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Plasmapheresis is a modern safe method of blood purification, which involves its filtration through a membrane or centrifugal plasma filter. The device extracorporeally separates blood into a cellular uniform part (leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets, lymphocytes) and plasma - a binder that contains antibodies, fragments of cell walls, biological and toxic wastes that give rise to the development of a disease of a different nature. Plasmapheresis is widely used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes, as a component of a complex procedure.

Plasmapheresis in Moscow is carried out in the Yusupov Hospital - one of the best clinics with modern equipment, which, in turn, allows you to perform the procedure as efficiently as possible.

The mechanism of action of plasmapheresis

Plasmapheresis is considered to be the safest and most painless method of blood purification compared to other methods. A catheter is inserted into a patient's vein and connected to a special device - a plasma filter. The collection of withdrawn blood occurs automatically, since the device accurately determines the required volume of blood. Then the blood is pumped out of the body, divided into erythrocyte mass and plasma, after which the plasma is replaced by a plasma-substituting substance, and the blood is returned back. On average, the procedure can take from half an hour to 1-2 hours, depending on the goal pursued. About 100 plasma is collected per kilogram of weight.

When is plasmapheresis necessary?

In the modern world, the environment poisons us daily - exhaust gases, polluted ecology, alcohol, smoking, medicines, malnutrition - all these factors affect our health in one way or another. For preventive purposes, plasmapheresis is used as a cleansing and healing procedure that can temporarily clear the plasma and, as a result, the entire body from harmful microorganisms and waste. The Yusupov Hospital provides an opportunity to perform plasmapheresis for various purposes, subject to a mandatory prior consultation with a doctor. Our clinic cooperates with the largest trusted blood bank in Russia, which guarantees a safe and effective procedure such as plasmapheresis. How many procedures are needed and the intensity of the course is also determined by the attending physician, referring to the individual needs of the patient and the purpose of the treatment.

Indications for plasmapheresis are:

  • in gynecology and obstetrics: premenstrual syndrome, autoimmune infertility, Rh-conflict pregnancy, chronic inflammation of the uterus and its appendages, preparation for in vitro fertilization, miscarriage, menopause;
  • in dermatology: psoriasis, furunculosis, acne, severe stage acne, eczema, dermatitis, urticaria;
  • in pulmonology: fibrosing alveolitis, bronchial asthma, sarcoidosis;
  • in endocrinology: diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathology;
  • in gastroenterology: chronic inflammatory processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, high cholesterol, cholecystitis;
  • in cardiology: ischemic heart disease, hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • frequent colds;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • prostatitis;
  • neuropathy;
  • chemotherapy for cancer;
  • gout;
  • vasculitis;
  • increased blood viscosity;
  • drug overdose.


There are a number of factors with which it is strictly forbidden to combine plasmapheresis. These include:

  • bleeding of various etiologies (including the menstrual period in women);
  • peptic ulcer during exacerbation;
  • chronic iron deficiency anemia;
  • edematous syndrome;
  • post-infarction or post-stroke condition;
  • severe liver disease with a decrease in protein levels.

How many plasmapheresis procedures need to be done and which technique is preferred is decided by the attending physician. It is important to remember that plasmapheresis is not an independent method of treating diseases - its effectiveness increases several times in combination with other medical and conservative methods of treatment. Doctors of the Yusupov hospital, based on their extensive experience in working with patients, can make a diagnosis and correctly draw up an individual treatment plan.

Plasmapheresis results

If you complete the full course of plasmapheresis in combination with other medications and procedures prescribed by your doctor, you can achieve the following results:

  • deep detoxification of the whole organism. By “washing blood cells”, the plasma filter cleans the erythrocyte mass from all toxins and toxins accumulated in it over the years. Such cleansing contributes not only to the cure of diseases, but also improves overall well-being, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system;
  • immunomodulatory effect. Due to the interaction with the separating apparatus, the immunomodulatory cells become toned and the so-called state of “intense immunity” appears, which means increased resistance to various viruses and pathogenic bacteria;
  • stimulation of the hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems. Due to the extraction of old plasma from the blood, the body begins to exist in a controlled water-electrolyte imbalance, however, in cases where such a state is undesirable, the extracted plasma is replaced with plasma-substituting solutions;
  • improving the quality of blood and its fluidity. Blood clotting is a symptom common to many diseases. Excessive blood density can cause oxygen obstruction through small capillaries and, as a result, tissue hypoxia. Plasmapheresis in this case has a thinning effect, and also improves the rheological properties of the blood. Liquid blood improves the process of penetration of nutrients into cells, and also helps to eliminate toxic waste from the body.

Diet and daily routine after plasmapheresis

Immediately after the procedure, the patient remains under medical supervision for several hours. In order to avoid the development of side symptoms, the patient is not recommended to play sports, hard physical labor, go to the sauna, bath, take hot baths and eat hot food on this day. All these actions can cause vasodilation, headaches and dizziness. Can I eat before plasmapheresis? Yes, you can, but you should follow a certain diet both before and after the procedure:

  • you should not eat fatty, fried, spicy and sweet on the eve of plasmapheresis and the whole day after it;
  • before the procedure, you can not smoke and take alcoholic beverages, as this can affect the composition of the blood;
  • before and after plasmapheresis, you should follow a diet rich in protein foods: you should include in your diet cereals, rabbit meat, chicken (breast), eggs, soy and soy products, seaweed, legumes, bran, cottage cheese and hard cheese, as well as nuts, seeds and fish rich in iron and omega-3;
  • refrain from drinking alcohol for a few days after plasmapheresis. You should not be zealous with alcoholic beverages, you can start with a glass of dry red wine, as it contains a large number of useful trace elements and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.

Timely competent treatment will help to recover in a short time, and also exclude the development of the disease in more severe stages. Plasmapheresis is an excellent method of blood purification, which involves not only the elimination of symptoms, but also the overall improvement of the patient's health.

Plasmapheresis in Moscow is carried out in an oncology clinic under the close supervision of professional transfusiologists of the highest qualification. To make an appointment for a consultation, call the Yusupov Hospital.


  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov hospital
  • Cherenkov V. G. Clinical oncology. - 3rd ed. - M.: Medical book, 2010. - 434 p. - ISBN 978-5-91894-002-0.
  • Shirokorad V. I., Makhson A. N., Yadykov O. A. Status of oncourological care in Moscow // Oncourology. - 2013. - No. 4. - S. 10-13.
  • Volosyanko M. I. Traditional and natural methods of prevention and treatment of cancer, Aquarium, 1994
  • John Niederhuber, James Armitage, James Doroshow, Michael Kastan, Joel Tepper Abeloff's Clinical Oncology - 5th Edition, eMEDICAL BOOKS, 2013

Service prices *

Name of service Price
Consultation with a chemotherapist Price: 5 150 rubles
Administration of intrathecal chemotherapy Price: 15 450 rubles
brain MRI
Price from 8 900 rubles
Chemotherapy Price from 50 000 rubles
Comprehensive cancer care and HOSPICE program Price from 9 690 rubles per day
Gastrointestinal oncology program Price from 30 900 rubles
Lung Cancer Program Price from 10 250 rubles
The program of oncodiagnostics of the urinary system
Price from 15 500 rubles
Cancer Diagnostic Program "Women's Health"
Price from 15 100 rubles
Cancer Diagnostic Program "Men's Health" Price from 10 150 rubles

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic. The list of paid services provided is indicated in the price list of the Yusupov hospital.

*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, determined by the provisions of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For exact information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

Membrane plasmapheresis is a blood purification method used in efferent medicine. Detoxification of the body by technology is indicated for the treatment of a number of diseases and as a preventive measure. The procedure is safe and has a positive effect.

It is based on the separation of blood into liquid plasma and into cells using a disposable membrane that acts as a filter. The membrane contains microscopic pores of a certain diameter. Plasma passes through them, and toxins, lipoproteins, harmful chemicals, remnants of dead cells, atherogenic lipids remain on the filter.

Efferent medicine has more than ten methods of extracorporeal detoxification, where blood purification occurs with the help of an apparatus outside the human body. The procedure is relevant, often carried out.

Patients with:

  • skin diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • high cholesterol;
  • cholecystitis, diabetes mellitus;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • chronic inflammation of the uterus and fallopian tubes;
  • arthritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hypertension, cardiac ischemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergies;
  • infertility;
  • prostatitis;
  • autoimmune, endocrine diseases;
  • body intoxication.

Hardware plasmapheresis is used for women during menopause, as a preventive measure before artificial insemination and in case of Rh conflict.

The peculiarity of the method of extracorporeal detoxification is to exclude the risk of infection of the patient with an infection, a virus during the procedure. Membrane plasmapheresis does not use donor biological material, the patient's blood is cleaned and returned to him without toxins along a single line that does not have connections.

Membrane-type plasmapheresis is a painless operation that cleans at the cellular level in one course of three sessions:

  1. During the first session, the plasma is cleansed of toxins, it is freed from the effects of harmful substances. Toxins remain in the interstitial fluid and cells, over time, poisons penetrate into the blood.
  2. The second session allows you to clear the interstitial fluid.
  3. During the third session, the cells are cleansed.

Due to deep hardware cleaning, the following effects occur in the body:

  • detoxification of the blood leads to the unloading of the organs involved in the elimination of toxins in a natural way. Improves the work of the lungs, kidneys, liver;
  • liquefaction enhances the performance of the heart muscle. It becomes easier for the heart to pump the biological fluid through the vessels;
  • oxygen starvation of internal organs and tissues is eliminated, blood circulation improves;
  • accelerates the delivery of nutrients and the removal of metabolic products from the organs;
  • activates and increases the body's resistance.

Which method is better - membrane or centrifuge

The detoxification methods used are membrane and centrifuge.

Centrifugal plasmapheresis involves placing a certain volume of blood into a laboratory centrifuge, in which, under the influence of centrifugal force, the lymph is separated from the cells.

With the centrifuge method, blood is withdrawn in small doses and placed in vials that are sent to a rotating rotor. For a short period of time, the patient is in a state of lack of a certain volume of fluid.

After separating the liquid part of the blood from the cell mass in a centrifuge, the plasma is placed in a plastic bag and sent for purification. The formed part of the blood is divided by the doctor into erythrocytes and leukocytes. They undergo a certain procedure: erythrocytes are treated with antibiotics, leukocytes are treated with immunomodulators, which increase the protective activity of the immune system. Plasma, under certain physical and chemical conditions, is released from toxins, harmful components and is poured back into the person at the next liquid intake.

Pros and cons of methods:

  1. In the process of centrifugation, slight cell damage is observed, leading to an additional load on the liver and lungs. The advantage of the technique is that human plasma is returned in its pure form; with the membrane method, the blood is diluted by more than 20% with physiological solutions.
  2. The advantage of cleaning with a membrane is the ability to release large volumes of blood from harmful substances in 1 session, which reduces the time of the procedure.
  3. The centrifugal purification method is characterized by a low price compared to membrane plasmapheresis. The latter has a low risk of side effects and complications, the cost of the procedure is higher.
  4. During the procedure, the infection of the patient is reduced to zero, an individual sterile line is used to perform the procedure, contact of medical workers with biological fluid is excluded. With the centrifuge method, the risk of infection of the patient with an infection, a virus increases.

The method of detoxification prescribed by the doctor depends on the disease, the presence of concomitant pathologies and contraindications. Centrifugal plasmapheresis, used in private clinics and other medical institutions, is receding into the background compared to the membrane method.

Overview of devices from various manufacturers

Manufacturers have developed and produced many devices for performing extracorporeal detoxification. Devices are fully automated or semi-automatic. The presence of screens, additional sensors and computers affect the cost of the device and the effectiveness of the procedure.

Blood purification devices used in efferent medicine:

Apparatus a brief description of
Gemos Devices "Gemos" allow to carry out plasmapheresis and hemosorption, they can replace expensive devices of foreign manufacturers. A distinctive positive characteristic of machines is the design of venous valves of the human vascular system based on the biological structure.

The device weighing 5 kg allows you to use it in various conditions:

  • outpatient;
  • field;
  • stationary;
  • domestic;
  • in an ambulance.

Despite the weight, the device is multifunctional and can be used in combination with other disinfection procedures (ultraviolet irradiation, laser cleaning, magnetotherapy).

The device is devoid of departments and mechanisms that injure blood cells and damage integrity. The device does not contain centrifuges, clamps, joints, infusion pumps. Operates with a disposable pulse pump containing reed valves.

Baxter Baxter is a manufacturer of the eponymous system for extracorporeal detoxification of the body.

Plasmapheresis baxter is an automatic system that performs medical and donor procedures for separating blood into plasma and a uniform part. The apparatus combines centrifugal and filtration methods and is controlled by a microprocessor. The process steps are monitored by sensors connected to a computer. Sensors continuously assess vein pressure and help regulate pump function to ensure maximum body fluid flow in the patient's blood vessel.

An automated device allows a doctor to monitor a person's condition without being distracted by the process in the device.

Haemonetician Haemonetics has produced a line of blood collection, transfusion and detoxification devices.

The device Haemonetics (Haemonetics) PCS-2 was created by the developers for the implementation of plasmapheresis. Machine weight about 26 kg, provides mobility. The device is automated and equipped with a display for monitoring current processes. PCS-2 has sensors for air, pressure, line tightness, sound and light alarms and the possibility of emergency interruption of the process with the return of blood to the patient.

The device has a simple instruction, allows one specialist to control several systems. The patient has the ability to independently regulate the rate of blood sampling.

In what cases is the procedure contraindicated?

Detoxification with membrane plasmapheresis is contraindicated in people with peptic ulcer, anemia, a complex form of liver disease, myocardial infarction, a malignant tumor (an exception is preparation for cancer therapy using plasmapheresis).

The method of blood purification using the device makes it possible to perform detoxification painlessly and safely for the patient. For the procedure, you need to contact a medical institution.

Plasmapheresis is a procedure for cleansing the blood of toxins and toxins. The health of a person as a whole depends on the state of the blood: it supplies the body with oxygen and useful substances. However, due to poor ecology, unhealthy nutrition or age-related changes, its composition changes dramatically, which negatively affects well-being.

What is "plasmapheresis", what diseases does it treat, what is the cost? We will analyze these and other issues that concern patients in more detail, because the currently popular method of blood purification has many contradictions.

Plasmapheresis: the essence of the method, the history of its origin

Plasma is the liquid component of blood that contains the formed elements. In laboratory conditions, its composition is used to judge the damage to certain internal organs. The very name “plasmapheresis” reveals the essence of the method: translated from Latin, it means “removal of plasma”.

Simple bloodletting was the first attempt of ancient healers to rid the body of harmful substances and purify the blood. For many years this "inhumane" technique was forgotten, and only in the second half of the 20th century, inventors in the field of medicine tried to create an apparatus capable of dividing blood into phases and replacing its liquid part with a therapeutic purpose.

Since the 70s, plasmapheresis has been given a special niche in medicine. Since then, the method of ridding the body of "dirty" plasma at the cellular level with the help of special equipment has become very popular.

Where can plasmapheresis be performed?

Thanks to modern developments, the procedure is carried out not only in public and private medical institutions, but also at home.

Schematic diagram of the operation of the device "Hemofenix"

Indications for the use of plasmapheresis are different: in some cases it is a preventive procedure, in others it is the only way to resist a fatal pathology.

Absolute indications for plasmapheresis are blood diseases, including hereditary ones:

  • Syndromes of Goodpasture, Gasser, Guillain-Barre;
  • DIC;
  • Rufus disease;
  • Polyneuropathy of chronic course;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • thrombocytosis;
  • Leukocytosis;
  • porphyrin disease;
  • myoglobinemia;
  • erythroleukemia;
  • Hereditary hypercholesterolemia;
  • hyperviscose syndrome;
  • Delayed thrombocytopenia;
  • intravascular hemolysis;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • Thrombocytopenic acroangiothrombosis;
  • Poisoning with toxic substances and poisons.

A good therapeutic effect is observed when using plasmapheresis with:

Plasmapheresis will also be useful during pregnancy, when the patient suffers from severe toxicosis. It can also help in other situations, for example, with Rh conflict or placental insufficiency.

Who is not eligible for plasmapheresis?

Contraindications for plasmapheresis are as follows:

  • Irreversible pathological disorders of internal organs;
  • Bleeding that cannot be stopped;
  • Problematic blood clotting;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • Violation of the heartbeat and rhythm;
  • Unstable blood pressure;
  • Veins affected by the pathological process;
  • shock conditions;
  • Liver disease;
  • Anemia in elderly patients;
  • Decreased blood viscosity.

Is it worth doing a blood cleanse during menstruation?

Harm of plasmapheresis

The benefits and harms of any therapeutic method, including plasmapheresis, directly depend on the actions of the doctor, his professionalism and experience, as well as on the conditions for conducting. Why is plasmapheresis dangerous?

The most common side effects after plasmapheresis are:

Minor negative effects in patients after plasmapheresis:

  • Bouts of nausea;
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Headache.

Therapeutic effect of plasmapheresis

Plasmapheresis can eliminate several categories of harmful substances, including:

  • Metabolic products: uric acid, urea, creatinine;
  • Antibodies;
  • Antigens;
  • Hormones;
  • Inflammatory mediators;
  • high molecular weight lipids.

Cleansing the body, carried out with the removal of plasma, includes the following physiological changes:

  • Artificial hypovolemia occurs, which catalyzes the activity of the protective properties of the body.
  • The fluid from the tissue tends to the vessels, thereby replenishing the missing volume of circulating blood. This leads to a decrease in edema and a decrease in the concentration of harmful substances in the bloodstream for several hours.

Reduction of toxic substances

How many procedures are needed to see a positive result?

The effect of plasmapheresis is short-lived: after 24 hours, the amount of toxic substances in the blood will be the same. Therefore, experts do not recommend performing plasmapheresis once. Experts advise to undergo a treatment course consisting of 4 sessions.

With each visit, blood counts will improve: the blood will become less viscous, and therefore will deliver oxygen to the organs faster. Various structures of the body are cleared gradually: everything starts with blood vessels and tissues, and ends with cells.

What are the types of plasmapheresis?

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish several types of plasmapheresis:

  1. By appointment:

  • Donor. This form of plasmapheresis involves taking plasma from a healthy person, that is, a donor, in order to later use it in other patients for therapeutic purposes.
  1. According to the implementation option:
  • Discrete or manual. The patient is given a significant blood draw. The material is placed in a special box with preservatives, where the liquid part of the blood is separated from the formed elements. In this case, the method of sedimentation or centrifugation helps. Intravenously, the patient is injected with his own cell mass, but already purified and diluted in saline.
  • Automatic either hardware. Blood filtration takes place in small portions using separation equipment. Blood purification occurs mobilely and without pauses. This method does not injure cellular elements, in contrast to the discrete one.
  1. According to the material processing method:

Stages of plasmapheresis and their features

Plasmapheresis, like lymphophoresis, has several mandatory steps:

Sometimes purification is carried out not only in plasma, but also in cells. This moment is negotiated with the patient individually.

How does plasmapheresis happen and how is it done?

It is done both in the general ward and in the manipulation room. The patient is asked to lie down on a special couch. A catheter is placed in one or both hands (it all depends on the method chosen by the doctor).

The most common injection sites are a vein in the elbow or in the subclavian region. To prevent blood clotting and the occurrence of blood clots, doctors additionally inject heparin.

Plasmapheresis takes no more than 2 hours. During manipulations, the patient's condition is under the vigilant supervision of the medical staff. So, the patient's pulse and blood pressure are monitored, breathing is checked.

Plasmapheresis involves the use of various devices:

  • Portable. They are suitable for transportation. No more than 40 ml of blood is taken at a time, processed, returned to the bloodstream and blood is taken again.
  • Stationary. Some models have the function of introducing anticoagulants.

Plasmapheresis cost

Plasmapheresis can be done in almost any private or public clinic. How much does it cost? The price for the procedure is from 4000 to 6000 rubles (1800 - 2600 hryvnias).

How often should plasmapheresis be done? Blood purification must necessarily take place according to indications, and the frequency of the course is selected individually based on the diagnosis and concomitant diseases.

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