How best to protect a girl from pregnancy. All about modern contraceptives in irregular relationships. Get better from pills

Methods of male contraception Not all people of reproductive age want to have children, which creates certain problems for them when choosing the best method of protection. Contraception is not only protection from conception, it is the preservation of health, the way to the birth of a healthy baby when the desire and opportunity to have a child appears. Modern medicine has many methods that can prevent pregnancy. Contraceptives differ from each other in ease of use, the degree of impact on the body, reliability, and effectiveness. But all of them are focused primarily on women, and many men consider the care of protection to be a woman's responsibility. Doctors, on the other hand, believe that men can and should take part in protecting women from unwanted pregnancies, for this there are special contraceptives for men.

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Photo gallery: Types of birth control for men

Classic methods of contraception for men:

Surgical contraception

Vasectomy - blockage of the vas deferens in order to prevent the passage of sperm. Male sterilization is an inexpensive, reliable and simple method of contraception for men. After consulting a doctor, completing the necessary documents, you should collect an anamnesis, exclude the presence of bleeding, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, allergies, diabetes mellitus, urinary tract infections, STDs. During an objective examination, blood pressure, pulse, the condition of the subcutaneous fat layer, skin, perineal zone, the presence of cryptorchidism, varicocele, inflammation of the scrotum are determined.

Vasectomy Techniques:

  • first. The vas deferens are crossed without ligation, subjected to electrocoagulation to a depth of 1.5 cm, a fascial layer is applied;
  • second. The vas deferens are fixed, the muscle layer and skin are cut, the duct is isolated, ligated, and transected. Each segment is cauterized. For greater reliability, a segment of the vas deferens is sometimes removed;
  • third. To release the ducts, they resort not to an incision, but to a puncture. Local anesthesia is performed, an annular clamp is applied to the duct without affecting the layer. An incision is made in the wall and skin of the vas deferens with a dissecting clamp, isolated, and occluded.

The contraceptive reliability rate of vasectomy is 99% during the first 12 months. The percentage of failures is associated with an unidentified congenital anomaly of the vas deferens or with their recanalization. Standard vasectomy is almost irreversible, but today the technique of "reverse vasectomy" has been developed, in which fertility is restored in 90-95% of cases.

Oral contraceptives for men

Contraceptive pills for men were created relatively recently. The main problem for the developers of male OK was that, unlike women who need to protect the egg only on the days of probable conception, sperm is constantly formed, so contraceptives must neutralize the process every day.

Groups of male OK

The best contraceptive effect (90-95%) is achieved when taking OK, which have a targeted effect on mature spermatozoa. After the end of taking oral hormonal contraceptives, male fertility is restored in full.

Irina Shestakova, gynecologist-endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine of the Faculty of Advanced Training of Medical Workers of RUDN University answers:

According to statistics, Russian girls start having sex at the age of 16-17 - much earlier than they get married and plan the birth of their first child. Often 10-15 years pass between the onset of sexual activity and the first birth. And all this time they must take care of reliable contraception. Doctors believe that any type of contraception is better than abortion, especially the first one.

Unfortunately, practice shows that the choice falls on methods of protection that do not provide guaranteed protection. An independent research company recently conducted a survey of men and women of the most active reproductive age (20-30 years old) to find out what they use to prevent unwanted pregnancies. It turned out that most consider condoms and coitus interruptus to be the best way to protect themselves. Moreover, choosing a method of contraception, men put the preservation of sensations during intimacy at the forefront, and women - the opinion of a partner. No wonder there are so many unplanned pregnancies in our country!

Experts consider the combined oral contraceptives (COCs) to be the most reliable method of contraception. In Europe, they are used by more than 40% of women of reproductive age. In Russia, this method of contraception is treated with caution. This is due to the myths that surround this method of protection.

1. Pills get better

The first contraceptives that appeared in the 60s of the last century did indeed contain high doses of hormones and components that caused swelling and fluid retention in the body. So the women really got better.

Since then, the composition of contraceptives has changed significantly - now they contain low and ultra-low doses of hormones that cannot affect waist size in any way.

Moreover, overweight women while taking certain COCs lose weight due to the special properties of the components that make up their composition.

2. Hormones make you grow a mustache

Hirsutism (excessive hair growth in women in male places - on the chin, on the chest and abdomen) is directly related to hormonal disorders.

Hormonal contraceptives contain substances that reduce the concentration of male sex hormones in women. Due to this, with long-term (at least 2 years) use of some COCs, women can get rid of excessive hairiness. True, the effect is temporary (only during the period of taking COCs). And with a pronounced problem, you should not rely on hormones - it is better to seek help from a cosmetologist.

3. Hormone intake causes cancer

More than 10 years ago, the first results of the famous Women's Health Initiative study funded by the US government were received in the USA. Doctors monitored 15,000 women taking menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). The I-study was suspended after cases of cancer, heart attack and stroke were recorded in several groups.

After these shocking results were widely publicized, menopausal hormone therapy became shunned not only by women, but also by some doctors.

Later, when the results were sorted out, it turned out that stroke, cancer and heart attack were recorded only in the group of women who first started taking MHT at the age of over 60 years. After this study, recommendations were revised in Europe - postmenopausal therapy was no longer prescribed to women over 60 with cardiovascular diseases (this practice has never existed in Russia).

Unfortunately, data on menopausal hormone therapy have been transferred to any hormonal preparations, including COCs.

There are a number of studies that prove the protective properties of COCs against cancer of the reproductive organs (in particular, ovarian cancer). The causes of this disease are not known for certain, but doctors suspect that it is provoked by regular biological trauma to the ovaries (which occurs monthly during ovulation). In any case, this explains the fact why ovarian cancer is more common in nulliparous women in whom menstruation began early (before 12 years) and ended late (after 52 years). Since combined oral contraceptives mimic the state of pregnancy, they are considered as one of the means of protection against oncological diseases of the uterus and ovaries.

4. Hormones lead to infertility

The fact that the ovaries rest while taking contraceptives does not mean that they fell asleep. 94% of women are fully prepared to successfully conceive within one year after stopping birth control pills, obstetrician-gynecologists explain. And 50% of women can become pregnant within three months after giving up contraception.

Attention to male contraception has always been paid much less than female, which is not surprising, given two facts:

  • for some reason, protection from pregnancy is considered almost a purely female problem in our country;
  • contraceptives for men are more difficult to develop than those for women, since their task is to stop the millionth sperm flow, while female contraceptives need to block the egg from penetrating only once every cycle (on average, 28 days).

However, despite this, there are quite effective modern methods of contraception for men, including not only condoms, but also male contraceptive pills, injections, implants, vasectomy and much more. Knowing this will not hurt both a teenager entering adulthood and not ready to take on the burden of fatherhood, and a family man with many children, who, together with his wife, decided that they will not have more children yet.

And since medicine does not stand still, the variety of male contraceptives is increasing every year. So, what are the modern contraceptives for men?

Interruption of sexual intercourse

Coitus interruption is a unique contraceptive for men that cannot be forgotten in another bag and never runs out. The essence of this most ancient method of contraception lies in the fact that a man will need to pull his penis out of his partner's vagina before ejaculation occurs.

This method is very popular among men because it does not require any form of birth control medication or the use of a condom, which dulls the sensations during sex. According to statistics, every fourth man interrupts sexual intercourse and considers this a sufficient means of contraception. But is it? Let's think, if interruption is so effective, then why was it necessary to develop various contraceptives?

Studies show that the effectiveness of interrupting sexual intercourse is about 80% and has a number of disadvantages, among which the most significant are:

  • the constant use of this method of contraception reduces libido;
  • no protection against genital infections;
  • requires tension and self-control from a man during intercourse;
  • a man must have some experience and be able to control ejaculation.

The advantages of interrupting sexual intercourse include:

  • free;
  • harmless;
  • does not require the use of third-party contraceptives.

Whether the advantages overlap the disadvantages, everyone must decide for himself, but as an improvised means of protecting a partner from pregnancy, if nothing else was at hand, this method of protection is perfect.

The undoubted advantage of using a condom as a male method of contraception is the ability of this latex product not only to prevent sperm from entering the vagina, but also, with a high degree of probability, to protect partners from various STDs.

There are some disadvantages of condoms:

  • may break or slip;
  • can cause an allergy to latex in one of the partners;
  • are disposable and are not always at hand;
  • require certain skills in handling;
  • cause a feeling of psychological discomfort and reduce sensitivity during sex.

Despite this, the condom remains the most popular form of contraception for men. These contraceptives are easy to find on sale not only in pharmacies, but also in many kiosks and supermarkets. The range of products is simply amazing: any color, size, fragrance, sensitivity enhancers and much more.

At the first opportunity, a young man will prefer to have sex with a partner without this latex product, but when it comes to male contraceptive methods, most people think of condoms.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • protection against STDs;
  • high reliability;
  • availability and ease of use.

Male hormonal contraception

Male hormonal contraceptives are aimed at ensuring that after their use the hormone contained in them has an overwhelming effect on spermatozoa.

They can be administered as tablets, by injection, with subcutaneous implants, in capsules or as part of gels.

The composition of most modern hormonal contraceptives for men includes the hormone testosterone. An interesting fact is that earlier testosterone was used to treat infertility, for which it was administered to patients in small doses, which improved the quality of sperm. But there it was about small doses, but in order for testosterone to act as a hormonal contraceptive, it must be injected into the body in large doses.

And although the effectiveness of this method of hormonal control, according to some reports, can reach 99%, this is not the best option. Firstly, studies have found that hormonal control has a different effect on the inhabitants of different continents. Secondly, there are a number of side effects that occur with the regular use of hormones, such as:

  • hair loss on the head;
  • prostate enlargement;
  • increase in hairline on the body;
  • the appearance of various skin rashes;
  • a significant increase in the mammary gland in men;
  • thickens the blood and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, two-component preparations based on progestogen and testosterone are becoming more and more popular. The first suppresses spermatozoa and the production of testosterone, and testosterone, which is part of the contraceptive, restores hormonal balance in the body. But not everything is smooth here either. The disadvantage of two-component hormonal contraceptives is the risk of developing complete infertility in men.

Even 15 years ago, male birth control pills were something of a myth, then the first drugs appeared, which were based on the hormone testosterone. Despite the fact that in clinical trials, such male contraceptive pills, when taken regularly, can provide protection for a partner from pregnancy with a probability of 99%, hormonal pills have not become a popular remedy. Indeed, in order to achieve the declared effectiveness, the young man will have to take testosterone in advance for two and a half months. The fact is that spermatozoa are formed in the body of a man within 70 days, and only their systematic suppression throughout this period can provide the desired result.

But male oral contraceptives based on androgen and estrogen not only reduce sperm quality, but also increase male libido. It is enough to take these drugs for 30 days, and the effect will last for 3-4 months.

Today, in addition to hormonal pills, various non-hormonal drugs are sometimes used as oral contraceptives for men, which are aimed at fighting cancer and a side effect. In addition, they have suppressive functions of sperm formation.

Contraceptive injections for men

Contraceptive injections for men have been used relatively recently, after the results of the largest study of male hormonal contraceptives were published.

In the course of this study, hormonal contraceptives for men in injections were taken by a thousand people for 2 years. Of these, only 1% became fathers during this period, which is equivalent in effectiveness to female hormonal pills.

Each injection contained testosterone undecanoate (500 mg) and tea tree seed oil was used as a diluent. In the process of research, it was found that regular injections lead to a reduction in the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones in the human brain. The absence of these hormones stops the production of sperm without affecting the potency of a man and without leading to mood swings.

If a man wants to have a baby after a while, then it will be enough to stop giving himself injections and wait about 6 months, which is necessary for the restoration of hormone production and the beginning of sperm formation.

Male contraceptive implant

Male hormonal implants, unlike similar pills or injections, do not require regular use, which is their undoubted advantage. For example, people who move a lot or are poorly organized simply will not be able to ensure that they regularly take hormonal contraceptives, which are necessary to obtain the desired result.

Implantation, on the other hand, allows, through a small surgical operation on the abdominal cavity, to introduce a man with an implant with a hormonal drug in a dosage that is prescribed after an examination by an andrologist and a urologist. You can forget about contraception for several months.

The disadvantage of this method of contraception is the fact of surgical intervention, after which the patient has scars and other negative consequences of operations. In addition, a man will need to insert an implant every six months to maintain the desired effect.


In recent years, male sterilization, or as it is commonly called vasectomy, has become increasingly popular in the West. It should be noted right away that the male sterilization operation has nothing to do with the castration procedure. Voluntary sterilization of men does not require the removal of the testicles or penis, its essence is the excision of the vas deferens from the testicles. After such an intervention lasting 25 minutes, carried out under local anesthesia, the man retains the ability to fertilize for several more months or until 20 erections occur. After that, you can safely have sex with your partner without worrying that she might become pregnant.

Vasectomy - the price of the issue?

In Russia, the prices for sterilization of men are quite ambiguous, and can vary widely from 4 to 40 thousand rubles. Such a wide price range is due to the fact that, unlike Western countries, this operation in Russia does not even have an article assigned to it. Therefore, if a man who is tired of contraceptives decides to go to a surgeon in a state clinic for a vasectomy, then he will have to negotiate with the doctor individually and pay not for sterilization, but for some other surgical intervention that he will supposedly do.

And when contacting a private clinic with a desire to undergo a vasectomy, the cost of the sterilization operation will include at least 2 more consultations with the surgeon.

Vasectomy, consequences of voluntary sterilization

For those men who seem to want to use sterilization, but doubt such an important decision, the bold dot over the "I" can be the information that the vasectomy is reversible. However, it should be borne in mind that the reversibility of vasectomy has its own nuances.

Usually, the intersection of the cords can be reversed within 5 years after sterilization, which leaves men a chance to change their mind and regain the opportunity to have a child, but if, instead of crossing, the so-called temporary sterilization of a man was carried out, in which the spermatic cord was not cut, but tied up, then the time for reflection increases from 5 to 15 years old.

But since it is impossible to be 100% sure that it will be possible to restore the patency of the spermatic cords, each surgeon, before a vasectomy, takes a receipt from the patient that he is aware of what the consequences may be after the sterilization of men.

In addition to total infertility, negative consequences include: possible infection when using non-sterile instruments, possible irreversibility, testicular hematoma, formation of adhesions in the testicles.

Where to get a vasectomy?

In many Western countries, the question of where to get a vasectomy is not something problematic, since there are a number of clinics that specialize only in this method of contraception. In our country, even a search on the Internet does not give a wide choice for sterilization.

But, despite this, such a surgical intervention can be carried out by contacting large hospitals with urological departments. It is important to make sure that the doctor has already performed such interventions and knows what to do. And in large cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, there are several private clinics that perform vasectomy.

This contraceptive got its name because, like a regular condom, it consists of latex, only in this case the latex is in a liquid state under high pressure in a can (like a regular spray). The contraceptive spray must be applied to the penis immediately before sex, and as soon as it hardens, it will be possible to start love joys without fear that the sperm will enter the partner's vagina.

The advantage of a spray over conventional condoms is that a man does not need to look for a latex product that fits him in size, since the liquid contraceptive after application will have exactly the size that exactly matches the size of the penis. This ideal size adjustment allows for greater strength and reliability of the condom.

But this contraceptive also has its drawbacks: initially, the application procedure took 2 minutes, which the latex needed to harden. It's too long a gap in moments of passion. In addition, the loud hiss at the time of applying the latex to the penis and the high cost (more than $ 35 per spray) do not contribute to the popularity of this German invention. However, the creator of liquid condoms does not stop there, and improves its product, which made it possible to reduce the curing time of latex from 120 to 30 seconds.

Samurai egg

Paradoxically, the faster modern medicine develops, the more people believe that there is no need to take pills, give injections, injections or use a condom. Such people believe that everything they could come up with has already been invented and it is necessary to use exactly what our ancestors once used, and if not ours, then the inhabitants of some eastern regions. The notion that Eastern wisdom may be superior to modern medicine is fueled by people's desire to believe in miracles, stories of yoga, acupuncture, and more.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many modern men decide to use the method that the samurai once used as a means of contraception. The essence of this method is simple: every day a man needs to lower his testicles into water at a temperature of 40-46 C for 15-40 minutes. This technique is not without meaning: for the normal formation of spermatozoa, a temperature is required below the average temperature of the human body, which is why the testicles are brought out. The artificial influence of heat will interfere with the normal formation of sperm. However, for the method to be 100% effective, the influence of water at the highest possible temperature is necessary, otherwise it is impossible to speak of high protection.

It should be noted that the same result can be achieved if you dress too warmly or drive a car for more than 4-5 hours a day. The disadvantage of the "samurai egg" method is its controversial effectiveness and the risk of developing cancer of the male genital organs.

How to protect yourself during sex, there are an incredibly many options for any age and situation.

You need to choose your option in advance and do not forget to use it. The enjoyment of sexual life should not be overshadowed by the fear of unnecessary conception. You need to know the tricks and methods in which children appear only at the right time. There are many options for how to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, you need to know them well.

The appearance of a child in the family should be a planned and long-awaited event. In difficult conditions of life, when almost all free time is spent on providing for the family, protection from unwanted pregnancies after sexual intercourse is acute for many women.

The need for contraception arises for many reasons;

  • due to health problems;
  • due to recent childbirth;
  • due to disorder and lack of material resources;
  • due to the too young age of the future parents.

These are just a few of the most common causes, there are many more in real life. Therefore, such a need arose both in ancient times and at the present time. The appearance of a long-awaited, and not accidental, baby is important for both parents. There are both female and male contraception. They are based on several methods by which they were protected from unwanted pregnancy:

  • preventing the formation of spermatozoa;
  • delayed development of spermatozoa;
  • creation of a barrier for the penetration of sperm into the female genital tract.

This can be achieved in different ways. Previously, safe for health mechanical methods of preventing conception were used. Currently, medical and surgical methods predominate.

Behavioral Methods

These are the most natural methods for preventing conception. They were used in antiquity, they are still used today:

  1. interrupted sexual intercourse;
  2. "samurai egg"
  • Coitus interruptus is used by couples quite often, despite its unreliability.

This technique was used in antiquity, and is still used today. Its prevalence is due to its availability. It does not require material costs, it does not require any devices or means. Suitable for any couple, any age. It is absolutely safe for health.

To apply this option in sexual life, attention and some experience are required. Completion of sexual intercourse by eruption of semen outside the vagina is often used to protect against conception after 45 years. Partners know each other well and are used to a certain style of sex. The unpleasant side can be called constant tension during intercourse, the lack of protection against infections.

  • Increasing the temperature of the testicles and temporary sterilization received the name "samurai egg" in ancient times.

This method is well known in China and Japan. Taking a hot bath, which raises the temperature inside the testicles to 42°C instead of the normal 35°C, temporarily disrupts sperm production. The man becomes sterile for a short time. It is best to do the procedure of raising the temperature in a hot bath. The method is perfect for preventing pregnancy after 45 years, when the desired offspring already exists. Advantages - in the absence of material costs, the short-term effect of sterilization, a safe effect on the body.

Barrier (mechanical) methods

The safest for health, widely used at all times, absolutely free, mechanical, with which you can protect yourself from conception. They are based on preventing sperm from entering the vagina.

These methods include:

  1. calendar calculation of safe days;
  2. lactational amenorrhea;
  3. condom use;
  4. use of vaginal diaphragms and caps;
  5. use of spermocytes (chemical).

The first two methods were used by women in antiquity, with their help they were protected in the ancient world. Their main advantage is that they are absolutely harmless. In addition, some of them protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

  • The calendar method of contraception is based on the fact that ovulation develops 14 days before the onset of menstruation.

After a seven-day period, the fertile or fertile period begins, lasting 11 days. From the 20th day until the beginning of the next menstruation, the infertile period lasts. When using the method of preventing pregnancy according to the calendar, it is necessary to calculate "dangerous days". The girl needs to know exactly the duration of the menstrual cycle and make a calculation of safe and dangerous days for conception.

This is the most natural family planning option. There are four methods of fertility control:

  1. calendar;
  2. temperature;
  3. cervical mucus;
  4. symptothermal.

Great for protecting against unwanted pregnancy after the age of 40, when the menstrual cycle is fully understood. In this case, the use of chemical or special agents is not required, there are no side effects, but the reception is not suitable for irregular menstruation.

  • Lactational amenorrhea is based on the fact that hormones released during lactation prevent ovulation.

Provided that a woman adheres to a number of rules regarding the feeding of a child, she can count on 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy after childbirth for 6 months. Of course, much depends on the individual characteristics of the body of a young mother.

This natural method of contraception, in which the mother only breastfeeds her baby every 3 hours during the day and once at night, she has not yet begun to menstruate, protects against unnecessary pregnancy after childbirth with an efficiency of 98%!

  • Condom use is the second most common option, after withdrawal.

Such popularity of the condom is associated with its low cost, widespread availability, reliability, ease of use, and the absence of contraindications. It does not affect sexuality, does not distract attention and protects against the transmission of genital infections. The disadvantages of using a condom include the possibility of it breaking.

  • The use of vaginal diaphragms and caps is appropriate for permanent couples.

These dome-shaped latex products are inserted into the vagina and prevent sperm from entering there. The better the diaphragm or cap is selected with the help of a gynecologist, the more reliable the use of this technique. There are no side effects or negative effects on the state of the body. Suitable for protection against unwanted pregnancy after 40 when a woman knows how to use the diaphragm and has a permanent partner.

Medical (pharmacological) methods

Many medical devices have been developed to prevent unwanted pregnancies without harm to health. The use of contraceptives does not give a 100% result. However, cases of unplanned conception when taking them are only 1-2%, in contrast to 25% among those who do not use them.

Chemical means of protection:

  1. use of spermicides (barrier method);
  2. hormonal contraception.
  • The use of chemicals - spermicides, which partially or completely deprive or destroy spermatozoa.

These funds are produced in a variety of forms:

  1. vaginal tablets or suppositories (Traceptin, Farmateks, Nonoxynol, Sterilin);
  2. aerosol foam (Pharmatex, Contraceptin T, Lutenurin);
  3. creams or gels (Neosampon, Traceptin, Patanteks-oval);
  4. vaginal sponges impregnated with spermicide (Nonoxylon-9).

The absence of side effects, additional lubrication of the vagina, protection against sexually transmitted diseases - all this makes this method very popular and widespread. The method is very suitable for protection against unwanted conception after 40, when women use spermicides in combination with the diaphragm. But it is not advisable to use this method for a long time, because of the detrimental effect of chemicals on the vaginal microflora.

  • With the help of hormonal pills, a woman can prevent conception or expel a fertilized egg from the uterus.

Hormonal contraceptives are designed for women and men and are available as tablets, patches, and subcutaneous implants. In women, they stop the ovaries from working and prevent the release of an egg. In men, when the level of hormones in the body changes, spermatozoa either cease to mature or cease to be produced.

  • The medical method of protection includes the use of an intrauterine device.

This is a proven and safe method of protection. IUDs prevent the egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. However, it is not recommended for nulliparous women due to the nature of IUD insertion.

There are also abortion pills for how long to use them? Of course, it is desirable to apply quickly, but you have time up to about three weeks.

Surgical methods

It is possible to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy after sexual intercourse by radical methods. This is surgical sterilization, which refers to irreversible operations. During the operation, the spermatic cords in men and the fallopian tubes in women are cut.

This method will protect against unnecessary pregnancy after the birth of two or more children, usually couples of a respectable age are chosen, when conception is absolutely undesirable. In Russia, this method of sterilization is legally allowed to be used after 35 years.

Folk methods

Ways to prevent at home is still very popular. The effectiveness of such methods has been proven by many years of use, when medical remedies simply did not exist.

Preventing pregnancy with folk remedies is completely safe. The following methods were used:

  1. insertion of a piece of lemon into the vagina. The acidic environment has a detrimental effect on spermatozoa, preventing them from reaching the uterus;
  2. douching before intercourse with a solution of citric acid, aspirin, potassium permanganate. The acidity in the vagina changes, spermatozoa lose their mobility;
  3. taking a loading dose of vitamin C, which can change the egg cycle, bringing menstruation closer and preventing conception.

Shepherd's purse, marjoram and ginger root teas are also folk remedies. They are protected by such means only with the regular intake of such teas, drinking a glass of broth three times a day.

Of particular relevance are contraceptives to prevent pregnancy after 45 years. Various pathologies accumulate in the body and one must act very carefully.

Physicians do not recommend to be protected from pregnancy by folk methods, noting low efficiency. But we must not forget that girls have been using such drugs for centuries, and doctors earn money by selling medicines.

The effectiveness of various methods

There are medical statistics on the percentage of unplanned conceptions with various methods of contraception during the year. It reflects their effectiveness in achieving the goal. As the effectiveness decreases, the methods are arranged in the following order:

How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy: various methods

It is generally accepted that the only type of contraceptive for men is condoms. However, in fact, there are much more means of protection against unwanted pregnancy for men. These are hormonal drugs, contraceptives for men, and various surgical methods. To find the right remedy, you need to study the pros and cons of all contraceptives.

Any modern man should discuss the possibility of pregnancy with his partner in advance. If both partners in a couple are not yet ready to become parents, you need to decide which method of protection to choose, and who exactly will take drugs or use other means.

What are the contraceptives for men?

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about male contraceptives is condoms. This is the most affordable way to prevent unwanted pregnancy, however, not the most reliable. There are a wide variety of condoms on the market today. There are ultra-thin, and, conversely, the most durable. However, the problem that absolutely all couples face, namely, the breaking of a condom, occurs to this day. That is why men are beginning to consider other methods of protection.

In addition to the common and well-known condoms, there are less popular methods of protection:

  • Contraceptive pills and capsules.
  • Contraceptive injections.
  • contraceptive gels.
  • surgical methods.
  • subcutaneous implants.

Are birth control pills for men legal?

The type of contraception that is gaining popularity is hormonal drugs. In this case, the man takes a special hormone that reduces the activity and motility of spermatozoa. Contraceptives for men include a large amount of testosterone, which at this dosage acts as a fuse against unwanted pregnancy.

In addition to the usual pills, there are also contraceptive injections for men. In addition, drugs of this kind are now available in the form of capsules, gels, and even subcutaneous implants. A man can only choose the most suitable form of release of funds.

According to statistics, the effectiveness of birth control pills or other means for men is almost 99%. This allows us to say that using such drugs is better than any other method of contraception. One of the advantages of contraceptives is the absence of discomfort and discomfort during intercourse, which can occur when using a condom.

Side effects

Despite the positive aspects, hormonal drugs also have a number of side effects, which sometimes become an obstacle to the use of oral contraceptives:

There is also an opinion that long-term use of contraceptives can lead to male infertility. This theory has not been scientifically confirmed, however, it must be understood that hormonal agents affect the male reproductive system, therefore, before using contraceptives, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Vasectomy or birth control?

The most effective include the technique of surgical intervention -. This is a special operation in which a man's vas deferens are blocked. The advantage of this technique is 100% efficiency. In addition, after the vasectomy procedure, a man may not worry and not use any contraceptives, since there will simply be no sperm in his seminal fluid. Despite such serious changes, in general, vasectomy does not affect the body of a man.

Surgical sterilization has its drawbacks.

  • This procedure is not suitable for young people who plan to have children in the future.
  • The operation can only be performed by men who have reached the age of 35 and have two children. The reason for this limitation lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to reverse the operation.
  • During the first five years, doctors can return the vas deferens to their original state, but the chance of conceiving a child is reduced to almost zero.

Thus, if a man wants to protect himself and his partner from pregnancy temporarily, which usually happens at a young age, then he is strictly forbidden to use surgical methods. In this case, oral contraceptives are best suited. The advantage of contraceptives is that immediately after the end of their intake, the possibility of fertilization returns to the man.

Are there contraceptives for men in the form of gels?

Contraceptives for men are not only pills and injections. Today, contraceptive gels for men are widely used, which, like other means, belong to the category of oral contraceptives.

The advantage of contraceptives is that a man, along with a pill, injection, capsule or gel, receives a large amount of the sex hormone - testosterone, which affects the production of spermatozoa, stopping it. There are also drugs that are aimed at reducing the activity of male gametes, but such drugs are less effective.

It is worth noting that any oral contraceptives are suitable only for those men who have a permanent partner, otherwise such funds will simply be ineffective. To achieve the effect, contraceptive injections for men or other means must be taken for three months. This is how long it takes the body to renew the seminal fluid. During these three months, the man must use other means of protection, since spermatozoa will still be present in his ejaculate.

Contraceptive gels are perfect for men who need protection not after three months, but at any convenient time.

  • These funds work by reducing the activity of spermatozoa.
  • It is enough just to anoint the gel on the penis area, after which the special components will act on the sperm, reducing their mobility.
  • As a result, male gametes simply cannot reach the egg and fertilize it.

There are no contraindications to the use of gels, except for individual intolerance to the drug. However, experts do not recommend frequently using such a remedy, since the chemicals in the gel can adversely affect the microflora in a woman's vagina with prolonged use of the drug.

Contraceptive implants for men

According to the mechanism of action, the contraceptive implant is no different from conventional oral contraceptives. This tool is a small object containing hormones. This item is placed under the skin of a man. Further, the hormones in the implant are gradually absorbed into the bloodstream and stop the production of spermatozoa.

The advantage of a contraceptive implant is that there is no need to constantly take drugs or give injections. This tool is installed under the skin for a fairly long time. The downside of implants is that their effect has not yet been tested, there have been no clinical studies confirming their effectiveness.

What contraceptive drugs to choose?

What contraceptives to use - only a man decides. Here the main role is played by comfort in use, so male contraceptives have almost the same degree of effectiveness. Among contraceptives for men, pills with the name are especially popular:

  • Gamendazole
  • and Ajudin.

Initially, these drugs were used in the treatment of cancer. However, subsequently doctors also began to prescribe them as contraceptives due to the fact that a side effect of such drugs is the cessation of sperm production.

It is worth noting that hormonal pills have a strong effect, so they should be taken only as directed by a doctor and under his strict control. Otherwise, the body may react negatively to such funds.

A safer option is to use birth control gels. The most popular remedy in this area is Nestorone gel.. It contains the hormones testosterone and progesterone. As a result of its use, the number of healthy spermatozoa is sharply reduced, and the sperm becomes infertile.

The price of contraceptives for men depends on the drug chosen. On average, the cost of male contraception is several times higher than that of women. Therefore, these drugs are not very popular. Couples approaching the choice together prefer to use pills for women, as they work faster and cost much less. New contraceptive drugs are currently being developed, so it is possible that new drugs with greater effectiveness will soon appear.

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