How to delay old age: a recipe for the oriental elixir of youth and other magical potions. How to delay aging with folk remedies How to delay old age recipes for longevity

Aging is a natural process of age-related changes in the body, which reduces its adaptive capabilities and leads to old age. As the body ages, body cells gradually lose their ability to regenerate and tissue elasticity is lost.

There are a large number of hypotheses about the causes and mechanisms of aging. According to most modern hypotheses, aging is based on changes in the genetic apparatus of the body. At a certain age, which is different for everyone and determined mainly by heredity, the aging process accelerates. In some families, people retain energy for a very long time, in others, signs of destruction appear much earlier.

It should be kept in mind that aging and old age are not the same thing.Old age is the period of life that comes after maturity, during which a gradual weakening of the body’s activity occurs. Accompanied by characteristic changes in organs and systems, leading to a limitation of the adaptive capabilities of the body. Old age is characterized by various pathological conditions: arthritis, rheumatism, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, prostatitis, hormonal deficiency, eye diseases, emotional disorders, etc. The period of old age in people is 75 - 90 years old, over 90 years old - long-livers.

Folk remedies for aging

Pour 200 g of May nettle with 0.5 liters of vodka or 50–60% alcohol and close tightly. Keep it on the window for the first day, and the remaining 5 days in a closet, in the dark. Strain, squeeze. Take 1 teaspoon of tincture on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals and 1 teaspoon at night. Helps increase vigor and energy, has a beneficial effect on heart function, blood composition, and helps with sclerosis.

Make a mixture of equal parts chickweed grass and rye stalks. Pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, leave, wrapped, for 1-2 hours, strain and drink without limit. Helps with senile infirmities, gives strength, acts as a general tonic.

Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed rose hips with 2.5 glasses of water, put on fire and simmer over low heat for 10–15 minutes. Wrap, leave overnight and strain. Drink the infusion with honey throughout the day as tea and instead of water. Helps as a general strengthening, tonic, weakening the development of atherosclerosis, increasing the body's resistance to infectious diseases and as a vitamin remedy.

Other traditional medicines

Use wheat or rye bran. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon (with top) of bran with 2 glasses of water, put on fire and boil, stirring occasionally, for 30–40 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, let the broth boil for a few more minutes and strain. Take 2.5 tbsp. spoons of hot or cold broth 3-4 times a day. Helps as a nutritious food for seriously ill, old people. It restores strength well and gives a lot of energy.

Take 1 cup of peeled oats, sort and rinse in cold water several times. Pour 5 glasses of cold water, put on fire and simmer over low heat until half the original volume, strain. Add an equal volume of milk to the strained broth. Boil again. Add 4 teaspoons of honey and boil again. Use the resulting drink warm, 4 ½ tbsp. spoons 3 times a day an hour before meals. This high-calorie drink is used to strengthen strength in case of senile weakness, for seriously ill weakened people, for people who have undergone operations, for severely weakened patients, for kidney disease, as a general strengthening agent.

This article was written based on articles on the Internet, it uses materials from the lectures of Professor Park Jae-woo and my personal medical experience.

People of different ages come to my blog, including those over fifty. This article is for them. It reveals the mechanisms of old age and aging and gives recommendations on how you can help a person push back old age.

In recent decades, in the CIS countries, as well as throughout the world, there has been an active process of population aging. On average, 18% are over 60 years old.

The issues of old age and aging become very important. Already at early retirement age, people’s level of social contacts decreases, and their lack of professional demand cannot be replaced by other types of activities. This leads to serious illnesses, depression, mental disorders and even suicide.

According to the World Health Organization classification, old age begins at 65 years. In the CIS countries it is generally accepted that elderly age is 60-74 years old, senile age is 75-89 years old, people who have reached 90 years old are long-livers.

Aging is a biologically destructive process that inevitably develops with age.. Aging leads to a limitation of the adaptive capabilities of the body, a decrease in its reliability, and the development of age-related pathology, that is, to old age.

Old age is not a disease, but the natural final period of age-related development of the human body.

There is aging:

- natural(physiological),

- premature(accelerated),

- slow(retarded).

With natural aging senile changes develop gradually and are characterized by a harmonious decline in all vital functions, evenly developing atrophic changes with almost complete preservation of performance, cheerfulness and interest in the world around us.

A decrease in the level of biological processes begins around the age of 35, and begins to manifest itself externally from the age of 60. Appearance and psyche change, performance decreases.

For premature aging- these changes occur earlier and are more pronounced than in healthy people of the corresponding age.

Accelerated aging is facilitated by past illnesses, unfavorable environmental factors, stress, bad habits, poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, chronic diseases, and hereditary predisposition.

The most common signs of accelerated aging are fatigue, early graying, decreased ability to work, early decline in memory and reproductive ability.

And finally, the dream of most people is slow aging, in which age-related changes occur much later than with natural aging. This type of aging leads to longevity and increased life expectancy.

Scientists have found that 60% of our life expectancy is predetermined at birth, and the remaining 40% depends on circumstances and living conditions. These figures are approximate and individual. It is not enough to be born a long-liver, you also need to become one.

A long-liver is someone who has good hereditary health and was able to maintain it into old age. Therefore, each of us, having chosen this or that way of life, determines how long and how to live.

Lifestyle affects the state of creative processes in the cells that make up our body. All functions of each cell are controlled by the cell's genome. Human aging depends on a decrease in the activity of the cell genome.

Prevention of aging is associated with an increase in genome activity. This requires human physical activity, as it increases the flow of oxygen into the cell.

Healthy cells are reliable tissues; the body’s systems function smoothly. Stimulation of cell functions can occur in different ways. These include physical exercise, jogging, walking, breathing exercises, massage, feasible physical labor and many other natural means of influence.

There are many examples of how weakened, frail, and long-sick people revived themselves through active physical exercise, a healthy lifestyle, and giving up bad habits.

The illnesses and weaknesses of these people were the result of an unhealthy lifestyle that blocked the normal functioning of cells.

As behavioral errors were corrected, optimal conditions for genome activity were created, cell health improved, and the manifestations of senility were delayed.

So, the ability to prolong life is the ability not to shorten it.

Is it possible for a person to improve the condition of cells, their genome, using available techniques and methods in everyday life?

To do this, you can use the capabilities of reflexology.

There are special energy points on the hands (see pictures), which should be warmed up with lighted wormwood sticks using up and down pecking movements.

The number of centenarians is very small. One person in five thousand lives to be 90 years old, and only one in twenty thousand crosses the 100-year mark. However, doctors say that each of us is quite capable of influencing our own destiny. It's not so much about living as long as possible, but about being able to maintain physical and mental activity and avoid frailty. We’ll talk about ways to help achieve this result today.

Many believe that the aging process begins after 40 years of age - it is from this age that most people more often feel unwell and succumb to fatigue. However, physiological aging has its own patterns. In particular, its speed is directly proportional to the intensity of metabolic processes. It turns out that in youth a person ages faster than in adulthood.

The conclusion is obvious: the sooner we begin to take care of preserving our own health, the more likely we get a reprieve from the onset of decrepitude. This means the slogan “Take care of your health from a young age!” should become a guide to action for every responsible person.


It has been proven that an optimistic outlook on the world extends life by years. The reasons are clear: people who approach everything with interest and without despondency tolerate stress more easily and are less likely to suffer from illnesses such as stroke or myocardial infarction.

We should not forget that cheerful older people are more sociable than their peers with a different character. Optimism helps you find friends and feel needed. Merry people are more likely to be happy personally, and in the event of the loss of partners, it is easier to find new contacts, even in old age.


Body hygiene and optimal daily routine

To ensure longevity, it is worth taking care, among other things, of your appearance: keeping your skin, hair, and teeth in order. Any deterioration in their condition entails the risk of developing chronic diseases. In addition, it is necessary to observe the optimal work and rest schedule. Neither hard work nor fundamental idleness contribute to increasing life expectancy. It is very important to get enough sleep regularly: during sleep, melatonin is produced, which slows down the aging process.


The needs of the human body change over time. The daily diet should also be adjusted accordingly. It is believed that it is advisable to eat less abundantly and in calories in adulthood than in youth. It does not follow from this that older people need to adhere to any specific diet: the list of products can be compiled depending on personal preferences and taking into account diseases, if any. In any case, it should be varied and balanced in essential nutrients, microelements and vitamins. According to experts, longevity is promoted by the use of:

  • fermented milk products that prevent the development of osteoporosis;
  • fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, herring, tuna, etc.). It is rich in polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which improve the condition of blood vessels and the heart, normalize blood pressure and have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • seeds and nuts. They contain selenium, which prevents the development of malignant tumors, and a large number of antioxidants, which help slow down the process of destruction of cell membranes;
  • berries, vegetables and fruits that have a dark (purple or red) color, which are a source of bioflavonoids that support the health of the cardiovascular and other body systems.


Alcohol lovers, as a rule, refer to information about the high percentage of centenarians in traditionally wine-producing regions - in the south of France, Greece, and the Caucasus. There is a significant amount of slyness in this: people living in such areas actually drink alcohol from their youth, but very moderately, and almost never suffer from alcohol addiction. It should also be taken into account that in countries that are champions in the number of centenarians, strong drinks are very rarely on the menu, but residents drink one or two glasses of red grape wine every day, and this is a good way to maintain physical and mental alertness.

According to a study conducted by gerontological specialists in Moscow, among the capital's centenarians, only 1% smoke, and there were no people suffering from alcohol addiction in this category at all.


The common expression “movement is life” is absolutely true. Physical inactivity leads to problems with the heart and blood vessels, respiratory and digestive organs. All body systems suffer, including the musculoskeletal system.

A sedentary lifestyle has another unpleasant aspect: a person who avoids physical activity and exercise gains excess weight. A moderate diet does not improve the situation much, since the calories received, if not completely consumed, will inevitably replenish body fat. This is a direct road to metabolic disorders, endocrine problems, type 2 diabetes and other health problems.


It has been proven that people with higher education are much more likely to become centenarians than representatives of other social groups. This is especially noticeable for people engaged in mental work (teaching, artistic or literary creativity, etc.).

Many people think that the reason is that mental work is easier than physical work and that educated people take better care of their health, but that’s not the point. Intellectual and physical activity is maintained, since people who work mentally constantly have to learn new knowledge and use it intensively.

In this article we will talk about women who have crossed the bar at 60 years old. Here we will look at the general condition of women at this age, how to eat properly, what diet is needed, and what is needed to improve health. We will also consider the most common diseases that progress in women after 60 and many other facts.

What a woman over 60 needs to know about herself

Undoubtedly, over the years, a person's experience accumulates, and he becomes wiser, more practical and more realistic. Unfortunately, as women age, they develop a wide variety of ailments and diseases.

Some of them are clearly serious diseases that can put a woman in the hospital or, even worse, make her disabled. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully monitor your health, exercise and correctly plan your daily menu.

Before starting any activities, procedures and other necessary things to maintain health, you need to know what health standards are and how the body behaves at a given age.

How to maintain health at 60 years old, what tests to take and norms of indicators

In order to know exactly what abnormalities and diseases you have, you need to definitely visit the clinic and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of the whole body. Below we will tell you about what tests to take at the age of 60, what you need to pay attention to, and what the average standards for indicators are for a woman after 60.

It is no secret that the very first general tests are blood tests. And in order to understand how healthy a woman is, the basic norms will be given below.

1. Normal blood sugar

As you know, glucose in the blood is a very important element. After all, any deviations from the norm are signs of disease. It is also important to note that blood sugar measurements should be taken on an empty stomach. It is worth paying attention to the fact that a woman’s sugar level after 60 may increase.

Sugar norm in the blood for a woman after 60 is from 4.6 to 6.4 mmol/l.

Deviations from normal blood glucose lead to serious consequences, as this can cause the development of diabetes mellitus, fatty liver, increased metabolism, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, stomach disease and much more.

2. Blood cholesterol levels

Cholesterol is a very necessary and, at the same time, dangerous component of our body. After all, without the so-called “fatty alcohol,” we would not produce, digestion would not function, sex hormones would not be synthesized, and reproductive function would fail 90%.

Blood cholesterol levels after 60 years:

Note that the cholesterol level in women is generally stable, and its growth begins after menopause.

3. Pressure

One of the most important indicators. After all, as practice shows, with age, pressure changes its norm, both in the upper and lower levels. At the same time, it should be noted that 78% of older people do not suffer from blood pressure.

Low or high blood pressure occurs due to heavy stress or, conversely, due to a sedentary lifestyle. There are also frequent cases when a woman feels severe or moderate dizziness.

Such symptoms indicate not only changes in pressure, but also general malaise and even a disease that weakens an already weakening body.

In women over 60, normal blood pressure is fixed at 144/85. Of course, there are cases when the pressure corresponds to the norm for a healthy young person and is fixed at 120/80.

4. Normal ROE in the blood

ROE is a nonspecific analysis that includes deviations even in an absolutely healthy person. At the same time, this type of analysis helps to identify a variety of infectious inflammations, as well as cancer or autoimmune diseases.

In simple terms, ROE is the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction. Among doctors, this analysis is called ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Thus, ESR and ROE are the same tests under different names.

As for the norm in terms of indicators, it is 2-15 mm/hour. As foreign experts from reputable institutes and medical institutions indicate, the norm is considered to be from 0 to 20 mm/hour.

5. Creatinine in the blood and its norm

Creatinine is the final product that enters the kidneys through the blood. This is a kind of “generator” of energy for muscles. For the average person, this norm remains static for a long time. But deviations from the norm can be observed in people associated with intense physical activity, poor diet, vegetarians and the elderly.

Important! Tests for creatinine are complex, that is, they take blood and urine. And, based on the results, you can roughly see the situation in the body.

The following creatinine norms for women:
The general norm is from 50 to 98 µmol/l.
Creatinine clearance in women over 60 ranges from 50 to 110 µmol/l.

The ratio of nitrogen and creatinine in urine:

  • Nitrogen from 7 to 25 mg/dl.
  • Creatinine from 0.50 to 0.99 mg/dl.

It is worth noting that the lower the muscle tone, the lower the creatinine in the blood.

6. Hemoglobin is normal for a woman after 60

Hemoglobin is an essential element in the blood. After all, it is this element that saturates the blood with oxygen. As you know, without oxygen, a person will not live long.

You should know that the hemoglobin norm in a woman after 60 stops at 11.7 to 16.1 g/dl.

7. TSH and its norm in elderly women

TSH- This is a kind of regulator of the balance of hormones in the thyroid gland, as well as an indispensable assistant in other areas. The main task of thyroid-stimulating hormone is to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce other hormones. In fact, it is the head of the entire hormonal system. But the main function of this hormone is to regulate reproductive activity in women and men.

The normal TSH level for a woman over 60 is considered to be the presence of the hormone in the blood at a level of 0.4 to 4.0 IU/liter. And all women who have reached their sixth decade are strongly recommended to regularly and carefully monitor their hormonal levels.

8. Eye pressure and its norm

This type of leisure will help not only strengthen the body, but also lose weight. Indeed, in old age, fat settles more and more on the internal organs, which leads to many diseases.

2. Control your weight

In addition to physical activity, taking vitamins, and undergoing various procedures, you should also adhere to a diet. After all, your weight is your friend or foe.

Eat right, eat foods rich in nutrients. Make your meals more plant-based and lighter. Eliminate unhealthy fats, drink plenty of clean water.

3.Lead a healthy lifestyle

Try not to smoke, drink, walk a lot and always be in a good mood, then the “hot flashes” before menopause will be asymptomatic. But even in this case, it is necessary to visit doctors once a year.

4. Be aware of watery discharge

Please note that in women over 60 years of age, watery discharge may indicate the presence of pathologies - fibroids, polyps and vaginal cancer. Therefore, if vaginal discharge begins, you must immediately contact a gynecologist!

After everything you’ve read, you now know what you need to do first, what the norms for blood levels are. You also know what you can and cannot do at your age, how to properly monitor your health, what diseases and problems a woman has after 60

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