The formation of new moles on the body causes. How new moles appear on the body: reasons. Little known factors about the occurrence of moles

It is almost impossible to meet a person who does not have moles. On the body of an adult there can be up to 100 spots of various sizes and shapes. From this article we will learn why moles appear and whether they pose a health hazard.

From birth, moles appear on different parts of the body, although initially a person is born without them. A mole (nevus) is a benign pigmented formation on the skin. It is formed from pigment cells that are located between the upper and inner layers of the skin. The main number of nevus occurs in adolescence, when the formation of the body occurs. They can appear and disappear, grow and die, change color and size.

It is customary to classify moles according to the following criteria:

  1. By type of formation - non-vascular and vascular.
  2. According to the degree of danger - non-hazardous and melanoma hazardous.

There is another, more convenient classification:

  1. Flat nevi. They can appear absolutely anywhere and practically do not change over time.
  2. Large moles. They are congenital, appear after birth or at an early age. They can gradually increase in size as a person grows older.
  3. Convex nevi. They form in the deep layers of the dermis, are small in size and often have short hairs growing on them. Sometimes such a nevus can have a hanging appearance.
  4. Purple or blue moles. They look like a hemisphere and are not attractive in appearance.

Causes of moles

The causes of moles are divided into congenital and acquired. Let's take a look at each of them in more detail:

1. Congenital (hereditary) nevi appear on the body of the child in the first years of life. This is because the melanin pigment produced by the body of a pregnant woman penetrates the developing epithelium of the fetus, thereby forming small and large clusters of dark cells.

2. Acquired nevi may appear at any age. Their formation can be provoked by the following factors:

  • excess sunlight. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, melanin begins to be produced much faster. "Sunny" moles are always potentially dangerous, they often degenerate into malignant formations.
  • hormonal surges. The pituitary gland secretes a hormone that greatly influences the release and appearance of melanin. Because of this, any change in the hormonal background can provoke the multiple appearance of nevi. This explains moles during puberty and in pregnant women;
  • mechanical injury. Insect bites, cuts and bruises damage the skin. If at the same time the pigment layer is touched, then the melanocyte cells are grouped into a small association and come to the surface of the skin.

There is also an interesting opinion that new moles appear due to the release of internal energy. Such energy accumulates at the site of inflammation, concentrates and provokes the formation of nevi. However, this hypothesis is not scientifically substantiated and is not supported by anything.

Are moles dangerous or not?

Some moles can develop over time into malignant tumors called melanoma, or skin cancer. Be sure to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • if a dark or pinkish halo appears around the mole;
  • the nevus itches, the skin around it tingles and itches;
  • there was a noticeable seal around the formation;
  • mole hurts;
  • the nevus begins to grow very rapidly, and it happens suddenly and becomes noticeable after a few days;
  • the mole begins to change its color;
  • fluid is released from the mole, blood is especially dangerous;
  • dry scales formed on the mole or the nevus cracked.

Skin cancer develops rapidly. If you find any of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact a dermatologist or oncologist. Every year, the number of melanoma cases increases. It is this type of cancer that is very dangerous, as it is characterized by metastases and reappearances.

If a large number of vascular moles appear on the body, then you should not worry. Such neoplasms will never degenerate into melanoma. Vascular nevi are red and pinkish in color. Their appearance is associated with a dense accumulation in the upper layer of the skin of the processes of the circulatory systems.

Prevention of the appearance of nevi

To prevent the formation of new moles on the body in an adult, you can not stay in the sun for a long time. Beach activities should be dosed, part of the rest should be spent in the shade. You also need to use sunscreen. Very often it is necessary to work in the open air (for example, in a garden, a garden), in these cases it is advisable to do this in the morning before 10 o'clock or in the evening after 18:00.

In addition, the appearance of moles can provoke a solarium. It is contraindicated for people with a large number of nevus.

The skin should be protected from mechanical and chemical damage, so when working with cutting objects, chemicals, open fire, use protective gloves. If a cut suddenly occurs, then it should be treated properly and sutured. This can prevent the appearance of new formations.

Moles on the body are quite common. Their formation can be triggered by many factors. Do not worry if you suddenly notice a new mole. Over time, it may disappear. However, if the mole begins to itch, grow rapidly and hurt, then you should not postpone a visit to a specialist. This is fraught with serious health problems.

Birthmarks (moles) are formations on the skin that many do not pay attention to. And they are interested in them only if another mole suddenly appears on the body. What does the process of the appearance of new birthmarks say, and is it a health hazard?

What are birthmarks

Moles or, as doctors say, nevi, are an accumulation in the skin layers of special cells - melanocytes. The purpose of melanocytes is to produce the pigment melanin, which protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Normally, most melanocytes are located between the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis and the middle - the dermis. Melanocytes are usually distributed evenly over the surface of the skin. However, this does not always happen. Irregularities in the distribution of melanocytes lead to the formation of birthmarks.

typical mole

Moles are usually dark or brown in color. Almost black nevi can be less common. Blue or purple moles are also observed.

blue mole

The nevi are usually evenly colored, although single areas that are darker and lighter in comparison with the background can be found on their surface. A typical mole is round or oval in shape and less than 5 mm in diameter. larger than 10 mm are called giant. There are also birthmarks of irregular shape and uneven color - dysplastic nevi.

The most dangerous type of mole is a dysplastic nevus.

Also, nevi are divided into intradermal and epidermal - depending on the depth of the accumulation of melanocytes.

Moles can be located anywhere on the body. A lot of them on the arms, torso, neck. However, most often (relative to a unit area) moles are found on the face. Moles can also form on the mucous membranes, although this is rare.

Usually nevi do not protrude above the level of the skin. However, there are also protruding (bulging) moles.

Convex mole

Lentigo and freckles

There is also such a kind of skin spots as lentigo. They are usually larger than a typical nevus, but less intense, pale brown in color and less well defined. Their appearance is also associated with increased production of melanin.

Another type of melanin-containing spots are freckles. Lentigo is most often observed in adults and the elderly, freckles - in children and adolescents. Lentigo and freckles are not usually classified as moles, although they have a similar origin.


Angiomas are also often referred to as moles. These are red, slightly convex formations on the skin, having a vascular nature. If you press on such a formation, it will turn pale, and then again take on its original color. This is due to the fact that angiomas consist of many tiny vessels. The mechanism of their occurrence is also not fully understood. Only one thing is clear - unlike ordinary moles, their occurrence is in no way connected with genetic causes. Vascular moles have a relatively low risk of malignancy.

Angioma - vascular mole

When and who gets moles?

Although nevi are popularly called birthmarks, in fact, most moles are not present in a person from birth, but appear much later, throughout life. 99% of children are born with an absolutely clean body, devoid of age spots. And the first birthmarks appear in babies in the first or second year. However, these moles are so small that they are often overlooked.

Most moles appear on the body in adolescence and under the age of 25. This feature is associated with the intensive production of sex hormones during this period. And old moles during puberty may increase slightly or change color.

However, age spots can also occur in adults from time to time. And some spots can also spontaneously disappear. The total number of moles can reach hundreds, although they are usually much smaller - no more than a dozen. There are also people who have almost no moles. Women usually have more birthmarks than men. There are also more moles in fair-skinned people than dark-skinned people.

Thus, the appearance of new moles in different parts of the body is a process that belongs to normal phenomena in the body. Usually it is not associated with any pathologies. Of course, if the number of moles does not exceed a reasonable limit. And the birthmarks themselves look standard and do not cause discomfort.

Causes of birthmarks

The reason for the appearance of new birthmarks on the body is largely unclear. It is only known that the amount of melanin in the body is regulated by the melanotropic hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Therefore, if a new mole appears on the body, then this fact is often the result of an increased level of this hormone.

What phenomena affect the level of melanotropic hormone? First of all, these factors include an imbalance in the endocrine system. In women, this condition occurs during pregnancy and childbirth, in the period preceding menopause. Women are more prone to hormonal changes. Perhaps this circumstance is the reason for the more frequent appearance of birthmarks in women.

In men, this process can be triggered by diseases or injuries of the testicles, resulting in increased estrogen production. Also, the reasons for fluctuations in the level of melanotropic hormone can be:

  • serious illnesses,
  • pathology of the pituitary gland
  • viral infections.

Insect bites and abrasions are another possible cause of moles. This circumstance is connected with the fact that an infection can get into the wounds, which often leads to a local accumulation of melanin.

New moles can also appear after exposure to the skin of ultraviolet rays. The action of sunlight or other source of ultraviolet radiation is accompanied by an increase in the level of melanin in the skin and the release of melanocytes to the surface. The rays of the sun can not only lead to the appearance of new nevi, but also to an increase or rebirth of old ones. It is possible that other types of radiation, such as x-rays, also contribute to the appearance of moles in various parts of the body. Such radiation can affect the body, for example, during medical procedures.

The causes of angiomas are dysfunctions of the liver, intestines, pancreas.

What to do if new birthmarks appear?

If one or two moles appear on the body in a place where they were not there before, this is not a cause for concern. True, here you need to pay attention to the shape, color, size of the spot and associated symptoms. If the mole has the correct shape and uniform color, does not hurt, is not inflamed and does not bleed, then most likely it is not dangerous. But a change in shape, color or an increase in existing moles should be alarming.

If there are reasons for concern, or the nature of education is not clear, you should immediately contact. The fact is that some birthmarks can turn into malignant tumors - melanomas. The most dangerous are dysplastic nevi. Although this happens infrequently, it still does not hurt to make sure. The main thing to remember is that you should not touch the mole or try to remove it yourself. This can lead to sad consequences.

Removal of ordinary nevi is usually not indicated. The only exceptions are moles protruding from the skin, the risk of injury to which is very high, moles that create psychological discomfort for the patient, as well as dysplastic nevi.

Why can there be many moles on the body, and are they dangerous?

In itself, the abundance of nevi is not dangerous to health. However, they must be carefully monitored and regularly examined by a dermatologist. It is also obligatory to see a doctor after a vacation in the southern resorts. Regular self-examination is also necessary. If a new birthmark of an unusual shape has appeared on the body, or the old one has grown quickly and changed its shape, size and color, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Numerous moles on the body

People with an abundance of moles on their skin should remember that the sun is not only a friend, but also an enemy. The danger is the ultraviolet rays contained in the radiation of the nearest star to us. When exposed to pigmented areas of the skin, they can cause their malignant degeneration. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the duration of sunbathing. In summer, avoid sunbathing during the most dangerous hours in the middle of the day, when the Earth receives the most hard UV rays. And in a situation where the sun's rays fall on bare skin for a long time, sunscreen must be used to protect the body. Recently, the ozone layer has been thinning in the atmosphere. This leads to an increase in the intensity of UV rays. It has also been found that people with pale skin are more susceptible to the negative effects of radiation than people with dark skin.

If a person has a lot of nevi on the skin, then often only his genes can be to blame. It is known that the tendency to the abundant appearance of nevi can be inherited. Also, the appearance of moles to some extent is evidence of the biological processes of aging. Although, on the other hand, there is a theory that the abundance of moles reduces the biological age by several years, and the moles themselves are a protective factor for the body. According to popular belief, moles are a symbol of longevity and promote good luck. But another fact is proven - the abundance of nevi increases the likelihood of development.

It is hard to meet a person who does not have moles. They can be either congenital or appear throughout life. A healthy adult on the body can have up to a hundred spots of various shapes and sizes, and their number can constantly change. Are you worried about the appearance of moles on the body? The reasons for their formation and types will be considered in this article.


In medicine, a benign formation on the surface of the skin is called "nevus pigmentosa". Usually, a mole does not pose a danger to human health. It is worth consulting a doctor only if the spot changes shape, size, or any pain occurs in this area.

Moles on the body are formed from pigment cells located between the inner and upper layers of the skin. Basically, they are inherited, therefore, if parents have nevi on their bodies, then their child will most likely also have them.


Absolutely all moles differ from each other in their shape, size and color. They can be blue, red, brown, have a relief or smooth structure.

According to the shape and features of the mole are divided into the following types:

  • Hemangiomas are moles of vascular origin. Most often on the human body there are hanging and red moles of this species.
  • Flat - these are spots formed in the upper layers of the dermis. They arise as a result of a specific accumulation of melanocytes. Such moles usually do not change in size and do not show activity under the influence of sunlight.
  • Elevated (convex) - nevi of this category have a bumpy or smooth body, and their formation occurs in deep skin. The diameter of these spots rarely exceeds one centimeter, very often they can be covered with hairs.
  • Blue are rare moles that stand out slightly on the body. Their color ranges from dark blue to light blue. Such formations have a smooth, dense structure and can be of considerable size.
  • Large pigmented spots - usually appear at birth and grow with the body throughout life.

The appearance of moles on the body: causes

Pigmented nevi can appear in a person at any time, although it has been established that most of them occur before the age of 25 years. The most active growth is observed in adolescence, when the body is formed.

The reasons for the appearance of moles in adults are varied, and the main ones are:

  • exposure to solar radiation;
  • hormonal changes;
  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • internal diseases of the body;
  • infection of the surface of the dermis;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Most often, the appearance of moles is stimulated by the sun's rays. Caution should be taken when sunbathing for people with white skin, as well as for those who have more than 30 nevi on their body. The appearance of moles is related to hormonal surges in the body, which can occur during puberty, pregnancy, menopause. Moreover, during these periods, spots can both appear and disappear without a trace.

The appearance of red moles (angiomas)

Such formations are benign and are formed due to the accumulation of vascular cells of the dermis. Most often they appear at birth and in children under the age of one year. In some cases, red moles are huge and represent a cosmetic defect.

The main reasons for the formation of this angioma include:

  • the use of certain medications by a woman during pregnancy;
  • adverse environmental conditions;
  • colds that the pregnant woman suffered in the first trimester of the gestational period.

Doctors do not consider red angioma as a malignant formation. The degeneration of this nevus into a dangerous oncological form is extremely rare. However, it is a red mole that can provoke a number of unpleasant pathologies, suppuration and contribute to the penetration of infection into the body.

If the angioma occupies a large area of ​​the body or is located in a place not protected from sunlight, it must be removed surgically or with a laser.

Features of moles

In their structure, nevi can be flat or rise above the skin by several millimeters. A bulging mole can be uncomfortable, especially if it is in an uncomfortable place and is regularly touched by clothing. In this case, it is better to remove it.

The operation is performed in the dermatologist's office after a detailed examination of the spot and the study of the obtained tests. It is extremely dangerous to remove any formation on the body on your own and is fraught with negative consequences.

A red convex mole is especially unpredictable. Usually it is formed when a blood vessel is mechanically damaged and is felt on palpation. It also refers to benign formations and often disappears on its own.

If you find a massive appearance of moles on the body, the reasons may be of a different, rather unfavorable nature. Basically, red nevi occur with hormonal disruptions, disorders in the pancreas, or radiation exposure.

Dangerous moles

Usually nevi do not pose a threat to health and do not cause pain. However, with abuse of the sun or with mechanical damage, they can degenerate into a malignant formation. Blue nevi are the most dangerous, but according to doctors, the lion's share of oncological rebirths comes from ordinary brown moles.

You should pay attention if:

  • the appearance of the mole has changed, it has acquired an asymmetric shape with blurred borders;
  • an inflamed ring of bright color appeared around the nevus;
  • the shade of the mole suddenly changed;
  • its structure acquired relief, black nodules appeared around the perimeter;
  • the nevus has significantly increased in size and thickened;
  • there were pain sensations in the form of itching, burning, tension;
  • cracks appeared on the surface of the mole;
  • periodically the spot bleeds, hair loss is observed in this place.

Malignant moles can develop rapidly, so if you find any suspicious symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor.


This type of formation is malignant and is formed from the cells of the dermis that produce melanin. Every year, there is a high incidence of this type of skin cancer all over the world. Melanomas are very dangerous tumors, as they have a pronounced tendency to reappear and metastasize. These malignant moles mainly develop at the site of the affected nevus.

The main symptoms of melanoma growth include a change in the shade and size of the mole, as well as pain that worsens when pressed. Particular attention should be paid to the rapid increase in the spot. This may clearly indicate that melanoma is developing. A mole can itch and bleed, causing discomfort and pain to a person. Therefore, if any changes are found in the area of ​​​​the nevus, it is better to consult a specialist.

Be careful!

Pigmented nevi can form anywhere on the body. However, you should be careful if you have a mole on your back. Due to this location, you will not immediately be able to notice a change in its structure or shape, so you need to regularly examine the mirror or seek the advice of a doctor.

The regular appearance of moles on the body, the causes of which you do not know, can be an alarming signal. Pay attention to your lifestyle: stay less under the scorching rays of the sun, eat right and try not to touch the nevi with details of clothing or shoes. At the slightest suspicion of the activity of a mole, contact a specialist. A favorable resolution of any disease is its timely detection and competent treatment.

Moles - what is it?

Moles are benign neoplasms on the human body. They are, in fact, not as dangerous as it might seem, but they are not safe, as many say. Birthmarks (or nevi) have such a feature: some of them can really harm the body. However, this danger does not come from all formations. Know that pigmented spots can be:

  • Melanoma hazardous and
  • Melanoma dangerous.

The former do no harm and do not degenerate into dangerous formations during life. Many people are scared why small moles appear, especially in large numbers, but you should not be overly afraid of this, because. this does not mean that you have melanoma (the most complex form of malignant tumor). However, other nevi can lead to melanoma - melanomaniferous.

Initially, these skin cells are not dangerous, because. occur as benign neoplasms. The reason for the transformation of moles into melanoma-dangerous nevi can be:

  1. Birthmark injury. This includes even light mechanical damage, chemical and radiation injuries;
  2. Cosmetic treatment or cauterization of spots (most often this is the treatment of moles in beauty parlors and with the help of folk remedies);
  3. Biopsy. Every doctor knows that a biopsy of a mole is prohibited, because. too easily can lead to the appearance of melanoma due to partial removal of material.

But, despite the fact that tumors can be dangerous, they do not always have to be removed. On the contrary, some nevi should not be touched, it is better to leave everything as it is. However, only a qualified specialist doctor can give exact recommendations for your case.

Attention! The treatment of moles means only their removal! Nothing else can help in the fight and prevention of the appearance of melanoma.

Why do moles appear on different parts of the body?

Almost everyone has moles, some even become owners of birthmarks on the mucous membrane. But why do nevi appear on the human body? There is an explanation for everything, and this phenomenon too. It's all about the hormones that are contained in our body - melanotropins. It is on those parts of the body where the hormones of melanotropins are the most and moles appear. Those. if you notice a nevus on your shoulder, then at this place you have collected a large amount of hormones. Oddly enough, the amount of these hormones does not affect the shape and structure of the spots. For example, bulging and bumpy formations originate in the lower layers of the epidermis, while flat moles or age spots form in the upper epidermal layers.

But it is worth noting that, one way or another, a pigmented spot has a genetic predisposition. For example, a mother's birthmark can easily (with a high probability) be in a child in the same place. If the parents, especially the mother and maternal, have a particular mole that their parents had, then there is a good chance that the same will appear in the child during adolescence or in the early stages of life.

It is also worth highlighting the following reason why moles appear on the arms, legs, body and face - it's a matter of hormonal disruptions. It can be both a surge and a decline in hormones. Such changes in hormones in the body provoke the formation of new nevi on the skin or mucous membrane, especially if it was genetically determined, but for a number of reasons it did not manifest itself earlier.

If it is difficult for a person to influence the listed reasons, then there is a reason to blame yourself for the fact that a new spot has appeared on the body. This is frequent exposure to direct sunlight and in a solarium without sun protection. It's all about the ultraviolet rays that irradiate the body and stimulate the appearance and growth of formations.

So, this is why moles appear on the neck and other parts of the body:

  • A lot of melanotropins (hormone) accumulated in the skin,
  • genetic predisposition,
  • Hormonal changes in the body
  • UV exposure.

At what age do moles appear?

It is interesting that a mole or birthmark is considered a congenital formation. However, this is not always the case. Despite the fact that the birthmark has such a name, it implies the appearance of a nevus from the parents through birth, and not the presence of a nevus immediately after birth. Although birthmarks can be congenital, but this is much less common than the body of a newborn without a single mole.

For this reason, young parents are interested in how old moles appear in children. As a rule, the very first nevi appear in the first years of life, i.e. by 1-2 years old, the child already has one or more moles. But most moles appear during puberty in adolescence. At this time, a person has the largest number of nevi, which he then perceives as those moles that he had "since childhood."

Also, a lot of age spots appear in pregnant women, in whose body a hormonal rebellion occurs. Some expectant mothers take care of themselves in advance and even out their hormonal levels, diligently monitor it during pregnancy, so that while carrying a child, no new moles, even papilloma-shaped hanging moles, appear on the mother’s body.

By the way, the appearance of moles during the period of hormonal disruptions is strongly influenced by solar exposure, more precisely ultraviolet rays. They can become an additional stimulating factor for the appearance of pigmented formations on the body in adolescence and during pregnancy.

Should moles be removed?

Many are worried not only by the appearance of new moles, but also by old nevi. Given the knowledge that these formations tend to degenerate into malignant melanomas, especially if such a risk is high (you have fair skin, you often sunbathe and do not use sunscreen, there are more than 30-40 moles on your body) or the likelihood of this is high along the genetic line, it becomes clear why this question interests you. But is it worth removing moles if you think you have a high risk of developing a malignant tumor? The answer to this question can only be given to you by a dermatologist-oncologist who will examine your spots on the body, take into account the results of the tests and make the right conclusion.

What nevi should bother you:

  • Located in an open area of ​​​​the body that is easy to damage,
  • Which you often rub (with clothes) or scratch, rip off or cut off (armpits, groin area, neck),
  • fast growing nevi
  • Spots that have changed color, both partially and completely,
  • Neoplasms that have changed the structure, for example, when the mole has become harder, if seals or tubercles have appeared,
  • Painful nevi, when pain is felt both in and around the mole, even with a light touch,
  • reddened moles,
  • Emitting fluid or blood.

However, you cannot try to remove the birthmark on your own. It is better to contact the surgeon - Elena Vladimirovna Salyamkina in a private clinic, so that the removal of a harmless, but frightening mole, is safe and painless. Before removing the nevus, you will undergo an examination by a specialist and pass tests. The very removal of a mole today takes a little time and does not require a sick leave. Local anesthesia is performed only when the neoplasm is surgically removed, other methods require only anesthesia of the operated area.

Where do new moles come from?

There is nothing terrible and frightening in the appearance of moles, but there are many mysteries. For example, not everyone knows why moles appear, where they originate and how they develop. In fact, this is very interesting, as well as the fact that moles can be completely different, in fact, there are no completely identical nevi on the body - this is a fact! So, for the first time, moles appear in the first or second year of life, although some people are born with birthmarks that are visible immediately or appear by 1-2 months. Moles are most often divided into:

  • Vascular and non-vascular
  • Melanoma hazardous and non-hazardous.

With age, the number and visibility of moles increases, although many have long believed that moles are the spots with which they were born. The main rash of moles appears during hormonal disruptions, such as pregnancy, stress, illness and, of course, puberty in adolescents.

Vascular moles are a collection of small blood vessels, hence the color of moles, which can be either light pink or bright red. Moles of this type can be both flat and convex, but they have one feature: these benign neoplasms do not develop into malignant tumors, i.e. are melanomaniac.

So easy and beautiful can not be said about non-vascular (ordinary) moles. It is easy to recognize them - they can be small or large, convex or flat, but they can be identified by color - from light brown to black. Such moles are melanoma-dangerous, although the degeneration of a mole into a malignant tumor is rare. In fact, non-vascular moles are our skin cells, where a lot of pigment has accumulated, they are only formed due to melanin. Birthmarks that appear immediately after the birth of a child are considered congenital skin defects, the rest are acquired tumors.

So, where moles come from, as you yourself understand, directly depends on their type. Children often have hemangiomas that need to be treated so that over time they can disappear from the child’s skin and do not interfere with his life, neither in physical aspects (when moles are touched and torn off), nor morally (when children and adults are embarrassed by birthmarks and feel self insecure). Vascular moles have the ability to disappear in the first 10 years of a child's life, but for this it is necessary to seek help from a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Reasons for the appearance of moles.

Patients of dermatologists are interested in what moles appear from. Indeed, what causes the appearance of new nevi?

  1. Genetics. First of all, of course, moles are the echoes of a generation, they are inherited, so if mom or dad, grandparents had a large birthmark or they had similar moles, the child will surely get it.
  2. UV rays. As you know, ultraviolet radiation negatively affects human skin. Despite the fact that many people like to sunbathe, everyone understands how negatively it can affect the skin. Think for yourself, because often the love of tanning is the cause of skin cancer. UV radiation also affects the appearance of new nevi, as well as a negative impact on the development of old formations. It is excessive exposure to the sun that can cause the degeneration of a benign mole into a malignant melanoma.
  3. Hormones. It is very difficult to cope with hormones, but you have to monitor your hormonal background in order to prevent the appearance of new moles. Hormones rage at different times:
  • In children and adolescents - during adolescence,
  • In women and girls - after an abortion, during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menopause,
  • In men - with damage to the testicles, with a failure of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, with increased formation of estrogens, etc.,
  • Due to illness and stress, infections or congenital malformations.

So it's not surprising when you get new moles. There is also a theory that the cause of the appearance of moles is the aging of the body, especially the rapid one.

However, do all moles have the same reasons for their appearance? For example, why do new moles of a hanging shape or red color appear? So, hanging moles are a kind of mixture of a nevus with a papilloma. They arise due to the fact that the human papillomavirus probably appeared in the body. Most often, such moles are more embarrassing because of their inconvenient location and the risk of being injured.

Red moles are most likely vascular neoplasms. The causes of red vascular moles may be:

  • Malfunctions of such internal organs as the colon and pancreas;
  • Failure of lipid metabolism;
  • Dermatological pathology.

However, only a doctor after the examination can name the exact cause.

What to do when moles appear.

When a lot of nevi appear on the body, people begin to wonder what to do if moles appear. In fact, it primarily depends on why and what kind of moles you have begun to appear. Only a good dermatologist can help with this.

But here's how you can help - try to keep under control such factors in your life:

  1. Sunbathe less in the solarium, because. it is not only harmful to the skin, but can also cause new nevi;
  2. Stay out of direct sunlight less often. this has an extremely negative effect on the health of the epidermis;
  3. Before going out, do not forget to wear a hat at home and be sure to apply sunscreen to your skin. This is especially true in summer;
  4. Try to walk and sunbathe on the beach during safe daytime hours - before 10 am or after 16-17 pm;
  5. Watch your health, because. any colds and infections can do you a disservice;
  6. Align your hormonal background to neutralize hormone surges that will lead not only to poor health, but also to the appearance of neoplasms.

If new moles do not bother you at all, then there is no need to worry, although if you wish, you can see a doctor to make sure that you are safe. As a rule, one remedy is used as a treatment - the removal of moles from the surgical method to modern methods of getting rid of nevi.

Red moles are most often removed with a laser, and to prevent the appearance of new red vascular moles, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a dermatologist and undergo a course of treatment that a specialist will prescribe after identifying problems in the body.

If hanging moles began to appear on the body, then it is necessary not only to remove the moles that bother and interfere with you, but to seek help from a doctor. The fact is that the appearance of hanging moles-papillomas can be caused by the human papillomavirus, the causes of which should be found by a specialist. So that new hanging moles do not arise, it is worth undergoing treatment at all. It is worth removing hanging moles:

  • laser removal method
  • Electrocoagulative method of removal.

IMPORTANT! Remember only one thing - which moles should be removed, which are dangerous, and which cannot be touched, only a qualified dermatologist can help. Do not try to diagnose your moles on your own and even more so “cure” them.

Why do moles appear on the body of adults

Moles, also called nevi, are one of the manifestations of the human papillomavirus. The reasons for the appearance of moles can be different, often they are associated with any changes in the body. However, no matter at what age and for what reasons nevi appear, they should not be afraid, but at the same time they should not be ignored either.

Reasons for the appearance

Moles are extremely rarely congenital. As a rule, the first neoplasms appear in children aged 6 to 18 months, and then new nevi form throughout life. Perhaps there is not a single adult who does not have these manifestations of the human papillomavirus. The appearance of moles on the face and body is provoked by the papillomavirus, which is present in all people. In addition, depending on the color and nature of moles, other health disorders that lead to the formation of nevi can be identified.

When considering the question of why new moles appear, you need to take into account several basic premises:

  • Heredity. This is one of the main reasons. It often happens that family members have nevi of the same shape and size.
  • Skin exposure to ultraviolet light. Photo-irradiation, which we receive when we sunbathe under the natural sun or in a solarium, contributes to the formation of melanocytes, from which nevi are formed.
  • The appearance of these neoplasms also depends on the hormonal background. If there are any deviations in this area, then new formations on the skin may appear in large numbers.
  • Injuries to the skin are also often the reason why moles appear.
  • Irradiation with x-rays or radio waves. Such factors may be relevant during medical examinations, as well as when working in hazardous industries.
  • Age-related changes in the body are another answer to the question of why moles appear on the body.
  • The appearance of red moles may be evidence of impaired functioning of blood vessels. They can also appear when there are problems with the pancreas, liver and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Exposure to chemicals or toxic substances. People involved in the development and testing of medicines or other drugs often notice that they develop such tumors in large numbers.

Factors that provoke the formation of new nevi accompany us literally at every step and are constantly present in everyday life. The causes of the appearance of moles cannot be excluded, but changes in the number and characteristics of these formations can be monitored.

Potential Hazards

Thus, the answer to the question why nevi appear implies many completely diverse answers. And it is by no means always necessary to sound the alarm if new formations of this nature form on the face and body. For example, the appearance of moles on the face and body often accompanies women during pregnancy or lactation. Other periods of hormonal changes or health conditions can also be the impetus for the appearance of new formations on the skin.

But it also happens that the appearance of new moles cannot be ignored because of their potential danger. Special attention should be paid to nevi when the following conditions are present:

  • If they appeared in those areas that are easy to injure. It can be the head, neck or back. In these places, moles can be overlooked and damaged by a comb or clothing.
  • If there are a lot of moles in a short period of time. Especially, you need to pay attention to such skin changes if there are no visible reasons for them.
  • If moles of irregular shape and non-uniform color appear on the body or face.
  • If the existing nevi began to thicken, increase in size, bleed, cause itching, and also when an areola appears around them.

In such cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor. It will identify the potential danger of skin growths, which will require a blood test and possibly a biopsy of problematic growths. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment or remove nevi to avoid potential trouble.

In romantic stories, the lost child was recognized by the "family" mole. Indeed, these spots on the skin can be inherited. But more often they emphasize our individuality. It is not in vain that women attract attention to themselves by sticking a fly on their faces. But although science has explained why moles appear on the body, attitudes towards them range from anxious to carefree.

What is a mole

Many believe that marks on the skin appear even at the time of birth. This is true only for birthmarks. Moles appear later, although at 1 year of age the first small dots may already appear. However, it can be assumed that they are simply not visible on the body of the baby.

Habitual brown nevi (as moles are called in medicine) are a cluster of melanocytes. Despite the somewhat intimidating name, these are only specialized skin cells that produce melanin. Thanks to him, we get a tan. And just as a tan can be beautiful or dull, the color of moles depends on the amount of pigment: from light brown to dark purple. Red moles stand apart - the growth of subcutaneous capillaries.

Reasons for the appearance of moles

In China, each mole was considered an outlet for an energy channel. In the European Middle Ages, the dark mark was considered the marks of the devil and could bring the owner to trouble. In fact, there are several explanations for why moles come from, and all of them are far from mystical.


It is genetic causes that determine the tendency to form moles on the body. The more parents had them, the more likely that children will have the same number. Very often, from generation to generation, a flat spot or a convex mole occurs in the same place: on the neck, on the arms or abdomen. But looking at grandparents is not always worth it, the point is the following reason.

Each of us is familiar with these small, often dark, spots on the skin - birthmarks or moles.

The question of why moles appear on the skin has many explanations - from folk to scientific and medical. The emergence of some occurs at an unconscious age, others appear in completely unexpected places. Color, size, shape vary, which often causes a variety of emotions: some moles delight and surprise, others give rise to excitement, inconvenience and excessive fear.

What is a mole?

A mole (from Latin naevus (nevus) - birthmark) is a small pigmented formation consisting of nevus cells. It is formed on the skin, mucous membranes or conjunctiva of the eye and is the result of an excess of melanin. The number of nevi in ​​an adult varies from twenty to about 100 pieces.

Most birthmarks have a round or oval shape with smooth edges, their diameter, as a rule, does not exceed 5 cm. Their color variety depends on the amount of melanin in the human skin - brown shades, red, colorless, blue, gray, black, purple. The surface of the nevus can be smooth or rough, formed by nevus cells of various structures, with no hairline.

Each nevus has its own life cycle and develops along with the growth and aging of the body. The first birthmarks can appear even before birth, during fetal development, others - in childhood, adulthood, and even in old age. The appearance of moles on the body is associated with various factors. Some of them are close to myths and have not yet found scientific evidence, others are more substantiated and recorded in the medical literature.

Many peoples believed in the non-random appearance of moles; their shape, color, size and location mattered in predictions about life and destiny.

There is no person on whose body there is not at least one birthmark.

This fact made us treat nevi carefully, and various beliefs endowed their owner with special properties depending on the location of the birthmark. The European Middle Ages attributed to a person with acquired birthmarks the properties of a sorcerer. In later times, new moles were interpreted as a change in the qualities of a person's character.

The Slavs attributed to people with a large number of moles the qualities of luck and happiness, and the emergence of new birthmarks was regarded positively. At the same time, statements about people “labeled” with large moles are widely known. Here the divine or devilish will is read, and the interpretation of the nevi is close to esoteric. These interpretations are close to myths, they are not provable.

Similarly, one can relate to the widespread opinion about the heredity of moles. In other words, new nevi arise in the places where they were located in older relatives. This does not prevent some peoples still classify moles in certain parts of the body as signs of a kind.

Medical interpretations of the appearance of moles on the body

Modern medicine does not give a definitive answer to the question - why do moles appear, but their nature has already been well studied. The source for the appearance of moles are special pigment cells formed by melanoblasts and producing melanin. They migrate in the subcutaneous integument, reaching the epidermis, and appear in the form of nevi. The movement of melanoblasts begins in the period of intrauterine development and continues throughout life. They can be transparent and invisible and stain over time.

The main part of moles on the body is formed by about 25 years, some of them become less noticeable over time, others, on the contrary, change shape and size, which can cause reasonable concern. As the body ages, some nevi may disappear or, on the contrary, become more noticeable. A birthmark, like the whole organism, is a formation that has its own life cycle.

According to scientists, the following factors influence the appearance of new moles on the body:

Feedback from our reader - Marina Evstratieva

I recently read an article that talks about the NATURAL effective Papilight remedy for warts and papillomas. With the help of this drug, you can FOREVER get rid of papillomas and warts both INSIDE and OUTSIDE

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a package. I noticed changes within a month: my papillomas disappeared. Husband got rid of warts on his hands in two weeks. Try it and you, and if anyone is interested, then below is a link to the article.

Chinese medicine about the occurrence of moles

Oriental medicine has its own point of view on many issues. Thus, the ancient Chinese physicians believed that the disease comes and goes through the skin. A mole is one of the expressions of a disease, a signal from the body about the need to take measures to prevent stagnation, lack or excess of energy that give rise to this disease.

The nevi that appear in a person during life were a kind of map by which the course of energy flows was determined. Placers of nevi appearing in a certain part of the body were understood as a stagnation of energy. For example, a doctor who knows oriental treatment practices will perceive a lot of moles on the back as a symptom of osteochondrosis or sciatica (depending on the location of birthmarks).

Reading birthmarks as an energy map allows Chinese healers to diagnose and treat without additional research.

Moles on the face in Chinese medicine also indicate health problems in various organs, for example, a mole above the upper lip signals problems with the intestines.

In accordance with the ideas of Chinese medicine, new birthmarks will not appear if the energies of the body are harmonious and correlate with the surrounding elements. There are no people without moles, and the most sensitive to diseases actively acquire them throughout their lives.

Types of moles and their age characteristics

There is a relationship between the appearance of birthmarks and age - the older the person, the more likely the appearance of moles on his body. Nevi, due to their location in relation to the epidermis, are divided into several types:

For the treatment and getting rid of papillomas and warts, many of our readers actively use the well-known method based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva. We definitely recommend checking it out.

In childhood, predominantly borderline nevi appear, localized on the arms, legs, face, neck, and external genitalia. They are mostly nodular in structure and small in size (about 1 mm). Such nevi are classified as a borderline type of nevus. A hormonal surge during pregnancy increases their number on the abdomen, thighs, and also on the mucous membranes.

After 30-40 years, women may develop blue nevi located on the conjunctiva of the eye. The older the person, the more convex and noticeable are the epidermal and intradermal nevi. In old age, they can regress - resemble processes and warts, acquire hairline.

Despite the difference in the causes of the appearance of moles on the body, they all require periodic attention to themselves. Birthmarks should not interfere, cause irritation due to inconvenient location or frequent contact with clothing.

Peeling, redness can be symptoms in which it is necessary to consult a doctor and exclude pathological processes in the skin.

Medicine, folk wisdom and esoteric teachings do not stop in search of an answer to the question - why do moles appear. Unscientific theories tend to believe that they appear as signs of heredity, indicators of fate and possible diseases. The energy version put forward by traditional medicine is quite convincing in the reasons for the appearance of moles. But the most accurate are scientific theories that bring weighty facts in the emergence and development of nevi throughout a person's life.

Are you sure that you are not infected with the papilloma virus?

According to the latest WHO data, 7 out of 10 people are infected with the papillomavirus. Many live and suffer for years, not even suspecting diseases that destroy internal organs.

  • fatigue, drowsiness...
  • lack of interest in life, depression...
  • headaches, as well as various pains and spasms in the internal organs ...
  • frequent rashes of warts and papillomas ...

All these are possible signs of the presence of the papillomavirus in your body. Many people live for years and do not know that they have time bombs on their bodies. If measures are not taken in time, then in the future it may turn into cancer, an increase in the number of papillomas and other problems.

Perhaps it is worth starting treatment now? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the new technique of Elena Malysheva, which has already helped many people cleanse their bodies of the papilloma virus and get rid of warts and papillomas ...

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