Azelaic acid. Properties, production, application and price of azelaic acid. Azelaic acid: effect on the skin, drugs, indications and side effects, reviews


A substance that is often included in the composition of drugs whose action is aimed at treating skin defects is azelaic acid. The substance has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, is used to soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Used to treat acne, comedones. After applying the acid, the skin looks healthy, saturated with vitamins.

What is azelaic acid

The organic matter of the azelaic compound belongs to carboxylic acids. It is obtained from the oxidation of oleic and linoleic acids. In humans, it is formed during the metabolism of lipids. It has a bacteriostatic effect, fights against the formation of abnormal melanocytes. It is a white crystalline substance that dissolves in boiling water and ethanol. The tool is part of many creams and gels for skin care.


Azelaic acid has the same physical and chemical properties as carboxylic acids. Deep permeability provides a good effect when used for cosmetic purposes. The substance is poorly soluble in water at room temperature, has a high flammability threshold. After entering the body, it is transformed into dicarboxylic acids, which are more easily absorbed by the human body. With prolonged use in small concentrations, azelaic ointment is not addictive.

pharmachologic effect

After application to the skin, the acid ointment penetrates the epidermis and dermis, part of it is absorbed into the bloodstream. Does not cause coarsening of the surface layer of the skin. The maximum effect from the use of creams occurs 2-4 weeks after the start of application. An organic remedy has the following effect on the skin:

  • slows down the formation of age spots;
  • regulates the production of sebum;
  • protects the skin from keratinization;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • helps to slow down the growth of bacteria and the production of fatty acids that provoke the formation of acne;
  • promotes self-purification of cells and ducts of the sebaceous gland;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • prevents the appearance of comedones.

Indications for use

Fruit acid is available as a powder, cream, and gel. The first is used by the course for the treatment of acne and skin hyperpigmentation. The gel is recommended for acne and rosacea. It is used as the main remedy for the treatment of diseases, or as an additional medicine. The use of drugs with acid should be started only after consulting a doctor, self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Contraindications and side effects

The tool is not recommended for people sensitive to propylene glycol. During pregnancy and lactation, the use of the drug is possible only under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Side effects are rare, appearing within two weeks after the start of treatment. Perhaps reddening of the skin, a burning sensation with a combination of azelaic and glycolic acids. You should stop the treatment procedure when these signs appear.

Azelaic acid preparations

The effects of the azelaic component are actively used in cosmetology and medicine, it is considered an effective cosmetic product. Peeling with this substance is the basic procedure for deep cleansing of the face. Domestic and foreign brands include azelaic compound in creams. Effective drugs with this substance are:

  • Sleep and Peel Night Smoothing Cream by Filorga. This cosmetic product gives radiance and softness to tired skin. The positive effects of the cream is a mild effect on the skin and a quick effect. The negative point is the high price of the drug.
  • Gel Skinoren. An effective remedy for the fight against acne. It helps to eliminate the fat content of the epidermis, relieve inflammation, fights free radicals that negatively affect the condition of the skin. The disadvantages of the drug include restrictions on the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Cream Azogel. Due to its components, the drug affects not only the external manifestations of inflammatory processes, but also their cause. The pluses of the product include exfoliating properties, the product fights acne, bacteria and inhibits the development of oily skin. The negative side includes a high likelihood of side effects.

Azelaic acid in cosmetology

Azelaic acid is a cosmetic product used to treat a variety of inflammatory conditions. In cosmetology, it is generally accepted that acid creams are highly effective in treating acne. The component is widely used to combat redness. This compound is included in creams to eliminate pigmentation on the skin. Cosmetic products with this component are only suitable for topical use.

Action on the skin

This substance kills propionic bacteria. The effective effect of the acid is guaranteed in the treatment of any degree of acne. The antimicrobial property of azelain is used to treat acne. American dermatologists often use the substance as an anti-redness agent. The compound acts as an antioxidant, clearing up skin imperfections. The activity of azelaic ointment causes a slowdown in the synthesis of melanin, thereby brightening the skin. The effect occurs after two months of regular use of the drug.

Azelaic acid creams

In cosmetology, azelaic substance is often used. For example, the following names are widely used:

  1. Paula's choice brightening anti-acne gel effectively cleanses the skin, is a leader in the fight against rashes.
  2. Clarena acne cream cleans the skin well, removes oily sheen, it is one of the best antibacterial drugs.
  3. Cream Azelik from the manufacturer Akrikhin slows down the growth and development of abnormal melanocytes, stops the process of the appearance of age spots. The tool reduces the formation of comedones, prevents the occurrence of acne.

Instructions for use of azelaic acid

The dose and duration of therapy with this substance is set individually for each patient. The cream should be applied to the skin and rubbed with light movements. It is necessary to avoid getting the cream on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, lips, and also in the eyes. In cases of severe skin irritation, the number of applications should be reduced to one per day or azelaic preparations should be completely abandoned.

During pregnancy and lactation

During childbearing and lactation, the use of these funds should take place only after the appointment of a doctor and under his constant supervision. A small percentage of the azelaic substance enters the bloodstream through the skin, so it can adversely affect the development of the fetus. In the first trimester of pregnancy, you should not use products in which the active ingredient is acidum azelaicum.

Azelaic acid price

It is problematic to buy acid in its pure form in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg, therefore it is recommended to choose ointments and creams based on this substance. Cosmetic products can be ordered in online pharmacies, stores. The cost will differ by several rubles, depending on the dose of the substance and the place of purchase. Before buying, carefully study the characteristics of the drug and customer reviews. Poor quality products can harm the body.

Only healthy skin can be beautiful. Age spots, acne, pimples can greatly spoil the appearance of the skin. In this case, the rashes leave traces in the form of scars and reddened areas. Today, there are many means to solve these problems. One of the most effective is azelaic (nonadiic) acid, which is used in cosmetics to treat skin diseases.

This remedy is used not only to stop the inflammatory processes that have already appeared. This ingredient in a cream can prevent acne by addressing the original cause. You can clean your face with this substance in just 2-3 months of regular use.

Use in cosmetology

This tool is an effective drug for improving the condition of hair and skin. A product containing this acid is primarily required for the following problems:

The main cause of dermatological diseases is the inflammatory process provoked by pathogenic bacteria. Pathogenic microorganisms begin to penetrate into the pores.

As a result of their vital activity, the process of inflammation begins under the skin. At the same time, the pores become clogged and the situation begins to worsen. A pimple forms on the surface of the skin.

If inflammation of the deep skin balls begins, and the pimple itself is of a huge size, then a scar may remain after it. That is what azelaic acid is remarkable for, that it can fight very well both directly with rashes, and to remove their consequences. At the same time, it can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

Cosmetics manufacturers include this substance in preparations for hair or skin. It is a type of carboxylic acid. Its natural source of origin is cereals. This phyto compound is found in barley, rye and wheat. Also, the substance can be obtained due to the oxidation of oleic and linoleic acids. It is this method of obtaining is used in production.

The substance has a positive effect on the skin:

  • Prevents acne.
  • Kills microbes.
  • Has an antioxidant effect.
  • Removes the inflammatory process.
  • Brightens skin.
  • Removes age spots.
  • Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Multiple studies have been conducted to determine how acid removes age spots and treats dermatological pathologies that are accompanied by rashes.

Research results

As practice has shown, for a visible effect it takes at least a month, in some cases - two. Another advantage of azelaic acid is that, unlike other drugs, it works very gently.

Many acid formulations cannot be used on affected skin. If there are inflamed zones on its surface, then aggressive substances corrode these areas, resulting in the formation of wounds, which then heal for a rather long time. But this is not the case for azelaic acid.

Application during pregnancy

The acid has no contraindications even for use during pregnancy, unlike many similar drugs. In some cases, the expectant mother has to deal with skin diseases during pregnancy that were not there before.

Even the owners of healthy and clean skin are not immune from deterioration in appearance during childbearing and the appearance of spots. Creams containing azelaic acid can help rid a pregnant woman of pigmentation, acne and pimples.

Azelaic peeling

One of the types of superficial chemical cleansing, Krulig peeling, is a superficial treatment of the face with a substance that contains azelaic acid. This is the main component of the composition, it may also contain other acids: salicylic, lactic, glycolic.

Azelaic peeling is gentle and at the same time quite efficient procedure.. The main difference from similar peels, which are produced by potent compositions, is that the top layer of the skin does not peel off, but is removed like a film. This is possible due to dehydration of the skin surface. This technique is used to remove age spots, freckles, fine wrinkles, vascular network, post-acne.

There is another significant advantage. This remedy can protect against bacteria, and the resistance of bacteria to this substance is not produced. Accordingly, peeling will be equally effective both for the first time and further, regardless of the number of procedures performed.

Hair Benefits

Dandruff is formed due to damage to the scalp by pathogenic microorganisms.

Periodic treatment of the basal hair part with preparations that contain the aforementioned acid, relieves the root cause of the disease, as a result of which dandruff disappears.

Hair loses its natural shine if it does not receive the necessary nutrition. Improvement of the skin directly affects the condition of the hair. Acid cleaner restores the beauty of hair, relieving the causes of itching, peeling, the appearance of wounds on the head, dandruff.

Another advantage of azelaic acid is that it enhances the effect other ingredients in the product intended for the treatment of the scalp. It also favorably affects hair growth, so it is often used for androgenetic alopecia.

Instructions for use

Since azelaic acid is a component of cosmetic preparations, the method of its use will depend on the form in which these products are manufactured.

Face cream applied directly to the surface of the skin in the morning or before bed. Tonic and lotion must be wiped with pre-cleansed skin.

This cosmetic is designed to get rid of pigmentation, acne and other defects. There are also hair serums that need to be rubbed into the hair roots. Most often, preparations contain up to 25% acid. This concentration is considered safe.

Instead of the finished product, you can buy powder in pharmacies. Acid powder retains all useful properties. powder can add to regular cream: it must be dissolved in alcohol, then mixed with a care product.

Contraindications and side effects

In some cases, at the initial stage of using the acid, such unpleasant phenomena are likely:

Side effects become less pronounced as you get used to it. After a certain time, you will no longer feel any discomfort.

When using acid, allergic reactions occur very rarely. The substance has almost no contraindications - only individual intolerance applies to them.

But there are certain points that should be considered. Do not apply the drug with acid to the skin after deep peeling. It is recommended to refrain from using the product in the summer, especially after sunburn.

The use of any gel or cream with azelaic acid only has an effect with long-term and regular use. If you really want to get rid of pigmentation or acne, then be patient before you start using this remedy. It doesn't matter whether you buy cosmetics that contain this substance or choose a powder, the effect achieved will fully justify all expectations over time.

Azelaic acid is one of the cosmetic acids, little known to a wide range of consumers. Meanwhile, the properties of this substance make it possible to use it both in cosmetics for teenagers and in anti-aging creams. And both there and there it is equally effective.

What is Azelaic Acid: Properties and Uses

Azelaic acid is obtained from fatty acids - oleic and linolenic or from paraffins. It is used in industry for a variety of purposes, but we are mainly interested in azelaic acid in cosmetology.

First of all, azelaic acid is used for age spots and acne. Among its properties:

  • Lightening
  • Elimination of hyperpigmentation
  • Disinfection, destruction of bacteria that cause acne
  • Normalization of sebum secretion
  • Moisturizing
  • Terrain leveling
  • Increase skin elasticity.

Acids are different

Many people are afraid to use products with acids in the summer and in the daytime. The thing is that the very combination of "acid in cosmetics" is associated primarily with peels. And this is absolutely true - for fruit acids, glycolic acid.

But acids in general are a very large group of substances, and their action is very different. After all, no one is afraid to use hyaluronic acid, right? She's also an acid. But it does not have a cleansing or exfoliating, but a moisturizing effect, which is just as necessary in summer as air.

However, azelainka, unlike hyaluronic acid, is mainly used in cleansing products. And this completes the association: “cleansing with acids is equally aggressive peeling.” The one that works effectively, but can only be used in the cold season, with great care and only in combination with sunscreen.

Here it is worth recalling, for example, another acid - salicylic acid, which is part of anti-acne lotions. It is also used for cleansing, but it works in a completely different way: it does not remove the top layer of the epidermis, but disinfects, kills the bacteria that cause acne, suppresses the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands and dries the skin. And you can use it, by the way, at any time of the year if necessary.

The action of azelaic acid is somewhat similar to that of salicylic acid. It also destroys bacteria that cause inflammation and reduces the production of fatty acids. In addition, azelain inhibits the activity and growth of abnormal melanocytes that cause hyperpigmentation. This means that the acid fights age spots, freckles and redness, eliminating the cause of their appearance. Recommended even for rosacea. With all this, it is absolutely non-toxic, even girls from the age of 12 can use azelaic acid (for acne and the same freckles, if they bother and don’t like it). Unlike salicylic acid, azelaic acid does not dry out the skin, but moisturizes it. In anti-aging products, it is absolutely indispensable. Why? Now let's figure it out.

Safe cleansing

I have sensitive thin skin prone to dryness. Actually, with such input data, I did not have acne as such, even in adolescence. The basis of my care has always been and is moisturizing and nourishing, not cleansers.

However, as an adult and having moved to live in a large southern city, I ran into an unexpected problem. The heat and ubiquitous dust means that breakouts and pimples in summer are very possible, even on dry skin. Only systematic deep cleansing allows you to fight them and prevent their appearance. Meanwhile, funds intended for this purpose, as a rule, are addressed to the owners of very young - and in addition, oily skin! They mercilessly dry out my face and lead to the appearance of irritations and red spots.

Anti-aging cleansers are, as a rule, the same peels with acids that cannot be used in summer.

In summary, I need something that effectively and deeply cleansing, but at the same time not aggressive, not drying, and acceptable just for use in the summer. The situation is almost a stalemate.

Actually, this is a problem for everyone who would like to clean the skin at the age of 30+, when drying it is already contraindicated for almost everyone. And often not only cleansers, but also bleaching agents are dried.

And here azelaic acid is a real salvation. It not only does not cause irritation, but also fights those very red spots that appear on sensitive skin from everything in a row. This is the same cleanser and whitening agent that is suitable for dry, sensitive, and even aging skin, and can be used at any time of the year.

In addition, as already mentioned, it also has antioxidant properties, evens out the relief and fights keratinization of the skin. That is, it also has actually anti-aging qualities, which in the composition of the cream can be enhanced by other ingredients.

A small minus for me personally - it whitens freckles, which I just treat very positively. Well, a tan, if it is, can brighten. But the pluses are still much more.

What resources contain

Azelaic acid for the face is found in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. Pharmacy products are, as a rule, specialized gels and ointments against acne with azelaic acid, preparations such as "Acne-stop", "Skinoren", etc. But there are not so many care products intended for daily use.

Iherb has a very interesting line of products with azelaic acid brand Azelique. The line includes a full range of care products:

  • Argilerin and Matrixyl - relax mimic muscles, reduce wrinkles;
  • Hyaluronic acid - moisturizes the skin and smoothes wrinkles;
  • Glycolic acid (in low concentration) - evens out the skin texture;
  • Caffeine - tones;
  • Ubihinn (coenzyme Q10) - a strong antioxidant, actively rejuvenates the skin;
  • Vitamins A, C, E - nourish and rejuvenate the skin;
  • Resveratrol and yeast - reduce wrinkles, even out the relief, brighten;
  • Plant extracts and oils - nourish, moisturize, provide anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, antioxidant effects.

All products are free of parabens, sulfates and artificial colors.

My favorites here are the mask and cleanser. This is exactly the opportunity for a systematic deep cleansing that does not damage the skin that I need.

Washing agent

As for the face wash, it does feel a little dry on the skin, so be sure to use a moisturizer after it. However, for me it is a must anyway.

In the composition here, many are not even confused by azelaic acid, reviews on the same Aicherb indicate that there is some misunderstanding. Disodium lauret sulfosuccinate is indicated as a soapy component (foaming agent) in the composition. This is NOT lauryl sulfate (SLS). Yes, the names are similar, but in origin and action, the substances are completely different. Sulfosuccinate does not contain sulfates, and it is produced on the basis of coconut or palm oil. It is a mild foaming agent, skin-friendly and non-toxic.

The real minus of the remedy is the preservative phenoxyethanol in the composition. Fortunately, he is in last place, that is, his concentration is minimal. Unfortunately, there are very few detergents without controversial ingredients. In this case, in my opinion, due to the combination of other, very useful and valuable components, phenoxyethanol can be neglected, but - this is important! - only if there is no specific allergic reaction to it. This point just needs to be kept in mind, especially for allergy sufferers.


The name of the mask contains the word "anti-aging", but already by the key ingredients - activated charcoal and clay - it is obvious that it is primarily cleansing, with the addition of anti-aging, nourishing and moisturizing ingredients. For me - a godsend: a really deep cleansing mask that does not dry out. The skin after it is very fresh, looks rested. But! It is better to use it all the same in autumn and winter, given the glycolic acid in the composition. The mask stings slightly when applied. After use, it is advisable to apply a moisturizer or nourisher (according to skin needs).

Eye cream

This remedy is feared by many because of the acids in the composition. But glycolic acid (for leveling the relief) is contained in it in a minimum concentration that allows it to be used even in the daytime. As for azelaic, it is just very appropriate here: it brightens the skin, eliminating dark circles and spots around the eyes.

There are a lot of valuable ingredients in the composition. There is caffeine, and Q10 for lifting and tightening, and hyaluronic acid for moisturizing, and many plant extracts and oils.

grinding agent

This is azelaic acid + peeling. It is better to use in the cold season, when going out into the sun, apply a protective cream.

This tool was too harsh for me. But a friend with oily skin came up perfectly.

Day and night creams

These are exactly the caring daily products with azelaic acid. The creams are perfect for my skin. Very well moisturize, while avoiding the appearance of any irritation and inflammation. With regular use, the complexion is visibly evened out.

The action of azelaic acid on the skin. Azelaic acid in cosmetology.

Azelaic acid is an inexpensive and yet effective remedy that will help to noticeably improve the condition of your skin.

Healthy and radiant skin without signs of inflammation and irritation is, above all, beautiful. But is it only a matter of aesthetics?

The condition of the skin is inextricably linked with the internal state of the body. Therefore, it is very important to monitor lifestyle, diet, maintain water balance, and also do not forget about motor and physical activity. Numerous care and hygiene products are designed to help your skin look flawless. Depending on the active ingredients that make up their composition, the action of the products will be more or less intense. A good therapeutic effect in the treatment of skin diseases is provided by products with azelaic acid, which are widely used in cosmetology.

Unpleasant guest - acne

One of the most common skin lesions are rashes. The foci of inflammation, which manifest themselves in the form of acne, acne and boils, can spoil even the most attractive face.

Acne control principles

Skin rashes are an unpleasant phenomenon. Inflamed acne does not add attractiveness to anyone. Numerous cosmetic and medical preparations, which are designed to eliminate such unpleasant "neighbors" as acne, can be both beneficial and harmful. Moreover, only an integrated approach to treatment will give a stable positive result. To avoid a negative skin reaction to an acne remedy, follow the basic rules for using drugs:

  • Before using any special agent, medical advice is necessary. The recommendations of a dermatologist, and, if necessary, other specialists, will help you choose an effective and at the same time safe remedy.
  • An important factor influencing the condition of the skin is nutrition. Review your diet by eliminating foods that activate the sebaceous glands - spicy spices, canned food, fatty foods, coffee, alcohol, sugary and carbonated drinks, high-carb side dishes (pasta, rice). Include dairy products (cottage cheese, natural yogurt), fresh vegetables and fruits, fresh juices, lean meat in the menu.
  • Means for daily skin care should take into account the individual characteristics of the latter. This statement applies not only to lotions, tonics and soaps, but also to peeling products, creams, scrubs.
  • It is strongly not recommended to squeeze out acne on your own. So you will not only provoke additional skin irritation, but also increase the inflammatory process. In addition, unaesthetic scars and scars will appear at the site of the affected areas.

Treatment of skin rashes

To eliminate acne, a variety of drugs have been developed. Their main action is aimed at:

  • Elimination of the focus of inflammation.
  • Reduced blockage of sebaceous ducts.
  • Decreased sebum production.

The whole variety of medicines can be divided into several groups:

  • Medicines based on azelaic acid.
  • Means for external and internal use, which are based on the "work" of vitamin A - retinoids. The drugs are effective, but should be used strictly under medical supervision. After undergoing treatment for a year, pregnancy is highly undesirable due to the possible development of fetal malformations.
  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments, gels and creams.
  • Disinfectants and drying agents.

Azelaic acid - what is it?

What is this compound and can it help get rid of unpleasant skin rashes? Azelaic (or carboxylic) acid is an organic compound that is present in a number of cereal crops (such as wheat, rye, barley), and is also produced in the human body. In addition, this substance can also be obtained as a result of synthesis from oleic or linoleic acids. Despite the "loud" name - acid - the action of the compound is quite mild and cannot cause skin burns.

Azelaic acid: the action of the substance

Due to its properties, azelaic acid has become very widespread in cosmetology. What effect can be achieved as a result of using products with this component?

  • Anti-inflammatory property. Red spots that are in the foci of inflammation gradually disappear. Thanks to this action, the remedy works well in the treatment of rosacea.
  • Antibacterial effect. Successful fight against pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria) allows the use of the product in the treatment of acne, acne. This property of azelaic acid allows it to be used as a remedy for acne.
  • The antioxidant effect is manifested in the neutralization of reactive oxygen species.
  • Keratolytic effect. The organic compound activates the work of the skin pores, so that the accumulation of impurities and excess fat in them can be avoided.
  • Evens out and smoothes the surface of the skin. The use of products with azelaic acid helps to remove roughness and uneven areas of the skin surface, increases the elasticity of the dermis.
  • The bleaching effect of the substance allows the compound to be successfully used to eliminate excessive pigmentation of various etiologies. Acid affects the processes that stimulate the increased production of melanin, resulting in skin lightening.
  • Helps oxygenate the skin.
  • Effectively eliminates the manifestations of seborrhea.

Azelaic Acid Benefits

Other cosmetic products have a similar complex effect, but preparations based on azelaic acid have a number of advantages over them:

  • The compound is not addictive, so cosmetic products with azelaic acid can be used for a long time.
  • Azelaic acid has a soft and delicate effect on the skin, which minimizes the risk of allergic reactions.
  • The organic substance can be used for both oily and dry skin.
  • Preparations with this acid can be used throughout the year, even in summer.
  • The recovery period after an azelaic acid peel is much shorter (a couple of hours) than after a fruit acid peel (about a week).
  • The procedure for cleansing and restoring is simple and does not require special training or only in salons.

Indications for the use of azelaic acid

In what cases will the use of an organic compound be justified? The substance, as well as drugs with the inclusion of acid, is recommended for use in the presence of:

  • Couperose.
  • Increased pigmentation.
  • Acne.
  • Rosacea.
  • Acne, other rashes.
  • Seborrhea.
  • Demodicose.

Azelaic acid cost

The organic matter itself has the form of a finely dispersed powder. The cost of azelaic acid in a pharmacy is low. If you try to dissolve a substance in water, you will succeed, but you will have to make some effort. In this case, as a result of combining the compound with alcohol, an alcohol-containing liquid, oil or fat, a homogeneous mass will be obtained. An alternative to home cooking can be the purchase of a finished product, which includes carboxylic acid. To enhance the effect, try to select products that, in addition to azelaic acid, contain salicylic and glycolic acids. The content of organic matter in cosmetic products most often does not exceed 20%. Depending on the volume, manufacturer and composition of drugs with azelaic acid, their price can range from 300 rubles to 1500 rubles.

Azelaic acid: pharmaceutical preparations

Medicines, which include azelaic acid, have a complex effect on the cells of the dermis, thereby helping to cope with many diseases of the skin. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the results of a consultation with a dermatologist. Depending on the causes and intensity of the pathological process, the use of drugs can be carried out for three months. Medicines are applied to pre-cleansed skin 2 times a day.

The use of azelaic acid: do-it-yourself cream

If you do not want to spend extra money on ready-made cosmetics, you can get a healing composition at home. To do this, you only need to pre-purchase azelaic acid - it is sold in pharmacies in powder form, packaging from 1 g to 25 g. In addition, you will need: jojoba oil (rosemary or olive oil can be used as an alternative), water, sucrose, a special preservative microkil, which will increase the shelf life of the resulting cream.

  • Prepare a clean container.
  • Put water and acid into it, 16.5 and 1.5 ml, respectively. The substance is poorly soluble in water, so the composition must be shaken thoroughly.
  • After waiting for the complete dissolution of the acid, place 1.5 ml of sucrose in a container.
  • Pour 7 ml of oil into a separate bowl.
  • Heat both vessels in a water bath, wait until the sucrose dissolves.
  • Next, mix the compositions until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • At the end of cooking, add a drop of Microkil.

The resulting cream can be used every day and after a month you will notice an improvement in skin condition. If the above technology seems long and costly, and you can’t buy a finished product with azelaic acid, take a small amount of alcohol and dissolve a little useful compound in it. Mix the resulting composition with a cream for daily use. And although the effect of exposure to ointment with azelaic acid will have to wait a little longer, but your skin will definitely thank you with radiant beauty and health.

Contraindications to the use of azelaic acid

Regardless of the clinical picture and manifestations of the disease, self-administration of drugs with even "sparing" carboxylic acid is unacceptable. Means with azelaic acid according to the instructions can not be used in such cases:

  • It is unacceptable to apply the product to the mucous surfaces of the nose, lips, mouth.
  • Pay close attention to how you feel during therapy. If there is a feeling of discomfort, burning therapy should be discontinued.
  • The occurrence of any kind of allergic reactions should serve as a reason for canceling treatment with an organic acid.

Before using any drug, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the experience of its use by other people. With regard to azelaic acid therapy, the reviews are also contradictory and largely depend on the individual susceptibility of the dermis. However, to achieve a lasting and lasting effect, you should not rely only on external skin treatment. The approach should be comprehensive and include a diet, possibly taking additional medications.

Azelaic (nonandioic) acid is an organic substance used in cosmetology due to its pronounced antimicrobial, keratolytic and anti-inflammatory properties. In nature, the component is found in the composition of some cereal crops and is produced by the human body. For the production of cosmetic preparations, the product is synthesized from linoleic and oleic acids.

The action of azelaic acid

Azelaic acid has a delicate positive effect on the skin. Dibasic carboxylic acid gained popularity in cosmetology due to its properties:

  • inhibits the production of substances aimed at cellular decay, stops inflammation, inhibits lysosomal enzymes;
  • acts as an antiseptic, increases the barrier properties of the skin, reduces cell permeability, inhibits the activity of pathogenic organisms;
  • neutralizes reactive oxygen species, is a catalyst for amino acid compounds, improves collagen production;
  • normalizes the work of skin pores, prevents increased production of sebum, has a keratolytic effect;
  • tones the skin, activates the flow of metabolic processes in the dermis, increases the firmness and elasticity of the integument by stimulating the production of elastin;
  • affects the production of melanin, smoothing skin pigmentation, realizing a whitening effect;
  • irritates skin receptors, increasing blood flow to the dermis, nourishing and saturating the integument with oxygen, etc.

Indications for use

Azelaic acid in its pure form or as part of cosmetic products is used to combat dermatological problems.

Indications for appointment:

  • acute and chronic forms of rosacea, red papules and edema associated with excessive expansion of small superficial vessels in perioral dermatitis and rosacea;
  • inflammatory processes of various etiologies. Apply a remedy for the treatment of acne, dermatitis and other skin rashes of a viral, fungal and bacterial nature;
  • acne, comedones, congestion formed in the sebaceous glands with a violation of the outflow of secretions;
  • secondary dermatological changes in the form of post-acne, resulting from a prolonged recurrent course of acne;
  • violation of the healthy microflora of the skin, the development of a pathological environment in the form of demodicosis and other diseases associated with the spread of ticks, bacteria and pathogens living on the skin and in the subcutaneous space;
  • uneven structure of the skin, small mimic and deep age wrinkles that form in the elderly;
  • uneven skin tone, allergic and pigment spots that occur on the dermis during prolonged exposure to the sun in the summer.

Possible appointment acids for hair care and treatment of trichological diseases. The product allows you to get rid of excessive and insufficient production of sebum in the scalp, treating and preventing dandruff and seborrhea.

Ways to use nonanedioic acid

Nonandioic acid is used both in its pure form and as a component of pharmaceutical drugs. Each of the products containing carboxylic acid has an individual method of application and dosage.

Instructions for use
Taking the medicine inside The drug is taken orally as a drug. According to the instructions, the course of therapy is at least a month and not more than six months. The first improvements in the skin condition will be noticeable after 3-4 weeks of regular use. The dosage is prescribed exclusively by the doctor on an individual basis.
Topical application Azelaic acid should be applied topically, rubbing into the integument. The recommended frequency of use of means - 1-2 times a day. The duration of the course is determined by the specific problem and varies from two months to six months. The results are noted after 7-8 weeks from the start of using the drug.
Use for acid peel It is common practice to use acid for peeling. The procedure is highly effective and is carried out in several stages:
cleansing, for which salicylic acid is often used;
degreasing using a solution of glycolic acid;
peeling procedure using 20% ​​azelaic acid;
moisturizing and nourishing - caring vitamin creams and tonics are used to soothe the skin after intensive cleansing.
Cream preparation A cosmetic product using nonanedioic acid is prepared at home. The recipe for a home care product consists of the acid itself in powder form, jojoba oil (olive or rosemary oil is used as an analogue), sugar, water, and a microkil stabilizer used to extend the shelf life of the cream. For the production of the product:
fill a clean container with water in a volume of 16.5 ml;
add 1.5 ml of acid to the water, stirring the composition thoroughly to completely dissolve the component;
enter into the composition of 1.5 gr. Sahara;
heat a solution of sugar and acid in a water bath and mix it with warm oil in a volume of 7 ml;
mix the product thoroughly by adding 1 drop of microkil to it;
wait for cooling, then apply the cream 1-2 times a day on the skin of the face.

store funds

Azelaic acid is the basis for the production of caring and therapeutic products. Nonandioic acid is found in ointments, gels, serums, lotions and creams. The substance is sold in the form of a tonic for removing makeup, primary and secondary care for healthy and problematic skin of the face, chest and neck. Today, such drugs are sold in pharmacies.

Consider the popular means:

Azelic This drug is available in the form of a gel. The product is based on azelaic acid, has a bactericidal property, cleanses pores, evens out skin tone, smoothes fine wrinkles. The direct purpose of the drug is the treatment of acne, acne, local inflammatory processes on the skin of the face.
Azix-Derm Cosmetic cream designed to combat seborrheic dermatitis, pathological pigmentation. The drug has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, destroys all types of coccal infections.
The Ordinary Azelaic Acid White cream with 10% azelaic acid. The suspension is intended for topical application and treatment of such dermatological problems as post-acne, acne, age spots. Carefully acts on the skin, cleansing it and activating metabolic processes in the integument
Skinoren Gel for the care of oily and problematic dermis. Indications for the use of the product: acne, hyperproduction of the sebaceous glands, rosacea and acne. The drug has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, due to which it copes with any dermatological rashes.
Minoxidil Cosmetic product with azelaic acid for scalp and hair care. The medicine is used to treat alopecia, strengthen hair follicles and stimulate hair growth.
Azogel Gel for problematic skin care. A dermatotropic agent is used to treat acne, comedones, acne, rosacea. Increases local immunity of the skin, protects the integument from the penetration of staphylococcus and other bacterial infections.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of azelaic acid causes a number of side effects in the form of dermatitis, burning sensation and itching. Adverse skin reactions to the product are possible with individual intolerance to the substance, allergies, hypersensitivity of the dermis. Use during pregnancy and lactation may be allowed after consultation with a dermatologist. It is unacceptable to use the substance without a doctor's prescription, since preparations based on carboxylic acid are pharmacological agents with a directed action.

Video about skinoren acne treatment

Skinoren is an ointment containing 20% ​​azelaic acid, used to care for oily problem skin. The author of the video describes in detail the features of the action of the drug and how it can be used to treat acne and a number of other cosmetic problems that occur on the face.

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