Oats unpeeled good. Oats: healing properties and contraindications

How to boil oats? If you have found yourself on this page, then most likely you are interested in the question of how to properly prepare a medicinal decoction of oats in order to preserve all the healing properties of this miraculous medicine from nature to the maximum.

Your immune system suffers... Oats are the greatest remedy for raising the body's defenses. It is given to weakened and emaciated patients, with anemia and colds, with chronic inflammatory diseases of the internal organs: lungs, stomach, bladder, liver, gallbladder. Oats, as a medicine, are suitable for both adults and children. Whole treatises can be written about the beneficial properties of this culture, but the topic of today's post

How to boil oats

You will need to prepare:

  • Unpeeled oat grains;
  • Thermos;
  • Sieve, saucepan and tablespoon.

I bought unpeeled oats in a pharmacy, a bag of 400g. There is a packaging of 200g., You can take it. For the first brew, you have enough for your eyes, as we need 8 tablespoons. But, assuming that you should drink such a decoction for at least one month, then you can safely stock up on several packages at once.

We will prepare at the rate of 8 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter of water. You can cook a double portion, but I don’t recommend cooking a lot at once, since it’s more useful to take a fresh and hot decoction “from the pool with heat”.

And so, we pour 8 tbsp. spoons in a sieve and thoroughly rinse the oats under running water. Just don't use a colander, as all your oats run the risk of ending up in the sink.

After 5 minutes, turn off the broth and pour it into a thermos along with oat grains. We close the thermos and leave our medicine to infuse for 7-8 hours.

In 7 hours our medicine will be ready. At the exit, you get a cloudy brownish broth, do not be alarmed, this is exactly what a properly brewed oatmeal broth should be.

Here's one:

Take ½ cup hot 20-30 minutes before meals, at least 4 times a day. Store the broth should be in the refrigerator, heated before use in a water bath, but not in the microwave.

And do not throw away those grains that you have left in your thermos after brewing. Pour boiling water there, close the thermos and leave for another two hours. Use the resulting water to wash and moisturize your face, you can add a little more decoction from the refrigerator to make the solution stronger.

Now you know how to brew oats correctly using a thermos. But oat grains can also be brewed with milk - this is an excellent remedy for bronchitis to cleanse the lungs. You can learn how to cleanse your lungs with oats from this.

In conclusion, I would like to say: "drink oats and never get sick."

Thank you for being with us!

Hello dear readers. For the treatment of any disease, a special remedy is required, the action of which will be directed only to the treatment of a specific ailment. But there are also universal remedies that can simultaneously act on different systems of the body, eliminating problems in their work. Just such means include oats, from which we will prepare a medicinal decoction. It is this plant that is part of many medicines, which not everyone can afford. By itself, oats are inexpensive, which means that by preparing such a versatile decoction, you can save quite a lot. The grains of this plant are a real storehouse of substances useful for our body, which give us a huge boost of energy. This is exactly what the body weakened by the disease needs.

Don't want to spend money on expensive medicines? So, you need to figure out how to cook a really effective decoction of oats at home.

There are some tips for preparing such a remedy that will make the cooking process not as complicated as it might seem at the beginning.

Let's get acquainted with such a tool as a decoction of oats - medicinal properties. How to boil oats?

Oat decoction - medicinal properties. How to boil oats

Probably everyone knows such a product as oatmeal. We make oatmeal from it, which provides us with a huge supply of energy for the whole day. Everyone loves such breakfasts, as the dish can be supplemented with dried fruits, honey and even fresh fruits.

But cooking dishes from whole grain oats is much less common. The process of preparing such a product requires a little more time, which is why it is not so popular.

If you cook porridge from oats every day, you may be too lazy, then you just have to cook a decoction of oats. The action of such a decoction extends to many diseases that we are accustomed to treating exclusively with medicines.

Of course, serious diseases require combined treatment, which includes drug therapy, supported by folk remedies.

Properly prepared decoction will help our body get rid of the following diseases:







Gastric ulcer.


In addition, this tool improves metabolism, which is also an important condition in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Well, probably everyone knows that oats have a beneficial effect on our figure. Therefore, such decoctions will also be useful for everyone who wants to lose weight.

It is oatmeal that helps strengthen the heart and vascular walls, which significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. Its rich vitamin composition will help increase the level of immunity, which is significantly reduced in the cold season.

Despite its ability to improve metabolism, the product itself is quite high in calories. The thing is that the grains are not cleaned from the husk, which just contains a large amount of nutrients.

By using whole grains of oats, we get a really healing remedy that will help get rid of many diseases.

Recipes for oatmeal for the liver, stomach, pancreatitis, cough

In general, there are a lot of recipes. They differ in that each remedy is intended for the treatment of a specific disease.

1. To cleanse the liver

Such a decoction is usually called "classic". A decoction of oats, due to its ability to speed up the metabolism, helps to cleanse the body of all harmful substances that have accumulated in it.

As you know, our liver acts as a filter that collects all the toxins that only poison the body. But this does not mean that the liver retains all these harmful substances. It is regularly cleansed, keeping the body functioning healthy.

But it happens that our “filter” fails, which means that we have to take liver cleansers. One of the best remedies is considered to be a decoction of oats, with the recipe for which we will now get acquainted.

We will need one glass of oats, which must be filled with water in advance. We leave the oats to infuse overnight. Next, put the cereal on a slow fire, bring to a boil, and boil for about half an hour.

After the time has elapsed, remove the pan from the stove and wrap it with a warm towel. After our broth has been infused, it is necessary to strain it through gauze, and, in fact, you can begin treatment. The remedy is taken in half a glass before meals. The course of treatment is about two months.

2. For the stomach

As a rule, the stomach suffers due to the wrong food, which we all love so much. We are used to "snacking" on the go, because it is convenient, completely forgetting about a full meal.

Against the background of inadequate, and sometimes untimely food intake, the stomach begins to let us down, giving the first symptoms. Against the background of such an improper diet, gastritis develops, followed by a stomach ulcer.

We wash the grains and let them dry a little, spreading them in a thin layer on a towel. For a decoction, we need half a glass of crushed grains, which need to be poured with 500 ml of water.

We put the pot with the future broth on a slow fire and boil for about half an hour. During the cooking process, it is necessary to constantly stir the porridge, otherwise it may “escape”.

After the broth has cooled, it is necessary to carefully strain it through cheesecloth. If the volume of the broth turned out to be less than half a liter, then you can fill in the missing plain boiled water. The product will resemble jelly, so water will have to be added anyway.

The prepared liquid is divided into three equal parts. This amount of broth is designed for only one day, so it will have to be cooked every day. It is taken half an hour before a meal.

If you prepared the remedy in the evening, then it is better to send it to the refrigerator at night. Such a remedy envelops the walls of the stomach, which contributes to the rapid healing of ulcers and cracks.

3. With pancreatitis

A disease such as pancreatitis can also occur with interruptions in meals. Most often, it is overeating that causes such a problem.

It is thanks to this that the digestive organs are not overloaded, which means that the pancreas has time to perform its functions.

The preparation of the decoction begins with washing the grains of oats, which will require only a glass. We place the raw materials in a saucepan, and fill it with water. We leave our grains to infuse for the night, after which we put the pan on the fire. The product should cook for about 30 minutes.

Remove the bowl from the stove and leave overnight. If the volume of the prepared product does not reach one liter, then you can dilute it with water. The remedy is used 150 g three times a day before meals.

4. For insomnia

A single failure in sleep mode is a normal phenomenon that occurs from time to time in every person. But the regular lack of sleep is already a pathology that needs to be treated.

A decoction of oats not only calms, but also strengthens the nervous system. Regular use of such a remedy contributes to the return of normal sound sleep, which every person needs.

We need a pound of oat grains, which we fill with a liter of boiling water and send to a slow fire. Half an hour after boiling, remove the pan from the heat and let the product cool slightly. You need to take the remedy exactly one hour before bedtime.

5. Strengthening decoction

From time to time, our immune system can weaken, which means that at such times we should take care of our health. A weakened immune system can lead to the development of new diseases that can cause permanent damage to your health.

A decoction rich in vitamins will help restore your immunity, which means protecting the body from the penetration of various infections into it.

We need a glass of cereal, which needs to be filled with water. Immediately put the dish on the fire and cook for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, remove our broth from the stove and let it cool slightly.

Strain the broth and mix with milk. Put the mixture back on the fire and bring to a boil. We supplement the finished broth with three tablespoons of honey.

6. From smoking

A huge number of people suffer from such a problem, most of whom, in fact, do not consider this a problem. One way or another, such a habit is harmful to health, which means that you need to get rid of it.

In order to get rid of an annoying habit, it is necessary to prepare a decoction based on 50 g of oats, rye and barley. Pour the prepared mixture with two glasses of water and boil for ten minutes.

We filter the finished infusion, and begin to take it three times a day. Regular intake of such a remedy will help get rid of such a bad habit.

7. Anti-cough

Such a remedy is not only useful, but also tasty, since raisins and honey are added to a simple broth. It is recommended to use a decoction for respiratory diseases. It will be effective for inflammation of the lungs and various types of coughs.

Two tablespoons of oat grains are mixed with raisins, which will also require two tablespoons, and one and a half liters of purified water is added. Boil the mixture over low heat.

We filter the broth and add a spoonful of liquid honey to it. The remedy is taken at least three times a day. The course of treatment will be completed only when improvements are noticeable.

8. Milk decoction of oats against cough

Such a remedy is taken for dry and wet cough, which lasts more than two weeks. The decoction contributes to the discharge of sputum, so that recovery occurs much faster.

A decoction is prepared on the basis of one glass of washed oats, which must be poured with milk and boiled for one hour. Add oil and honey to it. It is recommended to drink the remedy in hot form, because only in this way it is possible to warm the respiratory organs.

It is advisable to take the remedy at night so that the body warms up properly and the body sweats. Thus, the process of sputum discharge is greatly accelerated.

It is best to store a thermos with a decoction in the refrigerator. Indeed, due to the presence of milk in the broth, the product can simply turn sour.

We are accustomed to being treated only with the help of pharmaceutical drugs that promise us a speedy recovery. But we began to forget that alternative medicine is no less effective than traditional medicine.

A decoction of oats not only normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, but also helps to cope with the symptoms of colds. Such a tool normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system, and also speeds up the metabolism. If you wish, you can say goodbye to diseases that have tormented you for many years in just a few weeks.

The main thing here is to properly prepare a remedy that will help your body get rid of a particular disease.

But do not forget that the treatment of any disease should be carried out comprehensively, so you should not rely on one decoction either. Medicines should also be connected, which will act as the main treatment.

In the menu of a modern person, oats occupy a very small place. The maximum that we do is very rarely and with great reluctance we eat oatmeal, and even less often - muesli, which may contain oatmeal. Owners of domestic cats still occasionally buy their pets special cat grass, which most often turns out to be germinated oats. This is practically all the use of a wonderful cereal with an ancient history. However, oats have been used in folk medicine for a long time and very successfully.

The benefits of oats for the body

Oats are an annual cereal plant, widely distributed in countries with a temperate climate. The characteristic loose panicle of oats contains small oblong grains with a very rich composition. This is what made this cereal so popular for medical purposes.

Grains and even oat straw contain many useful substances. They found a special enzyme that promotes better absorption of carbohydrates. Thanks to this, a person is saturated much faster. This property and rich composition, the ability to cleanse the intestines and quickly saturate, made it possible to use oats for weight loss. A small portion of porridge gives a quick feeling of satiety without overloading the stomach.

The composition of the seed includes a huge amount of useful substances: phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, zinc, iron, as well as vitamins, including such an important B vitamin as biotin (vitamin B3). It gives the body and mind the necessary energy, so eating oatmeal in the morning is the healthiest and most beneficial breakfast.

Oats contain essential amino acids, including one of the most important for the human body - methionine.

This grain has a slimy substance that, when boiled, gives a special slimy texture to the porridge. Thanks to this, oatmeal or oatmeal jelly envelops the walls of the stomach, helping to get rid of gastritis and stomach ulcers. The beneficial composition also affects the condition of the skin, cleansing them from various rashes and even eczema. In addition, oatmeal has a cleansing effect on the body, removing accumulated toxins from it.

This set of remarkable properties has made oats very popular in traditional medicine, and besides, it is an easily accessible product.

Oat based recipes

Many different healing products are made from this grain. Oil, decoction and infusion of oats are obtained, grain is used for food and for feeding animals, and oat straw is an excellent remedy for the treatment of skin diseases.

Important! For treatment, high-quality grain is used, so you need to buy it in trusted places. If in the soaked grain more than 2% floats on the surface of the water, it has an unpleasant odor, is covered with mold, then it is not suitable for use as a medicine.

For the liver and pancreas

Due to our wrong lifestyle and diet, the liver and pancreas are especially affected. The liver takes the brunt, processing and cleaning everything that enters the digestive tract. Therefore, cleansing the liver with oats is a very useful procedure performed using natural remedies.

For this, several recipes are used. For example, this method is the most popular. Take 2 - 3 cups of unrefined quality grain purchased at a specialized store, pour it with three liters of clean water and boil it over low heat for three hours. The broth is periodically stirred, and after readiness, it is not just filtered, but also squeezed the cooked grain very well. The resulting decoction is drunk 150 ml twice a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is designed for two to three weeks.

Treatment of the liver with oats can be performed by another method. Two glasses of unpeeled grain are poured with a liter of boiling water and infused in a thick-walled saucepan, or even better - in a thermos for several hours. Strained infusion is taken in half a glass 30 minutes before a meal.

All oat products are perfectly combined with milk and natural honey - these delicious ingredients perfectly complement the healing properties of this healing plant.

For pancreatitis, the following recipe is applicable: clean, sorted grains are poured with boiled water and placed in heat. After a few days, the sprouted grain is washed, dried and ground into flour. A tablespoon of flour is stirred in a glass of water, the mixture is boiled for a couple of minutes, insisted for an hour and the entire volume is drunk once. It is necessary to take the remedy until the complete disappearance of the disease.

For joints

Treatment of joints with oats at home is quite possible and quite effective, because. herbal preparations can help even with arthritis. To do this, take in equal quantities oat straw, hay (rot) and pine branches. With this mixture, two-thirds of the height of the pan is filled with its volume, poured with water and boiled for 30 minutes, insisted for 20 minutes. After that, you will need a sheet, cotton socks and gloves. All this is thoroughly wetted in a decoction, the fabric is wrung out.

Put socks and gloves on hands and feet, wrap the sheet up to the armpit. The patient needs to lie in bed under a warm blanket for at least two hours. Repeat the procedure every day for at least a month, and even better - two.

Important! Whole oatmeal is used for medicinal purposes. Food oatmeal, "Hercules" are not suitable for this.

For the stomach

Traditional medicine knows how to brew oats to treat the stomach. To do this, take half a glass of grain, wash it well, pour half a liter of purified water and insist half a day. Then everything is boiled for half an hour under the lid, they insist for another half a day. Dilute with water to half a liter and take 100 ml three times a day before meals.

From diabetes

Treatment of diabetes with oats at home is carried out according to the following recipe: take a glass of pure whole grains and fill it with a liter of water overnight. In the morning, cook under the lid until half of the liquid has evaporated. Before meals, drink half a glass of broth about two or three times a day. Store the resulting product in the refrigerator, drink at room temperature.
Also, in diabetes, decoctions of oat straw or fresh green grass of this medicinal plant are used.

against bronchitis

Treatment with infusion of oats is also used for bronchitis, especially in the presence of a dry, choking cough. To do this, take a glass of thoroughly washed unpeeled oatmeal, pour it with a liter of milk and keep it on very low heat for one to three hours. The milk will change its color to yellow. Then 50 grams of high-quality butter and a tablespoon of natural honey are put into the mixture for each glass of milk. During the day, you need to drink half a glass of the remedy. Take the drug up to 6 times a day, a prerequisite is taking a glass of liquid at night.

Other Healthy Recipes

Oat oil is obtained by extraction at a low temperature, so that it retains all its beneficial properties. It contains a huge amount of vitamin A and E, and these are powerful antioxidants and anti-aging agents. Retinoids help to cope with skin problems, and ingestion of oil can resist ulcers, vision problems, remove sand from the kidneys. Externally, the oil is used for cramps, as an excellent addition to anti-aging cosmetics, and also as an excellent natural sunscreen.

At home, you can treat the kidneys with oats. The green part of oats can cope with urolithiasis. Young and fresh shoots are cut, and the greens are crushed and filled with a glass container. Fill the container with grass with vodka and put in a dark and warm place for 2-3 weeks, shaking occasionally. Drink tincture of 20 or 30 drops, diluting them in a spoonful of water (table). Drink three times a day before meals.

Proper preparation and storage of decoction in a thermos

To get a useful product, you need to know how to properly brew oats. It is best to do this in a thermos, that is, steam the oats, and not boil them. At the same time, more vitamins and other useful substances are preserved, and the percentage of extraction remains very high.

The grain is most often taken unhulled, whole, thoroughly washed beforehand, dried and placed in a thermos. It is poured with boiling water, tightly closed and left to infuse for at least an hour. For some recipes, it will be necessary to withstand the grain for three hours or even a day. After that, the mixture is not filtered immediately, but first the soaked grain is thoroughly squeezed out. Healing mucus and useful elements are released from it. Only after that the composition can be filtered. It may have a yellowish or milky tint, slightly slimy texture. This is a very useful remedy for the body.


Despite all the benefits of oats, there are a small number of contraindications to its use as a medicine:

  • Allergic reactions. In its pure form, an allergy to oats is very rare, mainly a reaction to the gluten content in the grain.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Severe forms of cholecystitis.
  • Resection of the gallbladder.
  • In severe liver diseases, consultation with your doctor is necessary before using oatmeal treatment.

Do not exceed the dosage and the optimal duration of treatment.

In general, oats are very beneficial for health, but when treating them, the patient should listen to the reactions of his body, especially in the presence of severe chronic pathologies.

Important! With long-term use, oats, including oatmeal, are able to bind calcium, so it can be dangerous in the presence of severe osteoporosis. Do not abuse the monotonous diet, introducing fruits, berries, milk and cottage cheese into oatmeal. It's both tastier and healthier.

The healing properties of the "horse" cereal should attract more attention, because. preparing a medicine from oats is not difficult at all, it is cheap, and the health benefits are enormous.

Oats, by right, can be called a medicinal plant, and a decoction of oats concentrates all its beneficial properties.

A decoction of oats improves metabolism in the body, is useful for anemia, nephritis, pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, hepatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis, regardless of the state of acidity of gastric juice.

The secret to the high value of oat broth lies in the use of whole unpeeled grains.

All substances contained in the shell of the grains and in the grain itself pass into the decoction and have the most favorable effect on the body. The abundance of mineral salts of the most valuable micro and macro elements: zinc, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, silicon, fluorine, iodine, together with a complex of vitamins: A, E, K, group B, saturates the body, restores metabolism, improves metabolism.

Also, oat broth contains proteins rich in valuable essential amino acids (lysine, tryptophan), essential oils, fats, carbohydrates.

How to make a decoction of oats

There are many recipes for making a decoction of unpeeled oats. Let's consider a few of them:

A decoction of oats to cleanse the liver. You need 1 cup of unpeeled (with husks), thoroughly washed oats, pour one liter of clean water.

Insist 12 hours. Put on low heat, bring to a boil and boil for 30 minutes with the lid tightly closed. Remove from heat, wrap and leave for 12 hours. Strain. Take 20 minutes before meals three times a day, 100 ml (half a cup) for 2 months. A break of 1 month and again a course of 2 months. So throughout the year.

This decoction has a beneficial effect on the activity of the liver, improves the condition of hepatitis, improves the functioning of the gallbladder and the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

It should be noted that the healing effect of the decoction depends on the quality and purity of the water used. It must be really clean - either distilled, or passed through a quality filter, or purified by freezing with melt water.

A decoction of oats for the stomach. Rinse unpeeled oat grains (with husks), spread out in a thin layer and dry. Then grind the grains in a blender or in a coffee grinder. Pour half a glass of crushed grains with half liters of water and bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 20-30 minutes. Follow the "process", otherwise, the broth easily "runs away" when boiling, like milk.

After cooling, it is good to squeeze the broth through gauze. Bring the volume to 0.5 - 0.6 liters with boiled purified water. Get a slimy decoction in the form of jelly. Divide into three doses per day. Drink half an hour before meals.

If the broth is prepared in the evening, then at night it should be placed in the refrigerator, and warmed up before taking.

Such a decoction of oats has an enveloping effect, protects the stomach in case of gastritis and ulcers, gives efficiency and increases potency in men.

1 cup of washed oats with husks pour 1 liter of milk and cook for 1 hour over low heat. After straining, drink hot, adding oil and honey. A decoction can be taken throughout the day instead of tea, especially at night, with pneumonia (pneumonia). You can not store a decoction of oats in a thermos, as it quickly turns sour.

For pneumonia, bronchitis and cough treatment for colds, a decoction of oats is recommended: 2 tbsp. spoons of oats mixed with the same amount of raisins and pour 1.5 liters of water. Simmer under a lid or simmer in the oven until half of the liquid has evaporated. In the strained broth add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of natural honey.

Take several times a day.

A decoction of oats with elecampane root and honey. For the prevention of coronary heart disease, you can take a drink from oats, elecampane root and honey. You will need 70 grams of elecampane roots, 30 grams of honey, 50 grams of oats and 0.5 liters of water. Sort and rinse the oats, cover it with cold water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and insist for 3-4 hours.

Pour the crushed roots of elecampane with oatmeal, boil and leave for 2 hours. Then strain, add honey. The drink is drunk ½ cup 2-3 times a day before meals.

No less useful is Dr. Izotov's oatmeal jelly, obtained by fermenting oatmeal with kefir sticks, and those who want to lose weight and cleanse their intestines with oats can try the oatmeal diet.

There are no contraindications to treatment with oat decoction, as such. Individual intolerance is possible. With stones in the gallbladder, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Heal and be healthy!

Oats, the benefits and harms of which have long been used in the folk healing traditions of different peoples, are today most in demand in cooking. It is very common in Europe and temperate countries, as the crop is productive in such conditions. Porridges, kissels and kvass made from this cereal are suitable for the treatment of a wide range of diseases of internal organs and systems.

From this article you will learn:

Oats and other types

Oats - useful properties and uses

Oats is a widespread genus of herbaceous annual plants, part of the Bluegrass (Grass) family. The most popular representative of the genus is Oats. It is actively cultivated as a fodder and food crop.

According to the current botanical classification, about 20 species are included in the genus, which mainly grow and are cultivated in South and North America and European countries. In economic terms, the most important species is oats, and the rest are classified as weeds. The most harmful of them is oatmeal.

The advantages of sowing oats include unpretentiousness and high climatic resistance. At the same time, it has a relatively short growing season - from 11 to 18 weeks. Seed germination occurs at a temperature of +3˚C, and sprouted sprouts are able to tolerate short-term frosts. This allows you to successfully grow crops in the northern regions of the Russian Federation, in the Urals and in Siberia.

The appearance of oats

An annual plant at the peak of vegetation can reach a height of 0.5-1.7 meters, always has bare nodes. The type of root system is fibrous. The stems are straws up to 6 mm thick with 2-4 nodes. The leaves have a gray or green color, the next order, rough to the touch. The length of the sheet can even be 45 cm, and the width - up to 3 cm.

Small flowers are collected in 2-3 pieces in spikelets, from which, most often, a sprawling panicle is obtained. The lower flowers may be awned, but sometimes there are plants in which all flowers are awnless. The scales of the ears reach a length of 25 mm, outwardly noticeable due to the fact that they have a longer length than that of a flower. The spikelets have a bare awn, and the flowers do not have articulations. Oats bloom throughout the summer.

This type of oats in agriculture is divided into two varieties:

  • Filmy. It occupies the main part of the cultivated area, as it is characterized by high productivity.
  • Naked. Not widely distributed due to lower productivity, as well as greater demands on growing conditions. The grain of this variety is easily threshed.

The filmy sowing oats have a spreading panicle, while the naked oats have a single-mane. Differences are also hidden in the color of the flakes and the awning of the grain. The most common forms of hulled oats in cultivation are aurea, aristata and mutica.

cultural history

The east-northern regions of China and the territory of modern Mongolia are considered the historical homeland of oats. The cultivation and processing of this plant was started on these lands later than the cultivation of barley or wheat. Historians believe that then oats had a reputation as a weed that littered allotments with spelt. However, it was not destroyed, but processed along with the main culture, since the Chinese and Mongols already in the 2nd millennium BC. was known about the beneficial properties of oats. With the spread of agriculture to the north, the heat-loving spelt lost its relevance, and they became interested in oats as the main crop. Such a hypothesis was put forward by N. I. Vavilov, when she saw the clogging of spelled crops with oats during a trip to Iran, where it is not found in a cultural form.

European traces of oat crops date back to the Bronze Age. They were found in what is now Denmark, Switzerland and France. Written evidence of culture is found in the Dieichs records (4th century BC), as well as the writings of Pliny the Elder. The latter noted that the Greeks and Romans laughed at the fact that the Germans made porridge from oats, because they saw in this plant only a fodder purpose.

Documentary evidence of the cultivation of oats in England dates back to the end of the 8th century. It is known that for many centuries oat cakes were part of the main diet of the inhabitants of Scotland and neighboring regions. The oldest cereological document, The Devil Reaper, depicts the devil making circles in an oat field. In the 16th century, they learned to brew beer on the basis of oats in Nuremberg and Hamburg breweries, although before it was forbidden to use any cereals for this purpose, except for barley.

In Rus', they actively used oats not only for feed, but also making oatmeal from it for consumption. It is known that jelly was made on the basis of cereal. The plant was brought to North America by Scottish settlers, the first place to grow it was the Elizabeth Islands.

Whole oats: production in the countries of the world

Oat cultivation is well developed in temperate countries in both hemispheres. The colder the climate of the area, the greater the share it takes in the crop rotation, since the number of competing crops is reduced. However, the plant still does not take the main role in agriculture. Even in Canada, a purely northern country, oat production volumes are significantly inferior to wheat, corn and even soybeans. On the other hand, it is significant that in the top three most productive countries for this product is Finland, which is distinguished by its harsh climate and small area, and Sweden is in the top ten.

According to the data of the UN International Food Organization for 2013, the following countries are the leaders in terms of oat grain production in the world (million tons):

  1. Russian Federation: 4.93.
  2. Canada: 3.9.
  3. Finland: 1,197.
  4. Poland: 1.19.
  5. Australia: 1.12.
  6. UK: 0.964
  7. Spain: 0.958.
  8. USA: 0.938.
  9. Sweden: 0.85.
  10. Chile: 0.68.

This list reflects the unpretentiousness of the culture to summer heat, resistance to low temperatures and rains. Approximately one-fifth of all world oat acreage is in Russia, slightly less in Canada. In Belarus, Finland and Poland, cereal is one of the key grain crops. Today's technologies for planting and caring for oats increase the average world yield to 50-55 c/ha, although in Russia it is 20-21 c/ha.

What is the use of oats: application in different areas

Oat grain is used in cooking, medicine, agriculture and alcohol production. Oatmeal, flakes, oatmeal, flour and raw materials for coffee drinks are made from it. Flour is used in confectionery and bakery production. Grains flattened into flakes are used as a separate product or added to muesli. Due to the presence of starch, any oat offal is suitable for cooking jelly.

Oat grain is used in the creation of concentrated food mixtures for animals and animal feed. In addition, the culture is cultivated for green fodder with legumes or separately. Oat straw is used as a coarse vegetable feed.

Oat seeds are included in sports nutrition, are used in many folk medical recipes and homeopathic practices. In the pharmaceutical industry, the main derivative of oats is an alcoholic tincture, which is taken as a sedative. Pomace, extracts and oils of oat grains can be used in the production of cosmetic preparations.

Oat grains and malt are used in the brewing industry. From this cereal comes a soft and aromatic beer, similar to kvass or barley varieties of the drink. Rarely, cereal is used in the distillation of moonshine or alcohol for vodka. The last production of oat whiskey was closed in 1975.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The taste of oat grains is distinguished by a slight bitterness and a mild smell, which is familiar to many by the way cereals smell. When infested with pests, the smell can acquire a herring, wormwood, honey or garlic hue. If the grain has been damaged during harvesting or sprouted, its taste will become slightly sweet. When fats are oxidized due to inappropriate storage conditions - rancid. Quality oats should also be free of musty or moldy odors, dull surface finish, and dark spots.

The nutritional value is represented by the following proportions (per 100 g):

  • proteins: 10%;
  • fat: 6.2%;
  • carbohydrates: 55%;
  • dietary fiber: 12%;
  • water: 13.5%;
  • calories: 316 kcal.

The mass fraction of ash substances in the whole raw oat grain is 3-4%. Among them, vitamins have the following content (in parentheses, % of the average daily intake):

  • vitamin A - 3 mcg (0.3%);
  • thiamine (B1) - 0.47 mg (31%);
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.12 mg (6.7%);
  • choline (B4) - 110 mg (22%);
  • pantothenic acid (B5) - 1 mg (20%);
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 0.26 mg (13%);
  • folates (B9) - 27 mcg (6.8%);
  • alpha-tocopherol (E) - 1.4 mg (9.3%);
  • biotin (H) - 15 mcg (30%) $
  • vitamin PP - 4 mg (20%).
  • potassium - 421 mg;
  • calcium - 117 mg;
  • silicon - 1000 mg;
  • magnesium - 135 mcg;
  • sodium - 37 mg;
  • sulfur - 96 mg;
  • phosphorus - 361 mg;
  • chlorine - 119 mg;
  • iron - 5.5 mg;
  • iodine - 7.5 mcg;
  • cobalt - 8 mcg;
  • manganese - 5.25 mg;
  • copper - 600 mcg;
  • molybdenum - 39 mcg;
  • selenium - 23.8 mcg;
  • fluorine - 117 mcg;
  • chromium - 12.8 mcg;
  • zinc - 3.61 mg.

Among the 55% carbohydrates that are present in the composition, only 1.1% are sugars. The rest is starch. In addition, oatmeal contains 12 essential and 8 non-essential amino acids. Almost all fatty acids belong to the Omega-6 group, and 100 grams of grain cover half the daily need for this type of acid.

Medicinal properties of oats for the body

The rich chemical composition of oat grains determines the various beneficial qualities of the product. Depending on the processing method, oats can be used to cleanse the liver, gallbladder, or pancreas. But the benefits of oats brewed in a thermos are more extensive, and consist of the following positive actions:

  • iron helps restore healthy blood composition;
  • copper disinfects the blood, stabilizes its composition;
  • potassium heals blood vessels, stabilizes the work of the heart, and also ensures a healthy water-salt balance in the body;
  • magnesium increases the overall tone of the nervous system, improves its interaction with other organs and systems;
  • phosphorus strengthens the musculoskeletal system, helps to establish metabolic processes;
  • selenium and calcium perform antioxidant processing of tissues and organic fluids;
  • B vitamins improve the efficiency of metabolic processes, stimulate nutrition and metabolism at the cellular level.

Two dozen amino acids are actively involved in the work of the endocrine system, thereby increasing the overall physical and psycho-emotional tone of the body. The work of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland is also improved due to the intake of iodine and manganese.

The addition of oats to the diet contributes to the normalization of cholesterol and fat metabolism. The complex of minerals stabilizes cardiac activity, strengthens muscles, makes blood vessels elastic and permeable. The mineral salts and compounds that make up the composition also have a positive effect on brain work, the activity of the kidneys, liver, and pancreas.

Oats: benefits and harms for digestion

The basis of the effect of oats on the body is due to the high content of dietary fiber and soluble fiber. The first ones clean the stomach and intestines from food residues. In its action, the swollen fibrous mass is similar to a brush - it passes through the digestive cavities and pushes food debris out of them. This prevents decay, due to which the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed. The mechanical action of the fibers enhances the blood supply to the intestinal walls, which increases the efficiency of the absorption of nutrients and provokes peristalsis of the muscles of the organ.

Beta-glucan, or soluble fiber, becomes a thick, mucus-like mass after it enters the stomach. It envelops the walls of the organs, protecting them from the irritating action of the digestive juice. This effect is important for patients with gastritis, both hypoacid and hyperacid.

Oats, the benefits and contraindications of which are determined by the same factors, can be harmful to those who suffer from digestive ailments. Dietary fiber in large volumes can be an overwhelming task for weakened or diseased organs.

The benefits and harms of oats when used for weight loss

Oatmeal, cereals and oatmeal are among the products that are recommended for addition to the diet. The positive characteristic of the product consists of the cleansing and stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which is described in the previous section.

In addition, oatmeal has a high calorie content, which makes it easy to get saturated with it. The low fat content helps the body to use the stored reserves. At the same time, a diverse vitamin and mineral composition prevents a severe deficiency of certain nutrients.

The benefits of oats brewed according to a specific recipe are most pronounced in the diet. Oat infusion and brew are also considered more beneficial options for using cereal in traditional medicine. For dietary broth, you need to take only unpeeled whole grains. Water for him is taken at the rate of a liter per glass. After pouring the cereal, it must be removed to swell for 12 hours, and then boiled for at least one and a half hours on the minimum flame of the burner. After cooling the resulting mixture, the liquid must be separated, but not poured. The broth will need to be mixed with cereals as crushed as possible in a blender. In this form, the tool is used. It is recommended to consume up to three glasses of such a cocktail per day for 2-3 weeks.

Scrub with oatmeal for the intestines is very popular. For its preparation, grain or flakes (1/2 tbsp.), Honey (1 tsp), cold boiled water (1 tbsp.) And peeled walnut kernels (5 pcs.) Are used. First, the flour is poured with water and infused for 10 hours, and then nuts and honey are added to it. After that, the mass should boil for 5-10 minutes on a weak burner flame. Please note that sugar and salt cannot be added to such a dish.

Oats to cleanse the body: recipes, reviews

Due to the ability of medicines made on the basis of oats to remove toxins and poisons, the cereal is useful for general cleansing of the body. This action is also enhanced by the diuretic and choleretic effect of oat infusions. It is best to take them in the process of complex treatment prescribed by a competent specialist.

Due to the fact that the product is not subjected to heat treatment, it retains a maximum of protein and vitamin substances. An infusion made according to the following recipe has a universal effect. It is only necessary to soak the whole unpeeled grain with water in a volume of 1: 2 for 8-12 hours, and then strain. Cleansing and tonic drink 2-3 times a day for ½ cup.

Oats for the liver: how to treat the liver with oats

The benefit of oats for the liver is that it makes the process of assimilation and metabolism softer, relieving the load from the organ. Due to the general relief, the body receives time and strength in order to restore it on its own. In addition, this product enhances the process of removing toxins from the body, which greatly inhibit liver function. The improvement is also associated with the beneficial effects of oats on the gastrointestinal tract. At the time of treatment, cookies are recommended to abandon fatty, smoked, canned and salty foods.

Oats for the treatment of the liver: how to brew and drink

The main thing you need to know in order to properly and effectively use oats for the liver is how to brew a remedy. For a stronger effect, you must use unrefined whole grains.

Infusion of oats, the benefits of which are effective in chronic liver ailments:

  1. Pour the cereal into an aluminum bowl.
  2. Pour water at the rate of a liter per 100 grams.
  3. Put the cereal on a lit stove.
  4. After boiling water, make the flame minimal and simmer the cereal for another third of an hour.
  5. Remove the dishes from the heat, cover with a towel or lid and remove to cool.

Half a liter of the resulting broth should be distributed for use throughout the day, regardless of meals, mixed with a spoonful of flower honey. It is better to divide the reception into 3-4 approaches. The treatment course lasts 8 weeks. If you need a second course, you need to take a break for at least a month.

Steamed oats - benefits for a weakened liver:

  1. Grind a glass of cereal into a powder state using a coffee grinder.
  2. Transfer one spoonful of the resulting mixture to a thermos.
  3. Pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  4. Leave the thermos closed for 12 hours. Shake periodically.
  5. Strain the decoction.

This remedy should be taken for three months some time before meals. One day should have a total of 0.5 liters of steam.

Decoction with wild rose and herbs:

  1. Sort and rinse 3 tbsp. unpeeled oats.
  2. Transfer the cereal along with chopped lingonberry leaves and birch buds (2 tbsp each). Pour 4 liters of cold boiled water.
  3. Leave in a cool place to infuse for 1 day.
  4. Pour 2 tbsp. rose hips with a liter of water. Boil and cool, remove to infuse for 24 hours.
  5. Put the infusion with oats and lingonberries on the fire, bring to a boil. Add 2 tbsp. corn stigmas and 3 spoons of knotweed. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
  6. Combine and strain both decoctions after cooling.

This remedy is drunk a quarter to a third of an hour before a meal. On the first day of treatment, you need to drink a total of ¼ cup, on the second - ½, over the next week - 2/3 per day.

Oats for the treatment of the pancreas

The benefits of oats for improving the functioning of the endocrine system are the presence of many trace elements, enzymes, amino acids, proteins and vitamins. Most often, this cereal is used to treat a specific problem of the pancreas - pancreatitis. It has a chronic form, so it is almost never completely cured. The gland produces insulin, which is necessary to control the glucose content in the circulatory system, which in turn affects the functioning of the brain and all vital body systems. In addition, the pancreas produces pancreatic juice, which is required for the digestion of food.

  • the digestive process is improving;
  • improves the quality of metabolism;
  • the peristalsis of the digestive tract is stimulated, they are cleansed;
  • the level of cholesterol in the vessels decreases;
  • the processes of assimilation and processing of nutrients are accelerated;
  • anti-inflammatory and antiseptic treatment occurs;
  • immunity is enhanced.

To prepare a decoction that restores the functions of the pancreas, you need to take unrefined grain, which is sold in pharmacies or on the market. It can sometimes be found in pet food stores. Oat seeds should be whole, light, without strong and unpleasant odors. Healing broth is prepared as follows:

  1. The grain is removed from debris and damaged particles, washed several times under running cool water.
  2. It is poured into a saucepan and filled with water at the rate of a liter per 1 glass of raw materials.
  3. In this form, the grain stands for 60 minutes and swells.
  4. Then it is put on the stove, brought to boiling water and the gas is reduced so much that a weak boiling process is maintained. In this form, you need to simmer the cereal for an hour.
  5. Remove from heat and leave the pan covered until the broth has cooled completely.
  6. Strain the resulting dish through cheesecloth, squeezing the boiled cake through it.
  7. Add cold boiled water to the filtered liquid to restore the volume to the original liter.

This decoction is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator and drunk 20-30 minutes before eating ½ cup three times a day. On the basis of the liquids obtained according to this recipe, porridge and jelly can be made, which have an increased medicinal effect.

It should be remembered that the treatment of pancreatitis should be accompanied by constant medical supervision. Without professional prescriptions and adherence to a diet, traditional medicine will not lead to a noticeable result, because it is focused on support, but on replacing the main treatment course.

How to take oats for various diseases

  • From urolithiasis. Run fresh oatmeal (grass) through a meat grinder, fill a 0.5-liter glass jar with it, completely fill it with vodka. The product is infused in the dark for 2-3 weeks with occasional shaking. It is filtered and consumed 20-30 drops, diluted with a tablespoon of water, three times a day before meals.
  • From smoking. Mix 50 grams of barley, rye, millet and oat grains, pour 400-500 ml of water. Heat on the stove to boiling water, and then cook for another 10 minutes. Drain into a thermos and remove to infuse for 10-12 hours. Strain, drink ½ cup three times a day until you develop an aversion to cigarettes.
  • Against exhaustion of the body. Pour a glass of cereal with a liter of boiling water and cook over medium heat until jelly is formed. Strain and add an equal amount of milk. Boil for a few minutes on a medium burner flame, cool. Add 3 tablespoons to the solution. honey. Drink three times a day, 200 ml in a warm form.
  • Against insomnia. Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal in a meat grinder, pour a glass of water and leave for 15 days in a dark place. Drink twice a day, diluting 30 drops of tincture in water.
  • Against gastritis. Rinse ½ cup of grain, pour 0.5 liters of cool water, leave for 10-14 hours. Cook for half an hour on low heat under the lid and remove again to infuse for the same time. Strain, bring water to a volume of 0.5 liters and drink 1/3-1/2 cup before meals three times a day.
  • To remove cholesterol. Mix hawthorn juice with a decoction of flakes or whole grains of oats. For one liter of the mixture, add another 70-80 grams of sugar. Put on fire, boil. After cooling, drink ½ cup no more than three times a day.

Oats for cough: recipe

  1. Against the flu. Insist one night a glass of cereal in a liter of water. Then boil half of the liquid. Strain and drink the resulting volume in several servings in one day. For an enhanced effect, it is also recommended to drink a mixture of two glasses of yogurt and five crushed garlic cloves per day.
  2. For the treatment of cough and associated colds, it is recommended to enrich the decoction of oats with onion or garlic juice, honey, and raisins. Juices must be added to an already prepared product so that they do not lose their antiseptic properties.

Oat decoctions for general healing or rejuvenation

A simple decoction of oats, in which biologically active ingredients and ingredients rich in essential vitamins have been added, can be freely consumed several times a year for periods to maintain immunity and a healthy appearance. In general, you can improvise to your taste by adding citrus juice, berries and dried fruits, various superfoods, wheatgrass juice.

To prepare a decoction, pour two cups of whole grains into two liters of boiled water and send to boil. After boiling, you need to make the fire medium and process the oats for another third of an hour. After removing from the burner, it is necessary, having closed the dishes, to defend the product for 24 hours in warmth. Then strain and boil for a few more minutes. Next, you need to add 70-80 grams of honey and juice of 2/3 lemon to it. It is recommended to store it in a refrigerator or in a room with a temperature up to +10˚C.

The optimal scheme of use is three courses per year: in spring, summer and autumn with a duration of 2-3 weeks. There are no characteristic contraindications to this remedy, however, caution must be observed, especially in the first times of admission.

Oats for the treatment of diabetes

Oats have long been used by healers not only of the Slavic, but also of European peoples, to treat various diseases. Diabetes mellitus centuries ago was not yet defined as a specific disease, however, with a complex of symptoms indicating its course, this particular cereal was used. About how it affects the work of the pancreas, it was said above. In summary, we can say that the benefits of oats for diabetics are as follows:

  • the level of glucose in the blood decreases;
  • vessels become stronger and more elastic;
  • pectin and fiber remove toxins and toxins from the body;
  • minerals and vitamins are actively included in the metabolism, accelerating it and increasing efficiency;
  • croup does not provoke a set of excess weight, contributes to weight loss.

The following cooking options are available for using oats to treat diabetes:

  • Cereal porridge (in extreme cases, cereal is suitable). You just need to cook it, add nuts, spices to your taste. Butter, sugar or fatty foods may be added only with the permission of the supervising physician. The main purpose of eating such porridge is to stimulate the production of inulin.
  • Oatmeal for type 2 diabetics. Prepared from 100-150 grams of whole grains, passed through a blender or meat grinder. They are placed in a liter of hot water, heated on the stove and simmered on a low-medium burner flame for 30-45 minutes. Next, the broth is filtered and cooled. You need to drink it for two weeks, ¾-1 glass a third of an hour before each meal.
  • Mix 2 g each of flaxseeds, oat straw and grains, dried bean shells and blueberry leaves. Grind food, put in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. In a closed state, insist 10-12 hours and strain. Drink after meals. The tool has hypoglycemic properties.
  • Infusion against diabetes of any type. A liter of water is taken per glass of seeds, poured and left under a tight lid for one night. Then the mass is filtered and drunk ½ cup before meals for two weeks.

How to make a decoction of oats in a thermos for psoriasis

  1. Pour a glass of oatmeal with an equal volume of water.
  2. Leave covered for 12 hours.
  3. Put on fire, boil, boil for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Leave for another 12 hours.

The finished medicine should be drunk for two months three times a day for ½ cup. An additional therapeutic effect can be achieved by taking a bath with a decoction of oat straw at the rate of 5 handfuls of raw materials per 15 liters of water. The session should last no more than a third of an hour and is held up to three times a week.

Kvass from oats: benefits

Oatmeal kvass is a rare but surprisingly healthy drink. Of course, its benefits are associated with the richest composition of raw cereals, which is also enriched through fermentation and protein conversion. Reviews of those who make kvass at home note mainly a tonic and immunomodulatory effect, but it also has other properties:

  • many amino acids are preserved that stimulate the work of internal organs, endocrine glands;
  • removes toxins, reduces the tendency to accumulate cholesterol and increase blood glucose levels;
  • brings vitamins, mineral compounds, antioxidants, enzymes and phytohormones into the body;
  • there is a slight laxative effect;
  • due to the rich composition, the condition of the skin, nails and hair improves, a healthy color and appearance are restored.

The benefits of oat kvass for women who are carrying a child lie in a large amount of folic acid, which lays the foundation for the child's immunity, as well as supporting the psycho-emotional state of the mother. The diuretic properties of the drink help to avoid swelling and fluid retention. In addition, it stabilizes metabolism, improves immunity, and helps maintain external beauty.

  • Hepatitis C, disorders of the liver and gallbladder. The drink is used as part of the diet, as an aid, in parallel with the main treatment course. It is recommended to drink it daily for at least three weeks. For prevention, such a course should be “drunk” 2-3 times a year.
  • Diabetes. Kvass has hypoglycemic properties, therefore it helps to improve the condition as part of a therapeutic diet. The sugar specified in the recipe must be replaced with honey or syrup, which can be used by diabetics.

Despite the extensive action, oat kvass can adversely affect health. It is recommended to use it carefully or refuse to those who are prone to gas formation, heartburn, suffer from gastritis and diseases that have fungal causes.

Ingredients for making oatmeal:

  • oatmeal or cereal - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • raisins - 2 tablespoons;
  • boiled water.

Cooking order:

  1. Sort and rinse the grain under running water, spreading it in a sieve.
  2. Rinse dried fruits and pat dry with a kitchen towel.
  3. Pour sugar and other ingredients into a jar (3 l).
  4. Fill the jar with water almost to the top and leave the mixture to ferment.

To maintain good fermentation, it is necessary that the jar is in a room with a temperature above room temperature. In cool conditions, kvass will also cook, but it will take longer. At the same time, it is important that the drink itself does not heat up too much, so as not to turn sour.

After three days of infusion, you need to take a sample from kvass and, with a satisfying taste, pour it through gauze or a sieve into a bottle. You have to be careful not to build up sediment. The bottle with the finished drink should be kept closed in the refrigerator. And the sediment remaining in the jar can be used for re-fermentation. True, for this you need to take twice as many raisins and sugar.

Cosmetic properties

Oat products are used in both industrial and home cosmetics. In the first case, extracts, serums and infusions are used, and in the second, mainly cereals and flour. Cereal is good because it has a rich composition and is inexpensive, while flour is good because it can be easily made from cereal at home.

The texture of the flakes makes them an excellent ingredient in face and body scrubs. So that they can be added to various home-made products, you need to do a little processing - fry in a dry frying pan until golden brown. is an easy and affordable way to take care of skin of any type and condition. B vitamins and fats will actively nourish the epidermis, and tocopherol, calcium and trace elements will protect against external negative factors. The best bases for oatmeal scrubs are industrial gels, honey, sour cream or cream. For masks, most often, warm milk with sour cream, basic vegetable oils, berry or fruit pulp is taken as the basis. Sometimes a few drops of essential oils are added.

Another way to use cereal for beauty is applications. For them, as a rule, oatmeal is taken. You can use one of the recipes for its preparation described above. The key is to use unrefined whole grains. Thanks to the applications, the skin is lightened, diathesis and eczema are treated, and inflammations go away.

Today, sprouted grains are very popular among supporters of a healthy diet and lifestyle. This trend does not bypass oats, which is quite reasonable, because this cereal has one of the best compositions. The scope of its culinary use includes fruit and vegetable salads, desserts, cereals and side dishes, as well as decoctions and drinks. Many of those who germinate oats eat them raw.

For oat sprouts to be healthy and healthy, you need to purchase whole grains. Sowing is not suitable, as it is processed with chemicals. It is best to contact special stores, pet markets or pharmacies. A good choice is the so-called naked oats. First, it must be filled with water and sorted from debris and floating particles. Then the product is soaked for several minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. After you need to rinse the grains well.

An easy way to germinate oats:

  1. Pour grains for 12-14 hours with plenty of water.
  2. After soaking, drain the water and rinse the grain with running water on a sieve.
  3. Put the oats in a glass jar, close with a breathable lid.
  4. Put in place with +21-+23˚C.
  5. When the sprouts reach a length of 4 cm, you can remove them and eat.

To get a green superfood, you can use the instructions, or rye. The effect will be the same, only the actions are slightly different.

Sprouted oats: benefits

Sprouting increases the content of vitamins, amino acids, simple carbohydrates and fatty acids. This is because more complex nutrients such as fats, carbohydrates and proteins are broken down into simpler ones. They are more efficiently absorbed and distributed to tissues and organs. In general, the beneficial substances in sprouted oats help improve the condition and functioning of the brain, eyes, nervous system, digestive organs, endocrine glands, circulatory system, liver and gallbladder. The metabolism becomes better, the body spends energy not on the accumulation of fats, but on the use of deferred reserves. Due to ascorbic acid, tocopherol, selenium and other antioxidants, the product is useful for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Oat sprouts are recommended to be consumed within the daily norm of 80-100 g. Greens reach their peak of usefulness after growing up to 2 cm, but it is recommended to let them gain more plant mass. It should be remembered that sprouts can cause complications of digestive diseases, pancreatitis, and allergic reactions. Abuse is fraught with calcium leaching from the body, as this is facilitated by phytic acid.

The use of oats in other areas

In addition to the production of cereals, flakes, oatmeal and flour for human consumption, the oat crop is processed into feed for livestock. In this area, both grains, and bran, and the leafy part of the plant are used. Completely oat feeds can be created from them, but more often these products go into microadditives and compound feeds, which have a more balanced composition. The technology for processing grain crops, including oats, into compound feed, premixes and concentrates is established by state standards.

Oats and oatmeal: Use in cooking

The relevance of oats for daily nutrition has been maintained for at least the last century. Morning cereals, cereals and oatmeal are very popular because they have an impressive energy base and valuable composition. These porridges are very different: salty and sweet, with vegetables and fruits, liquid and thick. The advantage of all these dishes is also a lot of fiber, which supports the efficiency of digestion.

Oat bran is used to add to soups and mixtures like muesli, it goes well with fermented milk products. Together with flakes, they are widely used in confectionery and bakery production. Oat kvass from grain and its products can be used as a classic table drink with refreshing and tonic properties.

Oatmeal can be used as a thickener for sauces, soups, casseroles, and side dishes. It can also be added to the dough for baking, but in small quantities, as it is not sufficiently enriched with gluten to maintain baking properties. Pancakes made from oatmeal and oatmeal are soft, tender and airy.

Oat flour

Oatmeal is extracted from grain by grinding and is divided into three types:

  • Normal. It is made from grain, freed from shells. It has the least ash substances, and the most starch.
  • Whole grain. It is ground from unrefined grain. It contains bran, so it has the highest fiber content.
  • From sprouted grains. Not produced commercially. Oats are first germinated, then dried and ground.

Nutritional value of 100 grams of regular oatmeal:

  • carbohydrates: 65 g;
  • proteins: 13 g;
  • fats 7 g;
  • dietary fiber: 4.5 g;
  • water: 9 g;
  • calories: 369 kcal.

Oatmeal entered the household use of man about four thousand years ago. It is believed that at the same time its extensive beneficial properties were noticed by healers and scientists. The basis of the beneficial effects of the product lies in soluble and insoluble fiber, but the role of other components is also great:

  • antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer;
  • the removal of cholesterol from blood vessels is supported;
  • renal and hepatic functions are normalized;
  • mental activity is stimulated;
  • poisons and toxins are removed;
  • improves the condition and appearance of the skin;
  • immunity is stimulated.

As a rule, flour is well absorbed when consumed. Negative consequences are manifested with individual intolerance. Despite the fact that gluten is very low in oatmeal, people with celiac disease should treat it with caution. With poor absorption or a tendency to leach calcium from the body, the presence of oats in the diet should be discussed with a doctor.

Flour will serve as a good ingredient in the preparation of homemade cosmetics. It has a softening, exfoliating, nourishing and toning effect. Her frequent "neighbors" in the composition of masks and scrubs are honey, egg, lemon, herbal decoctions and base oils.

Oatmeal and Hercules flakes

Groats are made from steamed, hulled and polished oatmeal. It can be either crushed or not crushed, and steaming can be either the first or the last stage of processing. According to state standards, non-crushed oatmeal is divided into the highest, first and second grades.

Flattened oatmeal (flakes) is made by flattening from uncrushed oats after preliminary steaming. The surface of this product may leave a ripple effect from passing through the flaking rolls. According to this parameter, it is clear how flattened oatmeal differs from oatmeal - the latter type of flakes has a smooth surface, as it is passed through smooth rolls. Because of this, the product particles do not have small cracks, and the cooking time to readiness increases.

According to average data, cereals are 66% carbohydrates, 17% protein, and 6.9% fat. The mass fraction of fiber is 10.6%, and the calorie content is 389 kcal per 100 g.

Boiled cereals and flakes are good for the digestive system, as they gently envelop the organ cavities. This allows you to eat it even with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. In addition, the presence of oats in the diet helps to improve the functioning of the peripheral and central nervous systems, improve their interaction with organs.

Growing oats

To date, several dozen cultivated varieties of oats are known, all of which belong to the species Oats. In general, you can take any of them for cultivation, adjusting the choice based on your own and other people's experience, because the plant takes root well even in the northern lands. Thanks to its durability and unpretentiousness, it is easy and convenient to grow it.

Germination starts at +3˚C, but seedlings survive short frosts down to -5˚C. But the heat, even for adult plants, is detrimental. At +40˚C, many crops die. The culture loves moisture very much, so you need the appropriate soil, but peatlands, podzolic, and sandy loamy lands are also suitable. To increase productivity, the soil is enriched with nitrogen fertilizers.

Preparation and sowing

The best predecessor plants for oats are winter crops, legumes, potatoes and corn. With mass sowing, plowing at a depth of 25 cm is necessary. If the predecessor was corn or beets, autumn plowing is needed to get rid of pests. It makes sense before planting to reduce acidity by adding phosphorite flour. For peat soils, copper, boron or manganese containing fertilizers are needed.

Seeds for sowing should be selected. They should be tight and not damaged. The top grains in the spikelet are larger and germinate faster. Planting material before laying in the ground is kept for 15-20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. The sowing time is traditional for spring crops - in the moist soil of the second half of April, simultaneously with barley, peas and wheat. A delay of 1.5 weeks by a quarter reduces the yield. For sowing, a narrow-row method is used with a bookmark at a depth of 4-6 cm.

Care and cleaning

In general, oat crops do not require special care, and in the right conditions they themselves quietly ripen no later than 120 days from planting. The exact timing depends on the variety. An incorrect start of harvesting actions can also reduce yields, so you need to focus on the wax ripeness indicator. On private plots, the collection is carried out by cutting the ears by hand, and tying them into sheaves. For storage, you need to choose a well-ventilated room. After drying, the grain is threshed and goes for further processing.

The soil needs to be kept moist, for which it is advisable to install an irrigation and moisture control system in the field. If there is time, loosen the earth. According to the generally recognized technology for growing, the earth is rolled up, which eliminates the surface crust and plugs that appear after the first shoots. The friendly rise of sprouts from the ground is not about oats. First, the top, largest, grains are knocked out, and then the rest.

Oats as green manure

Culture is also valued as an inexpensive green manure. Green mass enriches the earth with potassium. The content of the mineral in young plants exceeds that of old plants by 3-5 times. Eggplants, tomatoes, peppers experience the greatest shortage of potassium, so it is advisable to grow oats as green manure in front of them. It also inhibits most weeds, but can itself cause wireworm infestation.

The roots of the plant contain elements that fight root rot, so after it remains disinfected soil. To increase the level of nitrogen in the ground, oats are planted on green manure along with legumes. Due to the fibrous root system, heavy soils become more drainable and loose, and light soils become strong, resistant to leaching and weathering.

Storage and shelf life

To preserve the beneficial and nutritional properties of oats, it must be kept in plastic, earthenware or glassware with an airtight lid. It should be in a room with low humidity and good ventilation. The shelf life of cereal is a maximum of 10 months, so it is very important to check the packaging date of the product before purchasing. Similar requirements apply to the storage of cereals. It retains its nutritional qualities for 6-12 months. The exact period depends on the processing technology and is indicated by the manufacturer.

Flakes are designed for long-term storage. In their pure form, they can retain their best properties for up to two years (dry, ventilated room with low humidity). At temperatures above +25˚C, this period is halved. If we are talking about a mixture with berries, nuts, etc., then the product is usually good for 6-12 months from the date of packaging. Storage conditions are the same as for cereals.


The use of oats and products made from it is not recommended for cholelithiasis, the absence of a gallbladder, cholecystitis, disorders of the liver or kidneys. In case of ailments of the digestive system, it is necessary to coordinate its inclusion in the diet with the attending physician. During pregnancy and lactation, there is no direct prohibition on use, but caution will not be superfluous.

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