The upper layer of the eye. The structure and function of the human eye. Videos that will interest you

The eye apparatus is stereoscopic and in the body is responsible for the correct perception of information, the accuracy of its processing and further transmission to the brain.

The right part of the retina sends information from the right lobe of the image to the brain through transmission through the optic nerve, the left part transmits the left lobe, as a result, the brain connects both, and a common visual picture is obtained.

The lens is fixed with thin threads, one end of which is tightly woven into the lens, its capsule, and the other end is connected to the ciliary body.

When the tension of the threads changes, the process of accommodation occurs . The lens is devoid of lymphatic vessels and blood vessels, as well as nerves.

It provides the eye with light transmission and light refraction, endows it with the function of accommodation, and is the eye's divider into the posterior and anterior regions.

vitreous body

The vitreous body of the eye is the largest formation. This is a colorless substance of a gel-like substance, which is formed in the form of a spherical shape, in the sagittal direction it is flattened.

The vitreous body consists of a gel-like substance of organic origin, a membrane and a vitreous canal.

In front of it is the lens, zonular ligament and ciliary processes, its back part comes close to the retina. The connection of the vitreous body and the retina occurs at the optic nerve and in the part of the dentate line, where the flat part of the ciliary body is located. This area is the base of the vitreous body, and the width of this belt is 2-2.5 mm.

The chemical composition of the vitreous body: 98.8 hydrophilic gel, 1.12% dry residue. When a hemorrhage occurs, the thromboplastic activity of the vitreous body increases dramatically.

This feature is aimed at stopping bleeding. In the normal state of the vitreous body, fibrinolytic activity is absent.

Nutrition and maintenance of the vitreous body environment is provided by the diffusion of nutrients that through the vitreous membrane enter the body from the intraocular fluid and osmosis.

There are no vessels and nerves in the vitreous body, and its biomicroscopic structure presents various forms of gray ribbons with white speckles. Between the ribbons there are areas without color, completely transparent.

Vacuoles and opacities in the vitreous body appear with age. In the case when there is a partial loss of the vitreous body, the place is filled with intraocular fluid.

Chambers with aqueous humor

The eye has two chambers that are filled with aqueous humor. Moisture is formed from the blood by processes of the ciliary body. Its release occurs first in the anterior chamber, then it enters the anterior chamber.

Aqueous moisture enters the anterior chamber through the pupil. The human eye produces 3 to 9 ml of moisture per day. Aqueous moisture contains substances that nourish the lens, the corneal endothelium, the anterior vitreous, and the trabecular meshwork.

It contains immunoglobulins that help remove dangerous factors from the eye, its inner part. If the outflow of aqueous humor is impaired, then this can develop an eye disease such as glaucoma, as well as an increase in pressure inside the eye.

In cases of violation of the integrity of the eyeball, the loss of aqueous humor leads to hypotension of the eye.


The iris is the avant-garde part of the vascular tract. It is located just behind the cornea, between the chambers and in front of the lens. The iris is round in shape and is located around the pupil.

It consists of a boundary layer, a stromal layer, and a pigment-muscle layer. It has an uneven surface with a pattern. The iris contains pigment cells, which are responsible for the color of the eyes.

The main tasks of the iris: regulation of the light flux that passes to the retina through the pupil and protection of light-sensitive cells. Visual acuity depends on the correct functioning of the iris.

The iris has two muscle groups. One group of muscles is deployed around the pupil and regulates its reduction, the other group is deployed radially along the thickness of the iris, regulating the expansion of the pupil. The iris has many blood vessels.


It is an optimally thin shell of the nervous tissue and represents the peripheral part of the visual analyzer. In the retina there are photoreceptor cells that are responsible for perception, as well as for converting electromagnetic radiation into nerve impulses. It is adjacent from the inside to the vitreous body, and to the vascular layer of the eyeball - from the outside.

The retina has two parts. One part is visual, the other is the blind part, which does not contain photosensitive cells. The internal structure of the retina is divided into 10 layers.

The main task of the retina is to receive the light flux, process it, converting it into a signal that forms complete and encoded information about the visual image.

optic nerve

The optic nerve is a network of nerve fibers. Among these thin fibers is the central canal of the retina. The starting point of the optic nerve is located in the ganglion cells, then its formation occurs by passing through the sclera membrane and fouling of the nerve fibers with meningeal structures.

The optic nerve has three layers - hard, arachnoid, soft. There is liquid between the layers. The diameter of the optic disc is about 2 mm.

Topographic structure of the optic nerve:

  • intraocular;
  • intraorbital;
  • intracranial;
  • intratubular;

How the human eye works

The light flux passes through the pupil and through the lens is brought into focus on the retina. The retina is rich in light-sensitive rods and cones, of which there are more than 100 million in the human eye.

Video: "The process of vision"

The rods provide sensitivity to light, and the cones give the eyes the ability to see colors and small details. After the refraction of the light flux, the retina transforms the image into nerve impulses. Further, these impulses pass to the brain, which processes the information received.


Diseases associated with a violation of the structure of the eye can be caused both by an incorrect arrangement of its parts in relation to each other, and by internal defects in these parts.

The first group includes diseases that lead to a decrease in visual acuity:

  • Myopia. It is characterized by an increased length of the eyeball compared to the norm. This causes the light passing through the lens to be focused not on the retina, but in front of it. The ability to see objects at a distance from the eyes is impaired. Myopia corresponds to a negative number of diopters when measuring visual acuity.
  • Farsightedness. It is a consequence of a decrease in the length of the eyeball or loss of elasticity of the lens. In both cases, the accommodative possibilities are reduced, the correct focusing of the image is disturbed, and the light rays converge behind the retina. The ability to see nearby objects is impaired. Farsightedness corresponds to a positive number of diopters.
  • Astigmatism. This disease is characterized by a violation of the sphericity of the eye membrane due to defects in the lens or cornea. This leads to an uneven convergence of the rays of light entering the eye, the clarity of the image received by the brain is disturbed. Astigmatism is often accompanied by nearsightedness or farsightedness.

Pathologies associated with functional disorders of certain parts of the organ of vision:

  • Cataract. With this disease, the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, its transparency and ability to conduct light are disturbed. Depending on the degree of clouding, visual impairment can be different up to complete blindness. Most people develop cataracts in old age but do not progress to severe stages.
  • Glaucoma is a pathological change in intraocular pressure. It can be provoked by many factors, for example, a decrease in the anterior chamber of the eye or the development of cataracts.
  • Myodesopsia or "flying flies" before the eyes. It is characterized by the appearance of black dots in the field of view, which can be presented in different quantities and sizes. Points arise due to violations in the structure of the vitreous body. But in this disease, the causes are not always physiological - “flies” can appear due to overwork or after suffering infectious diseases.
  • Strabismus. It is provoked by a change in the correct position of the eyeball in relation to the eye muscle or a violation of the work of the eye muscles.
  • Retinal detachment. The retina and posterior vascular wall are separated from each other. This is due to a violation of the tightness of the retina, which occurs when its tissues break. Detachment is manifested by clouding of the outline of objects before the eyes, the appearance of flashes in the form of sparks. If some corners fall out of the field of view, this means that the detachment has taken severe forms. If left untreated, complete blindness occurs.
  • Anophthalmos - underdevelopment of the eyeball. A rare congenital pathology, the cause of which is a violation of the formation of the frontal lobes of the brain. Anophthalmos can also be acquired, then it develops after surgical operations (for example, to remove tumors) or severe eye injuries.


  • You should take care of the health of the circulatory system, especially that part of it that is responsible for the flow of blood to the head. Many visual defects are due to atrophy and damage to the ophthalmic and brain nerves.
  • Eye strain must not be allowed. When working with constant examination of small objects, you need to take regular breaks with eye exercises. The workplace should be equipped so that the brightness of the lighting and the distance between objects are optimal.
  • The intake of a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins in the body is another condition for maintaining healthy vision. Vitamins C, E, A and minerals such as zinc are especially important for the eyes.
  • Proper eye hygiene helps prevent the development of inflammatory processes, the complications of which can significantly impair vision.


  1. Ophthalmology. National leadership. Short edition Ed. S.E. Avetisova, E.A. Egorova, L.K. Moshetova, V.V. Neroeva, Kh.P. Tahchidi 2019
  2. Atlas of ophthalmology G.K. Kriglstein, K.P. Ionescu-Cypers, M. Severin, M.A. Wobig 2009

The structure of the human eye includes many complex systems that make up the visual system, which provides information about what surrounds a person. The sense organs included in it, characterized as paired, are distinguished by the complexity of the structure and uniqueness. Each of us has individual eyes. Their features are exceptional. At the same time, the structure of the human eye and its functionality have common features.

Evolutionary development has led to the fact that the organs of vision have become the most complex formations at the level of structures of tissue origin. The main purpose of the eye is to provide vision. This possibility is guaranteed by blood vessels, connective tissues, nerves and pigment cells. Below is a description of the anatomy and main functions of the eye with symbols.

Under the scheme of the structure of the human eye, one should understand the entire eye apparatus having an optical system responsible for processing information in the form of visual images. This implies its perception, subsequent processing and transmission. All this is realized due to the elements that form the eyeball.

The eyes are rounded. Its location is a special recess in the skull. It is referred to as the eye. The outer part is closed with eyelids and folds of skin that serve to accommodate muscles and eyelashes.

Their functionality is as follows:
  • moisturizing, which is provided by the glands in the eyelashes. The secretory cells of this species contribute to the formation of the corresponding fluid and mucus;
  • protection against mechanical damage. This is achieved by closing the eyelids;
  • removal of the smallest particles falling on the sclera.

The functioning of the vision system is configured in such a way as to transmit the received light waves with maximum accuracy. In this case, a careful attitude is required. The sense organs in question are fragile.


Skin folds are what the eyelids are, which are constantly in motion. Flashing occurs. This possibility is available due to the presence of ligaments located along the edges of the eyelids. Also, these formations act as connecting elements. With their help, the eyelids are attached to the eye socket. The skin forms the top layer of the eyelids. Then comes the muscle layer. Next comes cartilage and conjunctiva.

The eyelids in the part of the outer edge have two ribs, where one is anterior and the other is posterior. They form an intermarginal space. The ducts from the meibomian glands exit here. With their help, a secret is developed that makes it possible to slide the eyelids with the utmost ease. At the same time, the density of closing of the eyelids is achieved, and conditions are created for the correct removal of the lacrimal fluid.

On the front rib there are bulbs that provide the growth of cilia. The ducts that serve as transport routes for the oily secret also come out here. Here are the conclusions of the sweat glands. The angles of the eyelids correspond with the findings of the lacrimal ducts. The back rib ensures that each eyelid fits snugly against the eyeball.

The eyelids are characterized by complex systems that provide these organs with blood and maintain the correct conduction of nerve impulses. The carotid artery is responsible for blood supply. Regulation at the level of the nervous system - the involvement of motor fibers that form the facial nerve, as well as providing appropriate sensitivity.

The main functions of the eyelid include protection against damage as a result of mechanical impact and foreign bodies. To this should be added the moisturizing function, which contributes to the saturation of the internal tissues of the organs of vision with moisture.

The eye socket and its contents

The bony cavity refers to the orbit, which is also referred to as the bony orbit. It serves as reliable protection. The structure of this formation includes four parts - upper, lower, outer and inner. They form a single whole due to a stable connection with each other. However, their strength is different.

The outer wall is especially reliable. The internal one is much weaker. Blunt traumas can provoke its destruction.

The features of the walls of the bone cavity include their proximity to the air sinuses:
  • inside - a lattice labyrinth;
  • bottom - maxillary sinus;
  • top - frontal emptiness.

Such structuring creates a certain danger. Tumor processes that develop in the sinuses can spread to the cavity of the orbit. The reverse action is also allowed. The eye socket communicates with the cranial cavity through a large number of holes, which suggests the possibility of inflammation moving to areas of the brain.


The pupil of the eye is a round hole located in the center of the iris. Its diameter can be changed, which allows you to adjust the degree of penetration of the light flux into the inner region of the eye. The muscles of the pupil in the form of a sphincter and a dilator provide the conditions when the illumination of the retina changes. Activation of the sphincter constricts the pupil, and the dilator dilates it.

Such functioning of the mentioned muscles is akin to how the diaphragm of a camera works. Blinding light leads to a decrease in its diameter, which cuts off too intense light rays. Conditions are created when image quality is achieved. Lack of illumination leads to a different result. The diaphragm expands. The quality of the picture again remains high. Here we can talk about the diaphragm function. With its help, the pupillary reflex is provided.

The size of the pupils is adjusted automatically, if such an expression is acceptable. Human consciousness does not explicitly control this process. The manifestation of the pupillary reflex is associated with a change in the illumination of the retina. Absorption of photons starts the process of transmission of the relevant information, where addressees are understood as nerve centers. The required sphincter response is achieved after signal processing by the nervous system. Its parasympathetic department comes into action. As for the dilator, the sympathetic department comes into play here.

Pupil reflexes

The reaction in the form of a reflex is provided by sensitivity and excitation of motor activity. First, a signal is formed as a response to a certain impact, and the nervous system comes into play. This is followed by a specific reaction to the stimulus. Muscle tissues are included in the work.

Lighting causes the pupil to constrict. This cuts off blinding light, which has a positive effect on the quality of vision.

Such a reaction can be characterized as follows:
  • straight - one eye is illuminated. He reacts as required;
  • friendly - the second organ of vision is not illuminated, but responds to the light effect exerted on the first eye. The effect of this type is achieved by the fact that the fibers of the nervous system are partially crossed. Chiasma is formed.

The stimulus in the form of light is not the only reason for the change in the diameter of the pupils. Still possible are such moments as convergence - stimulation of the activity of the rectus muscles of the visual organ, and - the involvement of the ciliary muscle.

The appearance of the considered pupillary reflexes occurs when the point of stabilization of vision changes: the gaze is transferred from an object located at a great distance to an object located at a closer distance. The proprioreceptors of the mentioned muscles are activated, which is provided by the fibers going to the eyeball.

Emotional stress, such as pain or fear, stimulates pupil dilation. If the trigeminal nerve is irritated, and this indicates low excitability, then a narrowing effect is observed. Also, similar reactions occur when taking certain drugs that excite the receptors of the corresponding muscles.

optic nerve

The functionality of the optic nerve is to deliver the appropriate messages to certain areas of the brain designed to process light information.

Light pulses first hit the retina. The location of the visual center is determined by the occipital lobe of the brain. The structure of the optic nerve suggests the presence of several components.

At the stage of intrauterine development, the structures of the brain, the inner shell of the eye and the optic nerve are identical. This gives grounds to assert that the latter is a part of the brain that is outside the cranium. At the same time, ordinary cranial nerves have a different structure from it.

The optic nerve is short. It is 4-6 cm. It is mainly located behind the eyeball, where it is immersed in the fat cell of the orbit, which guarantees protection from damage from the outside. The eyeball in the part of the posterior pole is the site where the nerve of this species begins. In this place, there is an accumulation of nerve processes. They form a kind of disk (OND). This name is due to the flattened shape. Moving on, the nerve enters the orbit with subsequent immersion in the meninges. It then reaches the anterior cranial fossa.

The optic pathways form a chiasm within the skull. They intersect. This feature is important in diagnosing eye and neurological diseases.

Directly below the chiasm is the pituitary gland. How effectively the endocrine system is able to work depends on its condition. Such anatomy is clearly visible if the tumor processes affect the pituitary gland. Opto-chiasmal syndrome becomes the board of pathology of this type.

The internal branches of the carotid artery are responsible for supplying blood to the optic nerve. The insufficient length of the ciliary arteries excludes the possibility of a good blood supply to the optic disc. At the same time, other parts receive blood in full.

The processing of light information directly depends on the optic nerve. Its main function is to deliver messages regarding the received picture to specific recipients in the form of the corresponding areas of the brain. Any injury to this formation, regardless of severity, can lead to negative consequences.

eyeball chambers

Closed-type spaces in the eyeball are the so-called chambers. They contain intraocular moisture. There is a connection between them. There are two such formations. One is in the front position, and the other is in the back. The pupil acts as a link.

The anterior space is located just behind the corneal region. Its back side is limited by the iris. As for the space behind the iris, this is the rear chamber. The vitreous body serves as its support. The unchanging volume of chambers is the norm. The production of moisture and its outflow are processes that contribute to the adjustment of compliance with standard volumes. The production of eye fluid is possible due to the functionality of the ciliary processes. Its outflow is provided by a drainage system. It is located in the frontal part, where the cornea is in contact with the sclera.

The functionality of the chambers is to maintain "cooperation" between the intraocular tissues. They are also responsible for the flow of light fluxes to the retina. The rays of light at the entrance are refracted accordingly as a result of joint activity with the cornea. This is achieved through the properties of optics, inherent not only in the moisture inside the eye, but also in the cornea. Creates a lens effect.

The cornea, in part of its endothelial layer, acts as an external limiter for the anterior chamber. The border of the reverse side is formed by the iris and lens. The maximum depth falls on the area where the pupil is located. Its value reaches 3.5 mm. When moving to the periphery, this parameter slowly decreases. Sometimes this depth is greater, for example, in the absence of the lens due to its removal, or less if the choroid exfoliates.

The posterior space is limited in front by the leaf of the iris, and its back rests against the vitreous body. The equator of the lens acts as an internal limiter. The outer barrier forms the ciliary body. Inside there is a large number of zinn ligaments, which are thin threads. They create a formation that acts as a link between the ciliary body and the biological lens in the form of a lens. The shape of the latter is able to change under the influence of the ciliary muscle and the corresponding ligaments. This provides the required visibility of objects, regardless of their distance.

The composition of the moisture inside the eye correlates with the characteristics of the blood plasma. The intraocular fluid makes it possible to deliver the nutrients required to ensure the normal functioning of the organs of vision. Also with its help the possibility of removal of products of an exchange is realized.

The capacity of the chambers is determined by volumes in the range from 1.2 to 1.32 cm3. In this case, it is important how the production and outflow of eye fluid is performed. These processes require balance. Any disruption in the operation of such a system leads to negative consequences. For example, there is a possibility of development, which threatens with serious problems with the quality of vision.

The ciliary processes serve as sources of eye moisture, which is achieved by filtering the blood. The immediate place where the fluid is formed is the posterior chamber. After that, it moves to the anterior with a subsequent outflow. The possibility of this process is determined by the difference in pressure created in the veins. At the last stage, moisture is absorbed by these vessels.

Schlemm's channel

The gap inside the sclera, characterized as circular. Named after the German physician Friedrich Schlemm. The anterior chamber, in part of its angle, where the junction of the iris and cornea is formed, is a more precise area for the location of the Schlemm's canal. Its purpose is to remove aqueous humor with its subsequent absorption by the anterior ciliary vein.

The structure of the channel is more related to how the lymphatic vessel looks. Its inner part, which comes into contact with the generated moisture, is a mesh formation.

The channel's liquid transport capacity is 2 to 3 micro liters per minute. Injuries and infections block the channel, which provokes the appearance of a disease in the form of glaucoma.

Blood supply to the eye

Creating a flow of blood to the organs of vision is the functionality of the ophthalmic artery, which is an integral part of the structure of the eye. A corresponding branch is formed from the carotid artery. It reaches the eye opening and penetrates the orbit, which it does along with the optic nerve. Then its direction changes. The nerve bends around from the outside in such a way that the branch is on top. An arc is formed with muscular, ciliary and other branches emanating from it. The central artery provides blood supply to the retina. The vessels involved in this process form their own system. It also includes the ciliary arteries.

After the system is in the eyeball, it is divided into branches, which guarantees proper nutrition of the retina. Such formations are defined as terminal: they do not have connections with adjacent vessels.

Ciliary arteries are characterized by location. The posterior ones reach the back of the eyeball, bypass the sclera and diverge. The features of the front include the fact that they differ in length.

The ciliary arteries, defined as short, pass through the sclera and form a separate vascular formation consisting of many branches. At the entrance to the sclera, a vascular corolla is formed from the arteries of this type. It occurs where the optic nerve originates.

Ciliary arteries of smaller length also end up in the eyeball and rush to the ciliary body. In the frontal region, each such vessel splits into two stems. A formation with a concentric structure is created. After which they meet with similar branches of another artery. A circle is formed, defined as a large arterial. A similar formation of smaller sizes also occurs in the place where the ciliary and pupillary iris belt is located.

The ciliary arteries, characterized as anterior, are part of the muscular blood vessels of this type. They do not end in the area formed by the rectus muscles, but stretch further. There is an immersion in the episcleral tissue. First, the arteries pass along the periphery of the eyeball, and then go deep into it through seven branches. As a result, they connect with each other. A circle of blood circulation is formed along the perimeter of the iris, designated as a large one.

On the approach to the eyeball, a loopy network is formed, consisting of ciliary arteries. She entangles the cornea. There is also a division of non-branches that provide blood supply to the conjunctiva.

Partially, the outflow of blood is facilitated by the veins that go along with the arteries. This is mainly possible due to the venous pathways, which are collected in separate systems.

Whirlpool veins serve as a kind of collectors. Their function is to collect blood. The passage of these veins of the sclera occurs at an oblique angle. They provide blood flow. She enters the eye socket. The main collector of blood is the ophthalmic vein, which occupies the upper position. Through the corresponding gap, it is displayed in the cavernous sinus.

The ophthalmic vein below receives blood from the whirlpool veins passing in this place. It is splitting up. One branch connects to the ophthalmic vein located above, and the other reaches the deep vein of the face and the slit-like space with the pterygoid process.

Basically, the blood flow from the ciliary veins (anterior) fills such vessels of the orbit. As a result, the main volume of blood enters the venous sinuses. A reverse flow is created. The remaining blood moves forward and fills the veins of the face.

The orbital veins connect with the veins of the nasal cavity, facial vessels, and the ethmoid sinus. The largest anastomosis is formed by the veins of the orbit and face. Its border affects the inner corner of the eyelids and directly connects the ophthalmic vein and the facial vein.

Muscles of the eye

The possibility of good and three-dimensional vision is achieved when the eyeballs are able to move in a certain way. Here, the coordination of the work of the visual organs is of particular importance. The guarantors of this functioning are six muscles of the eye, where four of them are straight, and two are oblique. The latter are so called because of the peculiarity of the course.

The cranial nerves are responsible for the activity of these muscles. The fibers of the considered group of muscle tissue are maximally saturated with nerve endings, which determines their work from a position of high accuracy.

Through the muscles responsible for the physical activity of the eyeballs, diverse movements are available. The need to implement this functionality is determined by the fact that the coordinated work of this type of muscle fibers is required. The same pictures of objects should be fixed on the same areas of the retina. This allows you to feel the depth of space and see perfectly.

The structure of the muscles of the eye

The muscles of the eye begin near the ring, which serves as the environment of the optic canal close to the external opening. The only exception concerns oblique muscle tissue, which occupies the lower position.

The muscles are arranged so that they form a funnel. Nerve fibers and blood vessels pass through it. As you move away from the beginning of this formation, the oblique muscle located at the top deviates. There is a shift towards a kind of block. Here it is transformed into a tendon. Passing through the block loop sets the direction at an angle. The muscle is attached to the upper iris of the eyeball. The oblique muscle (lower) also begins there, from the edge of the orbit.

As the muscles approach the eyeball, a dense capsule (Tenon's membrane) is formed. A connection is established with the sclera, which occurs with varying degrees of distance from the limbus. At the minimum distance, the internal rectus muscle is located, at the maximum distance, the upper one. The oblique muscles are fixed closer to the center of the eyeball.

The function of the oculomotor nerve is to maintain the proper functioning of the muscles of the eye. The responsibility of the abducens nerve is determined by maintaining the activity of the rectus muscle (external), and the trochlear - by the superior oblique. The regulation of this type is characterized by its own peculiarity. The control of a small number of muscle fibers is carried out due to one branch of the motor nerve, which significantly increases the clarity of eye movements.

The nuances of muscle attachment set the variability of exactly how the eyeballs are able to move. The rectus muscles (internal, external) are attached in such a way that they are provided with horizontal rotations. The activity of the internal rectus muscle allows you to turn the eyeball towards the nose, and the external one - to the temple.

The rectus muscles are responsible for vertical movements. There is a nuance to their location, due to the fact that there is a certain slope of the fixation line, if you focus on the limbus line. This circumstance creates conditions when, together with the vertical movement, the eyeball turns inward.

The functioning of the oblique muscles is more complex. This is explained by the peculiarities of the location of this muscle tissue. Lowering the eye and turning outward is provided by the oblique muscle located at the top, and lifting, including turning outward, is also an oblique muscle, but already lower.

Another possibility of the mentioned muscles is to provide minor rotations of the eyeball in accordance with the movement of the clock hand, regardless of direction. Regulation at the level of maintaining the desired activity of nerve fibers and the coherence of the work of the eye muscles are two points that contribute to the implementation of complex turns of the eyeballs of any direction. As a result, vision acquires such a property as volume, and its clarity increases significantly.

Shells of the eye

The shape of the eye is held by the appropriate shells. Although the functionality of these formations is not limited to this. With their help, the delivery of nutrients is carried out, and the process is supported (clear vision of objects when the distance to them changes).

The organs of vision are distinguished by a multilayer structure, manifested in the form of the following shells:
  • fibrous;
  • vascular;
  • retina.

Fibrous membrane of the eye

Connective tissue that allows you to hold a specific shape of the eye. It also acts as a protective barrier. The structure of the fibrous membrane suggests the presence of two components, where one is the cornea, and the second is the sclera.


A shell characterized by transparency and elasticity. The shape corresponds to a convex-concave lens. The functionality is almost identical to what a camera lens does: it focuses rays of light. The concave side of the cornea looks back.

The composition of this shell is formed by five layers:
  • epithelium;
  • Bowman's membrane;
  • stroma;
  • Descemet's membrane;
  • endothelium.


The external protection of the eyeball plays an important role in the structure of the eye. Forms a fibrous membrane, which also includes the cornea. Unlike the latter, the sclera is an opaque tissue. This is due to the chaotic arrangement of collagen fibers.

The main function is high-quality vision, which is guaranteed due to the obstruction of the penetration of light rays through the sclera.

The possibility of blindness is excluded. Also, this formation serves as a support for the components of the eye, which are placed outside the eyeball. These include nerves, vessels, ligaments and oculomotor muscles. The density of the structure ensures the maintenance of intraocular pressure within the specified values. The helmet canal acts as a transport channel that provides an outflow of eye moisture.


It is formed on the basis of three parts:
  • iris;
  • ciliary body;
  • choroid.


Part of the choroid, which differs from other departments of this formation in that its location is frontal versus parietal, if you focus on the plane of the limbus. Represents a disk. In the center is a hole known as the pupil.

Structurally consists of three layers:
  • border, located in front;
  • stromal;
  • pigment-muscular.

Fibroblasts are involved in the formation of the first layer, connecting with each other through their processes. Behind them are pigment-containing melanocytes. The color of the iris depends on the number of these specific skin cells. This trait is inherited. The brown iris is dominant in terms of inheritance, and the blue iris is recessive.

In the bulk of newborns, the iris has a light blue tint, which is due to poorly developed pigmentation. Closer to six months of age, the color becomes darker. This is due to an increase in the number of melanocytes. The absence of melanosomes in albinos leads to the dominance of pink. In some cases, it is possible when the eyes in the part of the iris get a different color. Melanocytes are capable of provoking the development of melanomas.

Further immersion in the stroma reveals a network consisting of a large number of capillaries and collagen fibers. The distribution of the latter captures the muscles of the iris. There is a connection with the ciliary body.

The back layer of the iris consists of two muscles. The pupillary sphincter, shaped like a ring, and the dilator, which has a radial orientation. The functioning of the first is provided by the oculomotor nerve, and the second - by the sympathetic. The pigment epithelium is also present here as part of an undifferentiated area of ​​the retina.

The thickness of the iris varies depending on the specific area of ​​this formation. The range of such changes is 0.2–0.4 mm. The minimum thickness is observed in the root zone.

The center of the iris is occupied by the pupil. Its width is changeable under the influence of light, which is provided by the corresponding muscles. High illumination provokes contraction, and less illumination provokes expansion.

The iris in part of its anterior surface is divided into pupillary and ciliary zones. The width of the first is 1 mm and the second - from 3 to 4 mm. The distinction in this case provides a kind of roller, which has a toothed shape. The muscles of the pupil are distributed as follows: the sphincter is the pupillary belt, and the dilator is the ciliary.

The ciliary arteries, which form a large arterial circle, deliver blood to the iris. The small arterial circle also participates in this process. The innervation of this particular zone of the choroid is achieved by the ciliary nerves.

ciliary body

The area of ​​the choroid responsible for the production of eye fluid. The name ciliary body is also used.
The structure of the formation in question is muscle tissue and blood vessels. The muscular content of this shell suggests the presence of several layers with different directions. Their activity includes the work of the lens. Its form is changing. As a result, a person gets the opportunity to clearly see objects at different distances. Another functionality of the ciliary body is to retain heat.

The blood capillaries located in the ciliary processes contribute to the production of intraocular moisture. Blood flow is filtered. Moisture of this kind ensures the proper functioning of the eye. The intraocular pressure is kept constant.

Also, the ciliary body serves as a support for the iris.

Choroidea (Choroidea)

The area of ​​the vascular tract, located behind. The limits of this shell are limited to the optic nerve and the dentate line.
The parameter thickness of the posterior pole is from 0.22 to 0.3 mm. When approaching the dentate line, it decreases to 0.1–0.15 mm. The choroid in part of the vessels consists of ciliary arteries, where the posterior short ones go towards the equator, and the anterior ones go towards the choroid, when the connection of the second with the first is reached in its anterior region.

The ciliary arteries bypass the sclera and reach the suprachoroidal space bounded by the choroid and sclera. There is a disintegration into a significant number of branches. They become the basis of the choroid. The vascular circle of Zinn-Galera is formed along the perimeter of the optic disc. Sometimes there may be an additional branch in the macula. It is visible either on the retina or on the optic disc. An important point in embolism of the central retinal artery.

The vascular membrane includes four components:
  • supravascular with dark pigment;
  • vascular brownish hue;
  • vascular-capillary, supporting the work of the retina;
  • basal layer.

The retina of the eye (retina)

The retina is a peripheral section that launches the visual analyzer, which plays an important role in the structure of the human eye. With its help, light waves are captured, they are converted into impulses at the level of excitation of the nervous system, and further information is transmitted through the optic nerve.

The retina is the nerve tissue that forms the eyeball in part of its inner shell. It limits the space filled with the vitreous body. The choroid acts as an outer frame. The thickness of the retina is insignificant. The parameter corresponding to the norm is only 281 microns.

The surface of the eyeball from the inside is mostly covered with retina. The beginning of the retina can conditionally be considered the ONH. Further, it stretches to such a border as a jagged line. Then it is transformed into the pigment epithelium, envelops the inner shell of the ciliary body and spreads to the iris. The optic disc and the dentate line are areas where the attachment of the retina is most secure. In other places, its connection is characterized by low density. It is this fact that explains why the fabric peels off easily. This causes a lot of serious problems.

The structure of the retina is formed by several layers with different functionality and structure. They are closely connected to each other. A tight contact is formed, which determines the creation of what is commonly called a visual analyzer. Through it, a person is given the opportunity to correctly perceive the world around him, when an adequate assessment of the color, shape and size of objects, as well as the distance to them is made.

Rays of light, when they enter the eye, pass through several refractive media. Under them should be understood the cornea, eye fluid, the transparent body of the lens and the vitreous body. If the refraction is within the normal range, then as a result of such a passage of light rays, a picture of objects that fall into the field of view is formed on the retina. The resulting image differs in that it is inverted. Further, certain parts of the brain receive the appropriate impulses, and a person acquires the ability to see what surrounds him.

From the point of view of the structure of the retina - the most complex formation. All its components closely interact with each other. It is multi-layered. Damage to any layer can lead to a negative outcome. Visual perception as the functionality of the retina is provided by a three-neural network that conducts excitations from receptors. Its composition is formed by a wide set of neurons.

Retinal layers

Retina forms a "sandwich" of ten rows:

1. pigment epithelium adjacent to Bruch's membrane. Differs in wide functionality. Protection, cellular nutrition, transportation. It accepts the rejecting segments of photoreceptors. Serves as a barrier to light radiation.

2. photosensor layer. Cells that are sensitive to light, in the form of a kind of rods and cones. The rod-like cylinders contain the visual segment rhodopsin, and the cones contain iodopsin. The first provides color perception and peripheral vision, and the second provides vision in low light.

3. Boundary membrane(outer). Structurally, it consists of terminal formations and external sections of retinal receptors. The structure of Müller cells, through their processes, makes it possible to collect light on the retina and deliver it to the appropriate receptors.

4. nuclear layer(outer). It got its name due to the fact that it is formed on the basis of the nuclei and bodies of light-sensitive cells.

5. Plexiform layer(outer). Determined by contacts at the cell level. Occur between neurons characterized as bipolar and associative. This also includes light-sensitive formations of this type.

6. nuclear layer(interior). Formed from different cells, for example, bipolar and Müllerian. The demand for the latter is associated with the need to maintain the functions of the nervous tissue. Others are focused on signal processing from photoreceptors.

7. Plexiform layer(interior). Interlacing of nerve cells in part of their processes. Serves as a separator between the inner part of the retina, characterized as vascular, and the outer - avascular.

8. ganglion cells. Provide free penetration of light due to the lack of such a coating as myelin. They act as a bridge between light-sensitive cells and the optic nerve.

9. ganglion cell. Participates in the formation of the optic nerve.

10. Boundary membrane(internal). Retina coating on the inside. Consists of Muller cells.

Optical system of the eye

The quality of vision depends on the main parts of the human eye. The condition of the transmissive in the form of the cornea, retina and lens directly affects how a person will see: good or bad.

The cornea takes a greater part in the refraction of light rays. In this context, we can draw an analogy with the principle of operation of the camera. The diaphragm is the pupil. With its help, the flow of light rays is regulated, and the focal length sets the image quality.

Thanks to the lens, light rays fall on the "film". In our case, it should be understood as the retina.

The vitreous body and the moisture in the eye chambers also refract light rays, but to a much lesser extent. Although the state of these formations significantly affects the quality of vision. It can worsen with a decrease in the degree of transparency of moisture or the appearance of blood in it.

The correct perception of the surrounding world through the organs of vision assumes that the passage of light rays through all optical media leads to the formation on the retina of a reduced and inverted image, but real. The final processing of information from the visual receptors occurs in the brain regions. The occipital lobes are responsible for this.

lacrimal apparatus

Physiological system that provides the production of special moisture with its subsequent withdrawal into the nasal cavity. The organs of the lacrimal system are classified depending on the secretory department and the lacrimal apparatus. The peculiarity of the system lies in the pairing of its organs.

The job of the end section is to produce a tear. Its structure includes the lacrimal gland and additional formations of a similar kind. The first refers to the serous gland, which has a complex structure. It is divided into two parts (bottom, top), where the tendon of the muscle responsible for lifting the upper eyelid acts as a separating barrier. The area at the top in terms of size is as follows: 12 by 25 mm at 5 mm thick. Its location is determined by the wall of the orbit, which has an upward and outward orientation. This part includes the excretory tubules. Their number varies from 3 to 5. The output is carried out in the conjunctiva.

As for the lower part, it has a smaller size (11 by 8 mm) and a smaller thickness (2 mm). She has tubules, where some connect with the same formations of the upper part, while others are removed into the conjunctival sac.

The lacrimal gland is supplied with blood through the lacrimal artery, and the outflow is organized into the lacrimal vein. The trigeminal facial nerve acts as the initiator of the corresponding excitation of the nervous system. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers are also connected to this process.

In a standard situation, only accessory glands work. Through their functionality, the production of tears in a volume of about 1 mm is ensured. This provides the required hydration. As for the main lacrimal gland, it comes into action when various kinds of irritants appear. These can be foreign bodies, too bright light, emotional outburst, etc.

The structure of the lacrimal division is based on formations that promote the movement of moisture. They are also responsible for its removal. This functioning is provided by the lacrimal stream, lake, points, tubules, sac and nasolacrimal duct.

The mentioned points are perfectly visualized. Their location is determined by the inner corners of the eyelids. They are oriented towards the lacrimal lake and are in close contact with the conjunctiva. The establishment of a connection between the bag and the points is achieved through special tubules, reaching a length of 8–10 mm.

The location of the lacrimal sac is determined by the bony fossa located near the angle of the orbit. From the point of view of anatomy, this formation is a closed cavity of a cylindrical type. It is extended by 10 mm, and its width is 4 mm. On the surface of the bag there is an epithelium, which has a goblet glandulocyte in its composition. Blood inflow is provided by the ophthalmic artery, and the outflow is provided by small veins. Part of the sac below communicates with the nasolacrimal canal, which opens into the nasal cavity.

vitreous body

Gel-like substance. Fills the eyeball by 2/3. Differs in transparency. Consists of 99% water, which contains hyaluronic acid.

There is a notch in the front. It is attached to the lens. Otherwise, this formation is in contact with the retina in part of its membrane. The optic disc and the lens are related through the hyaloid canal. Structurally, the vitreous body is composed of collagen protein in the form of fibers. The existing gaps between them are filled with liquid. This explains that the formation in question is a gelatinous mass.

On the periphery are hyalocytes - cells that contribute to the formation of hyaluronic acid, proteins and collagens. They are also involved in the formation of protein structures known as hemidesmosomes. With their help, a tight connection is established between the retinal membrane and the vitreous body itself.

The main functions of the latter include:
  • giving the eye a specific shape;
  • refraction of light rays;
  • creation of a certain tension in the tissues of the organ of vision;
  • achieving the effect of incompressibility of the eye.


The type of neurons that make up the retina of the eye. Provide processing of the light signal in such a way that it is converted into electrical impulses. This triggers biological processes that lead to the formation of visual images. In practice, photoreceptor proteins absorb photons, which saturate the cell with the appropriate potential.

Light-sensitive formations are peculiar rods and cones. Their functionality contributes to the correct perception of objects of the external world. As a result, we can talk about the formation of the corresponding effect - vision. A person is able to see due to the biological processes occurring in such parts of the photoreceptors as the outer lobes of their membranes.

There are also light-sensitive cells known as the eyes of Hesse. They are located inside the pigment cell, which has a cup-shaped shape. The work of these formations is to capture the direction of the rays of light and determine its intensity. With their help, the light signal is processed when electrical impulses are obtained at the output.

The next class of photoreceptors became known in the 1990s. It refers to the light-sensitive cells of the ganglionic layer of the retina. They support the visual process, but in an indirect way. This refers to biological rhythms during the day and the pupillary reflex.

The so-called rods and cones differ significantly from each other in terms of functionality. For example, the first is characterized by high sensitivity. If the lighting is low, then it is they who guarantee the formation of at least some kind of visual image. This fact makes it clear why colors are poorly distinguished in low light. In this case, only one type of photoreceptors, rods, is active.

The cones need brighter light to work, to allow the appropriate biological signals to pass through. The structure of the retina suggests the presence of different types of cones. There are three in total. Each defines photoreceptors tuned to a particular wavelength of light.

For the perception of a picture in color, the cortical regions are responsible for the processing of visual information, which implies the recognition of impulses in the RGB format. Cones are able to distinguish light flux by wavelength, characterizing them as short, medium and long. Depending on how many photons the cone is able to absorb, corresponding biological reactions are formed. The various responses of these formations are based on a specific number of photons of one or another length taken in. In particular, the photoreceptor proteins of L-cones absorb the conventional red color associated with long wavelengths. Light rays of shorter length are capable of producing the same response if they are bright enough.

The reaction of the same photoreceptor can be provoked by light waves of different lengths, when differences are also observed at the intensity level of the light flux. As a result, the brain does not always determine the light and the resulting image. Through the visual receptors, the selection and selection of the brightest rays occurs. Then, biosignals are formed that enter those parts of the brain where information of this type is processed. A subjective perception of the optical image in color is created.

The human retina consists of 6 million cones and 120 million rods. In animals, their number and ratio is different. The main influence is the lifestyle. In owls, the retina contains a very significant number of rods. The human visual system is almost 1.5 million ganglion cells. Among them there are cells with photosensitivity.


A biological lens characterized in terms of shape as biconvex. It acts as an element of the light-conducting and light-refracting system. Provides the ability to focus on objects at different distances. Located in the posterior chamber of the eye. The height of the lens is 8 to 9 mm and its thickness is 4 to 5 mm. With age, it thickens. This process is slow but sure. The anterior part of this transparent body has a less convex surface than the posterior one.

The shape of the lens corresponds to a biconvex lens having a radius of curvature in the anterior part of about 10 mm. At the same time, on the reverse side, this parameter does not exceed 6 mm. The lens diameter is 10 mm, and the size in the anterior part is from 3.5 to 5 mm. The substance contained inside is held by a thin-walled capsule. The front part has epithelial tissue located below. There is no epithelium on the back side of the capsule.

Epithelial cells differ in that they are constantly dividing, but this does not affect the volume of the lens in terms of its change. This situation is explained by the dehydration of old cells located at a minimum distance from the center of the transparent body. This helps to reduce their volume. The process of this type leads to such features as age. When a person reaches the age of 40, the elasticity of the lens is lost. The accommodation reserve is reduced, and the ability to see well at close range is significantly worsened.

The lens is located directly behind the iris. Its retention is provided by thin threads that form a zinn ligament. One of their ends enters the lens shell, and the other is fixed on the ciliary body. The degree of tension of these threads affects the shape of the transparent body, which changes the refractive power. As a result, the process of accommodation becomes possible. The lens serves as the boundary between two sections: anterior and posterior.

The following functionality of the lens is distinguished:
  • light transmission - achieved due to the fact that the body of this element of the eye is transparent;
  • light refraction - works like a biological lens, acts as a second refractive medium (the first is the cornea). At rest, the refractive power parameter is 19 diopters. This is the norm;
  • accommodation - a change in the shape of a transparent body in order to have a good vision of objects located at different distances. The refractive power in this case varies in the range from 19 to 33 diopters;
  • division - forms two sections of the eye (anterior, posterior), which is determined by the location. Acts as a barrier that holds back the vitreous body. It cannot be in the anterior chamber;
  • protection - biological safety is ensured. Pathogenic microorganisms, once in the anterior chamber, are not able to penetrate the vitreous body.

Congenital diseases in some cases lead to displacement of the lens. It occupies the wrong position due to the fact that the ligamentous apparatus is weakened or has some structural defect. This also includes the likelihood of congenital opacities of the nucleus. All this contributes to a decrease in vision.

Zinn's bunch

Formation based on fibers, defined as glycoprotein and zonular. Provides fixation of the lens. The surface of the fibers is coated with a mucopolysaccharide gel, which is due to the need for protection from moisture present in the chambers of the eye. The space behind the lens serves as the place where this formation is located.

The activity of the ligament of zon leads to contraction of the ciliary muscle. The lens changes curvature, which allows you to focus on objects at different distances. Muscle tension loosens the tension, and the lens takes on a shape close to a ball. Relaxation of the muscle leads to tension in the fibers, which flattens the lens. Focus changes.

The considered fibers are divided into posterior and anterior. One side of the posterior fibers is attached at the serrated edge, and the other side is attached to the frontal region of the lens. The starting point of the anterior fibers is the base of the ciliary processes, and the attachment is carried out in the back of the lens and closer to the equator. Crossed fibers contribute to the formation of a slit-like space along the periphery of the lens.

The fibers are attached to the ciliary body in part of the vitreous membrane. In the case of detachment of these formations, the so-called dislocation of the lens, due to its displacement, is ascertained.

The ligament of Zinn acts as the main element of the system that provides the possibility of accommodation of the eye.


human eye- This is a paired organ that provides the function of vision. The properties of the eye are divided into physiological and optical, therefore, are studied by physiological optics - a science located at the intersection of biology and physics.

The eye is shaped like a ball, so it is called eyeball.

The skull has eye socket- the location of the eyeball. Much of its surface is protected there from damage.

oculomotor muscles provide the motor ability of the eyeball. Constant hydration of the eye, creating a thin protective film, is provided by the lacrimal glands.

The structure of the human eye - diagram

Structural parts of the eye

The information received by the eye is light reflected from objects. The final stage is information that enters the brain, which, in fact, “sees” the object. Between them is eye- an incomprehensible miracle created by nature.

Photo with description

The first surface hit by light is the . This is a "lens" that refracts the incident light. Like this natural masterpiece, parts of various optical devices, such as cameras, are designed. The cornea, which has a spherical surface, focuses all the rays at one point.

But before the final stage, the light rays have a long way to go:

  1. Light passes first anterior chamber with colorless liquid.
  2. The rays fall on, which determines the color of the eyes.
  3. The rays then pass through - a hole located in the center of the iris. Lateral muscles are able to expand or narrow the pupil, depending on external circumstances. Too bright light can harm the eye, so the pupil narrows. In the dark, it expands. Pupil diameter reacts not only to the degree of illumination, but also to various emotions. For example, in a person experiencing fear or pain, the pupils become larger. This function is called adaptation.
  4. The following miracle is located in the rear chamber - lens . This is a biological biconvex lens, the task of which is to focus the rays on the retina, which acts as a screen. But, if the glass lens has constant dimensions, then the radii of the lens can change with compression and relaxation of the surrounding muscles. This function is called accommodation. It consists in the ability to see sharply, both distant and close objects, changing the radii of the lens.
  5. The space between the lens and the retina is occupied vitreous body . The rays pass through it calmly, thanks to its transparency. The vitreous body helps keep the shape of the eye.
  6. The image of the item is displayed on retina , but upside down. So it turns out due to the structure of the "optical scheme" of the passage of light rays. In the retina, this information is recoded into electromagnetic impulses, after which they are processed by the brain, which flips the image.

This is the internal structure of the eye and the path of the light flux inside it.


Shells of the eye

There are three membranes in the eyeball:

  1. Fibrous- is external. Protects and shapes the eye. Muscles are attached to it.


  • - front end. Being transparent, it transmits rays into the eye.
  • The white sclera is the posterior surface.

2. Vascular the shell of the eye - its structure and functions can be seen in the figure above. It is the middle layer. The blood vessels present in it provide blood supply and nutrition.

The composition of the choroid:

  • The iris is the section located in front, in the center of it is the pupil. Eye color depends on the content of melanin pigment in the iris. The more melanin, the darker the color. The smooth muscles contained in the iris change the size of the pupil;
  • Eyelash body. Due to the muscles, it changes the curvature of the surfaces of the lens;
  • The choroid itself is located behind. Permeated with many small blood vessels.
  1. Retina- is the inner shell. The structure of the human retina is very specific.

It has several layers that provide different functions, the main of which is - perception of light.

Contains sticks and cones- photosensitive receptors. The receptors function differently depending on the time of day or the lighting in the room. Night is the time of rods, cones are activated during the day.


Although the eyelids are not part of the visual organ, it makes sense to consider them only as a whole.

Purpose and structure of the eyelid:

  1. External view

The eyelid consists of muscles covered with skin, with eyelashes on the edge.

  1. Purpose

The main goal is to protect the eye from an aggressive external environment, as well as constant hydration.

  1. Functioning

Due to the presence of muscles, the eyelid can move easily. With regular closing of the upper and lower eyelids, the eyeball is moistened.

The eyelid consists of several elements:

  • external musculoskeletal tissue;
  • cartilage that serves to maintain the eyelid;
  • conjunctiva, which is a mucous tissue and has lacrimal glands.

Alternative medicine

One of the methods of alternative medicine based on the structure of the eye is iridology. The diagram of the iris helps the doctor to diagnose various diseases in the body:

Such an analysis is based on the assumption that different organs and areas of the human body correspond to certain areas on the iris. If the organ is sick, then this is reflected in the corresponding area. By these changes, you can find out the diagnosis.

The importance of vision in our life cannot be overestimated. For it to continue to serve us, we need to help it: wear glasses to correct vision, if necessary, and sunglasses in bright sunshine. It is important to understand that age-related changes occur over time, which can only be delayed.

The human eye is a complex optical system consisting of many functional elements. Thanks to their well-coordinated work, we perceive 90% of the incoming information, that is, the quality of our life largely depends on vision. Knowledge of the structural features of the eye will help us better understand its work and the importance of the health of each of the elements of its structure.

How the eyes of a person are arranged, many remember from school. The main parts are the cornea, iris, pupil, lens, retina, macula and optic nerve. Muscles approach the eyeball, providing them with coordinated movement, and for a person - high-quality three-dimensional vision. How do all these elements interact with each other?

The device of the human eye: a look from the inside

The device of the eye resembles a powerful lens that collects light rays. This function is performed by the cornea - the anterior transparent membrane of the eye. Interestingly, its diameter increases from birth to 4 years, after which it does not change, although the apple itself continues to grow. Therefore, in young children, the eyes seem larger than in adults. Passing through it, the light reaches the iris - the opaque diaphragm of the eye, in the center of which there is a hole - the pupil. Due to its ability to contract and expand, our eye can quickly adapt to light of different intensities. From the pupil, the rays fall on a biconvex lens - the lens. Its function is to refract rays and focus the image. The lens plays an important role in the composition of the light-refracting apparatus, since it is able to tune in to the vision of objects located at different distances from a person. This arrangement of the eye allows us to see well both near and far.

Many of us from school remember such parts of the human eye as the cornea, pupil, iris, lens, retina, macula and optic nerve. What is their purpose?

upside down world

From the pupil, rays of light reflected from objects are projected onto the retina of the eye. It represents a kind of screen on which the image of the surrounding world is “transmitted”. It is interesting that initially it is inverted. So, the earth and trees are transmitted to the upper part of the retina, the sun and clouds - to the lower. What our gaze is currently directed at is projected onto the central part of the retina (the fovea). She, in turn, is the center of the macula, or zone of the yellow spot. This part of the eye is responsible for clear central vision. The anatomical features of the fovea determine its high resolution. A person has one central fossa, a hawk has two in each eye, and, for example, in cats, it is completely represented by a long visual strip. That is why the vision of some birds and animals is sharper than ours. Thanks to this device, our eyes clearly see even small objects and details, and also distinguish colors.

Rods and cones

Separately, it is worth mentioning the photoreceptors of the retina - rods and cones. They help us see. Cones are responsible for color vision. They are mainly concentrated in the center of the retina. Their threshold of sensitivity is higher than that of rods. Cones allow us to see colors when there is enough light. Rods are also located in the retina, but their concentration is maximum on its periphery. These photoreceptors are active in dim light. It is thanks to them that we can distinguish objects in the dark, but we do not see their colors, since the cones remain inactive.

Miracle of sight

In order for us to see the world “correctly”, the brain must be connected to the work of the eye. Therefore, the information that has been collected by the light-sensitive cells of the retina is transmitted to the optic nerve. To do this, it is converted into electrical impulses. They are transmitted through nerve tissues from the eye to the human brain. This is where the analysis begins. The brain processes the information received, and we perceive the world as it is - the sun is in the sky above, and the earth is under our feet. To check this fact, you can put on special glasses that turn the image over your eyes. After some time, the brain will adapt, and the person will again see the picture in his usual perspective.

As a result of the described processes, our eyes are able to see the world around us in all its fullness and brightness!

The human organ of vision almost does not differ in its structure from the eyes of other mammals, which means that in the process of evolution the structure of the human eye has not undergone significant changes. And today the eye can rightly be called one of the most complex and high-precision devices, created by nature for the human body. You will learn more about how the human visual apparatus works, what the eye consists of and how it works, in this review.

General information about the structure and operation of the organ of vision

The anatomy of the eye includes its external (visually visible from the outside) and internal (located inside the skull) structure. The outer part of the eye that can be seen includes the following bodies:

  • eye socket;
  • Eyelid;
  • Lacrimal glands;
  • Conjunctiva;
  • Cornea;
  • Sclera;
  • Iris;
  • Pupil.

From the outside, the eye looks like a slit on the face, but in fact the eyeball has the shape of a ball, slightly elongated from the forehead to the back of the head (along the sagittal direction) and having a mass of about 7 g. farsightedness.

Eyelids, lacrimal glands and eyelashes

These organs do not belong to the structure of the eye, but normal visual function is impossible without them, so they should also be considered. The job of the eyelids is to moisten the eyes, remove debris from them and protect them from injury.

Regular moistening of the surface of the eyeball occurs when blinking. On average, a person blinks 15 times per minute, while reading or working with a computer - less often. The lacrimal glands, located in the upper outer corners of the eyelids, work continuously, releasing the fluid of the same name into the conjunctival sac. Excess tears are removed from the eyes through the nasal cavity, entering it through special tubules. In a pathology called dacryocystitis, the corner of the eye cannot communicate with the nose due to blockage of the lacrimal canal.

The inner side of the eyelid and the front visible surface of the eyeball is covered with the thinnest transparent membrane - the conjunctiva. It also contains additional small lacrimal glands.

It is its inflammation or damage that causes us to feel sand in the eye.

The eyelid keeps a semicircular shape due to the internal dense cartilaginous layer and circular muscles - palpebral fissures. The edges of the eyelids are decorated with 1-2 rows of eyelashes - they protect the eyes from dust and sweat. Here, the excretory ducts of the small sebaceous glands open, the inflammation of which is called barley.

oculomotor muscles

These muscles work more actively than all other muscles of the human body and serve to give direction to the gaze. From the inconsistency in the work of the muscles of the right and left eyes, strabismus occurs. Special muscles set the eyelids in motion - raise and lower them. oculomotor muscles are attached with their tendons to the surface of the sclera.

Optical system of the eye

Let's try to imagine what is inside the eyeball. The optical structure of the eye consists of refractive, accommodative and receptor apparatus.. The following is a brief description of the entire path traveled by a light beam entering the eye. The device of the eyeball in section and the passage of light rays through it will present you with the following figure with symbols.


The first eye "lens" on which the beam reflected from the object falls and is refracted is the cornea. This is what the entire optical mechanism of the eye is covered on the front side.

It is she who provides an extensive field of view and clarity of the image on the retina.

Damage to the cornea leads to tunnel vision - a person sees the world around him as if through a pipe. Through the cornea of ​​​​the eye "breathes" - it passes oxygen from the outside.

Cornea properties:

  • Absence of blood vessels;
  • Full transparency;
  • High sensitivity to external influences.

The spherical surface of the cornea preliminarily collects all the rays at one point, so that then project it onto the retina. In the likeness of this natural optical mechanism, various microscopes and cameras have been created.

Iris with pupil

Some of the rays that pass through the cornea are filtered out by the iris. The latter is delimited from the cornea by a small cavity filled with a transparent chamber fluid - the anterior chamber.

The iris is a movable opaque diaphragm that regulates the flow of light passing through. The round colored iris is located just behind the cornea.

Its color varies from light blue to dark brown and depends on the race of the person and on heredity.

Sometimes there are people who have left and right eye have a different color. The red color of the iris occurs in albinos.

the arcuate membrane is supplied with blood vessels and is equipped with special muscles - annular and radial. The first (sphincters), contracting, automatically narrow the lumen of the pupil, and the second (dilators), contracting, expand it if necessary.

The pupil is located in the center of the iris and is a round hole with a diameter of 2-8 mm. Its narrowing and expansion occurs involuntarily and is not controlled by a person in any way. By narrowing in the sun, the pupil protects the retina from burns. Except from bright light, the pupil constricts from irritation of the trigeminal nerve and from certain medications. Pupil dilation can occur from strong negative emotions (horror, pain, anger).


Further, the light flux enters a biconvex elastic lens - the lens. It is an accommodation mechanism located behind the pupil and delimits the anterior part of the eyeball, including the cornea, iris and anterior chamber of the eye. Behind it tightly adjoins the vitreous body.

In the transparent protein substance of the lens, there are no blood vessels and innervation. The substance of the organ is enclosed in a dense capsule. The lens capsule is radially attached to the ciliary body of the eye. with the help of the so-called ciliary girdle. Tensioning or loosening this band changes the curvature of the lens, which allows you to clearly see both close and distant objects. This property is called accommodation.

The thickness of the lens varies from 3 to 6 mm, the diameter depends on age, reaching 1 cm in an adult. Newborns and infants are characterized by an almost spherical shape of the lens due to its small diameter, but as the child grows older, the diameter of the lens gradually increases. In older people, the accommodative functions of the eyes deteriorate.

Pathological clouding of the lens is called a cataract.

vitreous body

The vitreous body fills the cavity between the lens and the retina. Its composition is represented by a transparent gelatinous substance that freely transmits light. With age, as well as with high and medium myopia, small opacities appear in the vitreous body, perceived by a person as “flying flies”. The vitreous body lacks blood vessels and nerves.

Retina and optic nerve

After passing through the cornea, pupil and lens, the light rays are focused on the retina. The retina is the inner shell of the eye, characterized by the complexity of its structure and consisting mainly of nerve cells. It is a part of the brain that has grown forward.

The light-sensitive elements of the retina are in the form of cones and rods. The first are the organ of daytime vision, and the second - twilight.

Rods are able to perceive very weak light signals.

Deficiency in the body of vitamin A, which is part of the visual substance of the rods, leads to night blindness - a person does not see well at dusk.

From the cells of the retina originates the optic nerve, which is connected together nerve fibers emanating from the retina. The place where the optic nerve enters the retina is called the blind spot. since it does not contain photoreceptors. The zone with the largest number of photosensitive cells is located above the blind spot, approximately opposite the pupil, and is called the Yellow Spot.

The human organs of vision are arranged in such a way that on their way to the hemispheres of the brain, part of the fibers of the optic nerves of the left and right eyes intersect. Therefore, in each of the two hemispheres of the brain there are nerve fibers of both the right and left eyes. The point where the optic nerves cross is called the chiasm. The picture below shows the location of the chiasm, the base of the brain.

The construction of the path of the light flux is such that the object viewed by a person is displayed upside down on the retina.

After that, the image is transmitted with the help of the optic nerve to the brain, "turning" it into a normal position. The retina and optic nerve are the receptor apparatus of the eye.

The eye is one of the most perfect and complex creations of nature. The slightest disturbance in at least one of its systems leads to visual disturbances.

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