Water plug in ear. Natural causes of the syndrome. What to do if water gets into the ear

With the onset of the bathing season, there are no fewer visits to the doctor with problems related to the ears. Unlike the winter period, when colds and viral diseases become the main reasons for visiting the ENT, in the summer, the ears suffer from water ingress when swimming, which can lead to serious consequences: and even abscesses.

What to do if water? First of all, you should immediately consult a doctor. But sometimes situations arise when this is not possible. Then you need to help yourself.


The ear is a complex system consisting of three sections:

  • Outer ear.
  • Middle ear.
  • Inner ear.

The outer section consists of the auricle and the auditory tube. Behind the eardrum is the middle ear. If there is no damage, then water will not be able to enter this section. The human inner ear is responsible for the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and the auditory system.

How to get rid of?

Help depends on which department the liquid has penetrated into. So, when water enters the outer ear, a person has a feeling that it overflows, as if in a vessel. In this case, it is necessary to tilt the head so that the eustachian tube takes a vertical position. Water should flow out under the influence of gravity. To improve the result, you can jump several times on one leg.

Another method based on the pump principle is also very effective when a problem of this nature occurs. To do this, you need to firmly press your palm to your ear, creating a vacuum layer, and release it sharply.

Divers and divers do not have a question about how to remove water from the ear. They are greatly helped in a very entertaining way. Taking air into the lungs, they blow out water. In this case, the nose should be closed (just pinch it with your hand).

Another of the simplest mechanical methods to help with a problem with how to remove water from the ear is as follows: the victim is laid on and asked to swallow. The surface should be as flat as possible.

If cotton wool is at hand, then you can twist it into flagella and insert it into your ear so that water is absorbed into the soft material. Important! Do not use cotton swabs, as this can lead to membrane damage, injury and complications.

It is also worth considering the following: water may contain dirt or pathogens. Therefore, be sure to treat the ear with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. This will greatly reduce the risk of infection.

dry heat

Sometimes when water gets into the ear, pain can occur. When pain occurs, a warm pad filled with sand should be applied to the problem area. If this is not at hand, you can use a piece of cloth or a handkerchief with heated salt, tied in a knot. Alternatively, apply a heating pad. Thanks to such manipulations, the heated liquid will flow out much faster.

Any of these methods is effective if the water has not penetrated the eardrum. Usually in a healthy person, it serves as a kind of barrier. But sometimes it happens that the liquid does not flow out. Then you should contact the ENT, who will tell you exactly how to remove water from the ear.


Fluid retention in people who are prone to sulphurous plugging or chronic ear problems. A person who has had an ailment such as otitis media may have damage to the eardrum in the form of cracks or holes. Because of this, water when bathing easily penetrates into the middle ear.

If the liquid has got into the middle section, then often there is a headache, nausea, and less often vomiting. The only option in this situation is to see a doctor. And before the visit, you need to take a number of measures aimed at preventing the development of complications:

  • Drop an anti-inflammatory drug or insert a swab dipped in medicine. You can use But there is one important condition: the drug needs to be warmed up a little.
  • Be sure to apply a warm compress to the injured ear.
  • For pain, it is recommended to take any pain reliever.


Ear diseases bring a lot of trouble, so it is worth taking preventive measures before swimming, especially in open water:

  • Swimming should be in a special rubber cap.
  • Avoid situations where water can get into your ear, such as diving less.
  • You can lubricate the entrance to the auricle with petroleum jelly, then the question of how to remove water from the ear will not arise.
  • Use earplugs for swimming.

These simple steps will help you avoid many of the problems that could ruin your vacation. Now you know how to remove water from the ear, so even diving is not scary. Feel free to poison yourself for new experiences and be healthy!

Probably, each of us at least once in our lives had to experience the sensation of water in the ear, which, moreover, is not so easy to remove from it. Many try to just ignore it and wait until it evaporates on its own, but everything is so simple, water that gets into the ear can lead to ENT diseases.

The water contains a lot of bacteria, so getting it into a sore ear can provoke an exacerbation of the disease with the appearance of itching and sticky discharge. Therefore, in such a situation, it is very important to know how to properly provide first aid.

In this regard, in this article we will tell you how to properly expel water from the ear and what alternatives to this procedure exist.

How to get water out of the ear?

How to get rid of ear pain folk recipes:

Sulfur plug

Very often, the feeling of water in the ear can be due to the sulfur plug, which is produced by the glands. This phenomenon is often removed on its own during active jaw movements, but, despite this, it accumulates very quickly due to the narrowness of the ear canal. They can also be caused by the increased viscosity of sulfur. Sulfur should not be allowed to stay in the ear canal for a long time, as over time it attaches more and more tightly to the walls and provokes the appearance of bedsores.

Symptoms. For a long time, a person may not suspect the presence of this phenomenon, but over time, symptoms such as ear congestion, autofinia (this is when a person hears himself), tinnitus and reflex cough may appear. Hearing loss can be observed when water enters the ear, as it contributes to an increase in plugs.

Removal. There are two options for getting rid of the plug, the first is washing the ear canal, and the second is removal with medical instruments, which is certainly carried out in the hospital. In any case, before performing the procedure at home or in the hospital, you should consult with your doctor. He must find out from the patient his history (presence of any previous ear diseases). If a person has previously had ear diseases, then in no case should he wash, as water can cause an inflammatory process.

Preparations for dissolving sulfur plugs

Remo Wax

Pharmachologic effect. According to the instructions, this tool is intended for instillation into the ear canal to dissolve earwax. Often, earwax is removed by itself during the movement of the lower jaw, but with some irritating factors, such as water, dust, earplugs, skin diseases, the secretion of seri can increase many times over, as a result of which it is formed. The composition of "Remo Wax" does not include aggressive components, so it is allowed to give it to children from birth.

This tool is well suited for young children; persons who are engaged in swimming; poor hearing; and people who frequently use headphones or hearing aids.

Mode of application. Before use, the Remo Wax bottle should be held in your hand for several minutes so that the product warms up to body temperature. The patient should lie on his side, take hold of the lobe of the knot and first pull it down and then up. This is done so that the drug flows down the wall of the ear canal, since it is strongly not recommended to immediately bury it in the center of the ear, this can lead to the formation of an air lock. After you have prepared the ear canal, drip 20 drops of the drug.

After applying the drops, the patient may experience a sensation of water in the ear, but this is nothing to worry about. It is also not necessary to put cotton wool in the ear, it can absorb all the liquid before it starts to act. After you have instilled the liquid, lie on your side for another 10 minutes, then turn to the other side and let the liquid drain for one minute. The drug is used once every 14 days, additional drugs should not be used while using Remo Wax.

Drops for dissolving sulfur plugs "A-Cerumen".

They are very convenient to use, one bottle is already a dosage for one instillation, half a bottle in each ear. After instillation, you need to wait a few minutes, then rinse with saline.

Video on how to extract fluid from the auricle

What to do if water gets into the ear, and there is a feeling that it is blocked? Try to get rid of the liquid yourself. There are several methods and most of them are quite effective. But if they do not help, seek help from an otolaryngologist.

Water can be infected with fungi, bacteria, and other pathogenic microorganisms, so it must be urgently removed, otherwise, after a while, an inflammatory process, otitis media, may begin.

Causes of water retention inside the ear canals

What to do if water gets into the ear? From healthy ears, protected by nature with a thin layer of sulfur, the liquid, after a while, necessarily flows out by itself. Water does not come out in the following situations:

  • When it penetrates from the outer ear into the middle, but this is the case if inflammation of the ears was observed;
  • A sulfur plug of considerable size formed in the ear canal, which swelled under the pressure of water when diving, and therefore plugged it;
  • Inside the middle ear, the liquid can fill up with improper washing of the nose, gargling. Or a person choked on water while swimming.

People in whom fluid constantly accumulates inside the ears during swimming, and does not come out, are quite rare. Pathologies are due to individual deviations in the anatomical structure of organs, or acquired diseases.

How to remove water from the ear?

What can be done to free the ears from fluid:


Stand on one leg, tilt your head to the side where the ear is blocked from the water, make a few jumps.

vacuum principle.

It is possible, when tilting the head, to attach a palm to the auricle, pressing it a little, then sharply remove it (according to the principle of the vacuum).


It is required to lie on one side so that the ear where the water got into was located with a passage down. At the same time, you need to chew gum, or imitate the movement of your mouth, as if you are eating something, and swallow saliva. The fluid will flow out under the influence of muscle reflexes.

Air flow.

Try to take a full chest of air, tightly close your mouth and nose, exhale. This is what divers sometimes do if their ears are stuffed up.


Place a small twist of cotton wool (turunda) inside the ear canal, tilt your head to the problem side to the side, while you need to slightly pull the outer auricle in the middle, upwards - backwards. Water usually flows out. After a minute, remove the cotton.

Nasal drops.

If the liquid is poured into the nose during diving, it is blocked, you need to drip vasoconstrictor drops inside the nostrils, this will protect against swelling of the tissues, the water will come out on its own.


Sometimes yawning helps to get rid of water in the ear.

When the above methods did not help to remove the water, and the feeling that the ears are stuffed up persists, go to the otolaryngologist. Tie a bandanna (scarf) over your ears to protect them from colds.

What not to do

If water gets into the ear and does not come out, follow these rules to remove it:

  • Do not use cotton swabs, as well as the little finger: involuntarily, you can damage not only the epithelium, but also the integrity of the eardrum;
  • You should not disinfect the ear inside with alcohol, you can burn the mucous membrane;
  • Don't try to pump out water with an enema;
  • Do not direct a stream of hot air from a hair dryer into your ear.

Water in the ear is not safe

Otitis is never formed only from the ingress of fluid into the auditory external canal. The following factors contribute to the development of the disease:

  • If dirty water lingers for a long time inside a healthy ear due to an airlock, which we successfully (unsuccessfully) tried to remove using folk methods, then infection of the mucous membranes with pathogenic microorganisms occurs. Their reproduction leads to the inflammatory process of the epidermis of the external passage;
  • The same thing happens in the presence of a dense, but very hygroscopic plug of sulfur and the exfoliated epithelium compressed in it. Pathogenic microbes develop faster in such an environment, swelling of tissues occurs, narrowing of the passage, sharp shooting pains appear in the ear;
  • When a person already has a cold, or he is a carrier of a viral, bacterial disease (flu, tonsillitis, others), then microorganisms can enter the middle ear from the nasopharynx. If, however, polluted water from the outside got there through a perforated membrane, then very favorable conditions come for the development of pathogenic bacteria (viruses, fungi).

How to prevent water from getting into your ear

If due to professional activities you have to spend a lot of time in the water, be sure to use the following protection methods:

Earplugs can be helpful

Manufacturers offer a wide range of earbuds designed specifically for swimming and diving: in the form of fungi, balls, as well as special silicone pads made individually according to the cast of the auricles - hydroplugs and aquaplugs.

How to choose them:

  • Tight-fitting shapes, but without squeezing the ear;
  • For a child, it is better to purchase disposable than reusable products that require careful care, and always children's sizes;
  • For diving - buy earplugs with the function of stabilizing water and ear internal pressure.

Put on a hat

When buying a product designed to prevent water from flowing into your ears, be sure to consider that it fits in size. What online stores offer:

Waterproof tapes.

Made from elastic neoprene material. They are specifically designed to protect the ears. The tapes prevent ear plugs from falling out, and also create an intermediate insulating layer, which eliminates colds and exacerbation of chronic otitis media.

Bandages and caps for bathing.

They come in latex and silicone. The latter are produced smooth, as well as with specially designed recesses for the ears. You can buy a hat, a ribbon, the top layer of which is silicone, and the bottom layer is made of soft fabric.

As you know, the best treatment is prevention, so do not allow situations where water is in the ear for a long time. Sometimes we can just wait for it to flow out of the ear on its own, but remember: during this period it is extremely dangerous to get caught in drafts.

Almost everyone has experienced the problem of getting water in their ears at some point in their lives. Water entering the ear canal and/or the middle ear is irritating and uncomfortable. The presence of sulfur can exacerbate the situation, as it traps moisture and allows it to stay there for a longer period of time.

Children, adults and the elderly can suffer from water getting into their ears. Often this trouble happens after taking a bath or shower, especially if you tilt your head so that water can easily penetrate inside or after swimming in a lake, river, pool, sea, especially if you swim under water.

Water can be in one ear or both at once, it can disturb for one, two, three, four or five days or longer periods if no action is taken. Some people have reported having water in their ears for weeks or months. Such a prolonged presence of a stuffy ear sensation cannot be ignored, since it can be an infection, and not just water.

Symptoms and signs

In addition to an uncomfortable and irritating sensation, some of the common symptoms can include pain, hearing loss (“water in the ear reduces hearing and makes it feel like something is foreign”), and inflammation of the ear canal if it does not come out within a few days or develops infections. There may also be popping or ringing, pressure behind the ears, pain in the jaw or ear, itching, dizziness, pressure headache, and other symptoms.

If blood or pus comes out, it may be a sign of an infection or injury. You should immediately consult a doctor for further diagnosis and treatment.


The presence of water in the ears is not a deadly condition, but "uncontrolled, excess moisture can lead to infection and pain." One common cause of infection in swimmers is ignoring pool, ocean, lake, river water ingress, which can be contaminated with fungi, bacteria, or viruses.

In addition, neglecting this problem for weeks or months, or ignoring some of the symptoms, can lead to permanent damage or permanent hearing loss, as well as inflammation of the eardrum, cyst formation, and other complications.

Means and methods for removing water

Most of the methods can be applied at home. It should be remembered that not every method recommended online is safe, as it can damage the sensitive structure of the inner ear.

1. Ways to remove water immediately after swimming

2. Add water

Lie on your side with the affected ear up, ask someone to add a few more drops of room temperature clean water to avoid dizziness, and immediately turn to the opposite side.

3. Chewing gum

Another easy way to cleanse is chewing gum. It sets the temporomandibular joint in motion, which creates pressure on the middle ear and the ear canal is stretched.

4. Use alcohol

This approach can also help kill bacteria and prevent infections.

Tilt your head, drip a few drops of alcohol, wait about 30 seconds. Then turn your head in the opposite direction so that the remaining alcohol and water flow out.

Repeat the process several times until the desired result is achieved. During this procedure, the presence of crackling and crunching is normal.

5. Dry your ear

You can try to dry your ear with a dryer with non-hot air, holding it at a distance of about 30 centimeters. This will help the liquid to come out as a vapor. To increase the efficiency of the process, gently pull the earlobe down. Precautions must be taken to avoid burns.

6. Solutions

If the eardrum is intact, a few drops of alcohol and vinegar, a salt water solution, or a mixture of garlic and olive oil will be helpful. They must be at body temperature to avoid dizziness.

Alcohol and vinegar

Mixed in equal amounts. The mixture helps remove water and limit bacterial growth, preventing infections.

Salt solution

Salt water (a quarter teaspoon of salt added to a glass of warm water) is good at fighting infections. It is necessary to pour the solution into the ears with a syringe or pipette.

A mixture of olive oil and garlic

Garlic has antibacterial and olive oil antiseptic properties and reduces discomfort. You need to crush some garlic, add a small amount of olive oil, heat and strain the mixture. Place a few drops in the ear, wait a while and, tilting your head, let the liquid come out. The oil can also be used separately.

7. Steam inhalation or hot compress

A hot ear compress can help get rid of water in the ear.

Another simple but effective way is to use steam. You should put hot water in a large container, cover with a towel and slowly inhale the steam for about 5-10 minutes, then tilt your head to let the water flow out. A hot ear compress also has a similar effect.

8. Ear cleaning drops

There are many types of alcohol-containing ear drops available in pharmacies that help remove water because the alcohol evaporates quickly.

9. Hydrogen peroxide

A few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide will help soften earwax that can collect moisture droplets. This remedy will also prevent the development of infection.

Precautionary measures

  • "Never try to use cotton swabs to dry or remove anything from the ears" as this can damage the eardrum, ear canal.
  • Do not insert anything into your ear, including keys, pens, fingers, etc., as this may cause infections and injury.
  • Dry your ears after getting out of the water using a soft towel or cloth.
  • Call your doctor if you experience swelling, redness, hearing loss, itching, or pus.
  • Do not use headphones until all liquid has been removed.
  • Water removers that do not include alcohol are ideal for low levels of earwax.

One of the best ways to protect yourself is to use earplugs for swimming. You can buy them in many online stores. There are different brands and types for adults and children. They often come with a nose clip.

Water in the middle ear

Such a problem may affect people who have undergone a myringotomy, a surgical procedure in which “an incision is made in the eardrum to help drain fluid and thus balance the pressure outside and inside the ear” to correct a dysfunction of the Eustachian tube or the presence of perforated eardrums. They can get water into the middle ear, that is, it is located behind the eardrum.

This often happens after swimming, diving, or showering, and can cause pain, dizziness (because the middle ear helps in balancing the body), hearing loss, etc.

Occasionally, otitis media, especially with effusion, can lead to "thick or sticky fluid behind the tympanic membrane in the middle ear", which feels almost the same as having water in the middle ear. Young children are more likely to suffer from otitis media with effusion, because their Eustachian tubes are shorter, with smaller openings, and they catch colds more often.

To treat or remove water from the middle ear, you need to visit a doctor. Doing this on your own can lead to complications.

Water in ear with pain

If water ingress is accompanied by pain, it is recommended to see a doctor for a diagnosis, as there is a risk of deformation of the eardrum or infections.

Is it possible for water to enter the inner ear?

The ear is divided into three parts: the outer, which ends at the eardrums, the middle and the inner. Fluid cannot enter the inner ear.

Why does it feel like water is in my ear?

If the presence of fluid is felt, accompanied by a ringing or crackling sound, this often happens during awakening and none of the methods of removal brings results, then this may be congestion caused by various reasons (infection, sulfur plug, allergies, air pressure drops, some diseases ). This problem may persist for weeks or months and return from time to time.

Another common symptom of stuffy ears is hearing loss. This happens when the Eustachian tube becomes blocked and/or the ear canal becomes clogged with earwax. There may also be a feeling that you are under water and dizziness.

Prepare an eardrop solution of equal parts alcohol and white vinegar. In addition to removing excess water from the ear with this solution, you will also prevent infection. Just pipette a few drops of the solution into the affected ear. Then dry carefully. You can ask an adult to give you a drop of the solution.

  • Vinegar helps to remove earwax that may have retained a small amount of water, and alcohol will dry quickly, taking unwanted water with it.
  • Alcohol will also help excess water evaporate quickly.
  • Do not use this solution if you have a damaged eardrum.

Create a vacuum in the ear. Tilt the affected ear down and then press it with the palm of your hand, creating a vacuum. Move your palm back and forth to push the water out of your ear. Don't do this when the ear is upright - you can only drive the water deeper.

Dry your ear with a hair dryer. While you may be skeptical about this advice, it helps a lot of people. Set your hair dryer to the lightest setting. Hold the hair dryer 30 centimeters from your head and point it at your ear until you feel the water dry. Just make sure the air isn't too hot and you don't hold the hair dryer too close to your ear.

Buy ear drops designed to clear water from your ears. They are available in pharmacies. The drops contain alcohol, which evaporates quickly.

  • You can ask an adult to put drops in your ear.
  • Dry your ear. Gently wipe your outer ear with a soft cloth or towel. Then tilt your head to the side to help the water drain out of the ear canal completely. Don't push the tissue inside your ear or you'll only push the water deeper.

  • An alternative method is to stand on one leg and tilt your head so that your ear is parallel to the ground. Jump on this leg until the water is completely drained. Pull on the earlobe to open the ear canal wider and help the water drain out.

    • You can skip the part where you have to jump and just tilt your head.
  • Another way to get rid of water is to lie down on the floor and turn your head so that your ear is facing the floor. For added comfort, place a pillow under your head. Gravity will help the ear dry naturally. Stay in this position for several minutes. You can watch TV or do something else at this time.

    • If you still feel that there is water left in your ear, then go to bed in that ear. There is every chance that the water will leak out while you are sleeping.
  • Imagine that you are chewing on something and move your jaw in such a way that it has an effect on your ears. Tilt your head to the side where there is no water, and then sharply tilt your head to the other side. You can also try chewing gum. Water gets trapped in the Eustachian tube, which is part of the inner ear, and chewing can help it drain out.

    • You can try to chew and at the same time pull the lobe.
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