What is pyramidal insufficiency in infants. Syndrome of pyramidal insufficiency in children. Why does pyramidal insufficiency occur?

The pyramidal system is responsible for all the abundance of human movements. With its deficiency, neurons are disinhibited and an excess number of nerve impulses appears.

Pyramidal cells or Betz cells are located in the 5th layer of the cerebral cortex. Pyramidal deficiency is diagnosed using magnetic resonance and computed tomography of the brain. Magnetic resonance imaging is an indispensable method of examination in the event of seizures and symptoms of epilepsy. Computed tomography of the brain is performed in the case when it is unrealistic to conduct an MRI study. Pyramidal deficiency can be diagnosed by electromyography. This is a way of researching the neuromuscular system by recording and analyzing the electronic potential of the muscles. EEG study (electroencephalography) makes it possible to identify the cause of seizures. The method allows to detect the occurrence of epileptiform activity and diffuse delta waves. Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the brain helps to identify signs of increased intracranial pressure in the brain, which can make an irritating effect and cause paralysis.

With the development of a pathological focus or a violation of blood supply in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pyramidal system, central paralysis occurs. Pyramidal deficiency is also determined by the method of electromyography, in which the neuromuscular system is examined. In fact, all central paralysis and paresis in brain diseases are accompanied by obvious or hidden convulsions, which further increase the area of ​​brain damage.

The disease manifests itself in the form of an increase in muscle tone, as well as periosteal and tendon reflexes. Right-sided pyramidal deficiency is accompanied by oculomotor and visual disturbances, lowering of the mind. There is a violation of gait, ataxia of coordination tests, intentional trembling, chanted speech, nystagmus.

The causes can be tumors, inflammatory processes, congenital pathologies and hemorrhages, causing a disease such as pyramidal deficiency. Healing in this case is symptomatic.

Pyramidal deficiency has identical symptoms with cerebral dysfunction syndrome, various types of encephalopathies, with cerebrospinal fluid hypertension syndrome, therefore making a diagnosis is difficult from time to time. Depending on the location of the lesion, different manifestations of the disease are likely. Alternating syndromes appear with disorders in the region of the brain stem. Paresis occurs when the projection zones of the cerebral cortex are damaged. Injuries in the area of ​​the spinal cord are accompanied by hemiplegia on the side opposite to the lesion.

The healing of pyramidal deficiency should be focused on the underlying disease. More fundamental is the restoration of motor activity in case of paralysis. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of increasing physical activity. Therapy for pyramidal deficiency includes taking drugs such as cerebrolysin, nootropil, glutamic acid, encephabol, aminalon. These funds improve the metabolism of nerve cells. To normalize the conduction of a nerve impulse, it is advised to take Dibazol and Prozerin. Vitamins E and B, baclofen, mydocalm and lioresal normalize muscle tone. Excellent results in the treatment of pyramidal deficiency are given by exercise therapy, reflexology and acupressure, aimed at lowering muscle tone. In parallel, physiotherapy and balneotherapy, orthopedic measures are carried out. In the presence of injuries of the brain and spinal cord, also in case of tumors, neurosurgical treatment is prescribed. Surgical intervention is prescribed for acute violations of the functions of cerebral circulation, malformations of cerebral vessels, with the formation of intracerebral hematoma, stenosis or thrombosis of extracerebral arteries.

Symptom of a ballerina, walking on toes or on tiptoe, equinus setting of feet - all these are the names of one pathology - pyramidal insufficiency syndrome. The disorder can be triggered by a huge number of reasons, but is invariably accompanied by moderate/severe muscle dystonia with hypertonicity of the foot and lower leg. Pyramidal insufficiency with bilateral dystonia, as usual, is monitored in newborns and toddlers of the first year of life, less often diagnosed in children of 2-3 years of age.

Why does pyramidal insufficiency appear?

The medulla oblongata is responsible for difficult reflexes. It is part of the brain and connects the terminal with the spinal cord. The body consists of anatomical cells - pyramids. The settlement and the name are pyramidal.

When these cells are damaged, there is a movement disorder. It is worth noting that in medicine there is no diagnosis of "pyramidal, or pyramidal, insufficiency." However, it is put to many children and not invariably justified.

The reason for the development of pathology in a child is perinatal mechanical or ischemic injury of the cervical spinal cord. When the blood circulation of the cervical thickening and the brain stem is disturbed, a daring deviation of the muscle tone of the flexors in the limbs is formed.

The severity depends on the severity of the lesion. The hands become constrained, and with more widespread ischemia, a violation is also observed in the legs - when the baby is placed on its legs, it unshakably rests on the socks (distal parts of the foot).

Symptoms and signs

Key signs of pyramidal insufficiency:

  • Trembling of the chin;
  • Hand tremor;
  • tilting the head back;
  • Poor grasping reflex
  • Difficulty holding objects;
  • Curling up the toes in the "standing" position;
  • Walking on toes.

In children up to 2-3 months, this condition does not cause concern, because they have the usual muscle hypertonicity. When the vertical position of the body becomes physiological as I increase, and the baby does not typically step, it is necessary to determine muscular dystonia - the main sign of pyramidal insufficiency or spastic paresis of the lower extremities.

The diagnosis is confirmed in the presence of high tendon reflexes, the Babinsky reflex that persists for 2-3 months, the revival of the tendon reflexes of the hands, the delay in the reduction of others (mechanical gait, mechanical crawling, Moro, etc.).

Pyramid insufficiency syndrome can be detected in infants with the support of the original test: the baby is placed on the stomach, the lower leg is half bent at the knee, the calf muscles are palpated (palpated) greatly, and the tone of the buttocks is examined. In a typical state, muscle tension is identical.

In case of violation, the calf muscles are tense, the buttocks are in a state of hypotension or a typical tone. Pathology often also affects the rectus muscles of the thigh: the legs in the hip joints are immensely bent, when they are brought to the tummy, they are difficult to straighten in a child lying on his back.

Deviation Features

Pyramidal insufficiency, diagnosed in children, poses a threat because it entails functional disorders called movement disorder syndrome (MSS). In such children, adjusting reflexes and motor skills are formed late, that is, their formation will be delayed (the child will sit down late, crawl, walk, etc.).

In essence, such a diagnosis indicates a violation of the motor sphere, but it is allowed to prescribe treatment only on the basis of other signs and later clarifying the cause of the violation.

Almost invariably, the diagnosis of "pyramidal insufficiency" is made in the case when other signs of pathology did not appear or they do not exist at all. That is, to prescribe any treatment to no avail.

Tumors, inflammatory processes, some congenital pathologies and infections, hemorrhages are the main causes of insufficiency, or rather, it is their sign and secondary violation. Considering which part of the body has ceased to typically move, the neuropathologist correctly determines the injured area of ​​the pyramidal system.

Computed tomography is used as the main diagnostic method. The procedure allows you to correctly determine the lesion in a matter of minutes.

In any case, before prescribing treatment, the doctor must make an accurate, or, one may say, officially present diagnosis. For example, movement disorders can be triggered by minimal cerebral dysfunction, encephalopathies, and CSF hypertension syndrome.

There may be real neurological pathologies:

  • birth trauma;
  • congenital diseases of the nervous system;
  • brain damage as a result of hypoxia during childbirth (oxygen deficiency);
  • infectious diseases;
  • tumors;
  • abscesses in the spinal cord or brain;
  • violations of the production and outflow of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • encephalitis and meningitis, provoking hydrocephalus.

All of the listed pathologies have characteristic signs and certain methods of treatment; therefore, it is impossible to prescribe any important medical measures on the basis of each movement disorder alone. For example, tilting the head back is one of the signs of meningitis, but no one makes a diagnosis on one sign alone.

Treatment of children with pyramidal insufficiency

If none of the above diagnoses is confirmed, then the violation can be eliminated without medication. Basically, various physiotherapy procedures are prescribed. Massage is widely used. We need both the support of a qualified expert and the involvement of parents.

An experienced massage therapist will relieve tone and strengthen muscles. Massage courses traditionally take place every six months. Parents are obliged to do special preventive exercises with the child every day.

Gymnastics, swimming, coordination exercises have a positive effect on the body in the aggregate and on motor activity in particular.

This applies to both adults and children. Vitamins and drugs that improve energy metabolism can be prescribed. It is worth noting that it is necessary to choose special orthopedic shoes when the baby tries to walk. It should have a rough back and a closed front.

If any disease is found that led to a violation, the treatment is directed both to its elimination and to secondary violations, it is necessary to stop the signs of pyramidal insufficiency, exclusively in children.

The following drugs may be prescribed:

  • Improving metabolic processes in nerve cells, say, Nootropil, Encephabol, Cerebrolysin, Aminalon, glutamic acid;
  • To improve the conduct of a nervous impulse, "Dibazol", "Prozerin" are prescribed;
  • Vasoactive agents for microcirculation;
  • Substances that normalize muscle tone (ex. "Baclofen", "Mydocalm", "Lioresal");
  • Vitamin E and group B.

Acupressure and relaxing massage, exercise therapy, reflexology helps to reduce tone. Orthopedic measures, balneotherapy may also be required. In all cases, the methods of treatment may differ.

Surgical interventions are resorted to when injuries / tumors of the brain or spinal cord, severe cerebrovascular accidents that cannot be eliminated by conservative methods (thrombosis, stenosis of extracerebral arteries, malformations of cerebral vessels, intracerebral hematoma, etc.) are diagnosed.

At the slightest doubt about the disease, parents should immediately contact an expert for diagnosis and treatment. Health to you and your children!

Pyramidal syndrome is a complex of symptoms that occurs when the pyramidal pathways that connect the motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex with the spinal cord are damaged. In fact, this is a central paresis that has not reached the level of

This is a very mild form of paresis (paralysis), when there are still no changes in the corresponding muscles, but pathological pyramidal symptoms already appear, which indicate a pathological process in the nerve fibers in any of the areas from the cerebral cortex to the corresponding spinal segment
spinal cord.

Pyramidal syndrome is found in 49-63% and is usually presented only with revitalization of tendon reflexes, pathological foot signs and clonus of the feet. Spasticity and paresis are rare.

Pyramidal syndrome, as a rule, is combined with parkinsonism or cerebellar ataxia, but at the initial stage it is sometimes the only movement disorder, accompanied only by autonomic failure.

The pyramidal path is gradually formed by the first year of life, and together with the extrapyramidal system provides normal muscle tone.

The extrapyramidal system works in close connection with the projection zones of the motor areas of the cerebral cortex, the visual tubercles, the hypotuberous region and the cerebellum, performs a myostatic function, preparing the muscles for voluntary movements, and maintains their normal tone.

The myostatic function makes the motor act smooth, flexible, precisely proportional in time and space, provides the optimal body posture and the most favorable position of individual muscle groups for performing the movement.

Clinically manifested: not a large hypertonicity of the limbs, high tendon reflexes (walking on tiptoe) and pathological pyramidal signs.

The most common of them is Babinski's syndrome (adiposogenital dystrophy - a disease associated with damage to the hylotalamo-pituitary system, characterized by progressive obesity, underdevelopment of external and internal
genital organs and decreased function of the gonads).

In fact, pyramidal syndrome is a dangerous disease that must be treated carefully. But, often, doctors make such a diagnosis based only on external signs, without properly testing the child.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis and, accordingly, prescribe a course of treatment, it is necessary to do at least an MRI in order to see to what extent there are lesions or inconsistencies. Conduct some research.

Is the cerebellum really inactive, are there any disturbances in the work of the extrapyramidal system, the neuroneuropilic system. How developed is the hippocampus, are there any lags in the psychomotor development of the child.

In general, before making such a diagnosis, you need a complete examination. And do not randomly prescribe various kinds of medication. I must say that the drugs are very serious, therefore, it is necessary to diagnose only by some visible symptoms that can be provoked by another disease that is absolutely not related to the pyramidal syndrome. Especially if there is a birth injury, the consequences of which, you already know.

What to do if such a diagnosis is still made? If the child is small, then getting up early is not recommended, but this does not mean that you do not need to do therapeutic exercises, strengthen and stimulate the muscle corset,
adjust the ligamentous-tendon apparatus. This must be done very carefully, without overloading or overworking the child.

Be sure to apply therapeutic differentiated massage according to the classical method with elements of acupressure.

Exercise therapy according to the general method (see article: birth trauma), only more moderately.

The main rule of therapeutic exercises is proper breathing. We do all exercises on the exhale, i.e. we perform the same leg swing as follows: we inhale and, as we exhale, raise the leg.

A consultation with a neurologist is required!

Pyramids are anatomical areas of the medulla oblongata through which nerve impulses pass. In the cerebral cortex itself there is a special department responsible for voluntary and involuntary muscle contractions. A person succeeds in standing up or sitting down, closing his eyes, opening his mouth or raising his elbow due to the fact that the signal from the cells of this special department descends along the corresponding nerve processes, reaching a certain segment of the spinal cord. This path in medicine is called pyramidal.

In any part of this pathway, damage to nerve cells can occur. There may be a delay. Such injuries are accompanied by separate characteristic symptoms - impaired motor function. There are many reasons for damage. If this syndrome is not aggravated by other serious nervous disorders or diseases, treatment of the pathology is possible.

Pyramidal (or pyramidal) insufficiency can develop in both children and adults.

Signs of pyramidal insufficiency in newborns

First of all, neuropathologists and pediatricians pay attention to the following factors:

  • whether the child's chin trembles when he cries;
  • do the hands tremble when the baby expresses his dissatisfaction with something;
  • whether there is trembling anywhere in the body when he cries;
  • how well the baby holds the head and does it throw it back while crying;
  • how confidently the child takes any toy in his hands;
  • does the child pinch his toes when he is put on his feet;
  • whether the child is trying to walk on his toes;
  • how quickly and calmly sleep occurs, the quality of sleep.

In a child in a few months, it is important to check fine motor skills, his ability to fold a pyramid.

  1. If a child constantly stands on tiptoe while walking, and not on a full sole, this indicates pyramidal insufficiency, which is responsible for the movements of the lower muscle group.
  2. If it turns out that the baby's chin trembles when crying, his hands shake violently, and he throws his head back, these are the first signs that he has pyramidal insufficiency, which is responsible for the movements of the upper muscle group.
  3. In the case when the baby has problems with movements and trembling in both the legs and arms, this means that the pyramidal insufficiency is more extensive.

The very word “insufficient” means that right now the areas of the brain responsible for movement are developing a little slower than they should be.

Symptoms of pyramidal insufficiency in adults

In adults, this syndrome is accompanied by multiple abnormalities and diseases. These include:

  • muscle pain and cramps, especially at night;
  • increased tone of the upper and lower extremities;
  • paralysis and / or paresis of any part of the body;
  • reduced reflex reaction;
  • decreased libido, up to impotence;
  • obesity;
  • decreased muscle strength;
  • increased tendon reflexes;
  • decreased skin reflexes.

Causes and predisposing factors

The causes of pyramidal syndrome are very different. The following factors and complications can contribute to the occurrence in childhood:

  • injuries and / or bruises of the cervical spine;
  • difficult childbirth that caused short-term hypoxia of the newborn;
  • complication of meningitis;
  • use of pregnant alcohol, drugs, smoking;
  • living in unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • the formation of neoplasms (cysts, tumors, hernias);
  • viral or infectious diseases with brain damage;
  • congenital anomalies of the nervous system and other pathological conditions.

Important! Pyramidal insufficiency syndrome is not always a serious pathology. Hypertonicity of the upper or lower extremities can be a physiological feature of the child's body. The pathological condition is determined based on the stage and degree of damage to the pyramids.

Stages of pyramidal insufficiency

  1. Damage to the subcortical layer of the brain.
  2. Pathology of the internal capsule.
  3. Pathology in the brain stem.
  4. Pathology in the pyramid itself.
  5. Neck injury.
  6. Thoracic pathology.
  7. Defeat in the motor root.

Each stage of pyramidal insufficiency is accompanied by one or another movement disorder. So, with pathology of the thoracic region, spasticity of the leg occurs, and with pathology in the leg of the brain, paralysis of the optic nerve is possible.


To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct adequate treatment, a complete examination by a pediatrician and a neurologist, anamnesis of the child's mother and information about the course of pregnancy, childbirth, and the behavior of the baby in the postpartum period are necessary. Next, a set of diagnostic measures is prescribed, including laboratory and instrumental studies.


  • electroencephalography;
  • computed tomography of the brain;
  • electromyography;
  • ultrasound examination of the brain.

With the help of these methods, the following are identified and investigated:

  • the presence of hidden seizures;
  • electrical muscle potential;
  • possible neoplasms (tumors, cysts, dropsy of the brain);
  • signs of cerebral palsy;
  • possible epileptic seizures;
  • state of the vessels of the brain;
  • pathologies in the structures of the brain;
  • quality and strength of nerve conduction;
  • the work of synapses;
  • causes of reflex disorders;
  • condition of the optic nerve.

Adults are often obese and/or sexually impaired. In this case, the hypothalamic-pituitary system is examined.

In a particular case, various diagnostic measures are prescribed, which depend on age, general condition, the presence of pathologies and pronounced signs of pyramidal insufficiency.

Many studies are contraindicated for young children, such as CT and MRI.

Treatment of pyramidal insufficiency

In childhood, the facts of the presence of pyramidal insufficiency can sometimes be hidden. In adult patients, they are more noticeable, easier to diagnose. In any case, treatment should be prescribed to eliminate the provoking factor, to eliminate the root cause that caused this syndrome.

  • If the cause lies in insufficient blood circulation of the brain and a violation of the strength of blood flow, drugs are prescribed that improve blood circulation, and additional drugs that strengthen blood vessels. Also important are hypertensive drugs and drugs that prevent the formation of sclerotic plaques, causing such complications as atherosclerosis of the vessels.
  • When an infection is detected, antimicrobials, antibiotics, and appropriate symptomatic therapy are important.
  • If tumors or cysts are detected, surgical treatment is indispensable. First, the neoplasm is removed, then conservative and restorative therapy is prescribed.

Good results are obtained by therapeutic massages, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, as well as swimming in the pool and meditation practices.

A slight delay in movement in young children can be a purely individual factor that will recover over time. However, consultation with a neurologist should be regular.

Galina Vladimirovna

girl 2 years 1 month walks on tiptoe Mom also walked for a long time neurologists say that everything is fine The child developed normally everything was on time

Hello Lyubov Nikolaevna!

My son is 2 years and 2 months old. He still walks on tiptoes very often. Neurologists at all appointments reassured me: “Nothing, everything will go away by itself. The child will outgrow. Nothing much is happening.” So I believed that my baby has no problems - it's so nice to hear! A neurologist prescribed a massage for my son for up to a year. After each session, we were told that there was a significant improvement. But my child still got up on his toes. And when he went, he was also on his toes. I went to another neurologist and the child was diagnosed with pyramidal insufficiency. The new neurologist prescribed us a lot of medicines and another massage. But when I saw that the child was being massaged the same way as before, I fell into despair. Fortunately, we learned about Nikolai Borisovich Nikonov and turned to him for help.

My daughter is 3.5 years old. She walks on tiptoes almost all the time. The neurologist prescribes massages for us, we wear orthopedic shoes, we drink medicines - but all this does not help. I just don't know what to do. We have been struggling with the problem for two years, but no results! Doctors shock me. Each time they give us a new diagnosis and prescribe different treatments. It feels like they are pointing a finger at the sky - what if it helps! Friends advised me to turn to Nikolai Nikonov for help.

My son is almost seven years old. Ever since he learned to walk, he has been walking on his toes all the time. The orthopedist says that he does not see any problems in his part. The neuropathologist puts pyramidal insufficiency. We drink prescribed medicines and vitamins, we do massage in the clinic three times a year. And we also periodically do paraffin wraps, hydromassage, ozocerite and are treated with magnetotherapy. Recently visited also a psychologist. There we were informed that we have a reincarnation of the soul, and that is why the child is absent-minded, “hovers in the clouds”. Wherever we went! I have come to terms with the fact that my child is special. But he is growing up. And he begins to react painfully to the caustic remarks of classmates, neighbors - he worries and often cries. I decided to look for a real specialist. And luckily for us, I found the clinic "Emendo" and Nikolai Borisovich.

My son is 1 year and 8 months old. He still does not talk and walks on tiptoes almost all the time. The neurologist, having learned that Maxim did not speak, made round eyes and told us that everything was very bad and that a child at that age should speak at least 10 words. I even forgot to say that the boy walks on tiptoes. The neurologist tapped him with a hammer and said that there were no problems. I bought orthopedic slippers for my son. But the problem was not solved. He continued to walk on his toes. I was very worried and began to look for a good specialist who could help. So I found Nikolai Borisovich, who was able to solve both of our problems at once. So my advice is don't waste your time. Contact him right away.

My baby is eight months old. His fontanel has already closed, there are no teeth yet. The kid behaves very restlessly, often wakes up at night and cries - even chokes. A lot of naughty. When he cries, his chin trembles, he clenches his fists until he trembles. The pregnancy was not going well, and the newborn son was diagnosed with a cystovascular plexus on ultrasound of the head. Then he was removed. But the neurologist says that my child is very excitable and therefore he may have a headache, his blood pressure may rise. I can see for myself that my baby is suffering a lot. We were prescribed many different drugs. But I did not see any improvement from taking the drugs. Doctors keep prescribing new ones. I was advised to contact Nikolai Borisovich and start doing Emendic massage.

My baby started walking at 9 months. Before that, he had hardly crawled. The doctors said the baby went too soon. But I did not attach importance to these words. After all, then Dima had no problems. Appetite has always been good, growing normally. And when we were a year old, the neurologist said that everything was fine with him. But when Dima turned two, I began to notice his bouncing gait. I began to observe and noticed that Dima often walks on tiptoe. She also runs mostly on her toes. We went to a neurologist and we were diagnosed with pyramidal insufficiency. We immediately turned to the masseur Nikolai Borisovich Nikonov for help at the Emendo clinic.

My daughter Dasha is now 1 year and 9 months old. Dasha crawled and started to sit on her own when she was 8 months old. Went in one year. Everything is fine in terms of development, but there are problems with gait. Dasha walks unsteadily, often stumbles and runs very strangely - as if throwing her legs forward. Often walks on toes. The orthopedist did not find any problems with us. Ultrasound, ECHO-EG and EEG also showed no abnormalities. The neurologist simply recommended finding a good specialist. Therefore, we came to Nikolai Borisovich for help.

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