Dry and follicular, purulent and allergic conjunctivitis in dogs: treatment, symptoms, visual photos. Ah, those smart dog eyes...

Conjunctivitis in dogs is a common disease with many causes. Depending on them, the specialist prescribes treatment and preventive measures. The disease can be both acute and chronic, so it is very important to correctly determine its form in order to highlight the upcoming difficulties for yourself in advance.

Conjunctivitis in various cases acts as an independent disease or concomitant symptom. Therefore, attention should be paid to the possible culprits of inflammation and high-quality diagnostics should be carried out, otherwise it will not be possible to select effective drugs. The main causes of conjunctivitis include:

  1. Allergic reaction. A similar problem is a frequent guest of man's four-legged friends. In dogs, literally everything can cause irritation - from particles of the owner's skin to the food used. Particular attention to this reason should be given to owners of breeds prone to allergies (for example, Chinese Crested). However, in this case, conjunctivitis is a concomitant symptom along with itching, dermatitis and swelling. For the pet to recover, it will be enough to remove the source of irritation.
  2. Trichiasis (growth of eyelashes inside the eyelid). As a result of mechanical action on the mucous membrane of the eye, conjunctivitis and keratitis develop, due to which the animal can even lose sight. In addition, rubbing the cornea with eyelashes causes severe pain to the pet, so you need to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible and perform surgery.
  3. Mechanical damage. Conjunctivitis in a dog also occurs due to the ingress of a foreign body into the eye, which opens the gate of infection. As a result, persistent inflammation of the mucous membranes develops, however, such a nuisance can be avoided if the pet's restless behavior is noticed in time and the foreign object is removed.

Dogs are extremely susceptible to conjunctivitis, so the causes of the development of the disease are completely diverse: thermal and chemical burns, drafts, hypothermia, colds, fungal infections. It is this wide range of provoking factors that makes up the main difficulty in treating this disease. However, a specialist during examination is able to determine the problem that caused the inflammation.

Main symptoms

There are 5 types of conjunctivitis that require separate treatment regimens and differ in external manifestations:

  1. catarrhal. The disease occurs in acute and chronic form, but the latter is more common among stray animals. In some breeds, the disease can remain for life, despite timely treatment. It is characterized by swelling of the mucosa and the appearance of clear discharge. The reason for the development of this type of disease is considered to be the ingress of a foreign body into the eye.
  2. Follicular conjunctivitis in dogs. Most often, it is chronic, therefore it brings the animal and its owners long-term inconvenience. Its signs practically do not differ from the previous type of inflammation, but without timely intervention, the pet's condition worsens significantly, and the discharge becomes purulent.
  3. Allergic conjunctivitis. It is characterized by profuse lacrimation, itching and swelling of the mucosa. In addition, follicles can grow, as a result of which the field of view of the animal will greatly decrease.
  4. Purulent. This type of illness is usually a concomitant symptom of viral diseases. Less often, bacteria that have fallen on the conjunctiva become the cause. The signs of this inflammation are rather unpleasant - thick yellow discharge, which has a pronounced putrid odor.
  5. Keratoconjunctivitis. The most problematic type of ailment that develops due to the drying of the cornea and mucosa. There are many reasons for its appearance: from the consequences of an ophthalmic operation to pathological changes caused by viruses. In this case, the dog experiences itching, which increases the likelihood of additional trauma. In addition, the discharge from the eyes becomes viscous and purulent, and inflammation jumps from the cornea to the conjunctiva.

It is important to remember that any kind of ailment causes significant discomfort to a four-legged friend, leads to visual impairment and tends to flow into a purulent form without timely intervention. Such a metamorphosis is the most dangerous, since it can provoke complete blindness in a pet.

How to deal with the disease

Conjunctivitis in dogs, the treatment of which depends on the variety, is not so easy to treat at home. It is worth visiting a veterinarian both to accurately determine the form of the disease, and to agree with a specialist on a list of drugs, which will be useful. The most correct thing that the owner can do is to wash the eyes of the pet with a solution of furacilin.

Contrary to popular belief, tetracycline ointment should not be used without additional medicines, since alone it only dulls external symptoms. Usually, intramuscular administration of antibiotics is required for a course of at least 5-7 days. The affected area is anesthetized with novocaine if the discomfort has a strong effect on the animal.

Usually, various ointments (etazol, tetracycline, hydrocortisone or erythromycin) and drops containing antibiotics are used for treatment: Ciprovet, Tobramycin and Ciprofloxacin. Dogs suffering from keratoconjunctivitis are prescribed various drugs that restore the normal activity of the lacrimal ducts. To accelerate the regeneration of affected areas, the drug Ribotan is often used (for intramuscular injections).

In addition, you will need to buy a special collar and reduce the duration of walks, since drafts can adversely affect the dynamics of the disease. However, despite the above recommendations, you should not prescribe treatment yourself, because in this way you can only worsen the condition of the dog.

Preventive measures

It is impossible to completely protect the animal from the disease, but with the right approach to its lifestyle, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease. To do this, it is enough to be attentive to your pet: do not skip vaccinations, avoid hypothermia and monitor the movements of the dog.

Do not allow your pet to play in dangerous places where there are small branches, dust and sand, and also let him into the kitchen while cooking. The animal must live clean and not have access to household chemicals and sharp objects that can injure the mucous membrane of the eye. If the dog is prone to allergies and inflammatory processes in the body, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian for a course of antihistamines.

With a timely examination and the inclusion of vitamin supplements in the dog's diet, the likelihood of conjunctivitis will significantly decrease, and the pet's health will return to normal in many ways.

The eyes are a vulnerable spot in almost all dog breeds. An active healthy animal is not immune from getting a mote on the inner eyelid, which can provoke the development of conjunctivitis. A loving owner should protect the pet's eyes from inflammation and know how to treat conjunctivitis in a dog.

Pets, of course, experience emotions, they can worry, be sad and rejoice. But animals express feelings differently than humans. Therefore, tears in the eyes of a beloved pet do not mean sadness, but are a serious reason for contacting a veterinarian.

What it is

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the inner mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva), characterized by redness, itching, and discharge from the eyes. The disease is primary, developing due to various factors, and secondary, which is a consequence of neglected diseases.

Not a single dog is immune from the disease. Some breeds have a predisposition. These include "eyes" - Pekingese, Chihuahua, pugs, as well as breeds with drooping eyelids - basset hound, American Cocker Spaniel, bulldogs, St. Bernard. Often the disease is observed in German shepherds.

It is difficult to say how long the disease lasts. With the rapid detection of symptoms and timely treatment of conjunctivitis, you can get rid of in one to two weeks. If the owner does not notice the inflammation, then the eyes can bother the pet for years, and the disease becomes chronic.

The reasons

The primary causes of the development of the disease can be very diverse. Most often the following factors occur:

  • clogging of the eyelid - ingress of sand, plant seeds, spores, wool;
  • blockage of the eye canals- the development of microorganisms, fungi that disrupt lacrimation;
  • eye injury - damage to the eye membrane, cornea, eyelid, for example, branches;
  • irritation - acrid smoke, strong wind, being in a cold draft;
  • allergy - a reaction to food, pollen, dust, insect bites;
  • burn - chemical or thermal - paint vapors, boiling water, aerosols.

Secondary conjunctivitis occurs due to various diseases not only of the eyes, but also of other organs. Previous diseases include chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, eversion or inversion of the eyelid, trichiasis (ingrown eyelashes), atopic dermatitis. Treatment of conjunctivitis alone in this case is unsuccessful. It is necessary to eliminate the original disease that caused the inflammation.


In accordance with the factor of occurrence, primary conjunctivitis is divided into two types - infectious and non-infectious. Infectious is caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoa that affect the membrane of the eye. In conditions of careful care of the pet and in the presence of routine vaccinations, infectious conjunctivitis is rare. Usually, the pathology develops due to other factors.

There are three types of conjunctivitis according to clinical signs.

  1. catarrhal. The most "mild" disease, characterized by watery, and then mucous discharge from the eyes. Often occurs due to allergies or irritation of the mucous membrane. It can turn into a chronic form with periodic exacerbation.
  2. Follicular. Often referred to as allergic conjunctivitis in dogs because allergic reactions are usually the cause. May occur due to advanced catarrhal conjunctivitis. Follicular conjunctivitis in dogs is characterized by enlarged lymph nodes that injure the cornea. The eyelid swells, small bubbles (follicles) appear. It is painful for the dog to blink, mucus or pus constantly comes out of the eyes. Requires surgical removal.
  3. Purulent. The eyelids of the pet become hot, the body temperature often rises, pus flows from the eyes - a viscous opaque mucus with an unpleasant odor. Purulent conjunctivitis in a dog often becomes a consequence of allergic conjunctivitis, which "awakens" pathogenic bacteria due to a decrease in immunity.

The disease can affect both eyes or one. Abundant discharge, redness of the eyes, frequent squinting - a reason to consult a veterinarian.


Regardless of the method of infection, common signs of conjunctivitis in dogs stand out. These include:

  • redness;
  • puffiness;
  • various selections;
  • frequent blinking;
  • bubble formation;
  • hair loss around the eyes.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in a dog are not always pronounced. Usually, depression, lethargy of the pet, lack of appetite, fever are noted. These symptoms may indicate other diseases. Suspicion of conjunctivitis should be caused by scratching the eyes (the dog itches with its paws or on furniture) and the fear of light, the desire to hide in a dark corner. Only close observation of the pet's behavior can reveal the development of the disease at an early stage.

A type of the disease is dry keratoconjunctivitis in a dog, which occurs due to insufficient tearing. One of the variants of advanced conjunctivitis often leads to the development of the disease. It also develops as a result of keratitis - inflammation of the cornea. It has additional signs: dryness, viscous yellowish discharge, darkening or clouding of the cornea.


If you do not treat conjunctivitis, the consequences will be disastrous. In addition to discomfort, itching, difficulty in seeing, the dog can get complete or partial blindness. Conjunctivitis at an early stage becomes chronic, more difficult to treat, and may result in surgical intervention. Which is better: dripping medicine into the eyes or sending your pet for surgery?

How to treat conjunctivitis in a dog

Treatment of catarrhal conjunctivitis in a dog should be under the supervision of a veterinarian. However, according to the reviews of the owners, when the first signs appear (tears, redness, blinking), the disease can be dealt with without contacting a specialist.

Folk remedies

If symptoms occur, the owner can prevent and treat conjunctivitis in a dog at home. First aid can be provided with folk remedies without the use of drugs. Follow just two steps.

  1. Washing. First of all, if conjunctivitis is suspected, it is necessary to wash the eyes. Use a soft, clean cloth to remove dirt. Then prepare a decoction of chamomile, calendula or rosemary. Purchase a special lotion from a veterinary pharmacy. You can also use a solution of furacilin or plain boiling water. Wet a cotton pad with warm liquid, gently wipe your eyes. Move from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Repeat several times a day.
  2. Quarantine. Protect your dog from frequent walks, especially in windy weather, and communication with other dogs. Carry out a wet cleaning in the apartment. Provide your pet with complete comfort - warmth, balanced nutrition, sleep.

If there are no positive changes or if the condition worsens after the measures taken, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.


For the selection of drugs, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis. Only a veterinarian can accurately determine the degree, type, characteristics of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment. If conjunctivitis is caused by an infection, then a course of antibiotics must be taken to kill the microorganisms. With severe suppuration, simple washing with water may not be effective. The veterinarian will prescribe anti-inflammatory lotions and ointments.

Not all drugs for humans are suitable for pets. You can not use albucid (another name is sodium sulfacyl), which is used to treat infectious diseases in adults and children. The liquid can burn the cornea of ​​the animal's eye and harm its health. Means used for recovery as prescribed by a doctor are described in the table.

Table - The main drugs for the treatment of conjunctivitis

MeansPreparation exampleApplication
Anti-inflammatory drops- "Tsiprovet";
- "Diamond eyes";
- "Teardrop";
- "Bars";
- "Iris";
- "Conjunctive";
- "Dekta";
- "Maxidin";
- "Sofradex";
- kanamycin
- Drip 1-4 drops up to 4 times a day;
- take a course until the symptoms disappear
Antibiotic ointments- "Conjunctivin";
- "Mizofen";
- "Optimmun";
- tetracycline (1%);
- chlortetracycline;
- etazol (30-50%)
- Lay on the lower eyelid and distribute over the eye shell;
- repeat up to 5 times a day;
- conduct a course of 7-10 days
Local anesthetics- "Lidocaine";
- "Novocain"
Drip a 2% solution 3-4 drops per day for no more than 5 days
Antipyretic of general action- "Vedaprofen" (gel);
- "Carprofen"
- Administer orally once a day;
- calculate dosage according to body weight

The dosage of each drug may vary. A consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

Effective is the latest development - an eye film. It is introduced into the conjunctiva with special tweezers. The film swells due to tears and envelops the eye, providing a therapeutic effect. It is not necessary to remove the film, it dissolves on its own.

In some cases, the systematic use of drugs of different types is required. Depending on the degree of the disease, it is necessary to relieve pain, swelling, cleanse the eye, and suppress the growth of bacteria. Therefore, you should complete the full course of treatment prescribed by your veterinarian.

Preventive actions

It is always better to prevent a disaster than to solve a problem that has arisen. Prevention of the development of the disease includes the following activities:

  • vaccinations - carry out routine vaccination;
  • care - wipe your eyes at least once a week with a damp swab;
  • creating comfort- exclude drafts, strong wind, smoke, chemical fumes;
  • safe walks- walk on the site without dust and thorny bushes;
  • restriction of communication- avoid contact with yard dogs and sick people.

Preventive measures will not completely eliminate the possible development of the disease, but will significantly reduce the risk of occurrence. Watch your pet. Examine the eye for tearing. Perhaps a blade of grass has fallen on the eyelid, which is easy to remove, preventing the development of pathology.

In the absence of proper experience, entrust the treatment of conjunctivitis in a dog to a veterinarian, regardless of the severity of the disease. Get all the necessary recommendations and strictly follow them. The health of the pet is the peace of mind of the owner. Do not forget to observe personal hygiene when treating an animal. Be sure to wash your hands after the procedure.

Conjunctivitis in dogs is a disease accompanied by inflammation of the ocular connective membrane, often characterized by a chronic form.

Treatment is difficult. A dog with conjunctivitis can lose its vision, or acquire other serious consequences, troubles.


They are quite diverse in conjunctivitis. In frequent cases, it occurs due to chemical or physical effects on the conjunctiva (transparent tissue that covers the eyes):

  • insects;
  • wool;
  • microorganisms;
  • sand;
  • grass;
  • due to ingrown eyelashes.

Exposure to gaseous substances, acrid smoke can lead to irritation. In the eyelids of the animal, an inflammatory process occurs in the cornea. Impaired flow of tears.

Often this leads to various allergic reactions, various kinds of viral, fungal infections. Conjunctivitis can also be secondary to:

Some breeds of dogs have a high predisposition, with bulging eyes - French Bulldogs, Pekingese.

These pets are very likely to get hurt. Other dogs tend to have a non-infectious onset of conjunctivitis, German Shepherds, for example.


They are classified into different forms. Signs are not the same. Let's take a closer look at each type.

  • Follicular- occur in the third century, or rather, on its inner surface of the formation of a dark red hue. The conjunctiva is inflamed. With this form, the disease can become chronic over the next few years.
  • catarrhal- acute, difficult to treat. The dog has serous discharge, lacrimation.
  • Purulent- the dog is overcome by a depressed state. It is distinguished by reddening of the conjunctiva, swelling of the eye, and liquid secretions. Then they acquire a thick, yellowish appearance.

At home

If you notice the first sign of illness, when tears begin to flow from the pet, then it will be necessary to wipe the eyes with a sterile cotton swab moistened with boiled water.

Do not apply physical activity to the dog, exclude the ingress of wind, dust, and various specks. "Is it possible to get conjunctivitis?" - you ask. Yes, it's real. Therefore, contact with other animals is also limited.

How to treat

If symptoms worsen, contact your veterinarian immediately. He will conduct an examination, prescribe the correct therapy: the use of antibiotic, anti-inflammatory liquids, ointments.

In some cases, drugs of general action are used.


  • sulfacyl sodium 10-20-30 percent;
  • levomycetin;
  • kanamycin;
  • sofradex.


  • tetracycline;
  • chlortetracycline;
  • etazol;
  • sulfacyl-sodium.

A mixture of dexazone-novocaine-hydrocortisone is used for large edema. Take care of your dogs, especially the puppy.

Take care, visit the veterinary clinic on time and this disease will not disturb your dog. What information do you have about conjunctivitis?


The conjunctiva is a sac-like cavity covering the underside of the eyelid and the sclera of the eye sphere. It is designed to protect the organ of vision from the ingress of foreign objects - dust particles, specks, drops of liquid. Inflammation of the conjunctiva is manifested by profuse outflow from the eyes and occurs mainly as a symptom of the underlying disease. Pathology can take a chronic course and lead to loss of vision.

The reasons

Among the diverse reasons for the occurrence of conjunctivitis are the following:

  • Primary. Are the result of exposure to chemical or physical factors:
  1. Eye contact with dust, sand, wool, particles of plants, small insects.
  2. Blockage of tear ducts.
  3. Irritation of tissues by smoke, corrosive gases and liquids.
  4. Eye injury.
  • Secondary. Occur as a result of the action of factors of infectious or non-infectious etiology:
  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Viral infection. The most pronounced conjunctivitis is with distemper in dogs.
  3. Chlamydia.
  4. Secondary infection with bacteria and pathological fungi.

Due to the anatomical features of the structure of the eye, dogs of some breeds are predisposed to the occurrence of this disease.


According to the rate of development of symptoms, acute and chronic conjunctivitis are distinguished. Depending on the nature of the discharge, the following varieties are classified:

  • catarrhal. Manifested by serous or mucous excretions. The conjunctiva is hyperemic, the eyelid swells. Watery discharge thickens, turning into mucous.
  • Purulent is a consequence of the infectious process. Hyperthermia develops, excretions become fetid.
  • Follicular. It is the result of hypertrophy of the lymph nodes of the intima of the conjunctiva.
  • Keratoconjunctivitis ("dry eye").


If the owner notices that the dog has watery eyes or cloudy discharge, it is necessary to rinse the eyes with a gauze swab dipped in boiled water, lotions prepared from medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort.

  • Anandin. Stimulates immune defense, has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Timogen, Maksidin. They boost immunity and help the body cope with conjunctivitis without the help of antibiotics.
  • The drug "Bars" is a mixture of the antiseptic Furacilin and the analgesic novocaine.
  • Antibiotic Gentamicin, healing ingredients - sodium pyrosulfate, polyvinylpyrrolidone, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid as part of eye drops "Iris" cure severe complications of keratoconjunctivitis.
  • Ciprovet containing ciprofloxacin destroys the microflora that caused purulent conjunctivitis.
  • are a mixture of Chlorhexidini bigluconas, taurine, succinic acid, used successfully in the treatment of this disease in dogs and cats.
  • The drugs Dekta-2, Lakrikan, Serko, Medkinoks are in demand.

At the discretion of the doctor, ointments can be used - tetracycline, etazol, as well as eye medicinal films - a mixture of antibiotics and a sulfanilamide preparation, which is placed in the conjunctival cavity using special tweezers. In order to prevent the dog from trying to rub its eyes with its paws, an Elizabethan collar is used. After performing therapeutic procedures, the dog handler needs to wash their hands, because some types of microorganisms in the dog's eye can cause conjunctivitis in humans.

During treatment procedures, it is necessary to stop physical activity and not walk the pet in dry windy weather. If the cause of conjunctivitis is a blockage of the lacrimal duct, surgery is indicated. With the follicular form, surgical treatment is also indispensable.


You should not let your pet play in a dusty area, in a meadow or in a park where there are a lot of thorny plants and small midges. Shut off the dog's contact with irritants that can cause an allergic response. Provide your pet with complete nutrition with balanced factory-prepared feed. In order for the dog not to get sick with the plague, it must be vaccinated in a timely manner.

This is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the lymphatic follicles of the mucous membrane. Follicular conjunctivitis in dogs is often a complication of other forms, usually catarrhal, allergic. So named because formation of follicles filled with pus. Other symptoms are typical of conjunctivitis.

The reasons for the development of the disease are:

  • injury from sand, branches, grains;
  • burn from ultraviolet rays;
  • dusty air, smoke;
  • unsanitary conditions;
  • ingress of various substances (household chemicals, building dust);
  • allergy to paints, pollen.

There were no cases when bacterial or viral infection of the eyes led to follicular inflammation. But it can develop as an addition to more dangerous diseases, for example, with, or infections.

Important that follicular inflammation develops as a complication of catarrhal conjunctivitis. That is, it is almost always secondary. This disease is typical for young dogs up to a year old, most often due to pedigree.

Symptoms of the disease

Both eyes are usually affected, but with varying degrees of intensity. Initially, the disease proceeds according to the catarrhal type of inflammation, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • photophobia;
  • conjunctiva;
  • blepharospasm;
  • mucous discharge from the eye;
  • soreness of the conjunctiva and eyelids.

Then the disease progresses to follicular conjunctivitis. may remain mucous, or may become mucopurulent transparent gray, its amount may be large or small, it all depends on the severity of the inflammation. When the follicles are connected to the process, the third eyelid becomes like a raspberry, it is red, completely covered with “warts”. The eyelids swell, in severe cases, their torsion is possible, which leads to inflammation of the cornea. If the disease is not treated, then there are ulcers on the cornea.

Read also: Fracture in a dog: types, symptoms and treatment

Treatment of follicular conjunctivitis

When the first signs appear, it is necessary to start cleaning the sore eye with a cotton ball, wetting it in a decoction of chamomile. It is forbidden to use one ball twice, even in the absence of visible traces of contamination. It would be useful to limit walks with your pet so that he does not catch an infection, and so that the disease is not complicated by purulent inflammation.

With the further development of the disease and the intensification of symptoms, you should definitely contact your veterinarian for the correct prescription of treatment. Of the drugs, drops or ointments containing antibiotics are mainly prescribed. These can be drops of 10%, 20% and 30% sulfacyl sodium solution or 25% sofradex solution 4-5 times a day.

Of the ointments, the following are used:

  • chlortetracycline ointment;
  • 30% sulfacyl sodium;
  • tetracycline ointment;
  • ointment containing 30-50% etazol.

A novelty in the world of veterinary medicine was ophthalmic medicinal films developed by E.P. Kopenkin. Their structure includes kanamycin, neomycin, sulfapyridazine sodium. Apply them by introducing into the conjunctival sac once a day. Upon contact with a tear, the film swells, attaching to the conjunctiva. Then they dissolve, giving nutrients to the mucous membrane.

A veterinarian can perform an operation to remove the follicle:

  • First, anesthesia is done using 10% novocaine.
  • Soft-toothed tweezers push the eyelid back.
  • The swollen follicles are “extinguished” with a silver nitrate wand (while not touching the cornea).
  • Then immediately wash the conjunctiva with an isotonic solution to wash away the remnants of silver nitrate.

Usually 4-5 treatments are enough. In the presence of large follicles, surgical removal of them can be used, but it is not desirable, as it leads to a curvature of the eyelid.

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