How to find out if you have ovulated. When and how does ovulation occur, symptoms and methods for determining

Of course, the most reliable signs of ovulation are determined by ultrasound. But not every woman can afford to visit a doctor every month and more than once to track ovulation. Are there any external signs of ovulation in women, by which it is possible to determine the period favorable for conception without consulting a doctor?

If you keep a menstrual calendar, you can roughly calculate the days of ovulation, the signs of which you will have to wait. With a standard cycle of 28-30 days, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle - approximately on the 14th-15th day. It is at this time that signs of ovulation may appear. Some women do not notice them at all, but over the years, and especially if a woman has already had at least one birth, the symptoms of ovulation appear brighter and can be tracked.

Signs of the beginning of ovulation

Watching your well-being, you can notice some of the physical signs of ovulation. The female body reacts to changes occurring inside the body, and the release of the egg from the ovary is not asymptomatic. Physiological signs of ovulation can also indicate a favorable period for conception: a change in hormonal levels, an increase in basal temperature.

Women identify the following 8 signs of ovulation that can be noticed without going to the doctor.

  • The first signs of ovulation are abundant vaginal discharge. The amount and consistency of vaginal discharge during ovulation changes greatly: the discharge becomes more viscous and plentiful.
  • Signs of how to determine ovulation - abdominal pain, bloating. During ovulation, a woman may feel aching pain in the lower abdomen, on the side, associated with the release of the egg from the follicle. Also, often during this period, a woman is worried about increased gas formation and bloating.
  • Signs of ovulation - blood. Sometimes, instead of transparent mucous secretions, a woman is faced with scanty bloody or sanious secretions - this can also indicate impending ovulation.
  • Signs of ovulation - sore breasts. If the breast has become painful and sensitive, the hormonal background is to blame, which changes, including when ovulation occurs.
  • Signs of ovulation in a woman - increased sexual desire. During ovulation, many women experience an increased desire to have sex - this is how nature makes sure that the most favorable moment for conception is not missed.
  • Signs and symptoms of ovulation - a change in taste and smell preferences. A change in the hormonal background during ovulation entails a temporary aggravation of smell and a change in taste habits.

Watching for these signs is a good way to know when you're ovulating. Signs can be observed both all at once, and one by one. But more indicative are not subjective sensations (it hurts - the chest or stomach does not hurt), but measurements of temperature and hormone levels.

  • Signs of ovulation - temperature. Reliable signs of the onset of ovulation include an increase in basal temperature by about half a degree.
  • Signs of ovulation - a change in hormonal levels. The presence of luteinizing hormone in the urine indicates that ovulation has already begun or is about to begin.

But if a woman ovulates late or too early, the signs may not come in the middle of the cycle, but will be at a completely different time and the woman will miss them. If you do not notice anything unusual in the middle of the cycle, you should wait for signs of late ovulation. In this case, it will be useful to go for an ultrasound, and not rely only on external signs of ovulation.

But it is not uncommon for a woman to wait, but no signs of ovulation come. The chest does not hurt, there is no unusual discharge ... How do you know that there really was no ovulation?

Signs of a lack of ovulation:

  • basal temperature does not rise for one or more cycles;
  • in the urine, the content of luteinizing hormone does not increase.

If during the expected period of ovulation, signs do not appear and the basal temperature does not change, it is necessary to do an ultrasound scan. Even if you have studied what signs to expect during ovulation, plan to conceive in the middle of the cycle, and pregnancy still does not occur, this is a reason to consult a doctor. After all, no matter what signs of ovulation a woman may show, only a gynecologist can accurately determine her onset on an ultrasound scan.

What signs before ovulation do you have and whether they indicate the real maturation of the egg, it is better to discuss with a gynecologist who will help in planning pregnancy and, if necessary, tell you how to stimulate ovulation.

Pregnancy is a long-awaited event for many couples. But the conception of a child is impossible if the woman does not ovulate! In its absence, an egg is not released that is capable of fertilization. How to determine if you have ovulated? How is it calculated and when does it occur? Let's talk about this!

What period of the cycle is most favorable for conceiving a child?

Only after ovulation is the egg ready for fertilization. As you know, spermatozoa are able to live in the female body for up to 5 days. It turns out that the most favorable time for conception is a period of 5 days before ovulation, as well as up to 15 hours after it. Of course, the best time is on the day of ovulation.

How to know when you will ovulate?

There is a simple and effective way to find out when ovulation occurs. To do this, use a special test to determine ovulation. Pharmacies sell tests that respond to LH (luteinizing hormone). This hormone is in the female body all the time, but 24-36 hours before the onset of ovulation, its concentration increases up to 10 times. If you test during this period, then two clear lines will appear on the test line.

How to know if you have ovulated?

If you are looking forward to a child, or vice versa, you are afraid of getting pregnant, then it is recommended to keep a temperature chart. Measurement of basal temperature will be very helpful. So, if a woman's body ovulates, then as a result, the hormone progesterone will begin to be produced. This hormone leads to an increase in temperature by about 0.4 - 0.6 degrees.

But, how to take temperature measurements correctly so that the indicators are reliable? Basal temperature should be measured every morning after waking up. Before that, you can not get out of bed. Factors such as past illness, flight, stress, fatigue, etc. can greatly affect performance. It is important to write down your data every day in a plate specially designated for this. To then know for sure when there was ovulation.

Is it possible to find out by bodily signs whether there was an ovulation?

During this period, the uterine os softens and slightly opens. In an unfavorable period for conception, it is, as it were, pressed into the vagina. Also, a sign of ovulation can be the appearance of mucus. During ovulation, mucus is produced intensively, under the influence of estrogen. This mucus looks like chicken protein, it stretches. In addition, mild pain in the lower abdomen also suggests the process of ovulation.

Why ovulation may not occur?

In the life of every woman there are cycles when ovulation does not occur. During such cycles, the egg also matures, but the release of luteinizing hormone does not occur, respectively, there is no ovulation. That is, the corpus luteum does not form. During such a cycle, the follicle bursts, an already overripe egg comes out, which is not capable of fertilization.

In any case, you should listen to your body, be more attentive. A woman who pays attention even to minor changes in her body is always able to understand whether there was an ovulation or not. Otherwise, you can use more accurate methods for determining ovulation. For example, apply a test to determine ovulation.

Ovulation (from the Latin ovum - ‘egg’) is a physiological process during which an egg ready for fertilization is released into the abdominal cavity from the ovarian follicle. This process goes on in women from the moment of puberty to the onset of menopause, interrupted only during pregnancy. Ovulation and conception are two inseparable concepts. On the days of ovulation, the female body is ready for fertilization.

Ovulation: the day of the cycle when the egg is ready to be fertilized

The process occurs at intervals of 21-35 days, depending on the length of the menstrual cycle, approximately in its middle. As a rule, after 12-16 (on average - 14) days after ovulation, menstruation occurs.

Ovulation: symptoms that indicate readiness to conceive

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs, the symptoms of which can be both mild and pronounced, depending on the individual characteristics of the body:

1) pain in the lower abdomen;

2) increased sexual desire;

3) more mucus is secreted in the cervix;

4) the color of the discharge may change.

1. Pain during ovulation

Not all women experience pain during or after ovulation. According to statistics, pain is observed in only one in five women. You can feel pain during ovulation due to slight bleeding: the follicle bursts, and, in addition to the egg, follicular fluid comes out of it, as well as small blood clots.

  • Mild pain during ovulation- a normal phenomenon.

It hurts during ovulation in the lower abdomen - where the ovaries are located. The pain may be cutting, stabbing or cramping. Duration - about an hour, but for some women - a day or two. If the pain during ovulation is severe, tell your gynecologist about it.

The ovaries work alternately: in one month the follicle matures in the right, in another month - in the left ovary. For this reason, pain during ovulation is usually felt either on the right or on the left.

Gynecologists explain the pain during ovulation by the fact that the graafian vesicle stretches the walls of the ovary. Also, pain during ovulation is associated with the fact that fluid flows out of the burst follicle. It stimulates the contractions of the uterus and fallopian tubes, which causes pain during ovulation.

  • Pain after ovulation- not so common.

If the signs of ovulation bother you, see a specialist. Pain after ovulation, such as a week before your period, can be a sign of ovarian inflammation or other reproductive problems. Pain during ovulation, before or after it is not necessarily associated with the release of the egg: most gynecological diseases are accompanied by pain of a different nature and intensity.

2. Increased sex drive

Pain during ovulation has little effect on sexuality: sexual desire in many even increases. Nature itself tells you: ovulation has begun and conception is now most likely.

3. Ovulation discharge

If you are interested in how to determine ovulation, just watch your body:

  • discharge can begin a few hours before ovulation and last up to two days;
  • discharge during ovulation becomes more liquid compared to discharge before and immediately after menstruation.

Fluid discharge is one of the signs that you can tell that you are ovulating and that pregnancy is most likely. At the same time, they are similar to egg white and should be “stretched” between the fingers.

4. Changed color of discharge

The color of the discharge may be reddish and look like a little bleeding or pinkish. Please note: there should not be a lot of blood. Uterine bleeding can be life-threatening, for example, if a uterine fibroid has a twisted leg.

The above symptoms allow you to determine the approximate days of ovulation. If the discharge has become more liquid, this does not necessarily mean that ovulation has passed.

  • FROM 1st The day of menstruation, the follicular, or menstrual, phase begins. During this period, several follicles begin to grow in the ovaries.
  • FROM 7th day and until the middle of the cycle lasts the ovulatory phase. At this time, the main follicle, the Graafian vesicle, stands out. It develops an ovum.
  • 14th day 28 day cycle - ovulation. On this day of the Graafs, the bubble bursts: a mature egg comes out of it, which, perhaps, will become the beginning of a new life. It is at this point that a woman may feel pain during ovulation. In the days after ovulation, the egg travels to the uterus through the fallopian tube. According to various sources, the egg lives 24-48 hours, but many girls, when asked how long ovulation lasts, answer that they became pregnant up to 5 days after they received positive LH test results.
  • FROM 15th day, the phase of the corpus luteum begins - this is the period after ovulation and before the start of the next menstruation. The walls of the burst follicle gather like flower petals in the evening, accumulate fats and luteal pigment, which gives them a yellow color. The modified Graafian vesicle is now called the corpus luteum - hence the name of the period.

The cycle changes:

  • within one year
  • after childbirth;
  • within three months after the abortion;
  • after 40 years, when the body is preparing for menopause.

Lack of ovulation, or anovulation

Ovulation and pregnancy are closely related, so the absence of the first leads to the inability to have a baby. However, even in a healthy woman, the egg does not mature in every cycle. Two to three cycles per year with anovulation is normal. With age, the number of such periods increases.

But if there are four or more anovulations in a year, consult a doctor. As in cases where a woman has a lot of pain during ovulation in the lower abdomen, this can be a symptom of endocrine or gynecological diseases.

The absence of ovulation is observed when:

  • pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • taking certain medications.

If you want to have a baby, ovulation is stimulated with hormonal drugs. But don't self-medicate. Stimulation should take place under the supervision of an experienced doctor: he will examine, conduct the necessary tests and prescribe medications that suit you.

Types of ovulation:

  • timely;
  • premature ovulation;
  • late.

Causes of premature ovulation

Premature is the release of the egg not in the middle of the menstrual cycle, but earlier. It can happen for various reasons:

  • intense sexual intercourse;
  • physical activity (weight lifting, training in the gym);
  • stress;
  • diet;
  • illness;
  • hormonal imbalance.

If you have an unstable cycle, it is difficult to talk about premature ovulation, since the hormonal system does not work normally.

Please note: even stress can cause premature ovulation. Due to nervous tension, attempts to lose weight, diseases that we do not always even pay attention to, premature ovulation can occur quite often.

Causes of late ovulation

Sometimes, due to hormonal disruptions, late ovulation can occur. If, in the middle of the cycle, the stomach does not hurt and there are suspicions that you have late ovulation, go through folliculometry - tracking ovulation using ultrasound.

Answers to popular questions about ovulation

How many days does ovulation last?

After leaving the follicle, the egg, according to various sources, "lives" 24-48 hours - this is the period of ovulation. Depending on how many days ovulation lasts - one or two - your chances of getting pregnant change.

Ovulation: what day to plan conception?

If you are planning a pregnancy, you need to consider how long ovulation lasts and how long the sperm cell lives. After ovulation, the egg cell lives only one day, and the spermatozoa - 2-3 days. Based on this, in order to become pregnant, sexual intercourse should occur no earlier than 2-3 days before and no later than 24 hours after ovulation.

How not to get pregnant, knowing when ovulation (cycle day) takes place?

Due to late and premature ovulation, due to the fact that in some men sperm live longer than 7 days, as well as a whole range of other reasons, the calendar method is the same “reliable” method of contraception as coitus interruptus (Pearl index for the calendar method - 14–38.5, and for coitus interruptus - 12–38). Even if your lower abdomen hurts during ovulation and you know exactly when it passes, this will not protect you from unwanted pregnancy.

Is it possible to get pregnant with late or premature ovulation?

Oh sure.

How does an ovulation test work?

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, the level of luteinizing hormone rises. The ovulation test is designed to determine the amount in the urine.

Using the test is easier than measuring your basal temperature every day and drawing an ovulation chart. In clinical trials, the test gives a very high level of accuracy - 99%. If you follow the instructions, you can accurately determine the most favorable period for conception. Although some medications may cause incorrect results.

Most often, the test contains 5 strips in sealed packages. In addition to them, in addition, you may need a watch.

As soon as you notice signs of ovulation, such as ovulation pain, take a test to make sure it has gone. How to use an ovulation test is usually indicated on the package. usually used in the same way as a pregnancy test: collect urine in a clean, dry container and place the test strip there for 5-10 seconds to the indicated mark. In 10 minutes you will know the result.

How much does an ovulation test cost?

An ovulation test, the price of which varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, is usually more expensive than a pregnancy test. If you want to get pregnant, buy an ovulation test: its price is small compared to the fact that you are closer to your dream. A set of five Frautest strips costs about 300 rubles, Eviplan - about the same, OVUPLAN - cheaper, up to 200 rubles.

If you suspect the absence of ovulation or for another reason want to do tests in each cycle, you can purchase a reusable digital test - it costs about 1000 rubles. This is especially useful for premature ovulation or too late.

How to use the basal temperature chart to determine when the egg is released?

What day does ovulation occur? This question is of interest to many women: both those who are not yet ready to replenish the family and are protected from unwanted pregnancy, and those who dream and want to become a mother.

The basal temperature during ovulation rises by 0.3–0.6 ° C, and about a day before it, it drops slightly. By daily measuring the temperature and building a schedule, a woman can know about the onset of ovulation the day before it starts. Determining ovulation by basal temperature is a simple method, but it does not give one hundred percent accuracy.

Basal body temperature rises slightly during ovulation. It must be measured in the morning at the same time, in the supine position, without getting out of bed. You need to use the same thermometer. To measure the temperature, it is necessary to insert a medical thermometer into the anus for 5 minutes. You enter these measurements into the ovulation chart, which marks the days of the menstrual cycle and the temperature.

From the beginning of menstruation to the middle of the cycle - the temperature is below 37 ° C. When the egg matures, the temperature rises by only a few tenths of a degree, but the graph will show a noticeable jump. This is the ovulation period: a favorable time for conception if you want to have a baby, and the most “dangerous” time if you are not planning to replenish the family yet.

How does the calendar method for determining ovulation work?

To find out when ovulation occurs (on which day of the cycle), count how many days pass from the start of one period to the start of another. Ovulation time is in the middle of the cycle plus or minus two days. That is, if 28 days pass from the first day of menstruation to the onset of the next menstruation, then ovulation occurs on day 14–15. If your cycle is 35 days long, then it occurs on the 17-18th day after the start of menstruation. These days, some women experience pain during ovulation and other symptoms described above.

Is there a way to EXACTLY determine which day you ovulate?

How to determine ovulation with 100% probability? There are two ways.

1. ultrasound: during the procedure, the size and stage of development of the follicle are determined, and they also calculate when it bursts and an egg is released from it, or ovulation occurs.
2. Blood test for luteinizing hormone: This is a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. Its level in the body increases significantly before ovulation. The work of pharmacy tests for ovulation is based on the same principle.

Is it possible to get pregnant in the days after ovulation?

After ovulation, the greatest opportunity to become pregnant remains within 24 hours (according to some sources - 36-48 hours). If conception does not occur, the egg dies.

A woman always monitors her cycle, and especially at the moment when she wants to get pregnant. To do this, she needs to clearly understand on which day after menstruation ovulation occurs in her particular case.

What cycle is normal?

To identify on what day ovulation occurs after menstruation, it is permissible by mathematical methods, physical or with the help of a doctor. But first you should understand the duration of your cycle and the features of this process. To calculate the female cycle, you need to keep a calendar in which to mark the first days of menstruation. By counting the number of days between marks, you can determine the length of the cycle. The norm is 28 days, but usually it varies in the range of 27-29. For some ladies, the frequency may differ from the norm and be within 25-35 days.

Ovulation calendar

To determine the date of its occurrence using the ovulation calendar, you must enter the parameters:

  • the day of the last menstruation;
  • duration;
  • cycle size.

It is possible to enter this data only for the last two months. That is, in order to understand on which day after menstruation ovulation occurs, you do not need to observe the body for a long time. But this calculator will not help much if the girl's life rhythm is unstable. In such a situation, the calculation methods are not accurate. It's better to try others.

Ovulation Tests - When to Use

To determine which day after the start of menstruation, ovulation is more likely, special tests are used to determine it. They are quite affordable and work on a similar principle as pregnancy test strips. The difference is the reagent with which they are impregnated.

When the egg is released, the follicle in which it matures ruptures. Luteinizing hormone (LH) is released into the body. It is its high concentration, the so-called "splash" that indicates the imminent entry of the cell into the fallopian tube.

The test detects the level of LH in the urine. A bright band on it indicates a high content of LH. After that, after 10-12 hours, ovulation will occur.

In order not to miss the moment, measurements should be taken 17 days before the end of the cycle:

  • 14 - on what day after ovulation menstruation comes (luteal phase);
  • 3 - the maximum possible period of ovulation.

Subtracting 17 from the duration of the cycle, we get the day of the start of the trials (for example, the 11th at 28 days). They need to be carried out every day or twice (if there is a chance to miss this short period) at the same time, following the instructions. It is also necessary to limit the amount of fluid consumed for several hours so that it does not lower the level of LH concentration, and do not go to the toilet 2-3 hours before testing.

Normal LH levels are different for every woman. Some women may find a bright streak every day. This indicates a constant high content of LH. For this situation, this method will be ineffective.

Determination of ovulation by well-being

The best way to determine which day ovulation begins after menstruation is to observe your feelings. In particular, the egg, leaving the ovary, breaks through its wall. A small wound is formed, which, of course, brings discomfort. It is expressed in pain in the region of the ovary and lower abdomen. In this case, the ovaries work alternately, with rare exceptions. Therefore, pain can be observed from any side. Sometimes the stomach swells up a little. This is also a normal reaction to the passage of an egg through the tubes. Sometimes this is accompanied by gas formation.

In addition, clear signs of imminent ovulation are:

  • Painful, swollen breasts - the body is preparing to reproduce offspring.
  • Atypical discharge - thick, viscous, plentiful. They differ in color - transparent.
  • Increased libido. A woman is subconsciously ready for fertilization. Observed a couple of days before ovulation.

Of course, there are changes in the level of hormones in the blood and urine, and in the cervix, but this list is enough to determine the onset of the long-awaited moment. Although, not everyone has them expressed explicitly and they can be missed.

What does the basal temperature chart give

If a woman has an irregular cycle and the listed methods are not suitable for her, there is the most accurate way to determine ovulation and on what day after menstruation it occurs. It is long and laborious, but sometimes the expectant mother has no other choice.

It's called a basal body temperature chart. It is compiled on the basis of daily rectal temperature measurements. It is better to do this in advance (from 3 months), observing simple rules:

  • The beginning of the schedule is the first day of menstruation.
  • Measurement is the first thing that is done in the morning, without even leaving the bed.
  • Extra movements can affect accuracy. It’s worth even preparing and “shaking off” the thermometer in the evening.
  • During an illness, it is better to postpone the measurement so as not to distort the picture.
  • When drinking alcohol, you should put a note-explanation on the graph.

The chart itself is quite simple to implement. Two coordinate axes: on the vertical part is the temperature, on the horizontal - days. Every day a point is placed in the corresponding plane. After the end of the month, they are connected by a curved line.

To decipher the curve, it is necessary to return to the process of ovulation again, which is characterized by the following values:

  • The normal human temperature is about 37°C.
  • The egg leaves the ovary, the hormone is released, which entails a decrease of 0.4-0.6 ° C.
  • The end of ovulation is an increase in temperature almost to normal (but slightly lower).
  • Luteal phase - normal temperature or lower by 0.1-0.2 ° C.
  • Before the first day of menstruation - a decline of 0.3-0.4 ° C.

Thus, before the next menstruation, we will observe two recessions, somewhat different from each other. The first, more pronounced, is our “opportune moment”. If you monitor constantly, the day of ovulation after menstruation, the woman will know in advance.


If the "peaks" are not visible, the body may malfunction when the egg has not been produced. If this occurs repeatedly, examinations should be carried out. Possible malfunction of the ovaries or other problems that are better to start treating at an earlier stage, so as not to deprive yourself later of the joys of motherhood.

Ultrasound procedure

Of course, do not forget about the most reliable method - ultrasound. The doctor will be able to observe the development of the follicle, name an auspicious day, and further follow the successful conception.

Using the method that is right for you from all of the above, you can determine with great accuracy the date of ovulation after menstruation.

The term "ovulation" refers to one of the important stages of the menstrual cycle, when a woman's body undergoes a process of rupture of a mature follicle in the ovary, followed by the release of a mature egg into the abdominal cavity, ready for fertilization.

When the period of ovulation comes, the hypothalamus takes over the “management” of this mechanism: it regulates, with the help of special biologically active substances, the release of certain hormones by the anterior pituitary gland - luteinizing (LH) and follicle-stimulating (FSH).

Under the influence of the latter, during the follicular phase of the cycle (just before ovulation), the ovarian follicle grows and, reaching the desired size and degree of activity during the formation of the ovulatory LH peak, stimulates the "maturation" of the egg.

When ovulation occurs, a gap forms in the follicle through which the egg is released and begins to travel through the fallopian tube to the uterus. It is at this time that her fertilization can occur, otherwise - death within 12-24 hours.

A healthy woman is able to conceive (which means that in her body there is a regular onset of ovulation from the moment the first menstrual cycle begins, and all this time the ovulation rhythm remains constant, undergoing changes only after 40 years, that is, after the body begins to prepare for the premenopausal period .

In addition, the rhythm remains unstable for a certain period after an abortion or after childbirth. After the extinction of the menstrual function and at the time of the onset of pregnancy, ovulation stops. Information about when the day of ovulation occurs is very important, since it is she who helps in choosing the most successful time for natural insemination, artificial insemination and IVF.

Usually, if the menstrual cycle is stable, the egg begins to prepare to leave the mature follicle every 21-35 days, although slight deviations are allowed, which are considered to be the norm to a certain extent.

Methods for determining the onset of ovulation

For those who are concerned about the question of how to find out when ovulation occurs, several methods are available to determine the course of this process. The first (calendar) method has already been described - it consists in monitoring the calendar dates of menstruation with the expectation that ovulation in a 28-day cycle takes place on the 13-14th day, and with a 30-day cycle it should be expected on the 15-16th day.

The reliability of this method is about 30%, since the cycle of modern women rarely runs smoothly, and 1-2 times a year the egg is generally not ready for fertilization.

The tactile method will help determine the signs of impending ovulation by fairly subjective indicators. It is known that on the eve of this process and during its passage, the discharge from the cervix becomes less viscous, so that by following this factor, a woman can determine with a certain degree of certainty whether she is ready for conception.

The third method has long been considered the most reliable and was used in the first place. This is a method for measuring basal body temperature. How to understand that ovulation has come, with its help? It is required every day for a month to measure, without getting out of bed, rectal temperature (in the rectum), and, based on the data obtained, draw up a schedule.

On the day of ovulation, the temperature, relatively flat on the rest of the days, is fixed at the lowest level, and the next day it rises sharply. It will take "monitoring" 1-2 menstrual cycles to make sure the schedule is accurate and with a probability of at least 90% to prepare for conception.

A modern, convenient, practical test indicator allows women to quickly and accurately determine the state of their eggs. The test responds to an increased content of hormones, the production of which indicates the beginning of the process, and it can detect reliable signs of the onset of ovulation both in urine and in saliva.

When ovulation does not occur

Can ovulation not occur, even if there is confidence in the absence of pregnancy? Yes, and this is quite possible. Often the cause of this is dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system or stressful situations, sometimes the problem is caused by inflammation of the genitals, some systemic diseases, dysfunction of the thyroid gland or adrenal cortex, tumors of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

A disease of this kind is called anovulation and is 100% the cause of female infertility, therefore, if any violations are found, it is imperative to contact a gynecologist to find out the specific cause and receive adequate treatment.

Having found out why ovulation does not occur in each case, specialists prescribe a stimulation procedure, which is carried out with special medicines. In particular, Clostilbegit is used (often in combination with hormones) and the actual preparations of gonadotropic hormones - Menopur containing FSH and LH, and Gonal-F containing FSH.

The procedure itself is carried out according to various schemes, depending on the cause of anovulation, although the most popular and effective method is treatment with Clostilbegit, carried out on days 5-9 of the cycle. This drug is in most cases prescribed in combination with Menopur, and in this case, stimulation is carried out in the 3-7th menstrual cycle with the addition of hormones on certain days.

Signs of the beginning of ovulation

Short-term pains in the lower abdomen are the very first subjective signs of the onset of the ovulation process in the female body. How to determine the onset of ovulation further: the signs appear more and more objectively - vaginal discharge becomes more intense, basal (rectal) temperature indicators decrease directly on the day of ovulation and increase the next day, progesterone levels increase in blood plasma.

On ultrasound during this period, one can observe the dynamics of changes in the follicles, in one of which a gap is gradually formed, followed by the release of the egg. Determining what day ovulation occurs, following all these signs and using various methods for determining this condition, is not at all difficult.

The process of "maturation" of the egg can be delayed

As you know, during pregnancy, the maturation of new eggs ready for fertilization does not occur, but when this important stage for every woman is left behind, a new, no less important question arises: when does ovulation occur after childbirth?

Experts note that the menstrual cycle begins to recover within 3-10 weeks after childbirth, but it proceeds against the background of anovulation. It must take at least 6 weeks - 3 months for this function to fully recover, although pathological cases are also known within six months after the birth of a child.

Another question that worries women is when does ovulation occur after an abortion? As practice shows, this problem is very serious: in order to plan conception and to prevent the next pregnancy, it is important to know that ovulation normally occurs within the first 4 weeks, and it does not matter whether the interruption was artificial or spontaneous. Another 2 weeks later, menstruation returns and a normal menstrual cycle is established.

How to help the onset of ovulation?

In addition to artificial stimulation, which is prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination, it will not be possible to help the onset of ovulation in any other way. The question "What to do to ovulate?" does not imply a constructive response - everything is placed on the shoulders of mother nature, and her daughters can only use various methods of control over their condition, over the course of the menstrual cycle and their own health.

The most important thing is to know when ovulation occurs after menstruation, and to regularly attempt to conceive.

For reference: a person, unlike animals, is not too fertile, and every healthy woman has only 1 out of 3 chances of getting pregnant every month, and this probability decreases significantly with age.

And only a competent approach to business, armed with the necessary knowledge and the ability to feel your body to the last cell, carefully understanding all its internal processes, will help to cope with any difficulty.

Finally: a few important facts about ovulation

Firstly, directly on the day of ovulation, the probability of conception is as much as 33%, that is, it is the maximum. On the day before the release of a mature egg, the probability reaches 31%, and 2 days before that it is 27%, which are also excellent indicators. 5 days before ovulation and the day after it, the chance of a successful conception is vanishingly small.

Secondly, some studies have shown that a competent calculation of the course of the menstrual cycle, which allows you to find out exactly how many days ovulation occurs, determines not only the optimal time for fertilization of the egg, but also the likelihood of conceiving a child of the desired sex.

Thirdly, when planning a pregnancy and focusing on your cycle, you should not have sex exclusively on the day of ovulation. This is ineffective, because the "life" of spermatozoa is at least a week, so even if they got into the fallopian tubes 5-6 days before the egg is ready for conception, the likelihood of pregnancy will also be very high.

And most importantly: the time of passage of ovulation depends on when the next menstrual cycle began, and not on when the previous one ended. It is important not to make mistakes when calculating the timing!


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