What to do with puffy lips. How are lips enlarged? Women's secrets. Benefits of Injections

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Seductive plump lips are the dream of all women whom nature has not endowed with this feature from birth. To the delight of beautiful ladies, in the 21st century this desire can be fulfilled without any difficulty. Modern cosmetologists know how to increase lips at home, and willingly share their experience with women. If this topic is relevant to you, let's analyze it in more detail.

Ways to increase lips at home

Plastic surgery will help increase the volume of many parts of the face, but not every woman is willing to go under the knife for a couple of grams. For this reason, cosmetologists have developed a number of techniques to achieve the desired result without surgery. Modern methods of lip augmentation at home are effective and safe, so they are practiced by tens of thousands of women. Simple beauty recipes help achieve impressive results! Let's discuss these methods in more detail to get a general idea.


The device with which modern women make their lips plump and bigger works on the principle of a suction cup. The vacuum device pumps out air, increasing the volume of soft tissues by 40-50%. The procedure takes no more than a minute, and the effect that it provides is fixed for several hours. The lip enlarger is absolutely harmless to the skin, mucous membranes and blood vessels, so there are no contraindications or side effects.

Similar gadgets are produced by many companies. The most popular of them has become. So you found out the name of this thing for lip augmentation at home, which the whole world is talking about. A wonderful device is relatively inexpensive. Every woman can fork out for such pleasure. The device is offered in three variations, for different types of lips.


Modern cosmetology offers women a wide range of products to increase lip volume at home. Cosmetic ointments, balms and lipsticks contain special irritating particles called plumpers. The role of these components can be played by extracts of cinnamon, ginger, red pepper, mint. In some cases, essential oils and vitamin E are added to the composition of such products. The effect of increasing the volume is created due to the flow of blood that occurs as a reaction to an irritating substance.

Folk remedies

Folk cosmetology will tell you how to make beautiful lips at home, give them volume. There are many ways to achieve the desired result, and right now we will take a closer look at the most effective of them:

  1. Ice massage. Massage your lips with an ice cube, and then place a tissue soaked in hot water on them for a few moments. Repeat this procedure several times. The volume effect will soon appear.
  2. Hot pepper. This recipe is another proof that beauty requires sacrifice. To increase the volume of the lips with pepper at home, you need to take one small pod, grind it along with the seeds, insist in a glass of hot water. When the liquid has cooled to a tolerable temperature, soak a napkin in it and apply it tightly to your lips. The volume will appear instantly, but in the next 20 minutes after that you will have to endure a merciless burning sensation.
  3. Cap. An old method used by Soviet women at home. With a cap, you can increase the volume of your lips by 30-40%. The point of this method is as follows: you put the cap on your mouth and draw in air to create a vacuum. After a minute, the procedure ends. The volumizing effect lasts 2-3 hours. If the cap is not at hand, you can use a glass, lid or jar. The main thing is that the size is appropriate.
  4. Glycerin mask. Mix Vaseline with honey, white sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice in equal proportions. The total volume should be about 50 grams. Enter a third of a dessert spoon of glycerin. Stir until a uniform mass is obtained, hold for a couple of minutes in a water bath. Apply to the surface of the lips, pinpoint a quarter of an hour. The procedure will make muscle tissue and skin soft.

Through exercise

A special charge will help pump up your lips. Write down some simple exercises for yourself that you can practice everywhere:

  1. Whistling. Whistle the tunes of your favorite songs every time you have a free minute. This will warm up the muscles to increase the effectiveness of subsequent exercises.
  2. Show language. Cute childish tomfoolery will help increase the volume of the lips at home. Extend your tongue to its full length, count to ten. Repeat the procedure several times.
  3. Dandelion. Inhale deeply, puff out your cheeks, purse your lips tightly. Imagine that there is a large dandelion right in front of you, and blow the seeds off it with all your might. Do this 5 times.
  4. gold fish. Purse your lips as tightly as possible and then smile broadly. Repeat this process often.
  5. Circles. Close your lips as tightly as possible. Imagine that you are squeezing an invisible brush with them. Draw 5 circles in the air in counterclockwise motions, and then follow the same steps, only in the opposite direction.
  6. Shark. Bite your lips hard to feel a slight pain. Count for 2 minutes and then release. Soon you will notice that the volume of the lips has increased noticeably.


In addition to all other procedures and exercises, massage your lips daily with a regular toothbrush with delicate bristles. By developing tissues in this way, you will increase blood flow and thereby create additional volume. In addition, the brush will exfoliate dead cells. This will improve metabolism. By repeating this massage several times a day, you will quickly achieve your goal.


If you want a long-term effect of volume, try it for yourself at home. The active ingredient in this product is sodium hyaluronate. It is absorbed into the subcutaneous layer and accumulates water molecules around itself. Due to this, volume is created and wrinkles are smoothed out. Creams and balms with hyaluronic acid are applied in a thin layer and rubbed into the skin of the lips in a circular motion. In the process of performing these actions, a slight burning sensation will occur and a feeling of swelling will appear, but this is not scary. Hyaluronic products are absolutely harmless.

How to visually enlarge lips with cosmetics

Decorative cosmetics will help to get the desired result. The main thing is to choose the right lip gloss that increases volume. The glossy texture will change the visual perception of the skin surface. In addition, the gloss will provide a temporary wrinkle-smoothing effect. From the outside it will look quite natural and attractive.

Consequences of lip augmentation

Women who have chosen folk methods and / or decorative cosmetics for themselves rarely encounter undesirable effects. As for creams that provoke blood flow to the capillaries of the lips, they can provoke an allergic reaction, so they must be used carefully. Hyaluronic acid in moderate amounts does not cause damage to the tissues of the skin and muscles, however, when abused, irritation often occurs.

Video: how to increase lips without surgery

The video below will show you the practical application of the techniques we have discussed. Experienced cosmetologists will explain in detail how to pump up lips at home without the intervention of surgeons. In addition, experts will tell you about the precautions. Use these guidelines to get the desired effect without compromising.

Photos before and after

The simplest and incredibly effective way to evaluate the effectiveness of certain means/exercises/drugs is to compare images before and after the procedures. Many women do this, and you should follow their example. This will help you choose the most effective of all possible methods for increasing lip volume at home.

Many women often ask this question, especially if they want to look attractive and plump their lips. Today, there are many ways to give volume to the lips, the main thing is in the desire to pump up the lips to know when to stop so as not to spoil the face. What methods of lip augmentation exist, we will find out below.

Pumping lips - methods of pumping lips

You can pump them up both in an operative way and without surgical intervention. Operations of this kind are called cheiloplasty, and special implants will help give the lips the desired volume.

Non-surgical lip augmentation methods are as follows: injection of hyaluronic acid through injections, gel augmentation, lipofilling (fat tissue augmentation), plastic surgery.

Injections of hyaluronic acid and other drugs - the most common method lip augmentation. And silicone for this purpose is used less and less. Also, in some cases, Botox injections are practiced, but they can only correct the lip shape, but not increase them in volume.

Hyaluronic acid for lip augmentation

This substance is the most applicable today for non-surgical lip augmentation. Thanks to hyaluronic acid, they become more voluminous. Also this drug is the safest because it is natural to the body. And the doses of hyaluronic acid administration are minimal.

If the patient wants to increase her lips through injections based on hyaluronic acid, then she turns to a beauty salon or a cosmetology clinic. Be sure to voice your expectations regarding the result:

  1. Do you want to pump up one lip or both at once.
  2. Do I need to change the lip contours.
  3. Whether or not the corners are raised.

Tell the specialist in more detail how you see yourself after the procedure, so that he can tell you if this is possible in your case. The more information you provide, the more you will be pleased with the end result. The procedure for lip augmentation using hyaluronic acid will take about half an hour.

The procedure will look like this:

  • the specialist makes a couple of injections for pain relief or applies a cream to reduce sensitivity;
  • acid is injected in small doses into places that require correction, using a syringe with the thinnest needle;
  • doses are minimal, but they need to be distributed over the labial tissues, so the number of injections can reach up to 20;
  • at the injection sites of hyaluronic acid, there is less fatty tissue, therefore, after its introduction, the volume of tissues begins to increase;
  • swelling may appear, but it quickly passes;
  • after the injections are completed, the lips are massaged in order to prevent the accumulation of acid and connect it with the labial tissue.

As a rule, a noticeable effect will be already after the first procedure, but in some cases an additional one is also required, which can be prescribed in two weeks.

During the procedure, there may be a feeling of discomfort, which disappears. If the pumping is regular, then there are practically no such sensations, because the body is used to it. After injections, the lips are moisturized and increase in volume. Minor swelling subsides in about two days.

Indications and contraindications for contouring with hyaluronic acid

Indications for such a procedure are as follows: wrinkles on the upper lip, asymmetrical shapes if you are unhappy with the volume and size of your lips. The procedure also has contraindications. So, you can not make injections with hyaluronic acid for such diseases and conditions:

As part of the precautionary measures, some experts prescribe to patients a few days before the manipulation to take Acyclovir. Thanks to this, you avoid developing herpes in the affected areas.

After treating the skin with a disinfectant and cream in a clinic, you need to properly care for them after the procedure:

  • do not eat or drink anything hot;
  • it is forbidden to kiss (even on the cheek).

Frequency of procedures

Naturally, over time, hyaluronic acid begins to slowly dissolve and the lips become the same again. Since this substance is not a foreign element for the body and helps to retain moisture in the skin, the effect of the new procedure will last longer. So, hyaluronic acid is somewhat slows down the aging process lip tissues.

Don't overdo the magnification so as not to stretch the lip tissue. In such cases, after the acid is absorbed and the volume is reduced, the lips look extremely unattractive. If you know the measure, then at the end of the action of the acid this will not happen.

As a rule, the effect of the use of hyaluronic acid lasts about 6-12 months and may vary depending on the drug and individual metabolic characteristics.

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid

Based on this substance, there are several preparations for lip augmentation. Basically, they have a gel-like structure, which guarantees an excellent result. From each other they differ in additional components, price and absorption rate.

The choice must be entrusted to a specialist who is obliged to find out if the patient has this or that reaction to the components of the drug.

The most used drugs:

  1. Restylane.
  2. Juvederm.
  3. Pearline.
  4. Surzhiderm.
  5. Teosial.

All of them passed clinical trials and have the appropriate certification.

Botox for lip augmentation

Botox in cosmetology is a fairly widely used drug in the form of botulinum toxin. It is used for such purposes as: lifting the corners of the lips, asymmetry correction getting rid of wrinkles. Depending on the goal, you need to choose points for injections in an amount of up to six and the dose of the drug.

After the introduction of Botox, the skin is smoothed, the lips look young, but the enlargement effect will be only visual, since this drug does not add volume. If you want to simultaneously correct the lips and give them volume, it is possible to use hyaluronic acid and Botox together.

Lipofilling method. This method provides that the patient's lips are injected with her own fat, which is previously taken from other areas of the skin. This procedure is extremely complicated and should be carried out only by a highly qualified specialist.

However, it has the following advantages:

  • Safety.
  • Absence of allergic manifestations.
  • The absence of a rejecting effect and other side effects.

Lip augmentation silicone. This method was popular earlier, but now it is significantly inferior to injections based on hyaluronic acid. For the first time, it is recommended to introduce a minimum amount of silicone, since the reaction of the body to it can be any.

Silicone is far from being an ideal drug for lip augmentation and is no longer the most common. Sometimes the results of unsuccessful procedures can be terrifying. Experts do not recommend this method.

The cost of the procedure for inflating lips

To the question “how much does lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid cost?” very difficult to answer. A telephone consultation will not be enough, the doctor must see the patient, examine the scope of work.

Also discuss pain relief and drugs to be used for injection. The price of this procedure may vary, it depends on the following factors:

  • the drug used for lip augmentation;
  • the amount of its introduction;
  • clinics where the procedure is performed;
  • specialist qualifications;
  • individual characteristics of the patient.

So, the introduction of one dose will cost from 5 to 25 thousand rubles. Basically, this covers the cost of the drug that is used by the master. And even for the same drug, the difference in clinics can be significant.

As for the amount of the injected drug, an injection using Teosial in an amount of 1 mg costs about 11 thousand rubles, but 3 ml of the same remedy will cost almost 30 thousand rubles respectively.

It is also extremely important not to save on the drug, so as not to be disappointed with the result. If a specialist has recommended a certain drug to you in one quantity or another, it is better heed his advice and do not replace the recommended drug with a cheaper one or choose a lower dose.

However, sometimes it is possible to save money on the lip augmentation procedure without loss of quality. To do this, follow the promotions in cosmetology clinics and salons, discounts can sometimes reach 50 percent, which will save a lot.

Also, a condition for a lower cost of the procedure may be low qualification of a specialist, for example, it can be a novice master.

In addition, students of medical universities and colleges can carry out a similar procedure for free as part of their practice. The advantage of this option is that the procedures they will carry out under close supervision their leaders, who will be able to correct their mistakes in time.

And of course, decide whether you really need to pump up your lips? Do you have enough weighty arguments for such a decision, or is such a desire dictated by the influence of the public and fashion magazines? anyway better good weigh all the pros and cons solutions to enlarge your lips.

Beautiful plump lips have always attracted the attention of men. It is believed that this form speaks of the sensuality and sexuality of their owner. According to statistics, the largest percentage of plastic surgery falls on the lips. However, it is not necessary to go to the surgeon and inject hyaluronic acid, especially since it is not safe. There are enough methods to increase sponges at home without any risk and complications.


Proper makeup is a quick and harmless way to plump lips in minutes.

Choice of funds

To visually increase the volume of the lips, lipsticks of pastel shades are chosen: pink, peach, natural beige. It is better to refuse cosmetics of bright colors. The same applies to matte lipsticks with a velvety texture.

Glitter, glossy, gel lipsticks with mother-of-pearl effect will visually add volume to your lips.

IMPORTANT! If you don't want to give up matte lipstick, top it off with a glossy reflective structure that will make your lips look plumper.

The color of the eyeliner or pencil should match the color of the lipstick as much as possible or be 1 - 2 tones darker. Do not apply contour eyeliner above the natural line - this indicates bad taste and vulgarity. The line is drawn strictly along the outlines of the lips, without going beyond them. If you need to use dark-colored lipstick, then make up the middle of the lower lip with a light shade and then cover it with gloss.

On sale there are also products that increase lips: plumpers and special varnishes.

IMPORTANT! Plumper - lip gloss, which includes hyaluronic acid, menthol, ginger, cayenne pepper. It can be produced in the form of lipstick, ointment or cream.

The desired result is achieved by the presence of products such as: menthol, hyaluric acid, collagen, silicone, mint.

Lucky - lipstick and gloss in one bottle. Thanks to the rich color and lacquer coating with a 3D effect, the shape of the lips acquires a sexual swelling.

Although these products are not cheap, they are considered the most effective if you want to increase your lips in one day. As the lipstick or plumper wears off, the lips are tinted.

If you feel a slight coolness, tingling or even burning sensation, then the cosmetics are made from natural products without the use of silicone and hyaluric acid.

Application technique

  1. Concealer covers the surface of the lips - helps to hide fine wrinkles, natural imperfections, protects against cracks.
  2. Outline with a pencil or eyeliner.
  3. The center of the lower lip and the line of the upper lip (Cupid's arc) are outlined with a highlighter - it gives swelling and seductiveness.
  4. The surface of the lips is covered with lipstick of a light shade.
  5. A shimmery sheen is applied on top.

Special exercises

In the lips, as in any part of the body, there are muscles that need a certain load. By performing a special complex for 20-30 r / day, you can increase the volume not for a while, but forever.

IMPORTANT! The effect comes after a while, if you do not skip workouts.

A set of exercises:

  1. "Whistling" - fold your lips as if you are going to whistle. Repeat 5 min. daily.
  2. "Kiss" - stretch the lips for a kiss to the maximum distance. Without relaxing, pull them to the tip of the nose. Fulfill exercises 20 times.
  3. “Blow out the candles” - take air into your lungs and blow out imaginary candles. Repeat 10-15 times.
  4. “We write numbers” - close your lips into a tube and “write” a figure eight in the air. Repeat 20 times.
  5. “Show the tongue” - open your mouth, stick out your tongue and make movements to the left - to the right. Run 15-20 times. Such an exercise not only pumps up the lips, but also has a positive effect on the muscles of the neck.
  6. “The fish smiles” - fold your lips into a tube and smile. Repeat 10 times.
  7. “We pronounce the vowels” - sing the vowels “a-o-u-e-i”. 10 times - rest -10 times.
  8. Inflate your cheeks, release air in jerks, repeating “p-p-p-p”. 5 times - rest - 5 times.
  9. "Bite" - lightly bite the upper and lower lips for 2 minutes.
  10. Retract the sponges and hold for about 20 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Gymnastics is very effective on its own, but, to achieve the fastest result, it is better to use it in combination with other procedures:

  • makeup;
  • massage;
  • masks.

With the help of massage and masks, blood circulation is normalized, the color of the lips improves, which in itself is an effective way to increase them, moreover, the most common products that are always in the house.



You will need a brush with soft or medium bristles. Wet with warm water and gently walk in a circular motion over the surface of the lips. After the procedure, lubricate with balm or hygienic lipstick.

Scrub with honey and sugar

Mix honey and brown sugar in equal proportions, apply on lips and wash off after a few minutes with warm water. Honey - cleans and heals small wounds, and sugar softens delicate skin.

ATTENTION! If there is an allergy to honey, it is better not to use such a scrub, or replace the product with another one, for example, lemon or mint oil.

ice cube

Freeze water, green or herbal tea and rub your lips in the morning. After the procedure, lightly bite your lips, this will increase blood flow and make them a little brighter.



Dip the brush in honey and smear the mouth. With such a mask, go to bed, and in the morning you will have plump, tender lips.


At night, it is useful to lubricate the lips with ordinary petroleum jelly or hygienic lipstick made from natural ingredients.

A nicotinic acid

Crush 8 acid tablets into powder, mix with 1/3 tsp. chopped hot pepper and ½ tsp. vaseline. Lubricate lips with olive oil and apply the prepared mixture for 1 minute. Rinse off and apply a special make-up that gives volume to the lips.

Hyaluric acid can be used instead of nicotinic acid. The drug is sold in a pharmacy in the form of tablets.

Folk remedies

Our grandmothers increased sponges without surgery and injections, and in a matter of minutes. Desirable sexuality and swelling is achieved with the help of the most common spices and spices. Some methods, however, are quite extreme, but the effect is achieved quickly enough, although not very long. When choosing grandmother's methods, you must remember that:

  • if you are allergic to any of the products, it is better to refuse this method;
  • after a few hours (approximately 5-6), the lips will regain their previous shape.

If there are no medical contraindications and the short-term effect does not bother you, you can start looking for your own beauty recipe.

Hot pepper

  1. Grind one pod of red hot pepper along with the seeds, pour hot water to make a gruel, wet a napkin and apply to your mouth for a few minutes.
  2. Mix crushed pepper with petroleum jelly, apply the mixture on the lips until a burning sensation appears. Lubricate with balm.

IMPORTANT! To avoid burns, do not hold for more than 3 minutes.


Chew a piece of ginger, apply gruel on the lips, lightly massaging them. Remove the mask with a tissue and cover the mouth with gloss or hygienic lipstick.


Mix candied honey, cinnamon and olive oil until a homogeneous mass is obtained, apply on a toothbrush and massage sponges for about 5 minutes. Honey will remove dead epithelium, olive oil will lubricate, and cinnamon will cause a rush of blood.


Crush the peppermint leaves. Soak a cotton pad with the resulting juice and apply it to your mouth. Rinse with warm water and lubricate lips with Vaseline.


Finely grate the rind and go over your lips with it. As soon as they begin to grow numb, the procedure can be stopped. Lemon will not only puff up your lips, but also whiten your teeth and freshen your breath.

After any procedure, put on the right make-up, and attention to your lips will be ensured.

The common phrase "size matters" in our time is relevant not only for men. In the case of the weak half of humanity, it is related not only to the size of the chest or hips, but also to the lips. The owners of voluminous lips since ancient times were considered more prolific. Plump lips were one of the beacons that attracted males to create healthy offspring.

This fact is entrenched in the genetic memory of men, no wonder in our time many of them are excited by the bright image of Angelina Jolie, Pamela Anderson or Megan Fox, seducing from TV screens and magazine covers.

In order to meet the unwritten ideal of beauty and arouse interest among the strong half of humanity, girls from time immemorial have sought to make their lips more voluminous.

In ancient Egypt, to achieve this goal, oils and snake venom were mixed in certain proportions and applied to the mouth. In the Middle Ages, they tried to make the first variations on the theme of tattooing.

Since the invention of surgical operations to create a 3D volume of the lips, they have been put on stream. True, in our time, invasive aesthetic procedures (injections based on hyaluronic acid (fillers), Botox, various gels) have already competed with the scalpel.

Volumetric lips from season to season are on the wave of fashion, so cosmetologists and surgeons have no end to clients. The number of people who want to get lips, like Angelina Jolie, is as many as those who dream of breasts, like Pamela Anderson.

On the one hand, entrusting yourself to a specialist to correct a small “blemish of nature” is useful for improving self-perception and psychological state. On the other hand, if you are not sure of your choice, you are afraid of a scalpel like the plague, and injections make you feel panicky, it is better to use the site's tips on how to increase lips at home without interfering with nature.

Lip Augmentation Exercises

No matter how surprising it may sound, but our lips also have muscles, they allow them to compress and decompress, take on a different shape during a conversation, make a face. And these muscles can be “pumped up”, like any other on our body, by performing certain set of exercises. Just remember, if you want to achieve decent results, do not skip workouts and exercise regularly. Moreover, such exercises can be performed anywhere and anytime.

1. Whistle

Whistle your favorite tune for 5 minutes. Try a new song every day. This will not only cheer you up, but also warm up your mouth muscles for further exercises.

2. Show your tongue

As a child, it was a sweet tomfoolery, but now the ugly gesture has become part of the exercise program to increase the volume of the lips. Open your mouth and stretch your tongue to its full length. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds, repeat 10 times.

3. Dandelion

Puff out your cheeks first, and then start blowing them hard, like a dandelion in front of you. The lips should be relaxed. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

4. Goldfish smile

To begin with, fold your lips into a tube, and then smile. Do 15 reps.

5. Howl like a wolf

Try to howl for 5 minutes, say "woo, awoo." Just do it slowly, drawing out each letter.

6. Draw circles

Squeeze your lips tightly, and begin to move them clockwise and counterclockwise, as if drawing circles in the air. Do five times on each side.

7 Shark

How to increase lips at home / shutterstock.com

Bite your lips with your teeth so that it does not hurt. This exercise will increase blood circulation in the lips. Do this for 2 minutes.

8. Pull in your lips

Pull your lips in with force. Hold them in this position for 20 seconds, then take a break and continue. Repeat 5 times.

Lip massage and makeup for extra volume

Lip massage

In addition to a set of exercises, which is good to do in the morning, in the evening you can do a special massage to increase the lips. It will not take much time, and the result will be noticeable in a month.

Scrub massage

Take scrub with fine abrasive. You can buy it from the store or make your own. To do this, mix wheat grains with a spoonful of honey - and the scrub is ready. Apply it on the lips, massage with your fingers in different directions. After a while, your lips will begin to add volume.

In addition, in this way you will rid them of dead skin particles, and lipstick or shine will sleep better.

Toothbrush massage

Get a separate brush with soft bristles for this procedure (perfect for children). Lightly wet it and start the massage. The skin of the lips is very delicate and easily injured, so avoid sudden movements.

Ice cube massage

Put an ice cube in a thin cloth and start the massage. Drive them on the lips to the left and right for 2 minutes. Cold perfectly stimulates blood circulation and its inflow to the lips, so they slightly, but still add in volume.

Menthol compresses

Apply menthol essential oil to a damp washcloth and keep it on your lips for about 5-10 minutes.

Moisturizing after procedures

Remember that after any massage, the lips need to be moisturized. Take advantage of this special treatment lip balm or moisturizer for the eye area.

Makeup to give lips extra volume

If you need to increase your lips in a matter of minutes, use the tricks of professional makeup artists. There is nothing easier than doing it with decorative cosmetics. Here you need to take into account several important details.

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