Synopsis of a quiz lesson on teaching literacy. The know-it-all quiz. Literacy test session (preparatory group)

Summary of a quiz for preschoolers 6-7 years old on teaching literacy. "Visiting grandfather catfish"

Maseykina Lyudmila Petrovna, educator, GBOU School No. 138.
The material may be useful to educators of preparatory groups of remote control.
Integration educational areas: cognition, speech development, social and communicative development.
Target. Introduce the type of text reasoning.
Educational tasks:
Introduce a new type of text - reasoning.
Continue to learn to determine the type of text.
Exercise in determining the number of words in a sentence.
Exercise in the compilation of sound schemes of short words.
To consolidate and deepen children's knowledge of fish.
Development tasks:
Develop monologue speech.
Develop phonemic awareness.
AT educational tasks:
Cultivate purposefulness and cooperation.
Cultivate love for wildlife.
Pictures:"Catfish", "Pike", "Carp", "Burbot", sets of chips for making sound patterns, a catfish hat for a child, chips - fish for scoring, accessories for the game "Catfish and fish", a multimedia projector.
Preliminary work: acquaintance with freshwater fish, drawing up sound patterns of small words, characterizing the sounds of the Russian language, determining the number of words in a sentence, an exercise in compiling descriptive and narrative texts, memorizing the text necessary for a quiz with one of the children, p.i. "Catfish and fish".
Quiz progress
Children sit on the carpet, the music of the sounds of nature is turned on - flowing water.
Educator: -Today we will go to visit, guess who?
At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark,
A mustachioed log lies.
A boy appears in a catfish hat. (Water sound turns off)
- Hello children! I suggest you hold a quiz, split into two teams, let one team be called "Pike", and the other - "Carp", choose the captains of your teams. Sit down at the gaming tables. For each correct answer, I will give the team a toy fish.
Task number 1
Make sound schemes for the names of your teams.

(child - catfish checks the correctness of the tasks, gives out fish chips)
Task number 2
-Define the type of text.
Text for the command "Pike":
« The pike stood in the thickets of algae and waited for prey. Suddenly something flashed in the water. The pike rushed to the prey and grabbed the lure. The pike began to tear and spin, trying to break the line. Here, she rushed with all her might and broke the line. Freed, the pike hid under a snag.»
What is it: narrative or description? (narration)
Text for the command "Karp":
« Pike is a predatory freshwater fish. She has an elongated body covered with scales. The pike has both a dorsal fin and pelvic fins. she has gills. In the mouth of a pike - sharp teeth»
What is it: narrative or description? (description)
Now, listen to another text. The text is called "Burbot-polar explorer" (a picture is displayed)
« Burbot is called a polar explorer because he:
firstly, it is active in winter, and in summer it sleeps for a long time somewhere on
bottom; secondly, it has double scales and a thick subcutaneous
fat, which allows him not to freeze in cold water; thirdly, he has keen eyes, burbot can hunt in the dark. Burbot is found in the northern cold rivers, and almost never occurs in the southern ones, which means that he is called a polar explorer correctly "
Can this text be called a narrative? What about the description?
How can we find out what type of text it is?
- Ask the teacher, look on the Internet.
The text discusses why burbot can be called a polar explorer. Therefore, this type of text is called ............. reasoning.
-Yes, this type of text is called reasoning. In such texts, they argue about something, prove their case, draw a conclusion. In reasoning texts, the words are often found: firstly. secondly, therefore, therefore, thus.
And now our catfish will tell about itself, and you try to determine the type of text.
Task number 3
Catfish story for the Pike team
They call me a nocturnal predator, because I: firstly, do not like the bright sun, I like to lie in a hole at the bottom or swim under a snag. secondly, during the day I sleep somewhere in a secluded place, thirdly, I go hunting at night, I grab sleepy fish. I can even grab a duck sleeping on the water. Therefore, I am indeed a nocturnal predator.
Yes, you are right, this is a discussion.
And now the "Karp" team will try to determine the type of text.
You will never meet catfish in the sea. Catfish is a resident of rivers. And the rivers have fresh water. If a catfish is allowed to swim in salt water, then the catfish will die. Therefore, catfish is a freshwater fish.
_ Reasoning. (children get a fish - a chip)
Imitation game "Catfish" - children perform movements in accordance with the text.
Wide and deep
The river flowed under the bridge.
Under a snag, under a bridge,
There lived a mustachioed catfish in the river.
He lay at the bottom for hours,
He moved his mustache in his sleep.
Went out hunting
He moved his fins.
"If I sail up,
And I'll swallow the duck.
And then back to the bottom
Where it's quiet and dark.
Educator: We continue our quiz. We have found out that in texts - reasoning, something is proved, so now you will try to compose such texts.
Task number 4
The "Pike" team will prove the statement - "The catfish has a protective color" (The team is given two pictures of catfish, top view against the bottom, bottom view against the background of the water surface), the "Carp" team will prove the statement - "Catfish is a fish." Each team, after consulting, composes a story and tells it. gets a chip if the story is correct.
The story of the "Pike" team:
The catfish is dark on top, the bottom is also dark. If you look at the catfish from above, then you will not notice it at the bottom. Below the catfish is light. If you look at it from the bottom, you will not see it against the light background of the water surface. The body coloring of the catfish allows it to be invisible. So he has a protective color.
Karp team's story:
AT o - first, catfish have gills, and fish have gills.
Secondly, the body of a catfish is covered with scales. like fish
Thirdly, catfish have fins, like fish. Fish live only in water. When a catfish is pulled out of the water, the catfish dies. Means. catfish is a fish.

Task number 5
Determine how many words are in the sentence.
We caught a carp. (3) - "Pike" team
Burbot eats a lot of fish. (4) Team Karp
Outcome. Educator:
-Children, what type of text did we meet today?
Let's sum up our quiz. Teams, count the points earned, who has more fish? The winning team makes a lap of honor to the applause of the children.
Educator: -Did you like visiting the catfish? Children, let's thank our helper catfish. (Children clapping). Now you can play the game "Catfish and fishes" (the soundtrack of the sounds of flowing water is turned on) The fishes move in a group, on the command "Catfish" the fishes approach the shelters on which the numbers are written. indicating the maximum number of hidden fish. Catfish checks the correspondence between the number and the number of hiding fish. Catfish takes extra fish to itself. The game continues with a change of leader and a change of hiding places.
1. "From birth to school" The main general educational program of preschool education / Under. Ed. N.E Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: Mosaic-Synthesis. 2015. - 368s.
2. Vakhrushev A.A. Hello world! The environment for preschoolers. Methodical recommendations for educators. M.: Publisher: Balas, 2012-390s.
3. Teaching preschoolers to read and write: Methodological guide / L.E. Zhurova, N.S. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya. \ ed. N.d. Durova. - M.: School Press, 2001. - 144 p.
4. Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M. Methodology for the development of speech of preschool children: Proc.--method. manual for preschool teachers. educate. institutions. - M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2004.- 288 p.
5. Physical education minutes: Material for conducting physical culture breaks / O. Uzorova, E. Nefedova .- M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC; LLC "PUBLISHING AST"; CJSC NPP "Ermak", 2004. -96s.

Purpose: generalization and consolidation of knowledge on the studied topics with holiday elements.

Tasks: 1. Development of phonemic hearing, creative activity, imagination, speed of reaction.

2. Strengthening the ability of children to compose and read words by syllables.

3. Development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis, logical thinking.

4. Raising a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, collectivism, the spirit of competition.

Equipment: 2 easels, squares for sound-letter analysis, envelopes with syllables.

Preliminary work of educators.


Speech therapist: Dear children! Today we have an interesting and unusual game - a quiz, where your knowledge and skills will be useful to you. Now we will play an interesting game of KVN. We will find out which team is the most friendly, the most resourceful and quick-witted.

The cat Basilio and the fox Alice burst in. “So this is happening without us.

We have a KVN quiz game.

SKAZ. Heroes: KVN? It's like on TV, right?

Nearly. Our children will show their knowledge, their ingenuity.

Tale. Heroes: Wow, wow. How interesting. Is it possible with you?

Guys, let's take a cat and a fox with us? Then you will help the teams.

EVERYONE! Everyone! Everyone! We start our KVN. Today there are 2 teams. We welcome the participants of the game. Team "ABVGDEIK" Team captain………

Team "Gramoteiki" team captain……

The work of our teams will be judged by a competent jury………

The results will be summed up at the end of the game. So let's start our game.


The team is the first to greet the opponents "ABVGDeiki"

Our motto: ABVGDeyki cooler than all of them waiting for a great success.

The team speaks back "Gramoteiki"

Our motto: Literacy just class will defeat you today.


The letters are badges, like fighters on a parade in a clear alignment lined up in a row. Everyone stands in a designated place and everything is called (alphabet)

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet (33)

How many vowels? (10)

Which letters do not represent sounds? (b)

Did everyone say a letter to Aibolit at first? (BUT)

There is a hollow in the old tree, but just like a letter? (O)

It has long been known to all children that the cow knows the letter? (M)

Each lamb will tell you how much they love the letter? (B)

Is a letter in the alphabet good for hissing? (W)

Do you recognize her immediately: with two eyes is a letter? (Yo)

Hee - hee hee ha ha ha so does the letter laugh? (X)

Alas, a letter walks with a wand through the pages? (S)

Can't get borscht if there is no letter in it? (SCH)

We remember easily, the number is the first letter? (BUT)

I ate a piece of a donut and got a letter? (FROM)

Round shaped head, same shaped letter? (O)

Will you say for sure, it looks like a horizontal bar? (P)

Does the word tasty UHA begin with a letter? (U)

The letter first friends begins a letter? (BUT)

Alphabetical family is headed by a letter? (BUT)

This is not a lie at all, does the letter have no sound? (b, b)


Think of as many words as possible for the given sound

- "ABVGDeiki" - T

- "Gramoteiki" - FROM


Rhythmic music: children dance

4 COMPETITION "Find the Sound"

I will call words with the sound And, and you need to determine where this sound is hidden (beginning, middle, end)


Before starting the next competition, let's remember: - What are the sounds? (consonants, vowels)

And the consonants are divided into (Hard, soft, deaf, sonorous)

5 COMPETITION? Captains competition (word parsing)

In the meantime, our captains are busy, we will play with you.

Sk heroes: Let's play an interesting game. We always win in it. "Nose, floor, ceiling"

6 COMPETITION "Collect the Word"

Each team is given envelopes, they contain syllables. From them you need to collect words. VA-ZA, WE-LO, UT-KA, UT-RO, SCHOOL-LA, MA-SHI-NA, MA-Ga-ZIN

You guys played very well today, answered questions, you were friendly, quick-witted, resourceful. Did you like the game?

Were the assignments difficult?

While the jury is counting the points, we have a musical pause.

After a musical pause, the winner is determined. Winner's reward ceremony.

Synopsis of the game - quizzes in the preparatory group on the topic "Lucky chance" Author: Kozlova Marina Vladimirovna, educator of MBDOU CRR - kindergarten No. 7 "Romashka", Novoaltaysk, Altai Territory.

Material Description: I offer you a summary of the joint activities of parents with children in the preparatory group, with the children of OHP (II - III level) on the topic “Lucky chance”. This game will help teachers: consolidate children's knowledge about nature; will contribute to the development of moral consciousness and the need to acquire environmental knowledge, through the assimilation of the norms and rules of competent interaction with wildlife, showing kindness, sensitivity, mercy to the animal and plant world not only among children, but also among parents of preschoolers.

Synopsis of the game - quizzes of children and parents in the preparatory group "Lucky chance".

Priority: social and personal development.

Integration of educational areas:"Health", "Knowledge", "Communication", "Socialization", "Safety", "Artistic creativity", "Music".

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the natural world around them.


Educational: Help children to consolidate knowledge about plants and animals.

Developing: Create conditions for the development of visual-figurative and logical thinking, memory.

Speech: To promote the development of coherent speech, the ability to answer questions quickly, with a complete and clear answer.

Educational: Create conditions for emotional rapprochement of family members in a joint game. To form a consciously correct attitude towards nature in adults and children.

Preliminary work: Direct educational activities on the topics: “Plants of the forest”, “Wild animals of Russia”, “Trees are our friends!”, “Migratory birds”, “Beware of poisonous!”, “Insects”, “Four seasons”, "Rules of communication with nature!". Reading the fairy tales of B. Zakhoder "The Gray Star", "The Little Mermaid". Didactic games: "Who will be who!", "Who was who?". Riddles about animals. Mobile game "We will not tell, but we will show!".

Material: emblems for teams with the image of a squirrel and a bunny; 2 vases, artificial flowers; cards drawn into two parts, on the left is empty, and on the right is an animal or plant; cards with the image of trees; 2 schemes of animal tracks; printed lyrics for parents; medals.

Methodical methods: intellectual warm-up, productive activity, etudes, tests, descriptive riddle, problem situations and questions.

Game progress.

Children are divided into two teams "Bunnies" and "Squirrels". There is a vase in front of each team. For each correct answer, an artificial flower is placed in a vase. The team with the most flowers in the vase wins. Parents sit down for the participants of the game, they are fans. Selected by the jury. The host conducts the quiz.

Leading: Attention! Attention! We're starting the Lucky Chance game and we'll see who's lucky today in this game. I think that the kind, smart and ardently loving nature will be lucky. Do you agree with me? Then we start.

1 game Warm-up "Question - answer!"

The facilitator asks questions that the children must quickly and correctly answer. If they are wrong, the facilitator says the correct answer and asks the next question.

Questions for the Squirrel team:

1. Where do mushrooms grow? (In the forest, in the meadow).

2. Name the wintering bird. (I love it).

3. Coniferous tree. (Fur tree, pine tree).

4. Name the orderly of the forest. (Woodpecker, wolf, etc.).

5. Who lives in a hole? (Badger, fox, mole, etc.).

6. Name a wild herbivore. (Hare, squirrel, etc.).

7. Red berry. (Any).

8. Which animal sleeps in winter? (Hedgehog, bear, etc.).

9. What are the fruits of an oak tree called? (Acorns).

11. Name a poisonous plant. (Crow's eye, henbane, etc.).

12. The heroine of the fairy tale by B. Zakhoder "The Gray Star". (Toad).

13. The warmest time of the year. (Summer).

Questions for the Bunny team.

1. Where do cranberries grow? (In the swamp).

2. Name a migratory bird. (I love it).

3. Deciduous tree. (Any).

4. Who pollinates the plants? (Bees, bumblebees).

5. Who lives in a hollow? (Owl, squirrel, etc.).

6. Name insectivorous animals. (Hedgehog, mole, etc.)

7. Black berry. (Any).

8. Which animal does not sleep in winter? (Wolf, fox, hare, etc.).

9. Name the tree - a symbol of Russia. (Birch).

10. Name the insect. (Any).

11. Name the poisonous mushroom. (Amanita, pale grebe, etc.).

12. The hero of the fairy tale by B. Zakhoder "The Little Mermaid". (Hare).

13. The coldest time of the year. (Winter).

The jury counts the correct number of answers, evaluates.

2 game. "Who was who?"

The children are given a card drawn in half, the left is empty, and the picture of an animal or plant is on the right. The children on the card on the left should draw who was who before (a frog - an egg, a hare - a hare, a butterfly - an egg or a caterpillar, a dandelion - a seed, a bird - an egg, a mosquito - a bloodworm, a Christmas tree - a seed, a crocodile - an egg, etc. ). Then each participant tells, and the jury sums up.

3 game "Where have you been, what have you seen?"

The children of each team come up with some kind of action, and the other team guesses. (Parents can help children come up with an action)

For example, they pick mushrooms, wash berries and eat them, listen to birds singing, how bees collect nectar, how a hare defends itself from a kite, etc.

4 game "Game with the audience."

The host asks the fans of each team questions (answers are in bold).

1 team:

1) Why can't the gopher sleep?

Afraid to freeze.

b) remembers the summer.

c) guard stocks.

2) Who has the strongest claws?

a) a bear.

At the anteater.

c) a lion.

3) Which mammal is the fastest?

b) a dolphin.


4) Why do rabbits have big ears?

a) to hear better;

In order not to overheat;

c) for braking when cornering.

5) Do monkeys brush their teeth?

a) not clean

b) sometimes clean;

They clean with pleasure.

2 team:

1) Why does the woodpecker "drum"?

a) cleans the beak;

Someone tells something;

c) enjoys music.

2) Who is the largest among rodents?


c) a hare.

3) Which snake is the most venomous?


c) rattlesnake.

4) Why do dolphins cry?

a) for nervous discharge.

To protect your eyes from injury.

c) to remove excess moisture.

5) Who has ears on their feet?

a) butterflies and beetles.

b) flies and mosquitoes.

in grasshoppers and crickets.

Game 5 "Dark Horse"

The host presents the animal in riddles, and the teams must guess. After each proposal addressed to a particular team, the host pauses so that the players can make their version.

This animal.

It has a head, body, legs and tail.

He has a big house. This animal is clean.

He has sharp teeth. He cannot live without water.

It needs trees to live.

He can swim well. They call him an engineer.

Also known as a builder.

Lives in the river.

His house is called a hut.

(An adult disguised as a beaver comes out).

Questions from the beaver:

- I love trees, so I’ll ask you about them, and you show me the answer (the children have cards with the image of trees on the table):

1) A coniferous tree, and in winter it stands bare. (Larch).

2) In the people, this tree is called "sweet". (Linden).

3) A tree that does not heat up in the sun? (Birch).

4) In spring, this tree is all white, and the smell of its flowers can be felt from afar. It's a pity, only people break it because of the flowers. (Cheryomukha).

5) This tree is a long-liver. Boars, squirrels and many others feed on its fruits. (Oak).

6) The berries on this tree hang all winter, it feeds the birds. (Rowan).

And now you have a riddle - the picture "What happened here?".

In one figure, traces of a hare and a fox are schematically drawn, and in another figure, traces of a mouse and a fox. Children should find out and tell what happened.

- Goodbye, friends! I see that you love and know nature very much.

The jury sums up.

6 game "Race for the leader".

The facilitator reads the questions to both teams in turn. If children do not know the answer or are in doubt, they can ask their parents for help. Children explain why they think so.

1) Is it possible to leave glass bottles in the forest? (Not).

2) Can a person live without birch sap? (Yes).

3) Do poisonous mushrooms need to be trampled on? (Not).

4) Do birds need to be fed in winter? (Yes).

5) Do animals need salt? (Yes).

6) Do I need to take a chick that has fallen to the ground from the nest home? (Not).

7) Do plants need snow in winter? (Yes).

8) Do drowning animals need to be rescued in spring? (Yes).

9) Can a person in the forest listen to music loudly? (Not).

10) Can a person live in the world without harming an animal or a plant? (Yes, he can try).

Leading: Well done! I congratulate you on the completion of the game, but while the jury is summing up the results of the last game, I suggest that everyone sing a song together.

Joint performance of the song of children with parents "The road of goodness" op. Y. En-tin, music. M. Minkova.

The jury announces the winners!

The winners are awarded with medals.

Result. The game was on high level. The children enjoyed playing with their parents. There were small incidents, this is when the presenter asked questions to parents, and the children answered, and when the children asked for help from their parents, they did not know the correct answer. Many parents thought about the need to expand their knowledge of wildlife!

Khripunova Larisa Vladimirovna ,

teacher-speech therapist MDOU No. 85 "Robin",


Topic: What do we know about vowels?


Correctional and educational:

To generalize and systematize children's knowledge about vowel sounds: their acoustic, articulatory features, the syllable-forming role of the vowel;

Improve sound analysis skills by extracting sound from words;

To consolidate the skills of phonemic synthesis;

Exercise in dividing words into syllables;

Improve coordination of speech exhalation and voice;


Activate and develop the vocabulary and lexical and grammatical structure of speech;

Develop auditory attention, memory, activate mental activity;

Develop general motor skills, learn to coordinate speech with movement;

Develop interhemispheric interaction of the brain, binocular vision;

To form the ability to navigate in space (to distinguish between right and left);

Correctional and educational:

To cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, to complete the task;

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other;

To form the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding with peers


The playing field, team emblems and symbols, small objects whose names begin with a vowel sound, task symbol cards, vowel sound models, an audio recording with a task (a letter from the postman Pechkin), emotion pictograms, a didactic game "Collect a word from the first sounds" , record player.

Lesson progress:

Before the start of the lesson, children are divided into 2 groups: the Matroskin cat team and the Sharik team.

Teacher (P.): Today we have not an ordinary lesson, but a game-competition.

And now we will go to the village of Prostokvashino.

“1, 2, 3 turn around on the spot, find yourself in the village of Prostokvashino!”

Then the teacher invites the teams to take their places.

P .: Guys, think and answer the riddle, then you will find out what our competition will be about today:

What are the red guys?

Couples walk, dance and sing,

Consonants are reconciled and syllables are created?

(vowel sounds)

There is a knock on the door.

P: Who is it? Has anyone come to visit us?

Uncle Fyodor enters.

P .: Oh, Uncle Fedor came to us.

D.F.: Hello guys! I'm looking for the street of Vowels. Do you know where she is?

P: You arrived just in time. We are already on this street. And now we start the game-competition. And we ask you to be on our jury.

D.F.: I would love to play with you and check what you know about vowels.

A: For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. For violation of the rules of conduct, a point is deducted.

The teacher rotates the arrow on the playing field.


Tell me what you know about vowels .

The teacher asks the children questions:

What sounds do we call vowels?

In which castle do vowel sounds live?

How many are there?

Name the vowels.


D.F .: In a wonderful backpack, what miracles,

In a wonderful backpack, I brought them to you!

Children are invited to take out one item from the backpack, you need to say its name, highlight and name the sound with which the given word begins. Then pick up a symbol-articulation of this sound and sing a vowel sound with the mood that is shown in the proposed picture.

Dynamic pause.

Accompanied by a musical audio recording.

D.F.: Guys, now I suggest you dance a little! Do you like to dance? Stand in pairs, facing each other. Repeat after me. D.F. shows the movements, and the children repeat.

Knock-knock-knock-tock, Arms bent at the elbows, fingers clenched into fists,

Hitting like a hammer! alternately put the cam on the cam.

Knock-knock-knock-knock, Children stretch out their hands to each other: one - right, the other left,

2 hands tapped! then one claps the palm of the hand against the palm of the other child.

Knock-knock-knock-tok, Stomp with the right, then with the left foot, hands on the belt.

My heel popped!

Knock-knock-knock-knock, Stretch forward leg, one - right, the other - left,

Heels popped! sink lightly.

Knock-knock-knock-knock, Children clap each other's palms, stretching out

Two legs and two arms! hand forward, stamp the foot in such a way that

the left arm and right leg moved simultaneously and vice versa.

Sound letter from the postman Pechkin.

D.F.: I brought you a sound letter from the postman Pechkin. There is a task in it, when you complete it, it is very important to work together, carefully, quickly and correctly!

You will need to select the first sound in the word, raise the flag with the symbol of this sound.

"Collect a word."

P .: Guys, and now you have an unusual task. The words are encoded in the pictures. You will need to determine the first sound in the name of the pictures, then make a word from these sounds.

P .: Well done, “deciphered” the words! Now divide the word into syllables and count them. (Each of the children names the number of syllables, explains why there are so many of them, remembering the rule: how many vowels in a word, so many syllables).

D.F .: Well done guys, you were offered a difficult task, but you did it! Did you like to participate in the game - the competition? And I was also glad that if someone found it difficult to answer, then the whole team helped him!

Let's count the points and decide the winner. (To be summed up). Each of the participants of the competition did their best, and therefore - receives a well-deserved reward (D.F. gives souvenirs-emblems to children).

And I have to go, I'm in a hurry to meet the other guys. Goodbye!

P .: And it's time for us to return to our group:

“1, 2, 3, turn around, be in the “Bird” group!”

Photo-fragments of the game-lesson What do we know about vowels?

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