The history of origin and interpretation of the name Alena. Alena: the meaning of the name, character, health, career, compatibility

First name Alyona absolutely different from the name Elena, these are two different options, therefore their characters are different.

Alyona- attractive, refined, feminine, even in old age her soul remains young. Girls with this name are sociable and friendly, cheerful and energetic. They quickly find contact with strangers, sometimes their enemies turn into true friends.

The meaning of the name is associated with the word "scarlet" or "beautiful".

  • Alena's zodiac - Aries or Leo;
  • planet - Sun;
  • color - yellow or red;
  • plant - lavender;
  • tree - cherry;
  • patron - lion, scarab;
  • talisman stone - diamond, gold.

According to the church calendar the name Alena is a folk, non-church version - originating from the name Elena. It used to be like that, but now it has become independent.

There are several options that have their own designation of the name: radiant and sunny, inspiring, bewitching, exciting, attracting. She is selfless and loves to give gifts, she is a cheerful and cheerful person. She is very vulnerable, from this she is restrained in communication, closed.

A little history of where this name might have come from. In ancient times, Alyons lived in the European part of Russia - this is the name of ancient tribes. Their symbol was fire and sword, they were too warlike. Translated from Greek, this name means a torch.

The name is of Slavic origin, but is missing from the church calendar because it once belonged to a woman practicing magic. In ancient times, this was forbidden and she was excommunicated from the church, and the name was deleted from the calendar, so she does not celebrate her name day. Now girls with the name Alena are called Elena at baptism.

You can shorten the name by calling Alena - Ali, Alya, Alyonushka, Lyosya, Lyolya, Lyolechka, Yelyusya.


Little Alena loves fairy tales very much, among children, she tries to stay alone, is a little closed, lives in her own inner world. They behave cheerfully, cheerfully and openly only with well-known people.

This is a gullible person, but if she meets deception, she will definitely punish the person who deceived her. In childhood, she is kind, without firmness in character. She has many hobbies and she tries everything.

She teaches lessons reluctantly, according to her mood, but she does well at school, sometimes even excellently, thanks to her good memory and if she liked the teacher.

More often than not, a girl looks like her father., but its character inherits exactly. Emotions play a big role in their lives.

, only with close acquaintance it turns out that she is a big dreamer and a cheerful person. The feeling of love in her manifests itself as compassion and she will marry, most likely for a person whom she will regret. She will not spare herself in her sacrificial love, but will expect the same attitude towards herself.

She is sensitive to her husband's friends and hobbies, thinking that they are taking him away from her. Immerse yourself in the world of emotional female experiences. She is indifferent to the imperfection of life, is picky and does not need much. She is a caring mother and a homebody, in her house there is peace and tranquility. In her mood, she is a good housewife, and the rest of the time she considers the kitchen a boring occupation, but she understands that this is a necessary element of everyday life.

The name Alena is a symbol of femininity, changeable, fearless, mysterious. It can change to such an extent that every man will see his ideal in her. Capriciousness is her charm and weakness, she is amorous, self-serving and will not miss her.

For her, her place in this world is the fulfillment of her duty, her plans are connected with work and life. If there is a favorite job, then it is a leader. Alena has a sense of responsibility that she takes on.

She has a strong character and is demanding of herself. With others, she is soft, does not require, but loves to explain in detail.

Business and career

It suits archeology, design, psychology, philosophy, economics. He has a strong temperament, is well versed in men, requires them to have high spirituality and the ability to be a good lover.

He does not like physical labor and everyday life, but he has tolerance and takes everything upon himself - this is a person of mood. He loves praise, but considers it humiliating to ask for it.

Self-esteem is high, and goals are low, especially when she is forced to take care of everyday life and feed her family. In this case, her temperament is lost and she goes into coldness.

In order not to lose her femininity, it is better for her to do mental work and not take on the material problems of the family.

Love and family relationships

A husband is better suited from mathematicians, techies, economists. She can provide for herself, but she treats money easily and they do not linger with her. Touchiness, revenge and envy are alien to her.

In the family, Alena quickly gets tired of the monotony and stability of life, she needs trips, business trips.

She considers everyday life and family to be a single whole, and when she takes on all the problems of household arrangements and financing, she switches to caring for the family without regret. At the same time, she loses her femininity and luck. She should direct her interest towards creativity and the sciences.


The name Alyona has weak lungs that bring sadness and melancholy to her, take away her vitality. To strengthen the work of the lungs, you should follow a few rules:

  • take an infusion of oats in milk;
  • include oatmeal in the morning;
  • more to be in the fresh air, preferably in the forest.

Lower back pain can be caused by an active bladder, to get rid of this ailment, you need to drink kidney fees or a decoction of lingonberry leaves.


They have the most diverse kind of hobbies, they begin to do everything little by little, but they are not enough for a long time, although they have the ability.

You should not demand more from her than she can give, she is simple and open, does not depict feelings, but experiences and experiences them. Next to her is calm, warm and good.

Compatibility with male names

In order for Alena to feel happy, there must be a strong-willed man next to her, who will influence her and sometimes calm her down. Boris, Sergey, Oleg have such energy. These men have a tough character, but they treat their chosen ones tenderly, they always manage to cool her ardor.

Also suitable for her: Alexander, Borislav, Valery, Eugene, Leo.

The secret of the name Alyona is the ability to always remain in a good mood. She hides negative traits of character from strangers, being able to control herself.

Attention, only TODAY!

Here is the meaning of the name Alena:

  1. "Sunny"
  2. "Shining"
  3. "Exciting"
  4. "Attractive"
  5. "Spiritual"

Alena's character

Alena is a positive and bright girl. She is always cheerful, optimistic and joyful. Alena very rarely complains about life, and only to her closest ones. And for outsiders, everything is always fine with her, and even in difficult moments she charges others with her energy.

Alena is a girl with character. She will not hesitate to ask to have her coffee remade or to be transferred to the best seats on the plane. After all, she loves herself (not to be confused with selfishness!) And considers herself worthy of all the best. And this is the right approach.

Alena knows how to enjoy life and catch joy in every moment. Of course, routine covers her from time to time, but the girl knows how to cope with it adequately. If she could still cope with laziness like that, she would not have had a price.

Alena is a kind, but sometimes conflicting person. Everyone is surprised how these two qualities can be combined until they get to know Alena. And then they will find out how sweet and gentle she is in ordinary life, and what a fury in anger.

In a relationship, Alena prefers not to take the first step. She is the type who likes to be pursued. But when there is such a patient and attentive guy, all Alena's prejudices disappear, and she becomes a very gentle, caring, cheerful and sincere girl for her beloved.

Alena: the meaning of the name and character of the girl

Alena's health

Alena usually has a fairly strong immune system, so there are no special health problems. She has a good physical shape, which she supports in every possible way - sport is a pleasure for her, not an obligation. Sometimes a diet is also added to the sport, but this happens rarely and not for long, so it’s better to keep silent about it.

Possible diseases that threaten Alena: allergies, gastritis and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney failure.


For Alena, a career is needed mainly only for money and communication. The girl sees self-realization in another area of ​​life. But she also devotes enough time to her profession, because Alena is used to being one of the best, which means that this should also be manifested in her work.

Alena is responsible and smart. You will not be afraid of difficult tasks - she will cope with everything quickly and efficiently. But there is no particular enthusiasm in her, because a career for a girl is clearly not in the first place.

Suitable professions: teacher, marketer, freelancer, barista, analyst, producer, financier, banker.


It is best for Alena to build strong and reliable relationships with guys whose names are Valentin, Denis, Mikhail, Timofey, Alexander, Bogdan, Nazar, Oleg. Men named Vitaly, Naum, Igor, Sergey, Andrey, Yakov, Anton, Grigory are not suitable for Alena.

Watch a video about what the name Alena means:

Alena is one of the most beautiful female names. It comes from the ancient Greek Helene, which means “light”, “torch”, “shining”, “sunny”. There are other options for the origin of the name Alena. In Slavic languages, it is considered an extra-church variant of Elena. Also, this name is interpreted as "scarlet", "fiery". And its diminutive form is correlated with the name Magdalena, Madeleine.

Alena is sociable, open and cheerful, but only close people can see her like that, while with unfamiliar people she is quite closed. The owner of this name is stubborn and purposeful, so you should not try to impose your opinion on her. She attracts with her simplicity and charm: Alena does not know how to dissemble and hide her feelings. Consider the character traits of Alain, born at different times of the year.

Characteristics of the name Alena

Corresponding zodiac sign: Pisces ♓.

patron planet: Venus ♀.

The dominant element of Feng Shui: Wood 木.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Diamond.

Talisman-color: Yellow Red.

Mascot tree: Jasmine 🍁.

Mascot plant: Lavender.

Animal Mascot: A lion.

most successful day: Sunday ☉.

happy season: Spring 🌱.

Character features: Optimism, Restraint, Vigor, Fortitude, Truthfulness, Demandingness, Enthusiasm.

Spring Alena stubborn and mercenary: material wealth is her priority, so she often gets a husband and children late (and this is not surprising, because she spends all her irrepressible energy on building a career). Feelings and emotions never take precedence over the mind of the spring Alena.

Summer Alena ambitious and prudent, besides, she is perfectly able to weave intrigues, thanks to which she often reaches great heights. Her main drawback is envy, which prevents her from enjoying life (often summer Alena has practically no friends, so she gives all her love to her family).

Autumn Alena practical, smart and far-sighted, which explains her scrupulous approach to any life situation. She is used to making decisions on her own, which is why it is not easy for her colleagues and household members to work with her. At the same time, the comments of the autumn Alena are always fair, and the instructions are thorough.

Winter Alena- persistent and principled nature, who is used to achieving her goal in any business. She is extremely picky in choosing friends, a loved one and work, because it is extremely important for her to be the best in everything. The pedantry, activity and resourcefulness of the winter Alena help her realize all her ideas.

The nature of the name Alena

Alena's character is open and cheerful. She studies well and diligently at school, with all responsibility she treats her work. Alena is strong, demanding of herself, but more loyal and soft to people. Mysterious and fearless - her logic and optimism can conquer everyone. Alena is able to do with little, but painfully perceives the inattention of people. She is overly emotional and prone to causeless sadness. In addition, it is quite specific and categorical. As a child, she can be a little shy, avoiding and wary of some people, not letting them get too close.

He does not know how to keep other people's secrets, so he often finds himself in an awkward position. Often allows herself whims, no matter how old she is. However, for the people around her, she is a real outlet, able to listen and appease. Alena is a sincere, honest, impressionable and patient person. Likes praise, but well-deserved. Physical labor is not for her, however, if necessary, it will always help.

Positive traits of the name Alena: In the soul, a woman is sensual and vulnerable. Actions that are more perfect than her are often based on intuition, this feeling fails Alena very rarely. In her company, parents and family feel confident and comfortable, and this is a strong trait of her character. Pushing her own problems into the background, a woman can solve other people's problems with full dedication, striving, and then getting the desired results. She is not one of those who likes to do everyday life, spending weekends in the apartment doing laundry and cleaning. But if Alena has developed sufficiently strong and stable family relationships, she will completely devote herself to domestic work.

Negative traits of the name Alena: In an unfamiliar society, Alena can be somewhat closed. And in the most urgent situations, she does not show her feelings and behaves warily towards others. She does not pay attention to small details and does not waste herself on trifles, which is sometimes very annoying for men who are nearby. Due to her temperament, Alena can be unrestrained in the family and among friends, and traits such as curiosity and talkativeness often become causes of contention with her spouse or other relatives.

Interests and hobbies

Alena is a person who quickly gets carried away and quickly cools down. Alena's hobbies are very extensive - these are travel, self-development, helping people, and love for animals. In addition to outdoor activities and sports, only creativity can captivate her. Since a woman is always “in character” in life, her hobbies can be cinema or theater, art or computer graphics, drawing. Alena does not have permanent hobbies - she quickly learns something new, and immediately moves away from it, looking for other hobbies. The only truly lasting hobby for a woman can be the creation of a cozy homely atmosphere in the apartment, the embodiment of creative design and its continuous improvement.

Profession and business

Alena may have a penchant for philosophy, history, psychology, archeology and economics. Any activity where there is no physical activity and a strict work schedule is perfect for her. So, Alena's creative nature will find application in psychology, journalism, modeling, philosophy and the social sphere. The girl gets along well with the team. She can invest her emotions in active social activities. Creative professions (artist, designer) or the social sphere will become her vocation and favorite work.

Alena can succeed in business if her interest in her own business does not fade away, but, on the contrary, will only increase. And for this there are all the prerequisites, including communication with people, frequent business trips and lack of routine. Otherwise, a business woman will not work out of her. The main drawback that prevents the owner of this name from achieving success in her own business is that she cannot fully reveal her potential, which is due to her inconstancy and laziness.

Psyche and health

Despite the fact that Alena is cheerful and optimistic, her character type is melancholic. Alena is a wonderful manipulator who knows how to properly touch the strings of the human soul. At the same time, she does not like being led by her. Her cheerfulness and responsiveness can be abruptly replaced by isolation and resentment. Only new impressions can cheer her up, because she expects constant and interesting turns from life, and is very upset if her desires do not coincide with her capabilities. Many people think that Alena has high self-esteem, but this is not always true, she just sets high goals for herself, firmly believing that she has all the qualities to achieve them.

At a young age, girls with this name may have minor problems with being overweight. But the task of losing weight is always solvable for them, because this is the type of people who simply cannot imagine their life without outdoor activities and sports. Already becoming a woman, Alena, due to her vulnerability and concern for loved ones, may be prone to nervous breakdowns and depression. In such cases, a strong character comes to the rescue, which allows you to quickly and independently recover. Among chronic diseases, pulmonary pathologies, diseases of the genitourinary system can be noted.

Love and sex

Love for Alena is something more than passion. This is sacrifice, compassion and even pity. In choosing a partner, Alena is pedantic and picky. Material values ​​are not the main thing for her. In the first place - the soul, the wealth of the inner world, generosity, kindness, as well as a strong character. Therefore, do not be surprised if Alena prefers a romantic and handsome loser to a wealthy man. In a man, the owner of this name appreciates, first of all, spirituality, authority and masculinity, while the material side of the issue is of little interest to her. If the chosen one loves, understands and respects Alena, she will answer him with care, support, tenderness and affection. Her love is always sincere and real, selfless and bordering on self-sacrifice.

A woman is erotic and sexy, belongs to the category of "conquerors of men's hearts." Playful and temperamental, possessing an irrepressible fantasy, she chooses a sex partner who can embody all her ideas. In love, Alena does not tolerate violence, she is impressed by freedom. Therefore, living with a partner in the same territory, sometimes he seeks to leave it for a while, in order to “get bored”. According to the woman, such relationships are only getting stronger, and sex brings new and unique sensations. Although in ordinary life Alena is independent, in sex she always concedes to her partner, weighing his strength and temperament in advance. Not being in a close relationship with a man she likes, a woman subconsciously understands whether he will suit her in bed.

Family and marriage

Alena often marries early enough, because the family for her is an integral part of a full life. At the same time, Alena's sacrifice can cause her unsuccessful marriage, and she will expect the same dedication from her chosen one. But, unfortunately, men are not always able to appreciate the desire of a woman to support her husband and dissolve in his worries and problems. To create a strong family, Alena will need an imperious and strong-willed man who will become her “stone wall”, a reliable support and protection. It is also important for the owner of this name that her other half be intellectually and spiritually developed, because Alena herself improves herself every day, discovering more and more new facets of life in general and herself in particular.

She can be called a good (though not ideal) hostess who loves her family and takes care of her. It is always bright and comfortable in her house, she performs household duties diligently, but without much enthusiasm, treating cooking and washing as essential elements of being. She, with a certain degree of indifference, refers to the imperfection of her life, and to material difficulties, preferring to be content with little. But do not think that Alena is a submissive and gentle wife. On the contrary, in the family she tries to establish her leadership, which she often succeeds perfectly. For household members, Alena's opinion is always authoritative. It should be noted that Alena very quickly gets tired of the routine and monotony of family life, so from time to time she needs to change the situation and relax away from home. Alena is ready to forgive her husband a lot, but not cheating. Secrets and reticences destroy her trust, love, and, accordingly, marriage.

Alena's horoscope

Alena-Aries ♈- the authoritarianism of Alena-Aries is manifested both at work and at home, because of which she often conflicts with both colleagues and her household. But if the latter are ready to forgive Alena for emotionality and temper, then at work they do not agree to put up with such impulsiveness of their colleague. With men, she prefers to talk on an equal footing, emphasizing her authority in every possible way, so long-term and serious relationships in her life are rare.

Alena-Taurus ♉- this is a self-confident and domineering nature, who is fluent in the art of manipulation, which helps her achieve her goals at the expense of others. Alena-Taurus will be able to convince anyone of anything. But with her chosen one, she is transformed and becomes a soft and defenseless woman, ready for any madness for the sake of love.

Alena-Gemini ♊- this charming, witty and energetic woman knows how to win over people. And this is not surprising, because Alena-Gemini "charges" others with her optimism. It is often believed that Alena's life is a continuous holiday in which there is no place for problems and misfortunes (and the whole secret is that she knows how to relate to life's vicissitudes easily). The character of Alena-Gemini determines the fact that she has countless fans.

Alena-Rak ♋- fussiness and restlessness prevent Alena-Rak from achieving her goals, while she is firmly convinced that she has made every effort to translate her ideas, just the villain-fate has turned away from her. Such life passivity leads to the fact that Alena-Rak is always dissatisfied with everything: both work, and her man, and friends who give her little attention and care.

Alena Leo ♌- this woman constantly strives to be in the spotlight, which flatters her pride and feeds her pride. However, narcissism and vanity lead to the fact that those around Alena-Leo are simply annoying. She often treats her partner as property, and a cult of personality reigns in her family: all household members (and her husband in the first place) must recognize her authority, while her decisions are never discussed.

Alena-Virgo ♍- the girl's integrity and rigidity do not allow her to be led by passions and emotions. Alena-Virgo lives according to a well-planned plan, in which there is no place for surprises and surprises. Such self-organization is not always clear to men who are hesitant (even afraid) to build a serious relationship with her. She needs a man who can easily go through life.

Alena-Libra ♎- active, sociable and open Alena-Libra is the soul of any company, but her spontaneity is often too much, and she loves to talk much more than listen. She leads an active lifestyle, trying to be in time everywhere and everywhere. But it is not easy for men to win her heart, because Alena-Libra dreams of a stable and serious relationship in which a partner can accept her love of freedom.

Alena-Scorpio ♏- this is a very talented woman who, as befits a creative person, is quick-tempered, emotional, irritable and impressionable, which prevents her from achieving her plans. The actions of Alena-Scorpio are subordinated, first of all, to a spiritual impulse. Even in personal relationships, she does not know how to control emotions, which leads to constant conflicts.

Alena Sagittarius ♐- independence, energy and inconstancy are the shaky foundation on which Alena-Sagittarius cannot build either a career or a harmonious family life. She will gladly shift her problems onto others, while she herself, in the meantime, will take the position of an outside observer. The craving for new sensations and unsolved mysteries becomes the reason that in the life of Alena-Sagittarius the number of fleeting novels exceeds the number of serious and stable relationships.

Alena-Capricorn ♑ is a generous, sensible and demanding woman who strives for perfection in everything. It is not surprising that Alena-Capricorn despises petty and frivolous people whose words disagree with deeds. In relationships with men, she is extremely cautious and does not allow herself to flirt with strangers. She falls in love very rarely, but her love is always pure, sincere and deep.

Alena Aquarius ♒- this woman surprisingly combines insight, independence and intelligence, so do not expect harsh judgments or interference in someone else's life from Alena-Aquarius. On the contrary, she notices and analyzes everything, but she never rushes to conclusions, correctly referring to the feelings and opinions of others. She will connect her life only with that man who will not encroach on her freedom and independence.

Alena-Pisces ♓- sensitive, good-natured and delicate Alena-Pisces prefers not to interfere in someone else's life, especially if she is not asked about it. She will never defend her opinion, even if she is completely sure of its justice (and not because she is insecure, but because she respects the opinions of others). Her charm attracts the representatives of the stronger sex. This woman is capable of love at first sight.

Alena name compatibility with male names

Alena and Alexander- this couple is simply doomed to love, understanding and idyll, because Alena and Alexander have common interests and views, they strive to live a full and interesting life. In the intimate sphere, they are also the perfect tandem.

Alena and Dmitry- for this couple, not material wealth is important, but spiritual values, therefore, an atmosphere of understanding and harmony reigns in their family. Alena and Dmitry rarely quarrel, because they know how to negotiate and find compromises.

Alena and Sergey- this union is based on the energy and cheerfulness that both partners possess in abundance. Alena and Sergey have many plans and ideas that they methodically bring to life. Quarrels in this family arise because of the inability to share power.

Alena and Andrey- this is a passionate couple whose relationship is based primarily on the sexual component. The passion between Andrey and Alena does not fade over time, but develops into a deep mutual feeling.

Alena and Alexey- in this interesting, but complex union, both partners have difficult characters, which prevents them from living in peace and harmony. Alena is emotional, while Alexei is calm and balanced. By making concessions, this couple can live a long and happy life.

Alena and Ivan- the ardor of feelings and the independence of characters become the foundation of the passionate relationship between Alena and Ivan. However, such a seething of feelings and temperaments is more suitable for the love relationships themselves as such, since in the difficult task of building family happiness, the price has completely different qualities. In family life, it is necessary to be able to yield, which both must learn.

Alena and Eugene- practical Evgeny appreciates stability in life, while impulsive Alena prefers to live for today. In addition, Alena is not attracted to the role of a “desperate housewife”, on the contrary, she needs variety in her life. As a result, the union very often breaks up.

Alena and Maxim- soft, kind, but at the same time temperamental Alena plays with the feelings of Maxim, who sincerely loves his capricious chosen one. If Alena learns to appreciate real feelings, this couple can create a strong union.

Alena and Vladimir- this is a bright and passionate union, in which Vladimir is attracted by Alena's maximalism and energy. In turn, Alena appreciates enthusiasm and assertiveness in her partner. But in this couple there are frequent quarrels due to jealousy and the desire of both to rule.

Alena and Denis- for Alena and Denis, the main thing is the unity of souls, while the material side of life together is of little concern to them. For them, comfort and well-being is, first of all, peace and tranquility in the house.

Alena and Pavel- this is a fairly strong tandem, despite the dissimilarity of the characters of the partners and their excessive emotionality. Impulsive Alena can be annoyed by Pavel's slowness, but his ability to forgive the "little weaknesses" of his chosen one helps to maintain this union.

Alena and Artem- Charming Artem quickly wins the trust of Alena, whom he considers a sweet and caring woman. But Alena soon shows her strong, independent and strong-willed character, which the owner Artem is not ready to put up with.

Alena and Anton- Restless Alena is constantly looking for adventures, and her home routine depresses her. Reasonable Anton can be called a domestic person. For the sake of maintaining relations, he is ready to forgive Alena for her capriciousness and love of freedom.

Alena and Mikhail- responsible Mikhail is a practical and reasonable man, while Alena is wasteful and frivolous. This union can be successful if the man in it comes to terms with the weaknesses of his chosen one.

Alena and Roman This is a couple made for each other. Between them there is a deep feeling, and tenderness, and understanding, and trust. Both crave novelty and adventurous adventures, but Roman and Alena should remember that family is, above all, stability.

Alena and Nikolay- the relationship between Alena and Nikolai develops gradually: first, friendship develops into deep sympathy, and then into love. Such a serious approach to building a family helps them create a strong union.

Alena and Igor- these relations cannot be called traditional, since both partners are too independent and principled. In the family of Alena and Igor, no one tries to limit either their own or others' freedom. This union may be short-lived, but bright.

Alena and Ilya- this couple is united by a heightened sense of beauty and a craving for constant change. Ilya is reasonable, but lacks initiative, while Alena, on the contrary, is active and full of energy. Such a difference in character can lead to a break in relations.

Alena and Vladislav- these relationships were “blessed in heaven”, therefore, an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding reigns in the pair of Alena and Vladislav. It is almost impossible to separate this sweet couple.

Alena and Konstantin- the restless Alena expects romantic follies from Konstantin, but it is not in his nature to waste time on "childish nonsense." The man in this union is set up for a serious and stable relationship, while for Alena life is a holiday.

Alena and Vyacheslav- this is a couple of monogamists, for whom such characteristics as fidelity, reliability, trust come first in a relationship. Alena and Vyacheslav carry their love through their whole lives.

Alena and Vitaly- both cannot stand monotony and routine, so they constantly try to bring novelty and even adventurism into their relationship. The only thing that can destroy the union of Alena and Vitaly is the lack of stability.

Alena and Oleg- in this creative union, partners live with one goal, one dream, one aspirations. It is not surprising that the tandem of Alena and Oleg is strong and reliable.

Alena and Yuri- this is a couple that succeeds in all endeavors, which is waiting for family well-being and material prosperity. Alena and Yuri are able to create an ideal family, only sincere love and respect for a partner is enough.

Alena and Ruslan- cheerfulness and love for life - this is the force that unites Alena and Ruslan. They scrupulously build their family life, spending their strength and energy exclusively on those goals that they can achieve.

Alena and Nikita- practical Nikita knows how to surprise his beloved, which is important for Alena. Adventure, romance, change are the foundations on which this interesting couple creates their family life.

Alena and Kirill- perfect harmony. It is these two words that fully characterize the relationship between Cyril and Alena, in which there is no place for emotional outbursts. The monotony of life can destroy this union.

Alena and Victor- in this pair of creative personalities they like to have philosophical conversations aimed at comprehending the meaning of life. Alena and Victor are faithful to each other, and their feelings are only getting stronger day by day.

Alena and Vadim- this is a paradoxical couple, in the prosperity of which no one believes because of the opposite nature, despite love, rarely stand the test of time. And the fault of everything is distrust and jealousy in relations with Vadim.

Alena and Edward- ardent Alena, who does not recognize limits and restrictions, finds a protector and support in the conservative and restrained Eduard. If Alena agrees to obey her chosen one, then this union will be successful.

Alena and Svyatoslav- these people, similar in character, understand each other at a glance. Svyatoslav and Alena build their relationship not on passion, but on trust and friendship, which helps them create a truly strong and stable family.

Name Description: The name Alena supposedly comes from the ancient Greek "torch", "bright". However, there are theories according to which the interpretation of this name is lost in the darkness of centuries, although, one way or another, it is related to the light.

Alena is extremely independent and therefore ordinary work is not for her, she is attracted by art. A developed imagination, a creative mindset allow Alena to achieve great success in her studies. However, the teacher herself often means more to her than her own interest in the subject.

At work, Alena is responsible, has the ability to gather herself internally, and is able to come up with fundamentally new ways to solve tasks. Nothing pisses her off like useless boring work, bureaucracy and hassle. Alena needs self-realization and interesting acquaintances like air. Alena can make a good, but too categorical leader. Alena are excellent actresses, artists, translators, but they should not choose the profession of a teacher.

If you look closely, you may notice some tension in Alena's behavior caused by her inner restraint and isolation. Sometimes, due to her inner tension, Alena behaves defiantly, as if she is only waiting for accusations from others.

This character trait manifests itself in Alena with age, in childhood she usually grows up as a serene and sweet girl, and, in fact, she remains so, just starting from her teenage years, all this is covered by her inner struggle. Often no one even guesses what emotions are raging behind Alena's outward calm. Over time, constant nervous tension gives rise to chronic fatigue and mental pain, and Alena can unconsciously perceive the world around her as a source of this pain. She may come to the conclusion that the people around her are ready to hurt her to the quick at any moment, while she herself is to blame for her painful perception of the world.

Personality Character: closed, restrained, vulnerable, sexy, sensual, tender, caring, affectionate, unpredictable,

Name abbreviations: Alyonka, Ali, Alya, Lena, Lyosya, Lelya

Suitable middle name: Alexandrovna, Alekseevna, Anatolyevna, Borisovna, Valentinovna, Valerievna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Ilyinichna, Iosifovna, Leonidovna, Mikhailovna, Nikolaevna, Pavlovna, Petrovna, Feliksovna, Fedorovna, Yurievna, Konstantinovna, Matveevna, Timofeevna

Suitable for boys or girls: only for girls

Name pronunciation: soft

Name nationality: Greek

Most suitable for zodiac signs:

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