Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia and treatment of the disease with folk remedies. Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia in women

Very often, patients with VVD desperately ask for help in getting rid of this disease.

In this article, I will try to explain once again why it is pointless to seek help on the side and where exactly the cherished magic pill for VVD lies.

Drugs for VSD.

Are you looking for VSD pills that will save you from VVD forever? I want to disappoint you. Such pills do not exist in our world. Drugs for vegetovascular dystonia cannot cure VVD and panic disorder. This applies equally to all groups of psychotropic sedative drugs:, and.

All these drugs are not magic pills for VVD. Don't even think that if you follow the doctor's orders and take all these drugs for dystonia, then you will be able to continue a happy life without panic attacks. Yes, the condition is normalized, and the panic attack will remain in the past, but only for the period of taking all these drugs. All VVD symptoms will return to their place, with rare exceptions, immediately after stopping the medication!

Methods of VVD treatment and their effectiveness.

The same disappointment, only to a greater extent, awaits you as a result of the search for alternative methods used as a treatment for vegetative vascular dystonia. No physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, hypnosis, therapeutic fasting, the use of folk methods of treatment, special sets of exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis, physical activity, contrast showers, dousing with cold water and other latest techniques will not help you get rid of VVD and PA.

An indispensable and constant search for more and more doctors, more and more ultra-modern and advertised methods of treatment, in a great desire to find a remedy for VVD, will lead you to even greater disappointment, and maybe even depression. Some of them can cause a temporary improvement, similar to that given by calming pills for VVD, while others, on the contrary, can worsen the condition.

Why do I say so? I want you to understand and learn well only one thing!!!

None of these methods affects the cause of VVD and PA. The reason for the occurrence of VVD, vegetative vascular dystonia, vegetative neurosis, panic disorder and a panic attack is in your brain.

Only your attitude to what is happening inside your body and in the environment determines the development of these disorders in humans. No organic diseases are detected, and those disorders that the smartest doctors want to present to you as the cause of your condition - the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBN), etc., in the end do not affect him no influence.

A separate chapter in these methods of treating VVD is meditation and autogenic training. But you need to know how to use this technique. No matter how much you listen to various recordings of meditations, or repeat positive statements, your brain continues to assure you that all this is not serious and will not give you anything.

After listening to these texts, you go to bed with a feeling of having completed a daily and obligatory ritual. And in the morning, or during night awakenings, everything continues in the same vein. Meditation and autogenic training work when you take every uttered word with your whole soul and feel this action with your whole body.

Fear of death.

Once again I want to repeat that the cause of VVD is your terrible thoughts. You are constantly creating images in your brain, one scarier than the other. To a greater extent, these are far-fetched situations that have nothing to do with reality.
The main place in this list of fears, to which all other phobias lead, is the fear of death.
Now think and answer my question: - How can all of the above methods of treatment affect the cause of VVD and remove your terrible thoughts?! Some of them, especially extreme ones, on the contrary, will only increase your fears, and hence the IRR.

Tablets from VSD.

Taking psychotropic sedative medications really removes fear. Depending on which group the drug belongs to, this procedure occurs either compulsorily (neuroleptics), or at a subtle biochemical level of processes in the brain (antidepressants). But the use of such treatment with various sedative drugs will by no means save you from VVD.

Again, why?

You put all your hopes for getting rid of VVD on pills from VVD. I take pills and they should cure me! You are partly right. If you get sick with a cold or gastritis, then having bought medicines for these diseases in a pharmacy, you expect effective treatment from them. They kill the microorganisms that caused these diseases, that is, they affect their cause. And the long-awaited cure, after some short time, comes - colds and gastritis go away. No extra action is required on your part. You swallow pills, and, green with hope, as Zhvanetsky said, you are waiting for recovery.

The same behavior you are trying to repeat with VVD! This is your main mistake!

VVD is not a disease, it is a disorder of the normal and coordinated work of all parts of the nervous system. Any attempts to add dietary supplements, minerals, vitamins, vasodilators, sedatives and other drugs for VVD to your body are doomed to failure from the very beginning.

There are no organic disorders in your body, therefore there is no point of application for these drugs, there is no place where they need to act. Except, of course, sedative drugs, and even those, when introduced into the body, reduce either the release of fear hormones or the sensitivity of your body to them.

Dystonia treatment.

I want to highlight the main idea. Despite taking all the medicines, your fears do not go away, but only subside for a while and hide somewhere in the distant parts of your soul. That is why, even with the most successful treatment of VVD, periodically you experience exacerbations. In this case, it becomes necessary to change the medicine to a stronger one, or to increase the dose of an already used drug.

How the VVDshnik feels in such a position, you will not wish on the enemy. He dies several times a day, and the paramedics, who are also called several times a day, only chuckle, advise drinking Corvalol, pull yourself together and calm down. No one believes you that you actually feel quite a lot of pain and very unpleasant symptoms.

What remains in the dry residue? If all else fails, give up and sit, dying from fears, psychosomatic pains and panic attacks that sometimes last without a break and make your life a complete hell? It turns out that everything is useless?

This is not true! There is light in the tunnel, and not just light, but a whole sheaf of light, only you cannot or do not want to see it.

Life without VSD.

Your salvation lies in the fact that the body itself reduces the release of fear hormones (adrenaline) into the blood. You can and must do this yourself and only yourself, by changing your attitude to what is happening. No medications, procedures, psychologists with psychotherapists can do this for you. No digging into your past life, searching for some old problems and childhood fears in it can solve your problems.

Separate conversation about cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy (CBT). But here again, as in meditation, everything depends only on yourself. A psychotherapist can advise on how to act, but only you yourself can change your behavior and attitude towards life.

If you want to get rid of VSD and panic disorder, and especially from panic attacks, know that there is no other way!

Calming pills give your nervous system some relief and give you time to rethink your life.

What to do with VSD.

Remember - pills do not cure VVD, they only create a platform for calming the nervous system, on which you can build a new attitude to life:

1. You must come to terms with the fear of death. Do not fight this fear, namely reconcile. How you do it is not so important. You can see different ways to come to terms with the fear of death in this article.

2. You must realize and accept the fact that your stay in this world is temporary.

3. You need not to be led by your consciousness, but learn to control it. If the brain tells you that it will be even worse now, don't believe it, and tell it that everything will pass now and it will get better. The brain is trying to convince you that this time you will not survive. Do not trust him! Your own experience, when you have already died hundreds of times in such a situation and survived, should become your support.

4. Stay calm and do not panic if you experience symptoms of VSD and PA. It is panic that provokes an increased release of the hormone of fear and the development of an attack of PA, as well as the appearance of new symptoms. Convince yourself that these are tricks of the nervous system, and you have complete order with all your organs (especially since this is confirmed by various analyzes), and everything should return to normal soon.

5. Be aware of objective reality. Not the one that your brain wants to show you, but the one that actually happens to your body.

Causes of VSD.

It is the one and only, although different situations in a person's life lead to it. Increased release of the hormone of fear leads to muscle tension, increased heart rate and increased breathing. This is your body's normal reaction to exercise or fear when your body has to prepare for the upcoming exercise.

But the whole point is how you perceive in your thoughts these real and normal processes for any person. You begin to closely monitor what is happening in the body, which leads to constant tension, and your brain throws you thoughts and images, one more terrible than the other. Prolonged stay in this position causes various symptoms and pain in VVD:

1. Overstrain of the muscles of the whole organism, causes spasms and pain in the muscles, including the intestines and intercostals. Your brain is trying to convince you that it's a heart problem, maybe even a heart attack.

2. Increased breathing causes a supersaturation of the blood with oxygen, while you have a breathing disorder. There is plenty of oxygen in the body and the body tries to stop its further flow into the blood so that vital functions are not disturbed. The brain again convinces you that this is a problem with the respiratory system. Look at this situation realistically and notice one detail. Only with VVD there is an inability to take a deep breath! In diseases of the respiratory system, such as asthma, it is impossible to exhale.

3. Blood with increased oxygen content that enters the brain can cause dizziness, loss of consciousness and an altered perception of reality. This is derealization and depersonalization. Your brain and your consciousness are trying to convince you that this is at least a stroke, and maybe a tumor in the brain. But it's not! And you, despite the obvious facts, for some reason believe your brain, and panic even more.

VSD remedy.

Don't trust your own brain and your own mind that wants to scare you even more. They are built that way. Their main task in creating such fears is to save your life from danger. But, as you can see, here they are, trying to help you, creating unbearable conditions for your life. Evaluate the situation with your body from the point of view of the processes actually taking place in it, and not far-fetched, and presented to you, by your frightened consciousness.

Only by coming to terms with the fear of death and your other fears, approaching with an understanding of the real processes taking place in your body, will you reduce the release of fear hormones and really be able to get rid of the manifestations of VVD after a while, and panic attacks will leave you almost immediately. VVD does not go away immediately, it takes a certain period from several months to several years for your brain to get used to the new conditions.

If you are unable or unwilling to come to terms with the fear of death while being treated with sedative medications, then the light at the end of the tunnel will turn into a small dot, and in time may disappear altogether.

Treatment of VSD in adults.

The treatment of VVD in adults differs from that in children only in that the former have incomparably more experience and everything that happens must be understood more consciously. Therefore, you do not need to buy any disks that flooded the Internet with special courses of treatment and various healing mantras.

It is useless, and sometimes dangerous and harmful, to participate in various webinars and paid online consultations via Skype. It also does not make sense to leave for VVD treatment in different distant countries. Such actions will not give you anything good in the future. More than half of the population in developed countries take antidepressants and other anti-anxiety medications.

Why go somewhere and look for something?!!! Everything you need to get rid of VVD and PA is always with you. These are your thoughts, your brain, your consciousness, and your attitude to things happening in reality!

Do not rely on the fact that the more money you pay, the more someone will do it for you. The more famous and respected doctor you go to for help, the better the result. No, my dear, it won't. Here you need to get yourself into a working position, roll up your sleeves and work with your thoughts, brain and consciousness.

Fulfill parable 28:1 from the Bible, which says: - The wicked flees when no one pursues [him]; but the righteous is bold as a lion.

Ask for help from the Lord God. He will always give you strength so that you can get rid of the VVD.

Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is a condition associated with a change in the functioning of the autonomic system, which manifests itself in the form of a complex of symptoms. Patients rarely understand the full danger of the disease, demanding from the doctor an accurate, in their opinion, diagnosis. But the condition requires careful diagnosis, and the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia should be selected taking into account many health indicators. What is important to pay attention to for effective treatment of dystonia?

What is VSD?

Vegetovascular dystonia, or, as it is also called, neurocirculatory, is a pathology that is perceived as a different disease. Vegetovascular dystonia can occur with symptoms of a gynecological disease, neurological, or any other. Thanks to the work of the vegetative system, the body is able to adapt to changes in the environment.

As a result of vegetovascular dystonia, an imbalance of the autonomic system occurs, which leads to a change in the work of one or another organ. The causes of the disease are heredity, constitutional features, frequent stress, environmental features, family environment. People of all ages are prone to pathology.

Signs and symptoms of VVD

A disease with vegetative-vascular syndrome can proceed according to different types, based on which area is affected. So, there are forms with syndromes of damage to the central nervous system (dizziness, nausea, headaches), cardiovascular system (shortness of breath, pain in the heart), digestive system (manifested as epigastric pain, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting).

Often, with vegetovascular dystonia, the patient has:

  • Neuromuscular Syndrome - Weakness, rolling eyes, lack of coordination, numbness of the fingers.
  • Mental syndrome - depression, decreased performance, aggression.
  • Cognitive syndrome - memory loss, inability to concentrate.
  • Vascular syndrome - circulatory disorders, cold extremities, weakness, convulsions.

The very state of vegetovascular dystonia proceeds according to the hypotonic type or hypertonic, that is, with a decrease or increase in blood pressure. A mixed type of the course of the disease is also likely. Children have their own characteristics of the state. Consider the signs of each variant of the development of the disease separately.

Dystonia in children

Complicating the diagnosis of vegetovascular dystonia is that the heart rate of a child is much higher than that of an adult. For this reason, this indicator should not be used as a sign of pathology.

The skin in children with a disease becomes a different color, a rash, dryness, and swelling appear. Changes in the work of the endocrine organs are especially indicative: in boys, puberty is delayed, but in girls, on the contrary, it accelerates.

Body temperature changes with vegetovascular dystonia for no particular reason, which is not accompanied by a runny nose or other respiratory symptoms. Children have drowsiness, panic for no reason, or constant anxiety. When the heart is affected, a change in the nature of breathing is noted: it becomes either too frequent or slows down. Often, with vegetovascular syndrome, shortness of breath appears.

Such children suffer from decreased appetite, they are worried about nausea, sometimes vomiting, and diarrhea. By the age of 12-15, all this leads to gastritis or duodenitis.

Against the background of VVD, other diseases may develop. These are heart defects, arrhythmia, pathologies of the heart muscle, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome. In the presence of such deviations, a thorough examination is required to determine the cause of the condition. Not only the pediatrician is engaged in the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia. A psychiatrist, gynecologist, neurologist, and also a cardiologist should be involved.

VSD by hypotonic type

The main symptom that accompanies the vegetative-vascular syndrome of the hypotonic type is a decrease in blood pressure. When the disease worsens, crises appear. Patients complain of increased weakness, palpitations, panic fear, neurosis, shortness of breath, interruptions in cardiac activity, sweating, lowering blood pressure (BP), fainting.

IRR for hypertensive type

This form is characterized by an increase in blood pressure with periods of crises. In patients with vegetovascular dystonia, there is a rapid heartbeat, overexcitation, panic, hypertension, cold extremities, frequent periods of chills. limbs.

Doctors sometimes make such a diagnosis as sympathicotonia, that is, the predominance of the sympathetic system over the parasympathetic. In other words, with vegetovascular disease, the regulation between the centers that activate all organs and those that slow down their work is disrupted, and the amount of adrenaline in the blood increases.

If the parasympathetic system prevails over the sympathetic one, the patient is concerned about the slowing of heart contractions, sweating, polyuria, severe weakness, dizziness, drowsiness.

In the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is important to take into account the form of the pathology and, based on the symptoms, select drugs and remedies.

Treatment of the disease

In the event of a malfunction of the autonomic system, it is necessary first of all to conduct a thorough examination of the whole organism. If vegetovascular dystonia is suspected, attention is drawn to the condition of the skin, blood vessels, capillaries, the functioning of organs and systems. In the presence of systolic murmur or pronounced jumps in blood pressure, an additional examination is required for the presence of defects and concomitant pathologies.

Specialists prescribe for vegetovascular disease such studies as ECG of the heart, MRI of the brain, chest x-ray, FGS of the stomach and duodenum, as well as ultrasound of vital organs. According to the results of the examination, as well as according to the photo of ultrasound or radiography, the doctor assesses the condition, as well as the degree of changes in the body.

In order for the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia to give the desired result, you need to change your lifestyle. The correct combination of work and rest regime ensures the normal functioning of the vegetative system. An active lifestyle is welcome, that is, morning jogging, swimming, fitness, aerobics, but all this is at the level of an amateur, not a professional.

Also, vegetovascular dystonia requires a change in diet. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day. It will be useful to visit a sanatorium or health resort with a neurological profile of patients. Doctors recommend periodically conducting a course of exercise therapy, massage. Hydrotherapy of all kinds has a pronounced effect.

How to cope with vegetovascular disease and what to do to improve the condition? You can get answers to these questions by watching the video. It tells in detail what is the VSD and how to deal with it.

Medical treatment of VSD

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia is carried out mainly according to the symptoms. It is impossible to say exactly which drugs will be prescribed for treatment, it depends on the characteristics of the case, they are selected only after examining the patient.

First of all, with vegetovascular dystonia, antidepressants and tranquilizers are prescribed. The dosage is selected based on the severity of the symptoms. In addition to them, antihypertensive drugs are prescribed or, conversely, caffeine to raise blood pressure. B vitamins, ginseng and beta-blockers are considered mandatory.

If venous insufficiency is observed, vasoket and detralex are prescribed. They relieve heaviness in the head, pain and pulsation. The course for vegetovascular dystonia should be long - at least a month.

If the arteries are tense during dystonia and the pressure is elevated, Cavinton, Oxybral, Sermion, Ginkgo Biloba or Memoplant are suitable. Betaserk will help get rid of noise, but afobazole will help relieve anxiety. Antidepressants should be taken for six months. Only then does a tangible effect appear.

A simple smile can activate the brain. Therefore, patients prone to vegetovascular dystonia should smile more often, and also just enjoy life. Changing attitudes to the outside world significantly affects the patient's condition. Only if a person takes up himself, that is, he tries to find a way out of the problem himself, he will be able to get rid of the pathology, and the drugs will help him achieve the desired effect in a short time.

Traditional medicine for VVD

Considering the patient's condition, sedatives are selected for the treatment of VVD. Herbs with an antidepressant effect, as well as those that help get rid of excitement, anxiety or stress, will be useful.

Melissa has a pronounced effect in vegetovascular dystonia. In addition to a sedative effect, it has an antispasmodic and antidepressant effect. In the process of taking lemon balm tincture, the work of the heart improves, stress is relieved, and the perception of the world improves. You can use lemon balm both in the form of tea and in the form of an infusion (decoction).

St. John's wort with vegetovascular disease improves the internal state, relieves anxiety, normalizes sleep and increases tone. Use herbs in the form of decoctions or teas. For ease of use and busy patients, tablets containing an extract or dry extract of St. John's wort are suitable.

Hops will help relieve heart pain in case of vegetovascular dystonia, and will calm you after a working day. Hawthorn will relieve the heartbeat, normalize blood pressure and calm the nerves.

With the help of mint, you will be able to relieve spasm from blood vessels, improve sleep, calm down and get rid of the tension that occurs with vegetative-vascular syndrome. Valerian is used to normalize sleep and restore a normal psycho-emotional state.

All of these herbs are used for dystonia both in pure form (infusions, tinctures, balms, tea, decoction), and in the form of tablet preparations sold in the pharmacy chain.

Some herbs are used depending on the level of blood pressure. In the hypertensive type of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is recommended to use such plants as wild rose, dioscorea, motherwort, hawthorn, cudweed, sophora. In parallel with this, in the presence of vegetovascular syndrome, it is necessary to diversify the diet with apples, pears, grapefruits, garlic, chocolate, and vegetables.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine, salt and fatty foods. Be sure to take walks in the fresh air and pick up for yourself simple fitness classes.

With a hypotonic type of vegetovascular dystonia, it is recommended to use ginseng, propolis, eleutherococcus and other herbs that increase tone, and also cause receptors to respond correctly to environmental factors.

Complications and prevention of VVD

In order to prevent deterioration of the state of internal organs with vegetovascular dystonia, in addition to normalizing the daily regimen, follow all the recommendations of doctors. Pay close attention to VVD in children. They often develop diseases that negatively affect the general condition of the baby.

Prevention of VVD should begin in childhood. It is especially important to avoid stress and nervous overexcitation. In case of illness, it is necessary to ensure the correct balance of work and rest. A child with vegetovascular dystonia should sleep at least eight hours a day. Sports sections, dancing, running, swimming, skiing or cycling will bring benefits. Yoga, auto-training, breathing exercises are suitable.

In the diet of patients with vegetovascular dystonia, you need to include foods such as potatoes, cabbage, apricots, raisins, figs, prunes, beans, tomatoes, peas, dill. If you notice that when measuring the pulse at the wrist joint, the vessels are tense, make a bias towards buckwheat, carrots, nuts, soybeans, rose hips.

If our information has helped you in the treatment of vascular dystonia, or you have your own proven methods and recipes for eliminating this disease, share your feedback in the comments.

Hello dear readers! Do you know what kind of disease such vegetative-vascular dystonia is?

This pathology has many more terms: vasomotor dystonia, angioedema, panic attack, psychovegetative syndrome, functional cardiopathy, cardiac neurosis, neurocirculatory dystonia, autonomic dysfunction, etc.

In many countries of the world, an increasing number of the population suffers from symptoms of a seemingly “non-existent” disease. However, physicians of all countries came to the same conclusion - vegetative-vascular dystonia is not some other, but a pathological condition of the body, characterized by a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

Now let's find out what functions the autonomic nervous system (VSD) performs. First of all, it ensures the regulation and control of the functions of all internal organs, and also helps to maintain homeostasis (the physiological balance of the internal systems of the body) and, finally, takes part in the regulation of a large number of processes of a physiological and biochemical nature.

The system is responsible for the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle (HR), the process of urine formation, sweating, heat transfer; the release of insulin and adrenaline into the blood, the activity of the digestive system, the width of the pupils and bronchi, the level of blood pressure and much more.

Summing up, it can be noted with confidence that all systems of our body are under the control of the autonomic nervous system: excretory, circulatory, endocrine, cardiovascular, digestive, and so on.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Some experts argue that vegetative-vascular dystonia cannot be an independent disease, but a syndrome of some other disorder in the body: from physical or mental overwork to diseases that need treatment.

Depending on which signs prevail, VVD is divided into three types: bradycardic, tachycardic and cardiological. Cardiological (cardiac) type is expressed in the form of stabbing, sharp pain in the heart, which can occur not only during physical exertion, but also in a state of complete rest.

These pains are of a long aching nature and are repeated at regular intervals. As a rule, young people with an asthenic physique, who do not tolerate physical activity, are physically underdeveloped and untrained, are prone to cardiological syndrome.

Tachycardia syndrome affects mainly older patients. They complain about palpitations due to an increase in the number of heart contractions - more than 90 beats per minute.

The bradycardic type of IRR is much less common and is characterized by a decrease in heart rate to 40 or even lower beats per minute. In such patients, there is a pre-syncope state, they complain of dizziness, which is aggravated by physical exertion. The syndrome is accompanied by irritability and often changing emotional state.

Other symptoms of VVD: suspiciousness, anxiety, panic attack, sudden emotional swings, drowsiness, tinnitus, fainting, fainting, weakness, dizziness, headaches, etc.

Reasons for the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia

The main cause of the occurrence of VVD is a factor of hereditary predisposition. The formation of the personality of the child, the development of his brain and central nervous activity can be significantly affected by frequent stress and increased nervousness of the mother during pregnancy.

In adolescents and children, the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia is provoked by a sedentary lifestyle, endocrine system disorders, chronic diseases, emotional stress, and conflict situations.

As for people of mature age, they start the mechanism of VVD due to hormonal changes in the body. It is for this reason that the female sex suffers from this disease much more often than the male.

VVD diagnostics

Observing the patient, the attending physician is guided to diagnose the disease by the conclusions of other specialists - a psychotherapist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, otolaryngologist.

Additional studies are also carried out: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), echography, electrocardiography (ECG).

Conservative treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

After clarifying the diagnosis, the attending physician prescribes the treatment of VVD - antidepressants and sedatives: amitriptyline, phenibut, diazepam, carbamazepine. Psychotropic drugs: sonapax, mezapam, nozepam, phenazepam, grandaxin.

Drugs that improve blood circulation: cinnarizine, pentoxifylline, nicotinic acid, vinpocetine. A complex of vitamins, primarily group B.

Currently, doctors have recognized the most effective drug for the treatment of VVD. teraligen. It has an effective and gentle effect on the VSD. At the very beginning of the appearance of signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia, there is no need to prescribe potent drugs.

Together with conservative therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed: acupuncture, classical massage, physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy) and water procedures.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia with folk remedies

1st collection of medicinal plants against VVD

First chop, then mix four parts each of licorice and rosehip roots, three parts each of the root valerian officinalis and Hypericum perforatum, two parts of the roots of angelica and leuzea, herbs of rhodiola and mistletoe. Now dial from the collection 2 tbsp. l., place in a thermos and brew for 8-9 hours 800 ml of boiling water.

You can take at any time, regardless of the meal three times a day for half a glass of infusion in a course of two to three months.

2nd collection of medicinal herbs

The collection includes: three parts of the roots of St. John's wort, juniper, licorice naked and valerian officinalis; two parts of dandelion roots, herb volodushka and chicory. Do not forget to grind and mix all the ingredients.

Now you will need to insist 8-9 hours in a thermos, two tablespoons of table mixtures in four glasses of hot water. Method of treatment - half a glass a day three times for 2-3 months.

3rd collection of medicinal plants

This includes six parts of rose hips, four parts of birch buds and dandelion roots; two parts of meadowsweet, dioica nettle and horsetail; one weight part of elecampane roots and peppermint leaves. Prepare and take exactly the same as in the previous recipe.

4th collection for patients with hypertension

You also need to grind and mix fifteen grams of valerian roots, plantain leaves, hawthorn flowers; ten grams of common cumin seeds, peppermint leaves and common hop cones. For two cups of boiling water - a tablespoon of the mixture. Stand sixty minutes and filter. Drink three times a day, 100 ml of infusion before meals and at bedtime.

5th collection of treatment for VVD with a tendency to hypotension

This collection consists of four parts of valerian root taken, three parts of oregano, three-leaf watch, peppermint leaves; two parts of Eleutherococcus roots and fennel fruits. Brew a tablespoon of the collection with two glasses of boiling water, boil for 5-7 minutes, leave for one hour, then take 3-4 times a day for half a glass of infusion before meals.

Effective treatment of VSD with plant juices, wine, honey

The mixture included 200 g of red grape wine (best of all Cahors church), garlic juice obtained from 15 heads of medium size; 200 g of flower honey, a glass of lemon juice, radish, beets and carrots. We will be treated by taking a tablespoon of the dining room three times a day before a meal for half an hour. Continue the course until the medicine runs out.

Be healthy, God bless you!
Source medical blog "Recipes of traditional medicine"

Good day, dear readers!

In this article, we will consider with you vegetative-vascular dystonia and everything connected with it.

What is vegetative-vascular dystonia?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD)- a complex of various clinical manifestations that develop as a result of a violation of the functionality of the autonomic nervous system of certain organs (mainly the heart and blood vessels) and body systems.

Other names of VSD - autonomic dysfunction, neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD).

To make it easier to understand this concept, it should be noted that the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is an autonomous part of the nervous system of the body, the center of which is located along the spine. The ANS consists of 2 conditional mechanisms (departments) that control the work of organs - sympathetic and parasympathetic. Both divisions of the ANS, due to the presence of nerve cells in each organ and system, regulate their functionality, for example, cause the urge to defecate or urinate, hunger, nausea, increased or slow heartbeat, increase or decrease, desire to sleep or lack of sleep, respiratory processes, production of insulin, adrenaline, serotonin, etc.

The sympathetic department is responsible for the activation of all processes, and the parasympathetic department is responsible for the relaxation or rest of certain organs.

How it works? A person is hungry, a signal goes to the autonomic nervous system, a person eats food, while the receptors report this again to the ANS, which sends a signal to the pancreas, which produces the juice necessary for food processing. After the necessary portion of juice, when the food is processed, the stomach informs the ANS about this, and it “tells” the pancreas about it, which stops the production of juice, then as the food passes through the gastrointestinal tract, the whole process is regulated, ending with the urge to defecate. Thus, the autonomic nervous system constantly regulates the work of the whole organism as a whole, either activating or deactivating the work of each of the organs, automatically. Thanks to these mechanisms, a person does not need to think - how to breathe, or produce pancreatic juice, or increase body temperature if an infection has got inside, how to raise an arm or bend a leg, expand the pupil in the dark or narrow in bright light, etc.

When, due to various pathological factors, the autonomic nervous system malfunctions, the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS is disturbed, a person feels various kinds of symptoms, moreover, at the level or organ where the violation occurred. It is important to note that the organ in fact may not get sick, only its connection with the nervous system is lost, in connection with which, the normal functioning of the organ / system is disrupted.

Thus, in simple terms, vegetative-vascular dystonia is a collective name for various clinical manifestations (symptoms) that have arisen due to a disruption in the work of the central and / or peripheral parts of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Moreover, you need to understand that, for example, with VVD it is not associated with hypertension, but is manifested due to a disruption in the work of the autonomic nervous system at the level of the cardiovascular system, just like heart pain. But, if the VVD is not treated, and not given due attention, it can lead to real diseases of certain organs - hypertension, other diseases of certain organs / systems.

Doctors note that vegetative-vascular dystonia is most often observed in children (in 25-80%), most often at the age of 7-8 years or adolescents, and predominantly female, and in an urban environment. This age just falls on transitional periods, possibly stressful, when a child from kindergarten goes to the first grade of school, as well as graduating from school and studying at higher educational institutions. VSD is also increasingly common in adults, which is also driven by modern, often negative news in the media, as well as the often unpredictable “tomorrow”.

VSD. History and modernity

It is impossible not to mention an interesting fact, which perhaps many people do not know, that the diagnosis of VSD, in fact, was made only to residents of the USSR, although today some doctors use it. This is also evidenced by the absence of this disease in the international classification of diseases (ICD-10), because. this kind of disease in Europe and America does not exist.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD)

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are very diverse and differ in one direction or another depending on the cause, as well as the organ or system in which this disorder occurred. Thus, according to the same criteria, the following syndromes with their characteristic features were included in the VVD group.

Parasympathicotonia (Vagotonia)

Vagotonia, or the vagus nerve, is characterized by the following symptoms: depression, fatigue, sleep disorders (or excessive drowsiness), memory impairment, decreased performance, apathy, fearfulness, abdominal pain, appetite disorders, feeling unwell in a stuffy room or in the cold, pain in the legs, acrocyanosis, excessive sweating, frequent urge to urinate, transient swelling under the eyes and.

From the side of the cardiovascular system, the following symptoms were noted: pain in the region of the heart, bradyarrhythmia, muffled heart tone (pulse up to 45-50 beats / min), an increase in the size of the heart.


Sympathicotonia is characterized by the following symptoms: blanching of the skin, increased blood pressure, anxiety (feeling of fear and anxiety), irascibility, inattention, increased sensitivity to pain, mydriasis, polyuria, constipation.

Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD)

Neurocirculatory dystonia is divided into three types: cardiac, vascular and mixed, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms.

Cardiac type of NCD (functional cardiopathy): arrhythmias and conduction of the heart (sinus bradycardia, tachycardia, extrasystole, atrioventricular block I-II degree), some forms of mitral valve prolapse and violations of the processes of ventricular repolarization.

Vascular type of NCD: arterial hypertension () and arterial hypotension ().

Mixed type NDC: a combination of symptoms of cardiac and vascular types.

Other signs of autonomic dysfunction

Cardiovascular syndrome characterized by the following symptoms: cardiac arrhythmias (bradycardia, tachycardia, extrasystole), blanching of the skin, constant changes in blood pressure, various kinds of discomfort or pain in the heart area that does not go away when taking nitroglycerin.

Hyperventilation syndrome characterized by the following symptoms: a feeling of suffocation, lack of air, as if it is difficult to take a breath on a full chest, muscle spasms, dizziness, sensory disturbances in the limbs and perioral region.

irritable bowel syndrome characterized by: pain in the lower abdomen, (bloating), frequent urge to defecate, pain or discomfort in the pit of the stomach, appetite disturbances, nausea and dysphagia.

cystalgia- painful urge to urinate and its act itself, while urine tests do not show the presence of any diseases;

Sweating disorder, especially increased sweating is observed on the soles of the feet and palms;

Sexual disorders which are characterized, in women - by vaginismus and anorgasmia, in men - by erectile dysfunction and ejaculation;

Violation of thermoregulation, which is characterized by daily temperature fluctuations, from a normal indicator, to a slight increase (up to), a slight chill.

Vegetative crises

Under the influence of adverse factors - overwork (mental and physical), acute infectious diseases, stress and others, which we will talk about a little later, a person can be attacked by various kinds of vegetative crises - panic attacks, vegetative storms, paroxysms. They can occur both short-term and long-term, up to several days. Consider the most common vegetative crises.

Sympathoadrenal crisis. It is characterized by the following symptoms: headache, increased blood pressure (up to 150/90-180/110 mm Hg), rapid pulse (up to 110-140 beats / min), increased excitability, numbness of the extremities with a feeling of cold in them, pain in the region of the heart, frequent urination, polyuria, dry mouth, sometimes elevated body temperature (up to 38-40°C).

Vagoinsular crisis. It is characterized by the following symptoms: a sharp blanching of the skin, increased sweating, lowering blood pressure and body temperature, abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea and vomiting. Quincke's edema can sometimes develop. Attacks of suffocation, pain in the region of the heart, syncope, are also possible.

There are a large number of causes of vegetovascular dystonia, but they are all divided into 2 main groups - primary, which most often lie in heredity and secondary, which provoke dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which already has any deviations. Consider the main causes of VVD:

Primary causes of the development of VVD

  • Damage to the central nervous system (CNS) of the fetus in the last months of pregnancy, during childbirth and the first days after birth. Most often, this is facilitated by the use of alcoholic beverages by a pregnant woman, various medications without consulting a doctor, smoking, stress, damage to the hypothalamus during childbirth. These situations lead in the future to an inadequate reaction of the child to a particular stressful situation, emotional imbalance, etc.
  • Unfavorable environment for the stay / residence of the child - family quarrels, the presence of people dependent on alcohol in the family, divorces, excessive custody of the child, conflicts at school, mental strain, emotional overload.
  • Heredity, which is most often transmitted to the child from the mother.

Secondary causes, or factors that increase the risk of developing VVD:

  • Various kinds of chronic diseases - somatic, as well as other systems, anomalies of the constitution (diathesis);
  • A sharp change in climate or living environment;
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions in the living environment
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body (), which is most often due to malnutrition;
  • Physical, emotional and mental overstrain, stress;
  • neurosis, hysteria;
  • Hormonal restructuring of the body - puberty in boys and girls, beginning,;
  • Inability to verbally express their emotional experiences (alexithymia);
  • Bad habits - drinking alcohol, smoking, drugs;
  • Violation of the structure of the spine (injury,);
  • Sleep disorder (insomnia or increased sleepiness);
  • Poisoning (intoxication);
  • Metabolic disorders of the brain.

Classification of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Due to the fact that the diagnosis of VVD was made only by Soviet doctors, an international classification of this condition has not been developed. Therefore, when making a diagnosis of VVD, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Etiology;
  • Localization of autonomic dysfunction - generalized, systemic or local;
  • A variant of disorders - vagotonic, sympathicotonic and mixed;
  • Organs and systems involved in the pathological process;
  • The severity of VVD is mild, moderate and severe;
  • The course is latent, permanent, paroxysmal.

Diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia

The following methods are used to diagnose vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  • Anamnesis;
  • Cardiointervalography;
  • Echoencephalography (EchoEG);
  • Rheoencephalography (REG);
  • Reovasography;
  • pharmacological tests.

Additionally, consultations with the following doctors can be scheduled:

  • Psychiatrist.

Differential diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Differential diagnosis is necessary to exclude other diseases similar in signs to VVD. Thus, in terms of symptoms, they are similar to vegetovascular dystonia: connective tissue dysplasia, rheumatic heart disease, non-rheumatic carditis, heart disease, (hypertension), acute, mental disorders.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is a rather lengthy and painstaking task. A positive prognosis largely depends on the correct diagnosis and accurate determination of the cause of the VSD.

Treatment of VVD is carried out comprehensively and includes the following items:

  • Normalization of the regime of the day, sleep, rest;
  • Elimination of hypodynamia, using dosed physical activity ();
  • Therapeutic massage and water procedures;
  • Balneotherapy (treatment with mineral waters);
  • Phototherapy;
  • Limiting the sources of emotional experiences - computer games, TV shows;
  • Counseling and family psychological correction;
  • Normalization of nutrition (regular consumption of food enriched with vitamins);
  • electrophoresis;
  • Medical therapy.

Work / rest mode

The body of each person has its own specific "charge", which depends on many factors. When the forces end, but the person continues to overload his body with physical or mental work, the body begins to weaken, thereby being subjected to various imbalances in the work of certain systems. The same thing happens if a person does not give the body enough time to rest. Therefore, in order to maintain health, it is very important that a person observes a work / rest regimen. Work in moderation, rest and be sure to get enough sleep.

Physical inactivity or a sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle leads to a weakening of the muscle tissues of certain organs that are least involved in a person's daily life. In addition, hypodynamia increases the risk of developing various diseases of the cardiovascular system. "Movement is life" is a fair statement. The more a person moves, the better the blood "plays", thereby improving blood circulation, the organs receive with blood the nutrition necessary for their normal functioning in the form of oxygen and various substances.

Therapeutic massage and water treatments

Physical effects on the body, in particular therapeutic massage and water procedures, improve blood circulation, improve the functioning of the lymphatic system, if necessary, restore the structure of the spine (in case of osteochondrosis), and along with the spine, the nerve channels with the vessels that pass through it are aligned. In addition, massage allows you to relax, relieve stress, improve muscle tone. All these actions have a beneficial effect on the work of not only the central nervous system, but can also improve the overall health of a person.

Sources of emotional experiences

The modern number of mass media, as well as the ways of obtaining this information, is only growing from year to year. Today, few people will be surprised by a smartphone with the ability to draw information from the Internet, a computer, a laptop, a TV. But the whole problem lies in the quality of the information received. If we make a small review of at least posters for certain modern computer games, some cartoons, movies, news, then we can highlight the overall picture - murders, violence, cruelty, lies, wars, occultism, etc. All this has an extremely negative effect on the developing psyche of the child, and on many people as well. Bad dreams, selfishness, disrespectful attitude towards other people is just the tip of the iceberg. The basis is emotional instability, imbalance, uncertainty about the future, panic fears. If you are a parent and have not yet studied the flow of information that feeds your child, it's just the right time to start doing it. Protect your child from the negative flow of information from the Internet and other sources. This is a very important point, not only from a therapeutic point of view, but also as a preventive measure against other complex diseases that usually occur in an adult.

Family psychological correction

This measure is necessary if there are frequent conflicts in your family, difficulties with raising a child. Remember, quarrels and scandals negatively affect the mental development of the child. Do not allow a showdown in front of children. Children should grow up in a loving family where each member respects each other. Thus, a person is nurtured who will follow your family model, and it is better that the family be happy.


For the normal operation of any human organ or system, various minerals are required. Each vitamin is involved not only in the work of the whole organism, but also in the development of all organs, the regulation of their vital activity.

Some of the vitamins are produced in the required amount by the body itself, but in general, we can only get vitamins from the food we eat. If a person gets used to eating fast food, sandwiches, chips, beer and others, he does not receive the required amount of vitamins, because. they simply do not exist in such foods. It's delicious, perhaps, but certainly not healthy. Moreover, such junk food is harmful to human health. It is also extremely important to eat at least 3 times a day. Food is a kind of "energy", which is necessary for a person to perform various daily tasks. There is no food, or it is defective, there is no strength for work, and of course, human health.

Give preference to foods rich in vitamins and minerals - vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals. Try not to fry foods, but steam or boil them. The less you heat your food, the more vitamins they will retain. The beauty and health of a person largely depends on the nutrition of a person.


With vagotonia, electrophoresis with caffeine, mezaton is prescribed.
With sympathicotonia, electrophoresis with papaverine, bromine, aminophylline is prescribed.

Medical therapy

Drug therapy is usually used in the following cases:

  • Non-drug therapy did not bring the desired result;
  • To relieve various kinds of symptoms that make it difficult to perform daily tasks;
  • For the treatment of various chronic diseases that may be factors determining the development of VVD.

Medicines for VSD:

Sedatives. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, soothe. Among the sedatives are widely used: preparations based on valerian, hawthorn, Novopassit, Persen, Stressplant, herbal tea with lemon balm.

Tranquilizers (anxiolytic drugs). They are used to relieve attacks of fear, stress, anxiety. Among the tranquilizers can be noted: Diazepam, Relanium, Tranxen.

Antidepressants. They are used to relieve feelings of depression, depression, apathy, anxiety, irritability, emotional overstrain, as well as to increase mental activity. In addition, antidepressants are used in cases where a patient with VVD constantly feels aches and pains throughout the body (in the heart, gastrointestinal tract, muscles, etc.), which are not amenable to symptomatic treatment. Among antidepressants, one can single out: Amitriptyline, Imipramine, Clomipramine, Coaxil, Prozac, Cipramil.

Nootropics. They are used to improve mental activity, brain resistance to various stressful situations, improve the energy state of neurons. Among the nootropics can be identified: "Pyritinol", "Piracetam", "Phenibut".

To normalize peripheral and cerebral circulation, as well as blood microcirculation,: "Cinnarizine", vinpocetine ("Cavinton"), pentoxifylline ("Trental"), (vitamin B3 or PP).

With sympathicotonia, with pain in the region of the heartß-blockers are used - propranolol ("Anaprilin", "Obzidan"), Atenolol ("Atenol", "Tenormin").

For the relief of heart pain used: Verapamil ("Verapamil", "Isoptin"), "Valocordin", tincture.

With vagotonic reactions. Psychostimulants of plant origin are used - preparations based on lemongrass, eleutherococcus, zamaniha, etc.

With intracranial hypertension(high blood pressure), dehydration therapy is used, which is aimed at removing excess water from the body. For this purpose, diuretics are used.

Favorably in the complex, in the treatment of VVD, glycine, glutamic acid, pantogam, complexes of vitamins and trace elements have proven themselves.

At in the diet you need to add food with a lot of fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits. It is also allowed to take laxatives: "Duphalac", "Lavacol", "Normaze".

With frequent, the amount of fiber consumed in food should be reduced. Additionally, you can take an antidiarrheal agent: loperamide (Imodium, Lopedium), sorbents (Polifepan, Smecta).

At you can take: "Pirroxan", "Fentolamine".

With increased sweating, the skin can be treated with solutions of formalin, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), tannic acid.

In case of venous insufficiency- if the patient has noise in the head and pain throbbing in it, heaviness in the head, you can take: "Vazoket", "Detralex". Preparations for venous insufficiency take 1-2 months.

At against the background of high blood pressure, drugs are used that improve cerebral circulation - "Vinpocetine", "Cavinton", "Nicerium", "Oxybral".

With strong and dizziness can be taken - "Betaserc".

Important! During the treatment of VVD, be sure to give up bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs.


With timely detection, accurate diagnosis and strict adherence to the doctor's prescription for the treatment of VVD, the prognosis for recovery is favorable. It is very important for the VVD to correctly carry out the psychological adjustment of the child, so that after he grows up, the mental deviations formed during the VVD do not accompany him throughout his life.

Important! Before using folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor!

A functional disorder in the work of the nervous (vegetative) system is called vegetative-vascular dystonia. We add that in the normal state, the autonomic nervous system takes an active part in stabilizing blood pressure, contracting the heart, the width of the bronchi, heat transfer, the width of the pupils, the digestive system, the genitourinary system, and more. I must say that dystonia is by no means an independent disease, it is a syndrome, that is, a consequence of some kind of disorder, elementary overwork, or a disease that requires treatment. The only way to treat dystonia is to find and eliminate its cause.

Manifestations of dystonia (VSD) can be both permanent and crisis in nature (panic attacks, fainting and other paroxysmal conditions). There are three types of VSD. The first type is called (cardiac), the second - hypertensive, and the third - hypotensive. With the normotensive type, in a patient, dystonia manifests itself through heart pain, tachycardia, arrhythmia and other malfunctions in the myocardium. During the hypertensive type, blood pressure increases. At the same time, the increase in pressure is absolutely independent of the physical activity of the patient. In the hypotensive type, blood pressure decreases. The patient complains of lethargy, lack of mood, constant fatigue and falling into unconsciousness. In addition to the above, there are three more types of VVD, which are distinguished by the activity of brain regions. These are sympathicotonic, parasympathicotonic and mixed types.

A person who suffers from dystonia can be seen from afar. Basically, such a person overreacts to the behavior of others towards him, and he also shows increased control over his own behavior. Patients with dystonia, and it must be said, there are a lot of them in our time, are constrained in movements, clamped, they may show a vascular network on their face (rosacea). Most often, dystonia originates from early childhood, up to the womb (if the child experienced oxygen starvation). According to various statistics, up to 30% of children have this disease.

In order not to think in the future about how to treat vascular dystonia, one should take into account the fact that VVD belongs to a number of psychosomatic disorders, and in 97% of cases, such disorders are laid precisely in the period from conception to six years of age. Well, if the VVD has already manifested itself, then it must be treated. We will talk about how to treat vegoto vascular dystonia below.

Visit to the doctor

It is best to start treatment with a visit to a neurologist (dystonia is just in his competence). Of course, the doctor will first examine you, listen to your complaints, find out your age and, if necessary, prescribe additional studies (electrocardiogram, blood pressure control, blood sugar and general, thyroid ultrasound, fundus examination). Based on the results of the study, the neuropathologist can send you to related specialists (depending on what pathologies are found).

If the results of the study show the absence of diseases, the neuropathologist will tell you how to treat dystonia and prescribe a number of medications. Among the main procedures are the observance of the daily routine, the restriction of super-emotional, as well as psychological, stress, proper sleep and rest. They can also prescribe swimming and massage.

From medical treatment, as a rule, sedatives are prescribed, mainly of plant origin (persen, phytosed, novopassit, valerian forte, motherwort, etc.) and adaptogens (mebicar, adaptol). To normalize your sleep, you should take a course of drugs (10 days) that normalize sleep (Imovan, Ivadal). They can also prescribe vascular drugs, as well as antispasmodics (no-shpa, spasmalgon and bellaspon). If the patient has tachycardia and panic attacks, then the neurologist may prescribe b-blockers (for example, anaprilin).

Alternative methods of treatment of dystonia

In addition to traditional methods of treatment, I also bring to your attention folk, it is the latest methods that will help cleanse and strengthen your blood vessels, as well as increase their elasticity.

Heart tincture

Buy at the pharmacy 100 ml of peony, valerian, hawthorn and motherwort tinctures, add 50 ml of eucalyptus tincture and 25 ml of mint tincture to them. Mix everything in a bottle (0.5 l) and add 10 cloves (from spices). Place the bottle in a dark place for 14 days, shake occasionally every day. The medicine should be taken 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals (20-25 drops per sugar). The course of treatment is one month. After a month break, you can repeat the treatment. This infusion lowers intracranial pressure, normalizes blood pressure, expresses antispasmodic and anticonvulsant actions, also helps with varicose veins and improves cerebral circulation.

Health from Tibet

This recipe is useful for everyone, without exception, even healthy ones, but especially for those who suffer from body fat, have sclerotic plaques in the arteries, suffer from heart pain, hypertension and insufficient blood supply to the brain.

Take 100 gr. each of the herbs: St. John's wort, chamomile, immortelle, birch buds. Mix everything thoroughly. In the evening, take 1 tbsp. mixture and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 3-4 hours, then strain through a cloth and wring out. 1 glass with 1 teaspoon of honey, drink before going to bed, and save the rest until morning. In the morning, slightly warmed up, drink the rest, also with honey and 30 minutes before meals. Do this every day until the mixture runs out. This course can only be repeated after 5 years.

Food for dystonia

Also, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is recommended to eat bananas and nuts daily. Remember - without proper treatment, it is almost impossible to get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia. So, seriously think about how to eliminate stress from life and how to learn to control all sorts of stressful situations. And one more detail: before drinking all sorts of medicines and herbal infusions, just try to see a psychotherapist. Only this doctor will prescribe you truly effective methods (rational psychotherapy, autogenic training, hypnosis) and teach you how to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia by simply getting rid of stressful situations.

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