How does a dog behave after spaying? Pros and cons of spaying dogs. Neutering a dog during estrus: pros and cons, consequences, care At what age is it better to sterilize a dog

Castration, sterilization of a bitch and why it is necessary

Castration of a bitch- a surgical operation to remove the ovaries (sex glands) to prevent the manifestation of sexual behavior and the consequences associated with it (disobedience, aggression, pregnancy, childbirth, the appearance of offspring, vagrancy, shoots). Castration is carried out in animals, the continuation of which is not desirable.

Which dogs need to be castrated?

  • domestic or service dogs not intended for breeding (both purebred and mestizos);
  • homeless dogs;
  • purebred dogs with genetic abnormalities that lead to the emergence and consolidation of pathological signs in offspring, which negatively affects the development of the breed (cryptorchidism, hip dysplasia, cleft palate and other diseases).

The cost of castrating a bitch

The cost of castration of a bitch at home is from 4000 rubles. The cost of castration includes all procedures and preparations necessary for the castration of a bitch.

Our quality and safety guarantees

We guarantee that during the operation by our specialists and subject to his recommendations for the care of the animal after the operation everything will be 100% successful and safe.

Why castrate a bitch?

  • Cessation of sexual behavior animal and related consequences;
  • As part of the treatment hormonal disorders.;
  • For therapeutic purposes(prevention of the risk of pyometra, ovarian cysts, false pregnancy and oncological diseases of the mammary glands, infection with sexually transmitted diseases, prevention of certain dermatological diseases associated with an imbalance of sex hormones);
  • Injury prevention and other accidents due to the uncontrollable behavior of the animal during estrus;
  • Prevention and correction of sexual aggression if there are several animals in the group;
  • Prevention vagrancy, poisoning, infection with dangerous diseases, including for humans, death in an accident

At what age should a bitch be castrated?

The operation can be performed at any age.

The notion that dogs should be given "once to give birth" is a myth and does not make any positive contribution to the health of the animal later in life.

If possible, the operation is best done before the first estrus, which reduces the risk of breast cancer to zero. When planning an operation in mature animals, it is necessary to undertake additional preoperative examinations to prevent the negative effects of anesthesia and stress in general. The minimum base includes: general and biochemical blood tests, ECG, urinalysis, other tests at the discretion of the doctor and based on the results of primary studies.

Recommendations for dog owners after spaying in bitches.

1. The operation to sterilize the bitch takes place under general anesthesia, so it takes time for the animal to come out of anesthesia. During the period of the animal's immobility, make sure that air flows freely to the nose of the animal, otherwise it may suffocate. It is necessary to turn the animal every 30-40 minutes. Sensitivity to anesthesia in different dogs is different and the time of awakening is from 2 to 12 hours. During this period, it is necessary to provide the animal with complete rest, on the floor, at a comfortable room temperature. Put water nearby. If during this period a gag reflex appears 2-3 times, then do not worry - this is a natural phenomenon in the post-anesthesia period. During the period of the immobile state of the animal after anesthesia, it is necessary to periodically turn it over to the opposite side every 30-40 minutes.

2. Depending on the technique of the operation, external or cosmetic (internal) sutures are applied. Internal sutures do not require removal, however, in any case, the operation site must be protected with a blanket for a period of 7-10 days and lubricated with an antiseptic solution once a day or every other day. The blanket can be replaced with a special Elizabethan collar (). At the site of the operation, a rather noticeable swelling of a dense nature is formed under the skin. This is a normal tissue reaction to the suture material. This swelling disappears without consequences after 10-20 days. It is important to assess the health of the suture on the 5th day after surgery. On the 5th day after the operation, the seam should be dry - this is the most important thing. A wet and reddened seam is a sign of inflammation and a surgeon's consultation is required.

3. In the first 3-5 days after the operation, it is necessary to take antibiotics and painkillers. Castration surgery in bitches is more difficult than in males, both in terms of trauma and the potential risk of complications. Therefore, the choice of a doctor is very important, since with a dirty operation, even antibiotics will not save you from the development of infection. Pain relief is necessary to reduce the intensity of pain after surgery. Anesthesia allows an earlier appearance of appetite, normalization of the volume of substances and a decrease in the pathological effect of pain stress on the liver, kidneys, heart, pancreas. From painkillers, you can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, non-narcotic analgesics, narcotic analgesics if there is a legal opportunity to purchase them. The following preparations are recommended: for injections - Ainil 1%; Ketofen 1%; Norocarp; Rimadyl 5%; Phenylbutazone 20%. For oral administration - Caprodil; Ketofen; Quadrisol; Loxicom oral suspension; Norocarp; Previcox; Rimadyl; Tolfendin; Trocoxil. Check with your veterinarian or in the instructions for use for the drug for dosage and regimen.

4. Within 2-3 days, the animal should have a normal appetite, anorexia for more than 5 days is a sign of ill health and requires a visit to a doctor.

5. After 7-10 days, the outer seams are removed and the blanket is finished. If the seams are internal, then they do not need to be removed - they just stop wearing blankets.

7. Remember that the further happy life of you and your pet largely depends on proper feeding. With inadequate feeding, many internal diseases can begin. Use feed recommended by all professionals - PurinaPro plan, Hills, Eukanuba , Royalcanin etc. The daily dosage is indicated on the package, do not exceed it, and if you notice that your pet has noticeably gained weight, then the amount of feed per day must be reduced. Walk and play with her at least 2 times a day for 1-2 hours.

8. If the operation was performed by our surgeons, for all questions about animal care, feeding and maintenance, please contact us by phone. 642-58-29, 987-49-02.

What happens after castration

  1. Termination of offspring
  2. Stopping behavioral reactions during estrus (vocalization)
  3. Cessation of aggression, fights with other animals
  4. Cessation of vagrancy, transmission of dangerous infections, poisoning, death in road accidents
  5. Prevention of polycystic and ovarian cancer
  6. Prevention of tumors of the mammary glands
  7. Prevention of purulent inflammation and tumors of the uterus in adulthood
  8. The appearance of caution in habits
  9. Lack of attention from males during estrus
  10. Reducing the cost of veterinary services with the above problems

After the operation, the only side effect that can be expected is obesity. This means that after sterilization, the dog can no longer be fed uncontrollably. Discuss with your doctor the amount of food you need to eat daily. If he does not have such information, consult a dietitian. Weigh the animal once every 2 weeks to control the weight. It is important to prevent obesity. Joint diseases, diabetes mellitus, hypertension are real diseases of obese dogs, the treatment of which will entail a considerable investment of time, effort, and money. Be wiser.

Video castration, sterilization bitch

Castration of a bitch video part 1.

Castration of a bitch video part 2.

Sterilization during estrus in a dog

Sterilization during estrus in a dog is not recommended based on the characteristics of the physiological processes taking place during this period in the body of the animal. In animals (usually already adults) that have developed cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium, there is a so-called "permanent estrus" with incessant discharge from the genitals, sometimes bloody. It has nothing to do with true heat. This is a disease accompanied by the formation of vesicles with liquid on the uterine mucosa, and vaginal discharge is the contents of such vesicles. Castration in this case is not contraindicated, but necessary, but with the removal of the uterus.

Sterilization during pregnancy

It is not contraindicated, but the shorter the gestational age, the less negative effects on the body and hormonal metabolism. In general, sterilization is recommended within the first month of pregnancy.

Sterilization during false pregnancy

Categorically contraindicated due to the risk of fixing hormonal changes, milk can continue to form and flow constantly. It is necessary to wait until the end of the false pregnancy.

Every owner of such a pet sooner or later thinks about whether it is necessary to sterilize a dog. Among the advantages of the procedure is to protect the animal from unnecessary offspring. You will learn from our article what consequences or complications such medical intervention is fraught with.

Sterilization of dogs is a surgical intervention, after which the animal loses the ability to produce offspring. Both girls and boys can be subject to this procedure. If you want to sterilize your four-legged friend, be sure to contact a specialist. This kind of procedure is by no means carried out at home. You need to decide on sterilization only in a veterinary clinic.

It is believed that you can give your dog under the knife under the following circumstances:

  • sooner or later, the animal begins a period of sexual activity, moreover, it is repeated regularly throughout his life. When you are not expecting puppies and do not plan to breed your dog, spaying is the right solution. The thing is that during the mating season it is almost impossible to keep the dog in place. If mating happened with a dog of the same breed, this is not so bad - puppies can always be distributed and even make money on it. However, after all, unforeseen mating with mongrels does happen. Such a litter will no longer be of interest to anyone, and what to do with it falls on your shoulders;
  • to prevent the development of various diseases. Pyometra, transmissible sarcoma, breast cancer - sexually transmitted diseases, enough among dogs.

It is quite possible to avoid unwanted pregnancy. There is an effective way to do this - sterilization. If you want to achieve a temporary result, use the chemical method (special injections are made to the animal).

Pet preparation

It is necessary to find out how adult dogs are sterilized in a detailed way. Carefully prepare your pet for the procedure so that there are no complications afterwards. All recommendations are usually given by a veterinarian.

Sterilization of a pet is successful if all recommendations from specialists have been taken into account.

How is the operation

Immediately before the operation, the dog is given general anesthesia. The procedure itself usually takes 1-2 hours.

If we compare the features of surgical intervention in dogs of boys and girls, then the procedure in males is considered less problematic. The thing is that the whole operation is limited to the removal of the testicles. Laparoscopy in females has a cavity character, that is, access to the abdominal cavity is opened. Through an incision, the surgeon removes the ovaries or ovaries with the uterus.

Advantages and disadvantages

The pros and cons of spaying adult dogs need to be explored in advance. Only in this case, you will decide for yourself whether such a serious operation is necessary for your pet. In fact, the advantages of this surgical intervention are many:

  • walks will become much less disturbing for both you and your dog, because males will not pester females;
  • in turn, doggie boys become much calmer, do not run after girls;
  • aggression is not observed, the animal ceases to "mark" the territory and get involved in various gatherings with other dogs;
  • sterilization is the best prevention of the development of diseases that are sexually transmitted;
  • it will be much easier to train and educate such pets;
  • you will protect yourself from the appearance of unwanted offspring in the animal, you will not worry about the health of the pregnant female, and you will also not need to decide what to do with the offspring after childbirth.

Neutering dogs is not just a surgical operation that deprives a pet of a childbearing function, but also a serious step for every pet owner, making you think hard, is it worth it or not? On the one hand, this is a great way to save yourself from many problems, but on the other hand, sterilization is definitely a surgical intervention in the body and nature of the animal. What to choose? It is worth considering the pros and cons.

As you know, some pet owners resort to this procedure for one reason or another. What could motivate them to do this?

Sterilization is carried out on dogs of both sexes to avoid the appearance of unnecessary, and sometimes uncontrolled offspring. And the operation has its own, undeniable, advantages. Benefits of spaying dogs:

  • The owners of the bitch will be able to freely, without the possible attacks of the surrounding males and their gatherings around the estrus girlfriend. This will keep both humans and animals safe.
  • The psyche of sterilized males normalizes, they stop running after every “bride”, exposing themselves to the danger of getting lost, being stolen or getting hit by a car. The same can be said about females.
  • After sterilization, dogs lose their aggression towards people and other animals, as well as the desire to mark the territory, and then, because of it, sort things out with “rivals”.
  • A female who has brought offspring several times will retain her health, and the operation will be an excellent prevention of possible diseases of the reproductive organs (, ovarian tumors, etc.).
  • A dog's life will become longer by a couple of years (still, it is worth taking into account that one human year is more than seven human years).
  • Sterilization will protect the animal from sexually transmitted diseases, of which there are a huge number of dogs.
  • Pets devoid of sexual instincts are more loyal and easier to train.
  • Sterilization will protect against problems with unplanned offspring.
  • This is the most humane way to reduce the number of mongrels, who often become homeless due to human fault.

As you can see, sterilization has a lot of positive advantages not only for owners, but also for the pets themselves. But the medal also has a downside. What are the dangers of this operation?

Read the article:

Arguments against sterilization

When deciding on an operation, caring owners should also be aware of possible “pitfalls”. The disadvantages of sterilizing dogs include the following factors:

  • This is a surgical operation and, despite all the predictability, things may not end so well; most often this is due to the low qualifications of the veterinarian and the clinic; without proper experience, the doctor can make an irreparable mistake, for which the animal can pay not only with health, but also with life.
  • For various reasons, complications can occur - bleeding, infection in the wound, the development of inflammatory processes, rupture of the sutures.
  • A sterilized animal, due to changes in metabolism, in most cases, is prone to gaining excess weight and obesity.
  • In the period from three to seven years after sterilization, urinary incontinence may develop. And this, in turn, becomes the cause of chronic pathologies of the urinary system.
  • The anesthesia used during the operation can have a negative effect on the dog's body.

Taking into account all the pros and cons of sterilization, it is worth referring to the statistics - deaths during the operation are extremely rare, and cases of the development of various diseases of the genitourinary system are quite common.

Optimal age for sterilization

A very important question that responsible pet owners ask is: “At what age should a dog be spayed?” Surgeons have only one answer - the animal must, first of all, be healthy, and how old it is, two or six, does not play a special role. However, there are many nuances in this issue.

For example, dogs over seven years of age are more difficult to endure any operations, it is harder to recover from anesthesia, and the rehabilitation period lasts longer, as the aging body recovers more slowly.

However, many experienced veterinarians agree that all adult dogs that have reached the age of eight should be sterilized without fail, regardless of whether they give birth often, 1-2 times in their entire life, or not at all. In mature animals, the risk of developing oncological ailments increases significantly, and this operation is an excellent way to avoid terrible diseases.

It is believed that if the plans are to breed the breed, then the last birth of the bitch should take place at the age of six, and then it should be sterilized without waiting for the aging of the body.

Quite often you can hear different opinions about early sterilization, which is performed up to six months. In fact, such sterilization is fraught with serious consequences, which often lead to significant developmental delays and the manifestation of chronic diseases. In addition, there are certain difficulties in calculating the appropriate dosage of anesthetic drugs and removing unfinished organs. Sometimes a microscopic, non-removed part of the ovary can recover, in which case a second operation is required.

If breeding is not in the plans, then the most suitable period for sterilization is the moment two to three weeks before the first estrus. Surgery at this time will significantly reduce the risk of breast tumors and disruptions in the hormonal system.

In most cases, this is the age of the animal from 6 months to 1.5 years. It all depends on several factors:

  • breeds (small females tend to start flowing earlier);
  • characteristics of the body (if the mother-dog had estrus in a year, then, most likely, her daughter will have it).

To make sure that the right time for the operation has come, it is necessary to take tests to identify the hormonal background and consult with the breeder about the features and hereditary predispositions of the pet.

In case of hormonal imbalance, abnormally long, heavy estrus, the bitch is subjected to sterilization, purely based on medical indicators. In this case, the facts of the presence or absence of childbirth are not taken into account.

Often, dog owners resort to sterilization as a way to get rid of an already existing pregnancy. But veterinarians warn against such operations. It is much safer for an animal to carry offspring, give birth and feed, than undergo surgery at this time. During the period of bearing puppies in a bitch, the uterus increases significantly, which leads to greater blood loss during sterilization and a longer recovery process.

If you overlooked your pet, then you should let the bitch fulfill her maternal duty, and 30-35 days after the birth, you can already have the operation. At this time, it is not necessary to postpone the procedure, but to carry it out in a timely manner.

However, there are options when sterilization is done involuntarily. For example, if a dog has an ailment that does not allow to bear puppies and transfer the birth process. In this case, the operation must be carried out immediately, and the sooner this is done, the better.

Operation and postoperative care

The operation is performed by a surgeon using general anesthesia and takes about an hour on average. At this time, the males are removed testicles.

With female dogs, everything is somewhat more complicated, since access directly to the abdominal cavity is necessary to remove the ovaries or ovaries with the uterus. To do this, an abdominal operation is performed and organs are removed through the incision.

The dog after sterilization is placed on. It is necessary to periodically moisten the tongue and nose with water and not give the dog plenty to drink.

You can offer food to your pet only on the second day, giving preference to soft, chopped food. Pates and minced meat are perfect.

It will be necessary to treat the seams with antiseptic agents for 10-14 days. In order for the pet not to wet and lick the postoperative sutures, it is necessary to use special devices - collars, blankets.

To decide whether to sterilize a dog or not, only the owner himself can. The main thing at the same time, do not harm your beloved pet.

Every owner of a female dog once thinks about the question - whether it is necessary to sterilize the dog. In this article, we will consider the need for intervention in the natural cycle of the animal.

A bit of history

Usually no one reads this part. But knowing the causes, you can guess the consequences. So, history. The great grandparents of dogs - wolves - are monocyclic. This means that the cubs are born once a year. And then, not every year. This is due to the rhythms of nature: the change of seasons, daylight hours. Babies should be born strictly at a certain time in the spring. Not earlier, so that the food animals (bunnies) have already grown up and not later, so that the wolf cubs are strong and hardy enough by the onset of cold weather. The estrus is sometimes absent for a number of reasons. If this year there is not enough food for the she-wolf herself, then she will not be able to feed the baby either. Everything is harmonious.

present tense

After domestication, dogs are not able to focus on the cyclical nature, daylight hours. Now around them are constant fires of unnatural origin, food is enough at any time of the year. Hence estrus 2-3 times a year. And who more often. But the body of an animal has been tuned to monocyclicity for centuries. It wears out from frequent births. The life of a frequent-bearing bitch is shortened by several years. What if ?

Scientists have not yet come to a consensus. According to some, each egg that is not fertilized during estrus remains in the ovary and turns into a microcyst. Over the years, microcysts accumulate. The consequences are known: oncology in a few years. According to other scientists, the unfertilized egg is resorbed. But there is no credible evidence of the correctness of at least some opinion. Is it worth the risk.

In addition to the occurrence of tumors, there is another problem that drives the owners crazy - a false pregnancy. Read about the consequences and myths of this condition. And in this article, we emphasize once again that sterilization will not help to avoid a false pregnancy, but it will help to cope with its consequences.

What changes in the body during sterilization

The hormonal system of the dog after the operation lives in a state of whelping, when all hormones work in general harmony without the inclusion of sex hormones. This gives an additional 5-7 years of pet life. There is only one risk - complications after surgery. And the earlier it is done, the younger the body, the easier the animal will endure the consequences. Before sterilization, examine the health of the pet.

Does a dog need to give birth at least once

This myth is still steadfastly held among dog lovers who "feel sorry for the dog." In fact, dogs are alien to the joy of motherhood. They will treat their grown puppies as if they were foreign relatives. They will not be tormented by the fact that they did not create a family and offspring. All these are feelings and emotions of a person, not an animal.

When is the best time to spay a dog?

The best time for castration is before the first estrus. In this case, the likelihood of oncological diseases of the mammary glands, uterus and ovaries is minimized. Scientists have already proven this feature. The younger the bitch, the easier it will undergo the operation. It is better to carry out the operation not during sexual hunting and pregnancy.

The veterinarian will confirm that the operation is possible at any age. The older the animal, the more attentively treat research before surgical procedures.

Should a dog be spayed?

I hope the article answered this question. If you are not a professional breeder, spay. If, for good reasons, sterilization is not possible, then breed the bitch once a year, not more often. Don't worry about your pet becoming fat and lazy. After the operation, the hormonal background will change and physiological hypoglycemia may occur. As a result, the pet's appetite will increase. Don't increase your diet. The thickness of the waist is associated only with overfeeding. But the aggression will go away.

If you do not agree with this position, I ask you to reflect your arguments in the comments.

Dog in the hospital after spaying surgery

Let's start with some terminology to avoid confusion.

What is the difference between sterilization and castration?

Experts share these two concepts, believing that castration is a surgical method for depriving a dog of a reproductive function (removal of the organs of the reproductive system), and sterilization is a violation of the reproductive function of animals without removing the gonads.

In everyday terms, castration is often called an operation to remove the testicles in males, and the term sterilization is used in relation to bitches, calling it an operation to remove the female organs of the reproductive system (uterus, ovaries).

We do not aim to conduct scientific discussions, therefore, we propose to call sterilization in the article a surgical intervention to remove the organs of the reproductive function in bitches.

Why should a dog be spayed?

Spaying bitches is the surest way to prevent unwanted offspring. That is why it is the sterilization of homeless bitches that is used in most developed countries of the world as a means of regulating the number of homeless animals.

Ovariohysterectomy (sterilization of bitches) is an abdominal operation, performed in most cases under general, less often under epidural anesthesia. The duration of the operation is on average 40-60 minutes.

How to care for a dog after spaying?

Postoperative care consists of monitoring the animal and caring for the sutures. During the first few days after surgery, injections (usually antibiotics and supportive drugs) may be prescribed. The sutures are removed 10-14 days after the operation. Some practice self-absorbable threads, but this option is not suitable for all dogs, allergic reactions are possible. Some animals need to wear special collars or blankets to prevent the seam from licking.

Dogs usually tolerate the neutering operation well and return to their previous lifestyle fairly quickly. The day after surgery, the dog usually starts eating. If after one or two days the dog is lethargic, has a fever, does not show interest in food, do not hesitate, consult a doctor!

It should be noted that at first it is not necessary to physically load the dog, do not allow it to jump to / from a great height, do not give bones and similar hard objects as food, make sure that it does not lie down on cold or wet surfaces.

Will my dog ​​change after spaying?

This question is often asked by neighbors, co-workers and acquaintances, who are hesitant in their decision to spay their dog.

The dog will become fat, stupid, lazy... the list is long enough. However, these are nothing more than myths.

What is more important - a long, healthy and happy life of your pet or opinions invented by someone that your dog will henceforth be interested only in a bowl and a mattress? Or speculation that your pet will suffer from the fact that she never became a mother?

Dogs are endowed with a lot of positive qualities, sometimes people even have something to learn from them. But to humanize and attribute to the dog all human emotions and experiences is not worth it. The dog will not worry about this, but both she and you will definitely have fewer problems.

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