Chamomile tea indications. Harmful properties of chamomile. Liver and biliary tract

Common chamomile is the oldest medicinal plant that can kill more than a dozen insidious diseases on the spot. In addition to the famous "loves - does not love", it is also used in cosmetology, and during pregnancy, and as a sedative. Chamomile tincture works real miracles, surprising the world with the versatility of its healing action. It is recommended for both adults and children, both internally and externally. Consider the beneficial properties of the magical "weed" in more detail.

What is useful chamomile tincture?

Infusions and decoctions of a medicinal plant are endowed with powerful healing power, thanks to the rich "stuffing" of flowers. These include:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • oleic, palmitic, nicotinic acid;
  • glucose;
  • useful minerals - potassium, zinc and copper;
  • tannins.

Thanks to such an impressive set, the healing qualities of chamomile are almost unlimited.

Drug effect

Chamomile tincture has the following powers:

  • fights diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has a choleretic, hemostatic, antiseptic, disinfecting and diuretic effect;
  • relieves flatulence and stomach cramps;
  • relieves inflammation of the gums, mucous membranes, wounds;
  • treats rheumatism, gout, arthritis and other vascular diseases;
  • makes you forget about hemorrhoids, cystitis and other gynecological ailments;
  • calms the nervous system and normalizes sleep;
  • inspires the brain to be active;
  • heals diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder;
  • heals inflammatory diseases of the eyes;
  • banishes allergies and migraines;
  • normalizes the respiratory system;
  • treats flu and colds;
  • increases the amount of milk in lactating women;
  • normalizes menstrual cycles;
  • strengthens and brightens hair;
  • cleanses and rejuvenates the skin;
  • Helps to shed unwanted pounds.

Attention! Chamomile tincture is one of the few remedies, the use of which is allowed for patients with high acidity of gastric juice.

Chamomile infusions: diseases and recipes

Infusions of the plant are taken orally and externally, in the form of enemas, poultices, lotions and rinses. Chamomile flowers can be bought at a pharmacy or harvested and dried on your own. Brew it in two ways:
  • Cold. Dilute 8-10 teaspoons of flowers with cold water (2 cups), leave for 10 hours, filter. The resulting decoction is used for washing hair when it falls out, for washing non-healing wounds and burns, for eye diseases (externally), for gargling (for sore throat) and the oral cavity (for inflammatory processes).
  • Hot. Plant inflorescences (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (1 cup), leave for half an hour, filter. Take the infusion hot 3 times a day for ¼ cup for migraines, colds, diarrhea, bloating, stomach and intestinal cramps.

Attention! Chamomile flowers cannot be boiled, such a decoction will be unsuitable for medicinal purposes. A regular water bath is much more harmless.

For inflammation of the airways

Steep 1 teaspoon of inflorescences in a glass of boiling water. Slightly cool and strain the broth, rinse your nose with inflammation and nasal boils, gargle with laryngitis and sore throat.

With kidney disease and chronic cystitis

Chamomile tincture, the use of which is advisable for pyelonephritis and cystitis, is prepared as follows: pour flowers (2 teaspoons) with boiling water (half a liter), leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

With acute form of gastritis

Dried flowers (4-5 teaspoons) brew with boiling water (2 cups), put on moderate heat for literally 1 minute, remove from stove and leave for 20 minutes. Strain the infusion and drink three times a day before meals. Can be mixed with a little honey.

For stomach disorders

Mint leaves, chamomile flowers (1 tablespoon each), crushed pomegranate peel (1 teaspoon), pour boiling water (1 liter). Infuse for 2 hours, filter and take 50g 3-4 times a day.

For stomach cramps

From stomach cramps and colic, tincture of chamomile and lemon balm leaves is excellent. 2 tbsp. Spoons of the herbal composition dilute with boiling water (3 cups) and leave for 7-8 hours. You need to drink warm three times a day for a glass.

For diarrhea and dysentery

Boil the inflorescences of the plant (2 teaspoons) with boiling water (1 cup), wrap and leave for 1 hour. Then filter and drink 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day.

For peptic ulcers

The recipe for peptic ulcer is the same as above, only the decoction is infused longer - 8-10 hours. You need to take it 15-20 minutes before a meal 3 times a day for a month. After taking it, lie down alternately on your sides, back and stomach so that the infusion spreads to the entire gastric mucosa.

For intestinal cramps and bloating

Dilute 6 tbsp. tablespoons of chamomile inflorescences in 0.5 liters of boiled water and heat in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Cool the broth, filter, remove the squeezed flowers and bring the amount of liquid to the original volume. Mix with honey (2 tablespoons) and take 0.5 cup after a meal.

With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat

Chamomile tincture is an excellent remedy for stomatitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and inflammation of the oral cavity. Pour the flowers of the plant (2 tablespoons) with boiling water (half a liter), leave for half an hour, and then strain. By adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, rinse your mouth and throat 5-6 times a day.

For inflammatory eye diseases

Dried inflorescences (1-2 teaspoons) brew with boiling water (a glass). Infuse for 60 minutes, filter through gauze and rinse your eyes. The procedure should be carried out three times a day until the inflammatory processes are eliminated.

Chamomile in gynecology

The miraculous "weed" is an excellent healer of gynecological ailments. Inflammation of the genitourinary system, fungi, streptococci, viruses, thrush, cystitis - all this bouquet of problems is solved by chamomile tincture. Its use in gynecology has been practiced for a long time - for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Decoctions and infusions of the plant are good for douching. To do this, you will need the following ingredients: chamomile and nettle (30 g each), knotweed grass (50 g) and oak bark (10 g). Healing collection (2 tablespoons) brew with boiling water (1 liter), hold on low heat for 5 minutes, cool and filter. Use for washing and douching while warm.

Is it possible to use chamomile during pregnancy?

Chamomile during pregnancy is used both internally and externally. Her infusions and decoctions are absolutely harmless and are shown at any time. Of these, you can make baths, compresses, douching, inhalation, drink with flatulence, constipation, stress and tension.

Attention! Chamomile tincture during pregnancy should be consumed in small doses (no more than 400 g), as the plant provokes the production of estrogens by the ovaries, which can cause miscarriage.

Chamomile infusions in cosmetology

The medicinal plant also contributes to cosmetology. The beneficial substances contained in it strengthen, restore and brighten hair, cleanse the skin.

Regular rinsing of the hair with chamomile will make them soft, glossy and healthy. For light strands, the tincture will give an iridescent golden tone, and for dark strands, a slight lightening.

Recipe for strengthening hair

To restore the damaged structure of the hair, in case of hair loss, excessive oiliness and dandruff, prepare a tincture of chamomile, plantain, nettle and sage. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of collection with a liter of boiling water, strain, apply to strands, cover your head with polyethylene and walk like this for about an hour. The effect will be noticeable after 2-3 procedures.

For lightening strands

Chamomile tincture is a great alternative to brightening chemicals. Its use together with nettle, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, honey or glycerin gives the hair amazing shades.

To lighten hair or wash away dye residue, prepare an infusion of chamomile flowers (8 tablespoons), juice of half a lemon and vegetable oil (2 tablespoons). Dry inflorescences pour boiling water (500 g), heat through a water bath for 15 minutes, cool. After straining, add lemon juice and oil to the broth. Apply the mask to the strands, wait until they are completely dry, and then rinse with shampoo. Regular use of a brightening mask for a month will help lighten hair by 1-2 tones.

Attention! Chamomile can cause allergies. The day before cosmetic procedures, moisten the elbow or wrist with a strong infusion, and inspect this place after 10 hours. In the presence of redness, itching or burning, it is better to refuse to use this plant.

For facial skin

The use of plant infusions for the face will help smooth out wrinkles, eliminate irritations, acne, pimples, rashes, soften and restore the skin.

To solve all these problems, pour the strained chamomile tincture into ice molds and refrigerate. Wipe your face with cubes daily - the skin will become smooth, silky, all blackheads, pimples and irritations will go away.

From infusions, you can make lotions for problem areas, inhalations for the face, steam baths, and wash yourself regularly. An effective remedy for inflammation on the skin and neurodermatitis is an alcohol tincture of chamomile. To prepare it, pour dry inflorescences with 70% alcohol (1:10), leave to infuse for 3 weeks, then strain and use safely.

Chamomile for weight loss

Healing plant in combination with other herbs helps to lose extra pounds. An infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort, birch buds and immortelle, taken in equal doses, should be drunk before each meal. The decoction effectively burns fatty layers, while cleansing and rejuvenating the body.

A decoction of chamomile is one of the forms of preparation of raw chamomile, in which dried flowers are poured with water, and then the solution is brought to a boil and boiled for some time (usually very short, just a few minutes).

A decoction of chamomile, when infused, acquires a characteristic yellow color.

The decoction differs from tea in that the finished solution is boiled for some time, and to make tea, the flowers are simply poured with boiling water. The decoction differs from the infusion in the same way: it is made simply by infusing cold water on chamomile flowers, without boiling or even scalding.

On a note

The allergenic properties of the decoction are less pronounced than those of tea or infusion, due to the fact that various contaminants and third-party allergens are neutralized in it - insects that appeared on the flowers during collection, dust, and other plants. For this reason, a decoction is more preferable for children.

Further, chamomile tea can cause excessive contraction of the muscles of the uterus. This ability is used to increase menstruation or stimulate them during a delay, but it can also cause miscarriage or premature birth.

Finally, chamomile weakens. Due to this, it is often used for constipation, but with a general tendency to diarrhea, and even more so at its acute stage, it can be dangerous to use chamomile decoction: the manifestations of the disorder will intensify.

It is also known that a concentrated decoction of chamomile stimulates vomiting. This is useful in various poisonings for gastric emptying, but in other diseases it is a typical side effect.

All these effects are manifested precisely when chamomile decoction is taken orally. When applied externally, only an allergy can develop, usually milder than when the drug is taken orally.

The purity of the drug and the absence of large particles in it does not affect the likelihood and strength of allergies.

It is these side effects that determine the set of contraindications to the use of chamomile decoction.

Contraindications for internal and external use

There are four official contraindications to taking chamomile decoction:

  1. Known allergy to chamomile, or allergic manifestations when taking it;
  2. Pregnancy, in which the decoction is able to provoke a miscarriage and premature onset of labor;
  3. Children under 3 years of age - for taking the decoction inside, since its safety for children of the first three years of life has not been proven;
  4. Tendency to diarrhea, or diarrhea in the acute stage.

It is not known whether the components of chamomile pass into breast milk, and therefore, for safety, taking chamomile during lactation is not recommended.

It is definitely impossible to give a decoction of chamomile prepared from natural raw materials to a newborn or infant at the age of 2-4 months. In him, this remedy can cause diarrhea, allergies, or other undesirable effects. An exception is the treatment of a child under the supervision of a doctor, when it is the doctor who prescribes a decoction for the child and indicates the rules for its preparation and dilution.

In all cases when chamomile decoction is planned to be given to a child, this remedy can be replaced with other, more effective, safe and pharmaceutical preparations intended specifically for children.

On a note

In particular, giving a baby water in the first one or two months of life with chamomile decoction to combat colic is a typical parental mistake. Not only is colic not always caused by stomach pain, there is also no evidence that such treatment can help the child at all. At the same time, side effects from the use of chamomile may well develop.

At the same time, a child of any age can be bathed in water with the addition of chamomile decoction, as well as it is allowed to apply the decoction externally to treat the skin or eyes (for example, with conjunctivitis). Of course, all this is allowed if the child is not allergic to chamomile - in this case, its external use will not lead to any undesirable consequences.

For these reasons, it is not recommended to constantly drink chamomile tea instead of tea. It can be considered as a narrowly targeted therapeutic agent, the use of which is justified only in the presence of certain diseases or syndromes. A healthy person does not need to take it, but in the absence of diseases, even a minimal risk of side effects makes it undesirable to take it.

Preparing a decoction of chamomile

The traditional recipe for making a decoction of chamomile looks like this:

  • Dried chamomile flowers are poured into a saucepan or cauldron, and their portion must be measured with teaspoons;
  • The flowers are filled with water, based on the proportion of 1 cup to 2 teaspoons of flowers;
  • Put the pan on a slow fire, bring the solution to a boil and boil for 3-4 minutes;
  • Remove from fire, cool;
  • After cooling, the broth is filtered through gauze, the flowers are squeezed in gauze.

If necessary, other herbs are added to the feedstock - calendula, onion juice, sage, oak bark, centaury, if such additives are prescribed by a prescription for the treatment of a particular disease. For example, with stress and neurological disorders, a decoction is made with the addition of mint and St. John's wort, celandine is added to cleanse the skin. It is only important to remember that such additives have both their own medicinal properties and contraindications that can cause side effects - all this must be taken into account.

It is advisable to additionally squeeze the flowers remaining after filtering.

If the decoction is planned to be given to a child, it is advisable to add honey or sugar to it to soften the bitter taste. It will also keep the child from vomiting.

A recipe for preparing a decoction in a water bath is also known. We spoke in detail about him, and about other methods of preparing a decoction (for example, not from loose raw materials, but from bags with chopped chamomile) in a separate ...

In cosmetology, chamomile decoction is used to make homemade cosmetics. In particular, it is added to soap as an antibacterial agent, masks based on petroleum jelly and egg yolk, hair shampoos and face lotions are made with it.

Chamomile cream to reduce skin irritations.

Small children (usually the first months of life, sometimes up to a year old) are bathed in baths with the addition of chamomile decoction. The decoction itself is prepared in this case according to a standard recipe, and then simply added to the baby bath in arbitrary proportions (there is no urgent need for it, it is mainly used for the calm of the mother herself).

How to use the decoction correctly, how long and how often can you drink it?

It is recommended to take a decoction of chamomile inside for digestive disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, 1 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals. After a meal, it is less effective because less of it is absorbed when the stomach is full.

In the treatment of diseases of other internal organs, including when using a decoction not only from chamomile, but also from complex collections with it, the frequency and order of administration depend on the specific disease. Here the doctor should give instructions.

In a separate article, we discussed in detail how long, how often and in what quantities you need to take a decoction of chamomile for certain ...

As a rule, you need to drink a decoction for as many days as the patient shows symptoms of the disease itself. In chronic diseases (for example, with chronic gastritis), the remedy is taken in courses with interruptions of a certain duration.

With external use, the duration of treatment and the frequency of treatment of the skin or mucous membranes are practically unlimited. However, fanaticism should be avoided. For example, gargling with angina with a decoction of chamomile should be no more than 5 times a day, since with more frequent procedures, constant vibrations slow down the process of tissue repair at the site of abscesses. And, for example, you can wash your face with chamomile as often as you like - there will be no harm from this.

A decoction of chamomile has long been used to overcome many ailments.

Currently, the decoction is used in cosmetology, gynecology, and also for the treatment of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Chamomile decoction has a huge number of useful properties, but there are still some contraindications that you should definitely get acquainted with before use.

The benefits and harms of taking chamomile decoction inside

Healing properties of chamomile

As mentioned above, chamomile decoction is widely used in the medical field and this is not surprising, because this plant has many healing properties.

This should include:

  • mild sedative effect, which is shown to both adults and children;
  • stimulating bile secretion, due to which this decoction is used during ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • healing of ulcers;
  • removal of spasms;
  • reduction of mucosal edema;
  • elimination of depression;
  • sleep recovery;
  • improvement of blood circulation of the brain;
  • elimination of toothache;
  • prevention of various diseases;
  • stress protection.

Chamomile has antiseptic, diaphoretic and astringent properties.

Based on the listed healing actions, it should be noted that a decoction of chamomile is simply an indispensable assistant for many troubles.

Side effects and contraindications

Like any other remedy, chamomile decoction has its own contraindications, and if it is not used correctly, it can harm a person.

So, harmful chamomile can be when taking a decoction along with:

  • aspirin;
  • sedatives;
  • medicines that thin the blood;
  • alcohol.

In addition, side effects when taking a large dose may appear as:

  • pain in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • irritation.

If we talk about contraindications, then it should not be taken in large doses during pregnancy, and it is also best to refuse:

  • with anacid gastritis;
  • in case of individual intolerance.

The chemical composition of the decoction

Chamomile is a plant that is widely used in the medical field.

This useful plant has the following chemical composition:

  • Acids: nicotinic, ascorbic and salicylic;
  • Phytosterol;
  • gum;
  • Choline;
  • essential oil;
  • Wax;
  • sugar;
  • tannins;
  • fats;
  • dioxycoumarin;
  • pectins;
  • slime;
  • Glycerides;
  • Glycoside.

A decoction of chamomile contains essential oil, which contains more than 40 components. In addition, some other substances were found in the composition of this medicinal plant.

This applies to:

  • flavonoids;
  • apigenin derivatives;
  • quercetin;
  • luteolin.

It is thanks to these substances that chamomile has an anti-inflammatory property.

Healing effects also have such components of chamomile as:

  • beta carotene;
  • carotene;
  • polysaccharide;
  • organic acids;
  • glycoside;
  • coumarins;
  • sitosterol and many others.

The use of the plant in various diseases

The use of a decoction of chamomile can be beneficial not only if it is taken internally, but also during external use.

So, if a person has been diagnosed with a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, then he should resort to internal use.

In this case, the mechanism of action of the decoction will be as follows:

  • normalization of the stomach;
  • normalization of the gallbladder;
  • removal of the inflammatory process;
  • mucosal cleansing.

In addition, when taking this decoction inside, the mechanism of action is due to the following factors:

  • increased secretion of the digestive glands;
  • choleretic action;
  • a decrease in the fermentation process;
  • relieving spasms.

Inside, a decoction of chamomile is used for diseases that are infectious in nature and are associated with the oral cavity or upper respiratory tract, which helps relieve inflammation.

This remedy is used in diarrhea and also during flatulence. External use of the decoction is necessary for acne and other skin problems.

Videos about the benefits of chamomile tea

Basic patterns of use

It depends on the disease:

  1. If a person has problems with the stomach or intestines, then he needs to take 70 g several times throughout the day, while the broth should be warm.
  2. In diseases of the stomach, you can also drink cold tea from chamomile, it is used in the same way as in the previous case.
  3. In order to relieve inflammation during boils and ulcers, as well as with eczema and stomatitis, it is necessary to moisten the compress in the decoction and apply it to problem areas, and during stomatitis, rinse your mouth with chamomile.
  4. With a skin rash, you need to resort to internal use, in which case a bath is prepared from a decoction of chamomile, and if a person has a rash on his face, then you need to wipe the skin with a decoction or wash your face in the morning.
  5. A decoction of chamomile for hair is used if the hair has lost its shine and silkiness, and has also begun to fall out intensively. In this case, the decoction should be used as a rinse after the head has been washed with shampoo.

How to prepare and apply

During the treatment of a disease with chamomile, it is important to follow all the rules for use, and you also need to learn how to properly prepare such a decoction.

So, the cooking scheme is as follows:

  • A teaspoon of dry flowers is taken;
  • It is filled with hot water in the amount of 200 ml;
  • The container is placed on fire and boiled over low heat for up to 5 minutes;
  • After 5 minutes, the broth is removed from the stove and infused for 20 minutes;
  • With the help of gauze or bandage, the liquid is filtered and it is ready for use.

It is important to remember such a cooking scheme, since such a decoction is used not only for internal use, but also for external use.

You should not cook this remedy in large quantities, because even if it is in the refrigerator, it will deteriorate after three days. Moreover, freshly prepared broth always works better.

As for the rules of use, if it is necessary to eliminate problems with the stomach, then in this case the decoction should be drunk in small doses throughout the day. When a person has problematic skin, then a special approach is needed here.

In this case, a decoction of chamomile can be used as:

  • Washing. You should wash your face daily with a decoction of chamomile in a cool form, which will tone the skin and have a positive effect on its color;
  • Rubbing. For this, chamomile tea at room temperature is taken and the face is wiped with a cotton pad, which contributes to the activation of the metabolic process in the skin;
  • Hydration with ice cubes. Ice cubes are prepared from the broth, with which you need to wipe your face every morning. This procedure will not only relieve inflammation, but also have a rejuvenating effect;
  • Compresses. To do this, you need to take a cold decoction, in which a gauze mask is wetted, and it is adjusted on the face for 20 minutes;
  • Gadgets. This method is especially effective for problematic skin. They need to be done twice a day and after 2 weeks the body will be completely cleared of acne.

The use of a decoction for intestinal pathology

A decoction of chamomile flowers is successfully used in the complex therapy of intestinal pathology:

  • acute and chronic colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • infectious diseases of the intestine;
  • intestinal manifestations as a result of endogenous intoxication.

Main mechanisms of action:

  1. Possessing an anti-inflammatory effect, it allows you to soothe the irritated intestinal mucosa. The process of inflammation subsides. The accompanying pain in the abdomen disappears. Digestion processes are normalized. The general condition of the patient improves.
  2. Removes spastic phenomena in the intestines indirectly due to the removal of inflammatory phenomena.

Treatment begins only after the diagnosis is clarified and the attending physician consults. Self-medication can be harmful instead of beneficial, blurring the clinical picture and making it difficult to make a correct diagnosis in the future.

Therapy is carried out in courses lasting two to three weeks. Longer use of the decoction instead of a positive effect may cause a side effect.

A decoction of chamomile can be prescribed:

  1. For internal use.
  2. In the form of medicinal enemas.

Preference for enemas with a decoction of chamomile is given for intestinal infections and intoxications of an endogenous nature. Enemas effectively cleanse the intestines, while having a beneficial effect on the inflamed mucosa. Unlike the most commonly used solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile does not have a detrimental effect on the endogenous flora and does not lead to the development of dysbacteriosis.

Uses and benefits for the eyes

  1. From dark circles under the eyes. Possessing a brightening property, a decoction of chamomile flowers helps to get rid of this ailment. The prepared decoction, at the rate of a dessert spoon of medicinal raw materials per glass of water, is divided into two parts. One is cooled, the second is kept warm. Warm and cold lotions are alternately made with a cotton swab. A monthly course of such procedures before going to bed will help get rid of darkening under the eyes.
  2. From puffiness under the eyes. A handful of dry chamomile flowers are wrapped in natural fabric and dipped in boiling water for five minutes. Take out, allow to cool slightly and apply on the lower eyelid. The procedure is repeated two or three times a week.
  3. From wrinkles under the eyes. A spoonful of dry chamomile is poured into two glasses of water, brought to a boil and boiled for ten minutes. Let cool a little. Moisten a towel with warm decoction and apply to the eye area. Then they wash and apply a nourishing cream.
  4. From fatigue and pain in the eyes. The soothing and antiseptic properties of chamomile decoction when washed with it in the eyes will help to cope with irritation and protect against the development of conjunctivitis.

Effective treatment for thrush

The use of chamomile in the treatment of thrush is an effective and safe addition to the main treatment of an unpleasant disease. Chamomile, having an aseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, gently fights the disease without disturbing the healthy microflora of the body.

  1. Baths with a decoction of chamomile. They take a bath to the required level of the highest possible hot water and add 100 grams of dried flowers to it. Chamomile should be brewed for at least ten minutes. After the water has cooled to a comfortable temperature, you can take a bath. The procedure is carried out daily for twenty minutes.
  2. Sitz baths with chamomile decoction will be the method of choice for patients who do not like prolonged exposure to warm water.
  3. Douching. Two tablespoons of chamomile are poured with a glass of boiling water and brought to a boil in an enamel bowl over a fire. Remove from heat, strain and allow to cool to body temperature. Ready broth with the help of a syringe is injected into the vagina. Douching is carried out no more than 10 minutes.
  4. With oral candidiasis, rinsing with a decoction of chamomile is prescribed for the treatment of thrush.

Add calendula to the mixture

Action on the body:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • disinfectant;
  • hemostatic;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • relieves spasms and pain;
  • astringent;
  • stimulates bile secretion;
  • promotes wound healing.

Indications for appointment:

  1. Skin diseases and damage.
  2. Inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity.
  3. Conjunctivitis.
  4. Diseases of the digestive system.
  5. Cardiovascular diseases.
  6. Diseases of the female genital organs.

Recommendations for the preparation of the decoction and its use: mix equal amounts of chamomile and calendula flowers. The resulting mixture in the amount of one tablespoon is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, brought to a boil over a fire. Insist for an hour and filter.

Assign a tablespoon three times a day. To achieve a choleretic effect, the dose is increased to 100 ml per dose.

In case of skin pathology, a decoction is used topically for lotions.

Decoctions using chamomile, sage and mint

  1. from periodontitis. Mix equal amounts of one tablespoon of chamomile flowers, sage and mint. Pour 300 ml of water and bring to a boil. Pour into a thermos and leave for eight hours. Rinse your mouth with a filtered solution up to five times a day.
  2. As an aid in the complex therapy of diseases of the liver and biliary tract. The collection is prepared from chamomile, sage, mint, wormwood, cumin and yarrow in equal proportions. Two tablespoons of the resulting mixture is poured into 300 ml of water and brought to a boil. Placed in a thermos. After twelve hours the medicine is ready. The solution is filtered and drunk in half a glass after each meal in about an hour.
  3. For taking baths with the development of insomnia as a result of nervous strain. Prepare a collection of herbs sage, chamomile, mint, thyme and lavender in equal amounts of five tablespoons. The resulting mixture of medicinal herbs is poured with a liter of water and boiled over low heat for five minutes. The resulting broth is filtered, poured into a bath filled with thermal water at about 40 degrees Celsius. The duration of the procedure should be fifteen minutes. Baths are taken daily just before bedtime.
  4. Cleansing decoction for the skin of the face. The decoction is prepared using chamomile and linden flowers, sage and mint leaves, dill grass, rosehip flower petals. The decoction has a moisturizing and cleansing effect and nourishes the skin. Possessing aseptic action, relieves inflammation. Promotes the regeneration of epidermal cells. It helps with skin problems, relieves dryness and inflammation.

Chamomile decoction inside - benefit, harm

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Chamomile is the most studied medicinal plant. It has been guarding human health since ancient times. The first description of a healing inflorescence appeared in the 5th century BC. To date, the topic "chamomile - useful properties and contraindications" has published the largest number of scientific publications. No other medicinal plant has deserved such close attention of physicians and biologists.

Useful properties of chamomile

Chamomile is the most widely used medicinal plant. As a pharmacy, it is registered in 26 countries around the world. It is gold growing underfoot, an everyday product and a medicinal elixir.

The medicinal properties of chamomile are determined by the high content of essential oil in it (up to 0.8%), the largest amount of which is found in inflorescences. Therefore, baskets are the main medicinal raw material.

The main active ingredient in chamomile oil is chamazulene.

It is an aromatic compound that has the following properties:

  • stimulates the brain;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • relaxes smooth muscles, relieves spasm, activates cerebral blood flow;
  • increases heart rate, supports the heart;
  • prevents the development of an allergic reaction;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, extinguishes inflammation, promotes healing of the mucosa, relieves pain, and reduces gas formation.

Chamomile is considered a natural antidepressant. It sets the brain for productive activity and at the same time calms the nerves, restores sleep, normal performance.

Chamomile grass is harvested in smaller volumes. It is not as rich in essential oils (up to 0.4%) as inflorescences, but in terms of the amount of flavonoids - natural antibiotics, it bypasses bright baskets.

Chamomile bioflavonoids inhibit the activity of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. Stop the processes of fermentation in the intestines. Infusions are effective for external and internal use. Chamomile is used for washing, washes, baths, lotions, irrigation and compresses.

Organic acids and aromatic substances contained in the inflorescences have a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Infusions are used for irrigation of hemorrhoids and genitals, gargling, washing the nose, washing the face, rinsing the hair.

Chamomile remedies relieve itching, suppress redness, remove inflammation, so they are applied as lotions for various kinds of rashes, conjunctivitis, and stomatitis.

Chamomile color is an effective choleretic. The decoction relieves spasm of the ducts, improves the discharge of bile. Regulates appetite and digestion, has a mild laxative effect.

Chamomile is a low-growing plant with beautiful small flowers that have a pleasant aroma. Grows everywhere. In folk medicine, it is customary to use its inflorescences. They have medicinal properties, are used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. This article is about the beneficial properties and contraindications of chamomile flowers.

The composition of nutrients in chamomile

Chamomile contains a huge amount of nutrients that give it healing properties. It contains ascorbic, salicylic, nicotinic, anthemis, isovaleric acid. The list of useful components includes pectin, phytosterol, choline, bisabol, gum. As well as sugars, fats, organic acids, mucus, bitterness, tannins.

Thanks to essential oils, chamomile acquires a yellow-green color, has a pleasant characteristic smell. Chamomile owes its main medicinal properties to chamazulene, the main component of the essential oil. It gives it anti-inflammatory properties, enhances regeneration processes. This component reduces the manifestation of allergic reactions, so chamomile inflorescences are used to treat children.

Flavonoids contained in chamomile flowers give it anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. Macroelements are localized in chamomile inflorescences. Among them are calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, lead, barium.

Due to the rich chemical composition, chamomile flowers are actively used in the treatment of traditional medicine.

Useful properties of chamomile flowers

Chamomile has the following beneficial properties:

  • diaphoretic;
  • laxative;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • · antibacterial;
  • spasmolytic;
  • antiseptic;
  • antifungal;
  • · choleretic;
  • astringent;
  • enveloping;
  • hemostatic;
  • · sedative;
  • · antipyretic.

Chamomile for colds

Chamomile is effective for colds and sore throats. In viral diseases, it is recommended to drink chamomile tea, gargle with its decoction. Flowers are effective with a strong cough and runny nose, a decoction can reduce body temperature. Chamomile is also suitable for inhalation. It has a diaphoretic effect. The plant contains substances that can destroy microbes, stop the infectious process. With tonsillitis, chamomile inhibits the development of pathogenic bacteria. It cleanses the mucous membrane of the throat well.

With a cold, chamomile does not allow dehydration. If you gargle, the pain will subside. Using chamomile in case of illness, a person recovers faster.

Chamomile is effective in boosting immunity. Herbal tea is recommended to drink during a flu epidemic, during the season of respiratory diseases. It will protect against pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

The use of chamomile in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Due to the antispasmodic effect, chamomile is prescribed for gastritis, diseases of the intestines and stomach. But the doctor should prescribe the treatment, since in some cases healing flowers can do harm. The person will only get worse. So you can not use chamomile with low acidity.

With increased or normal acidity, chamomile flowers can be used for treatment. Due to the beneficial properties, the gastric mucosa will quickly recover, erosion will begin to heal. In addition, chamomile officinalis will reduce gas formation. It can be used if you are worried about flatulence. It is a natural adsorbent, removes toxins and toxins.

Field beauty enhances the secretion of bile and gastric juice. Chamomile tea increases appetite. It relieves stomach pain.

Chamomile inflorescences for nervous disorders

When overexciting the nervous system, chamomile is very effective. It helps to relieve excitability, calm the nerves in stressful situations. Chamomile is a part of sedative preparations. It is taken as a sedative. Also, flowers will help normalize sleep.

A mild sedative effect allows you to take a medicinal plant to strengthen the nervous system for both adults and babies. It is absolutely safe for children if there is no allergy.

Chamomile in gynecology

The medicinal properties of chamomile have long been used in gynecology. It is effective in many sexual diseases, as it has anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects, relieves itching.

Chamomile flowers are used in the complex treatment of cystitis and thrush. Douching with a decoction of chamomile will relieve pain and itching. But the procedure is effective with simultaneous medical treatment. If the gynecological disease is of a bacterial nature, it can be harmful. Chamomile alone is not enough to treat serious diseases.

Many gynecologists prescribe chamomile tea when a woman has menopause. It will help you get through it painlessly.

Pregnant women can use chamomile as an antiseptic. It relieves redness and irritation. Broth can be gargled with sore throat or tonsillitis, douche with thrush. However, you should not drink chamomile tea if you have a headache. This is how you lose your child.

Chamomile in dentistry

In dental diseases, traditional medicine recommends chamomile to relieve toothache. However, it is only effective for mild pain. With intense pain syndrome, it will not help. It is better to use it as a preventive measure to prevent the occurrence of periodontal disease.

A decoction of chamomile flowers is a good antiseptic. It is used for infections in the oral cavity - stomatitis, gingivitis. Patients are prescribed a rinse to remove inflammation. Dentists also recommend rinsing your mouth with chamomile after tooth extraction.

The use of chamomile for eye diseases

Chamomile inflorescences are used for eye diseases. If the eyes are reddened, swollen or inflamed, you can make a compress. This will relieve fatigue, irritation.

With blepharitis and conjunctivitis, you can use a decoction to wash the eyes. Chamomile has a disinfectant that will eliminate pathogens. Compresses and lotions with chamomile are very useful for the eyes.

Harm of chamomile flowers

If you use chamomile in unlimited quantities, it can harm. There may be a severe headache, a feeling of fatigue. It is not uncommon for an allergic reaction to a plant to occur. Sometimes people who drink chamomile tea complain of nausea after taking it.

Excessive consumption of chamomile threatens with spasms in the intestines, severe pain. The plant is contraindicated in people suffering from diarrhea, as it has a laxative effect. It is not prescribed for people with low acidity.

Caution should be treated with chamomile for people with mental disorders of the nervous system. It can inhibit the functions that the brain performs.

Chamomile during pregnancy

Chamomile flowers cause muscle contractions, which leads to bleeding. In the early stages, there may be a miscarriage, in the later stages, the expectant mother risks giving birth prematurely.

Women who are expecting a baby should not take chamomile tea inside. But for outdoor use, it is ideal.

The harm of chamomile in genitourinary diseases

If you combine diuretics with a decoction of chamomile, the body is threatened with severe dehydration. With prolonged use, there will be an opposite effect, chronic diseases will worsen.

A large number of medicinal flowers increases the load on the kidneys and bladder.

So that chamomile does not harm a person, it must be taken in a reasonable amount, take a break during treatment.

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