Additional valve in the heart of a child. What is an additional chord in the heart, its causes and treatment. You may also be interested

  • Why do additional chords appear?
  • What are the symptoms of this defect?
  • How to treat cardiac anomalies?
  • What are the ways to prevent this heart disease?

An accessory chorda of the left ventricle is a diagnosis that can only be made with ultrasound (ultrasound). It is impossible to detect it either on the ECG or when listening. Sometimes it is discovered by chance during the examination. But if the cardiologist hears a heart murmur, then it can be assumed that the reason for this is an additional chord in the cavity.

There are several chords in the human body. Their function is to prevent the valve from flexing during the contraction of the heart and to keep the blood at this time. Chords are a kind of springs with different muscle structures. In some people, in addition to the required number of chords, an additional chord may be observed.

During the examination, doctors establish the classification of such a pathology. This is to determine if a person needs special treatment. And if it concerns a child, then what should parents do to provide him with the necessary living conditions with such violations in the heart.

Do not think that such a pathology limits the lives of people. Thousands of patients live with such a diagnosis, while their possibilities are almost the same as those of the healthy part of the world's population.

Why do additional chords appear?

Cardiovascular disease can be congenital or acquired. Congenital pathology refers to diseases that begin to form in the womb. Prerequisites for this may be such phenomena as:

  • bad ecology;
  • stress during pregnancy;
  • heredity;
  • lack of proper nutrition;
  • infection of the fetus;
  • weak immunity of the expectant mother;
  • smoking during pregnancy.

Cardiac pathologies most often develop in children whose mothers suffer from various infectious diseases.

Acquired diseases include those diseases that develop through late diagnosis, improper treatment, alcohol abuse, drugs, obesity. It can be of various etiologies. The danger of this phenomenon lies in the fact that the symptoms may not appear at first. This applies, for example, to additional chords.

The reasons for the appearance of such chords are a hereditary factor. Usually the child inherits the disease from the mother, who may not be aware that she has a heart defect. The disease is rarely transmitted from the father. False chords of the left ventricle are found in newborns. But they do not affect the work of the heart in any way, and no special treatment is required. With the age and development of the baby, the notochord can stretch and nestle against the wall of the ventricle.

This disease is not dangerous, it is like small threads in the heart. Physicians attribute such a defect to the group of small anomalies of the heart, and in some cases this is considered the norm. But such a formation in the right ventricle threatens with negative consequences without proper treatment.

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What are the symptoms of this defect?

An abnormal chorda of the left ventricle may not be detected for many years, because there are no special symptoms. Babies may have a heart murmur when listening. In this case, the heart works naturally without any serious disturbances. But the clinical picture largely depends on the number and location of the chords.

In the presence of a chord of the left ventricle of the heart, a systolic murmur is heard in the left side of the sternum between the 3rd-4th rib. If there are many such formations, the heart rhythm may be disturbed. The patient may experience extrasystole or rapid heart rate (paroxysmal tachycardia). Violated hemodynamics and diastolic function of the heart. In a child, many chords can manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

  • fast fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • heart palpitations;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • psycho-emotional instability.

With arrhythmia caused by this pathology, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination. Ultrasound, ECG, daily monitoring are prescribed. When fibrous strands, called chords, are found, the diagnosis may sound like "hemodynamically insignificant", which means the anomaly is safe. Therefore, you can not worry and listen to your heart. There are no symptoms.

If the doctor speaks of a hemodynamically significant diagnosis, then this implies disorders that need to be monitored by a cardiologist. If necessary, treatment is prescribed.

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How to treat cardiac anomalies?

Defects in the heart associated with the presence of one chord, have 70% of patients, and 30% of patients have several of them. They can be:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • diagonal.

With age, the chords tend to change their direction. Therefore, the supervision of a cardiologist and regular examinations are required.

With an additional chord in the left ventricle, no treatment is required, much less surgical intervention. If this cardiac anomaly is found in a child, this does not mean that he is disabled and should be protected from everything. Children with this diagnosis can continue to lead a normal life.

The presence of a chord in the left ventricle requires a balanced diet and a proper daily routine. The diet of the child should include foods rich in potassium, calcium and especially magnesium. It is not recommended to overload the child. Sleep should be at least 8 hours. It would be good to avoid nervous strains.

If a patient with LVDC (additional chord of the left ventricle) has the complaints and symptoms described above, medications are prescribed: B vitamins, antioxidants and nootropic drugs for neurocicular dystonia.

Such treatment is prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis. The time of such complex therapy takes at least a month.

The prognosis for chords in the left ventricle is favorable, especially if patients follow the recommendations of doctors.

Surgical intervention is necessary only if the abnormally located chord includes bundles of the myocardial system. In this case, it is excised.

An additional chord in the heart is a pathology that is often found in children. But such a disease does not carry a great danger. The ordinary notochord is a muscle that connects 2 opposite sides of the left ventricle of the heart.

Extra chord is redundant in the left ventricle and has an atypical structure. As a rule, it is located in the left ventricle, much less often in the right. For a long time, doctors studied this anomaly of finding the chord in the left ventricle. Experts came to the conclusion that the disease does not affect the functioning of the heart and does not pose an additional danger to life for the child.

Most often, an additional chord n located in the child's left ventricle, much less often, specialists find it in adult patients. In a child, the disease is easier to detect, because the children's heart is small and the murmur is more easily distinguished in it. When a notochord is found in the heart, no preliminary symptoms are observed in the patient.

Very often, doctors find the disease by accident, because when listening to the heart, noises are detected. If a cardiologist detects a heart murmur, then the patient is given a referral for an ECG. After the procedure, the patient is found to have a chord. In medicine, there are cases when the chord was false, but murmurs were still observed in the heart.

For what reasons does an additional chord appear in the heart of a child

The cause of the disease is heredity. The disease is transmitted through the maternal line. Maybe the child's mother had a similar disease or some other heart disease.

Treatment of additional chord in the heart

This disease does not carry any danger. No special treatment is required. But if the disease is detected in a patient, he is assigned a sparing lifestyle. The patient should be limited to physical activity.

The doctor will prescribe a calm exercise therapy. In no case should the sick person be physically overloaded. It is imperative that alternate work and rest.

A sick person must eat right and follow a strict daily routine.

The doctor will prescribe treatment to stabilize the nervous system.

A patient with such a disease is contraindicated in nervous shocks. It is obligatory to see a cardiologist twice a year. Noises that arise from the chord, may interfere with hearing other heart diseases, so it is better to see a doctor more often.

Children may experience abnormal notochord disease. It's not such a terrible problem. A baby with an additional notochord disease can be completely healthy and live for many years. Often this disease does not remind itself of itself. There is no need to panic about this disease.

The main thing is to follow the correct daily routine and see a specialist regularly. It must be remembered that additional chords are not classified as diseases. Many doctors consider an additional chord in a child to be a normal deviation from the norm.

When detected extra chord in baby's heart, many parents can not keep calm. Dads and moms frantically start looking for hospitals, stand in line for a consultation with a pediatric cardiologist. In parallel with this, parents begin to familiarize themselves with the disease on their own.

At the same time, parents constantly pull their child. Instead of the kid developing fully and playing with his peers, his parents constantly take him to doctors and clinics. The child is tormented by the delivery of various tests and diagnostics. But is this disease worth worrying about?

What is a chord for?

Heart valves are essential for the functioning of the blood flow. Thanks to them, there is no mixing of arterial and venous blood. When the next pulsation of the heart valve occurs, it bends a little, but does not open. Thus, the blood is held back. For this movement of the valve to occur, special mechanisms are used in the heart, which are called the notochord. In the human heart there is a certain number of chords, which are made up of muscle tissue.

If the chord has a high density, then on ultrasound it is better visible than the rest of the chords.

The chords in the human body are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Hemodynamics is irrelevant.
  2. Hemodynamics matters.
  3. A chord, in which hemodynamics does not matter, does not harm a person.
  4. The second type requires specialized supervision by a doctor.

What are the chords

If an extra chord is found in a child, then it does not declare itself in any way. It is found randomly during a doctor's examination. False chord is considered by physicians genetic disease often inherited from the mother. The anomaly does not affect the functionality of the body. Doctors can only help by systematically examining the patient twice a year.

Thus, the development of pathological conditions is predetermined. The notochord originates in different chambers of the heart or ventricles. A large number of chords are located in the valve of the left ventricle. Chords have different directions:

  1. Transverse.
  2. Oblong.
  3. Diagonal.

Doctors note cases when the anomaly changed its location. Eighty percent of patients have one chord and approximately 20% of others have multiple chords.

Why does pathology form?

The main reason why a chord is formed is considered a genetic factor. As a rule, the patient's mother suffered from a cardiovascular disease. Therefore, her child is at risk of developing a pathology. And also an anomaly can be formed due to the influence unstable environment.

Another reason may be association with mutagenic sources, which are tobacco toxins and drugs.

The cause of the disease of the child may be the use of alcohol during pregnancy.


A disease that develops in the heart does not remind the patient of itself. All his life the patient walks with such a pathology, but he does not have any symptoms. Doctors suspect a pathology, When is an ultrasound done for a baby? for systemic noise. As a rule, the diagnosis is made in newborn children or during early development. This includes a group of children under the age of 3 years.

Doctors carry out statistics on how often an anomaly occurs. The disease is explained by the recently introduced medical and diagnostic standardizations. According to these requirements, every newborn at 1 month old needs to do an ECHO-KG. When pathology is detected, parents immediately report the disease. If the child is developing intensively, then a pathology in the heart can be noticed in him. Because with accelerated development, the load on the child's body increases. In this case, the little patient feels the following:

  1. Slight prickling in the heart.
  2. Cardiopalmus.
  3. Weakness.
  4. Increased fatigue.
  5. Psycho-emotional lability.
  6. Dizziness.

Also, the child may differ abnormal heart rhythm. These signs are typical for adolescents with an anomaly. If a person has a lot of chorts, then the doctor takes into account their location to the connective tissue. That is why signs can appear in other organs of the human body.

If in a man's heart anomaly detected by ultrasound, then the doctor has reason to assume that the connective tissue is developing poorly in the body. Further, the doctor appoints the patient a further examination by a cardiologist and a pediatrician. Based on the analyzes obtained, the specialist can conclude: the anomaly is self-sufficient or it was formed as a result of damage to the connective tissue.

If the diagnosis is based on the first symptom, then the anomaly has no symptoms. In the second case, the anomaly is associated with other organs. In this case, the patient is assigned a comprehensive diagnosis and observation 2 times a year by a specialist.

How the disease is treated

The anomaly does not require treatment with drugs. Medicines are prescribed if the patient has clinical signs of accessory chord. And also the patient is assigned to follow up with a cardiologist and perform an ECG.

Medications are prescribed if the patient has symptoms that are associated with cardiovascular function.

In order for the heart muscles to be enriched with nutrients, the doctor prescribes the following vitamins:

  1. Riboflavin.
  2. A nicotinic acid.

These vitamins must be taken one course per month. Such prophylaxis is prescribed 2 times a year. In order to normalize the processes of repolarization, which were disturbed due to a failure of heart rhythms, medicines with potassium and magnesium are prescribed by specialists. This includes medicines:

  1. Magne B6. This drug must be taken once a month. It has contraindications for children under 6 years of age.
  2. Magnerot, different the drug is called "magnesium orotate". This medication is prescribed for a course of 3-4 weeks. For children under 18 years of age, the drug is contraindicated.
  3. Orotat Potassium. It must be applied within 3 or 5 weeks. This medication can be used for children. The dosage is prescribed by the therapist.
  4. Panangin. This drug contains potassium and magnesium. It must be applied within 1 month. In extreme cases, it is prescribed to children.

In order to increase metabolic processes in myocardial tissues, the following antioxidants are prescribed:

  1. Cytochrome.
  2. Ubiquinone.
  3. Carnitine.

If symptoms of neurocirculatory dystonia are detected, then medicinal nootropics are prescribed by the therapist. These include Piracetam and Nootropil. Treatment of anomalies must necessarily be accompanied by preventive and general health measures. These include:

  1. Hardening of the body.
  2. Balanced diet.
  3. Use eat only healthy foods.
  4. The patient needs to spend a lot of time outdoors.
  5. It is necessary to alternate rest with work.

A person who has been afflicted with an anomaly, physical activity should be distributed right. If the patient plans to do gymnastics or dancing, then before that he should consult with the attending doctor. If a baby with a transverse chord notices a violation of the rhythm of the heart or life - a dangerous condition, then the child is urgently hospitalized. The baby will be examined in a special cardiological hospital.

Further, the patient will undergo the necessary examination and treatment will be prescribed. In rare cases, a false chord captures sections of the conduction pathways of the myocardium. In this case, without fail, the patient is prescribed an operation by the method of cryodestruction. The operation is carried out by means of destruction by cold or excision.


Excess chord disease does not pose a threat to life. If a child has a similar disease, then parents do not need to show excessive anxiety and panic. Chords are different.

The following are distinguished by direction: transverse, diagonal and oblong. Some patients notice a change in the location of the notochord. Genetics is considered a common cause of the disease.

Other causes of the disease: the wrong natural environment, during pregnancy, the mother used tobacco or drugs. At the age of 1 month, doctors prescribe an ultrasound of the heart for a newborn. This procedure helps to exclude pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Anomaly diagnosis is as follows:

  1. The doctor listens to the child.
  2. If there is an extra chord in the body, then the cardiologist hears a heart murmur.
  3. If an anomaly is detected, then an ultrasound of the heart is mandatory for a small patient.

As a rule, the baby does not need the use of medicines. If a disease is detected, then the child needs to do an ECG and ultrasound of the heart 2 times a year.

World doctors came to the general conclusion when studying a cardiac anomaly that it does not pose a particular danger to life, but still has some features.

What is a chord in the heart?

The heart muscle normally consists of the following parts:

  1. right ventricle;
  2. left ventricle;
  3. left atrium;
  4. right atrium;

Also in the organ there are auxiliary valves that help pump blood. Normal blood circulation through the vessels of the body at a sufficient speed is provided by rhythmic contractions of the heart muscle. At the same time, the valves are mobile and perform the function of inlet and outlet of blood from the heart.

Chords perform an important protective function of the heart valves from sagging over time. They are strong tendon threads that attach to the leaflets of the atrioventricular valves. Chords ensure the normal operation of the movable valves by holding them. In normal development, one chord should be attached to each valve leaflet.

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What are the chords in the heart?

Chords in the heart are divided into 3 types:

  1. natural- those that are laid down by nature to ensure the normal functioning of the heart. They help the valves to contract and move blood around the body. They also have the function of protecting against sagging valves with age.
  2. anomalous- additional chords, which are divided into some subspecies and create some obstacles to the normal functioning of the cardiac organ.
  3. False chord in the heart- when listening to the heart, murmurs can be detected that are mistaken by the doctor for chords, however, with further diagnosis, they are not detected, and murmurs appear as a result of another reason.

An abnormal chord in the heart can be divided into the following subspecies:

  • chords of the right ventricle - about 5% of cases;
  • chords of the left ventricle - about 95% of cases;
  • single - 70%;
  • multiple - 30%;
  • diagonal;
  • longitudinal;
  • transverse;
  • apical;
  • middle;
  • basal;

The correct determination of the type of additional chord is of great importance for the patient, since different types of chords can bring different inconveniences to a person's life.

Specialists in the course of the research divided the existing chords into 2 categories:

  1. Potentially dangerous;
  2. Safe;

Patients whose pathologies belong to the 1st type of chords should be under the supervision of a doctor and periodically undergo examinations.

So, for example, single longitudinal chords in the ventricles of the heart do not create obstacles for the normal functioning of the cardiac organ, and if the chord is located across, it can significantly impede the normal outflow of blood.

Multiple chords are often hereditary diseases and can further provoke the development of certain heart diseases:

  • arrhythmias;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • in rare cases, they can provoke a heart attack;

Multiple chords should be under the supervision of a cardiologist in order to start treatment of the pathology on time, if necessary.

Additional chord in the heart - what is it?

An additional chord in the heart of a child is formed even at the stage of pregnancy, when the heart muscle is laid. Often they are single and do not cause discomfort. It is not a serious pathology that requires medical intervention, however, after detection, periodic monitoring by a specialist is required.

The additional chord has the following characteristics:

  1. Has no effect on hemodynamics- such chords are benign formations in the heart muscle that do not affect its normal activity in any way and do not require treatment.
  2. Affects hemodynamics- in this case, the chord in one way or another affects cardiac activity, especially for transverse chords, and requires periodic monitoring by a specialist with a possible treatment.

Not always an abnormal formation inside the heart can be detected, there are times when people live for years without suspecting anything.

Causes of the anomaly

There are several possible reasons when a chord of the left ventricle of the heart is formed in a child during fetal development.

These include:

  • hereditary factor when one of the child's parents also has extra sinewy formations inside the heart, it is most often transmitted through the maternal line;
  • unhealthy lifestyle of a mother- the use of drugs, drinks containing alcohol or smoking tobacco products can adversely affect the formation of the fetus. Especially if these factors took place at the 5-6th week of pregnancy, when the child's heart muscle is actively forming;
  • malnutrition with an excessive content of fats of animal origin;
  • great physical activity on the pregnant body;
  • intrauterine infections in the fetus;
  • reduced immunity mothers in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • living in a polluted region(waste of chemical and heavy industry, increased background radiation);
  • frequent stressful situations that have an effect on the nervous system and psyche;

In order to endure and give birth to a healthy child without developmental pathologies, it is necessary in every possible way to protect yourself from the effects of negative factors that may have an impact on the formation of the child.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

In early childhood, a chord in the heart may not manifest itself in any way and be discovered quite by accident, during the examination of another disease. This rule also applies to single chords, which are located in the left ventricle.

In the presence of anomalies in the right ventricle in a plurality or transverse arrangement, the following symptoms can be noticed in a child:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • frequent and rapid fatigue;
  • feeling of weakness in the body;
  • the appearance of frequent dizziness;
  • discomfort and tingling in the heart area;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • violation of the heart rhythm.

In the presence of formations in the right ventricle, these manifestations are not always visible in early childhood. Most often, they appear during the period of active growth of the child - in primary and secondary school age.

If you suspect the presence of a chord, you should contact a pediatrician who will conduct research and, if necessary, refer you to a cardiologist.

To diagnose the disease, the following activities are carried out:

To date, all children at the age of 1 month are taking electrocardiogram readings to diagnose possible heart diseases in order to prevent and timely treat pathologies.

Manifestations of an additional chord in the heart and what disorders does it lead to?

An additional chord in the heart may not manifest itself in any way, or it may lead to the symptoms described above - it depends on their number and location. It is important for parents not to ignore the child's complaints of fatigue and poor health, but to conduct a thorough diagnosis with a specialist.

The consequences of the presence of a neoplasm in the heart muscle can be as follows:

  • sometimes, with the growth of the organ, the chord may shift or decrease in size, becoming inaccessible for its diagnosis. In this case, it can in no way interfere with the normal functioning of the child;
  • the appearance of a violation of the blood conduction of the muscle;
  • arrhythmia;
  • endocarditis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • in severe cases, ischemic stroke;
  • fatigue even with moderate physical exertion;
  • severe dizziness, sometimes fainting;
  • failures in the rhythm of the heart;
  • frequent mood swings;

It often happens that "dangerous" types of formations can lead to a general underdevelopment of the connective tissue, which, in turn, threatens with such pathologies:

  • high growth;
  • lean physique;
  • joint hypermobility;
  • deformation of bone tissue;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the kidneys and excretory system;

It is impossible to say for sure whether a chord in the heart is dangerous - you need to carefully analyze the situation, symptoms and type of neoplasm.

Treatment of the consequences of an additional chord

Often, when an additional chord is detected, treatment is not prescribed, however, in severe cases of pathologies with manifestations in the form of discomfort and pain in the heart area, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs:

  • vitaminized complexes enriched with B vitamins;
  • preparations containing magnesium and potassium;
  • antioxidants;
  • nootropics.

It should be remembered that drugs are prescribed only by a specialist after diagnostic measures.

In especially severe cases, when multiple chords interfere with the normal functioning of the heart muscle, an operation may be prescribed, however, this happens extremely rarely.

After identifying an additional chord (false) in their baby, parents can hardly restrain their calm. They begin to read various literature, look for medical institutions and consult with pediatric cardiologists. In this situation, the child also has a difficult time. Previously, he lived quietly and explored the world around him, but now he has to visit doctors often and take many tests.

Chordae are thin muscles that connect opposite sides of the ventricle of the heart. During the next pulsation, the valve in the heart bends a little and, without opening, holds back the blood until a certain point. It is the chords that hold the heart in this position. Chords can form during pregnancy, when the baby's heart is not yet fully formed and continues to develop. This happens in 35% of cases. An additional chord is a special connecting formation, which is superfluous and has a non-standard structure. In most cases, the notochord is found in the left ventricle of the heart. Although rare, it is also found in the right ventricle. Experts studied this unusual phenomenon for a long time and came to the conclusion that the chord does not interfere with the work of the heart, does not declare itself, and its presence is not life-threatening. The chord is found quite by accident.

Doctors consider an additional chord to be a genetic disease inherited by the fetus through the mother. Although another chord is considered an anomaly, it does not adversely affect other important organs. The help of medicine in this case consists in constant monitoring and consultations of specialists.

Previously, there were few cases of this anomaly. Apparently, the reason for this was the inability of the equipment to provide accurate survey results. In recent years, the quality of equipment has improved significantly, so the anomaly in newborns began to be recorded much more often.

The work of a child's heart

Very often, the cause of the abnormal appearance of a chord in the ventricle is heredity. If the mother has diseases of the cardiac system, there is a high probability of the fetus getting one or more pathologies. In addition to another chord, other pathologies of the heart often develop. In addition, abnormal formation can occur for a number of other reasons. The latter include the environmental situation, pregnant women taking tobacco, alcohol and drugs, constant stress, etc.


In a child, the notochord can exist for years, and no one will know about it. She has no functional load, the pathology is not accompanied by certain symptoms, so the children's heart works in a normal rhythm. Are there ways to suspect it in a newborn? The main method of determination is by systolic murmur, determined between the third and fourth ribs. Even with her, the child will develop completely normally.

In the case of a false chord, the child experiences dizziness

However, in case of too intensive development, the development of the musculoskeletal system faster than the internal organs, the cardiac load will increase. Now the chord often makes itself known for the first time. Signs of pathology are as follows:

  • dizziness;
  • increased causeless fatigue;
  • frequent changes in mental and emotional state;
  • pain in the heart;
  • frequent change in heart rate.

Diagnosis in case of suspected anomaly

In the case of certain suspicions of an anomaly in the heart, the diagnosis is as follows:

  • listening to the child by a pediatrician using a simple stethoscope, using the device it is possible to hear systolic murmurs;

Also, the doctor usually prescribes to the child:

  • electrocardiogram (ECG without load and with load);
  • daily monitoring of the electrocardiogram (continuous ECG recording for 24 hours or more);
  • bicycle ergometry.

Diagnosis of cardiac anomalies in a child is carried out using an ECG

The doctor decides on the need for a specific examination during the examination.

Methods of treatment

If the child does not show signs of a problem, heart medication is not required. It is enough to constantly be observed by a doctor and conduct an echographic examination along with an ECG.

Treatment of an anomaly with the use of medications is advisable if its symptoms appear.

The doctor prescribes the intake of vitamins, which further enrich the heart with nutrients, and products containing magnesium and potassium (Magne B6, Magnerot, Panangin and others) to normalize the repolarization process.

Vitamins and medicines are taken only on prescription.

Certain treatment prescribed by a doctor to a child should be carried out together with health and preventive measures. Parents need to make sure that he eats properly, tempers, spends more time in the fresh air, rests after an active time, goes in for sports with physical activity appropriate for his state of health.

Quite rarely, the structure of the chord is combined with the nervousness of the heart, such a pathology negatively affects its work. The only treatment in this case is surgery (destruction by cold or cutting off).

Not a sentence

Having found this chord in a child’s heart, you should not consider it a very terrible disease. He can be healthy and live long enough without even knowing about it. No need to panic for no reason, but just see a doctor and follow simple preventive measures:

  • compliance with the regime of activity and rest;
  • proper nutrition;
  • Healing Fitness;
  • hardening;
  • being outdoors;
  • ensuring proper sleep;
  • prevention of frequent and severe stress;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • taking medications only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • playing sports only after consulting a doctor.

Parents do not need to protect the child from everything, do not treat him as if he is disabled, otherwise they will aggravate the process of socialization. If he, like all normal children, attends a kindergarten, communicates with peers, and engages in sports that are appropriate for his state of health, he will be able to more easily adapt to society and feel healthy in it.

When an additional chord is found in the heart of a child, it is very difficult for many adults to remain calm. In a panic, parents begin to look for medical centers, standing in line for consultations with pediatric cardiologists. They begin to read literature on the relevant topics on their own. But the baby gets it too. Instead of living in peace and gaining experience in the game, he is pestered by examinations, comprehensive tests and diagnostics. Whether it is really worth showing excessive concern or not, this will be clarified further.

chord necessity

The functioning of the heart valves is reduced to ensuring the unidirectional flow of blood and preventing mixing of venous and arterial blood. With the next pulsation of the heart, the valve, slightly bent and not opened, continues to hold back the blood. Special "springs" called chords contribute to the adoption of this position. The human heart is endowed with several chords, consisting of muscle tissue. In the presence of a greater density and thickness, the chord on an ultrasound examination becomes better seen than others.

Doctors classify all identified chords into two categories:

  • does not matter for hemodynamics;
  • important for hemodynamics.

varieties of chords

An extra chord in the heart of children will not announce its presence in any way. Found by chance on inspection. Doctors consider a false chord to be a genetic disease, often hereditary from maternal roots. And despite this, such an anomaly does not particularly affect the functioning of the heart and other important organs. And the help of medicine here comes down to systematic observation by a doctor, which can cause the development of pathological conditions.

Chords may originate in various cardiac chambers or ventricular compartments, but in most situations they are visualized in the left ventricular valve. The direction of the chord is different: oblong, transverse or diagonal. It happens that it changes its position over time. 70% of people have 1 chord and approximately 25-35% have many.

Causes of pathological formation

The main reason (as noted above) is considered to be genetic factors. When a mother suffers from cardiovascular diseases, the likelihood that the baby will develop one or more pathologies is very high (besides this, there may also be an open oval window, mitral valve prolapse). They do not discount the influence of an unfavorable natural ecological situation, the connection with mutagenic sources (tobacco toxins and drugs, alcohol taken by a pregnant mother) in the process of laying connective tissue (approximately corresponds to 6 weeks during intrauterine formation) and throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Symptoms of the pathological phenomenon

A disease expressed in the heart as a single thread (which is most often observed), which does not show signs at all. Throughout life, it exists, but does not give out symptoms. However, suspicions of such an abnormal development of the heart arise immediately after the birth of the baby due to the presence of a systolic murmur in the heart during auscultation. Therefore, the diagnosis is almost always made in newborns and at the early stage (in young children under 3 years of age).

The frequency of birth of this pathology has increased at the present time, which is explained by the recently introduced treatment and diagnostic standards. In accordance with the requirements of each child, after reaching 1 month, an ECHO-KG or ultrasound of the heart should be done) To rule out the presence of pathology in the cardiovascular system.

Sometimes, with the intensity of the growth of a child with a pathology in the heart (especially when the growth of the musculoskeletal system of the internal organs and the heart is outpaced), the load on it increases. Then cardialgia (painful tingling in the region of the heart), palpitations, fatigue and weakness in general, dizziness, psycho-emotional lability are noted as signs of neurocirculatory (vegetovascular) dystonia.

Irregularity of the heart rhythm is also noted. Such symptoms appear among adolescents, accompanying a person and already in adulthood.

With multiple chords, the doctor takes into account the fact that the connective tissue is located throughout the body (in other internal organs, the musculoskeletal system). Therefore, clinical signs may occur from other organs and systems. In such situations, we are talking about connective tissue dysplasia, which is characterized by skeletal deformities, disorders of the framework of the tracheobronchial tree, organs of the digestive system, and urinary system.

Numerous chords found in the heart with the help of ultrasound and in the presence of pathologies in other organs give reason to believe that the connective tissue is poorly developed throughout the body.

A thorough examination by a cardiologist and a pediatrician (with an appeal to other specialists) allows us to conclude whether the chord is a self-sufficient pathology or it has developed as a result of damage to the connective tissue.

In the first situation, the anomaly does not give out signs, and in the second, the symptoms are associated with other organs. And this involves a comprehensive diagnosis and monitoring of the patient.

Diagnostics for suspected extra chord

Diagnostics is as follows:

  • examination by a doctor with mandatory auscultation (listening) of the child, in which the doctor hears systolic heart murmurs;
  • ECHO-KG (or ultrasound) is a mandatory event in the additional diagnosis of the cardiac chord.

disease treatment

The patient does not need medical treatment if he does not show clinical signs of an additional chord. It is enough to be observed by a cardiologist and perform an echographic examination in addition to the ECG (at least once a year).

The prescription of medications is justified when the patient has symptoms associated with cardiovascular function.

To enrich the heart muscle (myocardium) with nutrients, vitamins are prescribed: with lipoic acid B1, riboflavin, or B2, nicotinic acid (PP). These vitamins are taken in a course for a month (at least 2 times a year).

To normalize repolarization processes (conducting an electrical impulse through myocardial cells), the violation of which causes cardiac arrhythmias, prescribe drugs with potassium and magnesium:

  • Magne B6 - take one month (there are contraindications for children under 6 years of age);
  • Magnerot (or magnesium orotate) - the course corresponds to three to four weeks (children under 18 are contraindicated);
  • potassium orotate - intake - 3-5 weeks (can be used for children in accordance with the dosage by age);
  • Panangin (potassium magnesium asparaginate) - reception - 1 month. (Not proven safe for use by children).

For the purpose of increasing metabolic processes in myocardial tissues, antioxidants are prescribed: L-carnitine preparations, cytochrome C, ubiquinone.

If symptoms of neurocirculatory dystonia are detected, nootropic drugs (nootropil, piracetam) are indicated.

Treatment for excessive chordi must be accompanied by general health and preventive measures:

  • balanced diet;
  • hardening of the body;
  • sufficient exposure to fresh air;
  • competent alternation of the regime of active periods with rest;
  • feasible for the body in this state of physical activity: dancing, gymnastics, however, the attending physician should advise on the possibility of engaging in a particular sport.

When a child with a transverse chord (or with its multiplicity) has heart rhythm disturbances and even more life-threatening conditions, immediate hospitalization is carried out in a specialized cardiological hospital so that the patient is provided with further examination in all details and treatment.

Sometimes the structure of the false chord can capture bundles of myocardial pathways. Then an operation is indicated - cryodestruction (destruction with the help of cold) or excision.

For life, the prognosis is positive if there are no arrhythmogenic and hemodynamic changes.

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