What is coaching and what is its essence? Coaching - what is it? How is it different from regular training? Who is the best coach in the world? How to choose a good coach

Must constantly improve and expand the range of their skills. In addition, in conditions of information overload, it is important to be able to structure knowledge and highlight the most important from it. Coaches help with this and many other things. Today we will find out who they are, what they do, and how to master the coaching profession yourself.

Who is a coach?

Every year the word "coach" is becoming more and more dense in the lives of successful people. This is especially true for those who work in or manage large organizations, are interested in psychology, personal growth and want to achieve more in life than the vast majority. So who is this coach? In simple terms, a coach is a specialist who helps people set goals for themselves and quickly achieve them.

The term "coach" comes from the English word coach, which means freight transport. This concept illustrates the movement of a person from one point to another. The coach helps the student to reveal his hidden abilities, to believe in himself and to discard everything unnecessary on the way to achieving the goal. Unlike a coach, a professional coach not only gives a person the necessary information and a set of tools, but also leads him to the desired result. Thus, the coach is responsible for his actions and for the ultimate success of his collaboration with the student.

What is coaching?

As you may have guessed, coaching is a way of learning, the task of which is to achieve a specific goal. Coaching is conducted by the coach and involves his close work with the student. Classes can be held both "one on one" and in groups of people united by similar goals. Despite some similarities with other types of training (trainings, seminars, etc.), coaching training is fundamentally different from them. At the training, for example, the student is given certain recommendations that can help him achieve his goals. Whether he uses them or not is his own business. In coaching, the focus is on results. A coach helps a person not only to acquire certain skills, but also to learn how to act, overcome all psychological barriers, laziness, fear, and so on.

What goals can be achieved with coaching?

In principle, these can be absolutely any goals that a modern person faces. The most popular of them:

  • Success in any undertaking is expressed by a concrete result.
  • Achieving financial independence is expressed by a specific amount of income.
  • Overcoming complexes, developing the necessary qualities can be expressed in the implementation of an action that has not been performed before.
  • Achievement of sports results and so on.

Why is coaching needed?

Many people have a question: “Is it really impossible to achieve your goals on your own?” Of course, you can, but not everyone is capable of it. In addition, even the most purposeful person on his way makes mistakes, "fills bumps", takes unnecessary actions and spends much more time than he could. To speed up the process of achieving the goal, they turn to a coach. There are also people who are not at all able to set a goal for themselves and take responsibility for it. At the same time, they want to live well, but do not understand how to achieve this. They also turn to the coach for help.

How does coaching work?

It all starts with the fact that the coach evaluates the current state of affairs. He asks the student about his problems, tasks and life in general. Based on the information received, the coach together with the student determines the goals - first small, then more serious. The coach then outlines to the student a path to achieve these goals. It remains only to follow the recommendations and enjoy your successes. It is at this stage that the main difficulties arise. A simple coach would say that this is not his problem, but the coach must see it through.

The problem is that many people, when they turn to a coach, want to change their situation without changing themselves. In other words, they think that by paying money for training, they are investing in their success. Naturally, without your own work, nothing will come of it. As a rule, in order to solve a problem, you need to change yourself, work on your worldview and overcome all emotional barriers. People often abandon their undertakings halfway only because these undertakings cease to be invested in their usual, comfortable picture of the world.

An important aspect in the process of becoming a client is the fee that he bears for coaching lessons. When a person has paid money for a hypothesis, the likelihood that he will implement it is much higher than if everything was free. For example, after seeing useful advice on the Internet, a person will choose whether to check it or not. And when a person has a question: “To do or not to do?”, The brain always tries to persuade us to a less energy-consuming option. Having paid personal money for advice, a person is more likely to choose an active position. A coach is someone who can generate helpful advice and help the client reach their full potential.


The period of coaching is called a session. Each session includes identifying character traits, habits and patterns of human behavior that hinder him on the path to success. Then there is a replacement of these traits with more effective, relevant and competent ones. Coaching is a very time-consuming process for both the teacher and the student. The most difficult thing that a person faces is the realization of the fact that his problems are not connected with a lack of knowledge, but with a lack of personal qualities. Throughout coaching, students experience relentless discomfort as they have to do new things and change their habits. An old problem can only be solved with a new approach to it.

What should a coach be like?

The coach must necessarily succeed in the direction in which he works with his students. For example, a person who does not understand anything in business cannot lead his student to success in this area.

In addition to personal success, a coach must possess a number of qualities, without which it will be very difficult for him in this profession:

  • communication;
  • intellectual development;
  • desire to help people;
  • ability to analyze human character;
  • emotional stability;
  • ability to overcome difficulties;
  • creative thinking;
  • optimistic mood;
  • active life position ;
  • self confidence.

Often people who combine these qualities do not even think about becoming a coach, and direct their energy to personal development. And vice versa - many, positioning themselves as a coach, are not ready to really bring students to the result.

How to become a coach?

Higher education institutions do not teach coaching. The basis for this profession can be the education of a psychologist or a manager. There are private coaching schools that prepare people for this profession in a few months. Then, if desired, you can take additional, more specialized training. But, in addition to education, as you already understood, each coach must have his own personal achievements and be an expert in a particular area of ​​​​life.

According to experts, at the dawn of their career, every specialist should be coached himself. To do this, it is advisable to find an example of a coach with rich experience in your city and use his services. This will not only allow you to better feel the nuances of the profession, but also achieve that very success, without which the authority of the teacher may be in doubt.

A coach does not have to have a huge number of diplomas, certificates, awards and other attributes. The main thing is that he was able to bring the student to the result. If a person has such skills, he will be in demand even without any regalia.

How much do coaches earn?

Coaching is a creative profession, so the level of income in it can fluctuate in a very wide range. As you might guess, it all depends on the professionalism of the coach, his experience and popularity. As a rule, wages are paid by the hour. That is, for a conversation with a client, the coach takes a certain amount, and so at each meeting. An hour of work with a coach can cost as much as 1,000 rubles or several thousand dollars. Sometimes coaches work at enterprises in the personnel department. In this case, they can receive a fixed salary.

Advantages and disadvantages of work

Being a coach has the following benefits:

  • demand and relevance;
  • high level of wages;
  • the work is interesting and creative;
  • free schedule;
  • the opportunity to help people and get moral satisfaction from this;
  • possibility of remote work;
  • the opportunity to work "for yourself";
  • continuous growth and development of personal skills.

There are also some shortcomings here:

  • not everyone can become a professional coach;
  • coaching at a prestigious training center is expensive;
  • after working with difficult clients, psychological exhaustion may occur;
  • responsibility for the lives of students.

Where can you work as a coach?

There are three main ways to do this. Let's analyze each separately.

Private practice. This is the most comfortable and promising option. However, before going into private practice, you need to build a good reputation and a large client base. The advantage of such activity is freedom of action. The coach himself can choose which client to work with, at what price to offer his services and how much to load himself with work.

Coaching center. This is a good option for those who are just starting their coaching career. The company will provide its employees with a sufficient number of clients for normal earnings and professional growth. Of course, the coach will have to give part of the profit (usually about 50%) to the organization. This is a kind of payment for using the reputation of the company.

HRdepartment in a large company. Today, almost every large company, regardless of the industry, has full-time coaches who work with staff at various levels. Such employees usually have a fixed salary and a set work schedule.

International Federation

The most significant document that a coach can present as proof of his professional competence is an international coaching certificate obtained from the ICF (International Coach Federation, which translates as the International Federation of Coaches). This organization is the world's largest resource for coaches and those who need coaching. It was founded almost two decades ago and has made a huge contribution to the development of this profession.

The main goals of the International Federation of Coaches:

  • Creation of professional personnel. Coaches are trained all over the world in the federation's representative offices and training centers that have received its accreditation.
  • Communication between members of the federation. Meetings, conferences, expansion of local representations are constantly held.
  • Maintaining the reliability and quality of coaching. To this end, the organization regularly develops programs for legal support, accreditation and regulation of the work of specialists.

The International Federation of Coaches professes a form of work that takes into account the personal and professional experience of the client. Each of the students is considered as a holistic, resourceful and creative person. According to the ideology of the federation, coaches should:

  • discover and adhere to the goals to which the client aspires;
  • stimulate his independent discoveries;
  • identify solutions and strategies developed personally by the client;
  • always consider the client reliable and responsible.

At each meeting with the client, the latter chooses the subject of conversation, the coach listens and makes his own corrections to certain judgments. This model of interaction leads to an increase in the activity of the student and his desire for real action. At the same time, a lot of attention is focused on the point at which the client is now, and the one to which he aspires. After completing a course of study at ICF-accredited educational institutions, the coach must take an ethical oath.


So, today you found out that a coach is a person who helps other people achieve personal or professional success faster. Today it is a very relevant and rapidly developing profession. A business coach, coach and psychologist are people whose services are in demand even in the most unfavorable times. This is why so many people want to become a coach. What needs to be done for this, we found out today.

Coaching is one of the most effective and popular methods of helping a person achieve almost any goals and solve problems. Coaching is used in business, sports, psychology, management, etc.

Life coaching is a method of individual assistance to a person in achieving his life goals, solving any psychological problems (in eliminating, for example, internal restrictions and complexes, etc.) and unlocking his potential (the formation of positive beliefs, qualities, habits, etc.).

In business, coaching is used to greatly increase the effectiveness of personnel management, to solve the psychological problems of employees, to manage teams, increase employee motivation and solve almost any relationship problems between people.

In sports, coaching, since its inception, has been used to train athletes effectively.

What is Coaching? Essence and benefits

Coaching is an effective system of helping a person or team achieve goals and solve problems. And, most often, coaching is orders of magnitude more effective than traditional practical psychology. That is, a good coach will help you solve the problem much faster than a good psychologist.

Sir John Whitmore, coiner of the term Coaching in Business, said, “Coaching views a person as an acorn that contains all the potential to become a mighty oak.” And the task of the coach is to help the acorn develop such a strategy in order to become an oak tree as quickly as possible.

The essence of the coaching technique is the ability of the coach to ask the right questions to the client, built according to a certain logical chain, by answering which the client himself finds the best solutions to his problems. Everyone probably remembers the wisdom: “The right question is half the answer!”

The main advantage of coaching is that the responsibility and initiative for solving a problem (or problem) always, 100%, remains with the client, that is, he takes the most active position in solving his problem. Proper coaching leaves no chance to shift the responsibility for solving problems to the coach, as is often the case in psychology, where the client basically takes a passive position under the motto: “Treat me, solve my problem”.

Coaching is just as effective for working on yourself as a technique for personal growth. Personally, I use it in the following way. On paper (in a development notebook), I write out a sequence of questions that relate to the problem being solved, and then answer them step by step, also necessarily in writing. 70-80% of all arising in life I solve problems in this way, the rest - with the help of a specialist (Coach or), althoughI myself am also a coach.

Who is Coach and what does he do?

- a specialist, a personal trainer who helps a person (client) in achieving a goal or in solving his problem. The coach does not give advice and ready-made recipes, does not teach, does not evaluate and does not impose anything (this is the main difference between the work of a coach and the work of a psychologist), but asks the client the right questions, thus helping to be extremely honest with oneself and find the best ( most effective) for a person answers and solutions.

The task of the coach- so that you yourself realize your problem (or goal) in the process of work, so that you yourself find the best answers to the questions posed, and make the most effective decisions. The task of the coach is to maximize and connect your own potential to achieve your goals.

What should a good coach know and be able to do, and what should they not?

The coach does not have to know all the right answers to the questions he asks his clients. The coach should know only the right question, he is not obliged to understand everything.

The coach must be able to think logically well, correctly formulate questions, arranging them in a certain logical sequence, so that by answering them, the client quickly moves towards solving his problems.

What topics does coaching cover and what problems can it solve?

Coaching can be used to achieve business and self-realization goals, relationships, personal growth, and more. etc. In general, to achieve success in any business.

What problems can be solved with the help of coaching:

  1. Eliminate negative beliefs, emotions, etc.( , dependence, etc.) and the formation of positive
  2. Formation of invulnerable self-esteem and elimination of self-doubt ()
  3. Elimination of aimlessness, assistance in search and staging(The Meaning of Life, etc.)
  4. Formation needed(strength, responsibility, truthfulness, discipline, purposefulness, devotion, etc.), elimination of negative (irresponsibility, laziness, etc.)
  5. Formation of self-management abilities(self-control and self-control). Managing your internal state and external manifestations.
  6. Necessary behaviors, skills and habits. Accordingly, the elimination of negative, weak habits leading away from the goal (including bad habits), emotional reactions, etc.
  7. Solving other psychological and life problems(divorce, infidelity, change of job and profession, conflicts, etc.)

Where it is possible to learn coaching - read.

If you decide that you need a job with a coach, his help - write to me in the feedback form! Either I can help you, or I will redirect you to a specialist who can most effectively assist in resolving your issue.

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To implement our plans, we often lack an incentive, some kind of impulse from outside. We can stagnate at the doorstep for months without setting off on an exciting journey full of victories and adventures. Often people do not find the inner strength to create this magical longboat on their own and seek advice or motivation from an outsider.

If you dream not to use the help of a coach, but to become one, that is, to be on the other side of the barricades, our tips on how to become a coach on your own from scratch will be useful to you.

Photo from http://millenniumstudio.net

Understanding the concepts: who is a coach

In many American films, one can often find episodes when the hero, having attended a lecture by a professional mastermind, decides to change his life. A striking example is the movie with Jim Carrey in the title role "Always say yes." This suggests that attending such meetings is something familiar and not out of the ordinary for foreigners.

But even in Russia, people understand that they would sometimes need the advice of a professional person, and not a friend or family member. Many specialists who have reached a dead end in their field of activity do not want emotional sympathy from loved ones, but real guidance from a more experienced master who has already encountered similar problems.

People often need a mentor in both life and business. These duties are undertaken by a certified trainer. But many are still wondering who the coach is, is it worth our trust and what is his responsibility?

A coach is a specialist who provides individual or group counseling to help a client achieve their goals. Masters of this art are divided into life coaches and business coaches.

The main distinguishing features of this person can be called success, self-sufficiency, the desire to develop their professional, communication and life skills.

Photo from https://www.telusinternational.com

Individuals or entire teams turn to coaches not only when they have a negative experience, but also to help them build a vector for their further development.

You should not expect that if you turn to a coach, all your professional, family and other problems will be solved. No, this way of helping is based on other principles. A specialist in this field does not give you instructions, ready-made instructions, this is not psychological help.

When you go to the gym and take a session with a personal trainer, you don't expect him to give you a magic pill or do all the exercises for you. So here cooperation is based on interaction, on your personal interest and the manifestation of a large share of activity. It is you who make further decisions and actions, and these in turn are the result of your reflections, analysis and inner work. The coach does not suggest them to you, he motivates, teaches you to work with hidden resources.

Often, such consultants do not have experience in the professional field of the client, but this even simplifies work with him, since the specialist can assess the situation without prejudice and understand how to solve it by launching the person’s internal assets.

A person of any profession can come to this sphere. It doesn’t matter if he has experience in medicine or shipbuilding, if he is used to getting out of life’s difficulties on his own, if he knows how to build his life trajectory in order to stay on the crest of success, then he can be a coach.

This profession is not so much a job as a way of life. It's like journalism, you can't disconnect from the flow of information even for a second. In the same way here, you cannot forget about one client for the weekend or offer him a universal scheme of work that has already been successfully implemented with another person.

Photo from the site http://i13.turnboard.ru

For many people who turn to coaches, first of all, the very life experience of a successful person matters. They also want to be just as accomplished and cheerful. Therefore, for a coach, it is not a certificate of training that is more important, but his own results, which themselves will create fame for him. Therefore, the work of a coach can be combined with another type of activity.

The most famous foreign coach in Russia is Nick Vuychich. He is also called a motivational speaker, his books on overcoming oneself and difficulties are sold in millions of copies. His work "Life without limits: the path to a stunningly happy life" became a real bestseller.

Therefore, answering the question of how they become coaches, we can say that some people are pushed to this by life itself, that is, they have enough information that will help people analyze themselves and achieve success, others come into this profession, making an internal volitional decision and realizing all responsibility.

Photo from https://www.newretirement.com

How to become a coach from scratch

Do not think that if you are great at cheering up friends and loved ones, you are already halfway into the profession. It is best to learn this specialty through more experienced masters. It will not be superfluous to get your own mentor.

If the idea “I want to become a coach” has grown into an intention in your head, we will show you where to start. Success in this area is guaranteed to you if you have a number of personal qualities that are difficult to educate even in educational institutions.

Photo from http://familypsych.co.uk

What does it take to become a coach?

  • A person must have a high level of empathy, that is, the ability to put himself in the place of another, to try to really live his experience in his head. This is not just sympathy and compassion, it is an active analysis, with the goal of correcting the situation.
  • The specialist must be tactful, not go ahead, be able to find an individual approach. This is where knowledge from the field of personality psychology comes in handy.
  • Have a critical view of things, but do not be zealous with criticism.
  • It’s great to have non-standard thinking, if your any occupation is solving puzzles, creative tasks in the style of “draw a combination of hard and soft in the picture” and more.
    The coach is obliged to work daily on self-development: read books, attend theaters, play sports, communicate with people.

You can certainly say for sure that in this profession it will not be boring. But you should understand one thing, you do not just inspire or motivate people. You provide them with a service, and in order to be competitive in the market, your offer must be of high quality.

How to become a coach is a pretty simple question, but how to become a good coach is another matter? Gone are the days when people were willing to pay only for the promise of happiness and untold wealth. Businessmen who turn to a mentor are not ready to spend either time or money on simple ranting about nothing. Working as a coach offers a real workout, not only of the body, but of the spirit. You must do exercises that will develop, spur, open up new ways to solve familiar problems.

An important aspect in comprehending this profession is getting an education. Abroad, the choice of universities providing training in this specialty is wider, but here in Moscow you can learn this. For example, at the International Erickson Coaching University or at the International Coaching Center.

Photo from http://theresultsacademy.net

How to find clients?

The coaching profession is quite lucrative. But earnings directly depend on the number of people who turned to you for help. The question arises where to look for clients.

There are several sources:

  • Word of mouth radio. One happy customer will tell two others about you.
  • connections at the university. While studying, you will surely get contacts of people with whom you can practice your professional skills. If the cooperation goes well, you can continue, but already interacting on a commercial basis.
  • An effective way is self-promotion. If you run a blog where people can appreciate your thought process, the depth of your views, this will be a great help. You can also promote yourself through social networks.

Photo from http://2.bp.blogspot.com

As a conclusion

If you decide to master this difficult, but at the same time exciting profession, enlist your patience. Your rich life and work experience must be put into an accessible and interesting form so that it can be assimilated by your wards. In addition, the intentions of the future coach must be pure, and you need to work not for profit, offering a surrogate instead of effective methods, but in good faith, which will allow you to expand your client base.

This page gives you the opportunity to better understand what is coaching , who is a coach , to get acquainted with those questions that were most often asked to me by site visitors, coaching clients, and read my answers to these questions. Hope they satisfy your interest.

What is coaching?

Briefly, coaching is such interaction between a personal coach and a client, thanks to which the latter clearly sees his life goals, and on the way to achieving them independently solves the problems he faces, regardless of the areas of human life they manifest themselves in: business, career, self-knowledge, physical health, interpersonal relationships, family, while achieving the greatest realization of their abilities and capabilities. will help you learn more about coaching if you read the books collected there about it.

How and where did personal coaching originate?

It appeared in the USA in the 90s of the last century. And since then, it has developed significantly under the influence of coaching for outstanding athletes, success coaching for business people and other proven techniques. Here are some of them that are most actively used in coaching: neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), visualization, brainstorming, relaxation, positive thinking, quantum healing, verbal / non-verbal communication.

What is the basis of the philosophy of personal coaching?

Recognition that each person is capable of being, doing and having whatever he wants. We are born with this ability, we lose it as we grow up and continue to live with the feeling that "life has gone off course." Coaching frees people up to reclaim that quality. And they were able to find out what they really want, and achieve it faster and easier, just by having a coach nearby who has gone through it himself and can really help.

Who is a coach?

Coach is a professional who assists a person in determining his goals and achieving them.

A coach helps people move from where they are in their lives right now to where they want to be. In other words, a coach's job is to help you make the changes in your life that will get you from point A to point B.

Coach is someone who inspires you, motivates you, and holds you accountable for achieving the results you want at the level you want until they happen. Whatever you want in your life, a coach can help you get it.

What is meant by the phrases: internal coach/external coach?

An internal coach is a coach employed by an organization for hire who has specific coaching responsibilities set out in their job description.

An external coach is a coach who owns a coaching business or who collaborates in a coaching business with other professional coaches.

What goals does coaching help you achieve, personal or professional?

And those and others. Private coaching is umbrella under which all coaching is located: business coaching, corporate coaching, executive coaching, financial coaching, life coaching or. Coach is the only professional trained to work with all aspects client's life.

How is personal coaching different from counseling? Therapy? Sports coaching? Best friend?

The main distinguishing feature of coaching is a greater emphasis on action and results than on the analysis of past mistakes and failures. A personal coach helps a person find their own solution, and does not solve the problem for them. That's why coaching is council-free zone.

coaching is not counseling. Because counseling provides highly specialized knowledge and usually ends with practical advice and recommendations. Coach is not a consultant, he stays with the client to help implement new skills, changes and goals, working with the client to ensure they are realized.

Psychotherapy. Coaching is not a therapy that sees clients as "patients" who have "diseases" and need diagnosis and treatment. A personal coach does not work with a person's past events and painful traumas that led him to turn to psychotherapy (treatment). All interaction with the client is built on the basis of the present events of the person and the search for ways to a more desirable future.

Sport. Coaching includes some of the principles of sports coaching, such as teamwork, moving towards a goal, using the client's potential. But it is not focused on competition, victory / loss, but on the promotion of the client only to the goal chosen by him, i.e. only to win.

Best friend. It's good to have a wonderful friend. But how can he always remain so impartial and always perceive you and your problems as an outside observer in order to be completely objective and disinterested? Hardly. So have both a friend and a coach.

Do you need a personal coach for those who have already achieved a lot?

How is coaching done?

It is carried out in the form coaching sessions(one-on-one meetings with a coach), usually once a week, 30-60 minutes with 1-2 calls and email support, if necessary, between coaching sessions. Although all of the above may vary depending on the needs of the client (p. Difficult life situations and lifestyle).

In what cases is the word "coaching session" used, and in which cases - "coaching session", or are they synonyms?

The very word "coaching" and other terms of coaching used in Russian come from the English language, since coaching originated in the English-speaking world. The term "coaching session" is used in English to refer to the period of time within which the coaching process takes place. There is no such word as "coaching session" in English. Even if one could imagine its existence, it would in no way mean "the time allotted for the coaching process", and would be perceived by native English speakers as "the coach's presentation of himself."

Can a client depend on a coach?

Definitely not. The client needs a personal coach to calmly solve problems, fulfill their dreams and create their best future, and not to depend on him. And if a person needs support, assistance, or someone who can always boast of his achievements, then a coach is needed; but it is unlikely that either of the two needs or somehow benefits from emotional or psychological dependence. Coaches work with those who are emotionally stable and strong enough on their own.

Any dependence in the coach-client relationship makes the process of personal coaching simply impossible, as the basis of its effectiveness disappears: a joint desire and responsibility on the way to the goal, creating a special atmosphere of interaction, equal partnership.

Can coaching harm anyone?

No. How..? Coaches do not engage in psychotherapeutic activities and do not try to control the client's thinking. Coaches are not trainers, coaches are partners.

Where can I get money for coaching?

To be frank, where you take them for everything else. If a person has “no money” for coaching services, this means that he is not yet ready for them and his priorities are not the satisfaction of self-development needs, but other desires. Money for coaching usually appears when personal and/or professional growth becomes a dominant need.

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Coaching differs from classical counseling or training in that it does not contain hard recommendations or advice. The coach looks for a solution to the problem together with the client. Coaching differs from psychological counseling by setting motivation, achieving the desired goal in work or life.

What is coaching

There are many definitions of coaching. This is also training for personal self-realization, where the trainer leads the client to the desired goals in the form of a conversation. Executive coaching (personal consultant) creates conditions for the comprehensive improvement of a person's personality. Coaching is also a system for realizing the social and creative potential of all participants in training. There are four basic stages of coaching:

  • setting life goals;
  • verification of the reality of the direction;
  • building ways to implement them;
  • achievement of the result (the stage of will).

Who is a coach

Couch is a specialist who professionally helps his clients achieve their goals. A coach-trainer is a successful person who has taken place in life, who constantly improves his knowledge, works on himself, and knows the techniques for developing human resources. A business coach must be educated in one of the world's certified schools that issue permission to provide coaching services. Personal coach:

  • works with the client to determine their own potential;
  • teaches the rules of self-regulation;
  • motivates a person for personal and professional growth.

Types of coaching

Today there are several types of coaching. The main classification is based on the quantitative composition of clients. There are different types of coaching according to the scope of application:

  1. Individual coaching. The consultant works with the client one-on-one. In the course of cooperation, individual tasks are solved that affect different areas of a person's life: career, business, health, relationships, family.
  2. Team coaching (group). A business coach works with a group of people. The peculiarity of a coaching session is that several people have a common task. They can be family, business partners, a sports team, or a community organization.
  3. Organizational coaching. The consultant interacts with the first person of the organization. Training involves the use of systematic methods aimed at identifying the potential of the manager, employees or the entire enterprise. The difference between organizational coaching and others lies in affecting the interests of the entire company, and not its individuals.

life coaching

One of the most important building blocks of life coaching is goal setting. The main thing in working with a client is to teach him to clearly understand what he really wants. During training, a person knows himself more deeply, confidence in his actions appears, awareness increases. Coaching has nothing to do with psychology or psychotherapy. Man works in the present to create the desired future. So, life coaching - what is it and when is it needed?

The pace of life of a modern person leaves no chance for the implementation of most plans. After all, when a free minute falls out, people expect peace and quiet, they want not to think about anything. A personal life coach helps not only manage time, but also allows the client to evaluate each area of ​​his life himself. Training promotes a balance between career, health, financial well-being, personal life.

Coaching in education

Coaching methods are successfully used in education. The student reveals his potential, achieves high results in learning without coercion. What is coaching in education? Training forms the readiness of students for self-development, designs the educational environment of a university or school, helps to build the learning process, taking into account the personal qualities of the student. Teachers also benefit from coaching. They look at the learning process in a new way, focusing on the free implementation of non-standard approaches. The teacher helps to form a responsible personality.

Business coaching

Coaching was originally formed for the business environment. For entrepreneurial activities, training technologies are best adapted. Coaching in business is used to bring a person to a new level, to help formulate goals. A business coach helps not only to make a career choice, but also to accelerate career growth. Professional coaching is far from human specialization. Courses help the learner find smart solutions to complex problems. Managers organize coaching for their staff to make the company's operations more efficient.

sports coaching

The method of consulting and training is also used in sports. This is a special world where there are rules aimed at achieving victory. Sports coaching helps participants learn to manage their emotions, develop strengths, and achieve professional goals. A fitness coach advises top athletes who compete at world championships, helps to remove fears, become more persistent in achieving high results.

Personal coaching

This is individual work with the client, when the coach helps him achieve his goals as efficiently as possible. The task of a coach is to remove from a person the influence of past disappointments and failures on today's successes. The student stops belittling his abilities, gains confidence, begins to understand his uniqueness and value. Individual coaching helps the counselee to increase their income, because, as a rule, disbelief in themselves and fears prevent them from increasing.

Management coaching

More and more leaders are coming to management with a coaching philosophy to improve the performance of their organizations. This style consists of two techniques. The first includes management with planning, motivation, communication, decision making. Coaching in personnel management helps to eliminate limitations and expand the potential of employees. The second method can be characterized as the structuring of relationships in a team. Coaching management teaches employees to act proactively and responsibly.

High Performance Coaching

The classic textbook on revealing the personal qualities of a person is not a book on psychology, but the work “High Performance Coaching” by John Whitmore. It is interesting not only for individual training, but also for corporate training. Effective coaching is an art that requires understanding and a lot of practice. The book teaches to overcome misconceptions about business, helps to take a fresh look at management and people. She talks not only about financial coaching, but also about relationships with others.

Coaching Methods

There are several coaching techniques that can be used to look into the future and anticipate all possible scenarios. Although the motives are different for everyone, they can be achieved if you adhere to the basic principles of training. Basic coaching techniques:

  1. All is well with everyone. The most important principle that teaches not to hang labels and not to make diagnoses.
  2. All people have the necessary resources to achieve what they want. It is necessary to remove from oneself the conviction of insufficient competence or lack of education in this or that issue.
  3. People always make the best choice possible. The principle provides a good opportunity to come to terms with the decisions made and their consequences.
  4. The basis of every action is only positive intentions. Each person strives for love and happiness, but uses different actions for this.
  5. Change is inevitable. This process does not depend on our desires, because the body is updated every seven years. What will change tomorrow depends on what a person is doing today.

How to become a coach

The coaching profession does not require a detailed knowledge of psychology and neuroscience issues. He does not need to be an expert in all the problems that will be brought to him. The consultant simply asks questions, helping to activate the research or cognitive activity of a person. How to become a coach? First, a person must decide for himself the following: whether he is able to regularly develop communication skills and whether the desire is true.

Becoming a professional in this field is an extraordinary step. You need to live in complete clarity about your future, put your life in full order and set personal goals. Many coaches start with the following steps:

  • tested the readiness to become a professional with the help of special tests;
  • mastered knowledge under the guidance of a mentor-coach in the preparatory program and received a certificate;
  • found new customers based on the acquired knowledge;
  • after the first 100 paid sessions, they made decisions to invest in further career growth.

International Coaching Academy

In Russia, there is a unique Mac coaching academy that trains professionals online and issues an internationally recognized specialist certificate. The company provides training through electronic means and innovative technologies. The course is conducted in a remotely understandable language, so it is suitable for both beginners and those who are already developing in this area. The Academy regularly holds various master classes to develop skills. Here you can learn training for children or teenagers, as well as take a coaching course for people with ADHD.

Coaching courses

On the Internet, it is easy to find a huge number of courses that offer to learn a profession and raise your level. Any coaching center provides students with video and audio materials, books, live communication with professionals. Among the most popular topics are the basics, tools and technologies of coaching. The courses are useful both for business leaders and for ordinary people who are interested in how to live in harmony with others and with themselves.

Video: why coaching is needed

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