Abstract of the lesson "mysterious space" in the senior group. Summary of the lesson on the topic: "Cosmonautics Day" in the senior group

Synopsis of GCD in the senior group "Cosmonautics Day"

Theme: "Day of Cosmonautics"

Target: formation of ideas about the holiday "Cosmonautics Day", elementary ideas about space, about the first flight into space.


1. To generalize and systematize the knowledge of children about space flights: to introduce them to Russian scientists who stood at the origins of the development of Russian cosmonautics-K. E. Tsialkovsky, S. P. Korolev. To consolidate the knowledge of children that the first cosmonaut was a citizen of Russia, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

2. To develop memory, speech, observation, logical thinking, interest in knowing the world around.

3. Enrich the vocabulary of children with new terms and concepts: weightlessness, gravity of the earth, satellite, etc.

4. Raising patriotic feelings, pride in our country, for the heroes of the pilots - cosmonauts who conquered space.

Lesson progress

Educator: Today, guys, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day.

(April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, a man flew into space. It was a Russian cosmonaut.)

What's his name? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)

Educator: Since ancient times, man has dreamed of rising into the sky, and he fulfilled his dream. So balloons, airplanes, helicopters appeared. But even your great-great-grandfather could not imagine that you can fly into space. And now there are people who fly there to work.

What are they called?

Children: They are called astronauts.

And who are the astronauts? (children's answers)

Astronauts are pilots who fly spacecraft. Astronauts are also called crew members who conduct research on board a spacecraft.

Why do you think people wanted to fly into space? (children's answers)

What helps scientists to observe the starry sky? (children's answers)

Scientists have come up with special instruments - telescopes - to observe the starry sky.

What could they see through telescopes? (Children's answers) slide show, illustrations.

They could see other planets

What planets do you know? (children's answers)

Moon, Mars, Venus and other planets. People really wanted to know if there is life on other planets. And if so, who lives there? Are these living beings like humans? But to find out, you need to fly to these planets. Airplanes are not suitable for this, because the planets were very far away.

And what did scientists come up with? (rockets, spaceships)

Who was the first in Russia to invent a rocket? (Konstantin Eduardovich Tsialkovsky) showing a portrait.

(A simple teacher Konstantin Eduardovich Tsialkovsky lived in the city of Kaluga. He was very fond of observing the stars through a telescope, studied them and really wanted to fly to these planets. And he conceived to design such an aircraft that could fly to some planet. He made drawings, made calculations and came up with such an aircraft, but, unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to make such an aircraft.)

Who did make such an aircraft? (Children's answers - Sergey Pavlovich Korolev (showing a portrait) - a scientist-designer who, after many, many years, was able to design and manufacture the first space satellite., Two dogs, Belka and Strelka, were the first to fly into space and back on a rocket. But they could not to tell about his journey, and a man went into space.)

The first flight into space was made by our cosmonaut - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Ordinary Russian guy. We are proud that OUR Russian man was the first to fly into space. (slide show). Prior to joining the cosmonaut corps, he served as a fighter pilot in an aviation regiment of the Northern Fleet. What do you think Gagarin had to do to become an astronaut?

Children: play a lot of sports.

Educator: That's right, guys, in order to become an astronaut, Yuri Gagarin had to do exercises. But not morning exercises, as we do in kindergarten, he swam, ran for several kilometers in a special suit with weights. For several hours he swam in a diver's suit, rotated in a centrifuge. Who knows what a centrifuge is and who can tolerate it better?

Children: a test apparatus for astronauts, but a person who does not feel dizzy can be in it.

Educator: right guys, this is a test apparatus. Thanks to this device, doctors determine whether an astronaut will be able to fly into space, whether he will withstand the loads in weightlessness. And to be in the centrifuge can be people who rode on a swing as a child, and they did not feel dizzy. (Show centrifuge on slide). First of all, astronauts must be in good health. After all, the working conditions are more difficult than those of astronauts in any other profession. During take-off and landing, astronauts experience severe G-forces.

What are overloads? (Children guess)

Overload is when the body is faced with such loads that not everyone can withstand. For example, when a rocket takes off and when it lands, the body of the one in the spaceship becomes very heavy, and the arms and legs cannot be lifted. But on the other hand, when the spacecraft is in space, the body becomes light as fluff and people fly around the ship like feathers.

What is this state called in space? (State of weightlessness.)

Phys. minute:

1. Weightlessness on the stomach - guys, now we lie on the chairs with our stomachs and raise our legs and arms. Repeat after me, pick up and fly. Next exercise:

2. Flying in weightlessness on your back - the guys lie on their backs and raise their legs and arms up. Move them left and right at the same time. Imagine the guys that we are in outer space and are flying. Next exercise:

3. Magnetic boots: and now the guys get up from the chairs and put on the boots of the astronauts. Astronauts' boots are very heavy, so take your time and repeat after me. Raise your right leg, lower it. Raise your left leg, lower it. And now we take 2 steps forward, one, two. Well done, and now back 2 steps, one, two. What are heavy boots? Did everyone get it right?

Children: yes, everyone!

Educator: Well done cosmonauts prepared for the flight. Do you know what astronauts fly on?

Children: on space rockets!

Yuri Gagarin flew into space on a rocket.

Using a simple example, you can show the principle of flying on a rocket. You need to inflate the balloon and pinch the hole with your fingers. And then unclench your fingers and our ball will abruptly burst upwards. This is because air is escaping from the balloon. And when the air runs out, the ball will fall. Our balloon flew like a rocket - it moved forward as long as there was air in it.

That's about the same principle and the rocket flies into space. Only instead of air it has fuel. When burning, the fuel turns into a gas and bursts back with a flame.

A rocket is made up of several parts called stages, and each stage has its own fuel tank.

The first stage ran out of fuel - it disappears, and the second stage engine immediately turns on and carries the rocket even faster, and even higher. So only the third step reaches space - the smallest and lightest. She puts the cabin with the astronaut into orbit. After Yuri Gagarin, hundreds of cosmonauts flew into space.

Educator: And who knows what the astronauts' food is in?

Children: astronauts' food is in tubes!

Educator: That's right, the astronauts' food is in tubes, otherwise the astronauts would have been chasing around the ship either for bread or juice in a state of weightlessness.

Educator: does anyone know what the special protective suit of an astronaut and his headgear are called?

Children: the costume is called a spacesuit, and the headdress is a helmet.

Educator: correct spacesuit and helmet.

And what are they for?

Children: to go into space.

Educator: right in order to safely go into space. What is a helmet for in space?

Children: so that the astronaut can breathe.

Educator: right, so that an astronaut in outer space can breathe. And there are 2 types of spacesuits: in one, an astronaut goes into outer space - it is white. And in the second is in a spaceship.

Educator: guys, do you know what the window in the rocket is called?

Children: the window in the rocket is called a porthole!

Educator: That's right, guys, the porthole, let's repeat all together - the porthole. If we look out the window, what can we see?

Children: planets, moon, comets, satellites, sun.

Educator: Who will say what it is called the only satellite of the planet Earth).

Children: the satellite of our planet Earth is called the Moon!

Educator: that's right - the moon. On the Moon, gravity is very weak. Therefore, we will flutter on it like fluff. The same ease in flight will be on Pluto. Jupiter has the most gravity.

Educator: When space flights began, I had to think about where the astronauts should live so as not to spend too much time on the road to the place of work.

First, our scientists built the MIR space station, and then it was replaced by a more modern International Space Station (ISS). Astronauts from different countries live and work (are engaged in space exploration) for a long time on it.

And in 1965, Alexei Leonov first stepped out of a rocket into outer space. Dressed in a spacesuit, he hung next to the ship in an empty space for several minutes.

Everyone knows what a robot is. So, robots often work in space. Such robots help people explore the planets. For example, robots were able to take a handful of soil from the Moon and deliver it to Earth for research.

Robotic machines have been to Venus by penetrating its poisonous clouds, and now scientists have maps of the planet.

Soon, moon rovers were launched to the Moon, which traveled on the surface of the Moon and transmitted data to Earth.

And now hundreds of robotic satellites are flying around our Earth. They transmit information about the weather to the ground, monitor the movement of ships in the ocean.

There are nine planets in our solar system, which are arranged in this order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Maybe one of you will also become an astronaut or a rocket designer and invent a rocket in which people will not experience such overloads that astronauts are experiencing now, and will glorify our Motherland.

And so our journey ended. Wish for children. To become an astronaut, you need to study hard every day and play sports. Astronauts take diligent people who are not lazy and do a lot!


L.Ya. Galperstein "My first encyclopedia" Moscow, 2010

V.P. Glushko Cosmonautics. Little encyclopedia" 1970

A.P. Romanov I.G. Borisenko "From here the roads to the planets lay" 1984

Age Group: Preparatory
Developmental task: To consolidate the knowledge of children that the first cosmonaut was a citizen of Russia, Yuri Gagarin.
Learning task: To expand children's ideas about space flights; to acquaint with Russian scientists who stood at the origins of the development of Russian cosmonautics - K.E. Tsiolkovsky, S.P. Korolev.
Educational task: To instill pride in our Motherland, for its achievements in science, for the heroism of the Russian people.
Health-saving task: To bring children to the understanding that only a healthy, educated, strong person can be an astronaut.
Material: multimedia.

I tell riddles to children.
1. Miracle - bird, scarlet tail
Arrived in a flock of stars. (rocket)

2. Not a month, not a moon,
Not a planet, not a star
It flies across the sky, overtaking planes. (satellite)

3. Polka dots scattered across the dark sky
Colored caramel from sugar crumbs
And only when the morning comes
All the caramel will suddenly melt. (stars)

4. In space through the thicket of years
Icy flying object.
His tail is a strip of light,
And the name of the object ... .. comet
Guys, guess what we are going to talk about today? (about space, astronauts ...)
What holiday does our country celebrate on April 12? (Cosmonautics Day - slide - screensaver)
- Why is this holiday called so? (This is a holiday not only for astronauts, but also for those who are involved in the development, construction and testing of space rockets, satellites, and all space technology).
- Who are the astronauts? (before the first man went into space, artificial satellites, lunar and interplanetary automatic stations were sent there - a slide. And only then did people appear in space orbits. They began to be called astronauts).
- Why do you think people wanted to fly into space? space - slide
Space has always attracted the attention of people: it attracted with its depth and mystery. A person looked at the starry sky - a slide, and he wanted to know what kind of stars they were, why they were so bright. Scientists came up with special devices - slide telescopes, and watching the starry sky, they learned that there are other planets besides the Earth - some are smaller, others are larger.
- What planets do you know? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto - slide).
CHILD: In order, all the planets
Call any of us:
Once - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four is Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
called Pluto.
(author of the poem - A. Haight)
- Well done, you really know all the planets, but tell me what the Moon is?
Answers: Satellite of the Earth
- The surface of the moon is made up of craters, large and small. Let's do a little experiment and see what they look like.
Experiment "Lunar Craters"
A slide of flour is poured into a cup or plate. We throw a plastic ball there. Carefully take out the ball and get a semblance of a crater.
- Guys, now let's blind the planets: Venus, Mars, Earth, Saturn, the Moon and the Sun. Venus is the second inner planet of the solar systems. Venus is the third brightest object in the Earth's sky after the Sun and Moon. The surface of Mars is deserts, craters, mountains. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Named after the main Roman god. Earth is the greenest planet. Most of the surface is occupied by water - 70. Saturn is the most unusual planet in appearance, it is surrounded by bright rings. They are formed by various particles, stones, ice, snow. Uranus is a greenish-blue planet. In an atmosphere containing methane. Pluto is one of the largest dwarf planets in the solar system. The ninth planet in the solar system. The moon has many craters. The sun is the brightest, hottest and largest planet.
Rings of Saturn game
(The guys pass the hoop to each other, passing through themselves)
People wanted to know if there is life on other planets. And if so, who lives there? Are these living beings like humans? But to find out about it, you need to fly to these planets. Airplanes were not suitable for this, because the planets were very far away. And then scientists came up with rockets.
- Who invented the first rocket in Russia?
A simple teacher Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky lived in the city of Kaluga - slide. He was very fond of observing the stars through a telescope, studied them, and he really wanted to fly to distant planets.
He decided to design such an aircraft that could fly to some planet. He carried out calculations, made drawings and came up with such an aircraft. But, unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to build this aircraft.
And only many, many years later, another scientist - designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev - a slide, was able to design and manufacture the first space satellite - a slide in which who first flew around the Earth? (dogs Belka and Strelka - slide). This happened on August 20, 1960, the flight lasted more than a day, during which time they circled the Earth 17 times and were returned to Earth in an ejection capsule and became world celebrities.
And under the leadership of S.P. Korolev, a slide rocket was designed, in which on April 12, 1961, a man flew into space for the first time in the world.
- What is the name of this person? Who was the first astronaut? (Yu.A. Gagarin) -slide
The flight lasted 1 hour and 48 minutes. During this time, one orbit around the Earth was completed. At the launch of the rocket, Gagarin said on the radio the phrase that became famous all over the world: “Let's go!”. In orbit, Yuri Gagarin conducted the simplest experiments: he drank, ate, made notes with a pencil. "Putting" the pencil next to him, he accidentally discovered that he instantly began to float away. From this, Gagarin concluded that it is better to tie pencils and other objects in space. He recorded all his feelings and observations on the on-board tape recorder.
After Gagarin's flight, a lot of cosmonauts visited space, among them there were women
- Who knows the name of the first cosmonaut? (Valentina Tereshkova - slides) Her flight lasted 3 days. 48 orbits were made around the Earth. The phrase she said before the start: “Hey! Heaven, take off your hat! She remains the only woman in the world to fly into space alone.
What do you think an astronaut should be like?
- First of all, an astronaut must be in good health, he must be strong, hardy, because during a space flight a person experiences huge overloads.
Children arrange chairs in a circle. Then they run around the group and say the text together with the teacher:
Fast rockets are waiting for us
For planet walks.
What we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game -
There is no room for latecomers.
The teacher removes some chairs. To the words of the teacher “Take your seats!” children sit down. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

What is overload?
Overload is a state when the body is faced with such loads that not everyone can withstand.
For example, when a rocket takes off and when it lands, the body of the one in the spaceship becomes very heavy, and the arms and legs cannot be lifted. But, on the other hand, when the spaceship is in space, the body becomes light. Like fluff and people fly around the ship, like feathers - slide.
- What is the name of such a state in space? (state of weightlessness).
- Do you know what the astronauts' food is in? (in tubes - a slide, otherwise the astronauts would have been chasing around the ship either for bread or juice). You see how difficult it was for the first cosmonaut.
- Why do we say that an astronaut must be fearless?
Previously, people had never flown into space and did not know what they could encounter there. After all, there could be some kind of malfunction in the rocket. Therefore, astronauts must know very well how a rocket works in order to fix malfunctions. Astronauts could collide with other aircraft - after all, no one knew if there was life on other planets.
The return of the cosmonauts is awaited not only by their relatives, but by the whole nation. And everyone rejoices when they land safely.
Therefore, when Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time, all our people followed this flight, everyone was worried about the first cosmonaut. And when he landed safely, the whole country rejoiced.
- Do you know where Yuri Gagarin landed for the first time? (on Saratov land, outside the city of Engels, at the landing site of Y. Gagarin, an obelisk - slide was installed). Saratov met the astronaut, but Moscow rejoiced even more. In Moscow, people gathered in the center, on Red Square, and the celebration continued until late in the evening, they shouted “Hurrah! Gagarin", "Glory to our Motherland!" slide.
The work of the cosmonauts was duly appreciated by our country: all the cosmonauts were awarded high awards. In Moscow there is an Alley of Cosmonauts - slide.
The square on which a monument to him is erected is named after Yu.A. Gagarin - slide. In many cities, streets, squares and avenues are named after him. And in Holland, a variety of tulips was bred, which they called "Yuri Gagarin".
The city of Gzhatsk, where Yu.A. Gagarin was born and lived, now bears his name - the city of Gagarin. In this city there is a museum of Yu.A. Gagarin - slide.
The Air Force Academy, where pilot-cosmonauts are trained, also bears the name of Yu.A. Gagarin - slide
A street was named after S.P. Korolev (Akademika Korolev St. - slide).
Here is what Gagarin wrote after returning from space: “Having circled the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, we will preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!” (Earth - slide)
- What new and interesting things did you learn today?
- What would you tell at home, from what you saw and heard?
Maybe one of you will also become an astronaut or a rocket designer and invent a rocket in which people will not experience such overloads that astronauts are experiencing now. And glorify our Motherland.
Every nation has people who glorified their country, their homeland, and we are proud that there are such wonderful people in our country of Russia.

MBOU "Secondary school No. 2 of Navashino"

Abstract for an hour of communication

on the theme "Cosmonautics Day".

GPA teacher: Vilkova E.A.


"Cosmonautics Day".


1. Educational - the formation of ideas about the exploration of outer space by man;

2. Developing - the formation of elementary erudition of students, their general culture;

3. Educational - an emotionally positive outlook on the world, the formation of moral and ethical feelings;

4. Culturological - the development of ideas about science and technology.


    Based on the knowledge of school subjects, consider the stages of the conquest of the sky by man.

    To cultivate a sense of patriotism, pride in the country, the first to overcome the force of gravity.

    Enrich students' vocabulary with new concepts: balloon, hot air balloon, airship, zeppelin, etc.

    To acquaint with the pioneers who conquered the airspace.


multimedia device, demonstration screen, computer, (presentation), illustrations on the topic of the lesson, album sheets, geometric material for application

Lesson progress

Emotional mood. The bell rang, we started class. Glad to meet you! May our work be successful and please all of us.

Opening speech.

Ah, this day is the twelfth of April,
As he swept through people's hearts.

It seemed that the world involuntarily became kinder,

Shocked by his own victory.

What he thundered with universal music,

That holiday, in the colorful flame of banners,

When the unknown son of the Smolensk land

Was adopted by the Earth-planet.

Inhabitant of the Earth, heroic this fellow,

In his space vessel

In a circular, forever unprecedented,

In the abyss of the sky waved over her.

On that day, she seemed to have become smaller,

But she became people, perhaps, relatives.

Oh this day with April grace,
The willow blooms in the bushes above the river Gzhatya...

And breathes everything a dream come true.

Spring is coming. What month is it? What holiday does our country celebrate in April? What date? (Cosmonautics Day - April 12) Who guessed what the theme of the class hour is?

In the mouths of scientists for many years

There lived a cherished dream -

Take off with rockets

Into interplanetary space.

And then the rocket flies up.

We will visit the planets.

Earthling, come back home

Say hello to the stars.

Today we are going on a space trip. Recall what you already know about space and learn new things. (The class is divided into 2 teams).

1 task. "Warm-up" You have sheets on the tables. For a certain time, you need to write down words on the topic "Space". Time has gone. Checking the execution of the task.

Look out the window: spring, blue sky, bright sun - beauty! I want to soar in this blue! And even more tempting to find yourself so high, where no one has ever been. Man has always dreamed of flying to the stars, but it is very far, dangerous, scary, but very interesting. Anything can happen there, a person needs to perform a feat. But man still sought to conquer space. And now this day has come. April 12, 1961 Who was the first astronaut on Earth? The first messenger of the Earth in space was Yu.A. Gagarin. He made the first space flight in the history of mankind on the Vostok spacecraft. It circled the globe in 1 hour 48 minutes and returned safely to Earth. Monument to Yu.A. Gagarin stands in Moscow on October Square. Squares, streets, cities of Russia are named after him.

2 task. "Cosmonauts". Would you like to be an astronaut? What do you think an astronaut should be like? What should he know and be able to do? Choose the qualities that an astronaut should have and prove why?

smart healthy strong unsociable kind resourceful absent-minded trained Checking the performance of the task.

Fizminutka. "Space Charge"

For us to fly into space

We need to become strong.

Let's turn into astronauts

And let's go to the planets

What do you know about the work of astronauts in space? (They study the behavior of various plants and animals in a state of weightlessness in space). What does weightlessness mean? (When objects are not attracted to the ground, but everything seems to be floating). Astronauts receive various substances, study the weather on Earth, photograph it, monitor natural disasters (hurricanes, storms). Exploring space.

Look. Do you know who is in these photos? (Svetlana Savitskaya, Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman cosmonaut).

And then who? (Aleksey Leonov is the first man to go into outer space in 1965, and Svetlana Savitskaya is the first woman to go into outer space in 1984.)

3 task. "Question answer".

1 team:

What is the name of the astronaut suit? (suit)

What is the name of the spacecraft launch site? (cosmodrome)

2 team:

Why don't astronauts eat with a spoon? (weightlessness prevents them)

What is the fastest mode of transport? (rocket)

Tell me, why do astronauts need a spacesuit? There is no air in space and there are very different temperatures (sometimes hot, sometimes cold). In order for a person to exist there, astronauts put on a space suit that protects from heat and cold and allows them to breathe.

4 task. "Rocket Assembly"

To go into space, you need a rocket. Take the prepared parts and assemble the rockets. Stick them on the sheet. Checking the execution of the task.

5 task. "Guess"

1 team:

From the letters in the envelope, add up the name of the smallest planet. (Mercury)

2 team:

From the letters in the envelope, add up the name of the largest planet. (Jupiter)

    You hurry, guys, to your class,

Things won't work without education.

Astronauts grow up among us

But without knowledge they won't take you to Mars!

Guys! Get ready to fly! Soon, soon the hour will come When the roads will be open. To the Moon, to Venus, to Mars!

    We live on our planet

In such a wonderful age

And the first of the first people in the Soviet rocket flies!

Not for the purpose of military intelligence

On a speedboat

He flew alone through the universe,

To return to Earth again!

Not in vain skillful hands have worked

For the glory of the people, for the glory of the country!

The working people of science are strong in the Commonwealth of Peace!

    Do you want to be an astronaut

Must know a lot!

Any space route

Open to those who love work.

Only friendly starship

You can take it with you on a flight.

Boring, gloomy and angry

We will not take into orbit.

4. When an astronaut flies over the Earth,

Millions of guys are watching him.

In the evening they sometimes look at the sky,

Shine, shine, childish eyes.

And they reflect, burn brightly

Those stars to which they will fly!

Rockets rush to distant worlds.

The heart breaks for deeds. Who believes winged, like a song, dreams,

He will achieve his goal!

With these words, we end our hour of communication on the topic of SPACE.


Short description

Formation of ideas about space, enrichment of the dictionary


Lesson on the development of speech Topic : "DAY OF COSMONAUTIKS" Goals: to form ideas about space, space exploration by people, the work of astronauts. develop the grammatical structure of speech. expand, clarify and activate the dictionary on the topic “Cosmonautics Day. Space" (space, spaceship, cosmonaut, astronaut, solar system, station, porthole, flight, planet, star, helmet, space suit, earthlings, weightlessness). develop the skill of verbal communication, dialogical speech. development of general motor skills. to educate children in respect for peers and the ability to listen to each other; to form the skill of cooperation, interaction, independence, initiative. Equipment portrait of Yu.A. Gagarina, V.V. Tereshkova, A.A. Leonova. demo material - illustrations Lesson progress
1. Organizational moment. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, look at the pictures. What do they show? (space)
-What is space? (universe; our Earth and everything that exists beyond it: stars and other planets)
- Why do you think I hung them today? (April 12 - Cosmonautics Day)
- Who flies into space? (cosmonauts)
(I show a photo of Yu.A. Gagarin)
- Before you is a photograph of the 1st astronaut in the world. What's his name?
-April 12, 1961 Exactly 50 years ago, Yu.A. Gagarin made the first space flight in the history of mankind on the Vostok spacecraft. Since then, every year on April 12, the whole country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. And this is the anniversary year. And in honor of the 50th anniversary of the first manned flight into space, on April 5, the Yuri Gagarin spacecraft was launched.
And after 2 years, a woman visited space - Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova.
And two years later, the first human spacewalk was made. The first cosmonaut to go into space was Alexei Leonov, he spent 10 minutes behind the ship and showed that it is possible to work in outer space.
- What, in your opinion, should be astronauts? (hardy, resourceful, courageous, hardworking, quick-witted)
What journey do astronauts make? (cosmic)
What do astronauts fly into space? (spaceships or rockets) (show photo)
Where do spaceships start from? (from the spaceport)

2. Development of fine motor skills.
Alternate connection of the thumb with the little finger, ring finger, middle finger and index finger on stressed syllables.
In the dark sky the stars shine
The astronaut flies in a rocket.
The day flies and the night flies
And looks down at the ground.

Come on, guys, let's play astronauts.
To take flight, we will build a starship.
- What is a starship? (spaceship, spacecraft)
(draw a rocket according to the model)

3. Reading with passion
- We made a starship, but forgot to pack the luggage.

There is nothing superfluous or random on the spaceship. Therefore, we will take only those things whose names you will read in columns from top to bottom.

R O To R T D
To T And E R I
And O L At H S
And At R Z At O

4. Relaxation.
- Everything is collected. But look at yourself, is it possible to go into space in our clothes?
Why? What we need? (space suits) We will put on special suits of astronauts - space suits.
- Attention, take your seats. Buckle up, let's start the countdown - 6-5-4-3-2-1-start!
- Close your eyes, now we are flying at great speed, you have very heavy arms, legs, head. Tighten up, feel this heaviness. But now we have escaped from the gravity of the Earth, open your eyes, we are in a state of weightlessness
- How do you understand this word? ( This is such a state when the astronauts and things weigh nothing and swim in the spacecraft, like fish in an aquarium. There is no up or down. Spilled water does not spread like a puddle on the floor, but collects in a ball, and the ball hangs in the air.)
5. Physical Minute
Let's get up and experience this state. We are weightless! (Children disperse and standing on one leg, make slow movements with their hands up and down with the extension of a straight leg)

We float in weightlessness
We are under the ceiling.

6. Dictionary activation
- Now I will ask the entire space crew to take their places.
-Who knows the name of the window in the rocket? (porthole)
- Difficult word, repeat it again.
- If we look out the window, we will see a lot of stars around. Huge clusters of stars in outer space form the Galaxy. Stars appear small to us because they are far away.
In fact, stars are huge hot balls of gas, similar to the sun. After all, the Sun is also a star. Nine planets revolve around our Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. This is the solar system. (poster) - Each planet moves around the Sun in its own orbit (path). - Which planet is the largest, smallest? - What planet do we live on? - What are the names of people living on planet Earth? What does our planet look like from space? What can be seen on it? (seas, forests, mountains, glaciers) 7. Development of speech - Cosmonauts are in flight for a long time, and what do they do on the ship? (exploring space, conducting scientific experiments, experiments, troubleshooting devices)
- And I also offer you to work.
Make three sentences from these words.
1) Astronomer, stars, for, observes.
2) Moon, satellite, it, Earth.
3) ship, on, flies, Space, Moon.

You did a good job. I suggest refreshing. To be strong, like astronauts, and healthy, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. I will give you words, and you will clap your hands if this is the name of a vegetable.
Watermelon, potato, radish, bread, zucchini, pumpkin, orange, lemon, sausage, eggplant, grapes, nuts, garlic, cabbage, apple, banana.

8. Repetition of the material covered
- Oh, did you hear any noise?
- Look, we have guests on the ship. Who do you think they are? (aliens) (Fig.)

The aliens really liked you, and they want to give each of you a message. So that we can understand their language, they sent us a key. How many of you have heard of the encryption key? See what it looks like. Write this sentence down to earth. (we look forward to visiting)
- Listen to what they say and try to repeat it the same way:

- Guys, have you noticed with what sound all their words begin?
We also have such a sound, tell us - what is it? (consonant, voiced, hard - soft)
- It seems to me that the sound “R” is the most favorite among our guests, let's give them items that have the sound “R” in their names. But aliens are small and they like small objects, let's call our gifts affectionately.

9. Bottom line
And now it's time to say goodbye And return to Earth. Astronauts, take your seats! Let's start the ships! 1-2-3-4-5!
Here we are at home again!
- Did you enjoy the trip? What interesting things do you remember?
And I liked the way you worked. Our lesson is over, thank you all! Goodbye!

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Open lesson for Cosmonautics Day.doc

Lesson on the development of speech



To form ideas about space, space exploration by people, the work of astronauts.

Develop the grammatical structure of speech.

Expand, clarify and activate the dictionary on the topic “Cosmonautics Day. Space" (space, spaceship, cosmonaut, astronaut, solar system, station, porthole, flight, planet, star, helmet, space suit, earthlings, weightlessness).

Develop the skill of verbal communication, dialogic speech.

Development of general motor skills.

To instill in children respect for peers and the ability to listen to each other;

To form the skill of cooperation, interaction, independence, initiative.


Portrait of Yu.A. Gagarina, V.V. Tereshkova, A.A. Leonova.

Demo material - illustrations

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, look at the pictures. What do they show? (space)

What is space? (universe; our Earth and everything that exists beyond it: stars and other planets)

Who flies into space? (cosmonauts)

(I show a photo of Yu.A. Gagarin)

Here is a photograph of the world's first astronaut. What's his name?

April 12, 1961 Exactly 50 years ago, Yu.A. Gagarin made the first space flight in the history of mankind on the Vostok spacecraft. Since then, every year on April 12, the whole country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. And this is the anniversary year. And in honor of the 50th anniversary of the first manned flight into space, on April 5, the Yuri Gagarin spacecraft was launched.

And after 2 years, a woman visited space - Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova.

And 2 years later The first manned spacewalk took place. The first cosmonaut to go into space was Alexei Leonov, he spent 10 minutes behind the ship and showed that it is possible to work in outer space.

What do you think astronauts should be like? (hardy, resourceful, courageous, hardworking, quick-witted)

What journey do astronauts make? (cosmic)

How do astronauts fly into space? (spaceships or rockets) (show photo)

Where do spaceships start from? (from the spaceport)

2. Development of fine motor skills.

Alternate connection of the thumb with the little finger, ring finger, middle finger and index finger on stressed syllables.

In the dark sky the stars shine

The astronaut flies in a rocket.

The day flies and the night flies

And looks down at the ground.

Come on, guys, let's play astronauts.

To take flight, we will build a starship.

What is a starship? (spaceship, spacecraft)

(draw a rocket according to the model)

3. Reading with passion

- We made a starship, but forgot to pack the luggage.

There is nothing superfluous or random on the spaceship. Therefore, we will take only those things whose names you will read in columns from top to bottom.

4. Relaxation.

Everything is collected. But look at yourself, is it possible to go into space in our clothes?

Why? What we need? (space suits) We will put on special suits of astronauts - space suits.

Attention, take your seats. Buckle up, let's start the countdown - 6-5-4-3-2-1-start!

Close your eyes, now we are flying at great speed, you have very heavy arms, legs, head. Tighten up, feel this heaviness. But now we have escaped from the gravity of the Earth, open your eyes, we are in a state of weightlessness

How do you understand this word? (This is such a state when the astronauts and things weigh nothing and swim in the spacecraft, like fish in an aquarium. There is no up or down. Spilled water does not spread like a puddle on the floor, but collects in a ball, and the ball hangs in the air.)

5. Physical Minute

Let's get up and experience this state. We are weightless!(Children disperse and standing on one leg, make slow movements with their hands up and down with the extension of a straight leg)

We float in weightlessness
We are under the ceiling.

6. Dictionary activation

Now I will ask the entire space crew to take their places.

Who knows what the window in the rocket is called? (porthole)

Difficult word, repeat it again.

If we look out the window, we will see a lot of stars around. Huge clusters of stars in outer space form the Galaxy. Stars appear small to us because they are far away.

In fact, stars are huge hot balls of gas, similar to the sun. After all, the Sun is also a star.

Nine planets revolve around our Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. This is the solar system. (poster)

Each planet moves around the Sun in its own orbit (path).

Which planet is the largest, smallest?

What planet do we live on?

What are the names of people living on planet Earth?

What does our planet look like from space? What can be seen on it? (seas, forests, mountains, glaciers)

7. Development of speech

Astronauts are in flight for a long time, but what do they do on the ship? (exploring space, conducting scientific experiments, experiments, troubleshooting devices)

And I suggest you do the same.

Make three sentences from these words.

    Astronomer, stars, for, observes.

    Moon, satellite, it, Earth.

    ship, on, flies, Space, Moon.

You did a good job. I suggest refreshing. To be strong, like astronauts, and healthy, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. I will give you words, and you will clap your hands if this is the name of a vegetable.

Watermelon, potato, radish, bread, zucchini, pumpkin, orange, lemon, sausage, eggplant, grapes, nuts, garlic, cabbage, apple, banana.

8. Repetition of the material covered

Oh, did you hear any noise?

Look, we have guests on the ship. Who do you think they are? (aliens) (Fig.)

The aliens really liked you, and they want to give each of you a message. So that we can understand their language, they sent us a key. How many of you have heard of the encryption key? See what it looks like. Write this sentence down to earth. (we look forward to visiting)

Listen to what they say and try to repeat it the same way:


Guys, have you noticed with what sound all their words begin?

We also have such a sound, tell us - what is it? (consonant, voiced, hard - soft)

It seems to me that the sound “R” is the most favorite among our guests, let's give them items that have the sound “R” in their names. But aliens are small and they like small objects, let's call our gifts affectionately.

9. Bottom line

And now it's time to say goodbye

And return to Earth.

Astronauts, take your seats!

Let's start the ships!


Here we are at home again!

Did you enjoy the trip? What interesting things do you remember?

Abstract. Acquaintance with the surrounding world. Senior group.

"Cosmonautics Day"

Target. Expand children's ideas about space flights: introduce them to Russian scientists. To consolidate the knowledge of children that the first cosmonaut was a Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin. To bring children to the understanding that only a healthy, educated, persistent and fearless person can be an astronaut. To instill in children pride in their country.

Course progress. Today, guys, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. This is a holiday, first of all, for cosmonauts and those involved in the development and creation of space rockets.

And who are the astronauts?

Why do you think people wanted to fly into space?

The man looked at the starry sky and he wanted to know what kind of stars they were, why they were so bright. Scientists came up with special devices - telescopes and, observing the starry sky, they learned that there are other planets besides the Earth - some are smaller, others are larger.

What planets do you know?

People wanted to know if there is life on other planets. And if so, who lives there? Are these living beings like humans? But to find out, you need to fly to these planets. Airplanes were not suitable for this, because the planets were very far away. And scientists came up with rockets.

Who invented the first rocket in Russia?

A simple teacher Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky lived in the city of Kaluga. He was very fond of observing the stars through a telescope, he studied them and he really wanted to fly to these distant planets. And he conceived to design such an aircraft. But, unfortunately, he did not have the opportunity to make such an aircraft.

And only many, many years later, another scientist, designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, was able to design and manufacture the first space satellite, in which a dog first flew around the Earth, and then in 1961 a man flew for the first time.

Who knows the name of this person? Who was the first astronaut on Earth? It was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

What do you think an astronaut should be like?

First of all, an astronaut must be in good health, he must be strong, hardy, because during a space flight a person experiences enormous overloads. Listen to what Yuri Gagarin experienced during the world's first space flight. The writer V. Borozdin wrote about this. The story is called "First in Space". Reading a story.

You see how difficult it was for the first cosmonaut. And why do we say that an astronaut must be fearless?

Previously, people had never flown into space and did not know what they could encounter there. After all, there could be some malfunctions in the rocket. Therefore, when Yuri Gagarin first flew into space, all our people followed this flight, everyone was worried about the first cosmonaut. And when he landed safely, the whole country rejoiced. People took to the streets of cities. In Moscow, people gathered in the center, on Red Square, and this holiday continued until late in the evening. We were all proud that it was a Russian citizen who was the first in the world to fly into space.

After Gagarin's flight, a lot of cosmonauts went into space, among them there were women - this is the first woman in the world - cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova. And Alexei Leonov is the first cosmonaut who went out into outer space.

Many astronauts flew into space more than once and worked there for several months. Now there are flights with astronauts from different countries. The work of the cosmonauts was duly appreciated by our country: all the cosmonauts were awarded high awards.

Maybe one of you will also become an astronaut or a rocket designer, invent a rocket in which people will not experience such overloads that astronauts are experiencing now, and glorify our Motherland.

In the meantime, we are still children and cannot really fly into space, I suggest you make a rocket out of a big box and play.

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