Virtual tour as a form of work with preschoolers. The use of modern ICT in the educational process

Virtual tour effective remedy

increasing information literacy of students

Chernikova Nadezhda Nikolaevna,primary school teacher, MBOU "Secondary School No. 22", Kaluga

The world we live in today is becoming increasingly dependent on information technology. They are widely and effectively used by man in all spheres of his life and activity. For many people, the computer has become a familiar attribute of everyday life, an effective way of communicating between people, an indispensable assistant in study, work and leisure. He freed a person from routine work, simplified the search for and received the necessary and timely information, and accelerated decision-making. Informatization of all spheres of life contributed to the emergence of a new category of culture - informational, the mastery of which begins from early childhood.

In connection with the introduction of information technologies into the educational process, the importance of information as the most important factor determining the nature and direction of the development of the pedagogical process has increased, educational goals have changed. The emphasis has shifted from “acquisition of knowledge” to the formation of “competences”.

The federal state standard of primary general education requires the search and implementation of new approaches to the upbringing and education of children. One of these approaches is the informatization of education, i.e.transition to a qualitatively new level of use of computer technology and information technology in all areas of the school.Literacy is becoming the basis of the modern educational process.(active,)interactive human-computer interaction.

One of the effective forms of interactive learningand increasing students' motivation for learning activitiesare virtual tours. They allow you to diversify and make the educational process interesting, and therefore more effective, help to implement the principles of visualization and scientific teaching, contribute to the development of observation, skills of independent work of students.

A virtual tour is a software and information product designed for the integrated presentation of video, audio, graphic and textual information. This is a multimedia photo panorama, which, unlike a video or a regular series of photos, has interactivity. So, during an interactive tour, you can zoom in or out on an object, look up and down, look around, examine in detail the entire panorama of the object under study or individual details of its interior, move from one panorama to another through active zones, for example, take a walk along museum halls, etc. Thus, without leaving the class, at the right pace and in a given sequence, you can go around the entire object from the inside and even examine it from the outside.

A virtual tour is a visual process of learning about the world around the student, built on pre-selected objects that are in natural conditions or located in the premises of museums, exhibitions, temples, etc.

Being a specific form of cognition, a virtual tour enables students to obtain a significant amount of information; forms ways of mental activity: a comprehensive perception of the object, observation, study, research; causes an increased interest in the work and, on the basis of this, a more in-depth and lasting assimilation of the material.

Virtual tours can be divided into several types:

    natural sciences - excursions to the field, forest, meadow, river, lake, zoo, museum;

    local history - these are excursions with the aim of studying the nature and history of the native land;

    historical- cultural - excursions to historical places, to museums, art galleries, exhibition halls, revealing certain periods in the history of the development of the state and Russian national culture;

    biographical - these are excursions to places that are associated with the life and work of famous people, keep the memory of them.

The preparation of a virtual tour is based on a certain algorithm of actions that allows the teacher to achieve a successful result:

    determination of the purpose and objectives of the excursion;

    choice of topic;

    selection of literature and compilation of bibliography;

    determination of sources of excursion material;

    selection and study of excursion objects;

( Select from a variety of objects 10 20 the most interesting both in appearance and in the information they carry. The correct selection of objects provides a visual basis for the perception of the excursion material and a deep disclosure of the topic. )

    scanning of photographs or other illustrations necessary for the presentation of the project;

    drawing up an excursion route based on a video sequence;

( The route is built on the principle of a logical sequence of inspection objects. The material of a virtual tour can be presented in chronological, thematic or thematic-chronological sequence.)

    preparation of the text of the excursion;

(The text of the virtual tour should provide the thematic focus of the story and reveal all the subtopics. The text should be short, clear wording, the availability of information on the topic, a sufficient amount of factual material, literary language.)

    determination of the technique of conducting a virtual tour;

(The material is placed in the sequence in which the objects are shown, and has a clear division into parts. Each of them corresponds to one of the subtopics.)

    tour showing;

(The display of objects is carried out in a logical sequence and provides a visual basis for the disclosure of the topic.)

      • summarizing the tour.

( The result of the tour can be a general conversation, testing, mini-essay, newspaper article, exhibition of drawings, presentation) .

A virtual tour has a number of advantages over traditional tours.The main advantages are: availabilitythe possibility of inspecting the objects of the excursion without large material and time costs and at any time; the possibility of multiple viewing of the tour and the information offered. Properly organized virtual excursions contribute to the understanding and disclosure of cause-and-effect relationships, understanding the logical relationships between concepts, which generally ensures a solid and deep assimilation of the basics of science. But there are also disadvantages: the inability to see what is not included in the tour; limited impression.

The use of interactive learning tools in the classroom allows you to make the lesson more interesting, thoughtful, mobile; makes it possible to move from an explanatory-illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject of educational activity. Such teaching aids are highly informative, reliable, allow one to penetrate into the depth of the phenomena and processes being studied, increase the visibility of learning, contribute to the intensification of the educational process, and increase the emotionality of the perception of educational material. This enhances the positive motivation for learning, activates the cognitive activity of students, and contributes to the conscious assimilation of knowledge.

The use of information and communication technologies in classroom and extracurricular activities creates favorable conditions for organizing student-centered learning, improves the efficiency of the educational process, and increases the level of students' awareness. Do not give up on real excursions. It is necessary to find the optimal combination of reality and virtuality, based on the interests of students and learning objectives. Excursion work in its various forms: full-time, part-time and virtual provides a unique opportunity for students to learn more deeply and visually get acquainted with the world around them, the historical and cultural heritage of their country, native land.

Preparing and conducting virtual tours helps to increase the information competence and culture of the teachers themselves.


    Alexandrova E.V. Virtual excursion as one of the effective forms of organization of the educational process at the lesson of literature [Text] / E.V. Aleksandrova // Literature at school. – 2010.

    Emelyanov B.V. Tour guidance.- M: Soviet sport, 2007.

    Ponomareva, A.A. Virtual tour as a form of education for younger students [Text] / A.A. Ponomareva // Scientific search. - 2011. - No. 2 (3).

    Raikov B.E. Methodology and technique of excursions.4th ed., revised. and additionalM.; L.: GIZ, 1930. - 114, p.Bibliography: p. 107-114.(Excursion library).

Information and communication technologies in a preschool educational institution

More recently, the total equipping of schools with computer classes, the introduction of such a subject as computer science, caused a wave of bewilderment and sometimes indignation in us. But progress does not stand still, but moves forward with strides. Now every second family has a computer, electronic toys, video equipment, telephones, iPhones with Internet access and other delights of the electronic world. Which are quickly and firmly fixed in our lives, creating ease and convenience, in search of information and communicative communication. Nowadays, there are many new information technologies. They are often called computer, all the necessary information is prepared and transmitted using a personal computer. The high capabilities of modern computers are developing completely new and interesting learning options. With the help of computer technology in education, you can teach to draw, count, read, learn a lot of new and interesting things. Parents also have a good opportunity to prepare their child for school with the help of certain educational programs. And the inquisitive mind of the child experiences true pleasure in the knowledge of the surrounding phenomena and the acquisition of knowledge. I would like to believe that programs to introduce preschoolers to the educational process will be drawn up by truly first-class specialists in the field of child psychology and pedagogy.

And so, all this progress in a wide step, in the light of recent events, has stepped, bursting at the seams, and into a kindergarten, which, as yet, is neither morally nor financially ready for it. But no one ever asked readiness for such changes. Usually, when they immediately begin to check the availability of equipment and its use in work. They called this process beautifully: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). ICT is a general concept that describes various devices, mechanisms, methods, and algorithms for processing information. And most often due to lack of funds, slowly and painfully, these innovations take root in kindergartens. But solid and solid. And you shouldn’t even ask yourself: does such an early introduction of children to complex technology give at least a positive result? The answer is unequivocal. Yes. Of course, one should not mindlessly follow the rapidly developing progress, sacrificing the health of the future generation, but at the same time, one should not forget that computers are our future. But only with the obligatory observance of the norms and rules of work with the use of computer technology wakes up, the "golden mean" is reached.

To help us, "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation in preschool organizations" (SanPiN Where it says, I quote: “4.19. A separate room is allocated for children's classes using computer technology. The equipment of the premises, the organization and mode of classes must comply with the requirements for personal electronic computers and the organization of work. 6.11. To display filmstrips, standard projectors and screens with a reflection coefficient of 0.8 are used. The height of the screen suspension above the floor must be at least 1 m and not more than 1.3 m. Showing filmstrips directly on the wall is not allowed. The ratio of the distance of the projector from the screen and the distance of the audience of the first row from the screen is presented in the table. 6.12. To watch television programs and videos, televisions with a diagonal screen size of 59 - 69 cm are used. The height of their installation should be 1 - 1.3 m. When watching television, children are placed at a distance of no closer than 2 - 3 m and no further than 5 - 5 5 m from the screen. Chairs are installed in 4 - 5 rows (based on one group); the distance between the rows of chairs should be 0.5 - 0.6 m. Children are seated according to their height.

A detailed description can also be found in S.L. Novoselova "Requirements for the organization of computer training for preschoolers." Where she describes in detail not only the requirements for a computer room, but also for a game room and a psychological unloading (relaxation) room.

Children 5-7 years old should use a computer no more than once a day and no more than three times a week on the days of the highest performance: on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. After classes with children, gymnastics for the eyes is carried out. The continuous duration of work with a computer in the classroom for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes and for children 6-7 years old - 15 minutes.

What technical means of ICT are applicable in kindergarten? At the moment, these are: a computer, a multimedia projector, an interactive whiteboard, a laptop, a VCR, a TV. As well as a printer, scanner, tape recorder, camera, video camera. Unfortunately, not all kindergartens can afford such equipment. And as a result, not all educators use them in their work, and often they do not know how to use them.

But it is impossible to put the material base higher than the effectiveness of the use of ICT. “If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we will steal tomorrow from our children,” said John Dewey.

Proper use of modern information technologies can significantly increase the motivation of children to learn. Allows you to recreate real objects or phenomena in color, movement and sound. That contributes to the widest disclosure of their abilities, the activation of mental activity.

One way or another, ICT is beginning to occupy its niche in the educational space of preschool educational institutions (DOE). Today ICT allows:

* Show information on the screen in a playful way, which is of great interest to children, as this corresponds to the main activity of a preschooler - the game.

* In an accessible form, vividly, figuratively, present material to preschoolers that corresponds to the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children.

* Attract the attention of children with movement, sound, animation, but do not overload the material with them.

*To promote the development of research abilities, cognitive activity, skills and talents in preschoolers.

* Encourage children to solve problematic problems and overcome difficulties.

The use of ICT in preschool education makes it possible to expand the creative abilities of the teacher himself, which has a positive impact on the upbringing, training and development of preschool children.

The use of computer technology is used in the design of long-term work plans, abstracts of open classes, the results of pedagogical diagnostics, information stands, parental corners, attestation materials, generalizations of experience, a child's portfolio, etc.

The ability to use the Internet allows you to keep abreast of events taking place in pedagogical communities, track announcements of events (holding competitions, seminars), receive advice on problems that have arisen, also post your work on websites, and get acquainted with the development of events of your colleagues there.

Communicating on forums with colleagues from all over Russia, you can declare yourself and your activities to the pedagogical community.

Creating your own website will help to present the accumulated experience to colleagues, parents and children. Communicate on the forums of the site, use e-mail.

Skype (video chat) will help in video conferencing with colleagues.

Using the Internet, you can keep abreast of all the events in the world by reading electronic media - magazines, newspapers, articles on official websites, etc.

"Virtual tour" gives the opportunity to visit inaccessible places, offering a unique journey.

Any excursion requires appropriate preparation and planning. When preparing for a virtual tour, the educator needs to select an object, find out its educational value, get acquainted with it, determine the content, goals and objectives of the tour, determine the accompanying text.

The role of virtual excursions is great, since the child can be an active participant in the events of this excursion. For example: "Excursion around Moscow", "On Red Square", "Excursion to the library". "Excursion to the Royal Palace"

For such excursions, you need the Internet and the desire of the educator. And the children take them with great pleasure.

If one of the teachers and educators says that I will not succeed, I will not be able to master new technologies, then this is not true. Back in the past, Confucius said: "Only the wisest and most stupid are not amenable to learning"

And we should not forget that the informatization of education opens up new opportunities for teachers to widely introduce new methodological developments into pedagogical practice aimed at intensifying and implementing innovative ideas of educational, educational and correctional processes. Recently, information and communication technologies (ICT) have been a good assistant to teachers in organizing upbringing, educational and correctional work.

And the use of information technology in education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool educational institutions and increase its efficiency.

Better to see once than hear a hundred times...

folk wisdom

Considering the relationship between education and culture in the context of " education is a condition of culture, and culture is a condition of education”, the fact of the existence of the Internet culture should be recognized. At the same time, the information potential and telecommunication means of the Internet can be considered, firstly, as a complex socio-cultural system that performs the functions of preserving, broadcasting and updating the cultural heritage of society, and, secondly, the "habitat" of carriers of different cultures and subcultures, saturated their cultural products.

Indeed, the information space of the global Internet is today a fairly significant part of the cultural environment of the society. That is why the transmission of a certain amount of cultural knowledge to schoolchildren only by “traditional” methods focuses them primarily on the cultural values ​​of the past and alienates them from the values ​​of today, thereby making it difficult for them to enter modern society. Obviously, it is extremely important to follow the basic principles of cultural studies of education, reflecting the fundamental properties of culture and education in their relationship.

The activity of students in the network should provide a system of cultural functions that express the essence of Internet culture, its content and main components (the principle of cultural conformity). Forming projective skills for using Internet resources and telecommunication technologies, it is very important to create conditions for the creative activity of students, taking into account the productive essence of the Internet cultural space (the principle of productivity). Moreover, Internet education must meet the requirements of multiculturalism, that is, reflect Internet culture as a complex process of interaction of all types of local cultures, including national and subcultures.

Speaking about the pragmatic aspects of this problem, Internet education (as well as education in general), depending on specific tasks and at various stages of its implementation, can be considered as:

  • a cultural process associated with the transfer of universal values ​​and creative experience, with the creation of favorable conditions for cultural self-development and self-realization of the individual, self-determination and adaptation in modern society;
  • cultural activities of the subjects of education, organized through new information technologies, and the activities are not of a broadcasting nature, but of a creative nature, aimed at creating new samples of the cultural heritage of society; activities aimed at self-assertion of the individual.
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