Harm of urine therapy: the biggest misconceptions in urine therapy. Hair treatment with gelatin. Use of lotions with urine

In 2007, on Valentine's Day, she broke her leg. They put a cast, time passed, they took it off, and it hurts wildly to walk. And it doesn't pass. I began to travel to doctors, medical institutes. They prescribe lotions, ointments, tablets, to no avail. A month has already passed, the pain does not decrease, but the joint began to collapse. I understand that at 40 with a little I can sit in a chair. And already forever. And then a neighbor, a former circus performer, says, take urine, we always did this. I began to wrap my leg with a rag at night, poured urine (indiscriminately, morning or some other, well, at least I didn’t drink or smoke at the same time.) And put it in a bag. And until morning. In the morning I washed it off with soap (in vain, by the way). But after two weeks I began to walk without a stick and without pain! The doctors didn't believe me, of course, but I didn't care. And soon she was able to wear heels, and it was generally unbelievable. The diagnosis was: post-traumatic arthrosis, well, something like that. And in half the cases, urine in a compress on the forehead relieves a headache. True, not immediately, but after 2-4 hours. Yes, long. But before, a head in two ...

Urinotherapy solved my problem 100%!

I want to tell you my story, please treat with understanding ( if the topic of the review is unpleasant for you, do not splash out your negativity, but pass by), for me the topic raised in the review was painful and sore (pimples spoiled my mood for a long time).

I have pimples all the time on my face. Tried a lot of different(creams, ointments, cleansing masks) - nothing helped. After acne, red spots remained, the wounds healed for a long time. I was constantly looking for an option to solve the problem, I went to a dermatologist and a cosmetologist - the effect was, but short-lived. It seems that acne became less and less common, but then sprinkled again. I followed my diet.

A friend advised me, from her experience, to try to use urine therapy in the fight against acne. At first I reacted violently, saying: " I won't try it, I'm disgusted ". After her advice, nevertheless, thoughts began in my head. I read reviews on the Internet, visited a forum on this topic. The opinion of people who tried it became interesting. In general, I decided to try this method and was surprised - IT HELPED ME! I still do not believe that urine helps!

How I used Urine Therapy:

1) In the fight against acne and traces of them:

I used urine every morning (wetted cotton pads and wiped a clean face - 2 weeks). After wiping with urine, leave the face to dry and after 15 minutes, wash again. It is a little difficult psychologically to do such a procedure, but after 2-3 days you get used to it and your attitude towards it changes for the better. After 2 weeks of urine therapy, no acne, no traces of them left! The skin is fresher and looks healthy.

2)Improve hair growth through urine therapy:

Urine was boiled on a quiet fire, so that it became 3 times less than the initial volume. After, it cooled down and I used it when washing my hair. On clean hair, holding the head with hot water, hot water (so that the pores of the head open). She applied urine to the scalp and rubbed it a little, then put a cap on her head and wrapped it with a towel. After 40-60 minutes, she took off her towel, hat and washed her hair. After 2 weeks of doing this procedure, a noticeable result appeared (I did the procedure a day, every other day). Hair became stronger, volume appeared from the roots, shine was added. I noticed that they began to grow faster and thicker. After a course of urine therapy, you need to take a break of 2 weeks and then do the same thing again for 2 weeks. After increasing the break for 1 month and again for 2 weeks, do procedures with urine. After, use as desired and as needed.

I advise you to try it too, perhaps my personal experience in the fight against acne and improving hair will help you. Do not disdain, they do not die from urine therapy. The effect will not keep you waiting, the main thing is to decide. If you have tried or will try... Please share your experience and results. I wish you success in the fight against acne and good results in applying urine to hair).

Urine therapy has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. There are many prescriptions for urine treatment. Our article is about the benefits and contraindications of urine therapy.

Even the ancient Greeks were well aware of the disinfectant properties of urine. With urine, they washed wounds, treated burns, and rinsed their mouths. The ancient Indians went even further - many healers' recipes with strong recommendations for certain diseases to use their own urine have been preserved.


Important! For urine therapy, always use your own urine or the urine of a child. And only if you or the child are healthy! This refers to the absence of serious infectious and venereal diseases, as well as diseases of the urinary-genital system. Never use the urine of an old person - it is very dangerous.

Facial urine therapy

Urine is very beneficial for the skin of the face. This is especially true for oily skin prone to acne. It is also advised to wipe the face with urine for women at the age of menopause, because. urine perfectly smoothes wrinkles.

How to apply urine therapy for the face? Very simple! Apply urine to clean skin 2-3 times a week with a cotton swab. Leave on for 15 minutes, then wash off with plain water without soap.

Doing this procedure regularly, you will soon notice that the skin has changed for the better. It will be pink and smooth. If there were acne - they will disappear.

Urine therapy for weight loss

Many people use urine therapy for weight loss. The rave reviews of those who lose weight on urine have quite understandable justifications.

For weight loss, they drink urine ... In the morning on an empty stomach, about 1 glass. At the same time, those who lose weight on urine are not just on a diet - they are starving ... To be precise, in addition to a glass of urine in the morning, they drink another 2 liters of clean water per day. Nothing else.

Urinary fasting is an extreme way to lose weight. Adherents of this method really lose a lot of weight, because. the use of urine inside provokes a strong diuretic effect.

Important! Fasting, especially on urine, not everyone can afford. If you still decide on this experiment on yourself, then start at least with one-day fasts once a week.

Urinotherapy for hair

Urine therapy is also used for hair. If the hair falls out, becomes dull and brittle, then you need to urgently take measures to improve it. And in this case, urine will help you.

Apply slightly warm urine to clean hair 1-2 times a week. In this case, pay special attention to the roots of the hair. Rub the urine into the scalp with a cotton swab.

When you finish processing your head, do not forget to put on a plastic cap, and a woolen scarf on top of it. Keep for 40 minutes, then rinse with water and a little shampoo.

Urinotherapy for hemorrhoids and anal fissures

Urine excellently treats hemorrhoids and anal fissures. After a bowel movement, give a small cleansing enema (200 g) to flush out the rectum. Then slightly heat 100 g of urine and make a therapeutic enema. Ideally, you should keep the contents of this microclyster in yourself for as long as possible, but not less than 10 minutes.

Such microclysters can be done several times a day and for as many days in a row until the disease calms down.

Our readers who practice this method of treating hemorrhoids and anal fissures assure that even the most acute hemorrhoids and the most chronic fissures go away in just 2-3 days.

Urinotherapy for sore throat, sore throat and sinusitis

Another recipe for the use of urine is to wash the throat and nose with the corresponding diseases. We are talking about sinusitis and diseases of the throat.

For sinusitis, slightly warm the urine. Then collect urine in a small enema, tilt your head back and pour urine into each of the nostrils in turn. Urine from the nostrils will go down the throat. Spit it out. You can do this procedure 1-2 times a day. Course - 7-10 days.

For sore throat, gargle with warm urine several times a day.

Important! Never use the same rubber "pear" for anal and nasal enemas! This is dangerous!

Urine therapy for joint pain, arthritis, severe bruises, etc.

Urine compress is the best and most affordable remedy for the above diseases.

Warm urine to a temperature of approximately +40°C. Dampen a large piece of cotton with it. Attach it to the sore spot, secure with a bandage and then with plastic wrap. From above, wrap the compress with a woolen scarf or scarf. Keep the compress for 2-3 hours.

Urinotherapy for burns

As an external agent, urine is used almost everywhere on Earth to treat first-degree burns. If you are burned, but there is no severe damage in the form of a bubble or an open wound on the skin, then quickly apply a cotton swab soaked in urine to the burn site. Keep it on for at least 20 minutes. Soon you will notice that the burn area has completely calmed down. And in order to avoid cicatricial changes in the skin - apply a swab with urine several more times. www.site

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With the light hand of Lenora-Sirenka, this is the name of one of the best means for restoring the density of hair and of the whole organism as a whole.

Urine (urina) is a liquid excretory product of the human body, produced by the kidneys and excreted through the urinary tract system.
The urine of a healthy person has various shades of yellow - from pale yellowish to rich reddish yellow; most often, urine is amber-yellow. The color of urine depends on the content of various pigments in it. The more of them, the stronger the color.
Freshly passed urine from a healthy person is transparent and slightly fluoresces. When settling, a translucent cloud is released from it - this is a natural phenomenon. When settling for a longer time, it may become cloudy due to the formation of precipitation in it.
Freshly released urine has a characteristic aromatic odor. Various substances introduced into the body with food can give urine their characteristic smell: garlic, onions, multivitamins. Cubeba, kopaysky balsam, saffron, menthol give urine an aromatic smell. You can smell acetone during fasting, or you can smell fruits. With alkaline fermentation (when it stands for a long time), urine has a sharp ammonia smell.
Freshly released urine gives an acidic reaction, its pH ranges from 5-7. The acidity of urine is highest in the morning on an empty stomach. After eating, the acidity of urine decreases, this is due to the release of gastric juice. A decrease in the acidity of urine is noted with profuse sweating. Increased consumption of freshly squeezed juices can alkalinize urine, and consumption of cereals increases its acidity. Urine, in which an ammonia smell appears, acquires an alkaline reaction.
It contains: water, urea, uric acid, purine bases, nucleic acids, guanidine derivatives, histidine, hippuric acid, paired glucuronic and paired sulfuric acids, pigments, neutral sulfur, thiocyanates, traces of proteins, amino acids, glucose, acetone, bile acids , lactic acid, pyruvic acid, cholesterol, inositol, higher fatty acids, volatile fatty acids, oxalic and succinic acids and others. Pepsin, trypsin, amylase, phosphatases and other enzymes are found in urine; steroid hormones, vitamins; from minerals - all available in the body; gases - nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen.
For cosmetic purposes, it is best to use fresh or evaporated urine. Lubricate her face, hands, neck. After drying, repeat this procedure a few more times and rinse with warm water without soap (finish wash with cool water). You can massage these parts of the body with urine and then wash it off. It is useful to track how much urine your skin absorbs. 20-30 grams is enough. As a result, your skin of the face and hands will be in great shape.

Old (daily) and evaporated urine is best suited for hair growth. These types of urine should be rubbed into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair roots or compresses should be made. Urine is left on the hair for 30 minutes to 1 hour, then the hair is washed without the use of soap and shampoo. The effect increases if the urine is not washed off for a long time.
If you are afraid of the smell on your hair. That excellent remedy for its elimination is rinsing after the hair with an infusion of herbs with the addition of essential oils.
The evaporated urine is prepared as follows: all the excreted urine is collected per day and evaporated over low heat to 1/4 of its previous volume.

Mechanism of action of urine therapy
Human kidneys have a large margin of safety. According to the mathematical model, nature has laid in us biofilters - kidneys that can serve a person without fail for 800-1200 years. We destroy them in 30-50 years.
The structural unit of the kidneys, the nephron, is a biochemical filter consisting of a double capillary with a membrane septum. The glomerular part of the nephron serves to filter part of its contents from the blood. The transition of these substances occurs through biomembranes. In the long loop of the nephron, as a result of the difference in osmotic pressure and electrical potentials between the primary urine and blood, some of the substances return to the blood, and later the urine is saturated with salts and biochemical fluids from the blood. This multiple diffusion provides stringent filtration of blood in the kidneys. Up to 150 liters passes through the kidneys per day, and only 1.3 - 1.5 liters. They will become urine - secondary urine, that light part of it, which the body must excrete. Are all its components not needed by our body? No, not all. We also excrete our own healing agents in the urine. They give urine bitterness, unpleasant taste, specific smell, color. We throw out from the body what the body needs so much.
So, urine is a concentrated solution, which, according to the laws of osmosis, must absorb water into itself. In this regard, the mechanism of action of urine can be represented as follows.
The accepted urine, which has entered the stomach and small intestine, is separated from the internal environment of the body by the intestinal wall. In this wall and behind it, the concentration of substances is 100-150 times less than in urine. Therefore, urine draws water through the intestinal membranes. It turns out the effect of a "vacuum cleaner", which perfectly cleans primarily the intestinal wall, microvilli of the small intestine, resulting in improved digestion. Pathological mucus is removed, which is always enough in the gastrointestinal tract, less mucus is formed in the body. The work of all excretory systems is greatly facilitated. When urine enters the large intestine, it is "pumped" with water, which contributes to the passage of feces. In addition, strong saline solutions, to which urine belongs, are an excellent laxative. Thus, urine is an excellent remedy for constipation.
As soon as we drink our urine, hormones and antibodies enter the gastrointestinal tract, are absorbed by the mucous membrane, enter the bloodstream, pass through the portal vein to the liver, then to the heart, lungs and arterial bed, where, like reagents (“chemically”), remove layers from the walls of blood vessels. The natural circle of the saving hormonal background is replenished due to the “fragments” of hormones from urine, which facilitates their re-synthesis. The body quickly restores the required level of antibodies in the blood. Urine changes its organoleptic properties, taste, color, smell. Even sweat becomes clean, the body does not require deodorants and retains the smell of perfume and soap for a long time. A new life of the biological system - the human body - begins. Diseases that have tormented for decades are receding, consciousness is clearing up, memory is sharpening, resistance to infections and colds is increasing. This strengthens your own biological defenses. There is no need for chemotherapy, the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed and restored, natural immunity is restored. The colon is cleansed and restores its bacterial flora, which provides an active temperature regime and peristalsis. Patients suffering from constipation for 20-30 years are quickly freed from blockages of fecal stones (from 5 to 10 kg or more). At first, defecation occurs 2-3 or more times a day. In the lungs, the mechanism of amazing reserve drainage is activated - balls of dense sputum depart. The ears often itch and columns of caked sulfur are rejected from them; clots of serous-purulent contents of the paranasal sinuses often depart from the nose. Sometimes exacerbations of chronic sluggish sinusitis, which are difficult to treat with conventional means, are possible. Sometimes inflammatory processes are exacerbated in sinusitis (if it is a chronic disease).
The body is intensively cleansed. And only urine becomes lighter and cleaner. By taste and smell, it resembles water, largely losing its original properties.
First of all, urine therapy is a powerful means of maintaining an optimal hormonal background. Endocrine glands produce hormones and antibodies and secrete their secret directly into the blood. The impact of these powerful natural factors on the bioprocesses occurring in our body is so lightning fast and effective that it is difficult to find anything similar in nature.

Urine ingestion.
You can use it once a day or three times. It is necessary to use the middle portion of urine (to collect in the middle of urination). The first part cleans the urinary tract and contains bacteria, and the last contains sediment, which is of no benefit. Only fresh urine is used. It is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Urine must be drunk either in one gulp, or an odd number of sips should be taken. First you need to brush your teeth. Morning urine is the most complete in terms of its composition (hormones are released into the urine mainly at night). If you drink urine not only in the morning, then it is recommended to drink it an hour after eating. In general, one hour before the reception and half an hour after it, it is not recommended to eat.
At the beginning of the use of urine therapy, skin rashes are possible, you should not be scared and stop taking it. It happens cleansing the body and the release of toxins through the skin.

And here you can get acquainted with the experience of using nectarine urine in the treatment of hair loss.

What is urine therapy, the benefits or harms of it to health? It is worth familiarizing yourself with this term a little. So, urine therapy is a method of treating urine, which has not yet received official recognition from traditional medical practice. After all, modern experts cannot agree on one opinion about the meaning and benefits of such a controversial method of treatment.

Urinotherapy: the concept of urine

To understand the question: urine therapy - benefit or harm - it is necessary to consider the concept of "urine". After all, it is this product of vital activity that is in the center of attention of the folk method of treatment - urine therapy. The composition of urine includes:

1. Water, which dissolves all the products of human metabolism, including hormonal and toxic compounds. The latter, however, have already worked out their service life. In other words, urine contains those substances that a person no longer needs, and therefore easily gets rid of and removes from the body.

2. In the case when a person has certain pathologies, they necessarily affect the composition of urine. So, for people with diabetes, urine may contain sugar. Those who have kidney pathologies can see protein in urine.

3. Uric acids, for example, oxalates, urates, carbotanes, phosphates and other compounds, are sure to be found in the urine of a person who does not follow the recommendations of a proper and healthy diet.

What diseases can be cured by urine therapy?

Before answering the question of what kind of method is urine therapy, the benefits or harms of it, it is worthwhile to outline the range of those diseases that, according to traditional medicine, can be cured in this way. After all, a modern person still resorts to such an unconventional method of treatment to cleanse his body, during cosmetic procedures, and, of course, to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines, kidneys, liver and heart, infectious, colds and skin diseases, as well as eye diseases.

Why is urine useful?

Although most specialists in official medicine do not approve of the methods of such alternative treatment, many of them confirm that the benefits of urine therapy are obvious. Urine in its composition has metabolites of steroid hormones, and therefore urine therapy itself is somewhat similar to hormone therapy. But this is hypothetically possible only if the entire daily volume of urine is taken orally.

If we take into account the fact that hormone therapy is credited with an active fight against inflammatory processes, then the benefits of urine therapy are obvious.

Why is urine therapy harmful?

Earlier it was said that urine therapy is somewhat similar to hormone therapy. Now it’s worth dispelling all the myths, since urine therapy is good and bad in one bottle.

In the process of taking hormones, the human body also begins to suffer. And the harm of urine therapy becomes visible to the naked eye. Since a real threat looms over a person to reduce the production of their own hormones. And subsequently, people begin to feel the onset of old age faster, in some, the function of sexual activity decreases, you can quickly gain excess weight and even feel clouded mind.

Therefore, you should not try to get what the body is already full of. You don't have to hurt yourself. Urinotherapy say "no"!

It is worth special attention to focus on the fact that alternative medicine has its own contraindications. It is not recommended to resort to its use, for example, if a person has diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis, herpes, psychological disorders and other diseases. Also, treatment with urine therapy is unacceptable for women in position.

Treatment of skin diseases with urine therapy

A modern person is very responsible and, one might say, reverently relates to the condition of the skin of the face. That is why in recent years you can often hear about such a truly folk method of treatment as urine therapy. Thanks to this method, the skin becomes clean, gets rid of acne and acne.

Recipes for the treatment of facial skin

To do this, according to doctors of alternative medicine, it is necessary to follow some recommendations. For example:

1. To get rid of acne, you need to daily wipe your face with a cotton swab soaked in fresh urine. After 20 minutes after this procedure, traditional medicine experts recommend rinsing the skin with warm running water. This method is most successful for teenagers and helps to get rid of a variety of rashes on the face within a few days.

2. In the case when acne has already appeared in an adult, the reason for this lies in the general unsatisfactory state of the body. Here, ordinary lotions cannot be dispensed with, and therefore it is worth treating with urinotherapy. More precisely, the course of such treatment will consist of daily urine enemas three times a day. The duration of all non-traditional medical events is two weeks, no less. Here it is worth paying attention to the effectiveness of such a folk method of treatment.

3. When a person is predisposed to the appearance of acne on the face, then alternative medicine experts strongly recommend daily cleansing of your body, and with it the skin of the face. So, it is necessary to drink 200-250 g of urine twice a day for a month and constantly make lotions from it so that urine therapy for facial skin is effective.

How to make your hair soft and silky with urine therapy?

Most people, especially the beautiful half of humanity, are constantly unhappy with the condition of their hair. Therefore, the question: urine therapy - benefit or harm - is especially relevant for them. So, many complain of profuse hair loss, their fragility and weakness, as well as a dull color. But in almost all cases, the promised positive result from modern cosmetic and medical products is not expected. Therefore, the opportunity to heal your hair in a free and effective way - urine - is very interesting. Plus, for your health, urine is not harmful and at the same time very effective.

Several recipes for hair treatment with urine therapy

1. Specialists of this non-traditional method of treatment recommend performing a head massage with light rubbing of urine into the skin. In this case, it is best to use the old urine, in other words, the one that has already been infused for more than five days. This will give a better effect than fresh urine.

2. If the condition of the hair is simply deplorable, then it is worth making compresses from urine. For this, it is recommended to wash your hair with urine twice a week, wrap it in polyethylene and warm it. So you need to walk for about an hour and only then rinse with warm water. The entire course of hair and scalp treatment is about three months.

3. If you want to get the maximum result from the treatment, then you also need to take urine inside at 200-250 g per day. It is recommended to do this in the morning for the best effect and complete recovery of the hair.

It should be understood that only a clear guide to all the recommendations of specialists in non-traditional practice of urinotherapy treatment will achieve the desired and promised result. A partial or incomplete course of treatment will not be able to prove the benefits of these folk procedures.

Authoritative reviews of specialists about urine therapy

Today it is important to understand what are the benefits of urine therapy. Real reviews of doctors will be of interest to everyone.

To judge the supporters and opponents of such an unconventional method of treatment, it is worth contacting the specialists of the official traditional medical practice. So, the surgeon, candidate of medical sciences Svetlana Nemirova is not very flattering about urine therapy. He even ascribes a derogatory word form to this term. After all, in her practice there were cases when a person who self-treated a spot on his leg with urine therapy was delivered to the ambulance with terrible pain and tissue necrosis. As a result, to save the life of such a patient, he had to amputate the lower limb.

Somewhat skeptical and, one might say, hostile, Dmitry Pushkar, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Urology at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, treats the folk practice of treating with urine. He insists that such alternative medicine only destroys the human body. Since taking inside what the body has already got rid of is impractical and even stupid. Even if these are hormones and vitamins, apparently, they are in excess, since toxins have been excreted into A? They are so dangerous. By getting rid of these harmful compounds, a person only saves himself, and urine therapy offers to return everything back.

As for satisfied patients who claim that the treatment with urine has helped them get rid of rheumatism or other diseases, everything is very simple to explain. Initially, there is an effect similar to hormone therapy, which has already been mentioned above. In the end, this method of alternative medicine will not lead to anything good. So think about it: to drink or not to drink? After all, it is about your health and future life. Maybe it's not worth risking such important things?

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