The ears crack. What to do if your ears are peeling - experts say. What is the treatment for allergic flaking

Peeling of the skin in the ears and the appearance of itching are an alarming signal. These signs may indicate the development of an infection or an allergic reaction. But not in all cases, such symptoms may indicate a disease. Ears can peel off for other reasons, which we will talk about now.

If you have flaky skin in your ear, then you should be more careful about your health. You will need to visit a doctor to determine the exact cause of the onset of the disease. Most often, peeling of the skin in the auricles occurs due to:

  • fungal skin lesions;
  • dermatological diseases, including eczema and dermatosis;
  • inflammatory diseases and purulent processes in the outer ear;
  • allergic fungal skin lesions; i.

Sometimes peeling of the skin in the ears can be caused by sulfur. When a person uses cotton swabs, matches and other inappropriate items, he damages the mucous membranes of the ears. As a result of this, wounds are formed, the healing process of which provokes the appearance of itching and the discharge of dead skin particles. At the same time, when a person repeatedly cleans his ears of sulfur with the help of inappropriate objects, he further damages the mucous membranes, which can lead to infection.

In addition, the skin in the ears often peels off in people who suffer from systemic diseases, diabetes mellitus and liver pathologies. An allergic reaction, which also provokes the appearance of this symptom, can occur when paint, shampoo, soap or other chemicals get into the auricle.

It should also be noted that its appearance can be triggered by wearing earrings, using headphones or other metal objects. In this case, the peeling of the skin in the ears can be eliminated only by isolating it from the allergen.

When an allergy occurs, doctors usually prescribe antihistamines, both in the form of drops and tablets, and in the form of various topical ointments. At the same time, it is prescribed, which completely excludes food from the patient's diet, which can increase the discharge of keratinized skin particles in the auricles.

Inflammation is the most common cause of flaky skin in the ears.

Peeling of the ears is quite often provoked by inflammatory processes that affect the external and internal parts of the hearing aid. An example of this might be:

  • otitis;
  • furuncle;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • fungus.


Otitis media is an inflammatory and infectious disease, which is accompanied not only by peeling and itching of the skin, but also by severe pain in the ears. The disease develops against the background of general hypothermia, water penetration into the ear canals, damage to the skin of the ears during cleaning, etc.

As a rule, with the development of otitis media, the quality of hearing decreases and there is a feeling of a plug in the ear canal. In advanced stages, it is possible to release pus, which provokes the development of another disease - dermatitis. As a result of this, a strong unbearable itching appears, and the skin begins to peel off strongly ("flakes").

A disease such as otitis media must be treated under the strict supervision of a specialist. This requires the use of strong drugs, including antibiotics. It may even require the use of UHF and UVI.

The ears inside can also peel off due to the formation of a boil. Its development is provoked by an infection that has penetrated the epidermis through wounds. Its occurrence indicates an acute inflammatory process that occurs in the hair follicle, sebaceous glands and the skin itself.

At the initial stages of its development, it is accompanied by slight itching and slight redness and swelling of the skin in the affected area. At the same time, there is no decrease in the quality of hearing, but severe pain is felt in the ears.

In this case, drug therapy is powerless. Surgery is required, after which it is mandatory to undergo antibiotic therapy for a long time.


Dermatitis is a form of manifestation of an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by itching both inside and outside the ear. At the same time, the skin becomes red and small bubbles appear on their surface, inside of which there is a serous fluid. When they open, a dry crust forms in their place, which eventually disappears.

Treatment of dermatitis is long and complicated. Requires the use of antihistamines, both for internal and external use. Depending on the course of the disease, drug therapy may be adjusted.


Eczema is another form of allergy manifestation. It can easily flow from acute to chronic forms. The acute stage of development lasts about 21 days. During this period, the upper layers of the epidermis are damaged.

This disease is easy to treat and is not prone to relapse. But only if it is chosen correctly. If drug therapy is not carried out, then an infection soon joins and immunity is weakened, as a result of which eczema becomes chronic.

At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the patient has redness and thickening of the skin of the ears and itching, which only intensifies when exposed to the skin. After some time, a small rash appears on it, as with dermatitis, which also provokes the appearance of dry crusts and cracks that peel off.

Treatment of eczema is carried out with the use of external preparations. In the event that weeping wounds occur at the site of the lesion, daily rubbing with alcohol or the use of an oxycort-based aerosol are prescribed.

If dry crusts form at the site of the rash, then they are treated with anti-inflammatory ointments, which also contain components that have an antifungal and vasoconstrictive effect. In some cases, antibiotic therapy is required.

If the skin peels off in the ear, treatment is carried out using traditional medicine. Various lotions are used with oils and decoctions of medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

When answering the question of why the skin is peeling inside the ear, it is impossible not to mention a fungal infection. It occurs against the background of reduced immunity and the emergence of a favorable environment for the active reproduction of fungi.

In addition, it is very easy to pick up an infection when putting on other people's headphones, hearing aids, etc. If we talk about how a fungal infection manifests itself, then the following symptoms should be noted:

  • noise in ears;
  • severe itching;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • headache;
  • sensation of a sulfur plug or foreign body in the ears;
  • discharge (they can be either white or yellow) with a characteristic odor.

The treatment of fungal diseases, regardless of which part of the body has been infected, is the same. Antifungal drugs are prescribed both in the form of creams and gel for external use, and in the form of capsules for oral administration.

To relieve severe itching, a doctor may prescribe antihistamines, and to improve the condition of the skin, ointments that have a softening and regenerating effect. It can also be carried out. But their use should be agreed with the attending physician.

Remember that peeling of the skin in the ears can be triggered by various diseases. Therefore, you should not try to get rid of this disease on your own. You may achieve a cosmetic effect, but you cannot eliminate the problem itself. Therefore, if your ears itch and peel, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Otherwise, you can seriously harm your health.

Video about the causes of peeling ears

Peeling of the skin of the ear is a very unpleasant phenomenon, and not only because of the unaesthetic appearance of such a process, but also due to possible accompanying symptoms: itching, redness, discomfort, and occasionally pain.

Mostly people are not in a hurry to see a doctor with this problem, but only until the situation gets out of control. Next, we will talk in more detail about the causes and treatment of peeling in the ears.

It is very difficult to unambiguously answer the question of why the ears peel off, because There are a sufficient number of factors for the occurrence of such a state. Some of them do not pose any threat to the health of the ears, but there are also serious pathologies that require timely treatment.

It is worth paying attention that such discomfort may appear due to over-indulgence in oral hygiene, especially with cotton swabs, which cause significant damage. As a result, itching and flaking occur.

In addition, frequent cleaning of the ears leads to the fact that the ear is completely deprived of its natural protection - sulfur. As a result, the skin is very dry, itchy and flaky. That is, everything should be in moderation.

Excessive ear hygiene can cause flaking, itching and dry skin

Reference. If the skin of the ears not only peels off, but other alarming signs are observed, then it is worth visiting an ENT doctor to identify and eliminate the problem.

If we do not take into account the above circumstances, then we can distinguish the following main factors provoking such a phenomenon (photo attached):

Allergy develops as a response of the body to a specific irritant.

Each of the pathological conditions described above, due to which the skin in the auricles peels off, responds well to treatment. But this does not mean that such symptoms can be ignored. Any, even more or less harmless ailment, with prolonged ignorance or lack of adequate treatment, can turn into a threat to human health.

Reference. Peeling can be a manifestation of systemic ailments that are accompanied by the production of toxins (diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the liver and excretory systems).

Peeling ear - treatment

In order to know what to do if the ear is peeling, first of all, it is necessary to visit a specialist who will establish the cause of the development of this condition. After that, treatment is prescribed, which is aimed both at eliminating unpleasant sensations and at eliminating the root cause itself.

Important! On your own, before the doctor's examination, in no case should you use any ear drops, as well as any recipes for traditional medicine. They can be not only ineffective, but aggravate the situation.

The method of treatment directly depends on the factor that caused the development of this pathological condition.

Remedy for local treatment of allergies

For allergies treatment begins with the search for and complete exclusion of the allergen. Further, local antiallergic therapy consists in the use of antihistamine ointments and creams. ("Fenistil"), which relieve itching, eliminate peeling and soften the skin.

With a strong manifestation of allergies, the patient must follow a hypoallergenic diet, taking tableted antihistamines. ("Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Zodak", "Loratadin"), as well as local treatment with ointments ("Advantan", "Lokoid").

Treatment of any inflammation of the ear must be performed under the supervision of a doctor, since this type of ailment is dangerous with various complications. With a mild course, various ear drops ("", ""), compresses, turundas with boric alcohol are used.

With a severe course of the disease, antibacterial drugs ("", ""), anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and antiseptic agents are prescribed. Sometimes physiotherapy procedures are prescribed.

Ichthyol ointment well draws pus from the boil

For the treatment of boils usually used or, contributing to the stretching of purulent contents.

Washing will also be performed with, and applied (if there is no elevated body temperature).

Important! It is impossible to squeeze out and open the boil on your own, as further infection of the tissues may occur.

If after such actions the boil does not open, then the specialist removes it surgically, followed by prolonged antibiotic therapy.

With dermatitis antihistamines of systemic and local effects, anti-inflammatory drops ("", "") are prescribed. It is also necessary to apply emollient creams or ointments (depending on the condition of the formed crusts).

Aerosol with oxycort for the treatment of eczema

eczema treatment depends on the condition of the skin and crusts, that is, dry crusts are treated with oil solutions, and weeping crusts are treated with ether or alcohol, as well as oxycort-based aerosols.

In addition, anti-inflammatory ointments are prescribed, which have a vasoconstrictor and antifungal effect.

The therapeutic course lasts about a month, and it cannot be interrupted, since this is the main condition for preventing recurrence and acquiring the chronic nature of the disease.

To eliminate fungal infection first you need to establish the type of fungus (mold or yeast). After clarifying this point, the doctor makes the appropriate appointment of usually local drugs ( "Terbinafil",""). If a serious infection is observed, systemic agents may be used. ("Fluconazole").


Having found out why the ears are peeling inside a person, as well as ways to eliminate such a problem, I would still like to remind you that each case is individual and requires specific consideration.

Do not self-diagnose, and even more so prescribe treatment. At best, this is fraught with simply the absence of any effect from your actions, at worst, a deterioration in the condition and the addition of complications.

Dry skin in the ears can be uncomfortable, especially if it is itchy, flaky, and crusty. This is not a life-threatening condition, but without treatment, it can persist for a very long time.

The reasons

The ear has a layer of natural sebum to protect against dryness, the inner ear has ear wax to help retain moisture. This natural defense can be depleted due to certain habits, infections, or because for some reason it is not produced at all. The absence of these conditions will cause the ear canal to itch.

It is safe to say that dryness is the cause of itching and is associated with the formation of crusts.

The following are reasons why the skin in the ear canal and auricle can dry out.

Skin diseases

Skin conditions that usually cause dry skin on other parts of the body can also affect the ears.


Eczema is an inflammatory chronic skin disease

For some people, eczema can even occur in the inner ear and be extremely annoying and uncomfortable. In such cases, itching may occur in several areas, such as the ears and nose, or the ears and scalp.

Sometimes eczema can only occur in the ear without affecting other parts of the skin of the body, and diagnosis can be difficult because the redness and rash will occur inside the ear canal. Itching and possibly some discharge may be the only symptoms that can be seen with eczema in the ear. Other forms of dermatitis, such as contact dermatitis, which occur when you have an allergic reaction to certain foods that come into contact with the skin's surface, can also cause itching and dryness.


Psoriasis is an accumulation of dead cells due to the accelerated growth of new ones.

This autoimmune disease usually affects the scalp and neck, but it has also been known to occur in the ears. The skin renewal cycle in people with psoriasis speeds up, causing dead skin cells to accumulate to form white, scaly patches. In the case of the ear area, the disease manifests itself in the form of dry, scaly skin. Some redness can be seen under the crusts. Patients with psoriasis may also have dry skin behind the ears, as the condition can spread from the ear to the face and neck areas. Reverse spread of the disease may also occur.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that most often causes dandruff on the head. It can also affect the area of ​​the nose, eyebrows, beard.

This condition can manifest itself in the ears in the same way as in other areas, such as the scalp. In some cases, seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff) can affect the ears and eyebrows at the same time. Thus, slight redness and peeling of the skin on the face and in the ears can be observed. In rare cases, it has a more severe manifestation, as in the right photo.

Frequent ear cleaning

Sometimes too thorough cleaning of the ear canal can strip the skin of essential oils. The production of earwax may not be able to keep up with the frequent removal of it, and the skin will become dry and flaky, which also causes itching.

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids can rub against the skin, causing dryness.

Treatment Methods

The best treatment for a problem always depends on the cause. For example, if a hearing aid is to blame for the crusting and itching sensation, then replacing it will likely solve the problem.

Dryness and flaking in skin diseases resolves after treatment of a specific skin condition. It is recommended that a dermatologist prescribe the most appropriate treatment for eczema, psoriasis, or seborrheic dermatitis in the ear.

It's important that you don't use the cotton swabs too often, as you can deprive your skin of its natural lubrication. If earwax builds up, it's safer to see a specialist who can provide professional help and advice on how often you should clean your ears.

Some people scratch their ears out of nervousness and anxiety. It can irritate the skin in the ear or pinna, and it can also cause scabs if the activities are frequent and vigorous. To avoid this, it is necessary to consciously make an effort not to scratch the skin.

home remedies

Garlic and olive oil

Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic. It is necessary to crush a few cloves of garlic and mix with a tablespoon of olive oil. Gently heat this mixture until bubbles form, and then allow it to cool.

Use this remedy as natural ear drops for itchy sensations.

Olive oil

In cases where the ear does not produce enough earwax, olive oil can be used as a natural lubricant to relieve dryness. You need to instill two drops of pure olive oil with a pipette every time you feel itching.


Diluted vinegar mixed with alcohol is used as an effective treatment for this problem.

According to statistics, even many absolutely healthy people are faced with the unpleasant phenomenon of peeling and crusting of the skin in the ears for no apparent reason.

In a healthy person, this phenomenon does not require special treatment, but if peeling causes discomfort in the form of itching and the separation of a sufficiently large number of skin flakes, there is most likely a problem in the body.

When everything is in order in the body, skin cells fall off imperceptibly, but if they are affected by a fungus, they stick together and turn into dandruff.

There are certain symptoms by which you can determine the presence of problems:

  • the skin flakes or peels off;
  • itching appears;
  • there is a slight burning sensation;
  • feeling dry.

Possible causes of peeling skin in the ears: treatment and precautions

Why does dandruff appear in the ears? There are many reasons for dandruff. Each of the causes is caused by a specific factor that needs to be eliminated and the health of the skin integument improved.


Excessive sun exposure can cause sunburn. To avoid getting it, you need to use a protective cream and wear a hat.

Exposure to chemicals and other substances on the skin

When a person is in the pool for a long time, the chlorinated water can dry out the skin.

It is necessary to monitor the time spent in water and lubricate the ears with a greasy cream.

Irrational unbalanced diet and stress

Often, peeling in the ears is associated with stress and malnutrition. Causes of peeling - too dry skin.

Treatment of this problem is aimed at a variety of diet, and good sleep.

ear abscess

Often, peeling of the ears occurs due to infection of the ears with staphylococcus aureus and requires immediate treatment. At the same time, otitis media develops and a boil may appear.

Ointments and drops prescribed by a doctor will help here. The boil itself must be opened and cleaned surgically.

When peeling in the ears, regardless of the cause, you can not touch or squeeze out the abscess on your own. This will lead to severe complications and long-term treatment.

Lack of regular hygiene

Poor hygienic care of the ears also causes peeling.

It's important to know! Daily cleaning of the ears with cotton swabs will lead to the fact that the ear will lose sulfur, and it is the protection of the auricle and protects the ear canal from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

Ears should be cleaned as needed.

Deficiency of vitamins and other nutrients needed by the body

Vitamin deficiency can be the cause with peeling in the ears.

In this case, no specific treatment is required. It consists in increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet.

However, if the itching is severe, you constantly want to scratch your ear, pain and discharge have been added. In this case, you need to urgently determine the cause and decide on the treatment.

Disturbed metabolism

Peeling in the ears happens with improper metabolism. The type of skin strongly affects the predisposition to the appearance of skin diseases. If the skin is oily, it must be washed frequently to remove excess secretions.

Here, according to cosmetologists, you need to choose the right cosmetics, shampoo and avoid oily skin. It is advisable to visit an endocrinologist.

Pathologies and possible diseases

Dermatological pathologies occur against the background of untreated allergies.

This pathology is characterized by:

  • peeling in the ears;
  • itching for no reason;
  • skin redness;
  • formation of crusts requiring treatment.

With reduced immunity, there is a possibility of a fungal disease - otomycosis. With this disease, the skin on the ear flakes off, the patient feels itchy, and a plug forms.

For treatment, an antimicrobial drug, ointments and creams are prescribed, which are applied to the sore spot with a cotton swab.

Note! Peeling in the ears can cause diabetes. In the treatment of this disease, it is necessary to control the level of sugar and take sugar substitutes or insulin.

Many of these reasons are perfectly safe., but there are many that are a serious pathology and require urgent treatment.

Even if a person understands what causes peeling in the ears, the reasons are found, it is still better to entrust the treatment to a specialist. He will prescribe the appropriate treatment and relieve discomfort.

Without a doctor's examination, you can not use ear drops or be treated with traditional medicine. This can only complicate the situation.

Peeling in the ears for any of the above reasons can be cured. But these symptoms cannot be started, they must be treated, since any of these diseases can threaten health.

local allergic reaction

A local allergic reaction can be severe or mild. Allergy symptoms are skin redness, burning and itching.

It is necessary to find the source of the allergy and exclude its contact with the skin. Sources can be shampoo, hair dye, headphones, earrings.

If a local allergy occurs, an anti-allergic cream or ointment should be used. If the allergy is severe, you will have to take special medications and follow a hypoallergenic diet.

Treatment of fungal skin lesions

The fungus develops in the ear due to some factors:

  • daily cleaning of the ears with cotton swabs;
  • getting into the ears of dirty water;
  • taking hormonal drugs and antibiotics;
  • wearing headphones and hearing aids.

In the conditions of the auricle, the fungus develops very quickly, therefore it is desirable to treat it in a timely manner.

How to treat dandruff in the ear

Before starting treatment, doctors pay attention to the type of skin, the cause and neglect of the disease. All patients are assigned an individual course of treatment for ear dandruff.

If you have peeling in the ears, the doctor will prescribe the causes, treatment depending on the disease.

There are many remedies that remove dandruff, but not every remedy treats the cause of its appearance.

First, the cause of its appearance is eliminated, and then it is necessary to carry out antimicrobial therapy, cleanse the affected skin and reduce inflammation. Then vitamins and antihistamines are prescribed.

These medicines are used according to the following rule: a solution or drops against the fungus is applied to a cotton flagellum and injected into the sore ear for ten minutes. The procedure must be repeated 3 times a day for three weeks.

Sometimes many ointments and creams do not help. How then to deal with this problem?

In this situation, professionals advise drinking pills, but many of them have contraindications, so you need to drink them very carefully, after discussing with your doctor.

Otitis externa

Otitis externa is inflammation caused by bacteria in the outer ear. This disease has several forms: diffuse and limited.

With a diffuse form, the entire ear canal becomes inflamed, and with a limited form, only the hair follicle becomes inflamed.

Peeling in the ears can have different causes, and if it is otitis media, the doctor should prescribe treatment.

With this disease, painkillers and drugs against bacteria first remove the inflammation. In the presence of pus, antibiotics are prescribed.

It is impossible to delay the treatment of otitis media if the infection enters the brain - the consequences will be disastrous.

Types of dermatitis of various nature

Peeling in the ears is one of the main causes of many skin diseases. However, the treatment of each of them must be specific, appropriate drugs.


One of these diseases is psoriasis, when the surface of the skin is affected. Red nodules appear on it, which are covered with white scales.

Initially, these nodules are small, and then they become large, forming plaques.

With a mild form, the disease is treated with ultraviolet rays. If complications arise, then proceed to systemic treatment. You need to follow a diet.

In severe form, corticosteroid drugs and cytostatics are used.


Another chronic skin disease is neurodermatitis. This disease is manifested by severe itching and rash. The affected areas are flaky and turn red.

In the advanced stage of the disease, the skin darkens, bubbles appear on it, after which a dried crust remains. Very strong itching irritates a person and the patient scratches himself.

Neurodermatitis affects the lymph nodes, which is very dangerous for humans.

The disease is treated with a diet, the use of ointments and antihistamines, along with them, it is necessary to take funds for the normal functioning of the digestive organs, sedatives, vitamins and immunomodulators.

In addition, it is necessary to avoid heavy physical exertion, stress, increase immunity, fight depression and observe the daily routine.


Eczema is a skin disease characterized by erythematous-vesicular itchy rashes.

Treat eczema with hormonal, antifungal and antibacterial ointments.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is another infectious and inflammatory disease in which areas of the skin with a large number of fatty glands are affected.

The disease is caused by yeast-like lipophilic fungi that live on human skin and feed on the secretions of fatty glands.

Treat seborrheic dermatitis in a complex way:

  • first you need to raise immunity;
  • normalize the work of the digestive tract;
  • to carry out sanitation of foci of chronic infection;
  • conduct a local treatment using a shampoo based on zinc, tar and selenium with the addition of 2% ketocanazole.

How to eliminate itching and peeling in the ear at home

If after the examination no serious disease is found, then the fungus can be treated at home. In folk medicine, there are many recipes for the treatment of this disease.

These prescriptions can be used after consulting a doctor.

First, the auricle must be cleaned of the formed pieces of skin. This is done using a sterile cotton swab or gauze soaked in sunflower oil. This tampon is inserted into the ear and left for 15 minutes.

Due to this, the skin becomes soft, and the pieces are removed using ordinary tweezers.

This procedure must be carried out every other day, and in addition to this, to relieve itching, it is recommended to treat the ears in one of the following ways:

  • wipe the ear canal with 6% vinegar;
  • treat ears twice a day with 3% hydrogen peroxide or calendula tincture;
  • for 20-30 minutes, put a piece of cotton wool soaked in a soda solution into the ear.

These remedies are safe and effective. They can be used without a doctor's prescription. With their help, it is easy to eliminate peeling in the ears, the causes of which are not provoked by a dangerous disease.

According to cosmetologists, by carrying out the above therapeutic measures, it is possible to completely eliminate the cause of the development of this problem.

Important! It is necessary to carry out the hygiene of the auricles in time and correctly, take vitamins, prevent water from getting into the ears and protect them from the cold of the sun and wind.

Along with treatment, you need to further strengthen your health.

Full healthy sleep, proper 3 meals a day with a lot of vitamins in the diet, good rest and sports, hardening, yoga - all this is necessary to improve health and relieve stress.

Mycosis can also be cured with traditional medicine:

However, these methods need to be used for a short time.

When peeling of the skin of the ears appears, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor. First you need to visit a dermatologist, and if he ruled out diseases in his part, you need to contact Laura.

Eliminating a cosmetic defect, a person solves the problem of peeling in the ears only temporarily. You can completely get rid of this problem only if you remove the source of its occurrence.

In this video you will learn about the causes of itching and peeling in the ears and their treatment:

This video will tell you about the treatment of fungus in the ears:

Peeling is a natural process of desquamation of the dead epidermis located on the surface of the skin. Normally, the process goes unnoticed - keratinized scales are washed off while bathing and wiping with a towel. However, peeling of the ears can sometimes develop.

Peeling in the ears

Excessive peeling indicates overdrying of the skin or rapid division of epithelial cells, when keratinized scales do not have time to peel off. Damage to the skin of the ear canal due to mechanical, chemical irritation, inflammatory processes or can lead to this pathology.

If peeling develops for the first time, then a doctor's consultation will be required. Only according to the results of complex diagnostics, it is possible to accurately determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe effective therapy. The appearance of unpleasant symptoms should not be ignored, because some ear diseases can lead to dangerous consequences.

The reasons

There are the following factors that provoke the development of skin peeling:

  • Increased dryness of the skin in the ear, which is an individual feature of a person;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Development of furunculosis;
  • Violation of hygiene rules;
  • Diabetes;
  • Frequent cleansing of the skin, which provokes dryness;
  • and nutrients in insufficient quantities;
  • fungal infection;
  • Development of eczema;
  • Allergy. In this case, the skin behind the ears also peels off;
  • Excessive formation of sulfur;
  • advanced age of patients;
  • skin in the ear;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Frequent stressful situations.

It is worth considering in more detail the main causes of peeling ears.

About the causes of itching and peeling in the ears in our video:


In most cases, the ears begin to peel off against the background of inflammatory processes. can lead to damage to the external and internal sections. The following diseases are distinguished:

Peeling with otitis externa or dandruff in the ear canal


Inflammation in adults can also develop as a result of an infectious process caused by staphylococci. The disease often provokes the development of the following symptoms:

  • peeling of the ears;
  • The appearance of sensation;
  • Development . The pain usually comes on suddenly, but can be constant and debilitating;
  • Appearance.


Often, peeling of the ear develops against the background of the appearance of a boil. The main cause of the disease is infection of small wounds on the skin. The development of a boil may indicate inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and dermis.

The initial stages of the disease are characterized by the appearance, swelling and slight on the affected area. Then it occurs without a violation of the quality of hearing.

With the development of a boil, the use of drug therapy is ineffective. Recommend surgical removal of the formation, after which long-term antibiotic therapy is required.


With irritation of the external auditory canal with chemical compounds or prolonged, dermatitis may develop. The disease leads to the development of unbearable itching, swelling of the skin, the appearance, peeling.

Bubbles often form on the affected areas. Characterized by a gradual increase in symptoms in the absence of therapy.

Treatment of dermatitis should be comprehensive. It is recommended to use the following groups of medicines:

  • Means with ;
  • Corticosteroids for external use;
  • in the event of a secondary infection;
  • or soda solution. Allows disinfection and elimination of exudate

It should be followed until the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated.

About the causes of dermatitis in the ears and methods of its treatment in our video:


Pathology refers to that can occur in acute and. The duration of the acute stage does not exceed 21 days. It is characterized by damage to the upper layers of the epidermis.

The use of effective therapy allows you to completely cure. Otherwise, it is possible to attach a secondary infection, a decrease in immunity, so the disease becomes chronic.

There are the following symptoms of eczema:

  • redness of the skin;
  • Development of itching;
  • The skin becomes dense;
  • Appearance similar to dermatitis;
  • The appearance of dry crusts, cracks that provoke peeling.

Therapy of the disease is based on the use of external agents. With the development of weeping wounds, rubbing with alcohol or preparations based on oxycort is used. If dry crusts occur, then application is indicated that have antifungal and vasoconstrictive components. In rare cases, antibiotic therapy is indicated.


Quite often, the cause of peeling of the ears becomes. The disease develops in patients with reduced immunity, when favorable conditions arise for the development of fungi. Fungal infection leads to the development of the following symptoms:

  • Appearance;
  • Development of severe itching;
  • The skin is flaky;
  • Emergence;
  • Appearance of sensation in the ear;
  • The appearance of secretions with a specific odor.

As part of the treatment of the disease, local and systemic drugs with an antifungal effect are used. Eliminate severe itching allow antihistamines.

Peeling in the ears with eczema and dermatitis

What are the symptoms associated with this condition?

Peeling ears can lead to the development of the following clinical picture:

  • Exfoliation of white pieces of the epidermis;
  • The occurrence of itching and;

If the ears peel against the background of otitis externa, then the list of symptoms expands significantly.

What is the treatment for the allergic origin of the symptom

If an allergic reaction has become the cause of peeling of the skin in the external auditory canal, then doctors use the following therapy tactics:

What to do in case of fungal otitis media

With the development of a fungal infection, it is necessary to determine the type of fungus. This will help in choosing an effective drug. If molds are found, the appointment of Terbinafine is indicated. If a fungal infection is provoked by yeast fungi, then the use of Pimafucin is recommended.

For use local medicines (ointments and). In severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed. Preventive measures include the elimination of moisture from the ears, the refusal to swim in polluted water bodies and the use of sharp objects during hygiene procedures.

How to recognize a fungal infection in the ears, Dr. Komarovsky will tell:

How to get rid of dandruff in the ear

Dandruff in the external auditory canal or on the eyebrows develops against the background of frequent, unbalanced and poor nutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to normalize the diet, daily routine. If the cause is a violation of metabolic processes, then consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary.

In some cases, peeling and itching in the ear develop due to the characteristics of the skin type. With oily scalp that requires frequent washing, the appearance of white scales on clothes, one can suspect a violation of the functionality of the sebaceous glands in the external auditory canal.

To prevent peeling, you can use an anti-dandruff shampoo, for example, Sulsen,. It is also recommended to use cosmetics that will remove excess sebum and improve the condition of the epidermis.


Peeling of the skin inside the external auditory canal has a favorable prognosis with timely therapy. When whitish scales appear in the ear area, it is recommended to consult a specialist and conduct a comprehensive diagnosis.

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