How to tighten the contour of the face exercises. How to tighten the oval of the face at home

The older a person becomes, the more the body ages, the body and face change not for the better. With age, the skin loses its elasticity, the ability to quickly regenerate cells, becomes prone to dryness and sagging.

The muscles of the face become less elastic, and therefore, the oval of the face loses its ideal shape over time. Modern methods of aesthetic cosmetology and medicine can slow down the processes of aging and skin fading.

One of the most effective and affordable methods of facial rejuvenation is the face-building complex. These are specially designed effective facelift exercises at home.

Gymnastics trainers for facial muscles assure that if you perform the exercises regularly and correctly, a positive result can be expected already 7-10 days after the start of classes.

General rules for performing pull-up exercises

There are a number of general recommendations that must be followed in Facebook building. recommendations were developed by experienced specialists in facial gymnastics in order to maximize the effect of the procedures. The main rules include the following:

1. Practice in a sitting position, as it is as relaxed as possible for the body. At the same time, it is important to look in the mirror in order to exclude the possibility of incorrect execution.

The sitting position for a person is considered the most relaxed. That is why in the process of massage, she will strain to achieve the most positive results.

2. The complex that you have chosen should be repeated daily. Daily exercise will ensure maximum effectiveness.

3. In the process of execution, it is important to strain the muscles strongly, to get the best result. The stronger the muscles tense during the procedure, the more useful the training.

4.Before starting gymnastic exercises, you should clean your face and apply a cream to your skin. All exercises are performed in such a way as to achieve a slight burning sensation.

A slight burning sensation in the muscles indicates that everything is done correctly. Exercising less than 10 minutes a day is unlikely to give a quick and visible result, and hourly exercises do not make much sense.

5. On average, the duration of the daily complex should be 10-15 minutes.

Self-massage of the face

Self-massage of the facial muscles and neck will allow you to restore the correct tightened contour and oval of the face. A few weeks of self-massage will help tighten the face and rejuvenate the skin by improving blood circulation in these areas.

Note! Facelift exercises at home will not get rid of existing deep wrinkles, but they will take care of skin tone and eliminate the appearance of new wrinkles.

Facelift exercises at home are recommended to be performed daily at a specific time.

Additionally, you can use a cream or oil, selected individually depending on the type of skin.

For example, baby powder is a good option for oily skin. Vegetable oils should be used for dry skin, and for normal skin, you can choose a cream with plant extracts and nutrients.

Self-massage techniques include:

  • rubbing;
  • stroking;
  • light pressure.

Exercise "Points"

The exercise involves stroking the upper eyelid, starting movement near the inner corner with the help of the ring and index fingers. Repeats 3 times.

Exercise "Stroking along the contour of the face"

The starting point is the middle of the chin, the final point is the earlobe. The second line, starting in the middle of the forehead, and ends at the temples; then move from the edges of the mouth to the earlobes.

Facelift exercises at home allow you to save a significant amount of money and time on visiting beauty parlors, not much inferior in effectiveness to salon procedures

Another line starts at the bottom of the nose and reaches the ears, moving along the cheekbones. In conclusion, strokes are performed on the neck with the help of palms, moving from the collarbone to the chin. Each movement is repeated 8-10 times.

Spiral rubbing

You can use spiral rubbing. The lines of such a massage are similar to stroking. Each movement is repeated 5 times. Then they do this - they perform massage movements of the outer corner of the eye with the help of the middle and ring fingers, as if making a figure eight. All movements are performed 8-10 times.

Light pressure

You can also perform light pressure under the eyes, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bridge of the nose and in the main places of the folds, with light finger pressure. Enough 3 times for each area.

Exercise "staccato"

The last effective exercise is staccato, which is often referred to as "playing the piano."

It involves a light patting underneath, starting in the center of the face, moving along the main massage lines already indicated above.

First, pats are performed with the inside of the hand, and then with the back. Enough for 5-10 repetitions.

For lifting the cheeks and contour, oval face

This set of effective exercises was developed by professional Facebook builders. It must be performed in the morning every day to tone the facial muscles and fight skin aging.

  1. It is necessary to mentally create a balloon in your mouth and roll it in all directions.
  2. You should firmly compress your lips and press on your cheeks, mentally counting to 10.
  3. Next, you need to slightly open your mouth and slightly push your jaw forward, moving it left and right, increasing speed.
  4. Next, you need to stretch the tongue and pull it down with the sound "a".

Exercises for the eyelids and lifting the skin around the eyes

It is necessary to put your fingers on the temples, as if pulling the skin back. The eyes remain open. The exercise itself involves opening and closing them in turn so that the fingers remain in one place and the skin stretches. Repeat 40 times.

Next, you need to rub your palms well until you feel warm, close your eyes and put your palms on top. The exercise itself is this - the head is thrown back, the eyelids are lowered down, and the eyebrows are raised up. Must be done 10 times.

To strengthen the muscles of the lips

For exercises for lifting the face and lip muscles at home, you need to become like this - sitting, resting on the back of a chair or armchair, arms lowered and relaxed. Exercise 1 - inhale sharply so that the nostrils expand and the cheeks puff out. Then the air is exhaled in parts, tightly closing the lips. 3-4 repetitions.

The next exercise is to say the sounds “a”, “o”, “i”, “s” 5-6 times. Exercise 3 - the mouth is opened and closed slowly, lingering in the position when it is open. Exercise 4 - lift the corners of your mouth alternately, and then together. Exercise 5 - lips tightly squeeze, as if wrapping inward.

To reduce jowls and eliminate the double chin

Exercises for a facelift and getting rid of jowls at home are as follows:

  1. The face should be patted with the back of the fingers along the line from the midpoint of the chin and on the cheeks.
  2. The index fingers are placed at the bottom of the jaw in a recess, while the left should be under the right. Perform massaging sawing movements.
  3. Acupressure is performed along the main massage line.
  4. Cream or massage oil is rubbed in the palms and rubbed into the skin with strong sliding movements, moving along the contour of the face from the chin.

Strengthening the brow muscles on the forehead

The brow muscles can look very unaesthetic, but they can be removed with the help of facelift exercises at home. First, raise and lower the eyebrows. For effort, fingers are placed over them. Next, the eyebrows are drawn together.

For effort, the middle and index fingers of both hands are placed between them, the ring fingers are placed under the eyebrows. At the same time, a frustrated facial expression is made so that the bridge of the nose is wrinkled.

Now you need to raise the corners of the eyebrows. The center of the forehead is fixed with the palms to provide additional force. The last exercise is aimed at the work of the bridge of the nose.

The palms should be placed in a triangle like this, leaving a small space above the bridge of the nose. The meaning of the exercise is to ensure that the forehead rises up.

For neck skin tightening

To tighten the skin on the neck, you can choose the following actions:

    1. The head must be thrown back, relaxing the jaw, then it should be slowly strained, as if trying to cover the upper jaw with the lower jaw.

  1. Hands should be clasped in the lock, set under the face and slowly throw the head back until a feeling of tension appears.
  2. Shoulders should be straightened, fingers should be placed on top, the neck should be pulled up, holding the shoulders and holding the breath. It is enough to count to 10 and relax by exhaling.
  3. The arms and shoulders are relaxed, the head is lowered to the chest, the exercise is reduced to circular rolls of the head.
  4. The exercise is represented by turning the head in different directions alternately without raising the shoulders.
  5. The exercise is similar to the previous one, but the task is as follows - the head should touch the shoulders.

Gymnastics for the nose

Through constantly performed exercises for the nose, it is possible to tighten the skin, which will have a positive effect on its shape. The starting position is the same - the stomach should be pulled in, and the buttocks tense. The optimal number of repetitions is about 40.

purpose Performance
Exercises to shorten the nose.By means of the thumb and forefinger, pressure and compression of the nose in the region of the bridge of the nose should be performed. Using the index finger, fix the tip of the nose. The exercise involves lowering the tip of the nose and lips down, fixing in this position and relaxing.
Exercises for a facelift at home and for straightening the nose.The fingers are positioned similarly to the previous exercise. The difference is to push their nose to the side that is opposite to the curved one.
Nose slimming exercise.With your index finger, you should fix the tip of the nose, pushing it up, as well as pulling up the upper lip and slightly opening the mouth. The ideal position is to pull it over your teeth.

We move our ears

Ear exercises are known to everyone:

  1. You should pull on the ears, holding the earlobes with your fingers, moving from top to bottom. Strength should be moderate.
  2. Fingers should be taken by the auricles, pulling the ears to the right and left.
  3. It is necessary to rotate the ears, and then pull them back.

All are repeated 15-20 times.

tongue exercises

You can also do tongue exercises. They are simple but very effective:

  • lick your lips in a circle, trying to stretch your tongue as much as possible;
  • roll nuts or a fictional ball out of the air with your tongue in your mouth, focusing on your cheeks;
  • smile with tension, baring your teeth, stick out your tongue, giving it the shape of a cup;
  • brush your teeth with your tongue;
  • drum on the teeth with the tongue open.

If performed daily, these exercises will be enough to see the first results of rejuvenation and lifting of facial contours in a week or two.

Of course, an instant tightening will not happen, it is imperative to keep the muscles in good shape so that the skin and muscles do not relax and do not fade.

In addition, it is necessary to nourish the skin with nourishing moisturizing creams and lotions to prolong youth for many years.

Useful videos about gymnastics for facial muscles against skin aging

Exercises for a facelift (strengthening the facial muscles) at home (basic exercise):

Exercises for lifting the oval of the face at home:

To effectively combat age-related changes in the face, its rejuvenation, it is necessary to use face-building - a special set of exercises. Gymnastics will help make the skin supple, improve its tone, and reduce fine wrinkles. If signs of facial aging have not yet appeared, do preventive workouts.

Gymnastics for the face from wrinkles

There are a large number of different techniques aimed at reducing age-related skin changes in the forehead, lips, cheeks, and around the eyes. There are the following effective facial exercises for wrinkles:

  • faceforming designed by Benita Cantieni;
  • method of Camilla Voler;
  • yoga for the face
  • facelift by Maria Runge;
  • complex Carol Maggio;
  • Tibetan, Japanese massage;
  • facial bodyflex;
  • shaping;
  • facebuilding Eva Fraser;
  • Reinhold Benz gymnastics.

According to the opinions of the creators of the author's methods, regular exercise contributes to the training of facial muscles, maintains their tone, and helps fine mimic or deeper wrinkles. In order for gymnastics to give the desired effect, several conditions must be met:

  1. It is recommended to start periodic training from the age of 25. After reaching this age, the skin begins to gradually fade. From the age of 35, you should practice at least 5 times a week.
  2. The effectiveness of morning exercises is higher than evening ones, so you should take a few minutes for gymnastics after getting up. In addition, some simple manipulations aimed at correcting problem areas can be performed at any free time.
  3. Before training, it is recommended to remove makeup, take a contrast shower, do self-massage in the face and neck.
  4. To control the technique of exercises, perform them while standing in front of a mirror. The back should be kept straight - this will help improve blood circulation.
  5. After gymnastics, do a massage, concentrating on problem areas. Apply moisturizer or milk to the face, neck and décolleté.

Around eyes

Over time, small mimic wrinkles appear on the skin in the eye area. As age-related changes develop, bags, drooping corners, and sagging of the upper eyelid may occur. To prevent or correct such defects, the following complex is needed:

  1. Fix the skin near the outer corner of the eye with your index finger, near the inner - with the middle one. With an effort, press the upper eyelid on the lower one. At the same time, try not to squint. Hold your eyes in this position for 2-3 seconds, then open them wide. Do 15-20 repetitions. Practice 3-5 times in 7 days.
  2. Leave your fingers at the corners of your eyes. Move your eyes to the ceiling, lifting the lower eyelid. Hold the position for 5 seconds, relax. Do 20 reps. Do the exercise 3-5 times a week.
  3. Direct your gaze straight ahead. Open your eyes as wide as possible, while trying to push the eyeball out a little. Pause for 2 seconds. The next step is to close your eyes. Repeat the exercise 15 times. Do gymnastics 3-5 times in 7 days.

On the forehead

Face fitness will help to cope with wrinkles on the forehead without the use of drugs that paralyze the nervous system. To achieve the desired effect, you should regularly do the following exercises for the muscles of the face:

  1. Place your palms so that the little fingers fix the skin above the eyebrows. With the rest of your fingers, try to prevent wrinkling of your forehead. Raise your eyebrows up, overcoming the resistance of your hands, then relax your muscles. Do 20 repetitions (on the last one, fix the position for 8-10 seconds). Do the exercise every 2 days.
  2. Position the little fingers over the inner edge of the eyebrows. The index fingers should converge in the center of the forehead. Try to bring your eyebrows together, while preventing the displacement of the skin of the face. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times. The frequency of execution is every other day.

Around the lips

The area around the lips lends itself well to training. The result will be visible after a few sessions. To get rid of age-related changes, the following complex is recommended:

  1. Place your palms vertically on your lips. The little fingers should be near the wings of the nose. Pull your lips forward until a feeling of fatigue appears in the lower part of the face. Gradually increase the number of repetitions up to 30 times. Do the exercise 3-5 times/week.
  2. Stretching your lips into the correct oval, pronounce the sound "o". The skin in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle should stretch. Press the corners of your mouth with your middle and index fingers. Try to clasp your teeth with your lips. Repeat the action until fatigue appears (up to 30 times). Frequency of implementation - 3-4 rubles / week.

Face oval exercises

With age, the oval of the face loses its clear contour, a second chin may form. The skin in the neck area loses its elasticity, becomes flabby. Facelift exercises will help prevent these problems:

  1. Take a sitting position, relax your face, close your mouth. Press your tongue on the upper palate, making an effort. In the first approach, do 10-15 quick movements, in the second - one repetition, holding the load for 8 seconds. Do the exercise daily.
  2. Clench your hand into a fist and place it between your chin and neck. Try to open your mouth by pressing on the limb. Do at a fast pace 10 times. As part of the second approach, hold the load for 8 seconds. The frequency is every day.
  3. Pull your lips forward, pronouncing the sound "y", while straining your neck. Then quickly stretch your lips with the sound "and". Hold the position for 10 seconds. Do 10-15 repetitions. Frequency - daily.
  4. Pull the top lip over the bottom. Slowly turn your face to the right and up, count to 8. Repeat on the other side. Do the exercise 10 times. Do gymnastics every day.
  5. Clasp your palms in the lock and clasp the back of your head with them. Trying to tilt your head back, press on your hands for 10 seconds. Do 6 repetitions daily.

Cheek lift exercises

Charging to strengthen the muscles of the face in the cheek area helps to tighten the skin, maintaining its elasticity. It is recommended to perform the complex, even if there are no wrinkles in this area yet:

  1. Press your cheeks with your palms. Try to inflate them with maximum effort. Hold the position for 5 seconds, repeat 15 times. Get busy in a day.
  2. Leave the same original position. Puff out your cheeks one by one. Do 15 repetitions on each side. The frequency of execution is every 2 days.
  3. Place your index fingers between the lower row of teeth and the inner surface of the cheeks. Draw in these areas of the face. The cheeks should be between the teeth. In this case, you need to press on your fingers. Do 15 repetitions. The frequency of execution is every other day.
  4. Here's another dessert spoon exercise: Do 15 reps every 2 days.


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Everyone knows that old age is primarily manifested in wrinkles and sagging skin. But the elasticity of the skin itself and the contour of our face depend on how good the tone of the facial muscles is. To keep the muscles of the face in good shape, just like in fitness, proper and effective exercises are necessary.

That's why website publishes a set of the best exercises, which, according to doctors, will help your face stay fit and young for many years.

We warm up the muscles

So that your efforts are not in vain, before starting any “training”, the muscles need to be properly stretched and warmed up.

Sit or stand with your back straight. Now try to pronounce the vowel sounds as clearly and drawlingly as possible (“a”, “o”, “i”, “e”). Take your time and continue the exercise until you feel warmth all over your face.

Sit on a chair and tilt your head back. Now imagine that you need to reach the light bulb with your lower lip. Stick out your lower lip as much as possible and stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. Then relax and repeat 2-3 more times.

In this exercise, you need to wrap your arms around yourself properly. Then slowly begin to pull your neck up. It is important to keep your back straight. As soon as you feel that you have reached the limit, take a deep breath and silently count to 10-15. Then slowly return to the starting position.

A simple but effective exercise against sagging cheeks and cheeks. Keep your head straight while doing it.

Lower the corners of your lips and pull them down as hard as you can for 5 seconds. Then return to normal position. Repeat the exercise 5 times or more until you feel tired in the muscles.

Sitting in a chair with a straight back, take a pencil and squeeze it firmly with your lips. Now, without moving your head, start writing your name or individual letters with a pencil in the air. Do the exercise for at least 3 minutes, then take a break and repeat a couple more times.

This exercise works on the muscles of the neck and helps to tighten the contour of the face.

Tilt your head to the right, trying to reach your shoulder with your ear. At the same time, with the palm of your right hand, press on your left temple, trying to prevent head movements. Hold for 10 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

In an era of total concern about how to preserve youthful skin and prevent wrinkles, women take various measures - sometimes radical, like the same plastic surgery, sometimes less painful, injections, and some even direct all their efforts and budget to high-quality cosmetics. But there is another category of women: they choose a completely different way of rejuvenation and prevention of early wrinkles - facebuilding or facial gymnastics. What is it and how to try it for yourself?

What is facial gymnastics?

Gymnastics for the face has been familiar to us for a long time: surely you remember how your mother stood at the mirror and gave out all sorts of funny grimaces? Facebook building and face fitness came to us from Europe, in the 90s, when the legendary book saw the world, or rather the technique described in it “5 minutes for beauty and youth” (“Five-minute Face-lift: A Daily Program for a Beautiful , Wrinkle-Free Face") by German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz. To help his girlfriend, a famous 42-year-old ballerina, maintain skin tone, tighten the muscles on her face and, thereby, correct the oval of the face, he developed a set of exercises: a compilation of yoga and its innovative techniques. Facebook building or facial gymnastics made a splash among both celebrities and ordinary housewives: like mushrooms after rain, dozens of original facelift techniques began to appear using gymnastics and exercises, yoga and even face aerobics, schools and classes were opened where women were shown what such exercises for the face and taught how to perform it correctly.

The most famous followers and adherents of Reinhold Benz, who developed the world-famous Facebook building techniques, which are worth getting to know better:

  • Eva Fraser Method
  • Method Carol Maggio
  • Methodology of Patricia Gorevoy
  • Facelift by Dr. Robert Te and esthetician Sally Riceman
  • Gymnastics for the face in French from the cosmetologist Evelyn Gunter-Pechot
  • Methodology of Evgenia Baglyk

Each of these experts has created a set of exercises aimed at a facelift at home. Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles is a reality that is seriously considered a worthy alternative to Botox and hyaluronic acid. During the exercises for the muscles of the face, the facial muscles are activated, blood flow improves, excess fluid leaves the lymph, its own collagen and elastin are produced, which increase skin turgor. This is how the facial rejuvenation that everyone dreams of happens! And the main thing here is the systematic and strict adherence to the rules described in the methodology. By the way, no cost! Except muscle!

Facebook building for the face: the essence of the method, benefits and rules

If you set a goal, with the help of Facebook building you can really get rid of the second chin, eliminate swelling and dark circles under the eyes, correct the oval of the face, make it clearer and smoother, enlarge the cheekbones, make them more visible and defined, as well as tighten sagging cheeks, eliminate goose bumps. paws and other facial wrinkles - and not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté. Gymnastics for the face can make you younger by 5 or even 10 years! So it was with Carol Maggio, the author of the popular facial gymnastics: regularly performing her own facial exercises, at 66 she looked 36. And this is true! Many of her followers simply refused to believe that the photo depicted the same woman. So, gymnastics for the face works wonders!

Based on the classic face-building technique of Reinhold Benz, in order to achieve such a stunning rejuvenating effect, first of all, you need to relieve tension from the facial muscles, and then gradually strengthen each of the strategically important muscle plexuses on the face. Facelift exercises should be performed 5 times a week, in the morning or evening. The Facebook building program is designed for 3 months. Each workout should take at least 10 minutes. The first results, according to Benz and his fans, you will notice after 2 weeks of regular training.

Gymnastics for the face: before and after

Important: perform all exercises for the facial muscles clearly according to the instructions, strain the indicated muscles, fixing those that should not be involved at the moment. Otherwise, instead of a positive effect, there is a risk of the appearance of new folds and wrinkles on the face, as well as the “pumping” of unnecessary muscles and, accordingly, their increase, which will by no means paint you.

Facial Fitness: Facelift Exercises

We have prepared for you 5 effective GIF exercises for the face that will help you:

  • Tighten facial muscles
  • Improve skin condition and refresh complexion
  • Restore the oval of the face
  • Get rid of bags under the eyes and puffiness
  • Remove or at least reduce the appearance of a double chin, tighten sagging cheeks
  • Increase skin elasticity by improving its turgor

Facelift exercises should be performed 4-5 times a week, exercising for at least 7-10 minutes. It is best to do face building exercises in the morning before applying makeup: the face will be fresh and toned, ready for a hard day. In the evening, you should focus on relaxing the muscles of the face, removing blocks from the muscles, working out the clamps and other consequences of the stress received during the day. Performing the exercises, clearly repeat the movements of the model, having previously read the description of each in the text under the GIF.

Cheek lift exercise

Fold your lips as if for a kiss, stretch them out with a “tube” and take them to the right side. Then turn your neck to the right. Count to 5 and return to the starting position. Do the same on the left side. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each side.

Bring your lips inward, behind the bottom line of your teeth, then tighten your chin and pull it up, sticking out your lower jaw. Count to 5 and release the muscles. Do the exercise 10 times.

Put your palms on your forehead, close your eyes, place your little fingers along the line of closed milestones. Roll your eyes as if you are looking up and down. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

Connect the middle and index fingers, press along the line of eyebrow growth. Gently pull your fingers up and to the side, as if stretching the area between the eyebrows. Count to 10 and relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Exercise for lifting the chin, against the second chin and sagging cheeks.

Pull the selections forward, put your tongue behind your upper teeth, close your mouth. Then connect the two thumbs, stretch the lower lip and press the chin with your fingers. You should feel tension in your lower face and chin. Count to 10 and relax. Do the exercise 10 times.

Women constantly want to look beautiful and young, only with a return, the skin of the face loses its firmness, elasticity, resulting in wrinkles. In modern cosmetology, there are many ways to improve the condition of the skin and prevent aging, but it is not at all necessary to carry out expensive plastic surgery, because doing gymnastics for a facelift will return the correct contours and get rid of fine wrinkles.

Execution efficiency

Mankind often experiments on how to keep their youth longer. Age-related changes in a woman are primarily manifested on the face, which they fight with the help of cosmetic procedures, means, but not everyone knows about gymnastics for lifting the oval of the face, which has a beneficial effect on her external condition. Female representatives know that beauty can be restored in affordable ways, but it is not at all necessary to go for expensive operations and injections by visiting salons. There are effective exercises that are aimed at lifting the oval of the face and neck, for the chin, which helps to get rid of many visual problems.

Training for a facelift and getting rid of wrinkles can be performed at any age, since there are no restrictions, contraindications, the sooner you start, the more likely you will get rid of the problems of sagging skin and a second chin. By training the muscles of the face at an early stage, it will be possible to strengthen them and see changes in one week, provided that you adhere to the regularity of execution. It is never too late to start, the main thing is not to wonder and the result will not keep you waiting, all efforts will not be in vain.


Each exercise is aimed at certain muscle groups, which helps to correct problem areas of the face, they have been specially developed and improved for a long time, with their help blood circulation improves, skin cells are saturated with oxygen, fine mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, the contours of the face oval are strengthened, there is every chance to get rid of second chin.

All classes are designed for long-term performance, you do not need to think that wrinkles will disappear in a few days, you will need to be patient. But withering of the skin can be stopped in advance by tensing the facial muscles daily. Only in this way, you can ensure your future beauty and attractiveness, and most importantly, a healthy appearance.

Often, many women believe that in order to maintain a youthful face, it is enough to apply anti-aging creams, masks with a lifting effect, wrinkles form deep enough, to the base of which the cream does not penetrate. Skin and muscles lose their elasticity and firmness with age, according to the law of gravity of the Earth, they sag and stretch, as a result of which the oval of the face is deformed, and the muscular frame is modified. Therefore, you should always remember that the condition of the skin does not always depend on the layer of the epidermis, it is the muscles that play a significant role for a good look of the face and its contours.

Effective facial gymnastics exercises

A visible result comes after a week-long course of regular classes and the correct execution technique. It will take not much effort to make significant progress that will become noticeable. Consider the basic techniques for doing gymnastics:

  • An activity that affects all areas of the face: The technique of execution is to take a deep breath and puff out the cheeks, keep the lips closed. With the help of palms, press on the cheeks, thereby creating resistance. Slowly count to 5 and relax, the number of repetitions is 10 times.
  • Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the chin and oval: Go to the mirror, round your lips in the shape of the letter O and make pressure movements on the cheek with your tongue. Try to create tension and change the location of the tongue along the inside of the cheek. It is required to perform the exercise up to about 20 times for each cheek.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the cheeks, eyes and mouth: You need to open your mouth as wide as possible, making it an oval shape, press your upper lip to your teeth. Put your index fingers near the lower eyelids of the eyes, no need to press. Then smile slightly with the corners of your mouth and return to the starting position. In this case, tension should be felt under the fingers. Do 30 repetitions.
  • Lifting the corners of the mouth and smoothing wrinkles: We squeeze our lips tightly, putting our index fingers to the corners of the mouth. Keep your lips in tension, making a slight smile. Do 15 repetitions. Finish the exercise with tapping movements of the fingers on the corners of the lips.
  • Improving the oval of the face and smoothing nasolabial wrinkles: Open your mouth wide, pressing your lips to your teeth and make an oval shape of the open mouth. With index fingers, massage from the corners of the mouth to the wings of the nose and back. Perform movements until a slight burning sensation of the nasolabial folds is felt. Then use the fingertips to make tapping movements up and down for 1 minute.


Additional facelift methods

You can supplement gymnastics for the face from jowls with the following useful procedures:

  • the use of masks made from natural ingredients that are available to every woman, for example, fermented milk products, olive oil and others that nourish and moisturize the skin of the face;
  • rubbing ice cubes on the face to invigorate the skin and improve blood circulation;
  • the use of herbal decoctions;
  • massage with a terry towel, which can be moistened in a saline, herbal solution.
  • applying night and day cream
  • various facial massage techniques, for example, Italian massage, Facial massage with snails, Lifting massage for face slimming and restoration of the oval, and others.

It is the technique of lifting the oval of the face, for the chin at home, that has received a lot of female feedback, and cosmetologists confirm the effectiveness of performing exercises aimed at the disappearance of jowls and smoothing wrinkles, due to the physical activity of the facial muscles. During physical activity, the muscles of the face begin to work and be constantly in good shape, there is a slight load on certain areas, helping to form, maintain the desired shape and shape of the face, eliminates the second chin, strengthens the muscles of the neck and décolleté.

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