How to soothe severe itching. Argan oil and aloe. allergies and pregnancy

With the problem of how to get rid of the itching of the skin of the body, from time to time one has to face, perhaps, every person. And there is nothing strange in this, because itchy sensations and the discomfort associated with them can occur for a variety of reasons, affecting the skin of patients at any age.

To eliminate itching, it is very important to establish its true nature. The effectiveness of the treatment of a pathological symptom depends solely on the results of the diagnosis, therefore, when unpleasant signs of the disease appear, one should not neglect medical advice, but immediately contact specialists and solve the problem at the initial stages of its development.

Causes of local itching (localized)

Among the most common causes of local itching on the body, doctors distinguish several factors:

Determining the causes of local discomfort is of great importance, because it depends on the results of diagnosing the disease with the release of the main etiological factor, how to remove itching of the skin effectively and competently, without harming the body.

Causes of generalized itching (all over the body)

The appearance of generalized pruritus is promoted by such external and internal factors as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • dehydration of the body and loss of elasticity of the skin;
  • dysfunction of the glands of the endocrine sphere;
  • oncological diseases;
  • damage to the central nervous system and mental disorders;
  • congestion in the gallbladder and liver with a violation of the outflow of bile (cholestasis);
  • vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency of calcium metabolism;
  • chronic intoxication of various origins;
  • problems associated with blood diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • dry skin caused by dry air or the peculiarity of the climatic conditions in the region;
  • photosensitivity.

In most cases, the fight against itching throughout the body is realized through complex and lengthy therapy, and sometimes patients can only be helped by surgical treatment of problem areas.

Dangerous accompanying symptoms

Itching is most often accompanied by other symptoms, which indicates the development of a disease. As a rule, in most clinical cases, the following pathological manifestations are characteristic, among which:

  • redness of the skin in places where they begin to itch;
  • the appearance of a rash, scales and scratching on the affected areas;
  • the occurrence of severe edema in the defect area;
  • dysfunction of the joints;
  • discomfort in the genital area and the appearance of characteristic discharge from the genital tract or urethra;
  • thickening and roughness of the skin;
  • thinning of the epidermal layer and loss of elasticity;
  • dysfunction of the receptor apparatus;
  • yellowing of the skin and sclera in case of cholestasis;
  • development of ulcers or purulent formations on the surface of the epidermis;
  • increased itching at night.

Naturally, the accompanying itching symptoms depend on the nature and nature of the underlying ailment. Sometimes they allow us to understand the true etiology of the disease. Therefore, such manifestations should not be ignored. This is especially true for pregnant women and children, who should be immediately sent for a consultation with a doctor, even in the absence of concomitant symptoms.

How to treat itching with medication

The main method of treating itching of the skin is the medical correction of the disease, which caused the appearance of unpleasant sensations. As a symptomatic therapy of a pathological condition, such groups of drugs as:

  • sedatives with sedative properties;
  • antihistamines;
  • desensitizing drug forms;
  • enterosorbents;
  • anesthetics.

The choice of this or that medication depends on the main cause of the development of itching, that is, on its etiology. Most often in medical practice, doctors use drugs that are discussed in the table to eliminate the symptoms of itching.

Drug treatment of itching, depending on the causes of its development

Cause of itching

Features of drug therapy


  • Antihistamines (Suprastin, Diazolin, Claritin) 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for a week.

  • Hormonal ointments (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Advantan), which are applied once a day to the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer. The course of treatment is 7-14 days.

  • Glucocorticoids of general action (Prednisolone) at a dose of 5 mg 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days.

Dry skin

  • Sedatives (Persen, Valerian) in the amount of 1-2 tablets per day for a course of 14 days.

  • Drugs that improve metabolism in the nervous tissue (Glycine), 1 tablet three times a day for two weeks.

  • Local glucocorticoid ointments (Advantan, Celestoderm), which are applied in a thin layer with massage movements 1-2 times a day for 7-14 days.

Insect bites

  • Lotions or compresses based on a weak alcohol solution (1: 4 dilution) of Dimexide. You can also use Dimexide in the form of wet-drying dressings, applied for 1.5-2 hours, which cannot be left all night, as they can easily provoke a chemical burn of the skin.

  • Ointment lotions or lubrication of the skin on the affected areas with anti-inflammatory ointments, hormonal gels (Sinaflan, Kremgen, Hydrocortisone). Lotions - for 1-2 hours. After the procedure, the site of exposure to the drug is washed or wiped with an alcohol solution.

  • With multiple bites and severely itchy skin, patients need to prescribe antihistamines (Claritin, Suprastin, Tavegil) 1-2 tablets twice a day for 5-7 days.

Mental disorders

  • Effectively soothe itching in case of nervous disorders, herbal preparations (Persen) in the amount of 1-2 tablets 2 times a day for two weeks.
  • In case of complex mental ailments, strong medications that are sold exclusively by prescription and only the attending physician will help to cure itching will help.
  • With severe itching sensations, when the skin itches more than usual, patients are prescribed antihistamines (Tavegil, Claritin) at a dose of 3-4 tablets per day.

Skin damage

  • In this case, the use of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs in the doses recommended by the doctor (Ceftriaxone, Azithromycin) relieves itching well.

  • Claritin and Suprastin 1-2 tablets twice a day.
  • Application of soothing ointments with menthol to the skin, helping to relieve swelling and traces of abrasions.
  • With a mild course of the disease, instead of drugs for local treatment, a single dose of Fluconazole, 150 mg orally, is possible.

  • With recurrent candidiasis - suppositories or vaginal tablets with Clotrimazole 1 time per week for several months.

  • General intake of antifungal drugs (Clotrimazole, Nystatin, Diflucan) 1 tablet or dragee per day for 3-5 days.

  • Use powders with talcum powder on damaged areas.
  • Application of zinc ointment to the skin 3-4 times a day until the manifestations of prickly heat disappear.
  • The use of Sudocrem in the event of symptoms of the disease (can be used on an ongoing basis as a prophylactic).

fungal infection

  • Topical antifungal agents in the form of ointments, lotions or liquids (Pimafucin), which are used several times a day for a month.

  • Systemic antifungal drugs (tablets, injections), such as: Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Fluconazole 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

How to get rid of itching with folk methods

Folk remedies are an excellent alternative to medications that eliminate the symptoms of itching caused by a variety of factors. Currently, there are a huge number of recipes that help a person get rid of discomfort and alleviate the general condition by eliminating discomfort.

With an allergic nature of itching

One of the most popular remedies for allergic itching is a decoction of a string. It is prepared by keeping three tablespoons of dry grass in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Then the resulting healing composition should be cooled and filtered. It is recommended to use a decoction of the sequence in the form of compresses twice a day for a week.

A bath with the addition of sea salt helps well against itchy skin with allergic dermatitis. For its preparation, you will need about 500 g of active ingredient. The bath can be taken every day until the allergy symptoms, including itching, are completely gone.

With a strong desire to scratch the area of ​​skin affected by the allergen, a person should attach a napkin with dry mustard to it for 10 minutes. After 2-3 days of such procedures, the itching completely disappears. But for a full recovery, they need to continue for several more days.

For dry skin

In this case, alternative recipes should be used as an additional therapy to the main treatment. Natural remedies perfectly potentiate the action of pharmaceutical medicines and increase their effectiveness.

With dry skin and senile itching, the following help to remove pathological manifestations and eliminate discomfort:

  • a decoction of burdock roots, which is prepared by keeping dry raw materials in a water bath and taken in an amount of 100 ml three times a day;
  • a decoction of licorice roots, for the preparation of which you should take 2 tablespoons of the plant per half liter of water (take 50 ml three times a day for three weeks);
  • a decoction based on nettle (50 g of dry parts of the plant, pour 500 ml of water and keep in a water bath for 15-20 minutes) should be taken in half a glass twice a day for a month.

For insect bites

To eliminate itching and blisters at home, which occur as a result of insect bites, the following traditional medicines are used:

  • to eliminate the unpleasant sensations that appear after insect bites, use a herbal collection, which includes oak bark, peppermint leaves, St. feeling itchy)
  • with insect bites, a solution of baking soda helps well, for the preparation of which you will need a teaspoon of the main substance and a glass of warm water (the resulting composition should be lubricated with the affected areas twice a day for 3-5 days, or until the itching passes);
  • you can soothe itching with an aqueous solution of ammonia with vodka and cologne, which should be washed with bites several times a day.

For mental disorders

Unfortunately, a patient suffering from itching due to mental illness is not always at hand with the necessary medicines and the opportunity to see a doctor. With this scenario, folk recipes can be used to get rid of pathological symptoms, in particular:

  • taking herbal baths with a sedative effect based on weak decoctions of chamomile, nettle, lavender or oak bark (daily, for two weeks);
  • rubbing itchy areas of the skin with a solution of vinegar obtained by diluting it with water in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • lubrication of the skin with tomato juice with water, which should be applied before bedtime;
  • the use of creams containing menthol to apply it to itchy areas twice a day.

In case of skin damage (abrasions, scratches)

How to deal with itching that accompanies traumatic skin damage? To do this, use the following traditional medicine:

  • with a strong desire to itch, ordinary dill helps, which must be eaten raw, as an additive to dishes consumed throughout the day;
  • stop itching will allow a remedy based on pine buds and needles, a mixture of which must be poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath for 15 minutes;
  • perfectly stop the unpleasant symptoms of skin lesions baths with the addition of sea salt, which must be taken daily until the itching is gone.

For candidiasis (thrush)

Thrush is caused by fungi of the genus Candida, which constantly reside in the vaginal cavity, but are activated only when favorable conditions arise, that is, during periods of hormonal changes or exacerbations of chronic diseases.

The following folk remedies will help get rid of the problem:

  • tea tree oil, diluted in the amount of 5 drops of the concentrate per 200 ml of pure water, which is used as a lotion daily for 7-10 days;
  • soda-salt solution, prepared by diluting a tablespoon of soda and the same amount of table salt in a liter of water, should be used for washing in the morning and evening until the symptoms of the disease disappear;
  • douching with a solution of chlorophyllipt twice a day (morning and evening) for a week.

With a burn

  • Fresh cucumbers are an excellent soothing remedy for burns in the fight against itching. Can be used in the form of masks (cucumber should be grated on a fine grater until gruel is obtained) or simply apply chilled vegetable rings to the affected areas of the skin.

  • Fresh aloe juice, which quickly heals and effectively disinfects the skin injured by a burn, and also relieves inflammation and reduces itching.
  • If the skin itches after a sunburn, you can use parsley juice, a remedy that stimulates the regeneration of epithelial cells, eliminates tissue swelling and eliminates itching.

With prickly heat

Alternative treatment is effective for uncomplicated prickly heat, namely, it is advisable to apply:

  • baths based on decoctions of medicinal herbs, in particular, chamomile, succession, calendula, which should be done daily;
  • washing the affected areas with a solution of potassium permanganate twice a day until the defects are completely healed;
  • wiping prickly heat with fucorcin 2-3 times a day for a week.

For fungal infection

  • Iodine. It is necessary to apply to the affected areas twice a day, 1 drop. For prevention, treatment of neighboring tissues should be carried out. The course of such therapy should be about 7-8 months.

  • Propolis. This remedy for the treatment of fungal infections is used in the form of topical applications. The procedure is recommended to be carried out daily for a month.
  • Onion juice. An excellent remedy that should be applied to the affected areas and fixed with a bandage.

Measures to improve the condition

To improve the condition of patients suffering from itching, a number of expert advice will help, including:

  • air humidification;
  • regular ventilation of the room;
  • frequent change of bed linen and its washing with hypoallergenic products to eliminate pollution;
  • daily evening walks in the fresh air;
  • the use of cosmetics with hypoallergenic properties;
  • refusal to drink alcohol and smoking;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • normalization of the daily routine and good sleep;
  • regular visits to specialists and timely diagnosis of diseases that provoke itching.

How to eliminate skin itching through nutritional correction

As you know, foods such as coffee, chocolate and alcoholic beverages very often provoke itching and discomfort in different parts of the body. To relieve the symptoms of this kind of allergy and reduce itching, it is best to completely refuse to eat foods consisting of food allergens.

  • eggs;
  • meat broth, cooked on the basis of fatty meats;
  • chocolate and sweets;
  • spices and spices;
  • all kinds of sweets, pastries, custard;
  • alcoholic drinks.

You should also limit the use of table salt and arrange fasting days every two weeks to cleanse the body of toxins. It is important to observe an adequate drinking regimen and drink 1.5-2 liters of fluid daily.

Itching can cause discomfort and provoke skin irritation. Intensive combing of the dermis leads to the appearance of microcracks, which are a source of unhindered penetration of pathogenic microbes into the body. The infection intensifies the itching, which can be quickly and effectively removed with the help of a special ointment. The drug is recommended to be selected individually and depending on the causes of the symptom.

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    Causes and symptoms

    To choose the right drug for itching and skin irritation, you need to know the cause of such a symptom. There are several factors that provoke such manifestations, which can be conditionally divided into 2 types:

    2.Hidden reasons:

    • systemic invasions;
    • psycho-emotional disorders;
    • diseases of systems and internal organs (kidneys, liver, diabetes mellitus);
    • manifestation of drug side effects.

    Obvious provoking factors are clearly visible, they can be identified by such characteristic signs as swelling and redness at the site of the epidermis lesion, bite or burn. Hidden similar symptoms do not have, itching can appear in any area on the surface of the skin, while there are no specific signs of the underlying disease.

    Therefore, the use of antipruritic ointments that treat external manifestations caused by obvious reasons almost immediately gives a positive effect. If there are hidden provoking factors, local remedies will not bring results.

    When itching of unclear etiology appears without obvious reasons, which cannot be treated with ointments, it is recommended to undergo an examination of the internal organs.

    Often, pathology occurs after stress on a nervous basis. In this case, after taking sedatives, the symptoms disappear quickly, and the use of topical agents will be less effective.

    Even with a completely understandable pathogenesis of pruritus, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

    Indications for the use of ointments

    Indications for the use of an ointment that relieves irritation are based on the cause of its appearance and symptoms. Topical preparations should be used in such cases:

    • Itching, which appeared due to increased dryness of the skin or due to prolonged exposure to the sun.
    • Allergic reaction after taking medications or drugs.
    • Endocrine disorders, diseases of the liver, kidneys and blood.
    • Insect bites, scabies.
    • Fungal and infectious diseases, skin lesions.

    If you use the wrong medicine, the disease may worsen.


    To influence histamine (a substance released by the body during an allergic reaction), antihistamines are used, which can quickly alleviate the condition, eliminate itching, inflammation and swelling. They restore the patency of blood vessels, reducing hyperemia. The drugs are divided into 3 groups:

    1. 1. Non-hormonal - used for mild itching caused by an allergic reaction of the body, sunburn or single insect bites on the body and face.
    2. 2. Hormonal - relieve local symptoms in severe allergies.
    3. 3. Antiallergic ointments with antibiotics - eliminate itching caused by inflammatory processes.

    Third-generation drugs that act only on individual receptors and do not affect other organs and systems are considered to be the safest and most effective. These are Gismanal, Telfast, Zirtek, Treksil.


    For skin irritation and itching, non-hormonal topical agents are used that affect skin receptors, blocking all unpleasant sensations. They are applied to the site of injury.

    The most effective include:

    • Fenistil - available in the form of a gel, eliminates discomfort, providing analgesic and cooling effects. You need to anoint the itchy area with the product, the effect occurs after 5 minutes and lasts for several hours. It is used in the treatment of rashes with urticaria, dermatosis, insect bites and mild sunburn. Contraindicated during lactation and pregnancy, children under 1 year.
    • Panthenol - used to eliminate inflammation, moisturizes and accelerates healing. Recommended for the treatment of dermatitis, irritation and light burns of any origin. Absolutely safe, can be used for the treatment of newborns. It is not used only in cases of individual intolerance to dexpanthenol.
    • Skin-cap is a popular antiseptic drug, effective in the treatment of infections and fungi. It is prescribed as an additional remedy for psoriasis, neurodermatitis. Can be used for a long time. A contraindication is intolerance to the components.

    These non-hormonal agents are safe and effective for treating mild itching caused by overt triggers.


    Such drugs effectively cope with irritation of the dermis. They include the hormones hydrocortisone and prednisolone. It is advisable to use them in a short course so as not to disturb the hormonal balance in the body.

    The most popular means are:

    • Hydrocortisone and prednisolone ointments are the most effective topical anti-itch drugs. Eliminate irritation and inflammation immediately after application. Help with dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema. Contraindicated for use by pregnant and lactating women, as well as in the presence of bacterial and viral lesions.
    • Advantan - suppresses allergy symptoms, inflammation, eliminates irritation. Helps with dermatitis and eczema. It is well tolerated, only in rare cases there may be mild side effects in the form of a rash or burning sensation. It is contraindicated to use the remedy up to 4 months of age, with herpes zoster, chickenpox and skin tuberculosis.

    For the treatment of severe pruritus associated with serious systemic disorders, antipruritic ointments are recommended to be used simultaneously with oral or parenteral preparations.

    Ointments with antibiotics

    Antibiotic preparations have a wide spectrum of action and antimicrobial properties.

    To get rid of itching, are prescribed for use:

    • Levomekol is absorbed very quickly, stimulating skin regeneration. Indicated for the treatment of festering and infected wounds, may be effective in eliminating irritation. Contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity to incoming components.
    • Erythromycin ointment - has a high activity against various bacteria. It is used for infectious skin lesions, for the treatment of trophic ulcers, burns. It is contraindicated for use in liver diseases, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.
    • Oflokain - the drug contains an anesthetic, helps to remove inflammation of the skin of varying degrees. Contraindicated in the same cases as Erythromycin.

    Medicines containing antibiotics affect the affected area locally, as a result of which they immediately act on the causes that cause irritation.


    Itching caused by fungal infections is relieved by antimycotic drugs. The most effective fungicidal agents are:

    • Clotrimazole - the drug has increased activity against most fungi and antibacterial properties. Very effective in the treatment of skin mycoses. Contraindicated in case of intolerance to the components and in early pregnancy.
    • Lamisil - quickly eliminates itching, softening the skin. It is used for dermatophytes, multi-colored lichen, mycoses. Not recommended for use in children under 2 years of age, breastfeeding women and people with hypersensitivity to the components.
    • Nystatin ointment - effectively fights yeast, quickly eliminating itching and other symptoms of mycosis. It is prescribed for candidiasis. Safe for health. It is not used only in case of individual intolerance to the components of the ointment.

    It is impossible to get rid of itching and irritation without the complete elimination of the fungal pathogen. With mycoses, complex treatment is recommended with the simultaneous use of agents for external and internal use.

    Ointments with menthol

    These are popular antipruritic drugs that effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms and cool the dermis. The healing properties of menthol are manifested in the form of antiseptic and anesthetic actions. Such drugs increase the sensation of cold, sometimes cause chills due to the effect on peripheral nerve endings.

    Basically 2 methods are used:

    • Boromenthol is an anesthetic with antibacterial and antipruritic effects. Effective in the treatment of skin irritations without adverse reactions. It is not recommended for use in children under 1 year of age and with individual intolerance to its constituent components.
    • Menovazan is a combined drug with an analgesic effect. It is used for dermatoses to quickly relieve itching. It is not prescribed for skin lesions, therefore it is not suitable for burns, eczema or injuries as an antipruritic agent. Use with caution by children, pregnant and lactating women.

    Calcineurin inhibitors

    The action of such medicinal preparations is based on the suppression of the release of substances that cause itching. They are prescribed when antihistamine ointments do not bring the desired effect.

    These funds include:

    • Elidel is a cream with high anti-inflammatory activity that quickly relieves swelling and itching. Prevents the spread and further development of the disease. It is used in the acute period for short-term treatment, with atopic dermatitis (eczema) on any part of the body can be used for a long time. It is not prescribed to patients with epidermal lesions of a viral infection.
    • Tacropic is a drug that inhibits the synthesis and release of inflammatory mediators. It is prescribed for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in case of failure of traditional therapy. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, children under 16 years of age, as well as hypersensitivity to tacrolimus and macrolides.

    Remedies for itching during pregnancy

    Itching during pregnancy is a common symptom that worries most women. Feelings can be both mild and unbearable, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.

    Most often, the skin itches due to dryness, stretch marks or increased sensitivity to external stimuli, allergic reactions. In some cases, severe itching occurs against the background of chronic diseases that worsen during pregnancy. Before using the funds, it is recommended to consult with a gynecologist and dermatologist.

    The most effective antipruritic ointments during pregnancy:

    Ointments for itching on the legs

    Such funds are used to get rid of irritation caused by fungal infections, allergic reactions and other causes that cause swelling and redness. Often the feet itch due to poor hygiene or allergies to clothes, dust, food. Sometimes itching is accompanied by allergic dermatitis, eczema or urticaria. In this case, a small red rash and blisters may appear on the legs, which, having burst, leave wounds that become wet on the skin.

    It is recommended to consult a dermatologist if allergic dermatitis causes painful swelling covered with a red rash. After taking subcutaneous samples, the specialist will prescribe antihistamines. The most effective foot ointments are Advantan, Elocom, Sinaflan.

    For scabies and scalp irritation

    The causative agent of scabies causes a very strong and unbearable itching of the skin, which is difficult to get rid of in an advanced stage. Conventional antipruritic ointments are ineffective because they cannot eliminate the cause of the disease.

    The symptom may be caused by lice or seborrheic fungus. For the treatment of these diseases, there are special agents, such as benzyl benzoate (effective against scabies mites and lice, used for a long time, contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation) and sulfuric ointment (used for scabies, seborrhea, psoriasis and dermatoses). To get rid of lice in adults and children, the drug should be applied to the scalp.

    Ointments for itching in the groin

    Irritation in the groin in men and women brings discomfort and pain, indicating a serious illness. In this case, you should consult a doctor, especially if peeling and redness of the skin have joined the itching at the same time. The causes of their occurrence may be kidney and liver disease, damage to the thyroid gland.

    The most effective drugs that eliminate irritation in the groin are:

    • Celestoderm (active corticosteroid with antibiotics).
    • Baneocin (an antibacterial drug of a combined type).
    • Triderm (has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic properties).

    From itching on the hands

    On the hands, irritation is most often accompanied by the appearance of a small rash, redness and swelling. In this case, antihistamine ointments are used for treatment. The skin of the hands is less sensitive, so the range of products used is wide. If itching is caused by allergies, hormonal ointments are prescribed.

    On the hands, the symptom most often occurs due to skin diseases such as scabies, neurodermatitis, urticaria, and pediculosis. Another reason can be considered temperature, chemical and mechanical damage. Itching can also be provoked by extracutaneous diseases (liver and kidney damage, diabetes mellitus). It is recommended to consult a specialist without fail and undergo an examination in case of a prolonged and persistent symptom.

    The most popular antipruritic hand ointments are:

    • Fucidin is a bacteriostatic antibiotic, antimicrobial. It is not used for individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug.
    • Levomekol is a broad-spectrum agent, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial ointment. The drug is active against gram-negative and positive organisms.
    • Levosin is an ointment that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anesthetic and regenerating properties. It is prescribed for itching of various localization, purulent wounds and infectious skin lesions. Contraindications are age up to 1 year and individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.

    The treatment of such itching depends entirely on the factor that provoked its occurrence. To identify it, you need to be examined and pass a series of tests, consult a dermatologist and proctologist.

    The most effective remedies for getting rid of anal irritation are:

    • Heparin ointment is a local anticoagulant and anesthetic that effectively treats itching and inflammation of postpartum hemorrhoids. Not recommended for use in the presence of traumatic skin disorders and ulcerative necrotic processes. Care should be taken to use the ointment with a tendency to bleeding.
    • Proctosedil - used for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids and lesions of the anorectal zone. It has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is prescribed in the presence of acute anal fissures, itching in the anus, for the treatment of proctitis, hemorrhoids, perianal eczema. Use is contraindicated in fungal lesions of the anorectal zone, tuberculosis, during pregnancy.
    • Hepatrombin G is an antipruritic drug that has anti-inflammatory properties and is prescribed for rectal and topical use. Contraindications are a predisposition to bleeding, syphilis, tumors of the dermis and its bacterial lesions. Not used in the first trimester of pregnancy.

    From itching in the vagina

    Ointments allow you to quickly get rid of discomfort and painful symptoms. Irritation in an intimate place can appear for several reasons: gynecological diseases, external, internal factors of the body and diseases not related to gynecology.

    Itching caused by genital herpes is treated with Biopin, Acyclovir, Mirtoplex ointments. They are used as a systematic strengthening of the immune system.

    In case of irritation caused by bacterial vaginosis and gardnerella bacteria, the following agents are prescribed: Clotrimazole, Flucanazole, Doxycycline. The most effective are vaginal suppositories.

    Ointments for hives

    An effective topical drug for irritation with urticaria is an ointment. A rash on the mucous membranes and dermis causes unbearable painful itching. With hives, blisters can form that look like burn marks. The reason for their appearance is an allergen.

    Most often prescribed:

    • Psilo-Balm - indicated for hives, chicken pox, insect bites, sunburn. When using the gel, it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and driving vehicles, as the drug affects psychomotor reactions.
    • Zyrtec has anti-allergic properties. Treats allergic rhinitis, hay fever, Quincke's edema. It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, with galactose intolerance and end-stage renal disease.


    There are a large number of antipruritic ointments. Their use should be based on the cause of the irritation.

Itching (irritation) on the skin occurs unexpectedly and inopportunely. It causes physical inconvenience and psychological discomfort. Redness and peeling in open areas of the body in warm weather is also visually noticeable to others. Many are familiar with the sensations when a dermatological problem interferes with calm work and rest. A walk in the park, a trip to a cafe or a movie with friends ceases to please as before. But the good news is that there is a medical solution to this problem. It remains only to find out the causes of itching - and choose a treatment.

Itching and its causes

The very concept of "itching" is defined as an unpleasant sensation of burning and tingling on the skin, causing a constant desire to scratch this place. To date, the mechanism of occurrence of overthrow is not fully understood by scientists. After all, there are no special receptors for its perception. It is believed that the signals of itching and pain are perceived only by nerve fibers, which then transmit them to the cortical center of pain sensitivity located in the brain. Itching can be both an independent disease and a symptom of an illness, or an allergic reaction.

To understand how and how to treat this problem, it is necessary to understand the factors of its origin.

Severe itching does not let you forget about yourself either at work or at home

The most common causes that cause a strong desire to itch:

  • allergic reactions;
  • physical and chemical irritants;
  • skin diseases (lichen, fungus, eczema, dermatitis,);
  • mechanical damage, microtrauma (corns, irritation from a razor, splinters);
  • psychosomatic disorders (stress, fears, overwork);
  • systemic diseases of the body (diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis);
  • wound healing process - often accompanied by itching;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • frostbite and burns;
  • insect bites;
  • helminthiasis.

Itching can be both a symptom and an independent disease. In order for future treatment to be effective, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist in time for a diagnosis.

The main groups of drugs for itching of the skin of different parts of the body

Antihistamines have a number of side effects, such as drowsiness, lethargy, reaction inhibition, and gastrointestinal disorders are possible.

Based on the cause, which the doctor determines, he will prescribe medicines of one or more drug classes. Different approaches to treatment in this case are explained by a variety of factors of the origin of overthrow. In the fight against it, it is customary to use the following drug groups:

Medicines from different groups complement each other as part of complex therapy. Their compatibility with each other is provided by the doctor on the basis of his knowledge, features of the clinical picture, possible complications.

Release forms

Based on the tasks to be solved with the help of a particular drug, the manufacturer produces the drug in solid, soft, liquid, powder, or other forms. At the same time, the same active substance can appear in two or three or more varieties, differ in trade names, price, etc.


This solid dosage form has a number of obvious advantages. The use of tablets allows you to accurately adjust the dosage of the active substance. They are compactly stored in a pocket or purse, always at hand.

Examples of tablet forms of anti-itch drugs:

  • antihistamines - Loratadin, Claritin (loratadine) *, Suprastin, Chloropyramine (chloropyramine hydrochloride);
  • glucocorticoids - Dexamethasone (dexamethasone);
  • antimycotics - Levorin (levorin), Mycozoral, Nizoral, Ketoconazole (ketoconazole);
  • sedatives and tranquilizers - Atarax, Hydroxyzine (hydroxyzine), Seduxen (diazepam).

* The active ingredient is indicated in brackets.

Creams, gels, ointments

Soft forms of drugs for external use are good because they are optimally suited for combining components of different chemical origins, aggregate states and biological activity. This also includes pasta and liniment.

Examples of soft dosage forms for external application:

  • antihistamines - Fenistil gel (dimetindene);
  • glucocorticoids - Prednisolone (prednisolone), Hydrocortisone (hydrocortisone), Sinaflan (fluocinolone acetonide);
  • antimycotics - Ketoconazole cream (ketoconazole), Clotrimazole cream (clotrimazole);
  • antibiotics - Levomekol ointment (chloramphenicol, methyluracil);
  • non-hormonal ointments - Bepanten cream (dexpanthenol), Zinc ointment (zinc oxide), Gistan (multicomponent herbal preparation);

Hydrocortisone ointment has a local anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, but its long-term use is undesirable.

Soft forms of drugs, as a rule, are not dosed. They are used with the expectation of local therapy for lesions of the mucous membranes and skin. But the active ingredients of ointments can sometimes partially penetrate the blood through the ducts of the sebaceous glands. It must be remembered that the absorption capacity of the skin increases with inflammation, maceration (softening, for example, from sweat or water), and insufficient moistening of the upper layer.

Aerosols and sprays

Solutions, emulsions and suspensions of medicinal mixtures are conveniently available in aerosols or sprays. This drug form has its advantages. For example, economical consumption of the drug due to the uniform application of a thin layer of the solution on the skin or mucous membranes. It is also convenient to treat hard-to-reach places and folds with sprayers, because they last longer than ointments or creams.

Some medicines for itching in the form of a spray bottle:

  • glucocorticoids - Oxycort (hydrocortisone, oxytetracycline), Polkorloton TS (triamcinolone, tetracycline);
  • antimycotics - Clotrimazole spray (clotrimazole);
  • local anesthetics - Lidocaine aerosol (lidocaine).

Aerosols can also be used on weeping surfaces, as well as erosion and ulcers. Shake the bottle well several times before use.


Refer to liquid dosage forms for intramuscular, intravenous injection using a syringe. Injections act much faster than other types of drugs and are more completely absorbed, they can be accurately dosed. The gastrointestinal tract does not suffer from the injection of the drug. In dissolved form, substances have a less irritating effect.

Examples of drugs:

  • antihistamines: Suprastin (chloropyramine hydrochloride), Tavegil (clemastine);
  • glucocorticoids - Hydrocortisone (hydrocortisone), Prednisolone (prednisolone);
  • tranquilizers - Seduxen (diazepam), Aminazine (chlorpromazine), Atarax (hydroxyzine hydrochloride).

The disadvantages of this method include the need to involve medical personnel, and some inconvenience associated with pain.


The liquid form of a drug, when one or more solid substances, in the form of the smallest particles, are distributed (but not dissolved) in water, oil, glycerin, etc. A suspension is a dispersed system with a solid phase and a liquid medium. It happens for internal and external use, as well as for injections.

A characteristic property for this dosage form is optical inhomogeneity, which manifests itself in a greater or lesser degree of turbidity. It is an integral external feature of the suspension due to the presence of insoluble particles impervious to light in it. The advantage of a dispersed system is considered to be a prolonged action, and the ability to combine substances of different degrees of solubility in one mixture.

Zindol dries out itchy lesions on the skin, due to the content of zinc oxide

An example of a suspension is the so-called mash. It is prepared on the basis of alcohol (medical, ammonia, camphor), boric or salicylic acid with the addition of antibiotics, sulfur, or medicinal herbs. You can prepare a chatterbox for itching yourself, having previously bought the following components at the pharmacy:

  • distilled water,
  • zinc oxide,
  • medical talc,
  • White clay,
  • starch,
  • glycerol.

Or purchase a ready-made drug in a pharmacy - Tsindol. This suspension for external use has an antiseptic, astringent and drying effect.

Shake the bottle well before use, shaking it well a couple of times.

When the doctor prescribes the medicine

Sometimes generalized itching can be a symptom of a systemic disease, such as diabetes or hepatitis.

If the whole body itches, they talk about the generalized nature of the itching, in contrast to the localized (local). Acute general itching often indicates a food - for example, citrus, sunflower, butter - or medicinal - drug component - an allergy, a reaction to air temperature, and other types of excessive sensitivity.

In the above cases, the treatment will be directed primarily to the elimination of the underlying disease. If you manage to get rid of the disease or achieve remission, then the itching will subside. And also the doctor may prescribe antihistamines (Loratadin, Cetrin, Suprastin), hormonal (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Nystatin) and non-hormonal ointments (Gistan, Fenistil). In case of complications with general intoxication of the body, it is advisable to introduce enterosorbents (Polysorb, Enterosgel).

An opioid receptor blocker may be used in those patients in whom standard drugs do not bring the desired result in the fight against generalized pruritus (Naltrexone).

Localized itching occurs paroxysmal: it subsides, then resumes, changing the intensity. This type is typical for the following skin diseases:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • pink lichen;
  • dermatomycosis (skin fungus).

They require treatment with hormonal drugs that a dermatologist can prescribe for oral administration in the form of tablets, powders, syrups, or injections (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone), as well as externally in the form of an ointment or cream (Hydrocortisone, Clotrimazole, Lamisil, Lamicon). The complex therapy will also include antihistamines, which will relieve general irritation and swelling (Suprastin, Loratadin, Erius).

The treatment of itching caused by the patient's mental state, such as stress and depression, is based on sedatives and tranquilizers (Atarax, Seduxen), as well as herbal remedies (Sedasen, Novopassit, Valerian).

Sverbezh from insect bites will pass quite quickly if you anoint the affected area with anti-allergic ointment (Psilo-Balm), and when the itching is severe - hormonal (Sinaflan), taking an antihistamine pill (Claritin, Zirtek). And also the bite area can be lubricated with an antiseptic (Iodine), if necessary.

Features of treatment and side effects

Long-term therapy with hormonal drugs threatens the most dangerous complications. Treatment with glucocorticosteroids is associated with a rather high risk of complex side effects. They can manifest themselves with their long-term use in significant doses, or with a sharp cessation of therapy.

Too rapid cancellation of glucocorticoids is fraught not only with the return of the disease for which they were treated, but also with the risk of adrenal insufficiency. As well as such painful conditions:

  • pathological overheating (hyperthermia);
  • hypertonicity and muscle soreness at rest;
  • functional joint pain;
  • intracranial pressure increase (hypertension);
  • general malaise.

It is important that a competent doctor control the doses and timing of treatment with glucocorticoids. Taking this group of drugs for a long time, you can get problems that will not be easy to get rid of. Namely:

  • high blood pressure;
  • excessive content;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • tendency to infection of wounds;
  • violations of the water-salt balance;
  • behavioral deviations (psychosis);
  • atrophy of muscle tissue;
  • osteoporosis;
  • external changes (excess weight, excessive hair growth, swelling, bright blush);
  • bruising;
  • cataract, etc.

To prevent severe complications - glucocorticosteroids are taken in the minimum required doses, following an intermittent (alternating) treatment regimen

Features of the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus are that, in parallel with hormonal therapy, they are prescribed a corrective diet, as well as insulin injections. Thus, the content of glucose in the blood is under control.

Even small doses of glucocorticoids can cause growth retardation in children. The exact reasons for this have not yet been studied. The effect of hormones on fetal development is also not known. In experiments on animals, scientists managed to find out that the effect of glucocorticoids on the embryo provokes severe behavioral disorders, pathologies of the development of the unborn baby are not excluded.

The most common side effect of antihistamine pharmaceuticals is drowsiness. It can be both pronounced and implicit, in the form of some inhibition of the nervous system. In this regard, the patient is not recommended to drive a car, engage in activities where speed of reaction is required. It is also important to remember that alcohol and sedatives should not be taken simultaneously with antiallergic drugs, since the latter increase the negative effect.

The manifestation of drowsiness during the course of admission depends both on the medication itself and on the individual reaction of the patient's body. It is officially believed that second-generation drugs (Claritin, Loratadin, Zirtek, Tsetrin), unlike first-generation drugs (Suprastin, Diazolin, Diphenhydramine), in most cases do not cause a hypnotic effect, although there are exceptions. The safest in this regard are third-generation therapeutic agents (Erius, Telfast).

How to take

Antihistamines can be taken from seven days (Diazolin, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil - 1st generation) to one year (Lordestin, Desloratadine - 3rd generation). Longer intakes can result in toxicosis of the body, and even the development of allergic reactions to antihistamines.

Glucocorticoids are used both locally - ointments, gels, aerosols, and systemically - tablets, injections, or locally - rectal suppositories.

The dosage is determined solely by the doctor, taking into account the patient's body weight and a number of other parameters. Glucocorticosteroids must be taken early in the morning - the first time, and the second - no later than 14 hours later. This is how it happens physiologically when hormones enter the bloodstream from the adrenal glands. The medicine is taken with food, or immediately after eating.

To reduce the negative impact, hormones are combined with other drugs. With calcium and vitamin D - to avoid osteoporosis, with blockers of acid secretion in the stomach - to prevent gastrointestinal diseases.

Therapy with antifungal drugs is carried out strictly in accordance with the treatment regimen. In this case, the patient makes sure not to miss the medication, which should occur at regular intervals. You can not double the dose if for some reason a failure has occurred. Preparations of the subgroup of azoles for internal use should be washed down with water in sufficient quantities. Do not allow them to be mixed with drugs that lower gastric acidity (antacids, anticholinergics, etc.). Avoid getting local pharmaceuticals on the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, nose, wound surface. During the course of therapy, you need to give up alcoholic beverages.

List of drugs for specific situations - table

Types of itchingA drugRelease formActive substanceIndicationsContraindicationsAge restrictionsprice, rub.
AllergicLoratadineTablets, syruploratadineUrticaria, seasonal allergiesBreastfeeding, individual intolerance to the componentsChildren under 2 years oldFrom 34
EriusTablets, syrupdesloratadineIdiopathic chronic urticariaHypersensitivity to the components of the drugChildren under 6 monthsFrom 563
For skin diseasesKetotifenTablets, capsules, suspensionketotifenAtopic dermatitis, eczemaPregnant, lactatingChildren under 3 years oldFrom 67
AdvantanOintment, cream, emulsionmethylprednisoloneNeurodermatitis, dermatitis (contact, allergic, atopic), eczemaViral infections, intolerance to the components of the drugWithout BordersFrom 542
Fungal disease (including candidiasis)KetoconazoleTablets, creamketoconazoleSystemic and superficial mycoses: ringworm, scalp, vaginal, etc.Pregnancy, lactation, severe liver and kidney disease, intolerance to the components of the drugChildren under 2 years oldFrom 178
clotrimazoleCream, solution for external use, vaginal tabletsclotrimazoleMycosis of the skin, urogenital candidiasisChildren under 6 monthsFrom 20
From insect bitesIodinealcohol solutioniodineAs an antiseptic, disinfectantPurulent inflammation of the skinWithout BordersFrom 16
SinaflanOintmentfluocinolone acetonideInsect bites, psoriasis, burns, neurodermatitisInfectious skin diseases, ulcers, pregnancy, lactationChildren under 2 years oldFrom 69
In the groinGistanCreama number of phytocomponents, betulin, dimethiconeAllergies, eczema, photodermatosis, neurodermatitis, and other pruritusHypersensitivity to the components of the drugChildren under 2 years oldFrom 159
HydrocortisoneOintment, suspension for injectionhydrocortisoneSkin inflammations and allergies of non-microbial originInfectious skin diseases, ulcers, wounds, pregnancy, lactationChildren under 2 years oldFrom 28
Anal itching (including helminthic infestations)FlucinarGel, ointmentfluocinolone acetonideAcute dermatitis of a non-infectious nature, accompanied by itchingInfections: bacterial, viral, fungal, in the post-vaccination periodChildren under 2 years oldFrom 232
Heparin ointmentOintmentsodium heparin, anestezin, nicotinic acid benzyl esterIn the complex therapy of hemorrhoidsReduced blood clotting, ulcerative and nectotic processes in tissuesChildren under 1 year oldFrom 54
With systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis)PrednisoloneOintment, tablets, injectionsprednisoloneNeurodermatitis, eczema (including diabetes mellitus)Hypertension, diabetes mellitus (severe form), pregnancyChildren under 2 monthsFrom 48
NystatinOintment, tabletsnystatinWith mycoses caused by yeast-like fungi (including secondary lesions against the background of systemic diseases)Pregnancy, lactation, peptic ulcer, pancreatitisWithout BordersFrom 30
scabies mitebenzyl benzoateOintment, emulsionbenzyl benzoateWith scabiesAcute inflammation of the skin, pregnancy, lactation, drug intoleranceChildren under 3 years oldFrom 37
Sulfuric ointmentOintmentsulfur precipitatedAs part of combination therapy for scabies, mycosesHypersensitivity to componentsChildren under 3 years oldFrom 27
Psychogenic (for depression)AtaraxTabletshydroxyzineSymptomatic treatment of anxiety, itchingHypersensitivity to components, pregnancy, lactationChildren under 1 year oldFrom 273
SeduxenTablets, solution for injectiondiazepamIn the complex treatment of neurotic itchingHeart failure, respiratory failure, liver dysfunctionChildren under 1 year oldFrom 550

How to get rid of itching at home with the help of folk remedies: recipes

Tar soap is a cheap but very effective remedy for dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema. It contains about 10% birch tar - a natural antiseptic.

Folk recipes, of course, will not replace traditional treatment. But they may well enhance the positive effect of medications, or help out as a preventive measure for a disease that has not yet occurred.

  1. Tar soap against scabies mite;
    • recipe: make a rich foam from a cosmetic product (both solid and liquid are suitable). Lubricate the whole body with it, wait 3-5 minutes, and rinse with hot water. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.
  2. Toothpaste for insect bites;
    • Application: Apply a small amount of paste to the affected area. Hold until relief of overthrow and reduction of skin irritation.
  3. Apple cider vinegar will soothe itching;
    • How to use: Soak a cotton swab in undiluted apple cider vinegar, apply this mini compress to the itchy area until the rash subsides.
  4. Dill will relieve irritation;
    • recipe: will help get rid of redness and excess sensitivity. For 1 st. take a spoonful of dill seeds, take 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew for 20-30 minutes, strain. Divide into 3 servings, drink in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  5. Warm wormwood bath;
    • recipe: take about 0.4-0.5 liters of dry chopped wormwood, pour 3 liters of boiling water. Hold for half an hour in a water bath, strain, and add to bathing water. Take this bath for 20 minutes, once every 2 weeks.
  6. Herbal collection for itching;
    • recipe: take 10 g of each herb - sage, yarrow, wormwood, centaury, horsetail, St. John's wort, as well as 15 g of juniper fruit. Mix everything evenly, 2 tbsp. spoons of the collection pour 0.4-0.5 liters of water, leave for half an hour, strain. Take 0.5 cup 5 times a day before meals.
  7. Table vinegar as a prevention of fungal infections;
    • application: after visiting the pool or city beach, it is useful to treat the feet with 6% table vinegar. This is an excellent prevention of mycosis on the legs.

Treatment with folk remedies should complement drug therapy.

Why do we itch - video

Among the most common causes of local itching on the body, doctors distinguish several factors:

Determining the causes of local discomfort is of great importance, because it depends on the results of diagnosing the disease with the release of the main etiological factor, how to remove itching of the skin effectively and competently, without harming the body.

The appearance of generalized pruritus is promoted by such external and internal factors as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • dehydration of the body and loss of elasticity of the skin;
  • dysfunction of the glands of the endocrine sphere;
  • oncological diseases;
  • damage to the central nervous system and mental disorders;
  • congestion in the gallbladder and liver with a violation of the outflow of bile (cholestasis);
  • vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency of calcium metabolism;
  • chronic intoxication of various origins;
  • problems associated with blood diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • dry skin caused by dry air or the peculiarity of the climatic conditions in the region;
  • photosensitivity.

In most cases, the fight against itching throughout the body is realized through complex and lengthy therapy, and sometimes patients can only be helped by surgical treatment of problem areas.

The appearance of itching over the entire surface of the body is due to the development of such pathologies:

  • dysfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • damage to some parts of the brain;
  • psycho-emotional shocks;
  • stagnation of bile due to a decrease in the tone of the gallbladder;
  • lack of vitamin D.

In some cases, itching can only be managed through complex therapy, including surgery. In other situations, it is quite possible to use effective folk remedies.

The most well-known skin diseases are characterized by itching. There are many reasons for the disease. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Allergic reactions that can be caused by foods, drugs, animals, plants.
  2. From the bites of mosquitoes or other insects, the places on the skin where they have been are very itchy.
  3. Less common is itching, which is caused by liver or kidney disease. As a result of such diseases, nitrogen accumulates in the body. It tends to the surface and, in combination with sweat, irritates the skin, which causes itching.
  4. When there is a rash or swelling on the protective cover of a person, this can also lead to itching. The structure of the skin changes, so the receptors are forced to react in such a way that in turn protects the internal organs from unpleasant sensations.
  5. Coffee, citrus fruits, hot spices irritate the stomach more than all other allergens.
  6. Dehydration associated with age. People over 65 suffer from senile itching.
  7. Some people experience itching when they see another person scratching their arm or leg. Scientists characterize such a reaction as psychological.

To prevent itching, you can use a warm or cool shower. Do not wash with soap or gel.

Remove coffee, alcohol, citrus fruits, overly spicy and spicy foods from the diet. Give preference to clothes in smooth fabrics, but not from synthetics.

Avoid wool and linen. These materials irritate the structure of the skin.

Cotton will do. Until you find out the cause of the itching, do not use cosmetics.

Combing already irritated places is not worth it. No matter how difficult it may be. It will itch more, traces will remain. In this case, there will be no relief.

Itching is a fairly common disease and is accompanied by an irresistible desire to scratch this or that place. Itching also refers to burning on the skin.

The causes of itching are the following:

#1 Itchy Skin Remedy - Cold

Ice cubes narrow the pores of the skin, reduce irritation and "dull" the sensations of the receptors. Cold slows down blood circulation in the itchy area of ​​the body and stops the production of histamine, a substance that is released by the epidermis under the influence of stimuli and causes itchy sensations.

If there is no ice nearby, get creative: cold tap water (and ideally from a filter), metal, frozen meat.

Ice relieves itchy skin

Remedy number 2 - heat

For some reason, everyone believes that heat only increases the itching of the skin and prevents its treatment, but this is not so. Steamed and open pores relax the skin, relieve tension and reduce itching. Heat begins to “drive” histamine through the blood. Thus, the substance does not concentrate and accumulate, and the itching gradually subsides.

As a heat therapy, you can use a cloth soaked in warm water, a mug of coffee (if it can be leaned against an itchy place). A hot shower or bath will also relieve discomfort.


Dryness, prolonged exposure to the sun, bites, diseases of the internal organs, infections, allergies - any of these factors can cause annoying itching of the skin, which you want to get rid of as soon as possible. Special ointments containing, as a rule, camphor, menthol and other soothing ingredients help relieve itching. The most undesirable is the itching associated with bacterial infection, try not to break the skin: scratches and cuts become a path for infections to penetrate. Long-lasting itching, especially in combination with skin trauma, should be a signal to seek medical help.

How does it manifest

Itching occurs as an irritated skin condition that makes you want to scratch the affected area. He can be local(in a limited area) or widespread all over the body. In some cases, the body itches even at night, preventing you from sleeping peacefully.

Itching that has covered the entire surface of the body is more difficult to cure than a local one. Sometimes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits manifestation, skin lesions are observed: bumps, blisters, redness and other abnormal conditions.

Changes in the skin can indicate a serious illness (for example, scabies, lichen, eczema, and others), so you should show them to a dermatologist, you may need urgent medical attention.

Why does

Itching is caused by many reasons. Very often it is a psychological problem, the result of anxiety or stress. On the other hand, itching that occurs for other reasons can cause anxiety or provoke stress, exacerbating the problem and discomfort. Pay attention to the main causes of itching:

Diabetes, shingles, irritation from tissues or cosmetics, deterioration of living conditions, pregnancy and many other factors can also be the cause. However, most people do not have serious medical conditions and can get rid of itching with a little effort.

How to relieve itching

Trying to get rid of itching, some victims comb the affected areas with their nails, at the first moment of time this leads to noticeable relief. But then the itching intensifies due to scratches from scratching. Damage opens access to infections, and with prolonged scratching, dark spots and seals may appear on the skin. Therefore, you should try not to scratch itchy skin at all, although, as practice shows, most people do not have enough endurance for this.

Itching can be relieved by exposure to cold. The same nerve endings are responsible for these sensations, so the cold relieves itching. Use any means available for this.

  • Apply a clean cloth moistened with cold water to the affected area;
  • Take a cold shower;
  • A cool bath with the addition of a decoction of oats is effective against itching;
  • Apply ice packs or homemade ice cubes wrapped in plastic wrap.

A hot shower is not recommended, it only brings temporary relief. In the future, itching will increase due to dry skin and a feeling of tightness caused by hot water. Cooling creams and ointments can be used as an alternative to cold with camphor and menthol. They act on nerve endings and stop itching, but for a short time. Therefore, the cream must be used frequently, as the action ceases to be applied again.

Sometimes an ointment is used against itching. with hydrocortisone, it is likely to get a backlash, since this component is intended for a specific effect, for example, with eczema and seborrhea. And even with these diseases, an over-the-counter ointment is completely useless, since it has a low concentration of the active substance (1%). Hydrocortisone does not work on insect bites at all, use the ointment only on the advice of a doctor.

Also used to relieve itching antihistamines medicines sold without a prescription. Such drugs cause drowsiness and should not be used when working with complex machinery and when driving a car. It should be noted that new generation antihistamines have practically no sedative effect, some of them are available without a doctor's prescription.

If all the remedies have been tried, but the itching does not go away, lumps or dark spots appear, do not sleep at night - it's time to seek medical help. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe the treatment of the underlying disease that caused itching, along with soothing ointments and, if necessary, recommend antihistamines.

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