Inflammation of the appendages treatment. Tablets and other remedies for ovarian inflammation. Inflammation of the uterine appendages and pregnancy

Even in childhood, grandmothers and mothers, taking care of our health, advised us to dress warmly, not to overcool our feet and not to sit in the cold. They tried to protect us from inflammation of the uterine appendages (fallopian tubes, ovaries). Of course, hypothermia is not the cause of this disease, but it acts as a provoking factor. Let's look at the essence of the disease, causes, symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the uterine appendages.

This diagnosis is very often made by gynecologists to their patients. In medicine, the disease is called salpingoophoritis. If the inflammation affects only the fallopian tubes, then salpingitis is diagnosed. An inflammatory process that affects only the ovaries is called oophoritis. Salpingitis and oophoritis are not so common.

The reason for this is that the internal genital organs are closely connected to each other. Inflammation that affects one organ quickly spreads to nearby tissues and provokes the occurrence of salpingoophoritis, or inflammation of the appendages.

The disease can be diagnosed at any age. Both young girls who are not sexually active and older women who have reached menopause turn to doctors for help.

Inflammation of the appendages can occur in three forms:

  • acute;
  • chronic;
  • latent (asymptomatic, or sluggish).

In acute salpingoophoritis, the symptoms are very pronounced. Treatment of inflammation of the appendages is necessary. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, the disease will become chronic, in which the symptoms are blurred. The latent form is the most dangerous. Inflammation is present in the body, the disease progresses slowly and practically does not make itself felt. Salpingo-oophoritis in its latent form can only manifest itself as weakness and lethargy. Many women attribute these signs to bad weather or mood.

The reason for the appearance of symptoms of salpingoophoritis is the entry into the body of pathogenic microorganisms (gonococci, streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, etc.).

Inflammation of the appendages can occur in three ways:

  • ascending (pathogenic microbes from the vagina penetrate the uterus, bypassing the cervical canal, into the tubes, and then can enter the ovaries);
  • descending (there is already inflammation in the abdominal cavity, which gradually spreads to healthy tissue);
  • hematogenous (microbes enter the fallopian tubes and ovaries with blood from other internal organs).

The likelihood of inflammation of the appendages increases when provoking factors act on the body. This could be overwork, a weakened immune system, or swimming in cold water. If a woman has already been diagnosed with chronic inflammation, then periods of exacerbation can be caused by hypothermia, stress, and lack of normal nutrition.

Symptoms of inflammation of the appendages

Signs of the disease directly depend on its form, the state of the immune system, and the type of microorganism that caused salpingoophoritis. In the acute form, women complain of the following symptoms:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes radiating to the legs or lower back;
  • tense abdomen in the lower regions;
  • increased body temperature (it can reach 39 degrees);
  • changes in the menstrual cycle (sudden bleeding or delayed menstruation);
  • vaginal discharge that is different from normal (it may be greenish-purulent or yellowish, thick or foamy).

Chronic inflammation of the appendages occurs with the same symptoms, but they are less pronounced. A sick woman becomes irritable. Body temperature fluctuates around 37-37.5 degrees. Chronic inflammation is characterized by a wave-like course. Periods of exacerbation are followed by remissions (periods of absence of signs of the disease).

How is the disease diagnosed?

The diagnosis is made by a gynecologist. The specialist must take into account information from the medical history (whether the patient had abortions or not, how the birth proceeded, whether the woman is promiscuous, whether the patient suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis). The woman’s complaints and symptoms are also taken into account. To make an accurate diagnosis, instrumental and laboratory tests will be needed.

To identify the causative agent of the disease, smears of the vagina, urethra, and cervix are examined. Bacteriological culture is also performed to select antibiotics for inflammation of the appendages. Ultrasound diagnostics can be performed. With its help, in case of salpingoophoritis, inflammatory formations of the appendages (for example, hydrosalpinxes) are detected.

In the chronic form, hysterosalpingography is performed. This medical procedure is an X-ray examination of the uterine cavity and appendages, performed with the introduction of a contrast agent. Hysterosalpingography is necessary to determine the severity of pathological changes in the fallopian tubes and the patency of this organ.

Treatment options

The disease in its acute form can only be treated in a hospital. A sick woman needs to spend about 12-14 days in the hospital. In mild forms of the disease, the patient can stay at home and use the remedies prescribed by the doctor. With properly prescribed treatment, the symptoms that arise from acute inflammation of the appendages disappear in the first week.

This does not mean that you can stop taking the funds. Treatment of inflammation of the appendages with drugs should be continued, because the cause of the disease cannot be eliminated in a week. For inflammation of the uterine appendages, treatment should include the following measures:

  • taking antibiotics and other drugs;
  • completing a course of physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • endoscopic dissection of the walls of the fallopian tubes that have stuck together;
  • Spa treatment.

Antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. The drugs are administered intravenously and intramuscularly for the first time in the hospital. Then antibiotics are started to be taken orally. If treatment is carried out at home, then for inflammation of the appendages, both injections and tablets can be prescribed.

In parallel with antibacterial drugs are prescribed immunomodulatory agents , activating lymphocytes to fight pathogenic microorganisms. In cases where women complain of severe abdominal pain, analgesics are prescribed. Topical anti-inflammatory drugs may also be used. Here are some names of suppositories and medicines for inflammation of the appendages:

  • Polygynax (vaginal capsules);
  • Pimafucin (vaginal suppositories);
  • Fluomizin (vaginal tablets).

Before using medications, you must consult your doctor!

Women are referred to physiotherapeutic procedures for chronic inflammation or after treatment of an acute form of the disease. The following methods can be used:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • radon baths;
  • dynamic currents, etc.

In cases where peritonitis or purulent sacs formed in the fallopian tubes are detected, surgical intervention is required.

Some people advise treating inflammation of the appendages with folk remedies. Prescriptions should only be used when approved by the attending physician. A very famous folk remedy is boron uterus. A decoction is prepared from it (1 tablespoon of boiling water is poured into a glass of hot water and infused for 2 hours), filtered.

The resulting glass of decoction is consumed during the day before meals. Another well-known herb is berenets. This remedy is good for sexually transmitted infections. Grass in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. boil in 1 liter of water. The prepared decoction is drunk with honey throughout the day.

If you discover symptoms of the disease, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Inflammation of the uterine appendages is a rather serious ailment that requires treatment. A woman who does not consult a gynecologist simply has no idea what serious complications she may experience.

Salpingo-oophoritis can lead to the formation of adhesions, narrowing of the fallopian tubes, and disruption of the ovarian secretion of sex hormones. Due to inflammation of the appendages, a woman may be diagnosed with infertility. With purulent complications, removal of the fallopian tubes is sometimes required.

Women suffering from salpingoophoritis are recommended watch your diet. During the acute or subacute stage, doctors prescribe a hypoallergic diet. Chicken egg whites, sweets, chocolate, and mushrooms are excluded from the diet of patients. The amount of carbohydrates and table salt is also limited.

When treating chronic inflammation of the appendages during remissions, it is not necessary to follow a diet. However, you need to understand that nutrition plays an important role. It must be balanced, rational, and improper nutrition will only accelerate the onset of exacerbation.

Disease prevention

In order not to encounter inflammation of the appendages and complications of the disease, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:

  • avoid stressful situations;
  • do not overcool your body;
  • do not abuse alcoholic beverages or spicy foods;
  • visit a gynecologist every 6-12 months;
  • treat all diseases in a timely manner;
  • maintain personal hygiene, do not use other people’s towels;
  • refuse casual sex;
  • use a condom during sexual intercourse.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that salpingoophoritis is a pressing problem for many modern women. Only careful attention to your body can protect you from this disease and the consequences of inflammation of the uterine appendages. If salpingo-oophoritis makes itself felt, then you should seek qualified medical help as soon as possible.

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In the modern world, every second woman experiences inflammation of the appendages to one degree or another. This disease can be both acute and chronic. In most cases, an accurate diagnosis is made in the hospital, after examining the patient by a specialist.

If a woman’s body is completely healthy, then the ovaries and uterus should be sterile and not contain any microorganisms. The process of inflammation can occur if infectious agents penetrate inside. Among the reasons that lead to inflammation of the appendages are the following:

  1. Microflora with certain specifics. For example, the presence of gonococci;
  2. Various pathogenic microorganisms;
  3. Microbes such as staphylococcus, E. coli, streptococcus and so on.

There are several ways in which harmful microorganisms can get inside:

  1. Rising. With this infection, microbes from the vagina directly infect the uterus and then spread to the ovaries;
  2. Descending. In this situation, bacteria already live in the abdominal cavity, and over time they begin to infect healthy cells;
  3. Hematogenous. Bacteria can enter the fallopian tubes along with blood from any other organs.

What can trigger this process of inflammation?

  1. Violations of personal hygiene rules;
  2. Constant change of sexual partner;
  3. Stress and hypothermia;
  4. Labor, which had certain complications;
  5. Reduced immunity due to diseases such as diabetes, HIV infection;
  6. Abortions, installation of IUDs, and so on.

Symptoms, signs and diagnosis

Symptoms of inflammatory processes in the appendages can be very different and sometimes similar to intestinal inflammation and appendicitis. If the appendages are affected, then their normal functioning is noticeably reduced and is manifested by the following symptoms.

Local symptoms

  • severe pain. They begin to appear in the lower abdomen and are aching in nature. Sometimes the intensity of the pain increases greatly and brings a lot of discomfort to the woman. There are cases when pain moves to the hip and sacrum. If the inflammation is chronic, the pain becomes regular. At the same time, their intensity increases during menstruation, sexual intercourse, and also during physical activity;
  • the menstrual cycle becomes unstable. Women immediately pay attention to this point, since the intensity of the discharge changes dramatically, it becomes either strong and long-lasting, or short and insignificant. Unpleasant sensations are also sure to appear;
  • various secretions. They can be purulent, serous and even mucous in nature. There is also itching and irritation. Vulvitis may occur.

General symptoms

  • body temperature can rise to 39 degrees, with headaches and chills;
  • There may be nausea and vomiting;
  • Abdominal pain occurs, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted;
  • sometimes there is pain during urination;
  • Depression often occurs and work ability decreases;
  • Sexual desire decreases.

Before making a diagnosis of “inflammation of the appendages,” you need to undergo examination by specialists. Most often, diagnostics proceed as follows:

  1. The woman is sent for an ultrasound, during which the condition of the uterus and appendages is checked;
  2. A general blood test is required. If there are any violations, then the ESR indicator in the blood increases and leukocytosis is observed;
  3. The gynecologist must take a smear from the vagina to determine the presence of pathogenic bacteria;
  4. A general examination of the vagina is performed. When the appendages become inflamed, the woman begins to experience pain in the cervix and appendages;
  5. It is necessary to undergo a bacterial culture to determine the presence of infections;
  6. Sometimes tomography and laparoscopy are done.

Traditional medicine treatment of acute inflammation of the appendages

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages with traditional medicine very often gives a positive effect in a short period of time. But it is very important to remember that such treatment should only be started with the permission of a specialist. All treatment should consist of the following steps.

  1. Aloe and calendula. In order to get a positive effect, these plants are used separately in the first 10 days of the course. Initially, prepare the first solution. For it, take a glass of aloe juice, the same amount of liquid honey and about two glasses of church cahors. This composition must be kept for 2 days in a warm place and then transferred to the refrigerator. Drink two tablespoons on odd days, morning and evening. On other days, prepare an infusion of calendula and plantain. Take 2 tablespoons of different herbs and pour a glass of hot water over them. Infuse for an hour and drink throughout the day;
  2. Sea buckthorn oil and celandine. Then during the week you need to do douching. To do this, add a teaspoon of celandine and a little sea buckthorn oil to a glass of boiled water.

There are several more effective recipes for the treatment of acute inflammation of the appendages:

  1. Juniper berries. Prepare the next infusion, which is taken orally. For a glass of boiling water you need 15 berries of the plant. The infusion is infused for 4 hours, and then it must be drunk three times daily. Single dose – 1 tablespoon;
  2. Douching based on cinquefoil also helps effectively. To prepare it, take about 5 tablespoons and fill it with ½ cup of water. The procedure is carried out overnight.

How to treat chronic inflammation of the appendages with folk remedies

For chronic inflammation of the appendages, treatment should be long-term and regular. Only in this case will it be possible to cope with this disease. Among traditional medicine, there are several recipes that have been tested and bring positive results:

  1. In first place is the grass uterus. 2 teaspoons of fine grass should be poured into one glass of boiled water. The drink should infuse for about two hours, and then take 1/3 cup three times a day. The course of treatment lasts at least a month;
  2. After the first course, it is recommended to take an infusion of field grass for two months. Take a tablespoon of herb per glass of boiling water and infuse for 4 hours. Take in small portions (1 teaspoon) half an hour before meals 4 times a day;
  3. Another effective remedy is treatment with raspberries. For a liter of boiled water you need to take about 50 grams of leaves and flowers of the plant. Boil for 15 minutes. Then wait until the temperature of the infusion becomes acceptable. You need to take baths for 20 minutes in the evening.

There is more information about appendages in the program by Elena Malysheva.

Latent form of inflammation - basics of treatment

The latent form of inflammation of the appendages is in most cases treated on an outpatient basis and for a long time. Under no circumstances should this treatment be interrupted after the first relief, otherwise the situation will only worsen. The course of treatment for the latent form includes taking anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs, as well as physiotherapy and immunomodulators.

Treatment of the latent form is the most difficult, since the inflammation process is in an advanced state. In addition, pathogens exhibit resistance to some antibiotics. In order not to cause inflammation to develop into this form, you need to undergo a timely examination by a gynecologist. It is best to do this twice a year.


If you have been diagnosed with inflammation of the appendages, then treatment should begin immediately, plus adhere to complex therapy. Most often, specialists prescribe medications, physiotherapy, gynecological massage and osteopathy.

Antibiotics play a fairly important role in treatment. There are a huge number of them in the modern world, but the correct selection is made taking into account the widest possible range of actions and at the same time with a fairly fast half-life.

Do not under any circumstances start the disease, as in a short period of time it can become chronic, which can subsequently lead to infertility. Among the most common antibiotics, it is worth highlighting the following: Amoxiclav, Ceftriaxone, Erythromycin, Metronizadol and others.

There are cases when two drugs are prescribed at the same time. To obtain maximum effectiveness, the antibiotic should be administered as an injection for the first few days, and then you can switch to taking tablets.

In order to reduce pain, reduce body temperature and swelling, anti-inflammatory suppositories can be prescribed. In addition, they can help the body get rid of harmful substances.

The causes and symptoms of inflammation of the appendages are in this video.

Prevention and complications

In order to protect your body from inflammatory processes, which can later develop into a chronic form, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Try to visit a gynecologist once every six months. During your appointment, allow the doctor to examine you in the chair and also take smears;
  2. Try to avoid hypothermia. Dress according to weather conditions. After swimming in ponds, change into dry underwear. Don't sit in the cold;
  3. If you want to terminate your pregnancy, try to do it as soon as possible and preferably with medication. Curettage can provoke inflammatory processes;
  4. Try to keep your teeth and intestines healthy. If necessary, resort to timely treatment;
  5. Try to use barrier methods of contraception;
  6. If you have been diagnosed with any gynecological disease, do not leave it to chance. A timely cured disease will protect you from unpleasant consequences;
  7. Try to adhere to healthy eating rules;
  8. Be sure to maintain personal hygiene;
  9. If possible, do not douche;
  10. Also, do not give in to stressful situations.

The listed rules are very simple and following them will help you protect yourself from inflammatory processes in the appendages. It’s easier to follow them than to spend a lot of time and money on treatment.

In contact with

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are one of the most common pathologies in the gynecological practice of doctors. According to medical indicators, about 60% of diseases of the female genital area develop against the background of inflammatory processes in the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, and appendages.

The term “appendages” means all adjacent organs of the uterus (fallopian tubes, ovaries). Inflammation of the appendages belongs to a group of infectious and inflammatory processes that most often involve the ovaries or tubes of the uterus itself. In cases where inflammation affects the uterus, symptoms of endometritis most often appear.

In gynecology, diseases of the appendages can be found under the name adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries) or salpingoophoritis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes). Considering that these organs are anatomically closely related to each other, the doctor often makes a diagnosis of “inflammation of the appendages.” What are the causes and symptoms of the disease, how to treat inflammation of the appendages and how dangerous this disease is.

Inflammation of the appendages: causes

Normally, the pelvic organs, including the appendages, do not have pathogenic flora, but under certain factors or diseases, pathogenic bacteria are able to penetrate inside, provoking the development of inflammatory processes. It is known that any inflammatory disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the cause of inflammation in the appendages can be any bacteria that have penetrated the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system: viruses, fungi, gonococci, chlamydia, streptococci, staphylococci, spirochetes, protozoa, herpes simplex viruses and others, which after penetration into the body actively multiply, causing symptoms are characteristic of inflammation of the appendages. Any of the pathogenic microorganisms can not only cause symptoms of inflammation of the appendages, but also other diseases. For example, chlamydia - chlamydia, fungi - vulvitis, candidiasis, gonococci - gonorrhea and other diseases that are often sexually transmitted.

Pathogenic microbes can enter the body not only through sexual contact, but also through contact, household contact, and also through failure to comply with basic hygiene rules or through contact with a carrier of the pathogen. The state of the immune system is of particular importance in the development of this disease. If a woman’s immunity is strong, it will not allow the activation of any microorganism. In cases where the immune system is weak, the risk of getting sick increases several times. In addition, there are a number of certain factors that are a trigger for the development of inflammatory processes in the appendages. Among these factors are:

  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Overwork;
  • Constant stress;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Constipation;
  • Promiscuous sexual intercourse.
  • Abortion.
  • Childbirth;
  • Sexual intercourse during menstruation.
  • Poorly performed gynecological examinations.

In addition to the above factors, inflammatory processes in the appendages can be triggered by physical or mental stress, endocrine disorders, and internal infections of other organs. In any case, inflammation of the appendages must be treated, since the lack of timely treatment entails complex and sometimes dangerous complications.

Symptoms of inflammatory processes in the appendages

Inflammation of the appendages - symptoms can occur in acute or chronic form. The acute form of the disease has a pronounced clinical picture, and chronic inflammation of the appendages has more subtle symptoms, which are characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. With inflammatory processes in the appendages, a woman experiences the following symptoms:

  • Pain syndrome. Pain is localized due to inflammation of the appendages in the lower abdomen. It can have different intensity and radiate to the sacrum or thigh. Pain increases during menstruation or sexual intercourse. If a woman suffers from a chronic form of the disease, then the pain syndrome may be constantly present and intensify with exacerbation.

  • Menstrual irregularities. Menstruation with inflammation of the appendages is almost always irregular, quite painful, and severe bleeding may occur. In rare cases, menstruation is too short and scanty.
  • Vaginal discharge ranges from purulent to mucous with an unpleasant odor.
  • Itching, burning in the vaginal area.
  • Increased body temperature. During an exacerbation, body temperature can rise to 39 degrees.

  • General malaise. Occasionally, nausea, dry mouth, and increased fatigue are felt.
  • Disorders of the urinary system. Discomfort, pain when urinating.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system: increased irritability, depression.
  • Decreased libido.

Signs of inflammation of the appendages can be determined by the results of a blood test. During inflammatory processes, the blood formula changes significantly, and the ESR increases. In addition, during a gynecological examination at an appointment with a gynecologist, a woman feels severe pain in the ovaries and uterus. The above symptoms may also be present in other diseases of the genital organs, so only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after examining the patient, collecting anamnesis, and the results of laboratory and instrumental studies: blood test, urine test, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and others, which will allow the doctor to get a complete picture disease, make the correct diagnosis.

Possible complications

Inflammation of the appendages - symptoms and treatment should be carried out in a timely manner and only under the supervision of a doctor. In cases of untimely or incorrect treatment, there is a risk of developing complications that are not life-threatening for the woman, but can lead to the development of a chronic form of the disease, as well as infertility.

It is important to note that women who have had inflammation of the appendages are 10 times more likely to be diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy. Complications develop due to the formation of scar tissue on the ovaries or tubes. In rare cases, the complication manifests itself in the form of purulent processes in the fallopian tubes. This complication requires surgical removal of the fallopian tubes or ovaries.

Inflammation of the appendages: treatment methods

Every woman should clearly know how to treat inflammation of the appendages, but in any case, therapeutic measures should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. In the acute period of the disease, treatment is carried out in a hospital and should include both medication, diet and proper lifestyle. In the acute period, a woman is recommended to rest in bed and eat low-fat and unsalted foods.

An important place in treatment is occupied by antibacterial therapy, the action of which is aimed at destroying the causative agent of the disease. Typically, the doctor prescribes broad-spectrum antibiotics, including the following drugs:

  • Penicillin group – Amoxiclav, Augmentin;
  • Cephalosporins – Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin;
  • Macrolides – Erythromycin, Macropen, Fromilid.

The doctor may prescribe other antibiotics that affect pathogenic flora. Antibiotics for inflammation of the appendages are prescribed in the form of injections for intramuscular or intravenous administration or in the form of tablets for oral use. In the acute period, it is recommended to take antibiotic injections, as they can quickly relieve the inflammatory process, thereby reducing the symptoms of the disease. The effectiveness of treatment should be observed on the first day. The course of treatment takes from 5 to 10 days. If no positive dynamics are observed, the doctor may change the antibiotic or prescribe more radical methods of treatment (surgery).

In addition to antibiotics, the doctor prescribes other medications:

  • Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs: Ibuprofen, Intomethacin.
  • Vaginal suppositories. They have a positive effect on pathogenic microorganisms and act directly at the site of inflammation. These medications are administered before bedtime. They have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effects: Terzhinan, Polizhinaks, Klion-D and others. Such drugs do not affect the vaginal microflora, have a minimal number of contraindications and are well tolerated by the female body.
  • Vitamin therapy. Vitamins B, C and E are prescribed, as well as immunostimulants to improve immunity.

A good effect in treatment can be obtained from physiotherapeutic procedures: ultraviolet irradiation of blood, electrophoresis, laser treatment, UHF and many other methods. Physiotherapy can be used both in the acute period and in the chronic form of the disease.

According to statistics, one of the most common diseases in women is the inflammatory process of the appendages. The pathology develops regardless of age and is accompanied by pain in the pelvic area, which significantly reduces the quality of life. The danger is that it often passes without obvious symptoms and, if not treated at an early stage, becomes the cause of the development of more complex problems for the woman’s health.

Therefore, it is important to know the main signs in order to recognize the danger in time and avoid possible complications. It is also important to know how to treat inflammation of the appendages in women in order to understand what and why they are prescribed to you.

In medicine, the name was given to a disease associated with the genital organs adjacent to the uterus: the ovaries, fallopian tubes.

20 percent of females diagnosed with inflammation of the appendages subsequently suffer from infertility.

The name depends on the area of ​​infection; there are several varieties.

Salpingitis or inflammation of the fallopian tubes. If one of them is affected, both left- and right-sided diseases are distinguished. When both tubes are affected simultaneously, this form is considered to be bilateral. It develops as a result of infection of the organ by pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate the tubes through the vagina, through the bloodstream or through the lymph in the abdominal cavity. In rare cases, the infection can enter through the appendix or sigmoid colon.

Oophoritis or inflammation of the ovaries. Infection occurs at the moment the follicle bursts, since the remaining surface of the ovaries is completely protected. This variety, as a primary disease, is extremely rare. From the above it is clear that this is inflammation of the appendages in women.

Salpingoophoritis is a simultaneous inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. With this type, the infection initially enters the fallopian tube and is expressed in its elongation and swelling, after which it affects the ovary.


The main and main reason for the development of the disease is infection of the internal female organs by pathogenic organisms. Factors for their appearance:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • regular stressful situations, general weakening of the immune system;
  • there is no presence of one partner;
  • cystitis;
  • failure of the menstrual cycle and disturbances at the hormonal level, which leads to the formation of a cyst;
  • indiscriminate use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • not completely cured viral diseases (flu, ARVI, herpes);
  • lack of regular sex life;
  • failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules;
  • using inexpensive tampons from unverified manufacturers;
  • unprofessional abortion;
  • using an intrauterine device for a long period of time;
  • having sex without contraception or during menstruation;
  • as a result of various medical interventions (childbirth, examination by a doctor).

Depending on the routes of entry of infection into the female body, medicine distinguishes the following types:

Name Path of entry Peculiarities
Rising Path through the vagina and cervix under certain conditions, the microflora of the vaginal lining begins to change, as a result of which pathogens displace beneficial bacteria, causing an inflammatory process. The infection can also come from outside due to improper personal hygiene or infection. This type is considered the most common.
Descending path from other inflamed organs occurs in the appendix or sigmoid colon, spreading further to healthy tissue
Lymphogenic pathway through the lymph nodes when nearby organs are damaged through lymph flow
Hematogenous route through blood vessels occurs extremely rarely in the case of blood sepsis.

In addition to common cases of the onset of the disease, women may develop a problem due to concomitant diseases in the body, such as diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency virus and others. In girls it can be closely related to enuresis, and is also a cause.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms may vary, depending on the form of inflammation. The acute form brings with it a body temperature above 38, acute pain appears on the left or right side in the lower abdomen, depending on which place is affected. As a result of suppuration, the woman begins to feel chills. Inflammation occurs both unilaterally and bilaterally. Subsequently, the pain begins to radiate to the leg, lower back or rectal area.

A woman experiences symptoms such as frequent urination with painful sensations after emptying the bladder. The general condition of the body also worsens and is expressed in the following symptoms:

  1. sharp deterioration in appetite;
  2. regular headache;
  3. nausea and even vomiting appears;
  4. bloating;
  5. bleeding between periods;
  6. lack of orgasm.

Discharge from the fallopian tubes may look different, it all depends on the infection that has occurred. They can be bloody, purulent, in the form of brown mucus.

During palpation, the doctor feels pain in the area of ​​the appendages, the contours and sizes of which become difficult to determine. Their slight swelling is also observed due to inactivity. In rare cases, in the acute form of the disease, chest pain may occur.

As a result of the lack of proper treatment, the acute form of the pathology can definitely become chronic. In the chronic form, exacerbations occur in most cases in autumn and spring. Inflammation of the appendages forms adhesions in the fallopian tubes, thereby reducing patency through them. With this form, the following signs of inflammation of the appendages in women are observed:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • regular delay of menstruation;
  • decreased or absent sexual desire;
  • burning sensation and discomfort during sex.

All these signs will make it clear that it is time to urgently pay attention to a possible disease. The disease often begins to develop due to decreased immunity.

Discharge during inflammation of the appendages of a chronic form can be of different states, both abundant and scanty: they have a character similar to that of thrush: .

If you do not treat or pay attention to the symptoms, then this ultimately contributes to the emergence of various complications for a woman’s health and can cause the development of very serious consequences that cause:

  1. infertility;
  2. cervical erosion;
  3. dysplasia 1 - 3 degrees;
  4. cancer 1 - 2 tbsp.

An advanced chronic form of inflammation of the appendages is expressed in decreased performance, chronic fatigue, and also causes irritability for no reason. It happens that these are the first signs that require an examination.

In case of exacerbation, basal body temperature is observed within 37 degrees. Increasing burning pain appears in the pelvic area, especially during menstruation, and can also occur during sexual intercourse.

On palpation, a dense and displaced uterus is felt in the area of ​​inflammation; the appendage becomes motionless, as the adhesions fix it. Exacerbations in the chronic form are accompanied by increased symptoms, but no clear clinical manifestations are observed. Chronic inflammation of the appendages after 50 years can threaten the complete removal of a woman’s ovaries. From all of the above, it follows that you need to be attentive to the symptoms and know the signs of the disease well in order to take all the necessary measures in time.

Is it possible to see inflammation of the appendages on an ultrasound?

It is not always possible to see inflammation of the appendages on an ultrasound; the examination can only give a tentative result, according to which therapy is not prescribed.

The diagnosis is established by a specialist only on the basis of all clinical examinations and tests, which show the general condition of the body.
Ultrasound is prescribed in combination with other studies to diagnose the disease. It is carried out on the day of menstruation.

If there are dilations in one or both tubes of the uterus, the examination should be done again at the end of menstruation to understand whether blood is refluxing into the tubes or not. With endometriosis, it is important to evaluate its structure and conduct examinations before and after the menstrual period.


Correctly diagnosing inflammation of the appendages is sometimes a difficult task, since the symptoms of the pathology in the early stages are very similar to an inguinal hernia. It is important to recognize the disease at the initial stage in order to exclude further serious complications.

In order to track symptoms, a comprehensive examination is carried out, which includes the following methods:

  • A pregnancy test is required. A positive test can indicate not only that a woman is pregnant, but also reveal the inflammatory process of the appendages.
  • Examination by a doctor in a gynecological chair using palpation. This will help assess the condition of the uterus, appendages and cervix for mobility, size and sensitivity.
  • Urine and blood tests to help identify inflammation in the body.
  • Conducting laboratory tests of secretions: culture, microscopy, PCR, which will help determine the type of infection.
  • Ultrasound, which helps to identify changes in a woman’s genital organs.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which is highly accurate in determining the diagnosis, but due to the high cost of the examination, is not used so often.

The obtained test results make it possible to establish a diagnosis, after which a course of therapy is prescribed, which takes into account all the individual characteristics of the person.

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages

How to treat inflammation of the appendages in women should only be prescribed by an experienced specialist, excluding any self-medication without the consent of a doctor. First of all, therapy is aimed at reducing pain, and then complex treatment measures are prescribed. Therefore, depending on the stage of development of the pathology, the drugs differ. Most often, antibiotics or other drugs are prescribed.


Treatment of the acute form takes place in an inpatient hospital under the supervision of a doctor from the gynecology department. As first aid, you can use cold, which is applied to the lower abdomen, but in no case should you heat or use hot compresses. This procedure will help relieve acute pain and reduce inflammation.

In the first days of hospitalization, the woman is prescribed bed rest and a diet that minimizes the consumption of carbohydrates, salty and spicy foods. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe therapeutic fasting for several days.

To eliminate pain, painkillers and broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. If after 3 days no positive dynamics are observed and no improvement occurs, the antibiotic is replaced or the method of administration is changed, and the diagnosis is clarified once again.


After eliminating acute pain, the doctor prescribes therapy that will help avoid relapses of the disease and prevent it from becoming chronic. For these purposes the following are appointed:

  1. anti-inflammatory drugs;
  2. enzymes, probiotics to restore microflora;
  3. vitamins B and groups C, E to strengthen the immune system;
  4. Physiotherapy is carried out (UV irradiation, electrophoresis, UHF, laser treatment, magnetic field) under the supervision of a doctor, which helps to resolve adhesions and reduce inflammation.

The doctor may prescribe Phytolysin in the form of an extract, which is a yellow liquid. Administration is carried out orally, the dosage is determined by the attending physician, but has contraindications, as it negatively affects the kidneys.

Many doctors prescribe treatment with Vishnevsky ointment, which is used for medicinal tampons. A cotton swab is soaked in the product and placed in the vagina overnight. The course of therapy lasts at least 1 week. The only disadvantage of the method is the specific smell of the ointment.

See how adhesions are removed and the possibility of conception is restored:

Treatment of chronic inflammation of the appendages

The chronic form of the disease is much longer and more difficult to treat, since due to untimely access to a doctor, complications develop in the woman’s body that remain after the acute form.

Treatment of chronic inflammation of the appendages includes three important areas:

  1. medicinal - includes reducing pain, increasing immunity, relieving inflammation, improving a woman’s condition.
  2. physiotherapy, used to relieve inflammation: electrophoresis, darsonvalization, UHF, ultrasound therapy, phonophoresis, magnetic therapy, ozone therapy;
  3. surgical treatment when the previous two do not give positive results. The operation is performed in a hospital setting to improve the patency of the fallopian tubes.

Chronic inflammation of the appendages is treated comprehensively, and rehabilitation of the body lasts for a long time. Only by completing the entire course of treatment can you shorten periods of exacerbation and avoid future relapses.

Expert opinion, gynecologist with 18 years of experience, Bondarenko Lyudmila Alekseevna: Now this problem is considered the most pressing and poses a serious threat to female reproductive function, because the lack of timely treatment or self-treatment of inflammation of the tubes leads to, and this, in not rare cases, leads to infertility or long-term rehabilitation.

Tablets for inflammation of the appendages in women

Depending on the cause of development, all tablets for inflammation of the appendages in women are divided into several main groups.

The drug regimen and treatment period are carried out according to the recommendations of the attending physician.

List of the most effective drugs for treating inflammation of the appendages in women:

Antibiotics of the penicillin group Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin
Antibiotics of the tetracycline group Doxycycline, Ampicillin
1st generation antibiotics Cephalexin
Antibiotics 3rd generation Ceftriaxone, Suprax
Macrolide a-ki of the new group Azithromycin, Sumamed, Vilprafen, Macropen
Antibiotics belonging to the fluoroquinolone group Levofloxacin
Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal drugs Nimesil, Nolicin, Monural, Terzhinan, Indomethacin, Biseptol, Polygynax, Flemoxin Solutab, Levomycetin, Furagin, Cetofaxin Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Wobenzym, Cefazolin, Dimexide, Ibu-profen, Furadonin, Lincomycin, Ornidazole, Levomekol, Genferon
Antiseptic drugs Hexicon, Betadine, Miramistin, Cifran, Gentamicin, Nephroptosis, Unidox Solutab
Drugs that stimulate recovery processes and cell regeneration Tsiprolet, calcium gluconate
To strengthen the immune system Kombilipen, Galavit, Diklovit

The use of drugs is possible both in the form of tablets and in the form of suppositories, intravenous injections, injections and droppers. Each of them contains certain contraindications, the most common of which are that they cannot be taken during breastfeeding (BF), during pregnancy, during menopause, postmenopause, and therefore they should be taken according to the doctor’s recommendations.

The most common suppositories that are effective for treating inflammation of the appendages in women:

  1. Papaverine;
  2. Longidaza;
  3. Iodoxide.

Metronidazole for inflammation of the appendages

Metronidazole or drugs containing it, such as Trichopolum, are often prescribed for treatment. This is because this drug is often prescribed and is highly effective against most pathogenic organisms.

Its use is possible both before surgery and after as a preventive measure. The antibiotic Metronidazole has a quick and effective effect for inflammation of the appendages.

Treatment at home

Along with traditional medicine, treatment of inflammation of the appendages at home is allowed. Traditional medicine methods should be used in combination with taking medicinal drugs to achieve maximum positive results.

The fastest and most optimal home methods:

1. Infusion of medicinal herbs. You need 1 tbsp. l. dry mixture: sage, nettle, marigold, yarrow, pour boiling water: 100 ml, leave for 2 hours and strain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 2 months.

2. Infusion of field grass. Should be 1.5 tbsp. l. dried herb, pour boiling water (1 glass), leave for 4 hours, take 1 tsp orally. 30 minutes before meals - 2 months.

3. Cranberry tea. The high content of vitamin C in the berries helps treat inflammation of the appendages in case of hypothermia. To do this, you need to take a handful of cranberries and gently crush them in a cup, then pour boiling water over them and let them cool slightly. Drink tea 3 times a day - 1 month.

4. Douching with infusion of boron uterus or chamomile. Steam the medicinal herb in a thermos and let it brew for 2 hours.

After the time has passed, dilute the resulting infusion with boiled water at a ratio of 1:1 and douche. Repeat the procedure for 1 week.

5. Aloe and honey tampons. Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to put the leaves of the plant in the refrigerator for 3 days. Wash the aloe leaf, cut it and turn the pulp out. Then dip it in honey and stick it in the vagina overnight. In the morning, remove the tampon. Use the lower large leaves of the plant for these purposes. Repeat the procedure every day for 1 week.

6. Sea buckthorn oil tampons. Dip a cotton swab in the oil and place it in the vagina overnight. Do it every day for 1 week.

7. Propolis and honey tampons. Take in equal quantities and heat until completely dissolved in a water bath, stirring constantly, then cool to room temperature. Prepare in advance a gauze swab with a thread in the middle. Soak it in the resulting mixture and place it in the vagina overnight. Repeat the procedure for 1 week.


The immune system plays a huge role in health, so strengthening it reduces the risk of developing inflammation of the appendages or its repeated exacerbations. To strengthen the immune system and as a preventive measure, it is necessary to follow a diet and significantly reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, salt and spices.

It is also necessary to increase the intake of vitamins and eliminate bad habits. During treatment, it is necessary to reduce sports activities. Until the end of therapy, you should not take hot baths or steam in a sauna, as this can cause more serious problems. It is recommended to regularly engage in physical therapy and give the body proper rest.

In some cases, the occurrence of pathology is associated with human psychosomatics, therefore, for a full recovery, one should apply the teachings of homeopathy and esotericism, which will help correct the problem at the psychological level.

It is important to teach children and adolescents to take care of their health, eat right, exercise and avoid hypothermia, as this is very dangerous and can lead to irreparable consequences in the end. And also explain to them that living healthy is much more interesting and exciting. And of course lead by example!

If any symptoms of the disease appear, you should come to see a doctor on time and strictly follow all his recommendations. After all, it can begin, and if you do not treat the disease and let it take its course, you can get serious problems.

Any diagnosis is not a reason to give up. Female inflammation can and should be treated, and the sooner the therapy is completed, the fewer health problems there will be in the future. Therefore, pay close attention to the symptoms of the disease.

Inflammation of the appendages can develop in a woman at any age. This infectious pathology can affect both girls and elderly women; inflammation occurs in the ovaries and uterine tubes, while the uterus itself is not affected. Adnexitis – as doctors call this pathology – leads the list of “women’s” diseases.

The particular danger of the pathology lies in the consequences - about 25% of cases end in infertility. The disease begins to develop when pathogenic microorganisms are activated under the influence of external or internal factors. Inflammation of the appendages can occur in both acute and chronic forms. Since the uterine appendages are a paired organ, the inflammation can be unilateral or bilateral.


Pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms can give a “impetus” to the progression of the inflammatory process. Doctors distinguish between specific adnexitis, which is caused by gonococci, tuberculosis bacillus and diphtheria bacteria, as well as nonspecific salpingoophoritis, which is caused by staphylococci, E. coli, streptococci, mycoplasma, chlamydia, fungi and viruses.

The following factors can contribute to the development of inflammation of the appendages:

  • appendectomy;
  • stress and hypothermia;
  • history of complicated childbirth;
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • non-compliance/violation of intimate hygiene rules;
  • abortions, hysteroscopy, insertion/removal of IUDs and any intrauterine procedures;
  • HIV infection, diabetes mellitus, past infectious diseases and any chronic foci of infection in the body - all this leads to a decrease/weakening of defenses.

Infection in the uterine appendages can occur in different ways:

  • lymphogenous – the infection penetrates through the lymphatic vessels;
  • ascending - from the vagina and cervix;
  • descending path - from other inflamed organs (for example, appendix or sigmoid colon);
  • hematogenous - through blood vessels.

All these factors, to a greater or lesser extent, can contribute to the development of adnexitis.

Symptoms of inflammation of the appendages in women

Depending on the development of the disease, it is customary to distinguish between acute and chronic forms.

During an acute inflammatory process, women complain of severe pain in the lower abdomen, poor health, and elevated body temperature. During palpation, it can be noted that the size of the appendages has increased, the contours have become unclear, and mobility has been limited.

With chronic inflammation of the appendages, the following symptoms occur:

  1. Menstrual irregularities. This symptom is observed in 50% of patients. Menstruation becomes painful, heavy or scanty. Sometimes there is discharge between periods;
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen, the nature is constant or periodic. Pain occurs after hypothermia, stress, and various diseases;
  3. Decreased sexual desire. Inflammation of the uterine appendage causes pain during sexual intercourse;
  4. Pus-like or serous discharge, this symptom is influenced by the severity of inflammation of the appendages.

Patients often complain of irritability and sleep disturbances.

Latent form

Sluggish inflammation of the uterine appendages without obvious symptoms is called latent. This is the most dangerous form, since the disease can progress asymptomatically, causing only mild malaise, insomnia, and lethargy.

In the absence of severe pain, women rarely seek help at the hospital. In this case, gynecology is considered even less often as a cause. Against the background of latent adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages), processes begin in the appendages, which lead to adhesions and then to complete infertility.

Chronic stage

The chronic form of the disease is the result of an untreated acute form. Characterized by a recurrent course. The inflammatory process can develop as a result of exposure to nonspecific factors, such as overwork, stressful, conflict situations, hypothermia.

Chronic adnexitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • deterioration in general health;
  • malaise;
  • the appearance or intensification of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • temperature rise to 38 degrees;
  • the appearance of mucous or purulent discharge.

After a week, the symptoms of the disease usually subside, leaving only moderate pain in the lower abdomen.

Almost half of women with this disease complain of menstrual irregularities. Menstruation becomes painful, discharge is abundant or, conversely, scanty. In addition, many suffer from sexual function disorders: pain during sexual intercourse, decreased or complete absence of sexual desire.

Complications of chronic adnexitis

Recurrent adnexitis in a chronic form can cause various pathologies of pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage) and leads to secondary infertility.

Infertility in this case can develop against the background of obstruction of the fallopian tubes (the presence of numerous adhesions) and disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries (menstrual irregularities, anovulation, etc.). Such infertility due to inflammation of the appendages can be treated, but it is extremely difficult.

With chronic inflammation of the appendages, infiltrates often form, sclerotic processes occur in the fallopian tubes and their obstruction, and adhesions form around the ovaries.


For diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient in a gynecological chair. With inflammation, palpation (feeling with a finger) of the lower abdomen causes severe pain. The gynecologist also evaluates a general blood test and smear. The bacteria that caused the inflammation are not always detected in the smear; they may no longer exist in the vagina.

Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages allows you to most accurately diagnose disorders in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. Ultrasound of the appendages is usually performed through the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. An hour or two before the examination, drink 1–1.5 liters of water, since the tubes and ovaries can only be accurately examined with a full bladder.

If the gynecologist performs an ultrasound of the appendages through the vagina, then before the examination the bladder, on the contrary, needs to be emptied. An ultrasound of the uterus and appendages reveals whether the organs have increased in size and by how much: the more they are enlarged, the more pronounced the inflammatory process. With adnexitis, an ultrasound shows that the tubes are dilated, filled with fluid, and cysts have formed on the ovaries.

How to treat inflammation of the appendages?

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages in women is carried out in a hospital and begins with the prescription of a diet with limited salt, pepper and carbohydrates and a regimen (in bed in the first days). In case of acute adnexitis and exacerbation of chronic adnexitis, patients are prescribed cold on the lower abdomen (relieves inflammation and pain).

How to treat? The main point in the treatment of inflammation is antibiotics. They are selected with a wide spectrum of action and maximum half-life. Since the disease is often caused by communities of microorganisms, 2 or more drugs are used in antibiotic therapy:

  • Cephobid 1.0 g. 2 times a day IM in combination with gentamicin;
  • Clindamycin 2.0 g. twice a day in combination with gentamicin;
  • Klaforan 1.0 – 0.5 g. 2 times a day IM and gentamicin 80 mg 3 times a day IM;
  • Cefazolin 1.0 g. 2 times a day IM and ciprofloxacin 100.0 ml 2 times a day IV;
  • Lincomycin 0.6 g. 3 times a day IM;

It is mandatory to prescribe metronidazole 500 mg 3 times a day orally or metrogyl 100.0 ml 2 times a day intravenously (if an anaerobic infection is suspected).

  • Antihistamines (suprastin, pipolfen, tsetrin and other allergy tablets).
  • To relieve pain and reduce signs of inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets are prescribed, see the list of tablets and injections for back pain Ibuprofen (Ibuklin, Nurofen, Faspik), ketorolac (Ketanov, Ketarol), Diclofenac (Diklak, Voltaren, Naklofen, Ortofen ) etc. and rectal suppositories (paracetamol, indomethacin, diclofenac, see anti-inflammatory suppositories in gynecology for adnesitis).
  • Vitamins are also used (vitamin C, group B)
  • In addition, detoxification therapy is carried out (intravenous infusions of saline solutions, glucose, hemodez, rheopolyglucin and others in a volume of 2 - 3 liters).

When relieving an acute process and in the treatment of chronic inflammation of the appendages outside of exacerbation, physiotherapy is widely used: copper and zinc electrophoresis according to the phases of the menstrual cycle, electrophoresis with lidase or iodine, ultrasound, high-frequency pulsed currents (CMT, DDT). Also used in rehabilitation treatment are immunomodulators, autohemotherapy, injections of aloe, FIBS, Longidase, etc. For chronic adnexitis, sanatorium-resort treatment is indicated - mud, paraffin, medicinal baths and douching.

Suppositories for inflammation of the appendages

In combination with tablets and injections, vaginal and rectal suppositories, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, are necessarily prescribed. Use candles with:

  • "Metronidazole";
  • "Nystatin";
  • "Hexicon";

Vaginal suppositories

  • "Betadine";
  • "Movalis";
  • "Polygynax".

Using suppositories for inflammation of the female organs, there is rapid local anesthesia, relief of pain symptoms, and the microflora is restored. Every night, douching with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and a weak solution of manganese before inserting the suppository has a calming effect on inflamed tissues.

Folk remedies

If you decide on your own initiative to supplement treatment with these remedies at home, you should definitely consult with your doctor!

  1. One of the most popular folk remedies for chronic inflammation of the appendages is a steam bath with wormwood. To prepare it, pour two liters of water into an enameled cylindrical container, bring to a boil, then add 40-50 grams (half a glass) of wormwood herb. Immediately after this, remove the container from the heat, allow to cool slightly and brew. When the water has cooled to an acceptable temperature (so that it is still very warm, but it is no longer possible to get burned), place a towel on the edges of the container and sit over it. Such procedures are very often carried out by lovers of herbal medicine for inflammation of the appendages, and they are also effective for cystitis.
  2. Both compresses and steam baths with chamomile decoction are popular - in each case the method is selected individually.
  3. A decoction of wormwood, prepared according to the instructions on the pharmaceutical package, is taken orally in a tablespoon three times a day.
  4. Collections of medicinal herbs are widely used, which include herb, yarrow, St. John's wort, horsetail, elecampane root, and calendula flowers.

Under no circumstances should this method be used for acute processes and polycystic ovary syndrome, as well as any neoplasms.

Nutrition rules

It is simply necessary to adhere to a special diet; this will increase the body’s resistance to infectious agents, as well as improve metabolic processes in the area of ​​inflammation.

The acute and subacute stages of the disease require adherence to a hypoallergenic diet, which excludes the consumption of any chocolate and sweets, egg whites, mushrooms, carbohydrates, as well as limiting salt intake. Per day, 100 g of protein, 70 g of fat, 270-300 g of carbohydrates are allowed, which approximately equates to 2300 kilocalories. It is recommended to prepare food in two ways, by boiling and stewing.

During periods when there is no exacerbation, the diet may not be followed, but it is still recommended to adhere to a balanced diet.


In order not to encounter inflammation of the appendages and complications of the disease, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:

  • visit a gynecologist every 6-12 months;
  • maintain personal hygiene, do not use other people’s towels;
  • refuse casual sex;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • do not overcool your body;
  • do not abuse alcoholic beverages or spicy foods;
  • treat all diseases in a timely manner;
  • use a condom during sexual intercourse.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that salpingoophoritis is a pressing problem for many modern women. Only careful attention to your body can protect you from this disease and the consequences of inflammation of the uterine appendages. If salpingo-oophoritis makes itself felt, then you should seek qualified medical help as soon as possible.

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