When does postmenopause occur in women? What is postmenopause: symptoms, treatment and prevention after menopause. Hormone Replacement Therapy

Women are emotional by nature. For them, beauty and sexual attractiveness are of great importance. Understanding that aging is associated not only with external changes and the completion of the childbearing period, but also with a deterioration in general well-being, many believe that postmenopause is a tragedy. Such an opinion is erroneous. Aging means only one thing: you need to pay more attention to yourself and your health than before. You shouldn't relax. Sports, memory training, disease prevention and treatment, and appearance care will help you enjoy life for many more years.

Menstruation disappears most often at 45-52 years. Premenopause is a transitional period that prepares a woman's body for the completion of reproductive function. Less and less eggs remain in the ovaries, the production of female sex hormones worsens. Therefore, menstruation occurs irregularly, interruptions of up to 2 months are possible, and then, on the contrary, the cycle is reduced to 18-20 days. Increasingly, there are cycles without ovulation, so the chances of getting pregnant are decreasing.

Postmenopause is the period after the complete cessation of the appearance of menstruation. If there is no menstruation within 1 year, then the menopause is over. The beginning of postmenopause is determined retroactively, by the day when the last menstruation ended.

Distinguish "early" and "late" postmenopause. The early one lasts 2-3 years from the beginning, then the late one begins, lasting for 10 years or more.

Physiological changes in postmenopause

During postmenopause, a hormonal shift occurs in the body: the level of estrogen and progesterone decreases, the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) increases. A decrease in the content of female sex hormones in the body leads to an increase in the level of male (androgens). This can lead to the appearance of hair on the body and face of a woman, a coarsening of her voice.

During this period, due to a lack of sex hormones, cyclic changes in the endometrium stop: its excretion and renewal. The onset of menstruation becomes impossible. The uterus and ovaries are reduced in size. The production of mucus, which protects the internal genital organs from infection, is reduced.

Changes in the vagina appear: it prolapses, the composition of the microflora is disturbed. The lack of sufficient mucus leads to a feeling of dryness in it, which causes discomfort during intercourse.

Due to a violation of the composition of the microflora, infection occurs not only in the reproductive system, but also in the bladder, and cystitis occurs more often. The muscle tone of the walls decreases. This leads to the fact that the bladder does not close tightly, possibly leaking urine when coughing or straining.

The metabolism slows down, the absorption of useful components from food worsens. The lack of vitamins and minerals in postmenopause is the cause of deterioration in appearance, diseases of the skin, bones. Due to the lack of calcium and magnesium, tooth enamel is destroyed. There are changes in the figure, stoop.

Postmenopausal symptoms and their causes

During postmenopause, some symptoms of menopause are smoothed out. For example, hot flashes and their manifestations (fever, sweating, chills) occur less often or disappear altogether. However, in postmenopause, the following symptoms persist and may progress:

  1. Osteoporosis is the fragility of bones due to a lack of calcium in the body.
  2. Hair loss, the appearance of gray hair, changes in the structure and shape of nails.
  3. Dry skin is a consequence of insufficient collagen production and impaired blood supply. Wrinkles, dark spots appear, skin elasticity decreases.
  4. Lack of normal blood supply to organs due to a decrease in elasticity and thinning of the walls of blood vessels. Violation of cerebral circulation leads to deterioration of memory, vision and hearing, loss of coordination of movements.
  5. The development of cardiovascular diseases. Improper metabolism is the cause of the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels. The blood supply to the heart muscle worsens, conditions such as cardiac ischemia, angina pectoris, and heart rhythm disturbances occur.
  6. Neuropsychiatric disorders: irritability, insomnia, absent-mindedness, suspiciousness, anxiety-depressive state.
  7. Indigestion, tendency to constipation.
  8. The formation of warts, a change in the state of moles, up to malignant degeneration.

The risk of developing tumors of the mammary glands and genital organs increases. The occurrence of any bleeding during this period is a dangerous sign. It is urgent to see a doctor, as bleeding can be a symptom of the formation of polyps or tumors.

Colorless, odorless discharge is normal. If a color change occurs or an unpleasant odor appears, this is a sign of a fungal disease (thrush) or inflammation of the genital organs (colpitis, vaginitis, endometritis).

Note: Health symptoms are more pronounced in women who smoke, as well as in women who are too thin or obese. Such conditions are usually associated with abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland and liver. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the occurrence of diseases.

Disorders and deviations do not occur in all women. The degree of their manifestation depends on the genetic predisposition, lifestyle, previous illnesses, the state of the immune system and the nervous system, and age.

Video: Tests for hormones with menopause

What examinations are done in postmenopause

If a woman is not sure that she has postmenopause (with early menopause, for example, when there is doubt about the reason for the absence of menstruation), hormone tests are carried out: for FSH (its level will be constantly high at menopause), for estrogen (level low), male sex hormones, or androgens (content is increased). Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries determines the absence of follicles, as well as the condition of the endometrium.

If there are signs of deterioration in health, the following diagnostic methods are prescribed:

  • a general blood test to determine the content of leukocytes (the presence of inflammatory processes), blood clotting (for diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver);
  • blood test for calcium, potassium and other elements;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity to study the condition of the pelvic organs;
  • hysteroscopy - examination of the cavity and cervix, which allows to establish the presence of fibroids, tumors;
  • mammography - detection of diseases of the mammary glands (every woman should undergo such an examination periodically, since the likelihood of breast cancer increases during the postmenopausal period);
  • cytological analysis of the mucous membrane of the cervix for the presence of atypical cells that can degenerate into cancerous ones;
  • osteodensitometry - analysis of bone tissue to determine the presence of osteoporosis.

Postmenopausal treatment

Most of the symptoms in postmenopause are a consequence of hormonal changes, a decrease in the body's resistance, and insufficient absorption of nutrients. Therefore, the goal of treatment during this period is, first of all, to restore the level of missing hormones or reduce the content of those that are present in excess. For this, substitution therapy is used.

Not always treatment begins with the use of hormonal drugs. In some cases, especially in the period of early postmenopause, so-called phytohormones help a woman. These are plant-based preparations containing substances that are similar in their action to real hormones. In any case, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, since uncontrolled use of hormones or hormone-like substances can lead to the progression or appearance of tumors of the mammary glands, genital organs, pituitary gland, as well as the development of cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis, heart attack. Hormone treatment is contraindicated if a woman has estrogen-dependent tumors (that is, growing under the influence of estrogen).

Before starting the use of hormones, a blood test for clotting is done, the condition of the veins is studied. Treatment is not prescribed for thrombophlebitis and other vascular diseases. In addition to hormone therapy, vitamins, heart medications, blood pressure medications, and sedatives are also prescribed.

Video: What drugs are used for menopause

Prevention of complications in the presence of postmenopausal symptoms

Every six months it is necessary to undergo gynecological examinations, do a mammogram, ultrasound of the genital organs. Frequent self-examination of the breast will help to detect nodules, changes in the size of the glands, their color, shape of the nipples, and consult a doctor in time.

You should stick to a diet: limit the intake of fatty, sweet, salty, spicy foods, strong coffee, alcoholic beverages, eat more dairy foods containing calcium. It is necessary to monitor the level of cholesterol in the blood, periodically take tests.

Advice: To eliminate the lack of vitamins and minerals, you can use vitamin and mineral complex preparations. They must be taken in the indicated dose, not allowing it to be exceeded, since this is not always safe. For example, with an excess of vitamin A (useful for hemorrhoids, vascular and skin diseases), symptoms of poisoning may appear: itching, swelling. An excess of magnesium leads to the displacement of calcium from the bones.

It is recommended to quit smoking, spend more time outdoors, walk, do physical exercises to strengthen muscles, train ligaments. The main condition for maintaining vigor and health in the postmenopausal period is the realization that there is nothing unusual and frightening in this state. Ailments can occur at any age. It's just that the elderly have to spend a little more effort to overcome them. Activity, the desire to help their adult children, mutual affection for grandchildren are an incentive to keep the body in shape.

Video: Products useful for women over 50

The final stage of menopause is post-menopause. During this period, the body should already be reorganized to work without the production of sex hormones. However, often women can feel unpleasant symptoms for a long time after the cessation of menstruation, let's figure it out, postmenopause - what it is, why it does not go unnoticed and how to alleviate their condition.

What is postmenopause

Postmenopause, what is it in women, is the third and last stage of menopause, which begins a year after the complete absence of menstruation. Many are interested in the age at which postmenopause occurs, but doctors do not have a definite answer to this question. Usually this stage occurs after the age of 55, but there are times when postmenopause comes earlier. To understand what postmenopause is, let's look at the main stages of menopause, consider what postmenopause is, and determine what happens to a woman in each of them:

  1. preclimax. This is the beginning of hormonal changes. At the age of about 40, menstrual irregularities, hot flashes, pressure surges and other menopausal manifestations begin to be noted. At this stage, it is quite possible to prolong youth. A change in lifestyle will have a stimulating effect on the ovaries, and taking special drugs can replenish the level of sexual substances. With adequate therapy, symptoms can be successfully controlled. In terms of time, premenopause can last from 3 to 10 years.
  2. Climax. This is the time when menstruation is completely absent for 12 months. The diagnosis is made retrospectively. At this time, there is an increased intensity of menopausal manifestations. At this time, the first wrinkles appear, the condition of the hair and nails worsens, the character deteriorates and the weight jumps.
  3. Postclimax. There have been no periods for 12-15 months, which means we can confidently say that the final stage of menostasis has come, which is not easy for many patients. The signs of aging intensify, sometimes age-related ailments develop.

Important! Postmenopausal is not a deviation, but often requires medical correction of dangerous symptoms!

Why does postmenopause occur?

The causes of the onset of postmenopausal menopause are natural and logical. With the onset of menopause, reproductive function begins to fade. Nature made sure that the lady could no longer give birth in old age, when she no longer had the strength to bear healthy offspring and labor.

Each stage of menopause brings a woman closer to the complete shutdown of the ovaries. Sex hormones gradually decrease, the body is rebuilt, and at the end of this difficult journey, the lady becomes physiologically infertile.

Ideally, healthy women should not have problems in post-menopause. However, in the modern world, women do not have the body's ability to independently compensate for all the negative effects of menopause and often need specialized help.

Postmenopause can be divided into 2 stages - these are the first five years after the annual absence of menstruation and subsequent years. The main unpleasant symptoms occur just in the first 5 years.

Symptoms and signs

Unlike premenopause, symptoms such as hot flashes, increased sweating and nervousness are almost absent. Other deviations come to the fore at this time, which are dangerous by the appearance of age-related deviations. The main problems faced by ladies at this stage:

  • Demineralization of bone tissue. It is manifested by frequent fractures, stoop, problems with the spine.
  • and brittle hair. Hair may fall out in separate areas or on the entire head, nails exfoliate and break, turn yellow.
  • Pigmentation and sudden aging of the skin. Brown pigment spots appear on the arms, neck and face, and deep wrinkles are also present.
  • Vascular diseases. Atherosclerosis begins with a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels, they stop responding to changes in pressure, and thickening of the blood leads to blood clots.
  • Hypertension. Constantly high blood pressure from poor vascular function leads to hypertension, stroke and heart attack.
  • Hearing, memory and vision impairment. All these deviations are associated with poor blood circulation.
  • Cardiac pathologies. Heart attack, ischemia, arrhythmia are the result of vascular dysfunction.
  • Thought process disorders. The brain suffers from oxygen starvation caused by poor blood circulation.
  • Weakened immunity. The immune system is no longer able to fight various infections and viruses.
  • Metabolic disease. In the blood, the balance of glucose, fats and other important substances is disturbed, which leads to obesity, diabetes, and so on.
  • The appearance of benign and malignant neoplasms. This is the main danger in old age. Existing neoplasms can degenerate into cancer.
  • Descent of the uterus. Occurs due to weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, corrected by surgical correction.
  • Urinary incontinence. It also comes from muscle weakness.
  • Constipation. Occur from metabolic disorders, may also be evidence of the presence of tumors.
  • Urinary tract infections. Appear due to weakened immunity and atrophy of the vaginal mucosa.

All these phenomena occur against the background of an extreme estrogen deficiency and a shift in the hormonal background towards the predominance of testosterone.

Important! Most often, these manifestations are faced by ladies who are underweight or overweight and have bad habits!

Postmenopause and hormones

Postmenopause and what it is has been studied by scientists for many years. Studies have shown that the main symptoms of the menopausal period are associated with a decrease in the active estrogen called estradiol. It is he who is produced by the ovaries and is responsible for the overall health of all organs and systems in childbearing age. However, estrogens are represented by three types, and in addition to estradiol, there is also estrol and estrone.

In the postmenopausal period, the body tries to compensate for the lack of estradiol by increasing the synthesis of estrol, which is produced by the adrenal cortex and adipose tissue, but this substance is not so active, and cannot always compensate for the deficiency of estradiol. Specialists calculated a table of norms in old age, which indicates the normal content of active substances, sufficient to avoid the occurrence of various pathologies in this phase of menostasis, namely:

  • Estradiol - from 10 to 20 lg / ml;
  • Estrola - from 30 to 70 lg / ml;
  • Androstenedione - from 1.25 to 6.3 nmol / l;
  • Testosterone - from 0.13 to 2.6 lg / ml.

It is these indicators that are necessary to maintain the health of all systems in the late menopause. If the deviations are significant, the patient will inevitably encounter various pathologies and deviations that can lead to serious and even fatal diseases. Therefore, every patient who has experienced menopause and postmenopause should be regularly tested for hormones so that the doctor can correct the hormonal background in a timely manner and prevent these diseases.

No matter how sad it is to think about this period, but you should not take it so tragically. The phenomenon called "menopause" is the cessation of a woman's reproductive function, and includes three periods: premenopause, menopause and postmenopause. Today we have the task of answering the questions: what is postmenopause, what happens to a woman at this time, what dangers await us, how to treat negative manifestations? Before that, let's take a closer look at the secret processes of the female body that begin with menopause.

After 45 years, various changes occur in the body, and this is not just the extinction of ovarian function. The beginning is marked by failures in the production of sex hormones, and as a result - their imbalance. And hormones are designed to control the normal functioning of all systems in the body. Menopause does not begin when menstruation stops: premenopause takes place over several years, the production of sex hormones by the ovaries gradually decreases, menstruation cycles go off, hot flashes begin, subcutaneous fat increases, wrinkles appear, unexpected mood changes. Around the age of 52-55, menopause occurs, its main symptom is a complete stop of menstruation. In the absence of menstruation throughout the year, menopause is considered to have begun, and this is the start of postmenopause.

Postmenopause is divided into 2 stages:

  1. early postmenopause begins with a one-year stoppage of blood secretions and lasts five years;
  2. late postmenopausal period takes a period of ten years without bleeding from the female organ.

Menstruation in postmenopause is absent as such, because the functioning of the ovaries is over, and the uterine mucosa does not exfoliate. And you need to be careful at the onset of bleeding in postmenopause and immediately contact a gynecologist.

Postmenopause itself is not considered a deviation from health: a woman’s body, after a long childbearing period, is worn out and needs rest, and the supply of eggs in the female organs ends by this time. Therefore, this is a good time to enjoy life, provided there are no pathological processes, and when the woman's hot flashes have passed.

In a strong, not painful postmenopausal woman, the body is calmly rebuilt, because stopping the functions of the ovaries takes eight to ten years, and gradual changes do not affect her condition so much. But in the case of accumulated diseases, this affects the ability to adapt to new conditions of life, and all body systems begin to fail little by little.

Postmenopause and statistics

In recent years, postmenopause has become a topic of discussion in the scientific world due to the fact that women began to live much longer compared to the last century. Almost a third of all women are at the age of postmenopause, and its duration lasts a third of the whole life. At this age, women get sick much more often than at a younger age. Malignant tumors of the endometrium and ovaries are found in women 60-62 years old, tumors of the cervix - after 50 years. Therefore, older women are in the peak period for the likelihood of cancer.

The good news is that world medicine has begun to use the latest methods for detecting and treating these ailments, such as ultrasound, hysteroscopy, hydrosonographic examination, and in the early stages of the disease, which is important in oncology.

Postmenopause and hormones

The body produces about 70 types of hormones, but estrogens are responsible for the restructuring in menopause. With the aging of the ovaries, female hormones become scarce, and this negatively affects all body systems. In the female body, this type of hormone is represented by estradiol, estrone and estriol. They are produced by the ovaries, but with the onset of postmenopause, their main synthesis occurs in the adrenal glands and adipose tissue.

Female hormones are able to interconvert and replace each other in case of shortage. After the onset of menopause, the amount of estradiol falls, and less active estrol becomes more, female hormones become less male. And they are vital for the bone, muscle, cardiovascular, nervous, excretory systems. Calculated digital indicators of sex hormones in the postmenopausal period, necessary for a healthy life without pathologies:

  • the level of estradiol should be from 10 to 20 lg / ml;
  • estrol levels range from 30 to 70 lg / ml;
  • androstenedione index - from 1.25 to 6.3 nmol / l;
  • testosterone, male hormone - from 0.13 to 2.6 lg / ml.

Clinics provide the opportunity to conduct a hormone test to find out what steroid levels you have and make adjustments.

Postmenopausal symptoms

With the onset of the postmenopausal period, the unpleasant manifestations of premenopause, such as: weakness, headaches, insomnia, hot flashes, have disappeared, although very rarely these symptoms are also present after atrophy of the genital organs. They are replaced by other manifestations:

  • osteoporosis leading to bone fractures;
  • hair begins to fall out, nails exfoliate, gray hair appears;
  • the skin becomes dry, wrinkled, age spots appear;
  • blood vessels suffer: the walls become brittle, inelastic, causing poor blood supply to all organs;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • memory, hearing worsens, vision changes, motor coordination suffers;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels: cholesterol rises, causing blood clots in the vessels. As a result, coronary disease, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia develop;
  • nervousness, insomnia, suspicion, depression, difficulty with the thought process;
  • metabolic disorders, constipation;
  • warts appear, birthmarks change, they can turn into malignant ones;
  • neoplasms inside the breast may begin;
  • an increased level of the male hormone can lead to male-type hair growth (arms, legs, antennae), the pitch of the voice may drop;
  • with dysfunction of the female organs, the production of a protective mucous secretion decreases, opening a free path for genital tract infections and inflammatory processes. Diseases of the genitourinary system, such as cystitis, urethritis, vaginitis, are often observed in the postmenopausal period;
  • the vagina descends, its microflora changes, dryness and burning inside prevent you from enjoying sexual intercourse;
  • polyps, hyperplasia of the mucous membranes of the genital area;
  • if a woman has fibroids, polyposis in premenopause, then in postmenopause they can be depleted and disappear due to estriol deficiency, although a specialist should observe their change, and this should not be left to chance;
  • the bladder is more often infected, its walls become thinner, become weak; this leads to urinary incontinence;
  • deficiency of Ca and Mg leads to tooth decay, stoop;
  • increase in body weight. Reducing the production of estrogen causes the body to harvest fat - a source of female hormones;
  • - also a common phenomenon. Therefore, in case of any ailment, you must immediately contact the clinic at the place of residence.

These manifestations are observed in seventy percent of postmenopausal women. Signs of severe postmenopause are most often present in women who are slender, thin, or who are overweight or who abuse alcohol and smoke.

Men under forty are more than ten times more likely than women to get a heart attack, but by the age of seventy, their ratio is one to one.

Norms of discharge in postmenopause

The altered level of hormones affects the condition of the vaginal mucosa, because the composition and volume of secretions change greatly. Having sex helps keep your vagina healthy.

Vaginitis - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, occurs due to the drying up of the inside of the organ, does not infect through sex. This disease can serve as a basis for infectious diseases and complications in the case of an inattentive attitude towards oneself. Normal secretions are considered when they are colorless, in small quantities, odorless. A change in signs may indicate a disease, and you need to take this seriously and treat it:

  1. if there is whitish or bloody discharge, there is blood during or after sex, then cervical cancer is possible;
  2. the appearance of liquid discharge interspersed with blood, then strong blood, and subsequently with blood clots, may indicate endometrial cancer;
  3. multiple liquid discharge with a fetid odor may be a symptom of uterine sarcoma;
  4. thrush (candiosis) is given out by whitish, sometimes green, curd-like discharges, with a sour smell, similar to ointments, sometimes liquid;
  5. cervicitis is indicated by multiple with mucus and pus, whitish or yellowish outflows, with blood clots;
  6. colpitis has discharge with mucus, pus, gray or milky in color, with a fetid smell of rot, after the development of the disease, yellow-green, with foam, sticky.

At the slightest indication, it is necessary to go to the doctor and get tested for the type of disease, since many of them are masked at an early stage and have few symptoms. Do not delay going to the hospital so that tragic complications do not arise.

Postmenopause and osteoporosis

The lack of estrogen in forty percent of women with menopause ends with a thinning of the bone structure, up to three and a half percent of the bone mass annually. At the age of 65, a third of all women are at risk of bone fractures, especially injuries of the femoral neck. Moreover, in old age, bones grow together for an extremely long time due to estrogen deficiency. The bad thing is that the development of this disease in women begins without symptoms, and most often the lady finds out about the diagnosis after a fracture. Protracted osteoporosis is accompanied by soreness of bone tissue, cracks and fractures after the slightest cause, stoop caused by scoliosis, kyphosis.

X-ray cannot detect this disease at the onset of the lesion, only with a decrease in the mass of the skeleton by a third, therefore, four types of densitometry are used to detect osteoporosis: ultrasound, DXA, CMRT, CCT. The procedure is absolutely safe for health, and is recommended for passing twice a year, in order, in this case, to reveal thinning of bones in women.

Background of osteoporosis

This complication may occur under the following conditions:

  • with postmenopause;
  • 4/5 of the population suffering from the disease are representatives of the weaker sex;
  • forced postoperative menopause at a younger age;
  • in Caucasian women, the risk is much greater;
  • thinness;
  • lack of Ca in the diet;
  • little movement;
  • alcohol, smoking in women;
  • genetic predisposition to a lack of a gene for the absorption of vitamin D.

Diagnosis in postmenopause

With the onset of menopause, in the case when the lady does not know if postmenopause has begun, you need to go for an appointment, and the following tests may be prescribed by your doctor:

  • on the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone;
  • on the level of estradiol;
  • androgen levels;
  • ultrasound examination of organs in the small pelvis, to determine the viability of the ovaries and the condition of the uterine mucosa.

If you feel unwell in women, you need to conduct an examination:

  1. Make a blood test for leukocytes to exclude inflammation, for blood clotting.
  2. Laboratory blood test for Ca.
  3. Ultrasound examination of female organs.
  4. Hysteroscopic procedure for the detection of tumors, fibroids.
  5. Mammography procedure to rule out breast cancer.
  6. Cytology of the endometrium to make sure that there are no abnormal tissues in the female organ.
  7. Densitometric analysis of bones.

Therapeutic measures in postmenopause

After the completion of the functions of the reproductive sphere, a woman should not disregard her health and wave her hand at herself, they say - life has passed. You can still live many decades, and it is better to live them in good health. The most important thing to start with is to establish a healthy diet.

Limit some foods:

  • pork, especially fatty;
  • carbohydrate food;
  • less sugar and salt;
  • cut down on smoked, spicy;
  • drink weak coffee in reasonable amounts;
  • It is better to avoid alcoholic beverages.

Useful for postmenopausal women:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • products containing Fe;
  • linseed, sesame seed, with natural estrogens;
  • broccoli, legumes, soybeans;
  • pistachio nuts, dates.

In order to feel better in postmenopause, you need:

  1. physical exercises in the morning lasting up to twenty minutes;
  2. adequate physical activity that strengthens the muscles - helps metabolism;
  3. walk outdoors, swim;
  4. massage and self-massage;
  5. wipe, pour water;
  6. do not overload yourself with hard work that increases the deficiency of female hormones;
  7. sexual life prolongs vitality, improves emotional state;
  8. to overcome dryness in the vagina, use special hormonal creams, ointments.

Medications for postmenopausal women

To eliminate the deficiency of female hormones, the attending physician may prescribe some drugs:

  • Femoston, Livial- to eliminate the lack of estrogens and gestagens, helps with menopausal symptoms, stops osteoporosis;
  • Dermestril, Ovestin replenish the amount of female hormone;
  • a complex set of hormones - Femoston, Klimonorm;
  • phytohormones Estrovel, Klimadinon, Remens;
  • HRT drugs such as Divitren, Cliogest.

Dear women, the treatment of postmenopausal symptoms is impossible without your doctor, who will check the true state of the balance of hormones in your body, and prescribe exactly the drugs that you need. Do not forget that each medicine has contraindications, and uncontrolled treatment will only harm your health. Improper medication can open bleeding, lead to the development of oncology, if you have neoplasms, but you do not know about them. Therefore, visit the doctor twice a year and conduct an ultrasound.

To calm the nervous system with emotional instability will help reception:

  1. Atarax;
  2. Grandaxin;
  3. Cleophita;
  4. Afobazole.

It is possible to normalize the density of the bone structure:

  • Calcemin;
  • Aquadetrim;
  • Osteogenon;
  • vitamin complexes E and B.

Before hormone treatment, you will be prescribed an analysis for the rate of blood clotting, and the condition of the veins will be assessed. With blockage of blood vessels and other vascular diseases, hormones are contraindicated. Also, hormonal forms are not prescribed for tumors that grow under the action of female hormones.

Herbal treatment for postmenopausal symptoms

To the misconception of many, herbs are considered weak remedies. But in fact, this method of relieving symptoms is very effective. Let's consider some:

  • St. John's wort helps to calm the nerves, improves the supply of blood to the organs, eliminates hot flashes;
  • ginseng soothes, strengthens vitality;
  • licorice spurs the production of estrogen in your body, is involved in strengthening the bone structure;
  • sage used for symptoms of hot flashes.

Remember, dear readers, that there is nothing wrong with menopause, if you follow the above rules, do not forget to visit the gynecological office on time, continue to enjoy life, children, and communicate with grandchildren. We wish you happiness!

Informative video on this topic:

So, today we will talk about such a phenomenon as postmenopause. What it is? Surely each of the readers associates this period with menopause. This is true, but only in part. This is a period that begins about a year after the cessation of monthly menstruation and lasts until the end of a woman's life. It is characterized by the complete extinction of the activity of the ovaries. This is an irreversible aging process.

What is the difference between menopause and postmenopause? What it is?

Menopause is a broader concept that combines the entire spectrum of age-related changes in a woman's body and related physiological processes. That is, in fact, menopause covers the period before, pere and postmenopause. In the first three years after its onset, single follicles still remain in the ovaries of a woman, but after a while they completely disappear. Let's look at how the body behaves during this critical period. This is necessary so that we can adequately respond to changes. We will analyze in detail what postmenopause is. The phase in women, when the reproductive functions of the body completely fade away, is also quite important. First of all, its significance lies in tracking physiological changes and preventing aging.

Changes at the level of physiology

Postmenopause is coming. That this phenomenon is quite unpleasant, you can find out from your mothers and grandmothers. We have to realize that life is declining. In addition, there is a further progression of hormonal changes in a woman's life. The production of ovarian hormones decreases and the production of male hormones increases slightly, which are normally produced by the female body.

But that is not all. The ratio between different types of hormones is changing. Estrone begins to dominate over estradiol. In this regard, the risk of growth of various tumors is greatly increased. This is easily explained by the fact that estradiol ensures the correct differentiation of tissue elements. This helps to prevent the development of atypical cells that give rise to the growth of cancerous tumors.

But not only this characterizes postmenopause. That these are strong hormonal fluctuations, you probably already understood. Additionally, there is an increase in the synthesis of pituitary and hypothalamic hormones. Under their influence, the uterus decreases in size by about 40%. This means the complete cessation of reproductive function.


What happens at the level of the endocrine system is reflected in our daily life. Therefore, we all know quite well what postmenopause is. This is the period when unpleasant menopausal symptoms become less pronounced. Sometimes the tides still persist, but every year they visit less and less. There may be sweating and sleep disturbances, emotional swings, mood swings. All this is normal for this period.

Changes in the female reproductive system

Speaking about what postmenopause is, it should be noted that very often a woman is still quite young and sexually active. But nature takes over. Thinning of the vaginal mucosa and disruption of its blood supply leads to a feeling of dryness and discomfort during intercourse. But that's not all, the violation of collagen synthesis processes determines the development of weakness of the ligamentous apparatus. In this regard, not only can the uterus and vagina fall out, but also fall out. The level of sex hormones decreases every day, in connection with this, arterial hypertension and atherosclerotic vascular lesions progress.

Associated changes throughout the body

Today we are talking about a special period in a woman's life called "postmenopause". We have already sorted out what it is, now we need to determine what changes it promises for the body as a whole. Very often at this time there is a violation of the blood supply to the membranes of the bladder and urinary tract. This smoothly flows into problems such as cystitis and urethritis. There are also changes in the skeletal system. An increase in the activity of cells that contribute to bone destruction leads to the development of osteoporosis. The level of sex hormones decreases every day, in connection with this, arterial hypertension and atherosclerotic vascular lesions progress. During menopause, various neoplasms often appear in the uterine cavity, so during this period you need to visit a doctor at least once every six months.

Postmenopausal issues

There is early, middle and postmenopause. What is it, we will consider today. Usually, early hormonal disorders occur during the premenopausal period. At this time, a woman notices the first changes, hot flashes, and the cessation of menstruation. However, almost all hormones are still being produced, although this process is somewhat unbalanced. Approximately 4 years after your last menstrual period, the mid-term postmenopause begins. Most often, this period is characterized by increased dryness of the skin, brittle hair and the appearance of a large number of wrinkles. All of the above symptoms begin to manifest themselves. Approximately 6-7 years after the end of the last menstruation, late manifestations of such a period as postmenopause appear. What is it and what are the symptoms? Most often during this period, cardiovascular diseases flourish. In addition, not everyone knows that postmenopause is closely related to osteoporosis. The risk of developing this disease is much greater in women of a fragile physique, in those who abuse smoking and alcohol, as well as in women who lead an inactive lifestyle. Those who have suffered fractures over the age of 50, as well as those with thyroid disease, fall into the same category. This is a summary of what postmenopause and premenopause are.


The study and correction of the hormonal background is a measure that is extremely necessary when postmenopause occurs. What is it, what day of the cycle is suitable for donating blood for a particular hormone - this is the information that you will receive from your doctor. However, if you regularly undergo examinations and the necessary hormonal correction, you can avoid many health problems. It is extremely important to devote time and attention to your health and go to the doctor on time.

Prevention in the postmenopausal period

It is especially necessary to think about these measures for those who fall into the risk group. However, everyone else needs to carefully monitor their health, since now it largely depends on your attention. It is necessary to visit a gynecologist at least once every six months. It is essential to prevent osteoporosis. This is light gymnastics and walks in the fresh air. Be sure to take calcium supplements, as during this period it is washed out of the bones. If no measures are taken, then by the onset of late postmenopause, up to 50% of the entire human bone mass can be lost.

Vaginal discharge

Most often, when talking about what postmenopause is in women, doctors are faced with the fact that people are not well informed. Most people only know that vegetative disorders appear in the form of excessive sweating. But this is not so, and in order to distinguish normal physiological changes from pathology, it is necessary to have more complete information. Vaginal discharge usually changes completely, its color and smell become different. Even on this basis, you can guess what postmenopause means. If, with the onset of menopause, you feel dryness and itching in the vagina, then you will most likely encounter atrophic vaginitis, which occurs in response to a lack of estrogen. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor so that the specialist excludes infectious diseases. If everything is in order, then he will prescribe you special moisturizing creams and estrogen gels, and also tell you in detail what postmenopause is in women so that there are no new surprises for you.

Weight gain

This is a distinctive feature of this period, which does not go unnoticed. Indeed, if until now you had no idea what menopause means, then by adding 10-15 kg without changing your eating habits, you will begin to think. As a rule, this happens because the metabolism slows down a lot, which means that most of the calories consumed go to fat accumulation. This is how a woman usually guesses what postmenopause is. Pregnancy at this time is no longer possible, the body continues to change, and therefore you need to take measures to stay in shape. It is best to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, do not eat a lot of fatty, fried and sweet. By the way, according to research results, we can say that women who are not overweight suffer less from changes in the postmenopausal period.

Instead of a conclusion

Every woman should know what postmenopause is. The phase, which occurs approximately five years after the last menstruation, is characterized by various disorders occurring in the body. It is necessary to be prepared in advance for such changes in order to start prevention in time. Timely visits to the doctor, passing the necessary tests, controlling your weight and paying attention to your own health are the surest way to a long and happy life.

Unfortunately, everything in our world undergoes aging over time. This also applies to the beautiful half of our humanity. With age, a woman's body undergoes changes. Postmenopause is a natural process that occurs after a certain stage of life. It is very important at such a moment to understand and accept the physiological transformations that occur inside the body in order to be able to maintain one's health for many more years.

The concept of postmenopause - what is it?

Postmenopause is the period of time in a woman's life from the end of her last menstrual cycle to the end of her life. This is the final stage - the extinction of the reproductive function. The age of onset of this period for all women is different and depends on many factors, so for some women, postmenopause occurs already at the age of 40, for others only at 55. One way or another, any woman faces this sooner or later.

The main cause of postmenopause is changes in the reproductive system. The amount of hormones produced by the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and ovaries is reduced. The resources of the body are depleted and there is a lack of necessary substances. This is especially true for the ovaries.

The most important hormone in a woman's body, estradiol, ceases to be produced, like progesterone. This leads to an increase in the concentration of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH). And as a result of such changes, it becomes impossible to update the mucous membrane of the uterus. Menstruation becomes less and less frequent, and at some point stops altogether.

Symptoms and signs

Postmenopausal symptoms are somewhat similar to, only slightly weakened. There are a lot of symptoms, which is associated with a change in hormones that have a strong effect on the human body. These signs are:

  • Increase in body weight. It all depends on the hormone estrogen, as it becomes less, the body tries to replenish it. Therefore, even if the diet and rhythm of a woman's life does not change, more fat is deposited. After all, it is adipose tissue, in addition to the ovaries, that is capable of producing estrogens.
  • Urinary retention. This symptom can also be a consequence of postmenopausal women. The reason is also a decrease in estrogen. This hormone keeps the walls of the bladder in good shape, making them more elastic. Due to a decrease in the hormone, they lose their elasticity and weaken.
  • Discomfort in the vagina. The contraction of collagen, a protein that makes up the cervix and vagina, dries out the lining of the genitals. The vagina loses its former tone, and its walls may sink. All this causes discomfort.
  • Insomnia and sudden mood swings. Usually they appear at the beginning of the menopause and persist over time. In postmenopausal women, these symptoms become less pronounced. However, increased irritability, resentment, mood swings may remain.
  • . A condition when blood rushes to the face, neck, hands. There is a feeling of heat. On average, it does not last more than 2-5 minutes.
  • Loss of bone tissue of its former strength. A fracture can result in such physical damage that would have ended in a small bruise earlier. This is due to calcium deficiency, which appears due to problems with its absorption.

These are the main symptoms and signs that appear in postmenopause. It is important to be able to interpret them, not to worry, and take control of this natural process. The postmenopausal period should not darken your life in any way.

Allocations - what are they?

It is important to monitor the secretions at. Changes in the genitals make the vaginal microflora less protected against various infections. Due to the change in work in the cervix, the volume of mucus secreted is reduced.

Control and special attention paid to secretions are very important. The norm is a clear mucous discharge, reminiscent of rice broth, which does not cause any concern and does not have odors.

If the excreted mucus is opaque and has an unpleasant odor, is accompanied by pain or discomfort, these may be the causes of a disease. It is also important to monitor because of the various formations - polyps, which may appear due to the negative development of the endometrium.

At what age does it start and how long does it last?

As noted above, the age of a woman, when the reproductive function fades, can be quite different. These symptoms are not too obvious and may be signs of other diseases or stress. Postmenopause in medicine is considered a period of time that begins at the end of the last menstruation of a woman, in the absence of them for a year or more.

The normal age for postmenopause is 45 years. It can also occur at an earlier age due to genetic characteristics or hormonal disruptions, but this is quite rare. In some diseases, doctors are forced to artificially stop menstruation.

Postmenopause in women is the last stage of the transition, which is preceded by menopause and premenopause. The average age of postmenopause is 51 years.

How long does postmenopause last? - Until the end of life - this is the final stage.

Possible Complications in Postmenopause

Unfortunately, postmenopause can cause some damage to a woman's body, associated with all sorts of changes. Therefore, if a woman has no menstruation for a long time, then she needs to undergo examinations that will confirm the onset of postmenopause and prevent undesirable consequences.

These consequences include:

  • osteoporosis - loss of calcium from the bones;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • atherosclerosis - excessive deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • hearing, vision, memory impairment and other neurological diseases.

If you control your health, monitor your doctor, then all these consequences can be avoided. It is important to have checkups at least once every six months. Monitor your pressure. Do mammography, ultrasound of the genital organs. You can also conduct an independent breast examination, which will help identify formations and various changes, which will allow you to see a doctor in time.

Taking care of your health, consulting doctors and following their advice will make the postmenopausal period easier. That will allow you to maintain your physiological and psychological health and prevent serious complications, ensuring many more years of a happy life.

Maintenance of the body

It is very important to understand that life after menopause is not over. A woman is not a machine for the production of children, therefore, the reproductive function is not the only, albeit certainly important, task of a woman.

There are also advantages to this stage in a woman's life. You can devote more time to yourself and change your life and the lives of others for the better. Health problems can occur at any age, and all you need to do is follow some rules that will allow you to cope with everything:

  • Food. It is best to eliminate fatty foods from your diet. It is harmful to the body absolutely at any age. Reducing it will not only improve your well-being, but also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Give preference to fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products. this will contribute to a significant improvement in your health;
  • Physical exercise. Active rest and small physical activity will only strengthen your body. Do not limit yourself because of the risk of fractures. A passive lifestyle, on the contrary, will only increase it. And walking, swimming, yoga, aerobics or gymnastics will help strengthen your muscles, ligaments, joints and bone tissue;
  • Sex. It's a great way to relieve stress at any age. Reducing negative emotions and getting pleasure will prolong both youth and improve the psychological state.

There are also more specific methods that make life easier for a postmenopausal woman.


Folk remedies

  • Hypericum infusion. Reduces emotional manifestations and normalizes blood supply;
  • Ginseng decoction will eliminate stress and fatigue;
  • Licorice infusion stimulates its own estrogenic activity and helps strengthen bone tissue;
  • will give a sound sleep and help restore the heart rhythm.

Postmenopause is something every woman has to deal with. The main thing to remember is that this process is natural and with the help of doctors, modern medicine, the right lifestyle and folk remedies, it can be greatly facilitated and easily experienced. The main thing is not to lose heart and follow the advice of experts. This will preserve your health, and for many years to come will allow you to enjoy life and give joy to others.

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