Center for Molecular Diagnostics of SMD (CMD): patient reviews, tests and prices. CMD Center for Molecular Diagnostics (CMD)

The CMD Center for Molecular Diagnostics is the largest multidisciplinary laboratory and diagnostic center in Russia, located on the basis of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor. For more than 10 years, we have been ensuring the availability of laboratory tests of any complexity for all social strata of the population.

Correct diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. In modern medicine, it is 50-90% dependent on the results of laboratory tests. Preventive laboratory examination allows you to identify diseases at an early stage and determine the predisposition to certain types of pathology. This is a method of dynamic monitoring of the state of the body, convenient for the doctor and safe for the patient, which is increasingly used to control the therapy.

8 reasons to take tests at the CMD Center for Molecular Diagnostics:

  • Diagnostics based on advanced methods.
  • Research that fully meets international standards.
  • Wide range of certified tests.
  • Multilevel quality control at all stages.
  • Optimal timing of results.
  • Affordable prices, discounts and discount programs.
  • Large selection of medical offices.
  • Availability of special services.

There are a lot of offers on where you can quickly take tests in Moscow and other large cities of Russia. Therefore, it is difficult for a non-specialist to navigate and make the right decision. Undoubtedly, the low price attracts the most, but it must be understood that not all laboratory services are equal. When deciding on the choice of laboratory, evaluate all the criteria for the proposed diagnostics: clinical capabilities and quality level, time to obtain results, safety and convenience.

Studies at the medical offices of the CMD are carried out 7 days a week in Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions of Russia.

Addresses of the offices of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics SMD where you can take tests:

You can invite a nurse to take tests and take biological material at the right time at home or at the workplace.

Registration for a paid appointment

Reviews CMD Center for Molecular Diagnostics (CMD) | Total reviews: 20

About this medical facility.

Review #20 Added: 08.11.2017 17:33

Reply to Olga:

Good evening, Olga!

Review #19 Added: 01.11.2017 17:30

Very convenient weekend hours. Longer than in other laboratories, the time for taking tests is very convenient, especially with children. Fast and reliable results. Convenient options for obtaining results. Adequate pricing policy. Pleasant, friendly staff. According to the results from your laboratory, I was examined for infertility, and now we are examining our baby! :) thank you for your work) I always recommend you to relatives and friends.

Review #18 Added: 17.07.2017 12:54

Reply to Christina:

Thank you for sharing your experience at CMD Medical Office! We are glad that we justified your trust, and we will definitely pass your feedback on to the head of the CMD Strogino medical office.
We wish health to you and your loved ones!
Sincerely, CMD Laboratory Customer Service


Review #17 Added: 07.07.2017 15:11

Over the past two months, I have been tested in this laboratory several times for health reasons, as it was necessary to monitor changes in indicators during treatment. At first I saw a sign, went to find out, the administrator calculated the approximate cost of services for me, told me in detail about the preparation for analyzes and the discount system. A few days later I came to take the test, already knowing its cost. Compared to other well-known laboratories in the Strogino area, I was very pleased with the prices and quality of service. The second time I decided for speed to order the same tests from them, but already at home through their mobile service. According to my impressions, it’s even more convenient to take it this way, the nurses here and there are very experienced, with a light hand. The results in both cases came very quickly, literally the next day, although the contract states that the evaluation of the results is up to 3 days. I plan to take tests here again and have already recommended you to my relatives. Thank you!

Review #16 Added: 29.06.2017 14:34

Reply to Karina:

We are very pleased that you appreciated the quality of CMD's work. We try to make our service as comfortable as possible for visitors to our offices. We will do everything in our power to ensure that further service brings you only positive emotions. Thank you for your trust! We wish health to you and your loved ones!
Sincerely, CMD Laboratory Customer Service

Yasko Karina

Review #15 Added: 25.06.2017 14:03

For a long time, my husband and I did not dare to undergo a complete diagnosis of the body. To be honest, the negative reviews about almost every diagnostic center were to blame for all this. When my sister took tests to start preparing for the birth of a baby, she spoke about the excellent service of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics. We decided not to delay, and also went there. And what I want to say is that the service is really great, but that's not the point at all. We were fully checked, and we did not have a chance to wait for the results (as is the case in state clinics) for months. Even though we both went through a huge bunch of tests, they sent us only a week later. If you need to get urgent tests, then this center is the best choice.

Marina Vershinina

Review #14 Added: 05.08.2016 12:13

Reply to Polina:
Polina, thank you so much for your kind review of the CMD laboratory. It is always a joy to realize that our work brings people not only benefits, but also positive emotions. We wish you and your family happiness and prosperity!
Sincerely, Marina Vershinina, Head of the CMD Laboratory Advisory and Expert Group.

Review #13 Added: 02.08.2016 16:51

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the staff of the office on Novokosino, where the CMD KIDS office operates - we only go there with the child, we really like how friendly the nurses are and carefully take blood from the child, entertain and distract him, in a word, very sensitive. Analyzes are always sent very quickly, there is an SMS notification, you can get it by email, by phone they will always explain everything in detail and without haste. I highly recommend this particular center and CMD in general!

Review #12 Added: 14.06.2016 11:10

Reply to Elena.
Thank you for your feedback, for an expert assessment of the quality of medical care, please send an e-mail [email protected] marked "review from the mosmedic website": Your full name, full name of the doctor, date of the doctor's visit.

Review #11 Added: 09.06.2016 12:59

to Elena's review dated 06/03/2016 smiled :) As always, the patient himself knows better how to treat himself, especially after reading articles on the Internet ....

Review #10 Added: 03.06.2016 08:59

Appealed to the infectious disease specialist Evremova pov. borreliosis. I think that this doctor has zero knowledge about this infectious disease. Completely useless, waste of money. The disease is serious and in order to cure it you need to register and monitor the condition for 2 years, to which she said that this is absolute nonsense. The course of antibiotic therapy should be long, especially if the disease progresses and you need to drink them until the indicators reach the reference values. This doctor, again, absolutely did not pay attention to the symptoms, prescribed standard treatment for all categories. But it should be selected for each individually. The impression is that we generally underestimate this disease and absolutely do not understand how to treat it. In a word, about borreliosis, I do not advise you to go there. You can pass the tests, and with them we already run to the infectious diseases hospital No. 1. A few more words about telephone operators who cannot competently advise on tests, namely, when I asked that I supposedly had borreliosis, there was a tick bite, I asked , what analysis is better for me to pass, so that then immediately to an infectious disease specialist with an analysis for a consultation. I was told that it was an immunochip, but in fact it was necessary to take a quantitative analysis on Borrelia. In general, judge for yourself.

Chigir Valentina Nikolaevna

Review #9 Added: 17.02.2016 10:51

I express my sincere gratitude to the staff and management of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology for providing prompt professional diagnostic assistance to my family, in particular, to identify Parvovirus B 19. I thank the laboratory staff who completed orders AA1473955, DNK30096, DNK30097.

I express my special gratitude to Dr. Yulia Nikolaevna Knutova for the highly qualified substantive consultation provided to me by phone on February 15, 2016 on the results of analyzes for Parvovirus, rehabilitation issues, and a detailed explanation of a set of fundamentally important diagnostic issues. I note the professional ethics of this specialist and wish Knutova Yu.N. scientific success.


V. Chigir

Review #8 Added: 26.11.2015 11:14

Reply to Michael:
Dear Mikhail! The lack of growth of pathogenic flora in orders DCKR19413 and DCKR20082 may be due to a number of reasons: according to the instructions for the drug, Bicillin-5 has a prolonged effect, it is recommended for use in adults once every 4 weeks. The results of bacteriological studies ordered by DCKR19413 and DCKR20082 could be distorted due to the presence of the antibacterial drug Bicillin-5 in bacteriostatic concentration in your body. It should also be noted that impurities of pus in biological material can have an additional bactericidal effect on microorganisms under “in vitro” conditions, due to the presence of lytic enzymes of destroyed leukocytes in the purulent contents.
It must be remembered that for a reliable determination of the bacterial flora that causes inflammation of the maxillary sinus, it is necessary to use the contents of the maxillary sinus obtained by aseptic puncture as a material for research. A swab from the nose, in this case, is not an informative research method.
All the best!

Very bad
Review #7 Added: 25.11.2015 09:55

About a month ago, I took an analysis with a sowing of a sample from the nose, the suspicion was for sinusitis. I went to the clinic after a consultation with a doctor and a not very successful attempt at self-medication with an antibiotic (I had an injection of Bitsillin-5 a week and a half ago before coming to the clinic). An Uzbek woman took a sample from her nose. I explained to her that I have a suspicion of right-sided sinusitis (pus was flowing profusely from the nostril by this time). She took a swab, put it in my right nostril, took a sample, and then put the SAME SWAMP IN MY LEFT NOSTRIL! After that, the next day, pus also flowed from my left nostril .. The analysis was ready after 4 days, the result was negative, I'm kind of healthy. And this despite the fact that by that time pus was abundantly flowing out of my nose and there was an inflammatory process with might and main! I was at the doctor, he says that they COULD NOT FIND ANYTHING, which means that they DID NOT LOOK FOR. And without this analysis, he cannot pick up an antibiotic for me.

In the clinic, they told me that nothing was sown due to the injection of Bicillin -5 :)

Result of DCKR19413 analysis

The most ridiculous, that I handed over the same analysis repeatedly, 4 days ago. Bicillin has long been removed from the body. Same condition. My head began to hurt. There is no time to go to the doctors especially - I work from morning to night. Nevertheless, I went to this clinic and passed the analysis. The result - AGAIN nothing was sown. The conclusion is a scammer. I already have meningitis.

Second result here: DCKR20082

Don't fall for a scam - you'll be safer.

The Laboratory for Molecular Diagnostics of Infectious Diseases of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology has been providing laboratory services to the population since 1992. Since 2003 we have been operating under the brand name CMD (Center for Molecular Diagnostics).

Currently, CMD is the largest multidisciplinary laboratory and diagnostic center in Russia and a leading manufacturer of test systems and reagents based on molecular methods. The priority of our activity is to preserve the health of the population through timely, high-quality, efficient and affordable laboratory diagnostics.

New principles of organization

CMD is a dynamically developing holding of a new type, combining scientific, industrial, educational and clinical diagnostic divisions. It is this type of organization that makes it possible to provide patients with the most modern diagnostics and create the shortest path for introducing innovative research methods into healthcare practice and epidemiological surveillance.

Unique scientific potential

A distinctive feature of CMD is the unique scientific potential of the specialists of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology. More than 700 professionals daily contribute to improving the quality and expanding the range of services provided, provide training and provide methodological, informational and consulting support to doctors, specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance service, and employees of other clinical laboratories.

Innovative diagnostic technologies

CMD provides the public with a wide range of expert-level laboratory and diagnostic services. Our arsenal includes the most effective methods for diagnosing and preventing diseases, which have received recognition from Russian and foreign clinical specialists. Its own scientific base allows CMD to quickly introduce progressive world achievements and its own exclusive developments into practical medicine and make them available to patients.

Benefits for patients and doctors

Our laboratories are equipped with modern equipment. In our work we use the latest laboratory, information, medical and logistics technologies.

Diagnostics in CMD is a combination of high quality, great diagnostic capabilities, accuracy, reliability, efficiency and speed of obtaining results with convenient modern services, affordable prices and comprehensive support in conducting a diagnostic examination.

Prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation

CMD laboratory services are already used by medical institutions in Moscow, the Moscow region, regions of Russia and the CIS countries, as well as numerous patients who personally visit medical offices on the recommendation of clinical specialists.

We invite doctors of all specialties, medical and scientific institutions, laboratories and partners to develop a joint business to cooperate!

The purpose of my indignation is not so much what happened, but rather that this can happen in principle, in a country in which the majority of citizens claim the right to consider themselves Europeans by origin, and to warn people with common sense, well, ask is this allowed at all?
Zhenya had to pass the analysis (samples) of the compliment component C3, C4. On the recommendation of a doctor, we turned to the CMD Central Research Institute of Epidemiology or, as their form still flaunts - the Center for Molecular Diagnostics.
We looked at their website, it turned out that there is a CMD branch in our city, we were delighted and went straight to them. The impression was good, clean room, modern decoration, cleanliness and friendly staff. Assuming that we were in good hands donated blood from a vein. After some time, we became aware that the test failed for some reason - "Hemolysis." and we need to repeat the donation of blood, we were assigned a "retake".
From the meager words of the staff, it became clear to us that the test failed and this happens often, the fact is that they do not do the analysis themselves, but send it to the CMD central laboratory as stated, and that there is no need to pay for the analysis again, but 140 rubles will have to make a donation for blood donation. With doubts, a feeling of annoyance and already with a slight mistrust, they returned home.
After reading on the Internet about C3, C4, it became clear to us that the situation with the so-called term "Hemolysis.", Can happen more than once, there are many reasons for this, improper storage, poor transportation, not a thin needle, quick extraction, poor storage, even a rapid infusion of blood into the capsule, and so on and so forth. We decided to drive to the CMD central laboratory and there we would probably have to take an analysis in the hope of getting the result of what we had to inject twice and donate blood. They presented an agreement and a paid check in the hope of quickly going through the whole procedure, to which we were told that we would again have to pay the entire amount of 940 rubles, since they are different legal entities. persons with the CMD branch of our city and holders of various licenses, the word franchise sounded the same, which means the object of a franchise agreement, a set of benefits consisting of the rights to use the franchisor's brand and business model, as well as other benefits necessary for creating and running a business.
Almost as if you would allow someone to sell something under your registered brand, paying you a percentage for the popularity and reliability of your brand.
At the same time, they convinced us that the money would be returned to us at the CMD branch of our city and they quickly handed over a new contract, which visually, well, nothing, absolutely nothing, did not differ from the previous one. We paid again and then, having already looked at the new contract, we realized that we were dealing with really different organizations and licenses. Neither in the old nor in the new agreement was there anything similar to CMD as an organization concluding an agreement, and therefore bearing responsibility.

Is this possible in medicine and medical services, does our state give the right to do this? Although it is clear that in violation of the law, or harm to health, different legal entities. persons, especially those with different licenses, are not responsible for each other, even if they have flawlessly similar offices and cherished CMD in their foreheads. I consider this scheme a deception, the goal is to avoid responsibility to people, possibly taxes, and in which case it will protect itself from the state, because by suspending the license of one point, the remaining 30-40 do not risk anything, and then they work calmly breathing evenly. Does CMD exist at all, and in what form and to whom does it belong?
My wife and I are supporters of trusting ourselves to those who value their reputation, those who are ready to be responsible for each of their deeds, who build up their image bit by bit, ready to defend and prove their case and admit mistakes.

Public laboratories do not inspire confidence in most patients. The analyzes taken in them often show unreliable results. In addition, the environment in such laboratories is uncomfortable, consumables are often not enough and patients are asked to purchase them at their own expense, and the queues outside the office are usually quite long. The SMD Center for Molecular Diagnostics is radically changing the way people think about laboratory research and disease diagnosis. We will tell about the work of this institution in detail in our article.

About CMD

Engaged in laboratory research, providing patients and medical institutions with a wide range of professional services. CMD is one of the leaders in the market of laboratory services and molecular technologies in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. All studies are mainly performed on the basis of modern molecular genetic techniques.

The peculiarity of the center is that its qualified specialists develop and practically implement their own diagnostic tests to detect hereditary and infectious human diseases.

The year of foundation of the center is 2003. By 2010, the institution had developed and put into practice more than 500 tests that allow diagnosing most socially significant diseases. The center performs more than 5 million clinical laboratory tests annually. The staff of the institution includes 700 highly qualified specialists, each of whom contributes to improving the quality and expanding the list of services provided.

Institution Laboratories

The structure of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics of SMD consists of four independent laboratories:

  1. Bacteriological- microbiological diagnostics of infections caused by opportunistic microorganisms is performed, as well as the determination of the characteristics of the microflora of the mucous membranes and human skin in pathology.
  2. Immunological- study of the patient's cellular and humoral immunity, monitoring of HIV infection, etc.
  3. Clinical Diagnostics Laboratory- today is one of the most modern in Russia. Research is fully automated, including sorting, marking and processing of samples.
  4. Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostic Methods. Every day, the structural subdivision of the center processes over 2,000 clinical samples and performs more than 8,000 molecular biological studies.

Analyzes of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics of SMD

Each branch or structural subdivision of the institution performs certain types. You can familiarize yourself with the list of analyzes on the official website of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics after selecting the appropriate laboratory.

In all structural subdivisions, blood is taken (180 rubles), scrapings or smears (390 rubles) and other biomaterials. Prostate secretion is taken at the Central Office. The cost of such a study is 600 rubles.

In addition, the specialists of the center have developed and implemented special programs:

  • health and beauty;
  • studies before hospitalization;
  • diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases;
  • study of the thyroid gland;
  • assessment of hormonal status;
  • diagnosis of diseases associated with blood clotting;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • prenatal screening;
  • diagnostics of diseases of the blood, stomach, liver, kidneys, urogenital infections, respiratory infections, etc.

In the center, along with the above analyzes, research is carried out in the direction of allergology.

Messages are sent by an automatic results delivery system (SDR) without human intervention, from the moment all ordered laboratory tests are fully prepared in accordance with the stated deadlines.

The research results are contained in the message as an attached file in Adobe® PDF® format and are an exact, unalterable electronic copy of the paper response forms of the performer.

Message transmission is a complex multi-step process, and email cannot be considered a message transport with 100% guaranteed delivery. Based on the practical experience of operating the SDR, the INVITRO Independent Laboratory guarantees the reliability of message delivery to the Customer with a probability of 97% if the Customer follows the recommendations below:

  • the Internet domains to which the Addresses belong are not included in the "black lists" (black mail list, stop list) of servers participating in virus, hacker attacks and regular unauthorized mass mailings;
  • settings of systems for suppressing mass mailings, as well as the rules for processing e-mail messages on the mail server and / or client of the Customer allows receiving messages from the Internet domain;
  • mailboxes were not full, blocked or inaccessible for other reasons on the customer's side;
  • mailboxes are configured to accept messages that are at least bytes in size and have Adobe® PDF® attachments.

In case of non-delivery of the message, the Customer can apply with a claim to the e-mail address or fill out a special form.

The claim will be reviewed within one business day from the date of filing. If the claim is valid, the message will be sent again.

The independent INVITRO laboratory in Poltava offers a service - receiving a free SMS notification about the complete readiness of the research results. In order to use the service, the patient, when contacting the medical office, just needs to provide the administrator with a phone number. The service is provided free of charge.

Smd analyzes get the result

Choose a convenient way for you to get the results

View and print your test results online in two languages: Ukrainian and English.

Go to your personal account for storing test results.

Note! You can view the result online as soon as they are ready, by entering a special code into it, which is indicated on your test order form. The results will appear in your personal account only when all the tests in your order are ready.
For information:

The Synevo laboratory operates an Automatic Results Submission System without human intervention no later than three hours from the moment all ordered laboratory tests are fully prepared. The results of the studies sent by mail are contained as an attached file in Adobe PDF format and are an electronic copy of the paper forms of the result of the Synevo laboratory. In order to receive the result automatically, you need to fill out an application form for receiving the result by e-mail when taking tests at any of the Synevo laboratory centers in Ukraine.

Test results

At the medical office of the CMD network

The original test results can be obtained at any medical office of the CMD network with an order form. In the absence of an order form, the results can be obtained with a passport.

Through the Internet service CMD Express

Use the CMD Express system. To do this, enter the order code in the "Get results" box in the upper right corner of the site. You receive an order code automatically at the time of registration. It is indicated on the order form at the bottom and is an individual number.

Draw your attention to:

  • letters must be entered in the ENGLISH keyboard layout;
  • research results can be on several pages, for this you need to scroll down the page with the mouse


Send a request to the address, indicating in the letter the number of the contract-order and the name of the patient. Information will be sent on the same day. Research results are sent only in pdf format (Adobe Acrobat Reader).

Draw your attention to:

  • the results of the test for antibodies to HIV (code) are not sent by e-mail.

By phone

Call the Call Center and provide the order number and the patient's last name.

Draw your attention to:

  • Test results containing numerical values ​​are not communicated over the phone (an incorrectly heard number may subsequently lead to erroneous actions regarding diagnosis and treatment).
  • In results containing a large amount of information, only the conclusion of the study is reported.

Russian Post

The original test results can be obtained by Russian Post. Research results are sent by registered mail.


136 years ago, German microbiologist Robert Koch announced that attempts to isolate the bacterium that causes tuberculosis had been successful. So the date of March 24 forever entered the history of medicine, and the memory of the great discovery is now closely connected with World TB Day, which is celebrated today.

CMD Center for Molecular Diagnostics

According to the WHO Regional Office for Europe, in 2017, the incidence of measles in Europe increased 4 times. Last year, cases were registered there, 35 of them ended in the death of patients. Most of the cases are in Romania, Italy and Ukraine. In Russia, only…

Should we expect a measles epidemic in Russia?

CMD Center for Molecular Diagnostics

Friends! We remind you that until March 31 at the Center for Molecular Diagnostics - CMD you can get a 25% discount on tests! The promotion is valid when ordering from seven studies.

CMD Center for Molecular Diagnostics

Adults cry from great grief or great joy, so it is not at all easy for parents to understand a little person.

Here's what you need to know before you start looking for a colic cure or call the doctor: A healthy baby under 6 weeks of age screams between 117 and 133 minutes per...

Get research results


  • Delivery of results is carried out automatically after readiness
  • Test results may end up in junk mail
  • Map of Invivo Laboratories

    You can check the addresses of Invivo laboratories in the call center by phone

    Call-center working hours: Monday-Friday: 8:00. Saturday: 8:00. Sunday is a day off

    Smartlab, an independent medical laboratory → "Now you can get your own research results online!"

    Information service for patients and doctors, complaints and suggestions, nurse calls at home:

    (calls from fixed and mobile phones within Ukraine are free).

    We inform you that the working hours of the departments and the time of taking the biomaterial for analysis differ. Please specify the time in the department where you plan to undergo the study.

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