Eye drops from red eyes and blood vessels. Types of eye drops for redness and irritation. Effective drops for redness of the eyes

Working at a computer, constantly reading news on a smartphone, allergic reactions - all this can cause inflammation, dry eyes, and pain. To alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of allergies or the effects of light exposure, eye drops are actively used for redness and irritation.

Types of eye drops

Drops for irritation and inflammation are not similar medicines. The former are an emergency remedy for dryness of the cornea or vasodilation in the eyes. The latter help to get rid of allergic reactions, various diseases and other active inflammatory processes.

Each type of drops is divided by area of ​​effect. Solutions to eliminate redness and fatigue (they are also called keratoprotectors) are divided into:

In addition, it is worth taking out drops from eye irritation caused by the use of contact lenses. Regardless of their structure, patches cause some discomfort to the cornea. When using lenses, it is very important to use products for dryness and tissue repair. Otherwise, conjunctivitis and redness of proteins will become your constant companions.

As active substances in lens drops, moisturizing ingredients are used that increase the viscosity of the tear film. Due to this, its integrity is preserved, the comfort of using lenses is significantly increased and the time of wearing linings is extended. The composition often includes hyaluronic acid, mineral compounds, vitamins and synthetic substances.

Review of drops from redness of the eyes

The summary table below contains the most famous and effective eye drops for redness and fatigue, as well as for eliminating light irritation. In addition to the rating, we also indicated the main active ingredients and the area of ​​​​use of drugs.

Name Composition and scope
Vizin The main active ingredient is tetrizoline. It contributes to the rapid narrowing of blood vessels, normalization of blood circulation, elimination of burning sensation and discomfort when blinking.
Visoptic An analogue of Vizin, but at a more affordable price. It also contains tetrizoline hydrochloride. It is used in ophthalmology to eliminate redness and treat allergic conjunctivitis.
Lecrolin Decongestant and antihistamine drops. The composition includes a powerful histamine blocker - sodium cromoglycate. It is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of keratoconjunctivitis, allergic reactions, reddening of the cornea as a result of drying.
Montevisin The active substance of the drug is benzalkonium chloride. These are very effective drops for removing redness, eliminating dryness and fatigue, as well as moisturizing the cornea. Can be used to treat conjunctivitis, as well as superficial damage to the cornea.
Naphthyzin The composition includes naphazoline nitrate. In ophthalmic practice, they are used to quickly relieve swelling before examining the eye. As drops for the nose, they can affect the reduction of tearing and manifestations of allergic reactions.
Okomistin They consist of benzyldimethyl and miramistin. It is used for the complex treatment of eye injuries or for the purpose of tissue regeneration after surgical intervention. In addition, they are able to quickly eliminate redness caused by local irritants. Remove puffiness and reduce tearing.
Oxtilia Contains benzalkonium chloride. Like analogues with this active ingredient, these eye drops help with inflammation, redness, irritation, as well as “dry” itching.
Taufon These are eye drops related to Taurine - they have the same main component that helps to eliminate redness and inflammation. Reduce intraocular pressure, provide additional treatment for glaucoma, facilitate computer work, completely eliminate redness.
Okumetil Combined drops from inflammatory processes and related complications. The composition includes three active components at once: zinc, naphazoline and diphenhydramine. Reduce irritation and redness, after the first use completely relieve swelling. Can be used to normalize pressure.
Taurine They consist of a synthesized protein related to the human body - taurine. Supplemented with vitamin complex. They relieve redness, inflammation, quickly eliminate itching and normalize the functionality of cell membranes.
Oksial Head the rating of moisturizing and soothing eyes, drops. The active ingredient is hyaluronic acid. These are good drops to relieve the feeling of fatigue, quickly eliminate the redness of the protein, as well as the dryness of the apple.
Emoxipin Effective and cheap eye drops for protein redness and irritation. They help to reduce the negative impact of light loads, and also relieve the consequences of their impact. Relieve fatigue syndrome and eliminate the effect of "dry" eyes.

The list includes both specialized drugs for irritation and inflammation (corticosteroids) and less aggressive non-steroidal ones.

Name Composition and purpose
Aktipol The active substance is natural para-aminobenzoic acid. They belong to antiviral and regenerating drugs. Quickly relieve itching and swelling, reduce pain when blinking.
Albucid Well-known cheap drops that quickly relieve inflammation and itching. They are prescribed for the treatment of infections and inflammatory processes. During use, the active substance sulfacetamide causes a slight burning sensation.
Artelak The main active ingredient is hypromellose. The drug actively moisturizes the cornea, facilitates blinking and relieves "dryness" and irritation. It is often used to eliminate inflammation associated with mechanical tissue damage.
Vitabact Antimicrobial drops used to treat conjunctivitis, as well as fungal diseases. Contains picloxidine dihydrochloride.
inoxa The so-called blue drops. Remove fatigue syndrome, restore normal pressure. Often prescribed for tissue regeneration after operations or examinations. Able to relieve inflammation of the conjunctiva.
Tobradex A combination drug consisting of dexamethasone and tobramycin. Dexamethasone helps to remove the viral component, and tobramycin relieves redness, irritation and other effects of corneal damage.
Rohto Z The best Japanese eye drops to relieve irritation and improve the condition of the cornea. Contains zinc and a unique refreshing complex that eliminates fatigue.
Oftalmoferon A highly effective antiviral drug prescribed for patients with complex forms of conjunctivitis. The composition includes Interferon.
Phloxal Powerful antibiotic. The main active ingredient is ofloxacin, which effectively relieves irritation. It is characterized by a wide spectrum of action - it is prescribed for the treatment of fungal and bacterial diseases.
Timolol (Timola) Timolol maleate compound is used in ophthalmology to reduce intraocular pressure, corneal irritation and reduce inflammation. In order to treat viral or other diseases, it is recommended to combine it with specialized drugs.

Separately, Levomycetin should be noted - reviews claim that these inexpensive eye

For various reasons, the blood vessels in the eyes dilate, and it looks like reddened whites. In addition to an unsightly appearance, this problem is bad for well-being and visual acuity. But, before choosing eye drops for redness, you should take into account many concomitant factors and find out what caused the vessels to bleed.

How do eye drops work for redness of the eyes?

First of all, it is necessary to establish the reasons for which the symptom in question arose. Most often, reddening of proteins is caused by:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • infections;
  • overwork;
  • wearing contact lenses;
  • exposure to ambient air, especially if it contains chemical vapors.

Drops to relieve redness of the eyes can be divided into 2 types: eliminating symptoms and affecting the cause of the pathology.

Drops that relieve redness of the eyes

The first type is called alpha-agonists. As part of such drugs there are no medicinal substances, the principle of their work is to narrow the capillaries. Due to this, less blood enters the sclera and surrounding tissues, and hyperemia disappears along with swelling. As a rule, eye drops for redness are cheap, as they are based on simple vasoconstrictor components:

  • naphazoline;
  • tetrizoline;
  • oxymetazoline.

To date, the most popular means of this type are Vizin, Okumetil, Naphthyzin and Octilia.

What drops for redness of the eyes to use for allergies?

Combined preparations that contain antihistamine medicinal components are designed to relieve the redness of proteins with. In addition to narrowing the capillaries, they help reduce inflammation of the mucous tissues and prevent the occurrence of swelling of the eyelids.

The best eye drops for redness with an antihistamine effect:

  • Lecrolin;
  • Kromoheksal;
  • Allergodil;
  • Opatanol;
  • Allergophthal;
  • Spersallerg.

When allergic reactions are very strong, the use of agents containing glucocorticosteroid hormones is indicated. It should be remembered that monotherapy exclusively with drops will not have any effect, local preparations must be used in combination with oral medications.

The most commonly prescribed glucocorticosteroid medications are:

  • prednisolone solution;
  • Garazon;
  • betamethasone solution.

To accelerate the action, vitamin, immunostimulating preparations can be used in parallel.

Healing eye drops

Vasodilation is often caused by infections, bacteria, or viruses. In such situations, ordinary drops that relieve symptoms only mask the true problem.

Since there are many reasons for reddening of the eyes, it is necessary to know which drops to drip in order to restore the condition of the mucosa.

According to the principle of action and the active substance in the composition,redness eye dropscan be divided into several groups:

  • antibacterial drops;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • drops from fatigue;
  • from irritation and for getting used to wearing;
  • antiallergic;
  • after injury and


Antibacterial eye drops for eye inflammation are effective if bacteria or viruses have become the cause of the inflammatory process. They help with redness as a result of mechanical damage or.

Antibacterial agents should be instilled as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable. If the eyes become red due to the action of microbes, then a burning sensation, itching or swelling is sure to appear. These are symptoms of a viral origin of the disease.

Tetracycline and Levomycetin will help get rid of redness and irritation.

Vitamin complexes

Such funds make up for the lack of nutrients, they instantly nourish the cornea and lens. Taufon, Strix and Vitafacol effectively remove irritation and pain.

During pregnancy, you should try Okumetil, Oculist or Viziomax vitamin drops.

From tired eyes

Effective if redness is caused by overexertion or lack of sleep. With overwork, vasoconstrictors will help. They cause vasospasm, thereby reducing the redness of the eyeball.

From fatigue and redness of the eyes, Vizin, Oksial, Inox and Octilia are most effective.

If the cornea becomes dry, then irritation will definitely appear. With dry mucous membranes, drugs that cause lacrimation. This action has:

  • Artificial tear.
  • Levomycetin.
  • Inox.

The products help with fatigue and redness caused by prolonged work at the computer or work in poor light.

To make it easier to get used to wearing lenses

When wearing lenses, you need to drip drops into your eyes daily. This is necessary to prevent infection, as well as redness and eye fatigue that occur the first time after applying the lenses.

Good remedies for pain, irritation and dryness are Visiomax, Sante, Naphthyzin, Kuspavit, Sistane, Reticulin, Khilozar and others.

Naphthyzine in the drops has an anti-inflammatory effect. It constricts blood vessels and reduces tearing. If the mucous membrane is inflamed as a result of excessively dry air in the room, then it is impossible to use products with this component.


If the cause of red eyes is the action of an allergen, then antihistamines will be needed. With allergic conjunctivitis, in addition to redness, dryness, pain, pain, and profuse lacrimation usually appear.

It is worth using such drops to relieve redness: Allergoftal, Betadrin, Naphthyzin and Okumetil.

If the symptoms of an allergic reaction are severe, then a stronger drug, Dexamethasone, will help. This is a hormonal drug.

After injuries and operations

If the redness of the eyes is caused by damage to the cornea or is the result of surgery, then it is necessary to use agents that remove inflammation and prevent infection.

Suitable suchdrops of red eye:

  • Maxidex.
  • Oftan.
  • Dexamethasone.

After laser correction, effective against lacrimation, namely Oksial, Ftogel and Sistane.

When a foreign body enters, there is a high probability of an infectious lesion of the cornea. Removes redness and restores the mucosa Levomycetin.

In case of injuries, an effective drug. It relieves swelling and removes hematomas.

Overview of popular drugs

List of drops for redness of the eyes:

  • Levomycetin. The cheapest remedy for redness of the eyes caused by infectious diseases.
  • Systane. Relieves fatigue and removes dryness of the mucosa. The drug is included in the group of "artificial tears", contains vitamins and mineral components.
  • Vizin. Helps with visual stress and contact conjunctivitis. Relieves irritation, moisturizes and restores the condition of the cornea. These eye drops for redness of the eyes have a natural composition, so they are absolutely safe.
  • Tobrex. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic. The active substance is tobramycin.
  • Octilia. These are vasoconstrictor drops. Reduce swelling, tearing, redness and itching. The effect lasts 4-8 hours. The drug has a lot of contraindications.
  • Naphthyzin. The cheapest remedy for red eyes. Instantly constricts blood vessels, the effect lasts up to 2-3 hours.
  • Albucid. Antibacterial drops. The active substance is sulfacetamide. Suitable for use in newborns. Albucid copes with purulent-inflammatory diseases.
  • Oftolik. The drug protects and moisturizes the cornea, restores the work of the lacrimal glands. It is one of the best remedies for dry eye syndrome.
  • Dexamethasone. It is a corticosteroid that has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. It can be used for corneal injuries, after surgery, for inflammatory diseases and allergies. Effective for 4-8 hours.
  • Oksial. This is an "artificial tear" preparation. The active ingredients are hyaluronic and boric acid. Relieves irritation when wearing lenses or contact conjunctivitis.

What drops are suitable for children?

The most common cause of eye redness in children is. It needs to be treated with antibiotics.

Suchchildren's eye drops:

  • Albucid.
  • Levomycetin.

For children, only Albucid 20% can be used. It is necessary to drip 2-3 drops up to 3 times a day in each eye.

Levomycetin has a lot of side effects when used in children.

With allergic redness of the eyes in a child, Allergodil, Dexamethasone and Lekrolin drops will help.

Which eye drops to use for children should be decided by the doctor based on the age of the child and the condition of his eyes. The safest means are Tobrex and Sofradex. These drops are suitable for redness of the eyes in infants.

Taufon is also very effective for children. It relieves itching, redness and irritation.

Moisturizing drops for children:

  • Vizin.
  • Oftagel.
  • Likontin.

Means help from eye fatigue after a long stay at the TV screen or computer monitor.

With reddening of the eyes, you should not delay a visit to an ophthalmologist, especially if a child has such a problem. If you suspect an allergy, you should contact an allergist.

Useful video about redness of the eyes

Redness of the eyes - the expansion of small blood vessels located on the surface of the eyeball. It is due to external stimuli or diseases, since in the normal state the capillaries are almost invisible. Enlarged vessels make the eye red, and blood spots can be found in the sclera.

External symptoms suggest the presence of other signs that indicate the need to contact an ophthalmologist:

    Decreased visual acuity;

    Uncharacteristic discharge from the eyes;


Itching and redness of the eyes

The redness is often accompanied by itching. The patient has a strong desire to scratch the eye to get rid of the discomfort. However, friction, on the contrary, increases discomfort. When you should not touch your eyes with your hands or comb them, so as not to infect the infection or the smallest particles on the mucous membrane. This will only make the situation worse.

If itching occurs, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist, since such a symptom, together with redness, is a sign of many serious diseases: glaucoma, cataracts, corneal lesions, dendritic keratitis. If it is impossible to get expert advice immediately, you can try to cope with discomfort for a while on your own. To do this, make herbal compresses from chamomile or green tea, fresh cucumbers, raw potatoes or milk. Even if, after using such remedies, itching is felt less or completely disappears, you still need to visit a specialist. Lack of treatment in the case of many diseases leads to rapid loss of vision.

The ingress of a foreign body also causes itching and redness of the eyes. In this case, they should be rinsed with running water, and then, with a gentle movement, try to move the particle that caused irritation to the corner of the eye and try to remove it from there. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, you should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of redness of the eyes

There are 23 causes of redness of the eyes:

    external stimuli. Redness of the eyes can cause low temperatures, direct sunlight, strong winds. Ultraviolet radiation leaves on proteins. Bright sunlight is also dangerous because it makes you constantly squint, and this leads to the formation of wrinkles around the eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to use glasses. The wind contributes to the occurrence of irritation and the ingress of small litter, grains of sand into the eyes.

    chemicals. Irritation of the mucosa can cause cleaning products, soaps, shampoos. Often chlorinated pool water in the eyes leads to redness. For this reason, you should wear goggles.

    Dust, foreign bodies. When they hit, there is an acute desire to rub your eyes, but you can’t do this. Since if you strongly compress the eyelids, you can damage the cornea.

    Air conditioner. If you constantly stay in the room where the split system works, you may encounter redness of the eyes. This is due to the drying of the mucosa. Normally, it should always be hydrated. This phenomenon is known as "dry eye syndrome". They often affect office workers. Constant itching and burning, discomfort in the eyes in bright light - all these are symptoms of this syndrome. There is also lacrimation, but it is not enough to moisten the mucosa.

    Allergy. It can be caused by the presence of pollen, dust, mold, fluff and pet hair around. usually accompanied by redness of both eyes, which are often watery, irritated by sunlight. It is important to find out what leads to such a reaction. During periods of allergic attacks, it is recommended to do more cleaning, avoid contact with animals and flowering plants.

    Visiting baths and saunas. Temperature changes, water vapor lead to dryness of the mucous membrane, which in turn causes redness and irritation. Therefore, when visiting a steam room in a bath, you need to blink more often and cover your eyes a little, and then rinse them with cold water.

    Wrong nutrition. Lack of vitamins and certain elements also manifests itself in the form of redness of the eyes. This is another reason proving that the diet should be balanced. Periodically, it is necessary to drink special pharmacy complexes to avoid. Especially the body needs such help in winter, when there are too few fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet.

    The most important for the eyes are groups B, C, E and vitamin A, which has a positive effect on the retina and helps prevent many diseases. These elements are found in various products. B vitamins are found in milk, eggs, meat, cereals. To make up for their lack in the body, it is recommended to eat oatmeal or buckwheat porridge for breakfast every day. Sources of vitamin A are various vegetables and fruits, and especially a lot of it in red palm oil. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, sweet peppers, and vegetable oils are rich in vitamin E: olive, corn, soybean. The most useful foods for eye health are blueberries, beef liver, carrots and fish.

    For patients who are just starting to wear lenses, redness of the eyes is a normal reaction to a foreign body. Gradually, the body gets used to it, and irritation no longer appears. However, if the lenses have been used for a long time, and suddenly discomfort and redness appear, this indicates that it is necessary to change them. After all, in the process of wearing contact lenses lose their elasticity. In addition, microscopic particles accumulate on their surface, which cause irritation by rubbing the cornea. It is possible that the redness of the eyes is an allergic reaction to the contact lens solution. It needs to be replaced with a better one.

    To avoid irritation, you should consult an ophthalmologist before wearing lenses. There are a number of contraindications, for example, "dry eye syndrome", various diseases of the cornea. Lenses recommended by a specialist and made of quality materials should not lead to redness. If such a side effect occurs, it is necessary to stop using them and identify the cause of irritation. It is also important to follow the rules for wearing lenses: at night and leave them in a special solution, change them after the expiration date, periodically remove them during the day, giving your eyes a rest.

    Smoking. Tobacco smoke is a common cause of allergies and eye redness. This is due to the fact that it causes vasoconstriction. As a result, blood circulation in the eye area is disturbed, their conjunctiva is irritated, lacrimation begins, and redness appears. Some components of tobacco smoke lead to the development of serious diseases such as cataracts, macular degeneration. In this case, the retina suffers greatly, which affects the quality and visual acuity. Left untreated, it can lead to blindness. When irritation appears, it is necessary to abandon the bad habit. But redness of the eyes affects not only active, but also passive smokers. They should avoid places where exposure to tobacco smoke is possible.

    Wrong glasses. Glasses must match the vision correction parameters. If they are chosen incorrectly, after wearing them, redness of the eyes is possible. Irritation causes even the wrong frame. Periodically, it is necessary to do exercises for the eyes and give them a break from glasses, which, for a long time, also cause redness. In any case, if discomfort occurs, you should consult an ophthalmologist. It is impossible to make a decision on the need to wear glasses and choose them on your own, since there is a high risk of worsening vision in this way.

    Alcohol. One of the main actions that alcoholic beverages have on the human body is vasodilation. They are especially noticeable if you pay attention to the eyes. You can get rid of such redness by removing all the toxins that appear after drinking alcohol.

    Cosmetics. The use of mascara, shadows cause irritation and redness of the eyes. Most often, women face such problems when using low-quality cosmetics. Less often, an allergic reaction is caused by products of specific brands. To prevent redness and itching allows the careful use of cosmetics. It is necessary to avoid getting funds in the eyes, try to apply their minimum amount. As soon as possible, you should remove makeup, do not go to bed with it. You should not save on cosmetics, as high-quality luxury brand products cause an allergic reaction much less often than their cheap counterparts.

    Eye strain. While watching TV, working at a computer, using various electronic devices and reading, the eyes experience a serious strain. Therefore, every 45 minutes you need to give them a rest, do gymnastics. Otherwise, redness of the eyes is possible from overexertion. It is recommended to blink more often to moisten the mucous membrane. When it dries, the eyes itch, hurt and redden. To facilitate the load allows the use of special glasses. Some of them are designed for driving a car. Driving requires increased concentration of attention, while the eyes get tired, and glasses will improve vision in bad weather conditions and get rid of sun glare.

    Lack of time, and more often its improper organization leads to lack of sleep. In order to have time to do all the planned things, most people usually sacrifice sleep. As a result, the body does not have time to recover, which affects the eyes. With lack of sleep, they turn red, itch and hurt. After waking up in such cases, there is a desire to rub the eyes. You do not need to do this, so as not to scratch the cornea and aggravate irritation.

    Bad light. When doing work that requires concentration, such as reading, using a computer, or watching TV, choose places with good light. In a dark room, the eyes will strain too much, which can lead to redness.

    Tears. Crying is sometimes useful, because it is an opportunity to give vent to emotions, but as a result, the eyes always swell and redden. This reaction is largely due to the chemical composition of tears, in which salt is present. If you rub your eyes, they redden even more. As a result, rubbish gets into them, eyelashes fall out. Therefore, do not cry and at the same time scratch your eyes, so as not to cause even more irritation.

    Injuries. They are of a different nature, but are accompanied by redness of the eyes. It can be mechanical damage, for example, thermal, associated with burns or. Chemical injuries are caused by alkalis or acids getting into the eyes, and radiation injuries are caused by ionizing radiation. If you receive such injuries, you should immediately consult a doctor, as they can lead to loss of vision.

    Pregnancy and childbirth. During this period, fluid retention and hormonal changes appear in the form of redness of the eyes. This leads to an increase in blood volume in pregnant women, as a result of which small vessels burst. Hormonal changes provoke "dry eye syndrome". Its main symptoms are redness, dryness and itching. The eyes experience a lot of stress during childbirth. At this time, capillaries can break in them if a woman is not pushing properly, holding her breath. Because of this, blood pressure rises sharply, so the vessels burst.

    Scleritis. This disease is associated with inflammation of the white of the eye. In medicine, it is known as the sclera, which is where the name sclerite comes from. Such inflammation may be caused by another disease:, or serve as its symptom. Some infections also lead to the development of scleritis. The main symptom of the disease is redness of the eyes, as well as conjunctiva, fear of light, profuse tearing. Women suffer from scleritis more often than men. It usually occurs among older and elderly patients.

    Corneal ulcers. Mechanical injuries, burns, fungal infections, viruses - all this leads to corneal ulcers, which are purulent in nature. You can determine their presence by redness of the eyes, lacrimation, fear of light, uncharacteristic discharge. Ulcers affect all layers of the cornea, as a result of which, after recovery, it is noticeable on it, often called a thorn. Diagnosis of this disease is carried out by an ophthalmologist using a special lamp. Ulcers are treated with medical and surgical methods. Surgery is required if the deep layers of the cornea are damaged, so it is necessary to identify the disease in time.

    Glaucoma. This eye disease is considered one of the most dangerous, as it can lead to complete loss of vision. It is caused by an increase in intraocular pressure. You can determine by, a feeling of squeezing in the temples, blurred vision and redness of the eyes.

    Uveitis. In this disease, the uveal tract or choroid becomes inflamed. This disease can develop into glaucoma, causing loss of visual acuity or blindness. Redness of the eyes is a symptom of uveitis along with pain, irritation in response to bright light.

    Conjunctivitis. So in medicine they call inflammation of the mucous membrane, which can be caused by an allergic reaction or external stimuli. Conjunctivitis manifests itself in the form of swelling and redness of the eyes.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause that caused the redness of the eyes. To do this, you need to consult a specialist. It is possible to remove redness of the eyes on your own only if it is not associated with serious diseases that can lead to loss of vision.

Often this phenomenon is caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. You can make up for their lack by taking special complexes containing lutein. You should also pay attention to nutrition. The diet should contain foods that positively affect the state of vision: blueberries, carrots, beef liver, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits. A balanced diet is one of the most important components for eye health.

If redness is caused by overexertion while reading or working at a computer, it is recommended to do gymnastics or use special glasses. They reduce eye strain and maintain visual acuity. Various compresses relieve redness well. The simplest version of such a remedy is cucumber slices, which must be put on the eyes and left for a while. You can keep them in the refrigerator for a while for the best effect. not only relieves redness, but also helps to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Green or chamomile tea bags can also be used as a compress. Ice cubes relieve inflammation well, but you need to keep them on your eyes for no more than 5 minutes, after wrapping them in a cloth.

Redness is often the result of lack of sleep and dehydration. You need to try to drink more clean water and observe the daily routine. If an allergy appears in the form of redness, it is necessary to identify its cause. For a while, you need to stop using cosmetics, cleaning products, and do more cleaning.

Eye drops for redness

Drops are considered the most effective way to combat redness of the eyes. Depending on the causes that caused irritation and discoloration of proteins, their various types are used. If the redness is caused by tobacco smoke or allergies, drops containing phenylephrine are suitable. It has a narrowing effect on the vessels, as a result of which they become less noticeable. With dryness of the mucous membrane that caused redness, drops are required that can moisturize it.

The following drops are also used:

    "Vizin". This drug is prescribed if the redness is caused by dryness of the mucous membrane. The action of the drops occurs after a few minutes, and a small amount of them enters the systemic circulation. "Vizin" allows you to get rid of redness and swelling, but the drug should be used carefully, as it is addictive. It should be instilled several times a day for no more than 4 days. The drug is also contraindicated in patients with high eye pressure and small children.

    "Okutiarz" - eye drops with hyaluronic acid, will help relieve discomfort and redness of the eyes caused by dryness after intense visual work.

    "Cationorm" is a tear drop based on a nanoemulsion that quickly spreads over the surface of the eye, restoring all three layers of the tear film, permanently eliminating pronounced, intense discomfort, redness and dryness of the eyes that appear throughout the day.

    "Octilia". Drops eliminate the symptoms of eye irritation: redness, swelling, tearing, itching, burning. Due to this action, they are widely used for various types of conjunctivitis. The vessels narrow a few minutes after instillation, the effect persists for at least 4 hours. "Octilia" is used in cases where redness is caused by mechanical damage to the eyes, the ingress of chemicals into them. The drug should be instilled 2 times a day. If after 2 days there is no positive effect, you should stop using the medication and consult an ophthalmologist.

    "Naphthyzin". It has a strong vasoconstrictive effect, eliminates signs of inflammation, including redness of the eyes caused by allergies and mechanical stress. "Nafthyzin" is buried no more than 3 times a day. Like many other similar drugs, it can be addictive, which reduces its effectiveness. With an overdose of drops, weakness, headache, nausea appear. "Naphthyzin" leads to the expansion of the pupil, so after instillation it is difficult to perform work that requires increased concentration.

    Okumetil. This combination drug has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. "Okumetil" is instilled with the appearance and redness of the eyes several times a day for 3 days. In the absence of a positive effect, it is necessary to stop its use and consult an ophthalmologist. Since the drug is absorbed into the systemic circulation, it should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, young children, patients with and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Immediately after instillation, itching and burning are felt, visual acuity decreases.

    "Alomid". It is used mainly as an anti-allergic agent, it allows you to quickly remove inflammation and redness of the eyes. The drug has practically no contraindications and similar effects. Treatment with "Alomid" is carried out for several days and can last several weeks. As with many other similar drugs, discomfort is possible after instillation.

    "Vizomitin". The peculiarity of this drug is that it does not just eliminate redness, but acts on the cause that caused the inflammation. It is used to combat age-related changes, moisturize the mucous membrane, relieve irritation and eye fatigue, "computer syndrome". The exact dosage and duration of the course of treatment is determined by the ophthalmologist, depending on the nature and causes of redness. A significant advantage of "Vizomitin" is that it is able to enhance the effect of other drugs, so it can be used as part of complex therapy.

There are many reasons for reddened eyes. First of all, these are various infectious diseases, irritation of the mucous membrane as a result of aggressive environmental influences, allergic reactions, and foreign body ingress. A noticeable reddening of the sclera is also formed as a result of injuries, excessive physical exertion or severe coughing, violation of the rules when wearing contact lenses.

The reddening effect occurs due to the expansion of superficial blood vessels and can be eliminated fairly quickly. The most popular eye drops for redness are Vizin. The drug provides an instant effect that lasts up to eight hours. However, it is undesirable to use it for more than four days in a row. Indications for use: catarrhal conjunctivitis, mucosal irritation and allergic eye diseases.

In some cases, Vizin can be used as eye drops for redness caused by external irritants and fatigue. The cost of the drug in the pharmacy chain is from 200 rubles.

If the redness of the sclera is caused by being in a smoky room, getting a foreign body, long work at the computer, lack of sleep, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of irritation and give the eyes a good rest. It is a good idea to use a cooling gel mask for this purpose.

If being in front of a monitor is your main job, try to take breaks at least every two hours. Just sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed, blink. "Artificial tear" will help to cope with discomfort, moisturizing the cornea. The price of this drug does not exceed 230 rubles.

The cause of redness may be an elementary allergy to cosmetic preparations (creams, mascara, shadows). Often in such cases, redness is accompanied by itching and discharge. If there is a suspicion of an allergy, it is better not to use any cosmetics for a while. And take your time to use eye drops for redness and itching. In this case, washing with a decoction of chamomile or cornflower, green tea compresses are quite effective.

Getting rid of the redness of the eyes that accompanies infectious diseases is much more difficult. In this case, home remedies are indispensable, and an ophthalmologist's consultation will not be superfluous. Here are the characteristics of the most popular drugs and their cost in Russian pharmacies.

Eye drops from redness "Oftalmoferon" are indicated for allergic and adenovirus conjunctivitis, uveitis syndrome and herpetic keratouveitis. Contraindications to the use of "Ophthalmoferon" - intraocular pressure, glaucoma, hypersensitivity. Side effects - burning sensation in the eyes, reactive hyperemia (increased blood flow after its temporary restriction). OTC eye drops for redness "Ophthalmoferon" are produced in Russia. The average price, depending on the region, is from 220 to 300 rubles.

Another preparation of the domestic manufacturer "Sulfacyl sodium" - drops for the eyes from redness of the sclera and eyelids caused by bacterial infections. Due to the high efficiency and low price (a 10 ml bottle costs about 20 rubles), the drops are very popular. Sulfacil does not relieve redness, as Vizin does, but eliminates the cause of its appearance. Despite the fact that the drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, it is better to use it after consulting a doctor. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out which microorganisms were the cause of the disease. In the event that during the use of the drug there is a burning sensation, and redness increases, it is recommended to reduce the concentration.

Another Russian drug "Albucid" has a similar effect. It is also very inexpensive, about 20-30 rubles.

Those who prefer imported drugs should pay attention to the redness of Japanese production. Vitaminized drops "Sante FX Neo" and their analogues improve vision, eliminate redness, regulate intraocular pressure. The price of drugs starts from 1500 rubles.

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