clinical experience shows, modern contraceptives for women, regardless of the type, method and route of administration, are highly effective in preventing unplanned pregnancy.

Emergency contraceptive methods

  1. The use of combined oral contraceptives (Yuzpe method).
  2. Specially designed preparations for emergency protection.
  3. Use of intrauterine contraception.

Combined hormonal oral preparations are used quite often as emergency contraception. This method was named after the Canadian scientist Albert Yuzpe, who first used it and widely promoted it. Its essence was reduced to a 2-fold use of a large dosage of estrogens and progestogens for 3 days from the moment of completion of sexual intercourse. The break between doses should be at least 12 hours.

The efficiency of the method was more than 95% and depended on two factors:

  • The duration of the interval between intimacy and the appointment of emergency contraception. The earlier contraceptives are taken, the higher the expected effect.
  • The day of the menstrual cycle when there was sex.

Despite the high efficiency of the Yuzpe method, it requires the use of high doses of oral contraceptives and is associated with a high risk of adverse reactions. It has been recorded that in 30% of cases quite pronounced side effects are observed, including nausea, vomiting, migraine attacks, pain in the mammary glands, etc.

In addition, specially designed drugs based on levonorgesterel are also successfully used for emergency contraception. They are characterized by a pronounced gestagenic effect and the absence of estrogenic action. Among the female population, two drugs that contain levonorgesterel are most popular - Postinor and Escalep. In accordance with the results of world clinical studies, the effectiveness of the use of these contraceptives is slightly higher than that of the Yuzpe method. Also, the portability of Postinor and Escalep is an order of magnitude better.

Properly selected female contraception will help maintain reproductive health.

Non-hormonal drugs for emergency contraception

Most non-hormonal drugs for emergency protection against unplanned pregnancy contain the active ingredient mifepristone, which is a synthetic antiprogestin. It is quite often used as a means for artificial termination of pregnancy in the early stages (medical abortion). However, it can also be used for emergency contraception, especially when the patient cannot be prescribed hormonal contraceptive methods. Given the phase of the cycle, the drug realizes its contraceptive effect due to:

  • Inhibition of the release of luteinizing hormone.
  • Blocking or delaying ovulation.
  • Violation of natural changes in the endometrium.

Some scientific studies have found that mifepristone is more effective and better tolerated than levonorgesterel. One of the main advantages of mifepristone over other methods of emergency contraception for women was the absence of a decrease in effectiveness with an increase in the interval between sex and the use of a contraceptive (up to 120 hours).

In the post-Soviet space, the drug Ginepriston, used for emergency contraception, has become widespread. Its distinctive feature is that it is well tolerated and has a low dosage of the active ingredient, compared with other existing non-hormonal drugs that are used for "quick" protection against unwanted pregnancy. Ginepristone must be taken once for 3 days after intimacy without taking into account the period of the menstrual cycle. If after taking the drug there were repeated coitus, you should use additional contraceptive methods (for example, a condom). Since the contraceptive effect of Ginepristone is somewhat reduced during subsequent sexual intercourse.

Benefits of emergency contraception

I would like to clarify that hormonal and non-hormonal drugs for "urgent" contraception are intended exclusively for emergency cases, and are not used on a regular basis. The main advantages of postcoital protection against unplanned pregnancy:

  1. The ability to take contraceptives occasionally. Especially this method will be of interest to girls and women who have an irregular sex life.
  2. In most cases, there is a high contraceptive effect.
  3. There are no pronounced adverse reactions.
  4. Availability for many patients.

It should be remembered that emergency contraception drugs do not affect the implanted egg. Most of the recommended methods are safe for the fetus and the course of pregnancy. Therefore, even if conception occurred against the background of the use of the above drugs, the pregnancy can be saved. In addition, do not forget that contraceptive drugs used in emergency situations do not protect against diseases that are sexually transmitted. If you suspect a sexually transmitted infection after intimacy, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 12 minutes


Most modern methods of contraception do not give a 100% guarantee, especially - more than a third of women become pregnant using one or another method.

What methods for preventing pregnancy are considered the least reliable?

The calendar method and the calculation of safe days - does it make sense?

The basis of the method- calculation of safe days. How are these safe days determined? The viability of a spermatozoon is about three days, fertilization of the egg occurs within two days after ovulation . Thus, two days should be added to the day of ovulation (in both directions): for a cycle of thirty days, this will be the fifteenth day, for a cycle of twenty-eight days, the thirteenth. It is believed that it is on these days that there is a risk of getting pregnant, on the rest you can “not worry”.


The main disadvantage is that the method only good for perfect cycle . But are there many women who can boast of such? After all, many factors affect the time of ovulation:

  • Weather
  • chronic diseases
  • stress
  • Other factors

Not to mention the fact that there are women who become pregnant precisely in a seemingly safe period. Therefore, before using this method, you need at least study your cycle for a whole year . According to statistics, every fourth woman becomes pregnant after using the calendar method.

Temperature protection method - does it work?

The basis of the temperature method of contraception
The temperature in a woman (measured rectally) varies in accordance with the stage of egg maturation: below 37 degrees - before ovulation, above 37 - after . Safe days are defined as follows: the temperature is measured every morning for six months to a year (right in bed, at least five to ten minutes). Next, the results are compared, the day of ovulation is revealed, and the period dangerous for pregnancy is calculated. It usually starts on the 4th day before ovulation, ends four days after.


Just like the calendar method, this method applicable only under the condition of an ideal menstrual cycle . In addition, it is very complex in its calculations.

Coitus interruptus

The basis of the method known to all - interruption of sexual intercourse before ejaculation.

Disadvantage of the method:

The unreliability of this method takes place even with the complete self-control of a man. Why? A separate amount of sperm can be released from the very beginning of sexual intercourse . Moreover, it remains unnoticed by both partners.

Also, the low efficiency of the method can be explained by the presence of sperm in the urethra, preserved from the last ejaculation. Out of a hundred women using this method, thirty become pregnant.

Douching after intercourse

The basis of the method- vaginal douching with potassium permanganate, own urine, decoctions of herbs and other liquids.

Disadvantage of the method:

This method is dangerous not only with a pregnancy that you did not plan at all, but also with such consequences as:

  • Violation of the microflora of the vagina.
  • Infection in the vagina.
  • Vaginitis.

Evidence of the effectiveness of the douching method was not, and is not. It does not protect against pregnancy.

Spermicidal lubricants - how reliable is the method?

The basis of the method- the use of creams, suppositories, jellies and foams with spermicides. These funds have a double effect:

  • Filler creates mechanical boundary .
  • Special Component eliminates spermatozoa .


Of the hundred percent of women who use spermicides, one in three becomes pregnant. That is, the method is not 100% effective. The following disadvantages of the method should also be noted:

  • Certain types of spermicides Lose effectiveness with regular use due to the organisms of both partners getting used to them.
  • Spermicides considered dangerous due to the content of nonoxynol-9 which causes destruction of the skin. And cracks in the genitals are a direct path for infection.
  • Violation of the instructions for the use of spermicides drastically increases the risk of pregnancy .

When do oral contraceptives fail?

The basis of the method- regular intake hormonal drugs (tablets). Usually, out of a hundred percent of women who practice this method of protection against pregnancy, five percent become pregnant.

Disadvantage of the method:

  • Bad memory often causes pregnancy: I forgot to take a pill, and the concentration in the body of a substance necessary for protection decreases. And by the way, you need to drink them constantly and for a long time .
  • It is also impossible not to note the main drawback of such tablets. Namely - effects on the body , even under the condition that these will be fourth-generation hormones. Possible consequences - metabolic disorders, weight gain,.
  • Parallel.
  • Many medicines reduce or even eliminate the efficiency this protection against pregnancy.
  • This method of contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases .

Our people have always been cunning for invention, as a result of which, since ancient times, many of their own "home" methods of contraception have appeared among the people, which, of course, are absolutely useless.

The most unreliable and dangerous contraception - folk methods

  • A tampon in the vagina during intercourse. Ineffective and dangerous: violation of the microflora of the vagina, the risk of injury, and there is no need to talk about dubious pleasure for both partners. As for the effect, a tampon will not protect against pregnancy.
  • Lactation. It is believed that during this period it is impossible to get pregnant. Of course, given that the menstrual cycle after childbirth does not improve immediately, the risk of becoming pregnant is reduced, but certainly not excluded. And guessing whether your reproductive system has already woken up is impossible. Many breastfeeding mothers, naively believing that they are "protected by lactation", became pregnant within a couple of months after giving birth. Therefore, to hope that you will be “carried away”, at least, imprudently.
  • Gynecological diseases. This is another mythical "protection" against pregnancy. In fact, only one female disease eliminates the risk of becoming pregnant - this.
  • Vaginal shower. Another tale that a strong pressure of water, which is used to wash the vagina after intercourse, is able to "wash away" the spermatozoa. Don't believe. While you were running from the bed to the bathroom, the spermatozoa could already “jump” to the cherished egg.
  • Lemon inside. The myth that the creation of an acidic environment in the vagina ensures the death of spermatozoa. What naive women do not use - lemon slices, citric acid in powder, boric acid, and even ascorbic acid! The only effect of this procedure is an internal burn of the mucosa with an overdose of acid.
  • Decoctions of herbs.“And my grandmother (girlfriend ...) advised me ...”. This popular method is not even worth commenting on. Can you imagine how much you need to drink this (any) decoction, and what concentration should it be in order to “drown” all the spermatozoa in it? This also includes an infusion of bay leaves after sex and beetroot juice - gastronomic, but useless.
  • A remnant of laundry soap inserted into the vagina. Likewise. No effect, except for the violation of microflora, bacterial vaginosis and other "joys".
  • Douching. As a rule, young inventors use this method, using Pepsi-Cola, urine, potassium permanganate, etc. as a protective agent. The use of Pepsi-Cola (which, by the way, can be used to remove scale from a kettle) leads to diseases of the vagina. This is a very strong chemical that does not prevent pregnancy. Urine has no contraceptive properties either. But there is a possibility to bring an infection along with urine. As for potassium permanganate, its contraceptive effect is so small that such douching will not help pregnancy. A strong concentration of potassium permanganate will cause a very serious burn of the mucosa.
  • An aspirin tablet inserted into the vagina after sex. Extremely low efficiency of the method. Equivalent to the method with potassium permanganate.
  • Jump after sex. With the same success, you can drink a cup of coffee and smoke after sex. Spermatozoa are not dice, they cannot be shaken out of the vagina. And the speed of their movement, by the way, is three millimeters per minute.
  • Soak your feet in mustard. Absolutely pointless process. Yes, and it's hard to imagine how a girl, after an act of love, rushes for a basin to soar her legs.
  • Rubbing the head of the penis with cologne before intercourse. Inefficient. In addition, one should remember those “unforgettable” sensations that await a man after this procedure.
  • “You can’t get pregnant during your period!” Absolute lie. No, for many women, menstruation is indeed a period in which it is impossible to get pregnant. But there are so many exceptions that it is at least unreasonable to consider menstruation as protection. Especially considering the fact that the survival of spermatozoa in the uterine mucosa is up to three days. These "tailed" are very, very tenacious.

In such a matter as protection against unwanted pregnancy, you should not trust dubious folk methods.

We do not live in ancient times, and today every woman has the opportunity go to a consultation with a specialist and choose the perfect contraceptive option for yourself .

Today, every couple can control their sex life and plan their pregnancy consciously. The existence of such a life of freedom is a great merit of scientists and pharmacists, who regularly invent more and more advanced methods of contraception. Of course, even the most reliable method sometimes has misfires. In addition, there are many myths that make it difficult to understand the true reliability of a particular method.

Let's try to figure out which methods of contraception are the most reliable.

Sterilization - 99.9%

The most effective method of contraception is sterilization. In men, this is a vasectomy; in women, it is tubal ligation. These procedures require surgical intervention and exclude the possibility of having a child in the future, therefore, naturally, they are not particularly popular with young men and women. In terms of reliability, sterilization is surpassed only by complete abstinence.

Features: Recommended only for women who already have several children and in case of medical contraindications to pregnancy, because the ability to become pregnant is not restored. There is also a risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Oral contraceptives - 99.7%

Hormonal pills are one of the most reliable methods of contraception.

Their main feature is the mechanism of action on the woman's body. They have a complex effect on the female reproductive system: ovulation is suppressed, mucus thickens in the cervical canal, and the endometrial layer in the uterus becomes thinner. While taking the pills, the woman's ovaries "rest", and the necessary dose of the hormone is provided by the drug. The thickening of cervical mucus in the cervix prevents not only sperm, but also bacteria from entering the uterus, thereby reducing the risk of infectious diseases. However, it should be understood that oral contraceptives do not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Also, when using this method of contraception, the blood loss of a woman during menstruation is reduced, by reducing the inner layer of the uterus. This effect has a positive effect on overall health, especially for women suffering from iron deficiency anemia.

Features: Combined oral contraceptives are qualitatively different from other hormonal contraceptives, as different pills contain different dosages and combinations of hormones. This makes it possible for an individual approach and the choice of exactly those pills that can solve the problems of a particular woman. Naturally, a gynecologist should select them. Hormonal pills of the latest generation, in addition to the contraceptive effect, have a pronounced non-contraceptive effect: they positively affect the condition of the skin and hair, eliminate PMS, shorten the duration of menstruation and reduce pain during this period. Of the many oral contraceptives presented in pharmacies, one can single out tablets with innovative 24 + 4 and 26 + 2 regimens. They shorten the non-hormonal period, which minimizes negative symptoms. Also, special attention should be paid to oral contraceptives of the latest generation, which contain the active form of folic acid. This component allows a woman to take care not only of her health, but also of the future generation. As soon as a woman decides that she is ready for the birth of a child, she can stop taking the pills, being sure that her body is already prepared for pregnancy.

Intrauterine contraception - 99.2- 99.8%

This type of contraception includes an intrauterine device and an intrauterine hormonal system. Both in reliability and in the mechanism of action, they differ from each other. The spiral is installed in the uterine cavity and prevents the implantation (attachment) of a fertilized egg.

The intrauterine hormonal system is administered in the same way, but acts differently - it regularly releases a certain amount of the hormone, which, acting locally, has several effects: increases the viscosity of mucus in the cervical canal, inhibits sperm motility, thins the inner layer of the uterine cavity (endometrium).

Features: The intrauterine hormonal system is suitable for women who are not going to get pregnant for a long time, as well as nursing mothers. It is set for 5 years, however, if necessary, it is possible to extract it earlier. Unlike the spiral, the hormonal system is not an abortive method of contraception.

Hormonal implants and injections - 90-99%

These methods of contraception work on the principle of hormonal pills, only the hormone is introduced into the body in other ways: an intramuscular injection is carried out every three months (or monthly), a hormonal implant is inserted into the upper arm and provides contraception for 5 years.

Features: It is difficult to choose individually, based on the state of health of the woman and her individual needs. There are a number of side effects: irregular bleeding, discharge, headache, weight gain and acne.

Hormone patch and ring - 92%

The same level of reliability for these two methods does not at all indicate the similarity of their application: the hormonal patch is glued to the skin, and the hormonal ring must be inserted into the vagina on its own.

Features: The hormonal patch must be applied every 7 days, starting from the first day of the cycle. The use of a hormonal ring is designed for one cycle. It must be installed from the 1st to the 5th day of the cycle, and after three weeks (on day 22) it must be removed. On the 8th day of the break, a new one is introduced. It is the adherence to clear patterns that allows these methods to be effective, so they are only suitable for very organized women.

Barrier methods: condom, diaphragm, cap, sponge - 84-85%

A condom is the only one among all the above contraceptives that protects not only from pregnancy, but also from any infections and bacteria. But its low reliability suggests that this product often fails (it simply breaks).

The diaphragm, cap and sponge are also barrier methods of contraception, these devices are installed in the vagina just before intercourse.

Features: These methods of contraception require preparation for sexual intercourse - and, therefore, can significantly reduce sexual desire, cause discomfort and reduce sensitivity.

Calendar method - 80%

It involves mathematical calculations of the days on which fertilization can take place, according to the woman's menstrual cycle. Thus, during the "dangerous" period, you must either refrain from sexual contact or use other methods of contraception.

Features: Suitable only for women with a regular menstrual cycle, who are not embarrassed by "love on schedule".

Coitus interruptus 73%

The bottom line is that a man must have time to remove the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. This is one of the most ancient methods of contraception, but far from the most reliable. Keep in mind that a small amount of seminal fluid can also be released during intercourse.

Features: When resorting to PPA, a man is forced to deliberately control ejaculation, and this not only distracts from the process itself, depriving him of the opportunity to experience the full range of sensations for which, in fact, sexual contact takes place, but is also wrong from a medical point of view. So, volitional obstruction of reflex ejaculation leads to problems with potency and ejaculation (for example, among men with prostatitis, half regularly practiced coitus interruptus).

The lack of reliability of the PPA negatively affects the sexual life of a woman. She also experiences psychological stress, which does not allow her to relax and get maximum satisfaction during intercourse. According to statistics, among women who have never experienced an orgasm -50% were protected by PPA.

Spermicides 71%

Spermicides are called chemical contraceptives: vaginal suppositories, creams, tablets, capsules. They mainly contain "nonoxynol" or "benzalkonium chloride", which have a devastating effect on spermatozoa. A woman should use chemical contraceptives every time before sexual intercourse.

Features: If pregnancy occurs with this method of contraception, this can have a bad effect on the fetus, most often doctors recommend an abortion. In addition, chemical contraceptives often cause irritation and inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, vaginal candidiasis.

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Girls who are not yet ready to give birth to a child and become a mother, for safe sexual intercourse, will have to choose the best contraceptive from a huge range. So that women do not get confused in this variety, we have compiled a rating that includes the most effective, reliable and proven oral and barrier contraceptives to prevent pregnancy in the form of candles, pills, rings, etc. Study their pros and cons - and choose the most worthy option!

Which contraceptive company is better to choose

  • Gideon Richter- a Hungarian manufacturer of medicines, on whose account there are several types of contraceptives. They are effective in preventing conception of a child and in combating inflammatory diseases. He owns Midian and Regulon.
  • Amafarm is a German pharmaceutical company operating since 1977, whose product range includes contraceptives in the form of vaginal suppositories and Nonoxynol films. They improve the condition of the female organs and provide protection against fertilization of the egg with a probability of more than 95%.
  • Innotec International is a French company supplying the market with hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptives, including Pharmatex candles. They are safe for women's health and useful for inflammation and other problems.
  • LRS Products Ltd– the manufacturer has successfully entered the Russian market with the Contex brand of condoms. They are the second in sales, they are distinguished by integrity, reliability and comfort in use.
  • Merck is the world's oldest pharmaceutical company headquartered in Germany. She is known to women largely thanks to the NovaRing vaginal ring. It is made from hypoallergenic materials that do not irritate the vaginal mucosa.
  • Bayer Pharma AG- one of the competitors of Merck, which is also located in Germany and successfully works in the development of barrier contraceptives. Among them, the Mirena vaginal coil has become especially popular.
  • Janssen Pharmaceuticals- a Belgian manufacturer that uses several active ingredients in its contraceptives at once. Basically, these include norelgestromin and ethinylestradiol. Our rating from him included the contraceptive film "Evra".

Rating of the best contraceptives

When selecting candidates, we took into account the following nuances:

  • Type - intrauterine or oral;
  • Efficiency and reliability;
  • Ease of use;
  • Safety of use;
  • Additional effects;
  • Side effects;
  • Amount in a package;
  • active substances;
  • Are hormones contained in the composition;
  • Reviews of gynecologists;
  • Does orgasm make it worse?

Separately, it is worth noting the ratio of quality and price, which has become an important selection parameter.

The best birth control pills

This method is the most convenient, since it is enough to take pills regularly, but it cannot guarantee 100% protection against conceiving a child. They suppress the process of ovulation and prevent sperm from entering the uterus. In this category, 2 contraceptives can be highlighted.

The drug has proven itself both among young girls and women over 30; intended for oral contraception. It is effective throughout almost the entire menstrual cycle, which makes sexual intercourse safe. Although these are hormonal pills, in the reviews of them, the girls do not complain about the appearance of excess weight when taken. Regulon not only prevents the birth of an embryo, but also normalizes critical days, reduces blood loss at this time, and accelerates tissue regeneration. Substances in the composition are absorbed in the intestine almost in full.


  • Two volumes of issue - 21 and 63 tab.;
  • High concentration of the active substance;
  • Easily accepted by the body;
  • Relatively natural excipients;
  • small dose;
  • Does not cause nausea;
  • Produced in Hungary.


  • Do not abuse, side effects may occur;
  • It is not recommended to take during lactation.

The peculiarity of the best oral contraceptive "Regulon" is that it must be stopped taking 3 months before the desired date of conception of the child.

average price: 470 rub.

The effectiveness of Midian tablets is not in doubt either among doctors or patients. They are used for protection at any age. Good results are provided by two active ingredients - drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. The composition here is safe for health and even with prolonged use it is not addictive in girls and does not provoke allergies. The size of the tablets here is small, it is very easy to swallow them, there is no need to divide them into parts. They are suitable for both those who have already become mothers and those who have not given birth, but contraceptives cannot be taken during lactation.


  • Is issued in quantity of 21 pieces. and 63 pcs.;
  • Long shelf life - 2 years;
  • Reliably prevents pregnancy;
  • Contains two active ingredients;
  • The drug is rapidly and completely absorbed after administration;
  • Taste tolerance.


  • Released by prescription;
  • Does not protect against STDs;
  • Low chance of overdose.

Taking Midiana requires a one-time examination by a gynecologist every 6 months, if necessary, the dose is adjusted.

average price: 700 rub.

The best birth control candles

These contraceptives are effective, safe, and relatively inexpensive. They have a universal effect and help in solving gynecological problems. Here, 2 types of suppositories can be especially noted.


This is the best contraceptive in terms of reliability, since these suppositories reduce sperm motility and reduce the chances of conceiving a child. Candles "Nonoxynol", according to reviews, are chosen by women who want to both not get pregnant and not get sick in the gynecological part due to the normalization of the vaginal microflora. They are easily introduced inside and do not cause discomfort. They rarely cause irritation of the mucous membrane and serious allergic reactions. One of the main advantages is the possibility of use during breastfeeding.


  • A small list of contraindications;
  • Small size;
  • Ease of use;
  • Valid for three years after issue;
  • Use with a condom is possible;
  • Does not affect the functioning of the liver.


  • It is necessary to strictly monitor the time of administration;
  • Rare occurrence of itching of the penis in a partner;
  • It is not recommended to combine with other tablet contraceptives.

When using candles "Nonoxynol" it is impossible to make a toilet of the genitals within 6 hours after copulation to enhance the effect.

average price: 350 rub.


The vaginal contraceptive "Pharmatex" has joined the ranks of the best contraceptives due to its instant action. Its active ingredient, benzalkonium chloride, destroys the membrane of sperm in the seminal fluid during ejaculation, preventing them from entering the uterus and fertilizing the egg. The drug is active against many viruses and infections, including HIV, but it does not completely eliminate the threat of infection. It is prescribed to both nulliparous and already established mothers. According to reviews, suppositories do not cause irritation and are not felt in the vagina.


  • Does not foam;
  • Absorbed by the walls of the vagina without entering the body;
  • Residues are easily washed off with water;
  • Quantity in one package - 10 pcs.;
  • Suitable for all women of reproductive age;
  • Can be used in the period before menopause;
  • Works well with diaphragm and intrauterine device.


  • Not detected.

Despite being recognized as the best Pharmatex contraceptive suppositories, they do not 100% eliminate the threat of pregnancy.

average price: 614 rub.

The best condoms

This is a standard way to prevent unwanted pregnancy, the clear advantage of which is the simultaneous prevention of contracting STDs.


This is a series of barrier contraceptives for men that guarantee more than 95% protection against pregnancy. The company monitors the quality of materials and checks condoms for integrity before release, which minimizes the likelihood of marriage. She offers favorable conditions for the purchase, as she sells 3-10 pieces at once for a low price. packaged. As a rule, such products do not affect orgasm, and sometimes even, on the contrary, enhance it in both sexual partners.


  • High strength;
  • Minimal chance of skin irritation;
  • Do not reduce sensitivity in boys and girls;
  • Various sizes available;
  • Adequate price;
  • A large assortment.


  • Slightly given rubber.

average price: 350 rub.

The best vaginal rings

Such a contraceptive for women provides reliable protection against the conception of a child and is quite convenient to use and wear. This is the best option in terms of value for money.


Be prepared to go to your doctor for a prescription, as this contraceptive is not available without one. You may also need the participation of a gynecologist in his formulation, although after some time this can be easily done on your own. Unlike other methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy, this procedure needs to be carried out only once every 3 weeks. But here it is important not to go astray, since this should be done in certain cycles - 2-5 days. The ring protects against sperm activity during copulation, but is ineffective against STDs.


  • Safe for health;
  • Does not cause discomfort;
  • Painless insertion;
  • Two active substances in the composition - ethinyl estradiol and etonogestrel;
  • Does not provoke side effects;
  • Sold in almost any pharmacy.


  • With an increase in the allowable period in the vagina, the effectiveness decreases;
  • Requires care in handling;
  • A considerable list of contraindications;
  • Special storage conditions - at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C.

It is not necessary to take a break after removing the NovaRing vaginal ring, but, according to the girls, it is better to wait 7 days to set up a new one.

average price: 1270 rub.

The best intrauterine devices

Such a contraceptive is the most reliable and most practical, since it lasts for several years, and there is no need to change it often, it is made of plastic and copper. Among all the candidates, only one product stands out favorably.


Compared to other contraceptives in our ranking, choosing a spiral is already a more serious step. It prevents fertilization and at the same time does not affect the reproductive function, you can become pregnant immediately after removing the product from the uterus. Together with reliable protection against fertilization and a decrease in ovulation, with the help of Mirena, women can reduce blood loss during menstruation and even prevent various gynecological problems without harm to health. The spiral should only be set up by a doctor, who is also obliged to monitor the patient's condition. The most important advantage of this tool is the action for 5 years.


  • Low probability of prolapse from the uterus;
  • Rapid restoration of fertility after the removal of the spiral;
  • The secretion of hormones in small quantities;
  • Reduces the risk of penetration of infections;
  • Eliminates pain during menstruation;
  • Not contraindicated for nursing mothers.


  • Requires careful monitoring of glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • Amenorrhea may occur when used during estrogen therapy;
  • Sometimes you need to check the threads;
  • An ultrasound may be needed to examine the uterus.

In the first 2-3 months of using Mirena, a woman may experience an increase in bloody vaginal discharge.

average price: 13 000 rub.

The best birth control creams

With regular sex life, using creams is not always convenient, they are considered the best method of contraception for single sexual contacts. Only one of their representatives was included in this rating.


In our rating, this is the second contraceptive for women from the Farmateks line. It is popular because of its versatility - antiseptic and spermicidal action. The benzalkonium chloride contained in its composition is also an antiseptic, which reduces the likelihood of infection with fungi, infections, viruses (but does not exclude this!). The manufacturer does not undertake to guarantee 100% protection against egg fertilization. The cream is easily applied to the mucosa, is not absorbed by it and is simply washed off. It can be used within 3 years after release.


  • Can be used immediately after childbirth;
  • Suitable for lactating women;
  • It goes well with hormonal therapy and other methods of contraception;
  • The protective action begins immediately and lasts at least 10 hours;
  • small doses;
  • Rare side effects.


  • Must be applied before every sexual intercourse;
  • 2 hours before sexual intercourse and within 60 minutes after it, the cream can not be used;
  • Requires insertion deep into the vagina.

Cream "Pharmatex" is released in a convenient tube with a volume of 72 ml, this is enough for several sexual acts.

average price: 500 rub.

The best birth control films

This is a relatively new contraceptive product for protection during sex, which is chosen for its convenience and safety in use, the absence of discomfort. The following products can be attributed to the best contraceptives today.


This contraceptive for women is cheap, it is released in the form of napkins, packaged in individual packages. Their basis - gel, getting inside the vagina, the film dissolves in 15 seconds and the active substance nonoxynol released at the same time deactivates sperm - destroys spermatozoa, preventing a child from being conceived. Nonoxynol has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, therefore it partially protects against STIs, but you should not rely only on them in this regard.


  • Shelf life - 2 years;
  • 10 pieces. packaged;
  • Complete sterility;
  • Does not cause discomfort inside;
  • Does not affect orgasm;
  • Can be used anywhere and anytime;
  • It will be useful for burns, tonsillitis and other diseases.


  • The information on the packaging is not in Russian;
  • It's hard to find in pharmacies.

To maintain the desired effect after the introduction of the product, it is impossible to carry out hygiene procedures and douching for at least 6 hours.

average price: 120 rub.

The best birth control patches

Along with the film, the patch is a versatile and practical product for local contraception during coitus. Its use is not harmful to health and shows good results. The TOP includes one such tool at an affordable cost.


This modern contraceptive is unique in its implementation and has no analogues. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it must be glued to the skin on certain days of the cycle, on the 8th and 15th, and the removed one must be immediately changed to a new one. The maximum break should be 7 days, this protects against unwanted pregnancy. No special preparation is needed to fix the patch, it is enough to take a shower and wipe the skin. You can attach it to any part of the body where it will not be in close contact with clothing and hair. The only inconvenient thing here is the need to choose a new place for this each time, avoiding the chest.


  • Convenient release form;
  • Ease of use;
  • Reliable fixation;
  • Effectively prevents ovulation;
  • Not felt on the body;
  • Does not irritate the skin.


  • Dust can clog around the edges of the patch;
  • Gets rid of acne on the face;
  • Need a prescription to buy;
  • Not cheap;
  • There are many contraindications and special instructions.

average price: 1100 rub.

Which contraceptive to buy

Between the ages of 18 and 21-22, hormonal contraception is considered the most optimal. Older girls are suitable for safe intercourse barrier, intrauterine devices, but after 35 years they need to be more careful because of the high likelihood of cervical erosion and other gynecological diseases in women. The most reliable way will be a combination of chemical and "physical" methods of protection.

  • If you do not want to take risks and contact a gynecologist, then you can limit yourself to a patch.
  • Those who have a permanent partner should pay attention to the best birth control pills.
  • Those who are not going to get pregnant in the next few years should consider a vaginal ring.
  • Those wishing to avoid inconvenience and at the same time improve their health are advised to pay attention to contraceptives for women in the form of napkins and candles.
  • For rare sexual intercourse, you can choose a cream.
  • If you need to not only provide reliable protection, but also reduce menstrual blood loss, you should look in the direction of the spiral.
  • In intimate relationships with unfamiliar sexual partners, in order to protect against STDs, condoms traditionally work well.

The best contraceptives proposed in the rating should help to effectively protect yourself during sexual intercourse and avoid unwanted pregnancy. Well, if you are still going to become a mother soon, pick up good vitamins for pregnant women in advance.

Modern methods of contraception for women are a calendar method, barrier, chemical, hormonal, IUD - there are plenty to choose from. We will describe the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods of contraception.

Without interference in the body

There are so-called methods of natural contraception, they do not affect the body, but have a very low efficiency.

1. Measuring basal temperature and building charts. Only 1-2 days a month a woman is fertile. These days, ovulation occurs - the exit from the follicle of a mature egg, ready for fertilization. This dangerous period can be determined using daily, morning temperature measurements in the rectum.
It is better to use a conventional, non-electronic thermometer, as it is more accurate. Put it in the evening at arm's length. In the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, you need to take this thermometer, lubricate the tip with cream, petroleum jelly or some kind of lubricant, lie on your side, and insert it shallowly into the anus. The measurement should take approximately 10 minutes. After the received data are entered into a special chart. Before ovulation, and it occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, usually on days 12-18, depending on its duration, the temperature drops slightly. And immediately after - it rises sharply due to the production of the hormone progesterone. Actually, the days of lowering the temperature and a couple of days after - this is the time period when you just need to refrain from sexual intercourse. However, it should be noted that not all women have a sufficient number of progesterone receptors in the anus, and therefore the calendar method of contraception is not applicable to every woman.

2. Tracking preovulatory signs. If you don’t want to measure your temperature daily, you can try to analyze your feelings during the period of ovulation and thus calculate dangerous days. Common signs of ovulation include:

  • mild spotting in the middle of the menstrual cycle (caused by a small detachment of the endometrium due to a slight drop in some hormones);
  • pain in the lower abdomen, often stabbing, from the side of the ovary, where ovulation occurred;
  • copious mucous discharge that does not cause discomfort, not associated with sexual intercourse;
  • increased sexual desire.

3. Non-drug methods of contraception include coitus interruptus, they are protected by many couples. True, the percentage of failures is also high. It is believed that in the pre-ejaculatory fluid, which is in the woman's vagina, there is a small amount of sperm, that is, conception becomes possible even if ejaculation did not occur in the vagina. But many recent studies refute this conclusion. But one way or another, this is not the best method of contraception, including from the psychological side. None of the partners can completely relax and enjoy the process.

Prevent fertilization

The barrier method of contraception prevents sperm from entering the vagina or directly into the cervix. These means primarily include condoms, both male and female, uterine caps, as well as the so-called chemical contraception.

This method is good because it can be used at any age and has no contraindications, only individual allergic reactions. Barrier methods of contraception for nulliparous girls who do not have a permanent healthy partner are ideal, since they allow almost 100% to exclude infection with various sexual infections. Plus protection against pregnancy is very high. Condoms break extremely rarely if the instructions are followed. Main rules:

  • the condom is used only once;
  • it cannot be lubricated with anything other than lubricants;
  • you can not wear two or three or more condoms at the same time for greater reliability, as they will only break faster.

If the condom suddenly breaks, you need to use emergency contraception with a high probability of conception.

The method of chemical contraception also has features. This is a sharp decrease in efficiency in case of violations of the rules of the instruction. For example, if it is written that you can start sexual intercourse only 10 minutes after the suppository is deep inside the vagina, then this means that you need to endure a time no less than this. A little more is better, so that for sure the spermicide has time to evenly cover the vaginal mucosa. Do not wash with soap 2 hours before intercourse and 2 hours after it. Although using plain water is possible, it will not destroy the active chemical in the contraceptive. The recommendation concerns spermicides containing benzalkonium chloride.

These contraceptives are often used after childbirth, since sexual intercourse is usually not very frequent at this time, the likelihood of pregnancy in the case of breastfeeding is not so great, and spermicides are very available and have no contraindications. However, many couples complain about the burning sensation that occurs when using spermicides. In this case, you can replace the drug. For example, if "Patentex Oval" did not fit, then "Pharmatex" may do.

However, spermicides should not be used too often - they violate the microflora of the vagina. Can aggravate thrush or bacterial vaginosis. It should also be borne in mind that spermicides, unlike condoms, do not reliably protect against genital infections.

Let's protect ourselves with hormones

For more than a dozen years, hormonal female contraceptives can be purchased at our pharmacies. And modern, educated gynecologists prescribe them to their patients without fear. Young women rarely have contraindications for this type of contraception. More often, women do not want to use hormonal drugs because of prejudice. Many believe that "hormones" have a very negative impact on health, reduce reproductive ability and lead to weight gain. But these are quite rare side effects, since modern drugs contain minimal concentrations of hormones. So, what are the options for hormonal contraception?

1. Tablets (oral contraceptives). This is the most popular remedy. The downside is that the drug must be taken daily, preferably at the same time. If there is a delay of more than 12 hours, there is a high probability of pregnancy and intermenstrual bleeding.
Also, birth control pills are widely used for medicinal purposes. For example, they are taken for endometriosis to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of this disease in the form of heavy menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding. Relieve oral contraceptives and manifestations of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

2. NovaRing ring. This contraceptive has several advantages over pills:

  • there is no risk of missing a dose and thus endangering your health, the ring is inserted into the vagina once at the beginning of the cycle;
  • acts mainly locally, but effectively;
  • contains less estrogen than combined oral contraceptives;
  • its effectiveness does not decrease with diarrhea and vomiting.

Sometimes the ring installed in the vagina interferes with sexual intercourse, the partner feels it. You should know that for a short time the ring can be removed from the vagina, this will not reduce its effectiveness.
The depth to which the ring will be installed does not affect its effectiveness. There is only one condition - a woman should be comfortable, she should not feel a foreign body in the vagina. If it is convenient, then the NuvaRing ring is installed correctly.

3. Contraceptive patch. Known under the brand name "Evra". It costs a little more than 1000 rubles, about the same as good birth control pills. There are 3 patches in one package. Each patch is designed for exactly 7 days. Scientists have not yet identified advantages over oral contraceptives. All the same contraindications and side effects.

4. Contraceptive injections - injections. The advantage is the content of only one hormone - gestagen, which makes their use more accessible to women for whom combination preparations containing estrogen are not recommended. One injection lasts for three months, which is also very convenient. This drug is also prescribed for the treatment of endometriosis. The name is Depo-Provera.

5. Implanon subcutaneous implants. They are convenient because they are valid for three years, but if necessary, they can be removed earlier than this period. They are inconvenient in that both installation and removal are carried out only by a doctor who is familiar with this technique. The cost of a contraceptive is high - about 8,000 rubles. But they can be safely divided into 36 months. It will turn out a little more than 200 rubles a month for reliable protection against pregnancy. Subcutaneous implants are recommended for women who do not want to have children for several years.

6. Means of emergency contraception. Of all the above, the most unfavorable for the body, as they contain high doses of hormones and very often cause side effects in the form of uterine bleeding. These methods are good in an emergency, there are many safe contraceptives for women - there are plenty to choose from. Yes, and not always emergency contraception saves, pregnancy can still occur, and in this case, many gynecologists recommend an abortion.

Well-known drugs in Russia are Escapel, Postinor, Ginepriston, Zhenale. The last two are considered more modern and less dangerous for the body, because they simply block the action of progesterone for a short time, do not add "extra hormones".

Intrauterine protection

It is considered very reliable, but not suitable for everyone. Intrauterine systems (spirals) exist in different forms, they can contain metals - gold, silver, copper - it is believed that they provide preventive protection of the endometrium from inflammation.

The advantages of this type of contraception:

  • duration (up to 5-7 years can be in the uterus), but if desired, you can remove the spiral at any time and immediately plan a pregnancy if everything is in order with your health;
  • reliability (almost 100% effective), slightly lower than that of hormonal contraception;
  • convenience - 1 set and "forgot".

The disadvantages are the following:

  • soreness of installation (very individually);
  • recommended for women who have given birth, as it can provoke inflammatory reactions, promotes the penetration of pathogens from the vagina into the uterus;
  • causes painful and heavy menstruation, and sometimes intermenstrual discharge;
  • can shift and fall out of the uterus, which provokes the onset of an unwanted pregnancy;
  • sometimes, with an intrauterine system installed, an ectopic pregnancy occurs, since the contraceptive does not block ovulation, it just does not allow the fertilized egg to attach to the endometrium.

As you can see, there are a lot of reliable, albeit not without flaws, but contraceptives approved by gynecologists. No need to risk your health by using so-called natural methods.

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