Itching of the palms and soles of the feet. What should be done. Allergy - the body says: - "stop"

Any itching is a reaction of the body to something that acts from the outside or from the inside. In a situation where the palms and feet itch, and this symptom is observed regularly, you need to think about the reasons for its appearance. The most reasonable decision would be to go for a consultation with a doctor. It is important to identify the factor that provoked itching, and, if necessary, begin treatment.

Itchy palms and feet: causes

First of all, with the problem you need to contact a therapist. He may prescribe some laboratory tests and, based on the results of the tests, refer him to a specialized specialist.


An allergic reaction is the first thing you might think of when your feet and hands are itchy. In fact, this option is unlikely. The fact is that the unpleasant sensations during allergies appear, as a rule, only on the upper or only on the lower extremities, i.e. rarely bother at the same time. An analysis of the actions that preceded its appearance will help to understand the nature of irritation:

  • whether there was contact of the limbs with household chemicals;
  • whether the insect has recently stung;
  • whether a new medication was taken.

If you suspect an allergy, you should stop using the aggressive substance that may have caused the reaction and see if the skin stops itching.

Dyshidrotic eczema

People whose activities are associated with the use of chemicals are prone to a disease such as dyshidrotic eczema. The etiological picture develops even more clearly if severe itching on the palms and feet is accompanied by a violation of sweating, i.e. there is excessive sweating in these parts of the limbs. Disease-provoking factors are:

  • chemicals with which a person constantly works;
  • medicines taken uncontrollably;
  • the presence of microtraumas on the skin;
  • transferred diseases of an infectious nature.


Among the diseases of the nervous system, there are those in which itching of the surface of the palms and feet may occur. For example, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, a person can sweat significantly, and excess moisture provokes a rash, the skin begins to itch. Stress is also often accompanied by itching of the extremities. This is due to the fact that the level of histamine rises, as well as serotonin - substances that give impetus to the appearance of allergies.

Cholestatic pruritus

It is necessary to pay special attention to health if the hands and feet begin to itch at the same time. This is how the skin can react to the spread of bile acids in the blood. This happens due to a slowdown, and in some cases, the cessation of the movement of bile through the ducts. Also, infectious liver diseases, pregnancy, alcohol intoxication should not be excluded. All these conditions can affect the appearance of an unpleasant symptom.

Endocrine pathologies

Sometimes the question of why the palms and feet itch at night can be answered by a specialist such as an endocrinologist. People suffering from Graves' disease are prone to itching. With hyperthyroidism, if proper treatment does not occur, this symptom may also appear. Often accompanied by itching and such a dangerous pathology as diabetes mellitus. In some cases, the symptom may appear generalized, but cases of local manifestation are more often detected.


If pustular psoriasis is detected, then the palms and soles of the feet itch, redden, and many other visible symptoms occur:

  • rashes appear symmetrically;
  • blisters filled with exudate form;
  • tissues swell.

As a rule, the same symptoms can be found in several family members. Psoriasis is not contagious, but the version that this pathology is hereditary has been convincingly proven.


If you think about why the palms of the hands and feet itch during the winter or spring months, then the answer may be a condition such as beriberi. A lack of vitamin B2 can manifest itself in the form of reddening of the skin, the appearance of inflammatory formations. Dry skin, excessive peeling also cause a desire to scratch the affected area. These signs occur with insufficient intake of a whole complex of vitamins in the body.

Skin infections

Fungal infections almost always occur with itching of the skin. They develop quickly and are often accompanied by such visual manifestations as a rash, peeling. When affected by fungi from the genus Candida, the foci do not grow. If we are talking about a yeast-like fungus that causes pityriasis versicolor, then not only the limbs, but also the trunk can be affected.

Dangerous additional symptoms

Skin itching is not a disease, but only a symptom. Sometimes he talks about minor disturbances in the body, but it can also indicate a serious failure. Observation helps to differentiate cases: are there other signs, after which there was a discord, is there a genetic predisposition? The collected information will help the doctor determine the diagnosis and how to treat the disease.

Seek immediate medical attention if the symptom in question is combined with any of the following:

  • abdominal pain upper right;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • the appearance of yellowness of the skin;
  • deterioration in general well-being;
  • temperature rise;
  • bulging eyes;
  • chronic candidiasis.

What to do with itching on the palms and feet

Due to the variety of diseases accompanied by the symptom in question, the general practitioner cannot always answer exactly what disease it appeared in. Often the issue is resolved by several specialists at once and only after checking all the organs. You will need to consult the following doctors:

  • endocrinologist;
  • gastroenterologist or hepatologist;
  • allergist;
  • dermatologist.

The root cause is established by a complex of diagnostic measures. It is recommended to donate blood for biochemical analysis, hormones, examine the thyroid gland, abdominal cavity (ultrasound), determine the level of sugar.

The doctor is in charge of prescribing drugs that relieve not only the itching of the soles, but also act directly on the disease that provoked the problem. The person himself can supplement the therapy with means only if nothing threatening health and life is revealed.

  • An excellent effect is observed when using antihistamine ointments, creams. Among non-hormonal agents that are effective for minor skin irritation, the following ointments are recommended:
  • Fenistil;
  • Panthenol;
  • Hormonal agents are more effective, but they should also be used with caution, because. sometimes they themselves cause health problems. Among them are Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone ointment, Elocom, Sinaflan. The latter is recommended not only for allergies, but also for the exudative form of psoriasis, dyshidrosis of the extremities. The ointment can simply be lightly rubbed into the skin or applied to a gauze napkin and left to act on the foci, attaching with a bandage.

  • If we are talking about fungal infections of the skin, then antimycotics are used here. The undoubted leader from the list of these drugs is Exoderil. They carry out the treatment of the itchy area and be sure to capture unaffected areas of the skin in contact with the focus. It is necessary to use the remedy until complete recovery, the longest possible period is 2 months.

  • Itching of the soles of the palms, manifested as a result of beriberi, recedes if acted in two directions at once: from the inside and outside. To restore the vitamin balance, you should take a course of vitamin therapy. It is recommended to stop at the capsular form of the release of dietary supplements. The following drugs are called upon to eliminate the lack of vitamins:
    1. Moriamin forte;
    2. Decamevit;
    3. Ginton.

    The driest areas should be lubricated with a fat or moisturizer. You can make applications using olive oil, oil solutions of vitamins A, E.

The focus of itching on the palms and feet may be due to dyshidrosis, dyshidrotic eczema. The clinical picture of these diseases is as follows: on the lateral surface of the fingers, on the skin of the palms, soles, less often on the back of the feet and hands, intraepidermal transparent vesicles appear, deeply seated in the skin and visible through the stratum corneum.

  • Maintains subfebrile temperature
  • Caviar cramps
  • Heparin ointment for bruises
  • Numb legs during pregnancy
  • Why do bruises appear on the body
  • Causes of Excessive Sweating
  • Numb toes
  • Itchy palms and feet are also due to excessive dryness of the skin, an allergic reaction to certain foods, medications, detergents, cosmetics, perfumes. The cause of itching can be the development of psoriasis, beriberi, fungal infections. Lack of vitamins (group B and others) can be the basis for the development of skin diseases, accompanied by itching of the feet and hands.

    Often, itching of the palms and feet occurs during pregnancy. So, in the third trimester, severe itching may be due to stagnation of bile, a sign of cholestasis. Its characteristic localization is the palms and feet without pronounced skin rashes, while there is a change in the color of the urine, which acquires a darker color, and the feces become lighter. The manifestation of such symptoms in a pregnant woman requires a consultation with a gynecologist and the passage of a certain course of treatment.

    A visit to a dermatologist will help determine the cause of the itching and take appropriate steps to prevent annoying itching. If there is no doubt about the origin of the itching of an allergic nature, a visit to an allergist-immunologist is recommended. A doctor's consultation is also necessary for persistent, prolonged itching, which causes discomfort even during sleep, further spread of itching throughout the body, accompanied by other alarming symptoms, such as rash, weight loss, fatigue and others.

    Itchy palms and feet: the main causes

    The palms and feet of the feet itch, the causes of this phenomenon must be sought, otherwise the situation cannot be corrected - this is what dermatologists say. It should be understood that in the event that the palms and feet itch, the reasons for this are some kind of internal diseases.

    Skin itching is not an independent disease - in any case, it will be a symptom of some primary pathology. In terms of establishing the cause of this manifestation of the disease, the specific localization of sensations is fundamentally important. In the event that itching begins to be felt simultaneously in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palms and feet, then first of all it will be necessary to think about those nosologies that are listed below.

    Problems of the hepatobiliary system (diseases of the liver and gallbladder) - cholestatic pruritus

    These diseases are the most common cause of itching in the palms and soles of the feet (by the way, even if itching is noted throughout the body, it starts from these anatomical areas).

    The mechanism of the phenomenon under consideration is as follows - due to the fact that there is a violation of the excretion of bile from the choledochus or some other problem, one way or another associated with an increase in the level of metabolites of this biological substance in the blood, irritation of nerve receptors is observed.

    The root cause of these disorders can be a variety of pathologies:

  • Hepatitis of all varieties - both infectious and non-infectious. Itchy palms and feet in any case equally intense;
  • Intoxication (may be caused by medications, pesticides, alcohol);
  • Fatty hepatosis during pregnancy;
  • cirrhosis;
  • Oncological neoplasms.
  • It is important to note that in pregnant women this kind of symptomatology occurs quite often, and not only with such a severe pathology as fatty hepatosis. The hormonal background, which undergoes the most pronounced changes in the third trimester of pregnancy, leads to a violation of the excretion of bile acids from the blood of the mother and fetus. It is this mechanism that is the most common cause of the development of itching in these anatomical regions. So if a pregnant woman has itchy palms and feet, the reason for this, in most cases, will be a normal physiological process.

    Diseases of the endocrine system

    If the palms and soles of the feet itch and dry, then in the vast majority of cases, diabetes mellitus can be the cause. In this case, there are two options for the occurrence of this kind of symptomatology:

  1. Direct disruption of the functioning of the hematomicrocirculatory bed and associated sensitivity problems - they will be especially strong at night and disrupt human circadian rhythms;
  2. The fungi of the skin arising from the violation of the trophism of peripheral tissues cause severe itching.
  3. In addition, there are cases when itching of the skin is a sign of thyrotoxicosis (then itching and itching will not only be the feet and palms, but the whole body).

    Dyshidrotic eczema

    A rare but very severe disease that has an autoimmune nature. Its pathogenesis consists in the formation of bursting small bubbles and spots on the feet and palms. After they heal and become covered with crusts, there is an incredibly intense itching.

    Neurological causes of itchy skin

    This reason is the most common. In the event that a person constantly itches, then they usually say that he is “nervous”. Such a definition, of course, is somewhat inaccurate, but there is a certain amount of truth in it.

    The mechanism of itching in neurological disorders is associated with the release of a large amount. endogenous opioids (endorphins and enkephalins) and serotonin. A particularly pronounced effect is observed with chronic nervous overexcitation and a person already itches constantly, even when an irritant factor does not act on him at the moment.

    By the way, it is possible that itching in the area of ​​​​the palms and feet may not occur immediately after the stress, but be of a delayed nature (up to the point that the manifestations begin to be noted when the person already forgets about the transferred overvoltage).

    In addition, various spots on the skin may also occur due to this.

    Other Causes of Itchy Palms and Feet

  4. Allergic diseases localized on the palms and in other anatomical areas will be characterized by symmetrical spots or other elements of the rash.
  5. Worm infestations;
  6. Oncological neoplasms;
  7. Ticks.
  8. Patient management tactics

    Naturally, a person who is tormented by this kind of sensation (feet itch, soles itch) wants to know what he needs to do. In any case, in order to determine exactly how to treat a patient, it is necessary to understand the root cause of the disease (or at least to know in which direction to carry out a clinical search). For this purpose, it is enough to get a consultation with a general practitioner and undergo a series of studies:

  9. General analysis of blood and urine, blood sugar test;
  10. Biochemical blood test with the determination of the renal-hepatic complex, the level of alkaline phosphatase;
  11. Analysis of feces for the presence of eggs of worms and coprocytogram;
  12. The level of thyroid-stimulating hormone, as well as triiodothyronine and thyroxine.
  13. If there are spots on the skin, or any other elements of the rash, it is necessary to take a scraping of the skin.

    Of the instrumental methods of examination, the most important thing is to do an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs - this will reveal the pathology of the liver and pancreas, which often cause itching of the feet and palms.

    Patients who did not have any organic pathology (that is, based on the data obtained during the examinations, no problems were found), a neuropathologist must be examined without fail. With a high degree of probability, they will have a pathology of the nervous system.

    Regarding treatment - definitely, in order to eliminate the sensation of itching of the feet and legs, it will be necessary to get rid of (or transfer to a stable remission) the underlying disease, which is the immediate root cause. This is impossible without qualified medical assistance. In the same way, it is absolutely impossible to understand why the palms of the hands and the skin on the feet itch without a comprehensive clinical diagnostic study. Just getting rid of itchy spots or some other symptoms is not an option.

    Timely treatment will also be of great importance in this case. For example, if the patient notes the appearance of any spots and other elements of the rash on the skin (even if they do not itch), then in this case it will be necessary to undergo an examination, since this symptomatology can be the cause of a variety of diseases. .

    Itchy palms: what does it mean?

    According to folk signs, the right hand itches to meet someone, and the left hand to money. But, unfortunately, these signs do not always come true.

    About why the palms of the hands actually itch, the women's website "Beautiful and Successful" will tell its readers on this page.

    According to scientists, itching is a kind of pain syndrome, and pain always signals the presence of some pathologies in the body. Itching should not be ignored, especially if it lasts not two or three days, but a week or more.

    There can be many reasons why the palms of the hands itch. Some experts divide them into groups: general, inflammatory and infectious.

    What causes itching in the palms

    Since itching indicates skin contact with some kind of irritant, among the common reasons why palms often itch are:

  14. Allergy. If your palms start to itch after buying a new dish detergent, laundry detergent, or hand cream, it's most likely due to irritants that can be found in any household cleaner. Some fabrics, cosmetics, fur of furry animals can also irritate the sensitive skin of the hands. Sometimes it happens that itching in the palms appears after ingestion of some exotic allergenic product.
  15. Hyperhidrosis. The palms are more likely to itch in people prone to excessive sweating. As a rule, in some stressful situations, such people immediately sweat, so during the excitement, their hands and feet begin to itch.
  16. Microscopic cracks on the hands. With frequent contact with water and detergents, the skin of the hands can dry out, from which small cracks appear on it, causing itching.
  17. Often, the palms begin to itch due to inflammation, which is caused by the following diseases:

    1. Scabies. The causative agent of the disease is a tiny tick that gets under the skin, lays eggs there, from which babies appear. Having multiplied, the tribe of ticks feeds on the blood of a person, causing him unbearable itching. As a rule, these bloodsuckers choose places on the body with the most delicate skin: the abdomen, wrists, chest area, interdigital folds on the hands.
    2. Eczema. If watery, itchy subcutaneous vesicles appear on the palms, you should immediately contact a dermatologist: eczema is a very unpleasant disease that complicates the life of every woman. With advanced eczema, the blisters begin to burst, turning into itchy ulcers. To prevent this from happening, you need to start the fight against the disease at the earliest stages.
    3. Lichen. If your palms begin to itch and red spots appear on your hands, remember if you have stroked any animal before.
    4. Fungus. When the palms of the hands are affected by fungal infections, the skin becomes dry, thickens, begins to crack and itch. To remove unpleasant symptoms with such a disease is possible only with the help of special antifungal drugs.
    5. Problems with the skin of the hands can also be a symptom of some kind of internal disease. Thus, the following disorders may manifest themselves:

  • Psoriasis. This disease begins with the appearance of red spots all over the body. Very often, spots are localized on the palms, causing them to itch and peel.
  • Diabetes. This disease is a common reason why the palms of the hands and feet itch. With this disorder, carbohydrate metabolism in the body is disturbed, as a result, it is heavily polluted with toxins and toxins. These impurities cause itching sensation in the skin, sometimes - the appearance of the so-called diabetic vesicles. In this case, it is impossible to get rid of discomfort until the blood sugar level returns to normal.
  • Lupus erythematosus. This disease can have a skin stage, the symptom of which is precisely that the palms, feet, and face itch. Often the disease passes into more serious forms, in which the internal organs are affected. Therefore, when red spots appear on the palms and itch, you should not wait until they pass by themselves, it is better to hurry to the doctor.
  • Syphilis. With this disease, rashes in the form of small red spots often appear on the chest, but patients with this diagnosis sometimes complain that their palms itch.
  • Doctors say that itching on the palms of the hands also appears with such dangerous diseases as leukemia, meningitis, chickenpox, measles, hepatitis, cirrhosis and other liver diseases. For those who have severely itchy palms, experts in the field of medicine are also advised to undergo examinations for the presence of worms in the body. is not authorized to give advice on how to treat itchy palms of unknown cause at home. At the same time, he recommends that his readers never let the disease take its course.

    What to do if the palms or soles of the feet itch?

    If any skin changes appear on the arms or legs, it is necessary to contact several specialists: a dermatologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist and allergist. Why several at once? Since the symptom is very common, it can be associated with any disease.

    The more specialists see the clinical picture, the more chances there will be for a quick and correct diagnosis, which will certainly increase the likelihood of a full recovery.

    If all studies show that there are no serious malfunctions in the body, and the cause of itching in the palms of the hands and feet is simple irritation, dry skin or experienced stress, then some efforts can be made to eliminate the unpleasant syndrome.

  • Limit contact with any irritants, trying to expose your palms to aggressive effects as little as possible, that is, wash dishes to a minimum and wear gloves, refuse creams that cause allergies, use soap less often.
  • If the itching, red spots, and blisters are caused by allergies, taking an antihistamine can help relieve these symptoms.
  • If there are cracks and redness on the hands, they can be lubricated with special healing ointments, for example, Dexpanthenol. To make the skin recover faster, you can also apply a mixture of olive oil with an oil solution of vitamin A or E.
  • It relieves itching and irritation of the string. To prepare the infusion, it is necessary to brew a teaspoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water, wait half an hour, strain the solution and use it for local baths if the palms and feet itch with various irritations.
  • You can apply a cabbage leaf or plantain to itchy reddened places. In order for these natural healers to better soothe the skin, it is advisable to pre-knead them until the juice appears.
  • If red spots and itching in the palms, feet or other parts of the body are the consequences of stress, you can take a course of soothing herbal medicine. To do this, in the evening it is recommended to drink a decoction of lemon balm, chamomile, motherwort or valerian instead of tea or coffee.
  • Psychologists believe that itching on the body is a manifestation of our internal discontent. Therefore, the best way to deal with red spots of irritation and blisters on the skin is constant optimism. Learn not to think about why life is unfair or cruel . Try to see the pluses and good omens in everything, and then your left palm will itch only before a salary or a big lottery win, and your right palm only before meeting those you so want to see.

    Itching of the skin or mucous membranes significantly reduces the quality of life, even when a very small part of the body itches, for example, the palms. A person involuntarily scratches himself and dreams of only one thing - to find a remedy that will help get rid of the exhausting sensation.

    It won't itch for no reason

    Itching, like pain, does not just happen. If a itchy palms, and even so much that it prevents a person from living and working normally, then we can talk about the development of a disease in the body.

    Pathological itching of the palms is a long-term sensation that causes the need to scratch or get rid of itching in other ways (for example, with ice or cold water). Often, after a while, such itching is accompanied by a burning sensation, redness or peeling of the skin of the palms, rashes.

    In any case, if a person is faced with pathological itching of the palms, then hoping that everything will pass by itself is naive. After all, itching is just a symptom of the disease, like a runny nose is not a runny nose in itself, but a symptom of the flu or allergies. And the itching will pass when its cause is identified and eliminated. That is, it is necessary to diagnose and treat the disease that caused itchy palms. To do this, of course, you should go to the doctor, only the doctor will be able to figure out what is the matter and provide assistance. We list the possible reasons why the palms itch and the direction of treatment in each case.

    Why do palms itch

    Allergy- one of the most common causes of itchy palms. If a itchy only palms, then, most likely, detergents or cosmetics (cream, talcum powder, hair dye, etc.) became the cause of the allergy. All work with chemicals in order to avoid allergies and other skin damage (including burns) is recommended to be done with gloves. This applies to working with solvents, hair dyes, cleaning powders and gels. Despite the assurances of manufacturers that half of the dishwashing detergent consists of a moisturizing balm, this is still a marketing ploy and nothing more, so it would be nice to even learn to wash dishes with gloves. You should be wary if you bought a new cosmetic product, and after a while you began to feel itchy palms. If you can’t find out on your own whether it’s an allergy and if it’s an allergy, then it’s better to go to the doctor. After all, allergies often develop into eczema, and this is much more serious. Treatment of allergic reactions consists in eliminating the allergen and taking antihistamines.

    Eczema is a chronic disease that occurs with remissions and exacerbations. Atopic eczema develops in people prone to allergic reactions. In the case of constant contact of the skin of the hands with chemicals (dyes, detergents, formaldehyde, chromium), occupational eczema may develop. Microbial eczema appears on areas of the skin that are prone to inflammatory processes for a long time, and the causes of idiopathic (true) eczema have not yet been precisely established. Eczema begins with itching of the skin, then the itching intensifies and rashes appear, often in the form of blisters, which, bursting, leave painful wounds. The doctor selects the treatment individually in each case. If with eczema itchy palms, contact with chemicals must be avoided. To eliminate skin itching, you can use, as with allergies, antihistamines such as Suprastin, Tavegil, Zirtek. To relieve inflammation and reduce itching locally, on the palm, you can use drugs such as Pimecrolimus or Protopic. If hormonal medications are needed, then only a doctor should prescribe them.

    Scabies is a skin disease caused by the scabies mite. Scabies is transmitted through handshakes, so often the disease begins with itchy palms. Then a rash appears and the so-called scabies of the mite, which are visible to the naked eye. Before the appointment of treatment, an analysis is done in order to verify the diagnosis. Today there are many very effective medicines for getting rid of scabies. The doctor selects the treatment regimen depending on the number of lesions. Treatment is carried out by applying special ointments, sprays or lotions to the affected areas of the skin. You need to know that immunity is not developed for scabies and re-infection is possible. Therefore, with the diagnosis of scabies, you need to disinfect clothes, towels and bedding.

    Liver disease. The palms and feet are usually very itchy with cholestasis. Cholestasis is a violation of the synthesis and outflow of bile in the body, it occurs as a complication with various infections, as a result of taking certain medications, with hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. The earlier the symptoms of cholestasis are noticed, the better, since within a few days the changes are reversible, but if measures are not taken in time, then over time a person develops fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver, even if cholestasis was caused by medication or infection. That is why it is important to establish the presence of cholestasis as early as possible and take action. Therefore, if the palms and feet are very itchy for several days, you need to urgently consult a doctor!

    Psycho-emotional stress- a sensation of itching of the palms can occur as a result of severe and prolonged stress. In this case, you will need the help of a psychotherapist or psychiatrist, because if severe stress causes this kind of reaction, then we can assume the beginning of the development of neurosis. If the sensation itchy palms is connected precisely with stress, then the doctor will select sedatives and, possibly, offer psychotherapy.

    Itching of the palms can also be one of the signs of an oncological disease, diabetes, leukemia, problems with the endocrine system. The nature of itching of the palms is very diverse, so you should not try to establish on your own what is the matter here. It is not worth it to delay a visit to the doctor when itchy palms, because in this case, precious time may be lost when the disease can still be stopped at an early stage. After all, when it comes to health, it is better to play it safe than to start the disease and be doomed to its chronic course or a long and expensive cure.

    How to treat if itchy feet and palms

    Indeed, if such a symptom occurs infrequently and passes quickly, then there is no reason for concern. But if the feet and palms itch constantly, then this is a symptom that cannot be ignored, because it can be associated with a serious illness.

    Violations in the excretion of bile acids from the body can cause itching in the soles and palms. Cholestasis can be caused by a number of reasons, the main ones include:

  • damage to the liver by infection or viruses;
  • the result of the use of certain drugs;
  • pathological processes in the digestive organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • poisoning, etc.
  • In many cases, cholestatic itching is the first symptom of the disease, which will only intensify over time. Treatment of cholestasis is possible only as part of complex therapy after determining the cause of the disease.

    In women during childbearing, cholestatic itching very often occurs when there is a high level of hormones. Despite the fact that the phenomenon is natural, this does not bode well - the slow excretion of bile from the mother's body creates an additional burden on the liver of an unborn child. Since this happens only in the third trimester, if there is a real threat to the life or health of the baby, the doctors decide to conduct an early birth.

    If a person has diseases of the endocrine system, then periodic itching in the palms and feet of them can be common. As a rule, such a symptom is not pronounced during the day, therefore it is almost invisible. At night, when the blood rushes to the limbs in the supine position, the scabies are worse. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the dryness of the skin.

    Treatment in such a situation is possible only when the endocrine system disorder itself can be cured. Otherwise, preventive measures and medications will help relieve the symptom.

    Dyshidrotic eczema is a common cause of itching of the legs and palms. This is an autoimmune disease, the occurrence of which can be provoked by the following reasons:

  • metabolic problems;
  • a state of stress for a long time;
  • allergy.
  • In addition to itching, rashes are observed with dyshidrotic eczema. In conditions of high humidity, these can be blisters that burst over time and become covered with a hard yellow crust. In a dry climate, blisters do not always appear, then eczema will be accompanied by ring-shaped rashes. In the affected areas, the skin will begin to peel off.

    In some cases, dyshidrotic eczema goes away without outside intervention, for example, if the effect of the allergen on the body stops. If this does not happen, then you should definitely consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

    Problems with the nervous system

    When a person experiences severe stress, the production of opioids and serotonin increases in his body. As a result - the occurrence of nervous itching in the limbs. Such a symptom may appear immediately, or after the main emotional outburst has passed - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

    Nervous itching is most often accompanied by other symptoms - depression, depression, reddish skin rashes, etc. It is because of the presence of rashes that the diagnosis of the disease begins with a check for a possible skin infection. If the diagnosis is not confirmed, then a conversation is held with a psychologist to identify a depressed state.

    Treatment of nervous itching is carried out in different ways - sometimes it is not required at all, for example, if a stressful situation was caused by a single excitement. With systematic nervous scabies, psychotherapy and light sedatives can be prescribed to stabilize the patient's condition.

    Since itching is just a symptom of the disease, a number of laboratory tests are required to identify the problem. Doctors usually prescribe:

  • blood test for biochemistry;
  • general blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • stool analysis;
  • hormone testing if hypothyroidism is suspected.
  • Only after establishing the cause of the symptom, treatment can be prescribed.

    First of all, it should be understood that the prevention of itching is based on the prevention of the disease due to which the symptom occurs. If there are no health problems, then the following preventive measures will help to avoid discomfort:

  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, especially in common areas such as a public bath, swimming pool, etc.
  • Use of deodorants. If itching is the result of excessive sweating, then special creams and talcs with a deodorizing effect will help to cope with it.
  • If, nevertheless, itching has appeared and brings great anxiety, then the symptom can be alleviated with the help of topical antihistamines, a cold compress, and camphor lotion. But after such a measure, you should definitely consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Remember that itching can be a symptom of a serious disease of the liver and digestive organs. Timely contact with a specialist will help prevent the development of the disease.

    why do the palms of the hands and feet itch during pregnancy

    Itchy skin during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, women often develop itchy skin, which does not necessarily indicate the presence of any disease. Itching may be constant or intermittent, its manifestations may be independent or combined with other symptoms, it may disturb the whole day or begin only in the evening. Before taking any action to eliminate skin itching, you should consult a gynecologist, infectious disease specialist and dermatologist to identify the cause of skin itching.

    Itchy skin during pregnancy

    stretch marks that occur due to the fact that during pregnancy the stomach and chest grow very quickly, and the skin, not keeping up with rapid growth, stretches and tears. In places where the fibers have ruptured, severe itching occurs. Localization of itching is characteristic of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, chest. Sometimes itching occurs on the upper arms. The body itches during pregnancy, mainly from the 2nd trimester, most often, genetically predisposed and well-recovered mothers face this;

    cholestasis (pruritus of pregnant women), which is caused by disorders that occur in the liver. Its appearance is due to the fact that in some women during pregnancy it is the liver that is most vulnerable to changes in the hormonal profile. Holsetaz is often accompanied by the appearance of redness on the palms and feet. Over time, itching can spread to the whole body and intensify in the evening and at night. Most often, cholestasis of pregnancy begins in the third trimester. At the same time, urine may also noticeably darken and feces brighten. The risk group includes women who have elevated blood cholesterol levels and the presence of chronic diseases of the biliary tract. Such itching disappears after childbirth;

    skin diseases. A woman may itch due to the presence of dermatosis and eczema of pregnancy, skin fungus

    "Scratching" of pregnant women, does it happen?

    Girls, 31st week of pregnancy, already 4 days before bedtime or during sleep, arms and legs itch terribly, straight to the point of frenzy, no bites, mosquitoes too, no allergies were observed before. I eat a lot of fruits (cherries, peaches) .. I just don’t know where it came from, there are no redness, dots or red spots, it itches all the time in different places on the arms and legs. Has anyone had this? To the doctor only in a week. Maybe nervous?

    I now have the same (((In 2 weeks I myself managed to find out that it was for everything that is red (at first I excluded dairy, eggs in turn) (((Berries / vegetables, red fruits - such a result (((Doctor said to drink suprastin (And exclude allergens (((26th week of pregnancy. Before there was no allergy to anything

    Yes exactly. Sometimes I wake up at night, then I can’t fall asleep - itching is terrible (feet and hands). Try not to eat anything red for a couple of days - maybe for that too. It will become easier.

    Girls, my sister was like this in her first pregnancy and in the second, approximately closer to the end of her pregnancies. I don’t remember exactly, but her stomach was already big and it lasted literally until the birth. Palms itched, especially in the evening and before going to bed. I saw how she rubbed them on the edges of the table or on the upholstery of the sofa. After giving birth, as for the first time, everything went away in the second pregnancy.

    She told the doctor about this, she reassured her, saying that this often happens with pregnant women and that we must be patient, but for insurance she advised proper nutrition and something else for the liver.

    From the Internet: In extremely rare cases, itchy skin can be a symptom of a condition associated with bile stasis in pregnant women. Itching associated with bile stasis occurs most often on the arms, legs, feet and hands, although other parts of the body sometimes suffer from it back, chest and face. Itching usually gets worse

    Beauty and health medical portal

    Why do feet itch

    Many people very often treat the problem: "Itchy feet." Basically, the feet begin to itch when the top layer of the leg (feet) is damaged. The main thing you need to know in this situation is that you do not need to diagnose and treat yourself. It is unlikely that such amateur performance will harm, but the quality of treatment will be much worse. The sooner the patient sees a doctor, the sooner the doctor will be able to determine the causes and prescribe the proper treatment.

    Itching in the feet can be caused by various reasons, it is worth noting that most of them are associated with diseases. These include: varicose veins, scabies, mycosis of the feet, allergies, stress. Depending on the disease, the patient may have different symptoms.

    Why do legs itch during pregnancy?

    During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many different changes. Sometimes they lead to the fact that the expectant mother has any unpleasant symptoms, for example, legs itch during pregnancy.

    In some cases, itching is accompanied by the appearance of rashes and different colors: red, white, pink, brown. The structure of the rash itself is also diverse: spots, vesicles, nodules, and so on. It's the same with location. A number of diseases, pathologies have their "favorite" places for the appearance of rashes. It can be exclusively arms and or legs, chest, closed skin or open. Doctors identify the following causes of the disease (see table).

    It is a mistake to believe that only the skin of the abdomen and chest is stretched, so it itches. It is rare that a woman does not get better during pregnancy. Weight gain occurs due to an increase in subcutaneous fat of the hips, buttocks, legs, arms. The elasticity of the skin of each person is very individual, so for some, even a significant increase in weight will not cause changes, and for someone it is enough to gain 2-3 kg to cause stretch marks. To understand whether this is the cause of itching is simple. You need to look at the skin. Stretch marks appear as small white or reddish scar-like skin imperfections.

    Why feet itch and how to get rid of discomfort in the legs

    Most often, the legs itch due to a violation of their skin. Such a problem delivers a huge amount of trouble, interferes with normal sleep, can cause discomfort and even pain while walking.

    To know how and how to deal with the unpleasant sensation of itching, you will first have to identify what and how it was caused. If you are interested in why the feet and palms itch, the reasons may be as follows:

    Infection. The most common foot infection is scabies. Its appearance causes a tick, that is, the disease can be contagious and requires isolation of the patient. With scabies, in addition to the arms and legs, the stomach, elbows, and folds between the fingers usually also itch.

    In the event that only the feet itch, there is a possibility that you had to deal with a fungal disease. In addition to itching, the signs of the fungus are severe peeling of the skin and the appearance of blisters containing fluid inside.

    Hormones are active substances that affect all processes occurring in the body, which experiences great stress during pregnancy. And it is these substances that help to cope with it. Hormonal background during

    The main reasons why the palms itch and methods for eliminating itching

    Many people often experience severe discomfort due to itching on the skin of the hands. If the palms itch, the reasons may be different. The palms are the most active parts of the human body in contact with the outside world. With prolonged itching, you should be alert and try to establish its cause. Often itching goes away on its own. When combing disturbing areas of the skin, there is a risk of introducing an extraneous infection through the resulting microcracks.

    Itching is an unpleasant sensation caused by external and non-specific internal irritants of the external skin. Such sensations often cause an urgent need for scratching or rubbing various areas of the skin or mucous membranes.

    The skin has many nerve endings reaching the surface of the dermis. Since the hands, and especially the surface of the palms, are the most traumatic, there can be a lot of factors for the occurrence of itching.

    The nature of itching is not fully understood. There is an assumption that itching is a modified pain syndrome that provokes the nerve endings of receptors.

    2 Why palms itch

    Why do the palms of the hands itch? The most common causes of itching of the skin of the hands are the following factors:

    This list can be continued. The reasons why skin receptors are irritated are not always easy to establish on your own; with prolonged sensations of itching, you should consult a dermatologist. In cases of serious visible damage to the skin, it is necessary to undergo diagnostic measures to determine the cause of the disease.

    If you feel sick right up to vomiting, you feel bad from smells or the mere mention of some products, and the pregnancy test shows two stripes - you have started early toxemia of pregnant women.

    Meet and edit

    Itchy legs during pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a very special period in the life of any woman. Its peculiarity is connected not only with the moral, but also with the physical condition. Serious changes occur in the body, which may be accompanied by unpleasant phenomena such as, for example, severe swelling or itching. Itching can appear on completely different parts of the body, such as:

    The main reasons why pregnant women itch their legs and other parts of the body can be a strong stretching of the skin due to an increase in body volume, its excessive dryness, and swelling. For the most part, you can cope with such itching with the help of specially designed creams for pregnant women, which have a calming effect.

    itchy palms and feet during pregnancy

    Itchy palms and feet

    Itching of the skin is caused by irritation of sensory receptors (free nerve endings). Itching can be localized in any one place, or it can spread throughout the body. It is not uncommon for dermatologists to hear complaints from their patients that itchy palms and feet. Such itching causes a lot of trouble, when combing the skin is injured, microcracks appear, opening the way for possible infection.

    The appearance of bubbles is accompanied by itching, burning. There is an increase in edema, the progression of hyperemia, the transformation of small bubbles into bubbles of different sizes. Their scratching provokes the addition of a pyogenic infection caused by a gram-positive microflora. Dyshidrotic rashes in a humid hot climate can affect the whole body. For a dry climate, an abortive form is characteristic, called dry lamellar dyshidrosis. In the abortive form, there may be no bubbles, more often there is superficial peeling in the form of peculiar arcs, rings with localization on the palms, not always accompanied by itching.

    Cholestasis of pregnancy, or why the feet of expectant mothers itch

    Cholestasis of pregnancy is liver damage that develops in the last trimester of pregnancy (after 30 weeks). For a future mother, cholestasis is practically harmless. Itching of the skin is its only manifestation, passing immediately after childbirth. But the baby can die in utero, which is why skin itching during pregnancy is a dangerous symptom that cannot be ignored in any case.

    In the last trimester of pregnancy, the concentration of sex hormones reaches its maximum values. In some women, liver cells cannot cope with the physiological excess of estrogens, the level of free bile acids in the blood plasma rises sharply, and they cause itching.

    The danger of cholestasis in pregnant women

    Bile acids circulating in large quantities in the blood are extremely toxic to the placenta. They affect the vessels of this organ. As a result, the placenta becomes unable to provide the baby with oxygen and nutrients. There is acute asphyxia of the fetus and its death.

    A typical and only symptom of the disease is itching during pregnancy. It appears exclusively in the last trimeter. First, the feet and palms begin to itch. The condition worsens in the evening and at night. As the concentration of bile acids increases, the whole body itches (legs, abdomen), the itching becomes very intense and painful. There are scratches on the skin.

    It is important to note that the color of the skin remains normal, there is no jaundice. Blood tests that are usually prescribed to expectant mothers as a screening (total bilirubin, AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, cholesterol) may be within normal limits. Sometimes AST and ALT rise slightly.

    At the very beginning of the disease, it is impossible to identify signs of fetal suffering. Data from CTG and ultrasound of the child remain normal

    A very common problem that most women in position face is severe itching of the skin. Itching can appear on completely different parts of the body. You can try to cope with this problem on your own, but it would be more correct to consult a doctor.

    In some cases, itching can also be caused by more serious problems, such as gallbladder problems or varicose veins.

    As a rule, itching begins to appear only after the fifth or even the sixth month of pregnancy, but in some cases it makes itself felt earlier. It can be very light and almost imperceptible, or it can be so strong that it interferes with sleep at night.

    It should be understood that such a phenomenon is a completely natural process, provoked by hormonal changes or excessive skin tension. In addition, the skin may be too dry due to lack of moisture. If the cause lies in the dryness of the skin, lotions and fatty creams that should be

    Causes itchinga

    Itching is constant or periodic, of varying intensity, occurring under certain conditions or by itself. Naturally, such a variety is due to various causes, and therefore the pregnant woman should tell the doctor all the details so that he can correctly understand the cause of itching and find a solution to eliminate it.

    The future mother undergoes serious hormonal changes in the body, which affects the concentration, production, composition of bile and digestion.

    Although it's funny, but my feet itch terribly. I'll probably ask a dermatologist. The most interesting thing is that in the last pregnancy the same garbage was. Has anyone else had or has had this too?

    Cool! And I had it too! I thought it had nothing to do with pregnancy! True, the pregnancy was terminated! For example, my feet itched just before going to bed, or when I started to fall asleep. Then such horses were taken.

    I have the same problem, I thought I picked up a fungus, I always ask for a foot massage before going to bed, although it doesn’t itch so much; D

    my feet itch, and if I drink wine, it's probably due to the expansion of blood vessels. So it was in childhood, when the legs freeze, and then you come home and they begin to warm up and itch. I think that this is a problem of blood vessels, in the evening you need to keep your legs at hip level, putting them on a coffee table.

    And on my left leg, in the heel area, on its inner side, when squatting or pulling .. it feels like a muscle is stretching and immediately starts to itch. I wonder if this is due to pregnancy? :pardon:

    Girls, and no one thought about how to treat the fungus, if you still catch it now? I go to the pool now, to classes for pregnant women, so this question is very relevant for me :) I'm worried if I don't pick up this rubbish there: cool:

    Hello everyone. :wave: I agree with the words that the problem is in the liver. I used to also think that I might have contracted a fungal infection :shock: and then I visited a dermatologist, tests, etc. confirmed the problem in the liver. Now I am drinking the Essentiale course. For the regeneration of liver cells and cleaning it of toxins. By the way, there are also indications for pregnant women during toxicosis.

    It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that when planning a pregnancy, first of all, it is necessary to establish a rational and balanced diet. Right now it's time to forget about all kinds of fast foods, not quality

    - 10 min. hold your feet in a bath with warm soapy water, then resort to pumice stone (rub-scratch your feet lightly), and for 5 minutes

    The main causes of itching in the feet and their symptoms

    Allergy. Ears can also itch in case of an allergic reaction. You may have a headache, swelling of the airways, and you may experience bouts of nausea.

    If only the lower part of the legs bothers you and there are no noticeable external manifestations on the skin, the problem may be, for example, in poor-quality shoes, nervous strain or minor insect bites, which will pass by themselves within a few days.

    Itchy feet during pregnancy

    Why the feet itch during pregnancy should be discussed separately. A similar problem manifests itself most often in the middle of the second trimester. The main reasons for its occurrence:

    Sooner or later, every woman wants to experience the delights of motherhood. But not everyone knows about which day after menstruation you can get pregnant. Nature created a woman for procreation, and each representative of the beautiful

    More precisely, the doctor will be able to tell the expectant mother why such a problem arose, he will also determine the appropriate methods of dealing with the complications that have arisen.

    And yet: “Do your feet itch?” There are many factors that cause itchy feet. Several reasons can be identified. These include: fungal infections, burns, stress or nervous excitement, insect bites, the body's reaction to allergies. These reasons can provoke severe itching in the feet.

    Symptoms of itchy feet

    If scabies is skin, then the patient will have it pronounced. In particular, the disease will reach not only the feet, but also the abdomen with palms. The most severe itching begins to appear at night, when the body is at rest. Itching can be so severe that it is simply impossible to sleep. The cause of severe scabies may be hiding in the scabies mite. You can identify its appearance by gray paths under the skin on the body, these are tick tunnels.

    Itchy feet are more common due to an allergic reaction. When scabies is caused by an allergy, the back of the hands, nose, ears, and, of course, the feet may itch. In some rare cases, the larynx may swell and nausea may occur with

Itching is an unpleasant sensation caused by external and non-specific internal irritants of the external skin. Such sensations often cause an urgent need for scratching or rubbing various areas of the skin or mucous membranes.

The skin has many nerve endings reaching the surface of the dermis. Since the hands, and especially the surface of the palms, are the most traumatic, there can be a lot of factors for the occurrence of itching.

The nature of itching is not fully understood. There is an assumption that itching is a modified pain syndrome that provokes the nerve endings of receptors.

2 Why palms itch

Why do the palms of the hands itch? The most common causes of itching of the skin of the hands are the following factors:

  • drying of the dermis when using detergents;
  • allergic reactions;
  • trauma;
  • healing scratches;
  • stressful conditions;
  • fungal infection;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • rash;
  • psychosomatic reactions;
  • eczema;
  • scabies;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • syphilis;
  • psoriasis;
  • diabetes;
  • reaction to chlorine contained in running water.

This list can be continued. The reasons why skin receptors are irritated are not always easy to establish on your own; with prolonged sensations of itching, you should consult a dermatologist. In cases of serious visible damage to the skin, it is necessary to undergo diagnostic measures to determine the cause of the disease.

The risk of progression may arise if the following symptoms are present:

  • redness;
  • persistent itching;
  • burning;
  • peeling;
  • increased dryness;
  • microcracks.
  • ulcers;
  • rash;
  • blisters;
  • abscesses.

Young children are most susceptible to the frequent occurrence of itching of the skin. The child's body is constantly responding to the challenges of the environment. This especially affects the health of children living in megacities. Increased atmospheric pollution, poor quality of drinking water, constant contact with polluted objects of the environment affect the condition of the skin every day. City dust and vehicle exhausts can cause permanent allergic reactions in urban residents. When a child's palms begin to itch, the reasons may remain hidden from both parents and even the most experienced doctors. Children are prone to frequent hand contact with the oral cavity and the skin of the face. Thus, the risk of helminthic invasions increases.

It spreads easily in public places. This is a tick that penetrates under the upper ones and eats long passages for itself as the disease spreads. The first place of its localization is the hands.

3 How to get rid of itching

With the incessant itching of the palms (when they "burn"), treatment should be started urgently. But only a specialist will help determine the cause and prescribe a set of individual procedures to eliminate the disease. On your own, to eliminate itching, you can take several harmless procedures that will give a quick and reliable effect.

Applying cold compresses to the itchy area. These can be gauze pads soaked in herbal decoctions. Well suited decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, sage, celandine, plantain, yarrow. These herbs are excellent natural antiseptics.

Lotions based on menthol or camphor alcohol. Rubbing the itchy surfaces with a cotton swab dipped in lotion will give relief for a while. Menthol and camphor have a slight anesthetic effect, which can reduce the hypersensitivity of irritated areas.

Ointments and sprays of an antihistamine nature. Such drugs will help with the activation of allergic conditions that cause itching.

It is necessary to exclude exposure to the open sun, especially in the summer. Solar activity in recent years exceeds all norms of impact on the human body, especially in summer.

It is advisable to avoid physical overload.

Synthetic clothing, especially tightly fitting the human body, can provoke itching in any weather, but the palms of the hands and feet respond most quickly to the effects of synthetics.

Rubbing natural essential or base oils into the skin of the hands and wrists, which relieve irritation and nourish the skin, as well as saturate the upper layers of the dermis with nutrients. For such procedures, tea tree oil, calendula oil, chamomile oil are suitable.

Cases of the psychosomatic nature of an itch are frequent. The skin is often itchy in people experiencing stress, having problems with sleep and wakefulness. People who are in frequent stressful conditions can comb their whole body, nervous tics appear, uncontrolled body movements, problems with the functioning of internal organs. The most effective will be taking sedatives that act on the accumulative system. For example, tincture or decoction of motherwort, valerian root, peony root, hop cones, peppermint, angelica.

Herbal decoction can be easily prepared at home. It is recommended to take 1 tsp per glass of boiling water. crushed dry raw materials of hop cones, motherwort, peppermint and 0.5 tsp. valerian root. Boil the infusion in a water bath for 15 minutes, then let it brew for 15-20 minutes, strain and drink the entire volume 3 times a day before eating.

Ivan-tea infusion is able to calm the nervous system, improve sleep, and relieve headaches. Ivan tea, valerian, motherwort, hop cones are accepted by official medicine as the most effective means to combat many diseases.

4 Folk omens

Among the people there are a large number of beliefs associated with itchy areas of the body. The most popular signs regarding why the palms of the hands itch are the following:

  • the right hand may itch for an early meeting with an old friend;
  • the left hand may itch for monetary rewards;
  • the right hand itches for a quick date or a long-awaited meeting with a loved one;
  • the left hand itches for parting with a loved one.

5 Prevention and personal hygiene

In modern medicine, there is a wide selection of drugs and all kinds of cosmetic products for hand skin care. In the cold season, the palms and wrists need protection from exposure to frosty air. Frozen hands quickly react to cold with peeling and inflammation of the skin. The reaction to frost or exposure to sunlight can be unexpected and very painful.

All kinds of scratches, cuts, blisters after hard physical work can create many days of discomfort. A fungal infection often penetrates and spreads into microcracks in the skin, which can give the first symptoms of infection even after a few months.

Nail plates, which are often subjected to mechanical damage, also have a risk of infection with a fungus.

The most important factor in maintaining the normal condition of the skin of the hands is, of course, personal hygiene. Hands should be washed regularly after contact with common objects in crowded places, after visiting various institutions and contact with handrails in public transport, as well as visiting the toilet room. Alkaline soapy environment is able to fight germs quickly and effectively. But it should be remembered that even after thoroughly washing our hands and holding contaminated objects, we again expose ourselves to the risk of infection. In medicine, there is the concept of "the effect of clean hands", that is, momentary cleanliness immediately after washing hands. However, at the slightest contact with contaminated surfaces and objects, hands are no longer considered clean.

Chemical laundry detergents, shampoos, fabric softeners, dish detergents often cause severe skin irritation.

Unsuitable washing powder can cause ulceration on the human body, even in the absence of a tendency to allergies.

Various cosmetics and even hand creams, penetrating deep into the pores of the dermis, can cause severe itching and burning for a rather long period of time after application.

Cosmetologists believe that the visiting card of every person is the face and hands. Many things can be judged by the condition of the surfaces of these parts of the body.

From an early age, children need to be taught personal hygiene and regular body care.

The palms and feet of the feet itch, the causes of this phenomenon must be sought, otherwise the situation cannot be corrected - this is what dermatologists say. It should be understood that in the event that the palms and feet itch, the reasons for this are some kind of internal diseases.

Skin itching is not an independent disease - in any case, it will be a symptom of some primary pathology. In terms of establishing the cause of this manifestation of the disease, the specific localization of sensations is fundamentally important. In the event that itching begins to be felt simultaneously in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palms and feet, then first of all it will be necessary to think about those nosologies that are listed below.

Problems of the hepatobiliary system (diseases of the liver and gallbladder) - cholestatic itching

These diseases are the most common cause of itching in the palms and soles of the feet (by the way, even if itching is noted throughout the body, it starts from these anatomical areas).

The mechanism of the phenomenon under consideration is as follows - due to the fact that there is a violation of the excretion of bile from the choledochus or some other problem, one way or another associated with an increase in the level of metabolites of this biological substance in the blood, irritation of nerve receptors is observed.

The root cause of these disorders can be a variety of pathologies:

  • Hepatitis of all varieties - both infectious and non-infectious. Itchy palms and feet in any case equally intense;
  • Intoxication (may be caused by medications, pesticides, alcohol);
  • Fatty hepatosis during pregnancy;
  • cirrhosis;
  • Oncological neoplasms.

It is important to note that in pregnant women this kind of symptomatology occurs quite often, and not only with such a severe pathology as fatty hepatosis. The hormonal background, which undergoes the most pronounced changes in the third trimester of pregnancy, leads to a violation of the excretion of bile acids from the blood of the mother and fetus. It is this mechanism that is the most common cause of the development of itching in these anatomical regions. So if a pregnant woman has itchy palms and feet, the reason for this, in most cases, will be a normal physiological process.

Diseases of the endocrine system

If the palms and soles of the feet itch and dry, then in the vast majority of cases, diabetes mellitus can be the cause. In this case, there are two options for the occurrence of this kind of symptomatology:

  1. Direct disruption of the functioning of the hematomicrocirculatory bed and associated sensitivity problems - they will be especially strong at night and disrupt human circadian rhythms;
  2. The fungi of the skin arising from the violation of the trophism of peripheral tissues cause severe itching.

In addition, there are cases when itching of the skin is a sign of thyrotoxicosis (then itching and itching will not only be the feet and palms, but the whole body).

Dyshidrotic eczema

A rare but very severe disease that has an autoimmune nature. Its pathogenesis consists in the formation of bursting small bubbles and spots on the feet and palms. After they heal and become covered with crusts, there is an incredibly intense itching.

Neurological causes of itchy skin

This reason is the most common. In the event that a person constantly itches, then they usually say that he is “nervous”. Such a definition, of course, is somewhat inaccurate, but there is a certain amount of truth in it.

The mechanism of itching in neurological disorders is associated with the release of a large amount. endogenous opioids (endorphins and enkephalins) and serotonin. A particularly pronounced effect is observed with chronic nervous overexcitation and a person already itches constantly, even when an irritant factor does not act on him at the moment.

By the way, it is possible that itching in the area of ​​​​the palms and feet may not occur immediately after the stress, but be of a delayed nature (up to the point that the manifestations begin to be noted when the person already forgets about the transferred overvoltage).
In addition, various spots on the skin may also occur due to this.

Other Causes of Itchy Palms and Feet

  • Allergic diseases localized on the palms and in other anatomical areas will be characterized by symmetrical spots or other elements of the rash.
  • Worm infestations;
  • Oncological neoplasms;

Patient management tactics

Naturally, a person who is tormented by this kind of sensation (feet itch, soles itch) wants to know what he needs to do. In any case, in order to determine exactly how to treat a patient, it is necessary to understand the root cause of the disease (or at least to know in which direction to carry out a clinical search). For this purpose, it is enough to get a consultation with a general practitioner and undergo a series of studies:

  1. General analysis of blood and urine, blood sugar test;
  2. Biochemical blood test with the determination of the renal-hepatic complex, the level of alkaline phosphatase;
  3. Analysis of feces for the presence of eggs of worms and coprocytogram;
  4. The level of thyroid-stimulating hormone, as well as triiodothyronine and thyroxine.

If there are spots on the skin, or any other elements of the rash, it is necessary to take a scraping of the skin.

Of the instrumental methods of examination, the most important thing is to do an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs - this will reveal the pathology of the liver and pancreas, which often cause itching of the feet and palms.

Patients who did not have any organic pathology (that is, based on the data obtained during the examinations, no problems were found), a neuropathologist must be examined without fail. With a high degree of probability, they will have a pathology of the nervous system.

Regarding treatment - definitely, in order to eliminate the sensation of itching of the feet and legs, it will be necessary to get rid of (or transfer to a stable remission) the underlying disease, which is the immediate root cause. This is impossible without qualified medical assistance. In the same way, it is absolutely impossible to understand why the palms of the hands and the skin on the feet itch without a comprehensive clinical diagnostic study. Just getting rid of itchy spots or some other symptoms is not an option.

Timely treatment will also be of great importance in this case. For example, if the patient notes the appearance of any spots and other elements of the rash on the skin (even if they do not itch), then in this case it will be necessary to undergo an examination, since this symptomatology can be the cause of a variety of diseases. .

If your palm itches, then in order to get rid of this unpleasant symptom, you must understand nature and know the reasons for its appearance.

Itching of the skin is an unpleasant sensation on the skin that causes a desire to scratch and in some cases tear the affected skin areas.

Itchy skin is of two types:

Acute or chronic;

Local or generalized.

Frequent scratching leads to inflammation of the skin, its redness and suppuration (infection can penetrate into damaged areas). Your palm itches - this is especially true, since hands are often injured, and infection easily penetrates into microcracks and scratches.

The reasons

Itching appears as a result of cascading neuro-reflex and humoral reactions. It occurs as a result of various factors. The most common causes of local itching are:

Frequent drying of the skin (senile itching);

Infections that affect the upper layers of the skin;

Allergic reactions to a certain type of exposure (from digestive intolerance (spicy dishes, mushrooms, smoked meats, pork, etc.) to medicines (sulfonamides and antibiotics)), to changes in ambient temperature (thermal itching and cold), to insect bites, touching plants and so on);

In children, itching is accompanied by a rash on the skin;

Often, when your palm itches, other parts of the body appear along with it. This phenomenon is called generalized itching.

Causes of generalized itching:

Liver diseases, which result in diseases such as hyperbilirubinemia and jaundice, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis;

Diseases of the endocrine system;


Itching of pregnant women;

Senile itching;

Reaction to perfumes and deodorants;

Blood diseases (leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis);

Some oncological diseases (malignant neoplasms);

Xeroderma (a type of ichthyosis, which is characterized by roughness and dryness of the skin with the presence of patches on the surfaces of the limbs and buttocks);

Mental disorders (a consequence of neurosis, diencephalosis, manic-depressive psychoses).

Feet and palms can also itch due to biliary cirrhosis of the liver, as well as problems with the kidneys. Unfortunately, the nature of itching can be different, so only a doctor can tell the true cause.

Skin itching treatment

Itching is not a disease, it is just a symptom of the disease. Therefore, only after a thorough diagnosis, the doctor can choose an individual treatment for you. Well, to relieve itching, there are the following methods:

Cold shower, compress, wet towel. In general, it is recommended to act on itching with cold. Do not just forget that prolonged exposure to moisture can adversely affect the skin with allergic diseases;

Lotions based on menthol and camphor (since they have anesthetic effects, cool and soothe the skin);

- (creams and ointments);

Most importantly: avoid exposure to heat, sunlight and physical overload during treatment;

Wear clothes only from natural fabrics that do not fit snugly to the body (good advice if the feet and palms itch constantly).

Prevention of pruritus

In the prevention of itching of the skin, the following means are used:

Ointments and tinctures;


Ointment from calendula;

Avocado and almond oil (rubbing into the skin);

Aloe juice (gives a calming effect).

Itching of the palms can be reduced by taking sedatives (if it is caused by neurogenic causes). If your palm itches a lot, try to give up gloves for a while, perhaps the reason is in them.

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