How to return a lion after a quarrel, betrayal or separation? Does a Leo man return to an ex-woman? Psychology of men

Did you do something in defiance of the “king of beasts” and thereby lost him? You don't know how to get your loved one back? In such cases, you need to reconsider your behavior. Get as close as possible to the standard of the male lion.

Men of this sign value loyalty and devotion very much. They are crazy about energetic women.

Become for such a man the only, unique on earth.

A lion man should not even have the thought that there is a woman on earth better than you. Create an unforgettable image for your man.

Men of this sign do not accept reproaches from a woman. Never tell a lion about his shortcomings and do not make him guilty of a quarrel. Only in this way can you try to return the male lion.

Do not forget that the lions themselves are proud by nature and will never be the first to go to reconciliation. You need to find a compromise that suits both parties.

In order to return the lion man, praise him more often. Leos are romantic and sentimental, and they will definitely appreciate your praise for them.

You will never take a Leo man with pity and tears. They are crazy about self-confident luxurious women.

A man does not like when they follow him around. Because by nature such a man himself is a hunter and getter.

After parting with a Leo man, behave indifferently towards him. This behavior will encourage them to return you.

You can make him jealous and inflame passions around you. He will see that you are interesting to many men. He will understand that you are popular among the opposite sex, and this will hurt him.

How should one behave after a conflict has arisen?

- Be calm and balanced. After a few days, talk to the man.

- If you compliment him, he is unlikely to be able to continue to be offended by you.

- A lion man will never tell a woman about what is happening in his soul. Through this, you cannot be sure of one reason or another that served to quarrel.

In order to return a man, if he left the family not through your vein, in no case blame him for this. Because once it happened, but you are still determined to get him back - blaming him is not the best option in order to return the Leo man. Such behavior, on the contrary, will alienate him even more from you.

Lions will never admit their mistakes, because for this they are very proud, it is for this reason that a man could leave you. Only your first step is able to return a man.

Do not humiliate the Leo man - he will never forgive you for this. No need to stoop to insults. This is a gross mistake in the behavior of women after a quarrel with a lion.

You can return the lion man by taking up his appearance. You should look spectacular in the eyes of a man of this zodiac sign. And if you saw that a man is moving away from you for some reason you don’t understand, then it’s all about your appearance - she just became boring to the man, and he stopped being attracted to you. Thus, you need to go to the hairdresser and put on a marathon on your head, do a spectacular make-up, it is possible to change the color of your hair. Change your wardrobe. Get more feminine things that will beckon a man into your arms. Here's how you can conquer the Leo man again.

For a man of this sign, it is simply necessary that others admire his woman, and I am not talking only about external data. She can be successful in her career, be an ideal hostess who cooks excellent meals. He will be proud of it, and will always carry it in his arms.

Leo men prefer calm and balanced women. A woman must find any way to relax a Leo man.

If you are a weak woman, then know that Leo men love strong reserved women. Change your character, no matter how hard it is.

Show your man how fragile you are. The main thing is not to throw out your negative emotions on your man if you want him back.

Show him how much you need him so that the man wants to protect and support you. And lions can do it.

If you decide to meet a man after a long separation, don't be predictable. A man does not have to predict your every word, gesture and facial expressions, as he used to do before.

Show him from a completely different side in order to surprise him and show that he does not know you that well. This lion attracts and disposes to itself.

Just do not cry in front of a man - his tears will push you away even more. He wants to see a strong woman next to him.

If this happened and you cheated on the Leo man, repent of this and say that you realized your mistake and thought it over a million times before asking him for forgiveness. Explain to the man how much he is dear to you and loved. Say that he is your role model and that you will overcome all your negative qualities.

Show the Leo man unexpected solutions. Buy a tour abroad and tell the man that you are leaving in the evening. He, as you love unpredictable decisions, will definitely appreciate it, and where else, if not on the islands, is it best to put up with your loved one.

If you keep yourself in the status of a “queen” all the time, then the Leo man will never leave you.

Make sure that he does not deprive you of attention, and that you do not deprive him of attention.

Place him to yourself, study all his subtleties of character.

Do what he didn't expect you to do.

Give your loved one more surprises that he loves and appreciates so much.

And you will never have to think about how to get the lion man back. Well, since this has already happened, and you are in a panic, how to return it - follow the above tips that will certainly help you do this.

Stay queens for your "king of beasts"!!!


A lion. psychosexual characteristics.


Leo is a sign favorable for the male part, at least where a man is still allowed to create an empire, a dynasty.
It is often difficult for Leo women to realize their romantic ambition: to find a man who will put her on a pedestal to which she is entitled. They usually try to marry high on the social ladder, refraining from marriage for a long time until they find the one they think they want: a man with money who will allow her to look good and rule the house. They consider love a trump card in the game with life and hold back their sensual issues, of which they have too much, are often frigid.

Many Leo women think they are beautiful, and often they are. They are afraid of physical intimacy for fear of losing their beauty, many pay with a nervous breakdown by the age of 30 for marriage or marriage of convenience.
Men can be the most generous and generous lovers or admirers. They are not very gentle, but very passionate. They want to find a woman worthy of themselves and their great romantic destiny, for which, in their opinion, they are born. They cannot imagine that any woman can reject them. On the other hand, a good compliment to Leo throws him at your feet, he has something of a peacock in him.

Love for Leo is a holiday, exaltation. Leo appetites are great, desires are persistent, pain is deep, they see no point in indecision, doubts about feelings and situations. They do not like to be placed across the road.
If Leo is not loved, he cannot forgive himself for his choice - his anger is destructive. On the other hand, no woman can stand in his way to a position in life and career. If she does this, then Leo gets rid of a humiliating desire for him, even if it threatens him with loneliness.
A prosperous Leo in society can allow himself to rule at home when no one sees it. He may be the most accommodating husband. A loser can be the most terrible tyrant in personal relationships, skittish, pompous, offends a woman, accuses her of all the failures of life.
Both male and female Leo must decide the conflict between love and position in society in favor of love and will try to overcome vanity when a choice is made.
Leo is happy with Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra. In friendship and marriage, Scorpio and Taurus should be avoided.

Psychosexual characteristic

Leos are usually very passionate people. As a fire sign, Leo is extremely sensual. Remember, Leo rules the 5th house of the horoscope, which is in charge of love and pleasure. Lions can easily succumb to their love impulses and become ardent, passionate, with a free attitude towards sex characteristic of our age. But Lions rarely resort to various, wild ways - their pride does not allow this, although the struggle with passion is great and the temptation is great.
Therefore, Lions are less aggressive than people of the other two fire signs: Aries, openly aggressive and romantic, and frisky Sagittarius, constantly looking for an idealist. Indeed, Leo can become very seductive if he is interested in someone. He always does this: "I want you, but if you don't want me, then I don't need you."

In Leo women, this passive temptation has nothing wrong, since traditionally a man is aggressive. But if a man - Leo, the king of the jungle, takes a position that forces the Lioness to become aggressive, then he risks losing his lady forever.
Because of their "you have to come to me" attitude, many Leos fail to succeed in life. But don't misunderstand this seemingly indifferent trait of the Leo man. They are extremely masculine, and women are feminine. The Leo man loves to dominate and is very gentle (never rude) and masculine during love. Leo always wants to show that he is the most courageous of lovers. He is deeply interested in whether he meets the sexual requirements of his partner. He usually presents himself as a Lion, a conqueror, the real king of beasts. Since he is tenderly loving, he will try to please, although it does not take him long for the relationship to become strong and his noble masculine image to be established. Only then can he perform certain sexual acts. And if he does this, then he needs the Lioness, his queen, to understand that he does everything only for her, her pleasure and that this is not at all in his style.

A lioness can meet refined royal requirements. She may be passive to remind her lover that she is first and foremost a royal woman, but if she finds it necessary to resort to formulaic practice in order to keep her king, she can become a fearsome, wild cat.
Both women and men lions prefer a strong, tender and lasting connection than pure sex. If they enter into relationships with other partners, it is because they do not like the way their real partners treat them. They are looking for new lovers, not just partners. When they think they have found someone who meets their sexual, spiritual and intellectual needs, they hesitate for a long time before making a final decision and breaking up with an old love. Remember, Leos are constant in their manners and behavior, preferring to stick to the narrow straight path of their old habits as long as they seem unacceptable. Then they change their love finally and completely, not pitying those whom they abandoned.

Non-sexual maneuvers
Although Leos are warm and passionate people, they can please others in order to achieve any goal. When they try to maneuver with people in the personal, business, and social realm, they do so discreetly and skillfully. Both male and female lions have a lot of patience and therefore can lead a non-sexual strategy that requires a lot of time and effort. They play tricks and make sure that their royal court is filled with noble, intelligent allies who do their bidding. They marry for convenience, they turn to achieve the favor of politicians, they flatter them.
In general, one must imagine that Lviv cannot be bought at a business price. They, too, will not choose a second-class product. They consider themselves to be of the highest quality. They are honest in their actions, and if they demand a lot from people, they are ready to give a lot in return.

How to Satisfy a Leo

Above all, flatter them often. Making love, Leo is playing for time, enjoying. They love to be caressed, kissed and told gentle flattery. Women of this sign want to hear that their face is the face of an angel, that their body is beautiful, that their presence inflames anyone. The Leo man also loves flattery. His mistresses get much more if they talk about his masculinity and assure him that they have not loved anyone before so much, even if it is not true. And indeed, the Lions cannot stand even the thought of rivals, their partners must be groomed and pulled up. Women of this sign should not spare their wardrobe in order to create a seductive, feminine look. Anyone who wants to attract a Leo must make an effort to create the right atmosphere, because. luxury, intimacy, pleasant music weakens the resistance of the most stubborn Leo.

Positive features
A typical Leo is an imperious and noble sign, has great performing abilities. He was born to lead and and see to it that it is so. He is very attractive to all people and when he needs to achieve a certain personal goal, his charms cannot be resisted.
The sun, the patron of Leo, is a powerful ally and Leo does not need to make as much effort as all other signs, Leo will achieve his goals anyway, because people adore him and help him. But Leo should not allow his ambition to make himself unhappy and quarrelsome. Luckily for all of us, they tend to use their gifts of life in a noble way. They know how to use power, they are very disciplined in stressful situations. I guess they deserve to be kings and queens.

Negative features
Because the heavenly rulers endowed Leo with so many good qualities, Leo must beware and not become complacent. They love so much that people join them in their aspirations that they sometimes do not understand that few people are ready to give up their "I" in order to please Leo.
Because they always want people to think well of them, they often put on a mask of virtue, which they really do not possess, only to be praised. All this is good, if they really internalize the feigned virtue, then this negative trait - pretense - can be considered positive. Otherwise, it will degenerate into a surface, shallowness. Moreover, Lions should not succumb to the food of fools - flattery.

Economy of love
Because it's destiny, Leos usually reach great heights, with all their economical rewards. But they rarely use their economic powers negatively, especially when they are afraid.
The idea of ​​a Leo buying sex and love is impossible, utterly unbelievable. Leos can enter into a relationship with a person who is less beautiful, sexy and graceful, and smart as long as this person caters to his desires and provides him with enough flattery and approval that he needs so much to achieve success. Leo men often feel that their queens don't have to be as perfect as they are. And Leo women feel that their spouses should not be of the same royal lineage. In fact, it has become a rule that Leo partners retain less individuality than Leo, they feel that the center of attention is reserved for only one.

Remember: Lion from the cat family. Have you ever seen a cat follow your orders?

Most suitable partners
Until the age of 29.5, the best partners for Leo should be sought among people of the signs Aries and Sagittarius. All three are fire signs. And during these years they are very independent and act on an objective, disinterested basis.
After 29.5 years, Leos begin to strive for a more settled life, more patient relationships and become more practical. At this time, they can be compatible with the sign of Capricorn, which, under the mask of a king, can also sit on the throne with Leo, even if Capricorn is rarely so cultured, friendly and receptive. Leo can also be compatible with Gemini after 41.5 years old, who fascinate Leo with their brilliant intellect.

After 41.5 years, the Lions are already spiritually developed, have become less conceited, eccentric and have reached the top of their intellectual development. Now they are finding compatibility with the signs of Libra and Scorpio. The Libra-Leo combination is a famous astrological duet. Since Libra is always trying to please and Leo also wants to be pleased, the two of them make a successful and contented slave-master couple. The combination "Scorpio-Leo" is possible only among highly developed types. But when it occurs - beware! Here is the real power, intellect, creative connection - emperors and empresses, not just kings and queens!

Fidelity score
Of all the astrological signs, perhaps Leo is the most faithful. In their younger years, Leos are warm and faithful friends. As they mature, they become exceptionally faithful and devoted.
In marriage, their fidelity is excellent, provided that their spouses rank lower, go one step behind and rarely challenge their common concept (image) of themselves. And never humiliate Leo in public. It is so important to them that others think of them that they can quickly divorce a spouse who constantly embarrasses them in front of friends and family. Lions can even threaten with force those who criticize them in front of fellow workers.

Questions for Leo
When will you understand that if you put up with a lover who does not always please you, does not always flatter you, asks you to look at yourself from the side (reconsider your behavior), then you will justify the expectation of your wonderful sign?
When will you realize that pride comes before a fall, and when you fall, do you really fall? There is nothing sadder than a chained king.
Why are you, Lions and Lionesses, so stubborn? But then again, you can't help but be yourself, because of all the children of Earth, you know the art of living best of all. You dear children of the Sun!

Erotic horoscope

She has far from a lion's temperament, although she is very attractive and capable of turning even a sober head. Her feelings always remain calm, and she shows prudence under any circumstances. Even during intimacy, a man feels her impassive look. This can be partly explained by her physical coldness and little interest in sex. She is practical and evaluates each partner as a potential husband. She was destined to be a good wife and mother. It is in defending the interests of the family that her lion nature is manifested. But her indifference to sex creates many problems for her husband. Most often, continuing to love her, he enters into a relationship with another woman who can give him the whole gamut of erotic sensations. She is jealous, but only herself will have to blame for the betrayal. If she meets a man with the same erotic level, then their marriage can be quite successful.

The male

Like any lion, he has many weaknesses. People around do not even suspect that a man who is far from confident in his abilities and capabilities can be hidden behind a confident and good-natured appearance. It constantly seems to him that at the slightest mistake he will be subjected to ridicule by his partner. He constantly expects a breakdown and therefore is in eternal nervous tension. If a woman can figure it out, then a formidable lion can become a toy in the paws of a lap dog. To prove to himself and others his usefulness, he embarks on all sorts of love adventures, enters into dubious relationships. A smart and tactful partner can reveal his real strength, who will be able to convince him that he is head and shoulders above any man. It is such a woman who will be his wife, having received as a reward a wonderful man, a reverent and affectionate father for her children.

How to break up with a Leo man or woman? This person has the power and magnetism of the Sun itself. It is also the king or queen of dramatic breakups. You certainly can not avoid worthy theatrical scenes with hand-wringing, reproaches and bombastic speeches. How to break off relations with Leo, and do it with as few "special effects" as possible? Here are some tips.

Despite the big hype, it is not so difficult to carry out the operation, codenamed "dumping the Lion", because it is enough not to give him due attention, to undermine his greatness, in order to force him to give you a turn from the gate.

You just need to consider that he loves to growl and show his claws if you dare to respond with black ingratitude to all the good done to you and decide to leave. So it might be best to try and pick up a time when your ex is not home to pick up your stuff. Are you looking for a quick way out of a relationship with a Leo or Lioness without mutual recriminations and accusations? Then don't try to force them to take responsibility for the breakup. Don't waste a lot of time trying to explain what they did wrong. Be kind to them and more self-flagellation! Perhaps someday you will be pardoned and forgiven.

How to part with a Leo man or woman so that the initiative comes from them?

  • Leo - male or female - is self-centered and requires constant attention directed at himself. If you refuse him this, then in his eyes you will cease to deserve to be near such a wonderful person as he is. Live not for them, but for yourself. Lack of attention automatically brings his departure closer.
  • As befits the wards of the Sun, these people are very "warm", emotional, sensitive, sentimental. If you start to stay away from Leo, with whom or with whom you want to part, at a certain distance, you will be cold and restrained, laugh at his "sentiment" and romance, then the result is almost guaranteed.
  • Leo is a big fan of praise, and the lack of such in his address (or insufficient amount of them) makes him think about unsuccessful relationships.
  • If you come across a stubborn specimen who does not want to capitulate so quickly, just make it clear that there are other men (or women) around you who are better than him (her) in your eyes. People of this zodiac sign cannot stand comparison with other representatives of their sex, competition is below their dignity.
  • Thinking how to get rid of Leo men? Do not answer his ideas about a worthy companion - in life and at social events. People of this sign love it when their companions become a kind of expensive setting for them - worthy, admirable, but at the same time not overshadowing the jewel itself, that is, themselves. Knowing this feature, you can quickly decide for yourself the question of how to break up with Leo (and this tactic is also relevant for Lionesses). In public or “under-glitter”, act like an ordinary gray mouse, compromise yourself (and your Lions) with an ordinary outfit, clumsy manners, inability to conduct small talk. Or, on the contrary, outshine your “master”, intervene more often in his conversations, interrupt, publicly disagree with his point of view (even better - make fun of it). And at home, in everyday life, stop carefully monitoring yourself - this quickly extinguishes the flame of lion love.

A little flattery will allow you to quickly resolve the issue of how to part with a Leo woman or man. Admit that you were not bored together, that you experienced a lot of good moments. Even though the relationship has run its course, you may be tempted to try again in the future. Therefore, avoid a bad, "dirty" break with Leo and or Lioness - who knows, you might still want to bask in the rays of these children of the Sun again ...

How to win a Leo man: 10 communication secrets + 9 basic character traits + 4 unloved types of women + 5 major flaws.

About the beautiful blue-eyed brunette who sunk into the soul, you only know that he is Leo by the sign of the Zodiac?

Yes, we understand that you want to know everything about a potential gentleman, right down to your favorite color of socks and taste preferences (what if you urgently need to learn how to cook three-story cakes with lemon cream?), But this information is not so little!

Use our tips how to win a lion man and enjoy your dizzying romance!

Secret knowledge: how to win a Leo man easily and naturally?

Brief description of the "object": 9 main qualities of the "king of beasts"

Before figuring out how to win a Leo man, let's find out his "pros" and "cons":

Trainable! 10 secrets to communicating with a Leo man

    The best of the best is who the Leo man considers himself to be and expects the same from you.

    It's especially important for this zodiac sign to be number one in what they consider their life's work, even if it's collecting beer caps.

    By the way, you will also have to meet such high requirements if you want to win a Leo man.

    And therefore - no peeling nail polish, the talk of Aunt Klava and Odessa and flapping eyelashes at the mention of Paulo Coelho or Carlos Castaneda, but “oh, what bliss, to know that I am perfection, to know that I am an ideal ...”;

    Flavor all conversations with the Leo man with a generous portion of flattery.

    If in any area of ​​life his results are not impressive compared to other "males", then his beloved is in danger of spleen and even real depression.

    Therefore, when the Leo man once again loses miserably on the tennis court or in the bowling alley, whisper to him: “But you are the most beautiful here!”.

    The most daring ladies can even slap the Lion on the "fifth point" on the sly.

    Do not piss off the Leo man with pretense and lies when you want to win him over.

    And no stories about how you slept peacefully in your bed, if at night you and your friends arranged unbridled fun for the whole nightclub!

    Play fair with Leo!

    Your “pride” (family) will always be the most important value for a male Leo.

    It doesn’t matter if Mendelssohn’s march has already sounded to you or you are just about to get married - never.

    Hear, never "make fun" of his sister's crooked teeth or mom's hair!

    The bald head of the father for Leo is also a taboo for ridicule.

    To win the Leo man, he must be surrounded by vigilant attention.

    When you even for a moment are distracted from his precious person, the "king of beasts" is ready to tear and throw.

    So what if you're late for work?

    And listen to the theory of the origin of Leo's life and the opinion about the quality of the toilet paper you bought in order to win once and for all?

    Do not hide your sentimentality and impressionability.

    Lions-men love it in women!

    Now you can cry with a clear conscience over the "Titanic" and the "Diary of Memory" on the shoulder of the Leo man.

    The role of "second violin" was created for the companion of this zodiac sign.

    If you want to conquer Leo, humble yourself and enjoy the strong male shoulder.

    And don't you dare talk about how you fixed your car, repaired your computer, and dealt with three street hooligans on your own.

    After all, you are a real home fairy!

    Be interested in the opinion of the Leo man on any occasion.

    Even if you chose the wallpaper for the bedroom two weeks ago, and the new hair color has already been discussed with your hairdresser.

    Behave like a true lady.

    And all in order not to injure the gentle psyche of the male Leo by champing or retelling an obscene anecdote.

    Do not forget to praise the "golden hands" of the Leo man.

    This should be done even if, while hanging the picture, he smashed half the wall and scared away all the neighbors on the floor. Leos hate when they are accused of "hands-on".

How to win a Leo man with a gift: 2 main principles for choosing a present and 10 great options

You can win your dear Leo man by presenting a tastefully chosen gift, chosen taking into account the fact that:

    All representatives of this sign like to emphasize their status with all sorts of things.

    And it doesn’t matter that now the Leo man works as the third assistant to the junior janitor, because in his thoughts he fancies himself, at least, the head of the housing office;

    Instead of a big and banal gift, for example, a palm tree in a flowerpot or a vacuum cleaner, it is better to give a Leo man a small but non-trivial present.

    Oksana, the wife of a typical Leo man, gave him a tarantula ordered online for his birthday.

    An aquarium with a small monster for a long time settled on the desktop of the betrothed, asserting in the eyes of colleagues the image of an extraordinary, creative person and inspiring genuine horror to the secretary Lyudochka.

Do not disregard the list of gifts that will help, if not win the heart of a Leo man, then at least generate sympathy:

    Books on business and self-development.

    Just make sure that the vulnerable male Leo is not shocked by a title like “How to become a supermacho from a schmuck?”

    Bronze "thematic" figurines.

    A proud Leo man will be pleased with those bearing the name "Leader", "Business Shark", "Oligarch", etc.

    Beautiful handmade chess.

    After all, your Leo is not only insanely handsome, but also damn smart, so you decided to conquer him?

    Model ship for the office.

    And let him feel cooler than Captain Flint!

    Trouser belt.

    If you want a male Leo, let him be leather and certainly expensive.

    Tickets for an interesting show, training of a famous speaker, etc.

    And then watch how your Leo man jealously monitors the number of “likes” under photos from a pathetic event.

    Diary in leather cover.

    Give the Leo man the opportunity to "leave the show-off" at important negotiations;

    Subscription to the elite fitness center.

    The body of Apollo will help the Leo man feel even more confident.

    Business bags, briefcases.

    It is unsuitable for such a macho, as the chairman of a seedy collective farm, to walk with a shabby purse.

    Gold tie clip or cufflinks.

    A real Leo man will not want to use plastic or metal something made in a distant Chinese province.

Compatibility test: 4 best partners for a Leo man who can conquer him

Another weighty argument to win the heart of a male Leo that you like is horoscope compatibility:

Mission Impossible: 4 types of girls who are useless to think about how to win a Leo man

    Timid "blue stocking".

    Really, my dear, is it better for the “king of beasts” and “ruler of all Russia”, whom the Leo man considers himself to be with the reincarnation of Katya Pushkareva?

    You will have to conquer not only with intellect, but also with "chic, brilliance, beauty."

    Too impudent and self-confident person may not even dream of conquering a male Leo.

    Even if you, without batting your left eye, can arrange a “dressing” in the supermarket for expired sausage and agree on a 20% discount on a couple of tons of cement, you should not show your Leo man such achievements if you want to win him.

    You simply do not have the right to be better in something with him!

    A fool who is not interested in anything will not be able to win a Leo man.

    Well, what do you order His Majesty to do with you?

    Discuss the shape of the nails for a fresh manicure or the price of tights?

    The soul of a Leo man always requires a holiday!

    Fascinated only by herself and overly ambitious person will not win Leo.

    Do you have a dozen interesting projects at work, chatterbox girlfriends, fitness and a favorite dog to boot?

    And when will you find time then to clap your hands and look with admiring eyes at your Leo man?

Top 5 Flaws to Know Before Winning a Leo Man: Sun Spots

TOP 20 amazing guys, for which it is worth learning how to win a Leo man

No. p / pPersonality
1 Napoleon Bonaparte (French Emperor, commander)
2 Guy de Maupassant (French writer)
3 George Bernard Shaw (British writer, playwright)
4 Henry Ford (American industrialist)
5 Alfred Hitchcock (British film director)
6 Louis Armstrong (American musician)
7 Stanley Kubrick (American film director)
8 Vasily Shukshin (Russian film director, writer, actor)
9 Pierre Richard (French actor)
10 Yves Saint Laurent (French fashion designer)
11 Dustin Hofmann (American actor)
12 Mick Jagger (British rock musician)
13 Robert De Niro (American actor)
14 Arnold Schwarzenegger (American actor, politician)
15 Kevin Spacey (American actor)
16 David Duchovny (American actor)
17 Antonio Banderas (Spanish actor)
18 Barack Obama (American politician)
19 Ben Affleck (American actor)
20 Matthew Perry (American-Canadian actor)

Watch a video on how to attract the attention of a Leo man and build a relationship with him:

Armed with knowledge and very dangerous: 10 great books on how to win a Leo man and not only

Regardless of whether Leo is your man according to the sign of the Zodiac and / or in bed, in order to win his heart and rush off with him “for the gypsy nomadic star”, we advise you to read:

No. p \ pAuthor, title
1 V. Sheinov “Man + woman. Know and Conquer"
2 E. Shatskaya "School of the bitch"
3 D. Kay "How to win a man"
4 K. Tracy "How to win a man's love"
5 V.Dovgan "How to win a man's heart"
6 N. Rybitskaya “Men's acquisition. A guide to the conquest and acquisition of men "
7 T. Cabot “Late marriage is a smart marriage”
8 A. Leslie "Hunting for a male"
9 S. Kronna "Bitch's Handbook"
10 S. Samygin "Love through the eyes of a man"

Arm yourself with information about how to win a lion man- and forward to the long-awaited female happiness with hugs by the fireplace, crazy passion on weekends and trips to the bluest sea!

You just need to remember that in the matter of winning a beloved man, a better means has not yet been invented than sincere feelings and desires to share your happiness with another.

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Time: 23:47 The date: 31/07/03

I ask for help from all those who have or have ever dealt with Leo Men, and even better if the Leo Men themselves answer me. I don’t always refer to horoscopes, but after reading the description of a lion, I realized that the man I love completely matches this description - impudent, proud, arrogant, loves all the best. Our relationship was suspended due to the fact that I, being a Taurus, can not always do what he wants and very often stubbornness takes over me. But now I'm ready to do everything to get him back, I've been going with the flow all the time, and now I want to act! Direct action will not work accurately. I am sure that it is necessary in a cunning way, to make him want it himself, and not be imposed. I know for sure that self-esteem should remain with me. I don't see him very often, but I want to know what "tricks" can work on him if I do run into him. And he also has a birthday soon, maybe you can write some kind of congratulation to him on the phone, which would help me in my difficult task? Please help, this is really important to me!

Time: 10:15 The date: 01/08/03

True, I am a woman - a lion, the truth is dealing with male lions ...
Leo men are extremely susceptible to all kinds of praise and flattery, the main thing is not to overplay ... they believe that they feel I'm getting along and appreciate honesty in relationships (within reasonable limits ...) ... they really don't like when their opinion is imposed on them, in in relationships, they need to be given freedom ... in no case should they throw tantrums at them ... it is very hard to endure when a partner closes in on himself and does not talk to him (this is the best method to make it clear that you are offended). You can talk with a lion quite calmly, tell what worries you, in a word beat on his spiritual qualities, on pity. The lion has a very big lion heart, he should always feel that he is needed, that he is needed ... this will give him pleasure ...
The gift must be original - this is the main thing ... lions are romantic by nature.
Good luck

Time: 10:17 The date: 01/08/03

My sister's husband is Leo.
You can take him and get anything from him only with flattery and speeches about how powerful he is, great and generally better than anyone. But as a Taurus, this will be very difficult for you. I'm a Virgo, my parents are Taurus, so here we are as earth signs, it's insanely annoying and I personally would not be able to do that. But if you succeed, then he will be just very, very good.

Time: 10:17 The date: 01/08/03

Try to have sex with him as soon as possible, bring him to complete exhaustion, and then disappear for a week.

Time: 10:43 The date: 01/08/03

I met a lion man, and now I also met the king of beasts, and I realized one thing that in order to attract his attention you just need to agree with them, well, we are women, as they say here to yours here, show that you agree with him and do it yourself because you think it’s better, and one more thing you need to be more careful with them not to show that you know more about him than they tell you. Here are probably the two main rules that must be observed with these "kings".
Good luck to you.

Time: 11:55 The date: 01/08/03

You need to try to become a tasty prey - Lions love it (get the best), and Taurus knows how
If you want to write a congratulation, let it be provocative and sexy.
A good way is to like his friends (Lions owners) or incite a bunch of girlfriends to appear before him and you are the best
Well, flattery, flattery, flattery ...
Good luck!

Time: 15:16 The date: 01/08/03

take the same as they take all men ....

Time: 15:58 The date: 01/08/03

My husband is a Leo, and I myself am a Lioness. Lev must be convinced that you need him, that you have never met such a man. Generally flattery and praise.

Time: 17:39 The date: 01/08/03

Introductory note. Despite the fact that this is the debut of Mr. Leo, we must admit (try not to do this!) that his play is without a doubt an outstanding work.


Scenarios and staging of Leo. Producer - Lev. Starring Leo.


Leo: performed by Leo (the handsome man around whom the action unfolds).

Beautiful Heroine: you play (a secondary, but important role for revealing the character of the protagonist).

An Even More Beautiful Rival to a Beautiful Heroine. Performed by Uma Thurman (a role that all the women of the world dream of: introduced into the script so that the heroine can appreciate the mercy of the Lion who chose her).

Much Less Interesting Man: performed by one of the extras (someone like Brad Pitt: a subtle plot device designed to show the insignificance of all men against the background of the Lion).

Servants: you do.

Enthusiastic Audience: performed by all the women of the world.


Living room. Three minor characters (see above) languish in anticipation of the brilliant appearance of a charming host. A couple of minutes pass, filled with tense expectation. The door opens and Leo enters.

Leo (looking around everyone): Hello everyone! What are so boring? Longed for the brilliant company of the owner? (Enthusiastic audience applauds the cookie for 5 minutes.)

BEAUTIFUL HEROINE AND EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL COMPETITION: Oh yes, we missed you so much! Without you everything becomes so bland...

Leo: Shall we have a drink then? Where is the servant? (Looks for you.) Bring us something to drink, dear.

(The Beautiful Heroine leaves to carry out the order.)

MUCH LESS INTERESTING MAN: Uh... (Realizes that he is far from Leo in the art of conversation, and runs out, thereby recognizing the natural superiority of his opponent.)

(The Beautiful Heroine returns with a tray of delicious drinks lovingly arranged.)

LEV: Ha, what you need! (Even More Beautiful Rival rushes to the kitchen in the hope of earning the approval of the Lion.)

LEO (to the Beautiful Heroine, showing his amazing powers of observation): It looks like we're alone.


(The enthusiastic audience jumps up and gives a two-hour standing ovation to the super-genius author of the play.)


According to the most advantageous position in the beams of spotlights.


Looking at him admiringly, now and then saying: “Oh, how I would like to be as beautiful (smart, brave) as you!” You can hang a large mirror around your neck and be silent.


It will be enjoyable. After all, you have not yet had to listen to his stories about yourself, and they will seem amusing to you. They can be endured again on a second date.


On the third date. You still have to do something to avoid repeating his stories, and sex is a great way to distract him. Of course, you can just plug your ears or not see him anymore, but we are acting within the framework of his version: after the first two dates, you fell head over heels in love and cannot live without him.


Have you decided to leave the privileged position at his feet and go to work? Dare to have your own opinion? What do you want? So you need it!


It is absolutely unbelievable that you yourself, of your own free will, wanted to leave Leo.

Time: 22:29 The date: 01/08/03

Why do you believe in horoscopes so much?

By the way, I'm a Taurus and my ex-husband is a Leo. I threw it away. I got bored.

Time: 22:44 The date: 01/08/03

to be incredibly beautiful, so that all men would fall in piles at your feet. spit on men and look into your lion's mouth. you can only say compliments to the lion.

Personally, the thought crossed my mind: do I need him, so beautiful?

Time: 00:15 The date: 02/08/03

with them, Lions need to be wise ...
you can’t flatter them excessively, look into their mouths and catch every word. but it is also not necessary to be excessively independent and independent. they like to feel stronger. but at the same time they are not interested in rags. but in general, the main weapon is beauty, sexuality and charm

Time: 11:25 The date: 02/08/03

With sincere admiration, or even with rude flattery, you will still be caught

Time: 15:24 The date: 02/08/03

ahh the whole truth is written
I am a lion and most of the quality described is all true
I can be taken with flattery, attention, and many things that have been written

Time: 18:48 The date: 02/08/03

In my Leo, I do not like only one thing: he repeats my movements and my actions. This sorry synchronicity sometimes even angers. And yet, in my opinion, he is stingy. True, we still do not know much, but if it will be more stingy in the future, then I will tell him about life. And flattery ... I'm probably a fox by nature. I know how to caress and flatter. Therefore, I do not stay alone for a long time. All men love these things.

Time: 22:15 The date: 02/08/03

Leo is an actor, he needs a show that he puts on - you need to give him an ovation;
he needs a show for him personally - you need to play along with him so that he is delighted.
And praise, praise, praise.

Time: 06:04 The date: 03/08/03

Lord, what nonsense, well, you can’t believe in horoscopes so unconditionally ... I have a brother Leo - nothing similar either to your description or to the descriptions above. A sweet affectionate boy, he is friends with a girl, adores her and carries her in his arms, he will break anyone with his mother for her and for me, he is not at all stubborn and flexible ... I know him very well, both as a sister and as a girlfriend, we have a lot common acquaintances. But under what was described above, my father fits under the sign of Cancer and my ex under the sign of Aquarius ... And in general, any person will do ...
And specifically to your question - if you broke up and you can’t get the relationship back “without tricks”, but simply “in a straight line”, then the tricks will not work, spit and rub ...

Time: 13:10 The date: 05/08/03

A lion is a predator, a hunter, not looking for easy ways. To conquer him, you need to give him a chance to be a conqueror. A self-confident woman, restrained and impregnable, can conquer his heart.
If Leo truly loves, he will give himself to you without a trace. A very devoted, faithful, loving husband and father. Sometimes, however, very jealous.
My husband is Leo, I am Pisces.

Time: 15:08 The date: 05/08/03

Many thanks to everyone who showed attention to my problem. I don’t know if I can do something now to get my Leo back, but if there is such an opportunity, I will definitely use your advice. And if I don’t have such an opportunity, I’ll use your notes another time, because for some reason I’m sure that I will encounter Lions more than once in my life, I’m very drawn to these real, in my opinion, men.

Time: 15:10 The date: 05/08/03
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