Lemongrass Far Eastern Chinese. Schisandra chinensis: useful and medicinal properties, indications and contraindications for use. Tincture, tea, lemongrass oil: instructions for use to increase blood pressure, potency, immunity, in cosmetology. Most p

Far Eastern lemongrass is a rather unusual plant, especially by Russian standards. This is a beautiful liana up to 15 meters long, which grows in the Far Eastern taiga, the stem of the plant is woody and covered with green leaves. In autumn, bright red berries ripen on the liana, which have a specific spicy, sour-salty, bitter (sometimes burning) taste. All parts of the plant, when rubbed, emit a pronounced smell of lemon, for which it got its name. Lemongrass Chinese (as it is also called) has a wide spectrum of action and is very useful for the human body. Today we will take a closer look at the Far Eastern lemongrass plant. Benefits and harms, instructions for use, properties and indications for use will be described in this article.

Amazing composition of the plant

Since ancient times, people in China have known about Schizandra Far East, the properties of the plant have always been used by the indigenous people, it has an effective tonic and refreshing effect. In Russia, they learned about him much later.

The fruits of Schizandra Far East contain special substances - lignans, which have a wide range of biological activity. According to scientists, it is due to these components that the therapeutic effect of the plant is achieved, which has an antitumor, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, tonic effect. Schisandra Far East (photos are available in the article) is called an adaptogen, due to the stimulating effect of lignans on the central nervous system. Adaptogens are amazing natural substances that help increase the body's resistance in difficult conditions, such as sudden climate changes, intense physical and mental stress, oxygen starvation and other extreme situations. Such substances do not belong to medicines and are not intended for the treatment of diseases in medical practice, but supporters of alternative medicine have been using adaptogens for tens of thousands of years. With regular use, such substances are so capable of strengthening the immune system that the body overcomes even the most serious ailments, therefore Far Eastern magnolia vine, along with ginseng, aralia, eleutherococcus, can be attributed to plants of healthy people

Far Eastern Schisandra (berries) contains a lot of organic acids (citric, malic, tartaric), vitamins E, C, sugars and pectins, anthocyanins that have a powerful antioxidant effect, tannins (tannins), flavonoids (catechins). All parts of the plant contain an essential oil, while the seeds contain fatty oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids. The mineral composition of Chinese magnolia vine is also extremely rich, although almost all macro- and microelements are present in it in small quantities - calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, aluminum, chromium, selenium, barium, iodine, strontium, nickel and others.

Glucosides and alkaloids, which are toxic substances, were not found in Schisandra chinensis berries.

Schisandra Far East: use in medicine

Even ancient doctors knew that such a plant effectively restores strength and relieves fatigue. Modern scientists who have studied Far Eastern magnolia vine also leave extremely positive reviews, its action is as follows:

    activates regeneration processes and improves metabolism;

    has a stimulating and tonic effect on the nervous system;

    enhances positive reflexes and reflex excitability.

In what cases is Far Eastern lemongrass used?

According to the reviews of patients and doctors, such a plant shows high efficiency in the following phenomena:

    loss of strength provoked by infectious and other pathologies;

    non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers;

    reduced tone of the cardiovascular system;


    decrease in working capacity;

    sluggish work of the digestive tract;

    weakness of skeletal and smooth muscles.

Far Eastern magnolia vine can also improve the functions of the genitourinary and respiratory systems, activate carbohydrate metabolism and accelerate fat burning. The benefits of the plant have also been proven in the fight against such conditions as stress, depression, anemia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, sexual weakness, diseases of the stomach, kidneys, and liver. In addition, the plant stimulates the work of cells, eliminates hangover, improves sleep.

Schisandra preparations are successfully used in dermatological practice, it is effective for vitiligo, alopecia, cystic and viral dermatoses, lichen planus, psoriasis, allergic dermatosis, vasculitis and other skin diseases that are difficult to treat. In such cases, the action of lemongrass is aimed at strengthening the overall resistance of the body to various infections.

When we feel a breakdown, we are in a hurry to brew coffee or strong tea, the invigorating effect of which comes quickly, but after a couple of hours it stops abruptly - this is always stress for the body, which will soon lead to nervous exhaustion. Schizandra Far East acts gradually: the tonic effect builds up slowly, over half an hour, and lasts up to 6 hours. The decline is also quite long, there is no depletion of nerve cells, the body, on the contrary, accumulates energy.

You can buy preparations containing Far Eastern lemongrass at a pharmacy or in an online store. Already a week after taking such funds, sleep normalizes, irritability disappears and performance improves.

Schisandra Far East: instructions for use

Alcoholic tincture of schisandra berries is effective for problems such as drowsiness, lethargy, decreased performance, fatigue, depression and asthenic syndromes. Take a drug containing Far Eastern magnolia vine (a photo of the medicine is available in the article), before meals, 20-30 drops twice a day. Similarly, you can take the drug with intense physical and psycho-emotional stress. If necessary, it is possible to use 30-45 drops of the product at a time.

You can buy a tincture of a plant such as Far Eastern magnolia vine at a pharmacy or cook it yourself.

How to prepare lemongrass tincture at home?

For the medicine, you need 20 g of dried lemongrass berries and 100 ml of alcohol. The berries must be crushed, put in a dark glass bottle, pour alcohol and close tightly. For 7-10 days, infuse the product at room temperature in a dark place, shaking occasionally. After filtering the composition, squeeze the berries and leave for another 2-3 days, then filter again. If you do everything strictly according to the recipe, you get a clear alcohol tincture. The resulting remedy should be taken before meals, 2.5 ml 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. The tincture has a good therapeutic effect in case of sleep disturbance, dizziness, depressive states, headaches.

Infusion of Chinese lemongrass fruits

It is very easy to prepare such a remedy. The drug has a general strengthening and tonic effect, improves the functioning of the immune and nervous systems. So, in a wooden bowl, crush 10 g of dry fruits of Chinese magnolia vine, pour a glass of boiling water and put on a slow fire. After boiling, immediately remove, cool slightly, squeeze the berries and strain. There is an easier way to prepare the infusion: pour boiling water over the fruits and insist for 6 hours.

Take the resulting remedy 2-3 times a day, a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals, if desired, sugar or honey can be added to it to taste.

Schisandra chinensis seed tincture

For cooking, you will need crushed lemongrass seeds (10 g), its berries (20 g) and alcohol (100 ml). Berries and seeds are poured with alcohol and left in a dark glass container to infuse at room temperature for 10 days. After the resulting tincture should be filtered. It is recommended to use the product on an empty stomach, diluting 20-30 drops with water. Indications for the use of this tincture are: anemia, general fatigue, fatigue, sexual weakness, colds and nervous diseases. Often tincture is used to prevent influenza.

Juice from the berries of Chinese lemongrass

The berries of such a plant are an excellent option for making healthy juice for the winter. To do this, wash and squeeze the fresh berries well, pour the resulting juice into sterile jars with a volume of 0.5 liters and pasteurize for 15 minutes, then roll up the lids. In winter, such a remedy is added to tea (200 ml 1 teaspoon).

Far Eastern lemongrass tea

To make tea, you need young shoots, dried leaves or bark of Chinese magnolia vine. Raw materials (about 10 g) are poured with boiling water (1 l) and, without stirring, leave to infuse for 3-4 minutes. Lemongrass leaves can also be added to regular tea. By regularly drinking tea from this plant, you can strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to colds.

Schisandra chinensis seed powder

To prepare it, the fruits of the plant must be poured with water and left for several hours, after that - separate the pulp and get the seeds. They must be dried well in the oven and ground into powder. The resulting remedy effectively protects the liver in acute or chronic hepatitis, after prolonged illness, and also has a stimulating and tonic effect in case of mental and physical fatigue. Take the powder twice a day (0.5 g each) before meals.

Contraindications to the use of Chinese magnolia vine

Schizandra Far East is the strongest natural stimulant, in this regard, its use is contraindicated in such conditions as:

    arterial hypertension;

    violations of cardiac activity;


    increased excitability;




    chronic liver diseases;

    acute infectious diseases.

In addition, it is recommended to refuse the use of products containing Chinese magnolia vine for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for persons with vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as for children under 12 years of age.

In order to avoid the occurrence of insomnia, preparations that contain Far Eastern magnolia vine are not recommended to be taken in the afternoon.

Side effect

In rare cases, after the use of products containing lemongrass, undesirable side effects may develop, namely:

    increased secretion of the stomach;




    allergic reactions;

    increased blood pressure.


From this article, you have received a lot of information about such an amazing plant as Far Eastern magnolia vine. Instructions for use, composition, indications and contraindications for use and properties were reviewed by us. The plant is really unique and helps to get rid of most health problems. However, we should not forget that any therapeutic measures should be started only after consultation with an experienced specialist and a thorough medical examination, because quite often a person may simply not be aware of the presence of an allergy to any product or plant. We hope you find the information useful. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Schizandra Chinese - also called schizandra, is a climbing plant with white flowers, red berries that have a sour-salty taste and smell of lemon. Chinese lemongrass, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are taken into account when used in medicine and cosmetology, is used mainly in dried form.

Useful properties of leaves

The leaves of Chinese magnolia vine contain a huge amount of micro and macro elements useful for the body, among them: cobalt, magnesium, zinc, aluminum, calcium, iron, iodine, manganese, as well as vitamins, organic compounds, minerals.

The essential oil has the most valuable properties, which includes schizandrol and schizandrin in its composition. They help cleanse the liver, which has a beneficial effect on its work, improve blood flow and tone the nervous system.

Important! Medicinal drinks from the leaves have a milder effect on the body than fruits and are used as an adjuvant in the main treatment and prevention.

Depending on the needs, the leaves are harvested in the axis formation phase (flavonoids are extracted) and in the fall period (mucus is obtained).

Tea (lemongrass is used in leaves), which has a delicate aroma, with citrus notes. It well saturates the body with vitamin C, and is a prophylactic against scurvy. Leaf infusions can be used as a vitamin remedy that strengthens the immune system and helps to overcome viruses and bacteria.

Useful properties of berries - how to use it correctly

The berries of Chinese magnolia vine have a unique composition: minerals, starch, fiber, vitamins, organic acids, micro and macro elements. How to use fruits? For the manufacture of the dosage form, it is recommended to use only in dry form. But fresh berries, which have a high degree of viscosity and a high acid content, are suitable for fruit drinks, wine, syrup, jelly. The fruit is also used to make jam.

Staged drying (basic at 400, final drying at 600) allows you to save all the useful substances, including schizandrol, schizandrin.

The benefits of lemongrass for the body are discovered in natural juice, which is perfectly stored in the refrigerator. To obtain a tonic, refreshing, invigorating drink, it is diluted with water.

What are the benefits of Chinese lemongrass seeds

Seeds of Chinese lemongrass have a composition similar to fruits, but differ in the presence of a larger amount of fatty, essential oils, vitamin E and tocopherol.

Traditional medicine finds their use in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract, including the correction of the liver and kidneys.

Important! Lemongrass seeds contain lignans. They have two important properties for the body: they compensate for the lack of phytoestrogens, which are similar in structure to steroid hormones, and help fight free radicals. The latter function is important for the skin, which quickly slows down the production of collagen and elastin under the influence of the polluted environment of megacities.

It is worth knowing that more than 2 g of powder from seeds leads to a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice with increased and, conversely, increases with reduced acidity. Studies have shown that the powder from the seeds of Chinese magnolia vine at a dosage of 1 g 3 times a day can eliminate pain in gastritis, ulcers. Best taken 30 minutes before meals.

To increase efficiency and relieve stress after mental, physical activity, it is recommended to prepare a tincture on seeds (96% alcohol + seeds). Use 20-30 drops, depending on body weight, on an empty stomach.

The plant for decoction can be used in its full form, that is, dried branches, leaves, berries and seeds.

Lemongrass branches, whose beneficial properties are not inferior to leaves and fruits, are most conveniently used in drinks, and they can be prepared faster: you need to cut and hang to dry in a dark, ventilated place. A decoction of them saturates the body with vitamins and microelements, tones, improves the protective properties of the body, speeds up metabolism, normalizes blood circulation, and is also taken for potency.

Effective recipes for application

Recipes for making lemongrass are different and depend on the type of disease:

  • for immunity: 1 tbsp. l. from dried branches, berries and leaves, pour 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours, free from cake and drink 2 tbsp. l. before eating;
  • the following infusion will help normalize blood pressure, improve heart function: 10 fruits + 100 ml of boiling water, put the mixture in a water bath and bring it to readiness for 15 minutes. Take 1 tsp. daily;
  • to increase tone: mix lemongrass leaves and black tea in proportions 1:2. Brewed and drunk instead of tea in reasonable doses;
  • for vision: 1 part dried berries + 5 parts alcohol (96% alcohol, vodka). If the medicine is prepared with a less high-grade drink, then insist 3-4 weeks, if alcohol - 2 weeks. Regular intake of 30-40 drops 2 times a day will increase visual acuity and improve visibility in the dark.

Useful properties for the strong half of humanity

Chinese lemongrass for men is usually taken to improve the quality of sexual life, but the folk method can worsen health in the following cases:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • allergic to any component of the plant.

The manufacture of the dosage form can be any: tincture, decoction, tea. Let's consider some of them:

  • tincture. Seeds are poured with vodka, set aside to infuse for 2 weeks and take 30 drops 3 times a day;
  • tea. 1 st. a spoonful of dry berries is poured 1 tbsp. water, infused for 6 hours and drunk with sugar.

Important! Far Eastern lemongrass is taken only with obvious sexual dysfunction. Moreover, it will act on the body in a complex way: increasing potency, working capacity and improving the barrier functions of the body.

It is allowed to use fresh or dried berries (2-3 pieces) immediately before sexual intercourse. This is due to the fact that the action of lemongrass is carried out immediately, and not after a long intake.

Chinese Lemongrass Diet

Schisandra chinensis berries, the properties of which have been applied in nutrition, can reduce blood sugar levels. With a restriction in the intake of fatty, high-calorie foods, sweets should still be included in a small amount, since a complete restriction in sugar leads to headaches, apathy, distraction. In turn, the plant is able to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates by the body. It is enough to sprinkle vegetables, salads, fish and meat dishes with juice from berries.

Important! The duration of any diet using lemongrass should not exceed more than 30 days. The juice contains metals such as silver and titanium. Accumulating, they destroy the walls of the stomach, causing pain and nausea.

But this is not all the advantages of a diet with Chinese lemongrass. Juice has a large amount of vitamin C, which accelerates all metabolic processes in the body, cleanses the body of toxins, and has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, especially the stomach.

The calorie content of the product is 11 kcal per 100 g. Approximately 20–30 g of juice is used for one dressing, which means that it will definitely not affect the figure.

lemongrass for teenagers

Children under 12 years of age are not recommended to use the plant, because until this age the nervous system of the child is only being formed and developed. But for teenagers, it can be included in the daily diet as an infusion. What is useful lemongrass for them? It contributes to the proper formation of the central and peripheral nervous system.

The infusion is made according to the following recipe: 1 tsp. dry leaves and branches pour 200 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes using an enameled container. Insist until completely cooled. Give school-age children 40 g in the morning and in the afternoon.


Since the substance schizandrin is a strong stimulant of natural origin, Chinese magnolia vine is contraindicated in people suffering from: persistent high blood pressure, insomnia, atrial fibrillation, increased nervous excitability, increased intracranial pressure, inflammation of the brain and spinal cord, disruption of the autonomic nervous system, liver diseases and kidneys, acute infectious diseases caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body.

Important! Pregnant women should also refrain from taking lemongrass in any form.

An overdose of the drug leads to increased pressure, active production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, headache, and insomnia.

Despite the beneficial properties of Chinese magnolia vine, it can be harmful, so you need to be careful when taking it. A prerequisite is an accurate diagnosis of the disease and the control of the attending physician.

Schisandra chinensis (Far East) is widely used in pharmacology as a medicinal raw material. Powder, syrup, oil, tablets, herbal teas are prepared from it. The most popular form of release is alcohol tincture. The benefits and harms of lemongrass tincture are described not only in the herbal books of the Far Eastern and Chinese healers, but also confirmed by official medicine after a series of clinical trials.

How was lemongrass tincture used in the homeland of the plant - in China? Since ancient times, it has been used to treat not only insomnia, exhaustion and overwork of the body, but also digestive disorders, poor eyesight, shortness of breath, and respiratory diseases. Today, all instructions for the drug indicate its main pharmacological action - tonic and adaptogenic. What other healing properties does this herbal remedy have? What are the conditions for its safe use?

Description of pharmacy tincture of lemongrass and special instructions

Despite the limited habitat of this plant (China, Korea, Japan, the Far East), the tincture is not considered a scarce medicine. It can be freely bought at the pharmacy. Yes, and this phytopreparation is quite cheap.

Composition and form of release

Schisandra seed tincture is considered to be a stronger drug than Schisandra fruit tincture. The seeds of this plant contain a large amount of schizandrin - a substance that stimulates the work of the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory systems. Schisandrin is also present in lemongrass fruits, but in a smaller volume.

  • To prepare fruit tincture: use crushed lemongrass berries and 95% alcohol. The drug is produced in a volume of 15, 25, 50, 100 ml.
  • To prepare a tincture from the seeds: use seeds (1 ml contains 0.2 g of seeds) and 95% alcohol.

The tincture is a yellow liquid. During storage, oily drops, sediment may appear.

pharmachologic effect

Phytopreparation belongs to the pharmacological group of tonic and adaptogenic drugs. What are the health benefits of Chinese lemongrass? The plant belongs to biostimulants. It contains such healing substances:

  • organic fatty acids and steroids;
  • lignan compounds (schizandrin, schizaterin, gomisins and others);
  • sugars, pectins, tannins;
  • dyes, sterols, tocopherols;
  • fatty oil;
  • vitamins E and C;
  • trace elements;
  • essential oil (most of all in the bark);
  • resins.

How does the plant affect the human body?

  • Enhances conditioned reflexes.
  • Stimulates reflex excitability, vegetovascular system.
  • Improves motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Enhances light sensitivity and color sensitivity of the retina.
  • Activates metabolism.
  • Strengthens the immune system and stimulates immunobiological reactions.
  • Increases the content of glycogen (energy reserve) in the muscles.
  • Reduces the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles during exercise.
  • Stimulates the work of smooth muscles.
  • Stimulates breathing.
  • Expands blood vessels.
  • Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Lowers the level of chlorides and sugar in the blood.
  • Regenerates and restores the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes.

The antioxidant activity of lemongrass has also been proven. With its help, toxins, heavy metals are removed from the body, free radicals are neutralized, blood vessels are cleansed, cholesterol is reduced.


At what diagnoses and symptoms is lemongrass extract prescribed?

  • Asthenic syndrome.
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
  • Neurasthenia.
  • reactive depression.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Stress and fatigue.
  • Decreased physical and mental performance.
  • Hypotension.
  • Intoxication and the recovery period after serious illnesses.
  • Prevention of colds, SARS.

Modern instructions for the use of lemongrass tincture include a far from complete list of indications. Here the main pharmacological action is indicated - stimulating and general tonic. How else is this phytopreparation used, for example, in Korea, China and Japan, in the Far East?

  • In the Far East. Lemongrass leaves, which contain 5 times more vitamin C than fruits, are used to prevent scurvy, with periodontal disease. They make teas and decoctions. Tea from the leaves is drunk here not only for vivacity, but also for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Far Eastern peoples drink tincture from fruits and seeds as an expectorant and anti-allergic agent, as well as for inflammation of the kidneys.
  • In Chinese, Korean and Japanese folk medicine. Lemongrass treats infertility, diseases of the vas deferens in men, excessive sweating, anemia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, diseases of the hematopoiesis and thyroid gland, urinary incontinence. It is also prescribed in complex therapy for leukemia.


Do not neglect the contraindications indicated in the instructions for use. For any chronic disease, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary. Stimulant drugs can exacerbate inflammatory, sluggish processes in the body. What is included in the list of contraindications?

  • An acute form of infections of any nature - viral, fungal, bacterial.
  • Hypertension.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver.
  • Disorders and pathologies of the central nervous system.
  • Epileptic seizures and convulsions of any origin.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Great nervous excitement with insomnia.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Allergic reaction.

A controversial question arises: does the tincture still lower or increase blood pressure? In the medical instructions for Schizandra preparations, hypertension is one of the first contraindications. However, other information is found in Chinese folk medicine and in some herbalists: lemongrass regulates blood circulation and normalizes blood pressure. Depending on the dosage, he can increase or decrease it. There is also an opinion that a tincture of seeds is indicated for hypertension, and a tincture of fruits for hypotension.

Dosage and conditions of admission

How to take tincture? Dosage and course is prescribed by a doctor. The instructions indicate universal, approximate doses, which may vary depending on the disease, age, treatment regimen and duration of the course.

  • Dosage Start taking the medicine with small doses to make sure there is no allergic reaction. For prevention, 15 drops are prescribed 1-2 times a day. During treatment, the dose can double, the medicine can be drunk 3 times a day.
  • Well . The tincture is taken for 3-4 weeks. Then a break is made, if necessary, the doctor prescribes a second course.
  • Acceptance conditions. It is recommended to take drops 3-4 hours after a meal or half an hour before meals. To dilute the astringent, burning taste of the medicine, it is diluted with water.

Taking the drug in the afternoon (especially in the evening) can lead to insomnia, nervous excitement. With a double dose, the phytopreparation is drunk in the morning after waking up and in the afternoon. On average, the drug begins to act 40 minutes after ingestion. The therapeutic effect lasts from 4 to 6 hours.

drug interaction

Lemongrass tincture should not be taken in complex therapy with other stimulants of the nervous system. These include:

  • analeptics;
  • psychostimulants;
  • spinal cord stimulators;
  • stimulants of the cerebral cortex;
  • adaptogens;
  • nootropic drugs.

Schisandra chinensis extract enhances the effect of stimulating and adaptogenic preparations of both synthetic and herbal origin. In relation to sedative drugs, lemongrass tincture is an antagonist and inhibits the action of sleeping pills. Also, lemongrass is not compatible with any antipsychotics that depress the nervous system and weaken psychomotor agitation.


Reviews of lemongrass tincture are mostly positive. Many note its sharp, astringent, tart taste and rather quick action - after 30 minutes you feel a surge of energy. The invigorating effect of lemongrass is not a myth, but you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. There are also people who do not feel any effect of the tincture.

  • Use in athletes. Lemongrass, like rhodiola, ginseng, eleutherococcus, aralia, is often taken when doing bodybuilding. Sometimes these drugs are taken in combination, but it is easy to overdose them, especially with high blood pressure. Athletes recommend checking the action of lemongrass in small doses and not engaging in "amateur activities", not drinking teaspoons of tincture. Its effect is felt quickly. This is a natural and powerful "doping", which is officially allowed by the anti-doping code. Some athletes manage to drink lemongrass before the competition in excessively large doses, which is dangerous to health.
  • Application for physical overload, for people working on the night shift. The tincture stimulates the central nervous system and, indeed, helps relieve drowsiness and fatigue when working on a night shift or hard physical labor. But it should be taken on the recommendation of a doctor, not all the time, but in a course. You can not plant the nervous system on biostimulants, this can lead to insomnia, chronic fatigue, nervous and even mental disorders. There is such a medical term as "drug withdrawal syndrome". Abrupt discontinuation of lemongrass after a long course can turn into CNS depression.
  • Use in the elderly. Biostimulants are often recommended for the elderly. Tincture of Schizandra Far East increases physical activity, improves memory and mental activity. But the dosage of this phytopreparation in the elderly should be preventive. There are complaints of excessive vigor and palpitations in elderly patients. Elderly people should take the medicine under the strict supervision of a doctor.
  • Breeding in water. It is strictly forbidden to dilute the drug in coffee or strong tea (there are also such tips). These drinks will further stimulate the nervous system. It is recommended to dilute the drops in a small amount of water, you can take them with juice or compote, but it is better to dilute them with water.

Side effects after taking lemongrass tincture are possible with individual intolerance, overdose, and a long course. The following symptoms may appear: palpitations, increased blood pressure, severe nervous excitement, insomnia, headache, allergic reaction. In case of an overdose, digestive disorders may occur - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. In case of side effects, the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

How to make lemongrass at home

In addition to tincture, in the pharmacy you can buy dry lemongrass fruits or powder. From this raw material, you can independently prepare decoctions, teas, infusions, alcohol tinctures. How to brew lemongrass to preserve its healing properties?


A decoction compared to a pharmacy alcohol tincture contains fewer substances that stimulate the nervous system. Therefore, it is permissible to increase its dosage. A decoction can be prepared both from fruits and other parts of the plant - stems, leaves, bark. Residents of the Far East prepare this healing drink from fresh lemongrass.


  1. Take one teaspoon of dry raw lemongrass.
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Put in a water bath for 5 minutes.
  4. Insist half an hour.

Strained broth drink on an empty stomach for 3 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.


Infusion, unlike tincture, is prepared on a water decoction. It should not be stored for more than a day.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemongrass berries (dry or fresh).
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 2-3 hours.

You can drink 4 times a day for 2 tbsp. spoons. Infusion, like a decoction, is taken not only inside, but also externally. They are recommended to wipe the face with oily porous skin. It is also a good antiseptic for the treatment of wounds, inflammations on the skin and mucous membranes.


Schisandra chinensis tea is drunk in the Far East for the prevention of influenza, colds, SARS, and for physical and mental overwork. Tea is prepared not only from berries, but also from the leaves, stems and bark of the plant. Herbal tea with lemongrass can be purchased at the pharmacy. It can be “Schisandra with herbs” (with wild rose and tea kopek), “Blueberry-mix” (with blueberries, lemongrass, wild rose, chokeberry, Sudanese rose), herbal tea “Altai No. 16” (with lemongrass seeds, chamomile, St. John's wort , currant leaves, leuzea root).

Preparation of tea according to the recipe of the Far Eastern hunters

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of crushed dry (fresh) lemongrass leaves.
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Brew like regular tea for 3-5 minutes.

You can drink this tea in a whole glass. It is not recommended to steam the leaves in a thermos, because the aroma and pleasant lemon taste of the drink are lost.

Features of use in women, men and children

Sometimes there are opposing views and opinions regarding the use of the drug in patients of different sex and age. This is due to Eastern traditions and Western approach. In Eastern traditional medicine, there are such nuances that Western medicine either does not recognize at all, or misses.

  • For women . Pregnancy and lactation are the main contraindications for use in women. The plant stimulates smooth muscles, can tone the uterus and provoke premature birth, in the early stages - a miscarriage. However, in Korean folk medicine, you can find the opposite opinion: lemongrass is prescribed to stimulate labor and give it to a woman to drink at certain intervals during childbirth.
  • For men . Schisandra tincture is effective in diseases of the vas deferens, premature ejaculation, male infertility. It is a natural aphrodisiac that stimulates sexual activity. Most often, with chronic insufficiency of the adrenal glands, there are disorders in the genital area in men. Impotence, which arose against the background of stress and overwork, is successfully treated with lemongrass. In the East, it is recommended to take the powder in a long course.
  • For kids . Children under 12 years of age are contraindicated in taking lemongrass tincture. After 12 years, treatment with the drug is carried out under the supervision of a physician. Stimulation of the unstable nervous system of a child and adolescent can lead to excessive arousal, insomnia, hyperactivity, so these age limits have been established. In Eastern countries, age restrictions are different - here any adaptogens are prohibited for children under 16 years of age. It is believed that exposure to the energy of life (“qi”) in childhood and adolescence is harmful to the body.

What to rely on in the treatment of lemongrass tincture? The opinion of Eastern healers, reviews on the Internet, your own intuition? Unfortunately, in our mental environment, the doctor and his reputation in solving this important issue is far from being in the first place.

Schisandra chinensis tincture is a strong tonic and adaptogenic preparation. It is taken only on prescription. Self-treatment with biostimulants of the nervous system can lead to a number of side effects, complications, dependence on the drug. Dosage and course of therapy must be strictly observed.


Lemongrass appreciated by many gardeners for its beautiful appearance, but not everyone knows the healing properties of this plant, which has long been used by our ancestors to treat many diseases and restore strength after serious illnesses. Today, even traditional medicine has recognized the value of this medicinal plant, which helps, without harm to health, increase immunity and improve the body as a whole. About the types and medicinal properties of the plant, its effect on the body, the rules of admission and contraindications - will be discussed further.

plant description

Lemongrass is a woody vine whose leaves and stems have a pleasant lemon scent. This plant grows mainly in Southeast Asia and in the Far Eastern coniferous-deciduous forests.

Lemongrass is often referred to as "the fruit of the five flavors". So, the skin has a sour taste, the pulp is sweet, the seeds are bitter-astringent, the berries are salty. Having bitten through a schisandra berry, at first one feels acid, then a resinous aroma and bitterness, then a sweet taste, which turns into salty and insipid.

According to its tonic properties, lemongrass is second only to ginseng.

In total, there are from 14 to 25 types of lemongrass. Scientists still cannot come to a consensus on the number of varieties of this plant. But for medicinal purposes, only two are used - Chinese magnolia vine (or Far Eastern) and Crimean (Crimean ironwort), and the first type is used in the vast majority of cases, and the second is not a woody liana. Let's take a closer look at these two types of plants.

Crimean lemongrass (Crimean ironwort)

Crimean lemongrass is an endemic of the Crimea, that is, a plant that grows exclusively on the territory of the Crimea (hence its name), and on its rather small territory. Crimean ironwort grows on well-heated sunny stony steppe slopes, as well as on limestone outcrops and pastures.

The oblong leaves of the plant reach 2.8 cm in length, and have a pleasant lemon smell, due to which they are used as a tea substitute. Ironwort blooms in summer.
For medicinal purposes, stems, leaves, flowers, as well as inflorescences of Crimean magnolia vine are used, which contain the following chemicals:

  • vitamin C;
  • essential oils;
  • iridoids;
  • flavonoids;
  • fatty oil;
  • various organic acids.
  • tonic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • restorative;
  • antiemetic;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-febrile;
  • wound healing.
The action of lemongrass Crimean:
  • strengthening immunity;
  • increase in potency;
  • stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • normalization of blood pressure.
Preparations from the gland are indicated for the following pathologies:
  • anemia;
  • prostration;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • some diseases of the digestive tract and liver.
The following infusion will help to cope with nausea and vomiting: 3 tbsp. the herbs of the iron are poured with boiling water and left to infuse for one hour. The infusion is drunk half a glass three times a day.

1. Increased blood pressure.
2. Nervous excitement.

Schisandra Chinese (Far Eastern)

Schisandra chinensis (hereinafter referred to as lemongrass) is a perennial woody vine, the stem of which can reach a length of 15 m and a diameter of up to 2.5 m. The bark of the stem of a young plant has a yellowish tint, while the old one is dark brown. The stem of the plant is wrinkled, and the rhizome is cord-like (has numerous adventitious roots).

Where does Schisandra chinensis grow?
Lemongrass grows in the Far East, on the river coasts of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, on Sakhalin Island and in the Amur Region (its southwestern part).

An infusion of lemongrass bark is an excellent vitamin and antiscorbutic agent.

Schisandra roots and rhizomes are rich not only in essential oils, but also in vitamins, therefore they are shown as a tonic and tonic.

The stems of the plant are used as a stimulant and tonic, as they contain many biologically active substances.

Preparations from the branches of lemongrass reduce blood pressure, eliminate drowsiness and increase the intensity of breathing.


Lemongrass preparations are indicated in the treatment of the following pathologies:
  • non-healing wounds;
  • anemia;
  • fungal diseases;
  • diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • headache;
  • depression and mental disorders;
  • scurvy;
  • hypotension;
  • general fatigue;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • dysentery;
  • sexual weakness;
  • baldness;
  • dermatoses;
  • lichen planus;
  • allergic dermatoses;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • infertility;
  • impotence;
  • epilepsy.

How to brew lemongrass?

For brewing tea, dried lemongrass leaves, bark or young shoots are used. 15 g of raw materials should be poured with one liter of boiling water, after which, without stirring, infuse the product for 5 minutes.

In addition, lemongrass leaves are added to regular tea, which is not recommended to be brewed in a thermos (this will help preserve a pleasant lemon flavor). Regular intake of this tea will strengthen the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to colds.

How to use?

Lemongrass preparations are taken on an empty stomach, or four hours after a meal.

10 g of dried and crushed berries are poured with a glass of boiling water, and placed for 15 minutes in a water bath. The cooled broth is carefully filtered through cheesecloth and taken 25-35 drops twice a day, on an empty stomach.


As a tonic, stimulant, tonic and fortified agent, an infusion of lemongrass fruits is taken, for the preparation of which 10 g of crushed raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for six hours. Take the infusion should be one dessert spoon twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the afternoon.

Lemongrass fruit and seed tincture

Tincture of fruits and seeds of the plant is prescribed for:
  • severe physical exhaustion;
  • mental fatigue;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • lethargy;
  • decrease in performance.
Pharmacy tincture of lemongrass is recommended to use 20 - 30 drops half an hour before meals, no more than three times a day. For the treatment of the above conditions, it is necessary to take a course of 20 to 25 days.
Important! With excessive psycho-emotional, as well as physical exertion, it is allowed to increase the dose to 35-40 drops at a time.

lemongrass tea

Tea invigorates, strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of colds. To prepare tea, a tablespoon of fruit is placed in an enamel bowl, poured with 200 ml of water and boiled for 10 minutes, after which the tea is infused for a day, filtered and drunk throughout the day (you can add sugar to taste).


Extract action:
  • increasing resistance to stress;
  • stabilization of cell membranes;
  • reduction of oxidative destruction of cells;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • decrease in blood sugar;
  • lowering blood pressure, stimulating smooth muscles, lowering blood pressure.
Pharmaceutical extract of lemongrass, prepared with 70% alcohol, is taken 2-3 times a day, 25-30 drops.


The syrup is used in the treatment of hypotension, drowsiness, impotence, as well as chronic infectious diseases and intoxications.

Pharmacy syrup is added to taste in any drinks, although it can be taken as an independent product, a tablespoon three times a day, during meals. The course is one month.

You can make syrup at home. To do this, juice is squeezed out of well-washed schisandra berries through 2 layers of gauze, and poured into an enamel pan, into which sugar is added (1.5 kg of sugar per 1 liter of schisandra juice). The resulting mass is heated until the sugar is completely dissolved, after which it is poured into boiled bottles. The syrup is stored in a dark and cool place.


It is indicated to eliminate menopausal syndrome, to increase potency, relieve nervous tension and irritability. In addition, lemongrass juice is rubbed into the head for baldness.

To prepare juice, freshly picked lemongrass berries are washed and squeezed, after which the juice is poured into glass jars and pasteurized for 15 minutes. Hermetically sealed jars are stored in a dark place. Juice is added to tea (1 tsp per glass of tea) to increase vitality and performance.

Lemongrass seed oil

Lemongrass oil is considered to be an excellent adaptogenic, tonic and anti-inflammatory agent, which improves tone, enhances potency and normalizes digestion. In addition, lemongrass seed oil speeds up the wound healing process.

This form of the drug is indicated for those whose professional activities are associated with hypothermia, overheating, oxygen starvation and ionizing radiation.

Lemongrass pharmacy oil is sold in the form of capsules, which should be taken 2 to 3 pieces a day, after meals.

lemongrass tablets

This is one of the most convenient forms of lemongrass preparations.

Tablets, the main component of which are lemongrass fruits, have the following effect:

  • prevention of the development of heart disease;
  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • increasing the body's defenses;
  • slowing down the aging process.
Lemongrass tablets are shown as a general tonic and mild tonic, as well as an additional source of flavonoids.

Dosage: 1 tablet twice - thrice a day, for a month.


To prepare the powder, lemongrass seeds are ground using a coffee grinder. A powder is taken at 0.5 - 1 g three times a day, before eating, with hyperacid gastritis.

Contraindications and side effectsIt must be remembered that lemongrass is the strongest stimulant, so it can only be used as prescribed by a doctor and in compliance with the indicated dosage. Otherwise, the following side effects may occur:

  • increased secretion of the stomach;
  • allergy;
  • insomnia (to avoid insomnia, it is not recommended to take lemongrass preparations after six o'clock in the evening);
  • increase in blood pressure.
When these side effects appear, it is necessary to stop taking the plant preparations.

Important! The use of lemongrass is carried out after a medical examination, and under the supervision of a doctor!


Recipes with Chinese lemongrass (Far Eastern)

Berry tincture
It has an adaptogenic, tonic, tonic and choleretic effect.

One part of carefully crushed lemongrass fruits is poured with five parts of 95% alcohol (in other words, the tincture is prepared at the rate of 1:5), after which the container with the tincture closes well. The agent is infused for 7-10 days in a dark place (required at room temperature). It needs to be shaken up periodically. After the specified period, the tincture is filtered (the rest is squeezed out and added to the resulting filtrate). The product is infused for another 4 - 5 days, and filtered again. The resulting product must be transparent. A tincture of 30-40 drops is taken, no more than three times a day, for 25 days.

Tincture tonic
To relieve fatigue and increase efficiency, you can prepare the following tincture: the fruits are poured with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1: 3, and infused for three days. A tincture of 25 - 30 drops is taken. Such a tool will not only give vivacity, but also increase immunity.

Tincture for farsightedness
To prepare the tincture, you will need 5 tbsp. lemongrass fruits and half a liter of pure alcohol. The fruits must be well chopped and poured with alcohol, and then put for 12 days in a dark place (but not in the refrigerator). Shake at least once a day. After 12 days, the tincture is filtered, and the fruits are squeezed. The remedy is taken in 20 drops, diluted with water, twice a day.

Recipes with Crimean lemongrass

The leaves and flowers of the Crimean magnolia vine can be used as a substitute for tea, since the plant gives the tea an excellent lemon flavor. In addition, this tea stimulates the functions of the cerebral cortex, energizes, strengthens the immune system.

Infusion for nausea and vomiting
3 tbsp dry plants are crushed and poured with boiling water, leaving to infuse for an hour. An infusion of half a glass is taken, twice a day.

Infusion for bronchitis and pneumonia
1 tsp flowers of the plant is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour. The remedy is taken half a cup, no more than four times a day.

Such an infusion can be used as a poultice, which will accelerate the healing of wounds. In addition, such poultices have antitumor and antibacterial properties.

Baths with lemongrass
3 tbsp dry plants are poured with two liters of water and boiled for five minutes. The cooled and filtered broth is poured into a cool bath (the temperature should be about 30 degrees). A fifteen-minute stay in such a bath will not only invigorate, but also help relieve skin irritation.

Interesting facts about Schisandra chinensis - video

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Schisandra chinensis is a perennial woody vine-like plant. Translated from Chinese, lemongrass means "a plant of 5 tastes." The name went after people first tasted the berry. The peel of the berry is sweet, the flesh is sour, the seeds have a slight bitterness, and, in general, it has a fresh-salty taste.

Schisandra chinensis

For the first time Schisandra chinensis, as a wild plant, was seen in the Far East. It belongs to the schisandra family. In the countries of the Far East, it is grown in Japan, China, Korea.

It can also be found in some regions of Russia. It is often said that Chinese magnolia vine and Japanese quince are one and the same plant. But the last plant belongs to a completely different family, it looks like a small one and has fruits in the form of apples.

Lemongrass likes to grow in moist soils with plenty of light. Since the plant loves warmth very much, yields are not good enough in middle latitudes.

plant description

Schisandra chinensis grows in the form of a creeper, which is covered with brown, slightly cracked bark. The diameter of one creeper can reach 2.2 cm, and the length - up to 16 m. Elliptical foxes - up to 10 cm in length.

Flowers have a pleasant aroma and can change their color from white to pink. reach in early autumn, they are collected in brushes that can reach 12 cm and are on the branch throughout the cold season. Each berry has a small stone, which has a slightly burning taste and is easily separated from the pulp.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of ripe berries includes carbohydrates, acids (tartaric, citric, malic), essential oils, vitamins of group B, C and other useful elements.

Essential oils are an oily liquid of a golden yellowish hue. The main active ingredient has the properties of a hypnotic, depresses the central nervous system, serves as a psychostimulant.

The seeds contain fatty acids, vitamins, substances that tone the body.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Useful properties of Schisandra chinensis

The fruits of Schisandra chinensis contain a lot of useful substances that are necessary for the human body: vitamins, minerals, acids. Both fresh and dried or processed berries have benefits.

Proponents of traditional medicine consider it one of the most useful medicinal plants in the world. They claim that it can be used for therapy and preventive measures against a dozen diseases.

The effect of the plant on the body

Taking berries or juice reduces the risk of depression and stress, improves the mental state of a person. In the East, these berries are consumed to maintain moral peace and get a boost of energy and vigor, which will help maintain high performance throughout the day.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, the harvest was more than usual. And they didn’t get sick with late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth of garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you can’t grow a normal crop without fertilizer, and this top dressing increases the number of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result."

How to use?

From lemongrass berries, you can cook a lot of not only tasty, but also healthy dishes and drinks. It is important to regulate their use so as not to harm the body.



  • Berries can be purchased ready-made at a pharmacy or harvested on your own, if possible.
  • They can be dried, frozen or sprinkled with sugar.
  • Store preferably in a glass container.
  • From this raw material, you can prepare infusions and various drinks.


  • Lemongrass seeds have a yellow tint.
  • Preparations based on them are used before meals for the following diseases: diseases of the liver and kidneys, bronchitis, gastritis, problems with hematopoiesis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • It is taken as a medicine to restore strength and increase the protective forces of immunity.
  • Honey from this plant has a yellowish tint and a pleasant delicate aroma.
  • For preventive purposes, to normalize hemoglobin and cholesterol in the body, it is enough to use 1-2 tsp every day. such a product.

Contraindications and harm

Like any drug or medicine, lemongrass has contraindications and, if used improperly, can harm the body. It is very useful and is used in many areas.

But in some cases, you should be careful with its use:

With caution, it is worth taking the fruits or other parts of Schisandra chinensis for the treatment of children under 12 years of age. It can be a powerful stimulant. Therefore, both adults and children, before using it regularly, it is better to consult a doctor.

With an overabundance of the use of berries or decoctions, an overdose is possible. It is manifested by such symptoms: heart rhythm disturbance, headaches, problems with falling asleep, allergic manifestations. In such cases, it is better to temporarily stop taking or adjust the daily dosage.

Those who often use Chinese magnolia vine should remember that it is better to consume it before 2 pm. Otherwise, you can get insomnia.

The use of lemongrass

Schisandra chinensis is widely used in various fields. It is considered an indispensable quality raw material, both in pharmacology and traditional medicine. For this, almost all parts of the plant are used, and the berries are taken not only fresh, but also in frozen, dried, crushed form. From them you can make jam, jam, juice.

The medicine

Schisandra chinensis is used as a remedy that allows the human immune system to resist colds.

It is used in various types for diseases:


The fruits and other parts of the plant are used in the manufacture of cosmetics, both on an industrial scale and in recipes for home-made cosmetics. A rapid cleansing of the skin and an improvement in metabolic processes were noticed.

  • To lighten or narrow the pores of the face, you can use plant oil.
  • As a rejuvenating and tightening face mask, use freshly squeezed berry juice. To get softer and velvety skin, it is enough to add only 6 drops of juice to any cream (preferably for children).
  • Based on the berries of Schisandra chinensis, prepare an excellent mask for skin rejuvenation. Thoroughly mix 2 tbsp. l. yogurt or sour cream without additives with 1 tbsp. chopped fresh berries. Apply the mask on the face and neck for no more than 25 minutes. After it is washed off with warm water.
  • As a strengthening agent for hair, you can use a decoction of the leaves of the plant.

Schisandra chinensis is used to prepare masks and decoctions along with medicinal plants: hops, calendula, parsley.


Athletes or people who are engaged in hard physical labor can take berries in any form to saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. So you can get a great charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day.

Chinese lemongrass analogues

If there are cases of contraindications for the use of Chinese magnolia vine, you can use its analogues:

  • Aralia tincture. With asthenia, frequent overwork, hypotension, problems with men's health.
  • Apifitol. With excessive physical exertion, transferred infectious, chronic diseases that lowered the immune defenses, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to eliminate radiation and chemical effects.
  • Bioaron. As an additional drug for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, poor appetite. It is recommended to take as a rehabilitation therapy after illness and taking a course of antibiotics.

Aralia tincture


Collection and harvesting of Schisandra chinensis

Almost all parts of Schizandra chinensis can be used in different areas: bark, leaves, seeds, fruits. To get the most out of them once cooked, you need to know when to harvest them.

Complications after taking preparations based on Schisandra chinensis are rare. To get only benefit from its use, you need to properly approach the harvesting and use of raw materials.

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