The riddle of the mayor of the city brother. Mansion on Krymskaya Square. Quest for the curious

On the edge of Krymskaya Square, behind a blank fence, an abandoned two-story house has been standing for many years. There is very little information about him on the net. It is known that from 1981 to 1989 the house was residential, with four apartments. In the early 90s, the tenants were resettled, and the office of the firm of some well-known bandit at that time was opened in the house. There were several arsons, but everything was restored. In the late 1990s, the building was empty.

According to one version, the house has been abandoned since then. According to another version, since 2003-2004, the building housed a shelter for homeless children and children who had run away from orphanages. But this organization did not stay there. The building was abandoned again.

We went inside for the first time at the end of April last year. At that time, the building had traces of a small fire on the second floor and attic.

Photo 2015

This photo is from the end of September 2016.


Our days. The second major fire occurred in June 2015. Now the building is almost completely burned out from the inside.

A sign hanging near the entrance. Now she is no more.

There are traces of fire on the second floor.

In some places, the ceiling of the second floor looked like this.

And this is what it looked like at the end of September 2016.

All windows and doors were removed from the gazebo on the territory.

There was some information about the owner of the house:
"He turned out to be Nikita Khvedchik - a very famous person of the" dashing 90s ".
Short biography:
Nikita Khvedchik, became known back in the early 90s as a co-founder of the Novokuibyshev cooperative "Era" in which people well-known in Samara criminal circles worked, for example, the Berkut brothers. The elder brother - Konstantin Berkut terrified the entrepreneurs of Samara with his brigades. Khvedchik made communications enterprises his main financial support. Not without the help of another person - Georgy Limansky, deputy director of the Samara Svyazinform. Khvedchik created (not without the participation of the mayor) the Mercury-Samara company, which in turn established Beeline-Samara, the first cellular operator in the region. Then everything raced along the knurled plane. Companies arose one after another, Limansky became an increasingly influential politician. And the competitors ... and the competitors came to the people of Konstantin Berkut, who by 1996 had created the largest brigade in Samara. Calling to pinch hucksters Berkut actively attached criminal money. His star rose along with Khvedchik's star in 1997. This year, Limansky won the election of the mayor of Samara. At the same time, Samara had its own shadow mayor - Nikita Khvedchik. He appointed heads of districts and handed out contracts and loans. The mayor gave the shadow mayor a separate mansion in the middle of Uritsky Square. It had no entrance, and it was possible to enter it bypassing the armored shutters. After that Khvedchik suffered. Berkut also grew up in business, whose people suddenly appeared in the leadership of all city markets ... A person made fateful decisions for Samara, kicked open the mayor's door and who knows what heights he could reach in our city ?! Further, as usual, there were problems with the law (not everything was sold and bought in the country in those dashing years), an escape from Samara. The office was left without its owner."

I often drive along the ring around Uritsky Square. Constantly looked at the abandoned and overgrown mansion, surrounded by a blank fence. The house strongly resembles an abandoned fortress. Increasingly, thoughts began to overwhelm me, such as who and why built a house inside the transport ring? In my reflections, I came to the conclusion that some bandit from the 90s arrogantly built the house for himself at a time when Samara was sold right and left, and then died in battles for his "business". And I decided to find out the history of this house.

The house and the plot are now a sad sight. Everything is very overgrown and in summer the foliage does not allow to see anything at all.

Finding information on this house was harder than I thought. I rummaged through the mountains of the Internet and found an interesting note. It turns out that a long time ago it was a residential building. Here is what a former tenant of this house under the nickname "Bumer" writes on one auto forum:
“I can’t know the whole history of the house, but I remember some of it very well. We lived there since 1981, it was a private house for several owners. There are two apartments on the first floor and the same number on the second. Our family lived on the first floor in half of the apartment. was a friendly grandmother Tamara Leonidovna. At that time she sold this part of the apartment to my grandmother and we began to live there. Opposite the Desyatov family lived, the same age as my parents. They also had children, Anya and Sasha. Anya is my age, Sasha is a little younger. Two elderly couples lived on the second floor, I remember only one grandmother, Polina Yakovlevna was called. The house was surrounded by a fence. Each family had its own buildings in the yard. Some had a small garage, some had a barn, like ours. Part of my childhood was spent in this house In 1989, they decided to resettle the house, and give the tenant new comfortable apartments. I'll tell you, not all the tenants were happy about this. But common sense took its toll and everyone safely moved out of there in 1990. All apartments received in new buildings, someone on Partizanskaya and to Tukhach Evskoy, someone on Solnechnaya, and someone like us on Penza. The fate of the inhabitants of this house is almost unknown to me. After us, in the dashing 90s, an office settled in the house. As they say, the office was one at that time of a well-known bandit. Who he is and what his name is I do not know. The office has been in existence for several years. It was often possible to observe how expensive cars at that time drove in and out. But, as was customary in those days, such people do not live long. The house burned several times, it was restored, but in the end, the owner, it seems, fell on the fields of the then battles for loot. Since the late 90s, there has been no movement in the house, the windows are still sooty, and cars no longer drive there. So lovers of abandoned buildings, as they say, "Welcome!". That's what I know about this house."

This means that what we are now seeing is the remains of the office of one "businessman". We dig further.

The territory, at one time, was well ennobled. Arbor for intimate conversations and solving pressing issues.

Not all gangsters and businessmen had air conditioners in the 90s.

The only entrance and entrance is clearly sealed. No one from the street just walks in.

Now, such locks and intercoms are commonplace. At that time - advanced technology.

All this gave me the idea that the person who is the owner of this office was a difficult and prominent figure in Samara in the 90s. It's just that such offices do not appear. A rush of the Internet, stumbled upon the owner of this house. It turned out to be Nikita Khvedchik - a very famous person of the "dashing 90s".
Short biography:
Nikita Khvedchik, became known back in the early 90s as a co-founder of the Novokuibyshev cooperative "Era" in which people well-known in Samara criminal circles worked, for example, the Berkut brothers. The elder brother - Konstantin Berkut terrified the entrepreneurs of Samara with his brigades. Khvedchik made communications enterprises his main financial support. Not without the help of another person - Georgy Limansky, deputy director of the Samara Svyazinform. Khvedchik created (not without the participation of the mayor) the Mercury-Samara company, which in turn established Beeline-Samara, the first cellular operator in the region. Then everything raced along the knurled plane. Companies arose one after another, Limansky became an increasingly influential politician. And the competitors ... and the competitors came to the people of Konstantin Berkut, who by 1996 had created the largest brigade in Samara. Calling to pinch hucksters Berkut actively attached criminal money. His star rose along with Khvedchik's star in 1997. This year, Limansky won the election of the mayor of Samara. At the same time, Samara had its own shadow mayor - Nikita Khvedchik. He appointed heads of districts and handed out contracts and loans. The mayor gave the shadow mayor a separate mansion in the middle of Uritsky Square. It had no entrance, and it was possible to enter it bypassing the armored blinds. After that Khvedchik suffered. Berkut also grew up in business, whose people suddenly appeared in the leadership of all city markets ... A person made fateful decisions for Samara, kicked open the mayor's door and who knows what heights he could reach in our city ?! Further, as usual, there were problems with the law (not everything was sold and bought in the country in those dashing years), an escape from Samara. The office was left without its owner.

In addition to Bumer's story, the protagonist of the story appears to be alive and well and continues to do business. But that's not particularly interesting. The main thing is that I finally found out for myself one of the "secrets" of Samara. This house turned out to have a more interesting history than I thought.

The word "mayor" comes from the French word maire, which means "foreman". Today it is the head of the executive power of the settlement, the city. In some countries, the mayor heads small self-government regions, in particular in Lithuania.

Since the 1990s, the term "mayor" has been used in Russia as an alternative to "the head of the city administration", the position of mayor has acquired an official status in Moscow. But not all regions have mayors, for example, in St. Petersburg the city is headed by a governor.

Sobyanin - an official with 30 years of experience

From 2010 to the present, the head of the city of Moscow is Sobyanin Sergey Semenovich. Since September 12, 2013, he has been elected for another five-year term. He holds leadership positions in the United Russia party, being a member of its Supreme Council.

Sobyanin has repeatedly noted that the work of the head of the city for him is the most interesting and makes it possible to feel needed. “This is a concrete job, you have a huge responsibility, you think of something yourself, and it goes a long way until your plan is implemented. And when you see the end result of your work, it’s an incomparable pleasure,” Sergey Semenovich characterizes its activities.

In the 2008 presidential election, S.S. Sobyanin headed the campaign headquarters of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.

Sobyanin was awarded the award in the nomination "Politician of the Year".

In 2010, the income of the mayor amounted to about 4.8 million rubles. In 2011, he declared about 5 million rubles, and showed approximately the same amount in 2012. The annual income-2017 of the head of the city of Moscow amounted to 6.5 million rubles.


Having assumed the post of mayor, Sobyanin implemented large-scale personnel changes in the government of our capital, reorganized the prefectures, and optimized the work of the city's authorities. His team helped him with this.

Sergei Semenovich repeatedly emphasized that in the selection of personnel he relied on decency, efficiency and the ability of people to work. "It doesn't matter what kind of education he has. If a person wants and can do more than what is written in his job description, this is" my "person," the politician says frankly. Sobyanin himself is an official with 30 years of experience, and he cannot think of any other work for himself.

The deputies of the head of the city are a team, people in the field, his assistants, who form the Mayor's Office. The head of this body and the Moscow Government today is Anastasia Rakova. The vast cabinet also includes ministers of various structural divisions, each responsible for their own area - housing and communal services, information policy, social development, construction, sports and tourism, competition policy and other divisions.

The mayor's office also includes the prefects of all Moscow districts.


The head of the city administration is in charge of the full management of the city economy, administrative policy, and the solution of socio-economic issues.

He takes measures to prevent the occurrence of extreme situations, considers issues regarding the holding of various rallies and meetings - to allow or prohibit the demonstration - the mayor decides. Important tasks specific to the city also lie with the mayor, for example, in Venice the mayor takes action to exterminate city pigeons.

The mayor's tenure in Moscow today is 5 years, but this is not a hard and fast rule. The period of tenure may vary, in particular, in Irish Dublin, the term of office of the mayor is determined by one year.

Job Responsibilities

What is the mayor obliged to do as the owner of the city? The head of the municipality is the official representative of Moscow.

  1. Personally or by executive authorities decides issues of socio-economic development, manages the urban economy.
  2. Forms the composition of the Government of Moscow, as well as dismisses him. In addition, the mayor determines the structure of the executive authorities.
  3. Acting in accordance with the Charter, personally acts on behalf of the city of Moscow or entrusts it to executive authorities, or other officials, citizens, firms.
  4. Signs or rejects the laws adopted by the Moscow City Duma.
  5. Concludes contracts and signs agreements.
  6. Annually reports to the Moscow City Duma on the results of the activities of the City Government.
  7. By orders of the head of the city, a representative from Moscow in the Federation Council, a prosecutor, authorized representatives of the mayor in government bodies, including the City Duma, are appointed.
  8. In cases of emergency situations and a threat to the life and health of people, the mayor has the right to take urgent measures to prevent emergency circumstances and eliminate the consequences, and then he is obliged to notify the competent authorities that resolve these issues.

How to become mayor

There is no such institute and faculty where they train to become a mayor. It does not matter what gender you are, education and work experience, any Russian citizen who has reached the age of 30 can become the head of the city.

The mayor has privileges. A solid salary, pension, immunity from the moment of election, without the consent of the prosecutor, the mayor cannot be searched, not prosecuted, and even more so, cannot be arrested.

Third mayor

Sergei Sobyanin became the third mayor of the main city of Russia, before him Yuri Luzhkov was in this position from 1992 to 2010 and Gavriil Popov for one year - from 1991 to 1992.

A family

Sobyanin was born on June 21, 1958 in the Tyumen region in the village of Nyaksimvol. In 1980 he received a diploma from the Kostroma Technological Institute, but this is only the first education, in 1989 he graduated from the Moscow Law Academy (MSLA) and has a degree in law.

His father was the chairman of the village council and, according to media reports, he was very fond of hunting. Sergey Semenovich's mother worked as an accountant all her life. Sobyanin is married, his wife Irina Sobyanina (Rubinchik) gave him two daughters, Olga and Anna.

Quiet and humble

Sobyanin's classmates recall that as a student, Sergei behaved modestly, quietly and did not at all resemble a politician, showed no interest in participating in social activities, and was not an activist. Therefore, no one could predict that Sergei Sobyanin would head the capital of the Russian state.

Career start

The first place of work of the head of the city was a pipe-rolling plant in Chelyabinsk, where he went from a locksmith to a master. He knows and understands the essence of production processes.

Free time

The head of the city loves reading, he is especially attracted to historical books about Moscow, he is also fond of classics and historical detective stories. Among all writers, he prefers Hemingway.

Sergey Semenovich is a patriot, he likes to relax in Russia, preferably in undeveloped, little-known places, he really appreciates fishing and hunting.

Birthday for him is a holy holiday, and every year on June 21 he takes a day off, celebrating the holiday with friends somewhere in a quiet taiga place.

As a child, his father instilled in him a love of skiing. According to the mayor, he does not know what he started doing before - skiing or walking. He still has homemade pine skis donated by his dad.

The mayor prefers classical music, but does not refuse to listen to contemporary artists. Together with the Murzilki International group, he once sang a song about the election of the mayor, which sounded on the air of the Avtoradio radio station. The song was campaigning - so that people would come to the election of the mayor.

The head of the city is no different from other politicians. And he, and the entire ruling elite of Russia, the salary in 2018 will be issued "at a 10% discount." This measure has been taken since 2015 as an anti-crisis measure. The order comes from the President himself, Vladimir Vladimirovich also receives a salary cut by 10%.

Accordingly, within the framework of this Decree, the employees of the entire Moscow City Duma, as well as the Accounts Chamber, the election commission, the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs, should have their monetary remuneration reduced.

Soviet puzzle: for the correct solution of this puzzle, applicants from some universities in the USSR were enrolled without exams. Even in our time, this riddle is considered one of the best ways to test attention and logical thinking.

  1. How many tourists live in this camp?
  2. When did they come here: today or a few days ago?
  3. Why did they come here?
  4. Is it far from the camp to the nearest village?
  5. Where does the wind blow - from the north or south?
  6. What time of day is it?
  7. Where did Shura go?
  8. Who was on duty yesterday (say by name)?
  9. What date is today, what month?
  1. How many tourists live in this camp? Four, the duty list is 4, there are 4 spoons and 4 plates on the mat.
  2. When did they come here: today or a few days ago? Not today, a web had formed between the tent and the tree. And Kolya is not on duty (he is sitting near the backpack with the letter "K")
  3. Why did they come here? On the boat. There are oars near the tree. This is a Soviet riddle, and at that time there were no cars in such a large number. 4. Is it far from the camp to the nearest village? It is unlikely that the guys brought a live chicken with them. The village is nearby.
  4. Where does the wind blow - from the north or south? The tree has longer branches on the south side, and shorter branches on the north. And now you can look at the flame of the fire - it "stretches" to the north. Therefore, the wind is south.
  5. What time of day is it? Morning as the shadow falls to the west => the sun shines from the east.
  6. Where did Shura go? Shura went to catch butterflies. You can see a net behind the bushes, falling on a butterfly.
  7. Who was on duty yesterday? (Say by name.) So, Shura left for butterflies, Kolya is sitting near the backpack with the letter "K". Another boy is taking pictures. We directly see a backpack with the letter “B”, in which lies a tripod. Therefore, the photographer's name begins with the letter "B" - Vasya. By exception, Petya is on duty today. So Kolya was on duty yesterday.
  8. What date is today, what month? Petya is on duty today. On the duty list opposite him is the number 8, which means August 8: watermelons come in August. Although they are in September, butterflies and unfallen foliage also indicate August.

Summing up - counting the number of correct answers.

IQ level:

  1. Solved all riddles - 130 and more.
  2. Did not solve one ~ 120.
  3. Did not solve 2 riddles ~ 110.
  4. Did not solve 3 riddles ~ 100.
  5. Did not solve 4 riddles ~ 95.
  6. Did not solve 5 riddles ~ 90.
  7. Not solved 6 or more - less than 85.

As you know, the active work of the brain prolongs life. And when this work is also fun, then the benefits for us are doubled.

  1. Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain?
  2. What is easy to pick up from the ground, but difficult to throw far?
  3. Who speaks all languages?
  4. They speak in Moscow, but we hear it. What's this?
  5. One French writer terribly disliked the Eiffel Tower, but he constantly dined there (on the first level of the tower). How did he explain it?
  6. In which city did the male name and the direction of the world hide?
  7. Where is it found that a horse jumps over a horse?
  8. To what mere mortal even the president takes off his hat?
  9. They don't eat it raw, they throw it away boiled. What's this?
  10. Who has a heel behind his nose?
  11. The mayor of the city N has a brother Konstantin. But Konstantin has no brother! How can this be?
  12. What can't fit in the biggest pot?

Answers: 1. Bald. 2. Down. 3. Echo. 4. Radio. 5. Only in this place the tower is not visible. 6. Vladivostok. 7. In chess. 8. Before the hairdresser. 9. Bay leaf. 10. At the shoes. 11. The mayor is a woman. 12. Her cover.

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