Why is drinking more water good for your health? Why you shouldn't drink a lot of water Preventing kidney stones

Each person has his own preferences in life: clothing, relationships, entertainment, field of activity, food and drinks. In this article we will talk about drinks, more precisely about the most important and often ignored drink called water. Many people will say what kind of drink this is - tasteless. Perhaps, but extremely useful. The word is extremely emphasized!

Everyone has heard more than once sagas on TV and on the Internet about the indispensability of water for a healthy lifestyle. We have heard, but few people have implemented these tips into their daily lives. But in vain. Why, let's find out...

Reasons to drink water:

  • Let's start with the fact that coffee, tea, compotes and other drinks are not water, but food. Liquid - yes, but - food. Reading drinking water is, you guessed it, water. It sounds funny, but nutritionists are not kidding when they put overweight people on a water diet. Firstly, water contains a minimum of calories, which is different from any liquid food. Secondly, the centers for satisfying hunger and thirst in the human brain are located nearby. 60% of the time you want to eat, your body needs water. What does this give people in the fight against excess weight? They eat 2 times less.
  • Heart health. Research by scientists has shown that people who drink 5-6 glasses of plain water a day are less susceptible to heart attacks, and heart attacks occur 40% less often. So drinking water is a natural prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Energy charge. Everything we do in our lives is possible only thanks to our energy. If the “battery” is charged, we can move mountains; if it’s empty, we lie exhausted on the sofa. Surprisingly, in half of the cases of loss of strength, our “habit” of not drinking water is to blame. Water supplies nutrients to cells and oxygen to the brain. This is food for the body. Fed and satisfied cells will thank the “owner” with vital energy.
  • No headaches, migraines. Another sign of dehydration is a headache. What’s interesting here is that if your head hurts, drink a glass of water, and to prevent migraines, drink enough water every day.
  • Improvement of the skin. Water is a natural skin cleanser, a rejuvenating cream if you will. Don't believe me? Just look at most cosmetic products - they are all based on pure or mineralized water. Drink water and skin problems will be eliminated from the inside. And this is much more important than external gloss.
  • Stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. An unhealthy stomach, poor digestion, constipation - all this can seriously ruin a person’s life. A simple way to combat this is to drink more water. Drinking liquid helps break down food and reduces acidity. Try drinking a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. Within 2-3 weeks you will feel the difference - your stomach will feel much better.
  • Cleansing the body. Water removes waste and toxins from the body. As you know, cells produce not only energy, but also waste products. And they need to be removed from the body, otherwise a landfill will form with all the ensuing health consequences. Water is what removes these blockages from the intercellular space.
  • Prevention of cancer. If you drink water normally, then the likelihood of cancer of the esophagus, bladder, and mammary glands decreases. Scientists have come up with an approximate figure - 47% of people who drink water are less likely to get cancer.
  • Water is necessary during physical activity and sports. During intense activity, our body releases more fluid through sweat and breathing. To prevent dehydration, relieve fatigue and weakness, drink more water during work and training.
  • Temperature regulator. Water is an important component of the body's cooling system. Thermoregulation helps us stay active in hot and cold weather. Drink more water to keep this system running smoothly.

The norms for water intake per day are relative values. Much depends on a person’s age, health status, physical activity, and climate.

Therefore, based on these factors, consider the following:

  • Drink natural water. If this is not possible, purify the tap liquid using filters. The best option is to order bottled water from our company “Waters of Health” with delivery throughout Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • The water requirement for an adult should not be less than 1.5 liters per day. For older people, the norm can be slightly reduced, but you should not give up water.
  • Men should drink more water than women, as they consume 1 liter more fluid per day.
  • Drinking water is most beneficial before meals, 40-60 minutes before meals.
  • Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning. This will prepare the body's systems for work.
  • Alcohol and caffeine dehydrate the body, so before or after drinking, drink a glass of water.
  • Diarrhea and constipation in 90% of cases are caused by low water consumption. Drink more and you won't have any problems.
  • Water dulls the feeling of hunger, which helps you consume less calories and reduce excess weight.

How to calculate the amount of water per day based on body weight? There is a simple formula. For 1 kilogram of weight there are 30-40 ml of water. That is, for a person weighing 60 kg, you need 1.8-2 liters of water per day. Also, do not forget that 1000 calories require a liter of water.

Both Western and domestic nutritionists unanimously say: a person, regardless of the load and time of year, needs to drink a lot of water. This helps improve the water-salt balance in the body. But is this statement true? It turns out that excess fluid can cause serious harm to internal organs.

How does thirst arise?

According to biologists, the main reason why a person wants to drink is a change in the water-salt balance in the blood. On average, one liter of blood contains 9.45 grams of salt. Minor fluctuations in the content of this substance are possible, but only in hundredths of a gram. However, if the concentration of salt, for example, increases, then the activity of all cells of the body is disrupted, because they are supplied with blood. At such a moment, its water component decreases, and the blood thickens. And this, according to phlebologists, threatens the formation of blood clots, which means that the nutrition of a specific area of ​​​​tissue or organ will be blocked. But this is in critical cases.

As a rule, already in the first moments of a slight increase in salt concentration, a person feels dry mouth. This is the first signal calling for an increase in fluid levels in the body. This happens, for example, in the heat, when a person sweats and the liquid evaporates.

Drinking too much water is harmful

It turns out that it is better for the body to drink more fluid? Not at all. It is known that the more you drink in the heat, the more you want. At this moment, the body sweats more, and along with the increased amount of evaporated moisture, more salt leaves the body. And in this case, the skin of the face and hands, as well as the hair, are the first to suffer.

If a person deliberately accustoms himself to increased water consumption, then in normal cool weather this causes harm to many internal organs. Domestic gastroenterologists warn: drinking plenty of water seriously dilutes gastric juice, it ceases to be concentrated and destructive to microbes that enter the stomach with food. Water allows them to survive, which means the risk of developing infections increases.

Some people believe that drinking plenty of fluids helps improve kidney function. French nephrologist Pierre Ronso explains in his scientific work how they actually function. To maintain the required level of fluids in the body, the kidneys reabsorb some of the water that has already been filtered. This provides a standard urine concentration. But the more a person drinks, the less the kidneys have to save water, and the tubules created specifically for reabsorption work less and less over time. If the body is without the usual access to water in hot weather, then the kidneys will not be able to saturate it with the saved fluid, and dehydration will begin rapidly.

Excessive fluid consumption soon fills the tissues of the liver and kidneys, they swell, and their functional properties weaken. Meanwhile, these organs play an important role in the excretory system, and when it fails, the body does not completely remove water. Fluid is retained in tissue cells, swelling occurs, which provokes an increase in pressure in the walls of blood vessels. Then the headaches begin. The lymph nodes, swollen due to increased moisture, also do not cope with their task - immunity decreases, and only a few hours remain before the development of gastrointestinal infections.

Does water help you lose weight?

However, many ladies, having increased the amount of fluid consumed, despite side effects in the form of slight swelling, report real weight loss. So, for effective weight loss you still need a lot of water?

At first, drinking plenty of water actually improves intestinal function, peristalsis increases, food passes through the sections faster, which means digestive products are eliminated more efficiently, and weight decreases. But after three months the situation changes. The pancreas and gallbladder become saturated with water, and problems arise in their functioning. Food is not completely processed because the level of secreted bile and other secretions is reduced. Gradually, the intestinal mucosa also swells - constipation occurs more and more often. This leads to general slagging in the body and weight gain.

In addition, endocrinologists warn: the cells of the hormonal glands, overflowing with moisture, cannot fully participate in metabolic processes due to lack of energy.

Therefore, the burning of fat and carbohydrates slows down, and this does not contribute to weight loss.

Do athletes need a lot of water?

It turns out that ordinary people should not force themselves to drink a lot of liquid - it is harmful. Perhaps increased water consumption is necessary for athletes. But this is not true either. Dr. Timothy Noakes, professor of sports medicine at the University of Cape Town (South Africa), in his book “Dehydration during Exercise: Myths and Facts,” argues that over-hydration does not improve athletic performance, but rather worsens it and puts the body at risk. hyponatremia (violation of water and electrolyte balance).

The professor claims that you simply cannot drink before you become thirsty. This reduces concentration and physical muscle activity in both athletes and ordinary people. And if we want to be vigorous and healthy, we need to drink as much fluid as the body physically requires.

The post The dangers of drinking a lot of water appeared first on Smart.

The question of what the benefits and harms of water are, at first glance, may seem inappropriate. After all, without this chemical compound it is impossible to imagine the existence of a single living organism. But what kind of water and in what quantities is best to drink, so as not to get harm from the contaminated composition of life-giving moisture, is especially important to understand today, in conditions of deteriorating environmental conditions.

The benefits of water for the body

The benefits of water for human health are undeniable. Since 70% of the body consists of water, due to its deficiency, all biochemical processes are disrupted. This negatively affects your well-being.

Improves digestion

For the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, water is simply necessary. It has solvent properties that help absorb various vitamins, salts, beneficial and nutritional elements.

Lack of water is harmful to the stomach because it negatively affects the production of gastric juice, which is the cause of diseases such as bloating, constipation, obesity, ulcers and gastritis.

Advice! To speed up digestive processes, it is recommended to add lemon juice to water.

Improves hair and skin condition

Water nourishes the skin with moisture, prevents early aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Since water is actively involved in the process of sweating, it cleanses the pores of impurities, making the skin smooth, fresh and radiant.

Dehydration also causes damage to your hair. The hair follicles do not receive any useful and nutritious elements at all. If you drink enough water, thanks to its beneficial properties, your hair will regain its shine and elasticity.

Promotes weight loss

Drinking plenty of water promotes weight loss. There are several explanations for this.

  1. A glass of water with meals will help you feel fuller in smaller portions.
  2. Water improves metabolism and starts metabolic processes.
  3. The feeling of thirst can often be confused with the feeling of hunger: a glass of clean water will help tame the latter.

Removes toxins

The more fluid a person consumes, the more waste and toxins are eliminated by the body. This is explained by the fact that harmful substances leave it along with sweat and urine.

Relieves tension and fights fatigue

The harm from dehydration is that a person feels tired, drowsy and muscle weakness. Often you may even experience dizziness. This is because a lack of water provokes a decrease in enzymatic activity, the cells do not receive nutrition and die over time, as a result, a person’s performance decreases.

Improves blood circulation

Water is good for blood circulation. By maintaining water balance, normal blood circulation and fluidity are maintained. Drinking plenty of water significantly reduces the risk of thrombosis, promotes the proper functioning of blood vessels and the heart, and normalizes blood pressure.

The benefits of water for men and women

One of the main causes of aging is loss of moisture. To prolong youth and keep skin smooth and soft, women need to drink high-quality, well-purified water. Dehydration causes enormous harm to the skin and is one of the key factors in premature aging.

The benefits of water for women’s bodies also include speeding up metabolism, which is a beneficial property for losing weight.

For men, the benefits of drinking water are manifested in its ability to prevent the development of such male diseases as urolithiasis and bladder cancer. Men who drink more than 2 liters of water per day are less susceptible to these serious illnesses.

What happens to the body when dehydrated

There are several stages of dehydration, each with its own symptoms and consequences.


Water loss – 3%. There is no serious harm or threat to life.

Losses - 6%. Slight threat to life.

Water loss – 9%. Serious threat to life.

Losses – 10%.

Possible death.

· loss or decrease in appetite;

· decrease in the amount of urine;

· weakness and fatigue, fatigue, drowsiness;

· dry mouth;

· feeling of thirst;

· viscosity of saliva.

shortness of breath at rest;

· tachycardia;

increased body temperature;

· a sharp decrease in the amount of urine when abstaining from urination for 12 or more hours.

· loss of consciousness, hallucinations and delusions;

· nausea and vomiting;

· critical dry skin (when squeezed, the skin wrinkles and takes a long time to return to its original state).

· disruption of the functioning of all organs and life support systems;

· disturbance of blood supply;

How much water should a person drink per day?

Many sources claim the benefits of 2 liters of water per day. According to WHO, a person needs to drink 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight per day. Thus, with a weight of 60 kg, the optimal and healthy amount would be 7 - 8 glasses.

A sharp increase in fluid intake can be harmful and provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is better to get used to this gradually, starting with 1 - 1.5 liters of water per day.

Herbal teas and carbonated drinks do not have the properties of pure water. Due to their diuretic effect, they only increase dehydration. Compotes, fruit juices, milk and coffee serve as liquid food.

It is important to remember that with chronic dehydration, the feeling of thirst is dulled. The body suffers from a lack of water, but the person does not notice the need to drink.

Advice! To accustom yourself to drinking plenty of water, you should perceive it as a useful medicine and drink a certain amount strictly on schedule.

Is it good to drink water on an empty stomach?

If you drink water in the morning on an empty stomach, the benefits for all organs will be simply invaluable. Entering the stomach that is not yet filled with food, water starts the metabolism and has a general strengthening effect.

Benefits of drinking a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach:

  • restoration of water balance;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • preparing the gastrointestinal tract for work;
  • removal of waste and toxins;
  • normalization of appetite.

Is it possible to drink water at night?

There is no clear answer to this question. Each person has individual characteristics. A glass of water before bed can be both beneficial and harmful.

Benefits of a glass of water at night

Water will help keep you hydrated even while you sleep. A person does not feel thirsty at night, but when breathing, some of the liquid evaporates. To reduce the harm from dehydration, it is recommended to drink 100-150 ml of water 30 minutes before bedtime.

Harm of drinking before bed

  • swelling in the eye area;
  • frequent urination.

The cause of such problems can be diseases of the heart, kidneys and genitourinary system. For a healthy person, drinking water before bed can cause harm only in large quantities, so it is extremely important to observe moderation and not exceed the recommended daily amount.

What water is better to drink

Tap water is unlikely to have beneficial properties. It is considered unsuitable for drinking and can cause significant harm because it contains chlorine, heavy metals, bacteria and viruses that can remain in the water, including after boiling. We will talk further about what kind of water is best to drink.

The benefits and harms of distilled water

On the one hand, distilled water is the purest because it does not contain various impurities and other inclusions.

On the other hand, with the help of high temperatures, the distiller kills all microorganisms. Water after such purification does not have beneficial properties.

Distilled water has neither significant benefit nor harm. It only performs the main function of delivering and removing substances.

The benefits and harms of filtered water

The benefit of filtered water lies in its purification from harmful impurities during filtration.

Household filters do an excellent job of removing chlorine contained in tap water. However, they are ineffective if the source water has a high level of bacterial and man-made contaminants.

The benefits and harms of bottled water

The benefits of drinking bottled water directly depend on its quality. Before becoming potable, water undergoes disinfection and several stages of purification. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following properties:

  • bottling source;
  • compliance of water with SanPin standards;
  • content of nutrients and vitamins.

These properties are usually indicated by the manufacturer on the product label.

The benefits and harms of spring water

Before appearing on the surface, spring water flows through layers of sand and gravel. Such natural filtration allows it to preserve all its beneficial properties, natural structure and hydrochemical composition, making the benefits of spring water for the body obvious. But it can also cause harm.

The chemical composition of water from different springs varies, so the healing properties will be very diverse. The benefits of water from one spring may include a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Water from the second source will have healing properties in the fight against hypertension. However, most springs contain regular drinking water.

It is important that the spring is clean. There should be no garbage dumps or industrial enterprises near it. Water in such cases may contain extremely dangerous elements: lead, nickel, arsenic, pesticides, nitrates, petroleum products and mercury.

Spring water can also cause serious harm if it contains bacteria, including E. coli.

How to purify water at home

Only clean water is beneficial for the body. The simplest and most effective way to clean it at home is to freeze it. Like this. This method allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of water, but at the same time get rid of salts and bacteria dissolved in it.

All you need are plastic bottles and a freezer.

  1. Water must be poured into bottles, not adding 2 - 3 cm to the brim, since when frozen it expands and can damage the container.
  2. Place the bottles in the freezer, checking the condition of the water regularly.
  3. When two-thirds of the liquid freezes, the sediment must be poured out, since all mineral impurities remain in it.
  4. The remaining ice needs to be thawed, after which the melt water will be completely ready for use.

Can water harm the body?

High-quality clean water can only cause harm if you drink it in very large quantities, significantly exceeding the daily norm. This provokes the development of drinking disease, when the kidneys do not have time to pass all the liquid, and it penetrates into other organs, which as a result swell. It is worth remembering that healthy kidneys can only pass 0.8 - 1 liter of water per hour.

Large amounts of fluid consumed can:

  • lead to poor and restless sleep;
  • cause kidney disease;
  • the most severe case is swelling of brain cells, the consequences of which include seizures, respiratory arrest, coma and death.

Important! Drinking chlorinated tap water leads to the development of various diseases of the nervous system, including Alzheimer's disease.


The benefits and harms of water directly depend on its quality. It is a vital element for humans, maintains health and prevents the risk of developing many diseases. But in order not to harm yourself, you need to drink water in moderation, no more than 2 - 2.5 liters per day.

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Both Western and domestic nutritionists unanimously say: a person, regardless of the load and time of year, needs to drink a lot of water. This helps improve the water-salt balance in the body. But is this statement true? It turns out that excess fluid can cause serious harm to internal organs.

How does thirst arise?

According to biologists, the main reason why a person wants to drink is a change in the water-salt balance in the blood. On average, one liter of blood contains 9.45 grams of salt. Minor fluctuations in the content of this substance are possible, but only in hundredths of a gram. However, if the concentration of salt, for example, increases, then the activity of all cells of the body is disrupted, because they are supplied with blood. At such a moment, its water component decreases, and the blood thickens. And this, according to phlebologists, threatens the formation of blood clots, which means that the nutrition of a specific area of ​​​​tissue or organ will be blocked. But this is in critical cases.

As a rule, already in the first moments of a slight increase in salt concentration, a person feels dry mouth. This is the first signal calling for an increase in fluid levels in the body. This happens, for example, in the heat, when a person sweats and the liquid evaporates.

Drinking too much water is harmful

It turns out that it is better for the body to drink more fluid? Not at all. It is known that the more you drink in the heat, the more you want. At this moment, the body sweats more, and along with the increased amount of evaporated moisture, more salt leaves the body. And in this case, the skin of the face and hands, as well as the hair, are the first to suffer.

If a person deliberately accustoms himself to increased water consumption, then in normal cool weather this causes harm to many internal organs. Domestic gastroenterologists warn: drinking plenty of water seriously dilutes gastric juice, it ceases to be concentrated and destructive to microbes that enter the stomach with food. Water allows them to survive, which means the risk of developing infections increases.

Some people believe that drinking plenty of fluids helps improve kidney function. French nephrologist Pierre Ronso explains in his scientific work how they actually function. To maintain the required level of fluids in the body, the kidneys reabsorb some of the water that has already been filtered. This provides a standard urine concentration. But the more a person drinks, the less the kidneys have to save water, and the tubules created specifically for reabsorption work less and less over time. If the body is without the usual access to water in hot weather, then the kidneys will not be able to saturate it with the saved fluid, and dehydration will begin rapidly.

Excessive fluid consumption soon fills the tissues of the liver and kidneys, they swell, and their functional properties weaken. Meanwhile, these organs play an important role in the excretory system, and when it fails, the body does not completely remove water. Fluid is retained in tissue cells, swelling occurs, which provokes an increase in pressure in the walls of blood vessels. Then the headaches begin. The lymph nodes, swollen due to increased moisture, also do not cope with their task - immunity decreases, and only a few hours remain before the development of gastrointestinal infections.

Does water help you lose weight?

However, many ladies, having increased the amount of fluid consumed, despite side effects in the form of slight swelling, report real weight loss. So, for effective weight loss you still need a lot of water?

At first, drinking plenty of water actually improves intestinal function, peristalsis increases, food passes through the sections faster, which means digestive products are eliminated more efficiently, and weight decreases. But after three months the situation changes. The pancreas and gallbladder become saturated with water, and problems arise in their functioning. Food is not completely processed because the level of secreted bile and other secretions is reduced. Gradually, the intestinal mucosa also swells - constipation occurs more and more often. This leads to general slagging in the body and weight gain.

In addition, endocrinologists warn: the cells of the hormonal glands, overflowing with moisture, cannot fully participate in metabolic processes due to lack of energy.

Therefore, the burning of fat and carbohydrates slows down, and this does not contribute to weight loss.

Do athletes need a lot of water?

It turns out that ordinary people should not force themselves to drink a lot of liquid - it is harmful. Perhaps increased water consumption is necessary for athletes. But this is not true either. Dr. Timothy Noakes, professor of sports medicine at the University of Cape Town (South Africa), in his book “Dehydration during Exercise: Myths and Facts,” argues that over-hydration does not improve athletic performance, but rather worsens it and puts the body at risk. hyponatremia (violation of water and electrolyte balance).

The professor claims that you simply cannot drink before you become thirsty. This reduces concentration and physical muscle activity in both athletes and ordinary people. And if we want to be vigorous and healthy, we need to drink as much fluid as the body physically requires.

Medical studies have shown that a person can live without food for 30 days. Without water it will not last even a week. The only issue that is still controversial is the rate of water consumption. Do you need to fill your body with excess moisture, or, on the contrary, reduce it to the minimum norm? Everything needs to be carefully understood.

How does excess water consumption work?

It is believed that a healthy person needs to drink up to 2 liters per day. This norm makes the body quite functional. If we increase water consumption, what are the consequences? Supporters of moderate drinking are against turning your body into an aquarium. The following explanations are given:

  • Water does not dissolve fat in cells and does not remove it. For this reason, you won’t be able to lose weight;
  • water does not satisfy hunger, as it quickly leaves the body.
  • Excess fluid leads to extra stress on the kidneys. They begin to work on the edge of possibility. This causes hypertension.
  • Constant increased drinking helps remove salt from tissues and cells. Because of this, the water-alkaline balance is lost.
  • When kidney function is impaired, excess fluid fills the intercellular space, which leads to internal and external swelling.

You need to drink water - 5 reasons

When analyzing the reasons when it is necessary to consume large amounts of liquid, it is worth thinking about the benefits. Only informed decisions will allow you to maintain health and avoid harmful consequences. What looks affirming and believable:

1. Vital necessity

If you don't drink at all for 4 days, you can lose your life. Water is primary for the functioning of the entire body. It ensures proper functioning of the brain, cardiovascular and excretory systems. Flushes away harmful compounds and toxic substances. Saliva is also moisture and requires the necessary replenishment to produce digestive compounds. Blood also needs water for good circulation.

2. Maintaining a slim figure

There are no calories in water, and for this reason it is popular in getting rid of extra pounds. Essentially, drinking a glass of liquid tricks the brain. Receptors and nerves transmit information from the stomach that it is full. For some time, the feeling of hunger will subside. As a result, the amount of food eaten decreases and the length of time between meals increases. Drinking cold water can speed up metabolic processes. To generate heat for the body, you need to take calories from fat deposits.

3. Skin turgor

The skin is the most voluminous human organ, with a high moisture content. Dehydration is detrimental to the epidermis. The surface layers become dry, flaccid, with many wrinkles. This is especially significant for women. Drinking clean, fresh water guarantees beauty, youth, and healthy skin. In addition, it is necessary to use protective creams to avoid rapid evaporation of liquid from the upper layers of the skin.

4. Keeping muscles toned

Human muscles are tissues that are in dire need of sufficient water supply. This allows them to work at full capacity and avoid various injuries. If there is insufficient supply of fluid to the internal organs, it begins to be compensated from muscle tissue. This situation should concern people involved in sports. They should constantly replenish the water reserves of their organs.

5. Proper bowel function

Another important reason why you need to drink raw water is the healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking liquid in the morning causes the intestinal walls to contract intensively, promoting the bolus. As a result, constipation, bloating and other problems disappear. You can drink mineral water after consulting your doctor. He will help you choose a brand based on its composition and determine the dosage.

Regime of water replenishment in the body

The fact that water is a must for all people to drink is indisputable. But the question is, what volume of fluid intake is considered normal? Incorrect calculation leads to serious disorders in the human body. Performance decreases, mood deteriorates, and health problems arise. Before you develop a drinking regime for yourself, you need to focus on some conditions:

  1. Take into account the total weight;
  2. working conditions;
  3. daily food ration;
  4. climate of the place of residence;
  5. physical workload;
  6. presence of diseases.

Nutritionists and medical specialists have established options for drinking water throughout the day. This may be controversial for some, but nevertheless this situation exists. Any person chooses his own option.

  • 1 glass 30 minutes before meals, 4-5 times a day.
  • A glass after meals, 2 hours later - 4 times a day.

You can drink throughout the day without being tied to a specific regimen. The main thing is not to take long breaks, take small portions. We are talking about clean water, not counting tea, sweet drinks, and other liquids. It is not necessary to force yourself, you need to listen to yourself, then complete harmony will come.

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