Can there be stones in the bladder. Treatment of kidney and bladder stones. Why do bladder stones appear?

Bladder stones are a special case of nephrourolithiasis (). Urologists diagnose cystolithiasis less frequently than nephrolithiasis.

The disease is characterized by the formation in the bladder of calculi from sparingly soluble salt crystals.

The disease occurs with equal frequency in men and women over the age of 40 years.

Factors contributing to stone formation

Predisposing factors for the development of this pathology are the following aspects:

  1. All diseases associated with a violation of the outflow of urine . With severe prostatic hyperplasia, bladder atony, tumor processes, bladder diverticula, impaired innervation, urine stagnation occurs. Gradually, salts precipitate, from which single or multiple calculi are formed.
  2. The impact of pathogenic microflora . Cystolithiasis is aggravated by the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, which changes the physicochemical properties of urine, accelerating the process of stone formation.
  3. Congenital or acquired metabolic disorders . Dysmetabolic nephropathy - the body's tendency to increased crystalluria. Even a small child in the urine is diagnosed with the periodic appearance of salts.


The tendency to crystalluria, if proper nutrition is not observed in ICD and the consumption of a small amount of liquid, can lead to stone formation processes, including in the bladder. Metabolic disorders in diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands are more likely to lead to urolithiasis.

  1. Foreign body of the bladder. An example is a stone on the ligature after a history of surgery. Prolonged standing of a functioning epicystostomy, as a way to resolve infravesical obstruction, often leads to cystolithiasis. Here, in addition to the constant presence of a foreign body, the aggressive microflora and the natural process of phagocytosis, in which lymphocytes are not able to digest the silicone material, are important.
  2. Diverticulum. A diverticulum is a protrusion of the wall of the bladder (a defect in the muscular layer), in which, as in a bag, urine stagnates. Often, the calculus forms in the diverticulum, which further leads to chronic inflammation.
  3. Violation of the anatomical position of the bladder. Pathology is more often detected in women with weakened pelvic floor muscles and prolapse of the vaginal walls.

As a rule, they have a history of several independent births, work associated with lifting weights.

In addition to the listed conditions, we must not forget that the stone could migrate into the bladder from the upper urinary tract, and gradually overgrown with salts, linger for a long time.

What are the stones

Bladder stones can be large (the size of a pigeon's egg) and small (microliths about 3 mm in size), single or multiple, smooth or spiny. To determine the tactics of treatment, it is important to consider the density of stones, which is determined by the chemical composition.

Microliths with a small diameter are sometimes called .

Allocate oxalates, urates, phosphates, mixed stones, protein, etc.

Signs of a stone in the bladder

Clinical manifestations depend on the type of calculus. At big stone in the bladder, there is a laying of a stream of urine, which is associated with an obstruction of outflow due to the movement of the calculus.

For smooth stones typical dull, aggravated after the act of urination.

spiked stones with an empty bladder, they provoke severe cramps and imperative urges, up to urinary incontinence. As it fills up, unpleasant symptoms decrease.

Since any stone in the bladder has an irritating effect, patients are disturbed by small portions.

If cystolithiasis is complicated by an inflammatory process, the urine becomes cloudy, with. When settling, there may be a precipitate of salts and other elements: bacteria, leukocytes, desquamated epithelium, erythrocytes.

Hematuria can be significant, but sometimes red blood cells are detected in the urine only by microscopy.

If the process of stone formation takes place in the kidneys, they gradually descend in the lumbar region as the calculus advances.

Of the common symptoms, there are malaise, chilling, and there may be subfebrile temperature.

What is the danger of finding a stone in the bladder

The formation and prolonged presence of stones in the bladder leads to the following complications:

  • with a relapsing course;
  • violation of the outflow of urine;
  • acute urinary retention.

Therefore, in order to avoid adverse consequences, it is better to get rid of a stone in the bladder, especially since in modern urology there are minimally invasive (sparing) methods of surgical intervention.

Before resorting to surgery, you can try to dissolve the stone in the bladder.

Treatment for bladder stones

Depending on the characteristics of the calculus, the tactics of conducting is chosen.

Conservative drug therapy

If the size of the bladder stone does not exceed 5 - 6 mm, the surface is smooth, there is no evidence of an acute inflammatory process, there is a high probability of independent discharge.

Preparations for getting rid of stones in the bladder

Surgical treatment

With the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, severe pain syndrome, recurrent inflammation, surgical treatment is possible.

Crushing of the bladder stone with ultrasound or laser (transurethral cystolithotripsy) is currently considered the most effective and safe surgical intervention for urolithiasis.

Stones with a crystalline structure and high density are suitable for crushing.

The size of the calculus should not exceed 3 cm.

Transurethral lithotripsy can also be performed in combination with TUR (transurethral resection), if there is an indication for this, for example, prostatic hyperplasia.


  • pregnancy;
  • acute inflammatory process, accompanied by fever;
  • small capacity of the bladder;
  • fixation of the calculus on the ligature;
  • stone in diverticulum;
  • the volume of the stone is more than 4 cm;
  • concomitant;
  • difficult access.

If endoscopic methods have contraindications, an open operation is performed in the volume of cystolithotomy. An incision is made on the anterior wall of the abdomen, and the stone is removed from the bladder cavity.

A complication after surgery for a bladder stone can be bleeding, acute inflammation, trauma to the walls, acute urinary retention.

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Bladder stones symptoms in men treatment

Bladder Stones Symptoms in Men: Home Treatment

Urolithiasis or cystolithiasis is characterized by the formation of calculi (stones) in the bladder. Treatment of urolithiasis with folk remedies is aimed at the gradual crushing and removal of stones. Stones in the bladder in men often form after 45 years. This is usually associated with existing urological pathologies.

Development factors

Cystolithiasis can develop in older men and boys under 6 years of age due to inadequate bladder emptying. Stagnation and concentration of residual urine lead to the precipitation of salt crystals. In children, stones can form due to a narrowing of the urethral opening that occurs against the background of balanoposthitis or phimosis. The main reasons for the formation of stones in men:

  • prostatic hyperplasia;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • heredity;
  • prostate cancer;
  • diseases of the skeletal system (osteomyelitis, osteoporosis, trauma);
  • beriberi and lack of ultraviolet radiation;
  • malnutrition (eating spicy and sour foods increases the acidity of urine, causing the deposition of salts);
  • hot climate (against the background of increased sweating, the concentration of salts in the urine increases, stones form);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system of an inflammatory nature;
  • drinking water with a high content of calcium salts;
  • disorders in the digestive tract;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fluid loss.

The formation of stones can be primary or secondary. In the primary form, stones are formed against the background of stagnation of urine. They are formed due to the deposition of sediment from the constituent parts of urine, which crystallize and harden. In the secondary form of the disease, stones form in the kidneys and migrate through the ureter into the organ cavity.

The number of stones can vary from one to several dozen. They can differ in size - they can be the size of a grain of sand or reach a diameter of up to 5-10 cm. Stones also differ in their chemical composition:

  • phosphate (created from salts of phosphoric acids against the background of metabolic disorders, have a fragile structure);
  • oxalate (formed from salts of oxalic acid, brown calculi with a rough surface, can scratch the mucous membrane, causing pain and urine staining reddish);
  • urate (formed on the basis of urates (salts of uric acid), have a smooth surface, do not injure the mucous membrane, are formed with gout and dehydration of the body, often observed in residents of warm countries);
  • protein (they are casts of protein).

The manifestation of the disease

Symptoms indicating the presence of stones in the bladder are ambiguous. When the stone begins to descend into the cavity of the organ, renal colic occurs, manifested by acute pain in the lumbar region, which radiates to the perineum, genitals, and thigh. This changes the composition of urine. Crystals of various salts, sand, bloody impurities, etc. appear in it.

In the presence of phosphate stones, loose light flakes are present in the urine. During urination, the stream is interrupted, pain occurs in the lower abdomen.

The manifestation of cystolithiasis is less pronounced when the stone has already descended into the bladder cavity or has formed. Then the cutting or aching pain intensifies only with urination and sexual intercourse. At the same time, the concentration of impurities of blood and sand in urine remains insignificant.

Calculi, freely moving through the cavity of the organ, can cause blockage of the urethra. Then, during urination, there is a sharp overlap of the jet. The main symptoms of stone formation in the bladder:

  • dull pain aggravated by urination;
  • urine mixed with blood;
  • changes in urine, manifested by turbidity, density or bad smell;
  • frequent unbearable urge to urinate, accompanied by pain;
  • interruption of the stream during urination.

When there is an unreasonable change in the color of urine, the appearance of sediment in it, pain occurs in the lumbar region, it is necessary to be examined by a urologist in order to identify the causes of this condition. Early detection of cystolithiasis contributes to successful treatment. Phytotherapy can be used to improve the effectiveness of traditional methods.


Treatment of urolithiasis with folk remedies involves the use of various medicinal herbs. It is necessary to coordinate with the attending physician the possibility of using certain herbal remedies.

Brew 2 tbsp. l. cranberries 200 ml boiling water. Heat for 30 minutes on a steam bath. Filter after cooling. Drink 3 times a day for 70-100 ml. Store the prepared broth in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.

Knotweed grass helps to crush stones. Pour into a thermos 1 tsp. crushed raw materials, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Insist for a day. Drink the resulting infusion in 3 doses. It is best to take it 30 minutes before meals.

Mix 2 parts of strawberry and currant leaves and 1 part of knotweed grass. Brew 1 tbsp. l. crushed herbal collection 1 liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse for an hour, then filter. Take before meals 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. This infusion helps with urate-type calculi.

Carrot helps to remove stones from the bladder. Root crops need to grate and brew 3 tbsp. l. 750 ml of boiling water. Insist all night. Drink the finished medicine warm throughout the day. The duration of admission is 1 month.

An infusion of wild carrot seeds is prepared as follows: brew 3 tbsp. l. seeds 600 ml of boiling water, stand for 10-12 hours and filter. Drink 200 ml of the product 3 times a day. Carrot juice is also useful. It is recommended to drink it for 4-6 months 3-4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Grind corn columns with stigmas. Steam 1 tsp of raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. You should drink 100 ml of infusion before meals 3 times a day for six months. This tool promotes the crushing of stones of any type in the bladder. Similarly, you can prepare an infusion of corn stigmas, blueberry leaves, violets and heather, taken in equal quantities.

Rose hips, linden blossoms and mint should be mixed in equal parts, brewed instead of tea. This drink should be taken with meals 2 times a day. You can prepare an infusion using only rose hips. It is necessary to insist 2 hours 1 tbsp. l. ground fruits, filling them with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day.

Dried sorrel root should be ground to a powder. 3 art. l. powder pour 0.5 liters of any wine. Leave for 3 days to infuse. It is recommended to drink the medicine 30 minutes before meals, 1 tsp. 3 times a day. It perfectly crushes stones in the bladder.

Grind the greens and parsley roots. Take 1 tsp. prepared raw materials, mix and steam 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for about 3 hours. The entire volume of infusion should be drunk per day in 3 divided doses. Take one hour before meals. You can use one parsley, fresh or dried.

Causes of the formation of bladder stones in men: symptoms and treatment, preventive recommendations

Urolithiasis is characterized by the formation of stones (stones) in the human urinary tract. Formations in the bladder are often formed in the stronger sex after 45 years of age against the background of diseases of the prostate gland or urethral structures. The disease is widespread in African, less often in the Middle Eastern countries. Europe suffers from the disease a little less often, but stones in the bladder are relatively common in men.

Follow the preventive recommendations, if you find unpleasant symptoms, visit the doctor immediately. Diagnosed in time, the disease is treatable, the prognosis is almost always positive. Lack of therapy threatens the development of numerous complications, up to death.

Factors affecting the formation of the disease

Science does not fully know the exact factors that provoke the formation of stones in the bladder in the stronger sex. Scientists identify a number of possible causes of the disease. The most negative factor is non-compliance with the water-salt regime. The accumulation of excessive amounts of salts leads to improper functioning of the urinary tract in the body.

The accumulation of salts is not always associated with excessive consumption of the product in food. A pathological process can form against the background of a violation of the excretion of sodium by the kidneys, the course of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Provoking factors include:

  • abnormal structure of the urinary tract, which contribute to the stagnation of urine in the bladder;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the bladder;
  • the presence of small stones in the upper urinary tract. Small stones are able to pass into the bladder, get stuck there, begin to increase in size;
  • foreign bodies (catheters, suture material). All objects can migrate into the bladder, disrupt the outflow of urine;
  • prostate cancer, oncological diseases in the body (radiation therapy negatively affects).

The root cause of the appearance of stones in the bladder is an important aspect. Before removing stones, doctors will often prescribe a course of therapy that eliminates the cause of the pathology (for example, they treat metabolic disorders, eliminate infectious diseases).

Find out the instructions for using Canephron tablets for the treatment of urological pathologies.

Read about the signs of kidney failure in women and the treatment of the disease at this address.

Signs and symptoms

The presence of salt formations in the bladder in men is manifested by pain in the lumbar region, the appearance of blood in the urine. Symptoms are aggravated during physical exertion, sudden movements. A change in body position often leads to acute pain, which is associated with the movement of stones. During this process, the patient feels pain of varying severity. In men, the pain integrates into the genital area. If the stones block the ureter, this leads to the accumulation of urine, renal colic.

Attacks of acute pain are often accompanied by fever, sometimes chills. Unpleasant sensations disappear if the stone has changed its position or come out completely. To the above signs, a change in the shade of urine, its consistency is added, the smell also becomes sharply unpleasant. A strong pain attack will be relieved by analgesics, in severe cases, call an ambulance.

Classification of the pathological process

Calculi in the bladder can be of different sizes, shades, differ in chemical composition. Small stones are called microliths, medium - macroliths, large - solitary formations.

Specialists distinguish many classifications, but the composition of calculi in the bladder plays an important role in treatment:

  • oxalate. Stones are formed from oxalic acid, they have a rough surface, a brown tint. Formations scratch the urinary tract, stain the urine red;
  • phosphate. Calculi are formed from phosphate acid, they are quite fragile, have a gray tint. Often such stones are formed as a result of metabolic disorders;
  • urate. The formation process is triggered by uric acid. Urate stones are smooth, do not injure the mucous membranes. Such formations appear in residents of hot countries against the background of constant dehydration;
  • protein. They include protein compounds, are formed against the background of malnutrition.

Important! Each type of calculus requires specific treatment, a special diet. It is impossible to independently know the chemical composition of stones. Diagnosis is carried out by an experienced physician, the physician prescribes the appropriate course for eliminating the pathology. Improper treatment leads to aggravation of the situation, the appearance of complications.


To prescribe the appropriate therapy, the physician must make the correct diagnosis. Research includes a lot of activities:

  • general analysis of urine, blood of the victim;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder, other nearby organs;
  • an X-ray of the bladder often helps to make the correct diagnosis;
  • intravenous urography.

Don't get used to bouts of pain, bladder stones are treatable. The lack of medical care leads to an inflammatory process in the kidney, disruption of the organ, and the development of renal failure. In the worst case, you can lose a damaged kidney.

Effective Treatments

Removal of stones from the bladder in men is a long process that requires an integrated approach. Depending on the chemical composition of the stone, the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor prescribes therapy. It includes the use of medicines, folk remedies, adherence to a special diet. In some cases, surgery is required.

Medical therapy

To reduce pain, analgesics are used, and antispasmodics help to facilitate the process of removing stones from the bladder.

The following medications are capable of dissolving stones:

  • Allopurinol. Influences the process of formation of uric acid in the patient's body, reducing the chances of stones, promotes the dissolution of existing urate stones. Also, the drug is actively used for the treatment of gout, so the drug copes with stones in the bladder if their etiology is not clear;
  • Pennicylamine. Used to dissolve cystine stones. The effectiveness is ensured by stopping the excretion of cystine in the urine. Prolonged use of the drug threatens with constant dry mouth, skin rash, tinnitus;
  • Captopril. Designed to treat high blood pressure, but does an excellent job with cystine stones. Side effects include: dizziness, a slight decrease in the patient's weight, skin rashes.

Medicines should not be used for high blood pressure, the course of renal failure, pregnancy, the presence of other contraindications.

It is strictly forbidden to start therapy on your own! The duration of the course of therapy, the specific dose of the drug is indicated by the physician, taking into account the composition of the stones in the bladder and other features of the patient's body.

Folk remedies and recipes

Natural drugs do an excellent job of removing various salt formations from the urinary tract of the stronger sex. The key to successful treatment is the regular use of folk remedies, their proper preparation.

Effective Recipes:

  • onion tincture. Fill half a jar with chopped onions. Fill the vegetable to the top with alcohol or vodka, let it brew for ten days. The resulting remedy, take two tablespoons twice before meals. The duration of therapy depends on the size of the formations in the bladder;
  • sunflower roots. Pre-rinse the raw materials thoroughly, chop finely, pour into a saucepan, pour three liters of boiling water, cook for five minutes. Raw materials are enough to prepare three portions of the broth, drink the filtered broth half a cup three times a day for one month;
  • tangerine therapy. The method is allowed for patients who are not prone to allergies. During the week, consume up to two kilograms of tangerine. Take a week break, repeat the treatment manipulations;
  • vegetable juice. Three times a day, drink 100 grams of carrot / cucumber / beetroot juice. You can prepare a mixture of juices, drink twice a day. The course of therapy lasts no more than two weeks, prolonged treatment can lead to the development of an allergy to the selected components of the drug.

Before starting therapy, consult a doctor; if allergic reactions occur, choose another traditional medicine recipe.

See the list of kidney stone pills to dissolve stones.

Learn about the characteristic symptoms and treatment of chronic pyelonephritis in women from this article.

Go to and read about the rules of nutrition and diet for glomerulonephritis.

Surgical intervention

In especially severe cases, the patient is shown surgical intervention. Recently, many techniques have appeared that allow crushing stones without resorting to a scalpel. If the size of the calculi does not exceed 20 mm, ultrasound or a laser is used. The procedure helps to destroy stones in all organs except the bladder.

To solve this problem, the contact method is used, using a special tool (cystoscope): a thin puncture is made in the right place, stones are crushed, and the cavity is washed with a special liquid. Large stones, the presence of contraindications to crushing stones obliges doctors to carry out a full-fledged surgical intervention.

Useful tips will help prevent the re-formation of calculi in the bladder in the stronger sex:

  • treat cystitis in a timely manner;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • give up bad habits;
  • follow a special diet prescribed by a doctor;
  • visit a urologist once a year, treat prostate pathologies in a timely manner. For men over fifty years of age, preventive examinations should take place twice a year;
  • increase the amount of fluid consumed (at least one and a half liters per day). The specific dosage depends on the water-salt balance of the patient, is calculated individually.

Stones in the urinary system are a serious problem that needs attention. Negligent attitude to health threatens with complications, even the loss of a kidney. Visit the doctor in time, monitor the condition of the body.

Find out more about the causes of the formation of stones in the bladder and the methods of treating the pathology after watching the following video:

Bladder stones

Bladder stones (cystolithiasis), along with stones in the kidneys, ureters and urethra, are one of the manifestations of urolithiasis. Their formation can be due to both a violation of the physicochemical properties of urine (the solubility of the organic and inorganic compounds contained in it), and physiological factors (congenital or acquired metabolic disorders: metabolic, inflammatory, drug, etc.).

Depending on the site and mechanism of formation, bladder stones can vary in size, number, consistency, surface type, shape, color, and chemical composition. Bladder stones can be single (solitary) and multiple, small (microliths) and large (macroliths), smooth, rough and faceted, soft and very hard; contain uric acid, uric acid salts, phosphates or calcium oxalates.

Bladder stones are observed predominantly in the male population in childhood (in the first 6 years of life) and old age (over 50 years). In adults, bladder stones are composed primarily of uric acid, while in children, they include uric acid crystals, calcium phosphates, and calcium oxalates.

Practical urology distinguishes between primary bladder stones (formed directly in its cavity) and secondary (formed in the kidneys and ureters, then migrate to the bladder). Secondary stones, while in the bladder, can further increase in size.

Causes of bladder stones

The most common cause of bladder stone formation in adult patients is bladder outlet obstruction - a violation of the free outflow of urine due to an obstruction in the bladder neck or urethra. Blockage of the lower urinary tract can be caused by stenosis of the bladder neck (Marion's disease), prostatic hyperplasia or prostate cancer in men, urethral strictures (after trauma, surgery, inflammation).

The mechanism of stone formation is associated with the impossibility of complete emptying of the bladder, stagnation and the concentration of residual urine, leading to the loss of salt crystals. Stone formation is facilitated by a neurogenic bladder, its omission in women with cystothelius, and existing defects in the internal muscular membrane, including diverticula.

Sometimes, in the presence of stones in the kidneys and upper urinary tract, small stones migrate along the ureter with their further appearance and persistence in the bladder. The presence of foreign bodies (stents, ligatures, catheters, and other foreign objects) in the bladder can cause salt deposits and stone formation.

In some cases, the presence of bladder stones, even quite large ones, does not show any signs. Clinical symptoms occur with constant contact of the stone with the walls of the bladder, the development of irritation of the mucous membrane or blockage of the outflow of urine.

The symptoms of bladder stones are varied but not pathognomonic. It can be a pain syndrome in the lower abdomen, above the pubis, in men - discomfort, sharp or dull pain in the penis. Slight at rest, the pain becomes unbearable when moving, changing the position of the patient's body and urinating, can radiate to the perineum and external genitalia, thigh area.

Bladder stones cause urination disorders with frequent, sharp urges when moving, interruption of the urine stream or an acute delay in its outflow in case of stone migration into the urethra, as well as urinary incontinence when the internal sphincter of the bladder does not close due to a stone stuck in its narrowed neck. In the case of large stones, some patients can only empty their bladder while lying down. Children sometimes develop priapism and enuresis.

Due to the addition of a microbial infection, bladder stones can be complicated by cystitis and pyelonephritis. Hematuria and pyuria develop as a result of trauma and inflammation of the bladder mucosa with stones. When a stone is infringed in the region of the bladder neck, blood may appear in the last portion of urine; with an injury to the dilated venous vessels of the neck, profuse total hematuria may develop.

Diagnosis of bladder stones includes an analysis of the history and complaints of the patient, the results of instrumental and laboratory examinations. It is necessary to clarify the nature of pain, the degree of manifestations of dysuria and hematuria, to identify cases of discharge of sand and stones, the presence of concomitant diseases: hyperplasia and prostate cancer, urethral stricture, diverticulum, bladder tumor, neurogenic dysfunction.

Only very large bladder stones can be detected by vaginal (bimanual) or rectal examination. Rectal palpation of the prostate gland in men reveals its enlargement. In patients with bladder stones in the general analysis of urine, leukocytes and erythrocytes, bacteria, and salts can be detected. Urine culture allows to identify the microflora and its sensitivity for the selection of antibiotic therapy.

Ultrasound of the bladder can show stones as hyperechoic formations with an acoustic shadow that move in the bladder cavity when the patient's position changes. Cystoscopy is one of the main methods that allows you to study the internal structure of the bladder (the condition of the mucosa, the presence of diverticula, tumors, strictures), determine the presence of stones in its cavity, their number and size.

With the help of cystography and excretory urography, it is possible to assess the condition of the urinary tract, to identify urolithiasis, the presence of X-ray positive stones, prostate hyperplasia, bladder diverticula. The radiopacity of bladder stones depends on their chemical composition, primarily the presence and percentage of the calcium component in them. With spiral, multislice CT - one of the most sensitive methods for detecting various bladder stones - very small and X-ray negative stones, as well as comorbidities, can be distinguished.

Treatment of bladder stones

Sometimes small bladder stones pass on their own through the urethra in the urine. In the absence of complications, with a small size of bladder stones, conservative treatment is carried out, which consists in following a special diet (depending on the mineral composition of the stones) and taking medications to maintain the alkaline balance of urine.

In the surgical removal of stones from the bladder, endoscopic lithoextraction, stone crushing (contact transurethral cystolithotripsy, percutaneous suprapubic litholapaxy, remote cystolithotripsy) and stone section (open suprapubic cystolithotomy) are used.

Transurethral lithotripsy is performed for adult patients during cystoscopy, while the stones found under visual control are crushed with a special device (ultrasonic, pneumatic, electro-hydraulic or laser lithotripter), and their fragments are removed through a cystoscope by washing and suction. Transurethral cystolithotripsy can be an independent procedure or performed in conjunction with other endoscopic operations, such as transurethral resection of the prostate. Transurethral cystolithotripsy is contraindicated in patients with a small bladder volume, during pregnancy, in the presence of a pacemaker.

Remote lithotripsy is performed by the shock wave method in the absence of infravesical obstruction and prostate enlargement in the patient, as well as in secondary bladder stones and a aggravated background, when transurethral intervention is contraindicated. Percutaneous suprapubic litholapaxy is indicated for pediatric patients, as it allows you to quickly and safely fragment the bladder stone and remove its parts.

In the absence of a result from drug therapy and stone crushing, with acute urinary retention, persistent pain syndrome, hematuria, recurrence of cystitis and with large bladder stones, an open extraperitoneal suprapubic cystolithotomy is performed. For the postoperative period, a catheter is installed in the bladder, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Biopsy and histological examination of the bladder tissue is performed after surgery in case of noticeable changes in its wall in case of long-term and untreated urolithiasis. Observation within 3 weeks after lithotomy is supplemented by ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder to exclude the remaining fragments of stones.

Complications of surgical treatment of bladder stones can be urinary tract infection, fever, bladder wall trauma, hyponatremia, bleeding.

Prognosis after removal of bladder stones

In the future, it is necessary to observe a urologist, metabolic examination and ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder once every six months.

With the elimination of the background disease, the prognosis after treatment of bladder stones is favorable. With unresolved causes of stone formation, a recurrence of the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys is possible.

Why do bladder stones occur in men, pathology treatment

Among the many pathological conditions of a person, the pathology of the urinary system is of particular importance. Bladder stones in men are a particular variant of urolithiasis. Urolithiasis is a disease, often of a chronic nature, which is characterized by the formation of stones in any part of the urinary system. Stone formations in the bladder are very common. People of any age and gender can get sick, the disease can also be hereditary. Bladder stones are less common in men than in women.

Very often in men, stones in the bladder are the result of other diseases. All this confirms the danger and importance of pathology. Such a disease prevents a sick person from living a normal life, often he is characterized by severe pain and frequent urge to go to the toilet. Of great importance is the fact that if you do not seek medical help in a timely manner, serious consequences can occur. It is necessary to consider in more detail the cause of bladder stones, treatment, diagnosis and clinical symptoms of urolithiasis.

Epidemiology of cystolithiasis

This pathology of the bladder is common. It is ubiquitous in the world. In most countries, there is an increase in the incidence of urolithiasis. The highest incidence rates are typical for countries such as Spain, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Hungary, etc. Most often, urolithiasis occurs in the north of Australia, in Asia Minor and in the south of North America.

In our country, bladder stones are very common. In urological and surgical practice, this is one of the most common diseases. Of all urological ailments, bladder stones account for approximately 30-40%. After inflammatory processes, they take a solid second place in the ranking structure of diseases of the genitourinary system. The disease affects mainly people aged 20 to 55 years, that is, the adult, able-bodied population. Men suffer from stones quite regularly. As for the elderly and children, they are less susceptible to this pathology. This prevalence is largely related to the lifestyle of the population.

The mechanism of formation of stones in the bladder and their classification

Each patient or medical worker is obliged to know not only how to treat urolithiasis, its symptoms and diagnostic criteria, but also to clearly understand the mechanism of formation of stones in the bladder.

Calculi are formed in the cavity of the organ due to precipitation of the constituent parts of urine, during which they crystallize and harden.

The number of stones can be from one to several tens or even hundreds. In size, they can also differ sharply from each other. The smallest of them are the size of a grain of sand, while the largest can reach 5-10 cm and weigh several hundred grams.

Symptoms of the presence of stones do not always appear. They are found randomly on ultrasound. Bladder stones are classified according to their appearance and composition. In appearance, there are several types of stones. The first group includes single formations, they can be smooth or have a somewhat rough surface. They are large, ovoid, round or cylindrical. The second type is small stones present in the bladder in men in large numbers. They have a different shape. The third group includes formations of dark or black color. And the fourth type of stones are small, sand-like particles of a light yellow color. They form in the early stages of the disease. Depending on the composition, carbonates, oxalates, phosphates and urates are isolated.

Etiology of cystolithiasis

In men, solid particles in the bladder can appear for various reasons. Firstly, it is an inflammation of an infectious and non-infectious nature. In the first case, microorganisms play a significant role, in the second, physical or chemical factors, such as radiation therapy. Second, symptoms may arise from difficulty in moving bile. It occurs when the ducts are blocked. As a result, uric acid is deposited in the organ cavity and crystallizes. Thirdly, the so-called diverticula play an important role. They are protrusions of the outer tissue of the organ.

It is impossible to exclude the impact of foreign bodies that have entered the cavity of the bladder. These include the material that remains after surgery. In men, as in women, the cause may lie in a genetic predisposition. Increased calcium content is passed down from generation to generation. The reason is the stones formed in the tissues of the kidneys, which randomly entered the bladder through the ureters. Another predisposing factor is poor nutrition (inclusion in the diet of foods rich in lactic and oxalic acids).

The following foods are rich in oxalates: strawberries, liver, legumes, chocolate, bran, nuts, spicy and sour foods, black or red caviar, beets, nuts, spinach, sorrel and some others. An excess of meat products in the diet can provoke the deposition of urates. In addition, the bladder often contains stones in its composition in a disease such as schistosomiasis. It is not necessary to exclude the negative effect of the nervous system on the formation of stones in the bladder. With damage to the nervous system and some parts of the spinal cord, urinary retention can be observed, which is the main provoking factor in the development of urolithiasis. An important role is also played by diseases of the internal glands (thymus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands), gout and some exogenous factors (the nature and quality of water, the composition of the earth, physical inactivity, climatic conditions and the nature of the labor activity of men).

Clinical symptoms

Signs of urolithiasis in men are quite diverse. The main symptom is a violation of urination. A man feels the need to go to the toilet often. Pollakiuria (frequent urination) is characteristic. Of great importance is the fact that the symptoms are observed both in the daytime and at night. At the first manifestations of the disease, you need to seek specialized help in the hospital. A pain symptom may indicate an acute course. The thing is that the pain symptom is associated with damage to the membrane of the organ or urethra with stones. In this case, blood can be detected at the end of the act of urination. This is a valuable diagnostic criterion.

Pain can be traced in the lower abdomen or at the level of the pubis. Urination may suddenly stop. In this case, men experience discomfort in the perineum, genitals or lower back. An interesting fact is that sometimes patients do not show any complaints in the presence of solid particles in the cavity of the bladder. Symptoms may be completely absent. Stones are detected during medical examinations.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order for the doctor to be able to establish the presence of stones, it is necessary to conduct a series of laboratory and instrumental studies. It is important to establish the main cause of their appearance, because the stones may be the result of another pathology. The patient must pass a general urine test, undergo an ultrasound examination of the internal organs of the urinary system, including the bladder. Often, the doctor prescribes an examination of the organ cavity using a cystoscope. The most valuable and informative are the results of a general urine test.

They will show a change in the reaction of urine, the presence of salts (oxalates, phosphates, carbonates), the presence of red blood cells, bacteria. Ultrasound will reveal the pathology visually, detect stones in the cavity of the organ. Additional diagnostic methods are resorted to only if there are doubts about the diagnosis. Additional diagnostic methods include cystoscopy with the introduction of contrast agents, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. Of great importance is the collection of anamnesis of the disease, external examination, complaints of a sick man.

Treatment of urolithiasis

This pathology can be treated conservatively or surgically. All sick men with a diagnosis of urolithiasis are treated. Treatment includes two main principles: the destruction of hard stones in the bladder cavity with their subsequent removal and the normalization of metabolism. In addition, the treatment includes improving blood circulation, prescribing a sparing diet, sanitizing the organ cavity from microorganisms (if necessary), and spa treatment.

The most responsible and important stage of therapy is the elimination of stones. Stones can be soft or hard. To date, such a pathology is treated quite effectively. With small stones and the absence of complications, conservative treatment is carried out (diet and the use of drugs that normalize the alkaline balance of urine). With large stones, an operation is prescribed. It is carried out in the form of lithoextraction, crushing or excision of stones.

Crushing is carried out using special equipment (ultrasonic, pneumatic, laser). It is carried out through the urethra or remotely. The remote method is used for secondary disease, if there is no blockage of the urinary tract and in the absence of contraindications. In more severe cases, when these methods do not help, they resort to open surgery, after which a catheter is inserted for a while. Urolithiasis can give the following complications: infection, bleeding, low sodium levels in the blood, febrile syndrome. All this can occur in the postoperative period.

Folk remedies

It is advisable to treat stones not only with medications, but also with folk methods. They are indicated in the absence of complications and severe symptoms. Depending on the nature of the stones, different diets are used. A good effect is given by the use inside a mixture consisting of carrot and cucumber juice. It must be consumed 3 times a day. A good result is given by a tincture based on vodka and onions. To prepare it, you need to cut the onion into rings and fill it with half a bottle of vodka, then fill the container with vodka and leave for 10 days. It is recommended to use 2 tbsp. l. 2 times a day until complete recovery.

In the spring, men with urolithiasis are advised to drink fresh birch sap half a cup daily. An excellent remedy is an infusion of parsley roots and leaves. For its preparation, it is recommended to take 1 tsp. different parts of the plant, place them in a container and add 200 ml of boiling water. It takes several hours to insist. It is better to use a healing infusion 2-3 times. It is important to do this not after eating, but before it. The most pleasant and tasty remedy for stones are tangerines. They need to be eaten for a week, then take a short break and repeat the course. Thus, bladder stones are a serious disease. The main etiological factor is a violation of the outflow of urine, an infectious pathology of the organ. Timely treatment helps to get rid of this disease, but the stones may appear again. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures, including proper nutrition.

Symptoms of bladder disease in women treatment

The fact that stones can form in the bladder has been known to mankind since ancient times. About 3% of the population over the age of 20 suffers from this problem. According to statistics, bladder stones (cystolithiasis) are more common in men, but women are also not immune from their formation.

This is one of the manifestations of urolithiasis. The appearance of stones in women can be associated with many factors. Stones can be of different size, composition, shape, color, consistency. The consequences of the disease for women may be more pronounced than for men. The female genitourinary system is physiologically more complex, it has a reproductive function. That is why cystolithiasis requires timely treatment in order to maintain the functionality of the female body is normal.

Reasons for the appearance and mechanism of formation

There are many versions that explain how the stones were originally formed. But a unified theory has not yet been developed. It is believed that the prerequisites for the primary formation of stones are the same as those that lead to an increase in stones in size.

The main factor causing the development of cystolithiasis is a violation of the outflow of urine, which provokes its accumulation in the bladder. When blood is filtered through the kidneys, filtrates (primary urine) are formed. From it the body restores water and trace elements. With a high content of insoluble impurities in the blood, they enter the urine and settle on the walls of the bladder. At first they are small, but over time large calculi are formed.

In women, the formation of primary stones is not possible, since their main causes are male pathologies (prostate adenoma, urethral stricture).

Causes of urinary incontinence in women:

  • narrowed urethra (formed as a result of medical manipulations);
  • cystocele - prolapse of the bladder with the vaginal wall;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • innervation - a violation of the connection of the bladder with the central nervous system;
  • diverticula - protrusion of the wall of the organ and its deformation;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • metabolic disorders (more often cystolithiasis is diagnosed in overweight women);
  • change in urine pH;
  • eating food that increases the acidity of urine;
  • foreign substances in the bladder cavity (ligatures, stents);
  • lack of sufficient physical activity;
  • dehydration due to a lack of fluid intake or the use of poor-quality water with a high salt content.

Diseases that increase the risk of stone formation:

  • osteoporosis;
  • gout;
  • tumors;
  • urinary schistosomiasis.

Classification of pathology

The symptoms of cystolithiasis in women depend on the size, structure and composition of the stones.

Stones according to their chemical composition are divided into several types:

  • calcium- the most common (about 80% of cases). These are solid formations that dissolve poorly and are excreted from the body. There are calcium oxalates and phosphates.
  • urats- have a smooth surface, usually formed with insufficient water intake, as well as in women with gout.
  • Struvites- are formed under the influence of bacteria that alkalize urea and lead to deposition on the walls of Mg, carbonate and phosphate salts. They have a crystalline form.
  • Cystones- hexagonal crystalline formations, which make up only 3% of all stone formations in the bladder. They are formed against the background of existing cystonuria (a constant increase in the level of cystine in the urine due to a congenital anomaly).

More often in the bladder, mixed forms of calculi are diagnosed, consisting of different types of salts.

Clinical picture

Bladder stones in women may be indicated by local and general symptoms.

Local signs of cystolithiasis:

  • pain syndrome in the lower abdomen, increases towards the end of urination;
  • lower back pain;
  • frequent urination, especially during various loads, movements;
  • cloudy urine, blood impurities;
  • dysuria - painful urination, and false urge to it.

Acute pain may occur when changing the position of the body due to a change in the position of the stone. The place of pain may vary depending on the integration of stones. Frequent and unreasonable urge to urinate suggests that the stone is in the ureter or in the lower part of the bladder. With obstruction by a ureteral stone, urine accumulates in the kidneys, develop. Attacks of colic pass when the stone changes position or comes out.

General symptoms:

  • temperature rise;
  • chills;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness;
  • headache.


If the bladder stones are small, external symptoms may not appear at all. For the diagnosis of cystolithiasis, laboratory and instrumental methods are used. They help not only to identify the presence of stones, but also to find out their size, structure, composition, exact location.

Diagnostic methods:

  • clinical analysis of urine and blood;
  • X-ray of the bladder (not performed during pregnancy);
  • urocystography;
  • MRI, CT.

Effective methods and general rules of treatment

The doctor will determine the treatment regimen for cystolithiasis based on the results of the diagnosis. It all depends on the nature of the formations, their size and the symptoms of the manifestations of the disease.

Conservative therapy

It is advisable to prescribe if the stones have a smooth surface, they are small in size and when exiting through the ureter they will not cause its obstruction.

To relieve spasms during the passage of stones, take antispasmodics that relax the walls of the bladder:

  • No-shpa;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Spazmalgon.

The above drugs do not remove stones, so basic therapy is necessary. Medications should be taken to maintain the alkaline balance of the urine.

To soften and remove small stones, the doctor may prescribe special preparations, focusing on the composition of the formation:

  • potassium citrate- binds calcium in the urine, preventing its crystallization. Effective against, Oxalita. The substance also alkalizes the urine, which prevents the formation of urates, oxalates and cystine stones.
  • Thiopronin- used to dissolve cystine deposits. The tool reduces the release of its own cystine in the urine. It is recommended to drink plenty of water.
  • lithostat- urease inhibitor, dissolves struvite stones.
  • Thiazides- reduce the amount of calcium in the urine, preventing its deposition in the bladder.
  • - reduces the formation of uric acid in the body, dissolves urate stones.

On a note! Keep in mind that all medicines have side effects. It is impossible to use medicines without a doctor's prescription. The drugs are effective only in the presence of small formations that can be removed without surgical intervention. Regarding the effectiveness of tablets in cystolithiasis, there is no unequivocal opinion among specialists.

Rules of nutrition and drinking regimen

It is an integral part of complex treatment. First of all, a woman needs to exclude from the diet all foods that irritate the bladder. Proper diet and drinking regimen is essential to control the composition of urine. Daily fluid intake should be at the level of 2-2.5 liters. It is useful to drink clean water without gas, cranberry juice. In any case, it is recommended to stick to table number 7.

Avoid using:

  • all legumes;
  • spinach;
  • sorrel;
  • cabbage;
  • radish;
  • smoked meats, fried, spicy dishes;
  • meat broths;
  • offal;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate
  • cheese;
  • confectionery.

Surgical intervention

Operative methods of treatment are indicated in such cases:

  • ineffectiveness of conservative therapy;
  • acute urinary retention;
  • obstruction of the ureter, causing severe pain, damage to the mucosa;
  • large stones that threaten the patient's life;
  • recurrence of cystitis;
  • blood in the urine.

Operations can be carried out in several ways. Open surgeries are rarely performed today due to the high risk of complications. Their alternative is crushing stones into small fragments. Over time, they are independently excreted through the ureters. The modern procedure is lithotripsy. It is remote and contact.

Remote lithotripsy is the most painless way. There is no direct contact of the instrument with the calculus. During the procedure, depending on the location of the stone, a lithotripter is applied to the skin surface, which sends repeating waves of the required strength and depth to the stone. Preliminary intravenous anesthesia is done. It is forbidden to carry out such an operation for pregnant women, as well as for pyelonephritis, narrowing of the ureter, bleeding.

Contact lithotripsy is a manipulation using an endoscope, in which the instrument is brought to the formation and crushed using ultrasound or a laser. This method helps to remove low density stones.

Transurethral cystolitholapaxy - using a special energy device after cystoscopy, stones are crushed, and their fragments are removed through a cystoscope. The technique is not used with a small volume of the bladder, during pregnancy, the presence of a pacemaker.

Open cystolithotomy is performed if the stones are large and it is impossible to remove them with a lithotripter and a cystoscope. The doctor makes a small dissection of the walls of the bladder. From there he takes the stones. Then the bubble is sutured.

Prevention measures

To avoid the formation of stone deposits in the bladder, a woman should:

  • monitor the hygiene of the urinary tract;
  • prevent exacerbation of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • drink enough liquid per day;
  • do not overeat, do not eat too fatty, spicy, salty foods;
  • limit the use of foods with purine and oxalates;
  • do not overcool;
  • prevent stagnation of urine in the bladder;
  • take medications.

Bladder stones are a problem for women's health. They are formed over a long time and often the presence of calculi is diagnosed when they have already reached a large size, delivering a lot of discomfort. You need to regularly check your health, monitor the condition of the genitourinary system in order to detect the problem in time and solve it without negative consequences.

Video. A specialist on the causes of the formation and methods of removing bladder stones in women:

Bladder stones (cystoliths) form when minerals coalesce into small hard formations. Suitable conditions occur when the bladder is not completely emptied, due to which the urine becomes concentrated - this leads to the crystallization of the dissolved minerals contained in it.

Sometimes these stones come out (while they are small), sometimes they are fixed to the wall of the urinary or urethra, gradually increasing in size.

Often, cystoliths remain in the bladder for a long time without causing any symptoms and are discovered incidentally during examinations for other health problems.

Causes of bladder stones

Since cystoliths begin to form in residual urine, which is not completely removed from the bladder, the search for the causes of stone formation is associated with certain diseases that prevent complete emptying. These pathologies include:

  • Neurogenic bladder - observed when the nerves connecting the bladder with the spinal cord and brain are damaged (for example, after a stroke or spinal injury).
  • Enlarged prostate - an enlarged prostate gland compresses the urethra.
  • Medical devices - catheters, sutures, stents, foreign bodies in the bladder, contraceptive devices.
  • Inflammation of the bladder.
  • Kidney stones - they can migrate through the ureters to the bladder and increase in size.
  • Bladder diverticula - urine accumulates and stagnates in them.
  • Cystocele - in women, the wall of the bladder may protrude into the vagina, which interferes with emptying.

Types and composition of stones

Not all stones are made up of the same minerals. Various types include:

  • Calcium stones are composed of calcium oxalates, phosphates and hydroxyphosphates.
  • Uric acid stones are the most common type in adults.
  • Struvite stones are the most common type of stone found in women with urinary tract infections.
  • Cystine - occurs in patients suffering from the hereditary disease cystinuria, in which the amino acid cystine passes from the kidneys into the urine.

Cystoliths have different sizes and textures - they can be single or located in groups, have a rounded shape or have outgrowths.

The largest stone found in the bladder weighed 1899 g and measured 17.9 x 12.7 x 9.5 cm.

Sometimes symptoms of bladder stones do not appear for a long time. But, as soon as they begin to irritate the walls, characteristic signs appear. So, the symptoms of a stone in the bladder can be as follows:

  • Discomfort or pain in the penis in men.
  • More frequent urination or intermittent flow of urine.
  • Slow onset of urination.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Pain and discomfort during urination.
  • Blood in the urine.
  • Cloudy or abnormally dark urine.

Features in women

The cause of the formation of cystoliths in women may be a cystocele (prolapse of the urinary bladder into the vagina), contraceptives that have migrated into the bladder, and vaginal reconstruction surgery.

Cystocele is manifested by the sensation of a third-party body in the vagina, discomfort during sex.

Because the urethra is shorter in women than in men, its infectious inflammation (urethritis) is more likely to progress to cystitis (bladder inflammation). Recurrent cystitis is a risk factor for the formation of cystoliths and a sign of their presence in women.


The presence of cystoliths is detected using the following methods:

  • Urinalysis - determines the presence of blood, bacteria and mineral crystals.
  • CT scan.
  • Ultrasound procedure.
  • Radiography (with this examination, not all types of cystoliths can be seen).
  • Intravenous pyelography - a special contrast is injected intravenously, which is excreted through the kidneys into the bladder.

With small stones, their natural removal to the outside is facilitated by increased water intake. If they are too large to pass through the urethra, treatment is divided into two groups: stone crushing and surgical removal.

It is important to note that scientific data confirming the effectiveness of treatment with folk remedies does not exist.

crushing stones

Cystolitholapaxy (crushing of stones) consists in the institution through the urethra into the bladder of a thin tube with a camera at the end, with which the doctor sees the stones and can crush them.

For this, a laser, ultrasound or mechanical crushing is used, after which the fragments are washed out or sucked out. This procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia.

Surgical removal

If the stones are so large that they cannot be crushed with cystolitholapaxy, another treatment option is surgery. The surgeon makes an incision in the abdominal wall and bladder, through which the cystolite is removed.

Possible Complications

Despite the fact that some cystoliths do not cause any complaints, they can still lead to the development of a number of complications:

  • Chronic bladder dysfunction (frequent urination associated with pain and discomfort). Over time, cystolith can completely block the opening of the urethra, blocking the exit of urine from the bladder.
  • Urinary tract infections.

Since the formation of stones, as a rule, is caused by the presence of some kind of disease, there are no trouble-free and specific methods of prevention.

However, if a person develops any urinary tract problems (eg, pain when urinating, discoloration of urine), it is advisable to seek medical attention immediately. Drinking enough fluids also helps dissolve minerals.

If a person has a urinary tract infection and incomplete bladder emptying, they should try to urinate again 10 to 20 seconds after the first attempt. This technique is called "double emptying", it helps to prevent the formation of cystoliths.

It is believed that sitting while urinating helps to completely empty the bladder in patients with an enlarged prostate. This, in turn, prevents or slows down the formation of cystoliths.

Urolithiasis is a disease in which sand and stones form in the kidneys, ureters and bladder. In the urinary system of men, stones are most often found, in women - sand. ICD is characterized by severe pain, depending on the location of the conglomerate in the urinary system. The exit of stones from the bladder is also accompanied by a symptom of "laying" (interrupted stream), in which it is possible to complete urination only by changing the position of the body.

How does the presence of sand in the tank manifest itself and what to do about it?

In many people, the exit of sand from the bladder is carried out along with urine through the urethra. However, it often settles on the walls of the organ and accumulates, which further leads to the formation of conglomerates. Also, sand is formed in the presence of several large stones and their friction against each other.

The picture shows a cystoscope and a bladder

In order to diagnose the presence of sand in the reservoir, it is necessary to examine the entire urinary system, since sand enters this organ from the kidneys. Sand can be detected using ultrasound and on the basis of urine tests performed in several ways.

Symptoms indicating the presence of sand in the tank:

  • Feeling of incomplete urination
  • Frequent urination
  • Discomfort during urination and increased pain at the time of completion of the process
  • Change in color of urine due to the presence of elements of blood and sediment
  • With exacerbation, pain is given to the lumbar region, sides, pubis and appendages
  • Women may experience vaginal inflammation and inflammation of the appendages.

If you have any symptoms of urination disorders, you should contact a urologist who will conduct a series of studies of the urinary system and urine and prescribe the necessary treatment.

It is important to follow a diet if there is sand in the reservoir organ. To do this, it is necessary to exclude smoked, salty, spicy foods, the use of carbonated drinks.

What causes conglomerates in the bladder?

Often, the formation of stones in this organ is a consequence of a violation of the process of urination, the cause of which in most cases is the underlying disease. Conglomerates are formed due to the crystallization of trace elements of urine remaining in the tank after emptying. The risk of stones increases in men over 30 years of age.

The most common causes of bladder stones are:

  • Inflammatory process. In this organ, inflammation can be the result of a genitourinary infection, which enters the reservoir via an ascending (through the urethra) or descending (through the kidney and ureters) pathway.
  • Radiation therapy to the pelvic region increases the risk of stones in this organ.
  • The presence of conglomerates in the kidneys. Through the ureter, small stones and sand can enter the reservoir and not exit with the urine stream, leading to the formation of conglomerates.
  • Prostate enlargement (prostate adenoma, benign prostatic hyperplasia). A common cause of the formation of conglomerates in the bladder in men. With an adenoma of the prostate, the prostatic part of the urethra (urethra) is squeezed, which leads to urinary retention.
  • A bladder diverticulum is a protrusion of the wall resulting from muscle weakness and thinning of the organ wall. Urine accumulates in the diverticulum, which can lead to the formation of stones.
  • Neurogenic bladder - damage to the nerves of the reservoir, as a result of which its emptying is disturbed. It happens, for example, with spinal cord injuries, strokes, diabetes.
  • Small medical instruments. Very rarely, such an object enters the cavity of the bladder and remains there for a long time, as a result of which urinary crystals accumulate on its surface, and a conglomerate is formed.

What is the structure of the stones?

  • oxalate coglomerates. They have a black-brown color, a dense rough surface, on which spikes may be present. Composed of salts of oxalic acid.
  • Urate (uric acid). They have a yellow-brown color, a dense smooth surface. Composed of salts of uric acid.
  • Phosphate. They are gray-white in color, soft and crumble easily.
  • Protein (xanthine, cystine and others). They indicate a violation of amino acid metabolism. They are characterized by a smooth surface and hardness in comparison with other types of stones. Rarely found in pure form.
  • Mixed. They have a core, represented by one type of stone, and a shell, which consists of another type.

Knowledge of the type and structure of conglomerates helps in choosing methods for the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis.

Do you want to know all about foods that are useful for urolithiasis? Then watch this video:

How is the presence of a stone in the reservoir organ manifested?

There are frequent cases when the presence of stones in the reservoir does not cause any discomfort and is asymptomatic even with large conglomerates. However, if they touch the wall of the organ, irritating its mucous membrane, blocking the outflow of urine, or a stone comes out of the bladder, then a number of symptoms arise that make it possible to identify ICD:

  • Frequent urination. Increased urination occurs when walking, moving, driving, accompanied by shaking. Therefore, reservoir urolithiasis is characterized by frequent daytime urination and the absence of nighttime urination.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • The symptom of "laying" (intermittent urine stream). Occurs when a stone blocks the excretory duct of the bladder. Urination continues with a change in the position of the patient.
  • Men have discomfort and pain in the penis (give to the head of the penis, testicle, perineum).
  • Pain in the lower abdomen over the pubic bone, aggravated by movement.
  • The presence of blood impurities in the urine (hematuria).
  • Cloudy or dark urine.

Stones come out of the bladder painlessly in cases where they are small.

How to diagnose conglomerates in a reservoir?

  • Medical examination by a urologist. After listening to complaints and collecting a history (anamnesis) of the disease, the doctor proceeds to a physical examination, which includes palpation of the lower abdomen over the pubic bone in order to detect an enlarged urine reservoir and rectal examination to exclude pathology of the prostate gland in men.
  • General urinalysis. Determines the presence of crystals and their number, bacteriuria and hematuria. Using a general urine test, you can determine the presence of infections of the genitourinary system, which could lead to the development of stone formation, or became the result of urolithiasis.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the bladder is an inexpensive and fairly informative research method that does not require surgical intervention and a lot of time. With it, it becomes possible to determine the size, shape, number and localization of bladder conglomerates.
  • Computed tomography (CT). It makes it possible to visualize the bladder in layers in cross section, which makes it possible to identify even the smallest organic formations of the organ.
  • Plain radiography of the abdominal organs. Allows you to detect stones in the bladder, ureters, kidneys, their number, size and localization. However, there are conglomerates that are X-ray negative, that is, they cannot be detected by X-ray examination.
  • Intravenous pyelography. Performing x-rays produced before and after the introduction of contrast agents. A contrast agent is injected into the patient's vein and after a while it spreads through the urinary system. This helps to identify even the smallest formations in the kidneys, bladder and ureters.

How to get rid of conglomerates in the bladder?

It is very important in choosing a method of treating urolithiasis to take into account the number of organic formations, their localization, size and nature, the causes of formation, comorbidities, and the general condition of the patient. Often reservoir conglomerates are removed by operational methods. Only if there is sand and very small stones in the organ, it is possible, with the help of heavy drinking, diuretics and traditional medicine, to carry them out of the bladder through the urethra.

However, in most cases, reservoir conglomerates are formed due to impaired urination. Therefore, an independent exit of stones from it is not possible. In such cases, they resort to surgical removal of formations and treatment of the primary disease, which entailed a violation of the urinary function.

The most commonly used transurethral surgery, which is performed using a cystoscope - a flexible tube with a light guide and a camera, into the lumen of which a laser fiber is installed. This device allows you to perform sequential crushing of the calculus and washing it out of the reservoir (lithotripsy).

In cases where there is a very large stone in the reservoir or there are several of them, they resort to cystotomy (open surgery). To do this, an incision up to 5 cm is made above the pubic bone and a layer-by-layer isolation of the bladder wall occurs. Conglomerates are removed through an incision in the organ, after which the wound is hermetically sutured.

What is the prevention of bladder stones?

Conglomerates of this organ, as a rule, are the cause of the underlying disease (pathology of the bladder, urethra, prostate gland). Therefore, prevention will be aimed at reducing the risk of organic formations.

To do this, you need to contact a urologist at the first signs of urination disorders. Early detection of the underlying disease will reduce the risk of bladder stones.

You need to drink enough liquid. This contributes to the dilution of highly concentrated urine and the prevention of the formation of conglomerates.

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