Jewish roots of Yeltsin. The real origin of Boris Yeltsin

President - Yeltsin (married to a Jewess).
Naina Iosifovna Yeltsina, Jewish wife of former Russian President Boris Yeltsin
Presidential adviser on economic issues - Livshits - a Jew.
Throughout Yeltsin's reign (1991-1999), most of his advisers were Jews.
Heads of the Presidential Administration Filatov, Chubais, Voloshin - all Jews

Economy Minister - Yasin - Jewish
Deputy Minister of Economy - Urinson - Jew
Minister of Finance - Panskov - Jew
Deputy Minister of Finance - Vavilov - a Jew
Chairman of the Central Bank - Paramonova - Jewish
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Kozyrev - a Jew
Minister of Energy - Shafrannik - Jewish
Minister of Communications - Bulgak - a Jew
Minister for Natural Resources - Danilov-Danilyan - Jew
Minister of Transport - Efimov - a Jew
Minister of Health - Nechaev - a Jew
Minister for Science - Saltykov - a Jew
Minister of Culture - Sidorov - a Jew

Chairman of the Media Committee - Gryzunov - a Jew

"Izvestia" - Golembiovsky - a Jew
"Komsomolskaya Pravda" - Fronin - a Jew
"Moskovsky Komsomolets" - Gusev (Drabkin) - Jew
"Arguments and Facts" - Starkov is a Jew
"Labor" - Potapov - a Jew
"Moscow News" - Karpinsky - a Jew
"Kommersant" - Yakovlev (Ginzburg) - Jew
"New Look" - Dodolev - a Jew
"Nezavisimaya Gazeta" - Tretyakov - a Jew
"Evening Moscow" - Lisin - a Jew
"Literaturnaya Gazeta" - Udaltsov - a Jew
"Glasnost" - Izyumov - a Jew
"Interlocutor" - Kozlov - a Jew
"Country Life" - Kharlamov - a Jew.
"Top Secret" - Borovik is a Jew.

State Television and Radio Company, Ostankino - A. Yakovlev - a Jew.
Russian television and radio company - Poptsov - a Jew.


It's pointless to talk about the government.
All the finances of Russia were concentrated in the hands of the Jews.

The country was ruled by seven bankers, six of whom were Jews:
1. Aven - a Jew,
2. Berezovsky is a Jew,
3. Gusinsky is a Jew,
4. Potanin (according to Potanin, the data differ).
5. Smolensky is a Jew,
6. Friedman is a Jew,
7. Khodorkovsky is a Jew.
The heads of the Presidential Administration are Jews: Chubais, Voloshin and the President's Daughter (a new position in the Jewish government) Tatyana Dyachenko (according to Jewish law - Halakha, as the daughter of a Jewess - a Jewess).

Politprosvet - Central Jewish Resource - claims that Putin's mother: "...tired of eternal moving, left Pechersky and married a Jew Epstein (he, Epstein, took his wife's surname), who adopted Vova Putin - Putin's father."
The electronic newspaper Peterburgskie Novosti wrote: “PUTIN HAS ALREADY SAID THAT THE JEWS HAVE LONG LONG AVOIDED HIM, and he recalls with joy how he grew up in a communal apartment in Baskov Lane among Jewish neighbors, the sweetest and most pleasant people.”

Putin's wife, Lyudmila Abramovna (Alexandrovna) Shkrebneva, is Jewish,
daughter of Ekaterina Tikhonovna (Mikhailovna) Shkrebneva,
daughter of a Jew Alexander (Abram) Avraamovich Shkrebnev

Now the Jews simply bought up the entire cabinet of ministers and deputies.

Chairman of the Board of RAO "UES of Russia" - Chubais - a Jew
Chairman of the Board of OJSC "GAZPROM" - Miller - a Jew

During Putin's tenure as President of the Russian Federation, there has been a concentration of mass media in the hands of Jews, who deliberately identify the small Jewish diaspora with the concept of the state. They say, for example: "In the hands of the state." The Jews are hiding, they are afraid of reprisals.

Data are provided only for "state" channels or channels controlled by companies with a controlling stake in the "state". Most of them are under the control of Jewish leaders, who invite the relevant "experts" who are supported by the Jews:
"Times" (Channel 1) - Posner is a Jew.
"To the Barrier" (NTV) - Solovyov is a Jew.
"Sunday Evening" (NTV) - Solovyov (by the way, Vladimir Rudolfovich, on the basis of a fanatical passion for Jewish mystical teachings - Kabbalah "the roof has gone", therefore the transfer begins at 22.22) - Jew
"What to do" (Culture) - Tretyakov - Jew
"Meanwhile" (Culture) - Arkhangelsky - Jew
"Cultural Revolution" (Culture) - Shvydkoi - Jew
Versty (TVC) - Mlechin is a Jew
"Week" (REN-TV) - Maksimovskaya - Jewish.

In 1949, Yeltsin entered the construction department of the Ural Polytechnic Institute named after SM. Kirov, but before passing the entrance exams, he passed a kind of "workshop" for suitability for construction - he built a village bathhouse according to the "project" of his seventy-year-old grandfather.

The “Confession” again does not specify which grandfather is being referred to: either this is grandfather Ignat, who laid village stoves ten years ago, or simply one of the familiar fellow villagers. Here our "hero" gave free rein to his imagination: he felled pines alone, and dragged logs on himself from the forest, which is three kilometers from the construction site, and alone raised the upper crowns, and so on.

The bathhouse, together with the dressing room, turned out well, the grandfather accepted the work with an “excellent” rating and gave the “go-ahead” to enter the institute. I entered the institute easily, only two fours, the rest fives. And began a "strange" student life, strongly associated with the game of volleyball. However, it is better to give the floor to the former student himself:

“Student life began: stormy, interesting. From the first year he plunged into social work. In the line of sports, the chairman of the sports bureau, I am responsible for the organization of all sports events.

At that time he was already playing volleyball at a fairly high level, he became a member of the city's volleyball team, and a year later he participated in the Sverdlovsk team in the major league games, where 12 of the best teams in the country played.

All five years, while I was at the institute, I played, trained, traveled around the country, the loads were huge. True, we took 6th-7th places, we did not become champions, but everyone took us seriously.

There is no study here. We do not find in the memoirs of B. Yeltsin memories of professors and teachers of the UPI named after S.M. Kirov (the case of Professor Regitsky is a pleasant exception), about his work in student circles or the student scientific society of the institute, about the reports he made at student scientific conferences, what topics of term papers or projects he had to work out, which of his professors-mentors he remembered for the whole the rest of your life.

There is nothing of this, as if he is not a student of the UPI, but of some institute of physical education, or, at least, a full-time volleyball coach at the department of physical education of the same UPI. There is no time for him to do scientific work, to pass the next session and again into battle.

“Volleyball really left a big mark on my life, because I not only played, but then also coached four teams: the second team of the UPI, women, men - in general, it took me six hours a day to volleyball and study (and no one indulges me I didn’t give it) I only had to do it late in the evening or at night, even then I accustomed myself to sleep little, and until now I somehow got used to this regime and slept for 3.5-4 hours ... ”Completeness, without concessions, of course, did not manage.

“We all learned little by little...” and we know perfectly well in what privileged conditions the sports stars of institutes and universities invariably found themselves. For the sake of the sporting honor of the institute, the dean's office calmly turned a blind eye to any absenteeism, absences, and no one strictly asked such students: if only they won more diplomas, cups, pennants.

In this scenario, a sports star, in principle, may not attend classes at all, but only show up on time for tests and exams, the preparation for which resembled an assault on a fortress. Such students "mastered" the semester course of any subject in 4-5 days, which gave rise to a well-known student anecdote: the question - "how many days can you learn Chinese," was followed by the question - when to take it?

So for student-athletes, all subjects in the course of study were a kind of "Chinese letter". Professor Regitsky, who taught a course on the theory of plasticity of materials, was apparently a “black sheep” at the institute, as he required students to report for the semester on their subject, regardless of athletic achievements.

Here he is the only one who got into Yeltsin's memoirs: “Once, Professor Regitsky, at an exam on the theory of plasticity, suggested that I answer right away, without preparation. He says: “Comrade Yeltsin, take a ticket and try without preparation, you are an athlete with us, why should you prepare?”

And everyone has notebooks and notes on the tables. The fact is that in the theory of plasticity there are some formulas that need to be written on more than one page, it is impossible to remember. Allowed to use textbooks and notes. The professor decided to experiment on me. We fought with him for a long time.

But he still gave me a four, it's a pity. In fact, the student Yeltsin lives on wear and tear. Daily training for six or more hours, long trips to the cities of the country as part of the city's national volleyball team, classes in snatches for 4-5 hours in the evenings and even until late at night, sooner or later should have affected his health.

Here are his own reminiscences about this: “Once my favorite volleyball almost brought me to the grave. At some point, training for six to eight hours and doing subjects at night (I wanted to have only an “excellent” mark in the test), apparently, I overexerted myself.

And then, as luck would have it, I fell ill with a sore throat, the temperature was forty, but I still went to training, and my heart could not stand it. Pulse 150, weakness, I was taken to the hospital. They said to lie down and lie down, then there is a chance that in four months, at least, the heart will recover, otherwise it will be a heart disease.

However, Yeltsin turned out to be a very undisciplined patient - a few days later he made a romantic escape from the hospital, descending from the top floor along an impromptu rope woven from hospital sheets. He went to his parents in Berezniki for further treatment, where he again began to get involved and dragged on: periods of seemingly complete recovery were replaced by relapses of weakness, apathy, and in the end he had to stay for a second year.

Naina Iosifovna Yeltsina - Biography
Jewish origin

What is the real first name and surname of Naina Yeltsina

So he graduated from the institute only in 1955, a year later than his classmates, with whom he began his studies. There is no silver lining, because as a result he ended up on the same course with Anastasia Girina, who in a few years will become his wife - Naina Iosifovna Yeltsina.

Nationality of Naina Yeltsina... How Anastasia Girina later became Naina Yeltsina is a separate question.

Anastasia Girina ( Naina Yeltsina) was born on March 14, 1932 in an Old Believer family, but, despite the Church Slavonic name - Anastasia, in the house she was called Naya, and at school Naina, which was the reason for the biographers of the Yeltsin family to look for Jewish roots in the genealogy of Naina Iosifovna Girina (Yeltsina).

According to Alexander Korzhakov, the version of Jewish origin Naina Iosifovna, actively supported the mother of B. Yeltsin - Claudia Vasilievna. So, in an interview with the former head of the presidential guard to the Zavtra newspaper (1998, No. 43), he, in particular, said: “Yeltsin tells everyone that she is Russian.

Although the name itself is doubtful: in a Russian family where they know "Ruslan and Lyudmila" Pushkin, they will never call a girl by that name, because Naina is there - a genius of evil, a sorceress, a witch ... So, Claudia Vasilievna (Yeltsin's mother) told the journalist , what Naina Iosifovna - Jewish, but " good jewish».

When there was a rapprochement between Berezovsky, Smolensky, Gusinsky, Malashenko, Khodorkovsky, Yumashev, Filatov - these are all people of the same nationality - at first I could not understand Tanya (Yeltsin's daughter): how can she listen to the same Boris Abramovich for hours? .. Alas, maternal genes. native environment."

For many years, the future first lady of Russia lived under a double name: according to her passport, Anastasia, and in everyday life, Naina. Even Boris Yeltsin, already married, did not know about the existence of a double name for his wife. (->> Naina Iosifovna Yeltsina Wikipedia)

In any case, she claimed this in an interview with the press (but how did they formalize the marriage and the birth of their first daughter?). And only in the 60th year, after the birth of her second daughter, she wrote a statement to the registry office and put an end to all this confusion.

B. Yeltsin writes very little and restrainedly about his future wife in his memoirs: “In the whirlpool of stormy student life, we formed our own company: six guys and six girls. We lived side by side, in two large rooms, met together almost every evening.

Of course, someone fell in love with the girls, I was in sports training, and a month later he began to play volleyball again. Someone also liked the treatment, but constantly in our large friendly student family, I began to notice more and more one thing - Naya Girina ...

She was always modest, friendly, kind of soft. It suited my indefatigable nature very well. Our mutual sympathy grew gradually, but we didn’t show it, and even if we kissed her, then like with all girls, on the cheek. And so our platonic relationship continued for a long time, although I internally understood that I had fallen in love, fell deeply in love and there was nowhere to go.

Of all the girls in the established student company, Naina Girina was the most inconspicuous and quiet. Biography of Naina Yeltsina banal ... Growing up in an Old Believer family, where not only drinking - a strong word was considered a sin, she amazed her friends with humility and gentleness. For a desperate ringleader of student revels with a broken nose, the party is rather strange.

But, according to A. Khinshtein, everything was decided by a very prosaic underlying reason: “Nastya cooked excellently (by student standards). Coming into the girl's room, Yeltsin invariably swept the pies baked for her from the table, ate homemade borscht, and gradually became imbued with sympathy for the sweet, homely young lady.

Their union was a clear confirmation of the thesis that the way to a man's heart lies through the stomach. I would venture to suggest that delicious homemade food symbolized the warmth of the family hearth for the future president.

From childhood he himself ate from hand to mouth, he saw tempting pickles only in the book “On Tasty and Healthy Food” and quite sincerely considered sausages cooked with butter to be the highest pleasure.

According to another version, sports brought young people together; for example, they write about this A.A. Mukhin and P.A. Kozlov: “Naina met Boris Yeltsin, as you know, in her second year at the institute - Boris Nikolaevich was the chairman of the sports bureau of the construction department, and Naina was involved in athletics. On the sports field, they agreed.

Apparently, both versions have the right to exist, especially since B. Yeltsin himself confirms this in his other book, Notes of the President: “When we lived in a hostel in neighboring rooms for several years, we did not have “love” in the modern sense of the word .

By the way, at first I liked another girl from their group. Then he fell in love with Naya. But to start a real romance did not work. We lived some kind of collective life splashing over the edge - stormy, active .. Our two rooms - "girls" and "boys" - were called the "collective farm", I was chosen the "chairman", and Naya the "sanitary hygienist".

The most accurate. We had a “treasurer” girl, all the money went into one pot, ate together, laughed together, went to the movies together, arranged “skits”, well ... just lived. And, of course, sports, endless volleyball - matches, training, I'm on the court, Naya is on the bench, and I see her face, calm and radiant.

All this is true, but something important is missing to explain such a long but reliable path to the heart of Naina. He carefully concealed his sympathy for her both from his friends and from herself. As a true leader in the formed "collective farm", he behaved in a "royal" manner.

He kept all the girls in love with him, and even the pretty Naina himself, at a fair distance. The king cannot be accessible to everyone and everyone!

He understood and felt that if he took a step towards one or another girlfriend, and that's it, goodbye freedom! He did not want to exchange his strength, which he assumed and expected to invest in his career, for love affairs. He decided that Naina would not make an exception either.

Let time pass, it will better show whether they are suitable for each other or not. Emotions are a perishable product, which means that when creating a family, you cannot be guided only by them. There must be something more that holds two people together for life.

It is known that the happiest marriages are those where the spouses have the same value system, the same interests, when they look in the same direction, see the same pictures of the world, speak the same language, understand each other perfectly.

But in order to be convinced of all this, time is needed, and therefore Yeltsin keeps Naina at a distance, while continuing to carefully monitor her every look, gesture, phrase, act - he made a deliberately dismissive look, made it clear that pies are pies, sport - sports, and Naya for him is just one of the many beautiful girls who are trying to win his heart. And he is the main prize in this competition.

Conquer who can! The question is, how did the modest, shy Naina manage to bypass all her smart and attractive classmates who are in love with the handsome sports leader of the faculty? How did she manage to become the chosen one of the future president of Russia? Until the end of this, she, most likely, does not realize herself. What’s more, she didn’t put much effort into it.

She was just herself. A. Granatova, who has well studied the biographical details of the Yeltsin family clan, writes: “It is more likely that Boris saw maternal care, thriftiness and cleanliness in Naya. And yet, the main difference from all her "competitors" was an incredibly patient and hardy character.

Psychological flexibility, willingness to compromise. He was - like an icebreaker, going ahead, crashing and breaking ice floes in its path, never deviating from its course. And she is like water in the ocean, also strong and energetic, but able to flexibly take any form ... They are hard metal and soft water - two elements, two people, very much suited each other.

In our opinion, the key word that determined the fate of these two psychologically completely different personalities was said, as it is with the poet: They came together - water and stone, Poems and prose, ice and fire ... And the word is "maternal care."

Naina Iosifovna became for Yeltsin for the rest of his life - "wife-mother." Of the three categories of women - future wives ("wife-lover", "wife-mother", "wife-daughter") for such an indefatigable nature as B. Yeltsin, only the "wife-mother", which Naina Iosifovna was, could become the irreplaceable half of the obstinate spouse.

Being always in the shadow of her husband, calm and reasonable, unquestioningly enduring all sorts of breakdowns and antics, she unobtrusively, smoothly helped him open up. It was Naina Iosifovna who played a decisive role in the formation of Yeltsin as the whole country knows him. Without it, he would simply drink himself, of which examples are yet to come.

Yes, and Yeltsin himself understood this well, if in his memoirs he found a few kind words addressed to his half, he “condescended”, so to speak: “The rest of my life showed that it was fate. It was exactly that choice - one of a thousand.

Naya accepted me and fell in love with me the way I was - stubborn, prickly and, of course, it was not so easy for her with me. Well, I'm not talking about myself - I fell in love with her, soft, tender. Good, for life." Thus, the choice of a “wife-mother” as a life partner is not accidental, it also comes from childhood.

The cruelty of the father, to whom the son should have had a natural attachment, pushed him to his mother, who was an intercessor for her beloved son in the drunken antics of his father. The child slowly but surely developed an "oedipal complex" - an unnatural love for his mother and a natural responsiveness to women's problems.

For example, at the institute, he was the coach of the women's volleyball team, and in senior positions in Sverdlovsk, he always found a common language with women's teams and was personally involved in the improvement of women's cabins. In general, in the female audience, he felt much more confident than in the male audience, on the one hand, and quickly found understanding with them, on the other.

Yeltsin's relationship in the family with his father led to the development of other complexes, such as excessive demands on oneself - to be a leader in any situation, on the one hand, and fear of a solitary existence, on the other. Studying and working in all positions, Yeltsin planned his working day in such a way that he could be “in public” as much as possible.

For example, according to some reports, he excluded Saturday from his days off and always worked to be in the public eye. Yeltsin was weary of the obligatory Sunday dinners hosted by Naina Iosifovna, considering rest time to be wasted time.

His rest has always been collective, which he enthusiastically writes in "Confession ...", that after graduation from the institute they will rest together, with the whole "collective farm", regardless of any life vicissitudes: "And after 1955, when we graduated from the institute, 34 years have passed (the year of writing the "Confession" - 1989. - A.K.), and this tradition has never been violated by me!

And once we even gathered with children. 87 people have already come to this meeting. By no means in a sanatorium, but only in a wild way: we walked through the taiga, through the Urals, along the Golden Ring, once we bought tickets for a steamboat - and rode along the Kama, the Volga.

Another time they lived in Gelendzhik, on the seashore in a tent city, once they sailed along the Yenisei to Dikson Island. They came up with new options all the time, and they were always interesting and fun.” This character trait allowed some researchers to talk about the ongoing "underdevelopment of Yeltsin, the extreme primitiveness of feelings and the undeveloped intimate side of life."

Intimately, he compensated for the lack of “labor maximalism”, which, as a result, led to the formation of the “self-made man” complex, the “self-made” person. It sincerely seems to such a person that everything is within his power and there are no such things that he could not understand and do.

Such a person lives in a completely different coordinate system, where there is no place for emotions, and everything should revolve around one person, that is, around him, his beloved. A. Khinshtein did not scrupulously analyze these psycho-emotional subtleties of his “hero” and slashed like a worker-peasant: “It seems that Yeltsin was not interested in women at all. Or interested in so far as.

The devil knows, maybe he got more satisfaction from sports and labor exploits than from sex? And in conclusion, he gives a medical diagnosis: “Sexual disorders that are not caused by organic disorders appear with an actual deviation from age and constitutional norms.

They can be expressed in the form of complete or relative indifference to members of the opposite sex and in the manifestation of explicit sexual infantilism. Naina Iosifovna walked next to her husband-tyrant throughout his difficult life path.

Apparently he loved his half in his own way, but he was too busy with his career. Natalya Konstantinovna, a former employee of the Kremlin press service, recalls: “Perhaps all these forty-odd years (in fact, they lived for 51 years. - A.K.) she lacked warmth and care, although what woman admits this out loud.

Only once escaped in a conversation with his youngest daughter Tatyana about family life: “If my husband kissed me every minute like your Lesha ...” Boris Nikolaevich was rude to her, he could shout,
at the same time, he himself recognized this shortcoming: “I am a harsh person, I do not deny it. Naina is having a hard time with me.”

Once Alexander Shokhin observed and subsequently described a characteristic scene. Someone close to Yeltsin fills a glass. Naina Iosifovna tries to stop him: - Fight, don't drink! - Chick, woman! They bring borscht.

Yeltsin takes the salt shaker. Naina Iosifovna warns: - Fight, you try first. Borscht is salty. Ignoring her words, he starts shaking the salt shaker...” Years will pass, and the first lady of Russia will smile awkwardly, not knowing what to say to people about her bruises on her hands.

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With great interest, I read your previous issue, sacredly died recently B. El-qi-nu. I fully agree with all the materials of this issue, but I would like to shed light on the long-standing dispute between pat-ri-o-tami: was Bo-ris Nikolaevich a Jew? Is his real name really El-tsin, and not Yeltsin? I think this historical note will bring final clarity to this issue.

Exactly one week before the next anniversary of the infamous death of Adolf Hitler, Satan took to himself the unholy soul of the former candidate member of the Polit Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU B.N. Yeltsin, who seized the supreme power in Russia in the troubled re-construction years. Like Hitler, Yeltsin became a cursed fi-gu-swarm in the memory of the Russian people, for the result of Yel-tsin-s-th reign surpassed the result of Hitler’s “ Drang nah Os-ten "...

One of the main characteristic features of the Yeltsin regime was a pronounced Zionist dominance in the highest spheres of power, thickly covered with flax Chubais, bodice - shitz and other urin-so-na-mi - their name is legion. In connection with the following circumstance, in the pat-ri-o-tic press, materials were often placed, the authors of which ut-ver-y-yes that Yeltsin himself is of Jewish descent and is even a direct descendant of the old big-she-vi-ka Jew Boris El-tsin.

Boris Mikhailovich Eltsin, colleague of L. Trotsky

However, in order not to see Russia, it is not at all necessary (as, for example, it was with Lenin) to belong to the “chosen” tribe. It is enough to point to the specific types of pages of Smerdya-ko-va or Sharikov described in the Russian classic literature. And for every Sha-rikov, there will always be many shvonders.

As for the genealogy of Boris Yeltsin, he came from a family of wealthy Russian peasants in the village of Basmanovo in the Urals. In the early 30s, the Yeltsin family underwent dispossession (oh, it would be better if this happened in the 90s! - Ed.), And the father of the future "guarantor of con -sti-tutions ”- Nikolai Ignatievich El-tsin - went to work in Kazan, where the construction of an air-a-qi-on-th plant was going on. In Kazan, N.I. Yeltsin and his brother An-d-ri-an would have been accused of "anti-Soviet agitation", and through the efforts of the opera--the commissioner of the Tatar OGPU, to-varish Ismagilov, half a nili in May 1934, the number of prisoners of GU-LA-Ga(“Izvestia”, 1993 No. 184; “Russia”, 1993, No. 48, p. 3) .

Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin, associate of B. Berezovsky

So with the “national question”, Boris Yeltsin had everything in perfect order. Another thing is that, having forgotten the suffering of his relatives, he became a faithful adherent of the anti-national ideology of Bolshevism, thanks to which he achieved all the -possible no-men-cla-tour heights.

Now let's move on to the pre-word namesake and spiritual twin --- of the deceased general-of-the-blood--of the Jewish oligarchs in Russia.

According to documents from the archive of the NKVD on Dalstroy in Ma-ga-da-ne, Boris Mikhailo-vich Eltsin was born in 1875 in the town of Zve-ni-go-ro-dok, Kyiv province, in the family of a teacher body. By nationality, he, ra-z-u-meet-sya, was a purebred ev-re-em.

In 1907, B. El-tsin graduated from the medical faculty of the New-Russian-siy-sky university in Odessa and received a diploma of a doctor-epidemio-logo. But he did not begin to work in his specialty, since back in 1897 he became a professional revolutionary. Teach-you-vaya that the RSDLP at that time did not yet exist-in-va-lo, then, most likely, B. Eltsin was then in the pro-Zionist Bunde.

After the Bolshevik transfer, B. El-tsin took an active part in the genocide of the Russian people, being a member of the collegium of the NKVD of the RSFSR in 1918-1920 . Then he was listed as a research fellow of the State Plan.

Boris Eltsin had two children: son Viktor and daughter Vera. He lived in Moscow in the elite "1st House of Soviets".

The brilliant party career of B. Eltsin came to an end in 1929, when, as a result of intra-Bolshevik squabbles, it turned out to be half-but-with-the defeat of the Trots-kis-tov faction, to which he attached-over-le-sting.

B. Eltsin was sent to Orenburg, where he became the head of the sanitary-tar-but-statistical department of the local Bacteriological Institute.

However, the once native B. El-qi-nu of the NKVD did not forget about him, and on May 7, 1936, the epi-de-mi-o-log, who had not been given, was convicted of trots-kis-t-sky activities for five years of camps.

B. El-tsin was serving his sentence in the North-East-Lag in Kolyma, where he was delivered by a special flight of the Ku-lu steamer.

Soon B. Eltsin was again put on trial on charges that he was a member of the “underground committee of Trotskyists” in the camp, became its political secretary and prepared an uprising of prisoners.

By the decision of the UNKVD troika for the Far East Territory, B. El-qi-na was sentenced to the highest measure of so-qi-al-noy protection and dis-str-relalied on November 27, 1937 (by the way, in the same case, there was a ras-st-relyan and a co-tribe-man - nickname "trots-kista-epi-de-mi--o-lo-ha" former pre-d-se- da-tel Azerbaijan-zhan-s-coy Cheka Leonid Isa-a-ko-vich Gir --- chic).

As you can see, the biographical lines of both Boriss - Yeltsin and El-tsin - never crossed anywhere and never.

True, unlike the eldest, the youngest of the Boriss managed to avoid retaliation on this earth for his serious crimes against the Russian people, but will the former “guarantor” succeed? to escape the Supreme Court?

Sergei Vladimirovich Naumov, historian

varjag_2007 The real origin of Boris Yeltsin

The first president of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin, came from a family of exiled kulaks, and not at all from a “poor family,” as his official biography says. So, at least, the Interpreter's Blog claims.

“The Eltsyn family is an old family. The first written mention of the ancestors of this surname dates back to 1495, when Elizarko Yelets fled from Veliky Novgorod from the excesses of the Muscovites-Horde, who were destroying the old Russian democracy. Yelets fled to the northern Urals, which at that time was the bearish corner of Eurasia, and where the hand of the Muscovites could not reach. Of course, after the Nikonian “reform”, the Yeltsins became Old Believers,” the blog authors write in an article published today. At the same time, it is noted that it is correct to write the name Yeltsin through “s”: “this is how it was officially written until the 1920s. And so it is correct to write it according to the rules of the Russian language (compare - Kuritsyn, Solzhenitsyn, etc.)”.

The Interpreter's Blog writes that Boris Yeltsin's grandfather Ignatius owned a rather large farm: 4 cows, 5 horses, small livestock, 12 hectares of crops. While “officially B.N. Yeltsin claimed that "they lived in poverty, 1 cow and 1 horse." In 1930, Ignatius Yeltsin was dispossessed of kulak and sentenced to exile in the village of Butka. “The certificate of the Ural OGPU says that Ignatiy Yeltsin fled from the place of exile and “is on the run at the present time” (again, we recall that B.N. Yeltsin officially wrote that at that time his grandfather was laying stoves),” they say the authors of the article. According to the blog, Boris Yeltsin's father was arrested for escaping from a place of exile and received 3 years in the camps. Nikolai Yeltsin worked on the construction of the Moscow Canal in the village of Taldom, and for exemplary behavior was released earlier than 3 years later - in 1936 he returned to his family.

From this version of the origin of the first president of the Russian Federation, the Interpreter's Blog concludes that Yeltsin "had objective motives for the destruction of the" evil empire "- revenge for his father and grandfather." “In Russia, disputes still do not subside, what guided President Boris Yeltsin, first destroying the USSR, and then its stub - Russia. Most often, irrational arguments are given - Yeltsin's alcoholism, his tyranny or even dementia. But after reading the biography of himself, and even more so of his ancestors, you come to the conclusion that Boris Nikolaevich’s hatred for the “evil empire” had serious grounds,” the article says.

It is worth noting that in the book of Boris Yeltsin "Confession on a given topic" there really is no mention of the dispossession and exile of his grandfather, Ignatius. The first president only mentions "total dispossession" and that "everyone was driven to the collective farm."

Yeltsin with his parents and at a community work day in Sverdlovsk

Let me remind you that a similar "skeleton in the closet" appeared in the biography of the family of Viktor Yushchenko's wife Katya Chumachenko: she stated that her grandfather was a victim of famine and repression, but it turned out that

This feuilleton “How did Yeltsin become Eltsin?” was published in the magazine "Young Guard" six months before the execution of the White House. For several months he lay in the editorial office, waiting for his turn. The surnames and publications mentioned in the feuilleton convey the spirit of that time, the sparring in the journalistic environment. I remembered this work when recently, in a stormy laudatory television stream dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the first president of Russia, I saw a story with his press secretary Vyacheslav Kostikov. He told how Yeltsin played with spoons in Kyrgyzstan on Akaev's head. And for some reason he emphasized that such behavior is a purely Russian habit. I remembered my post 19 years ago. Then many wondered why the Russian president has a non-Russian surname. This discussion was devoted to my feuilleton. It is curious that it continues to this day. The public loves riddles from onomastics.

Somehow it is necessary to celebrate the 80th anniversary, I thought and posted it on the blog.

Valery Rodikov

To the 80th anniversary of the first Russian President


The newborn weekly "Literary News", the organ of the April Writers' Association, named so, probably, in honor of April 1986, when the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was blown up (of course, not by these writers, but who knows), barely hatched from the shell, immediately crowed the sensation. I'll quote verbatim:

Eltsin Boris Moiseevich. (Uncle.) Since 1918 (in the midst of the destruction of the Russian people by the Jews under the slogan of fighting anti-Semitism), a member of the collegium of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs. Then the chairman of the Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) provincial executive committee. In 1937 he was shot as a Trotskyist by an unknown patriot. Therefore, the nephew (B. N. Yeltsin) is a member of Memorial. (See VOSR Archive, f. 2, op. 1, item 6865.) "Handbook of a Black Hundred Patriot" from the newspaper of the Russian national liberation movement "Moscow Tavern" No. 1. Contrary to the law on the press, the release dates, the founder, the name of the editor-in-chief are not indicated ... "

As I understand it, "LN" started a struggle in order to wrest our dear and beloved President from the "Moscow Tavern", find his biblical roots and introduce him to the number of prophets. From the side of LN, the great TV showman with the most Russian surname Alexander Ivanov entered the fray, who categorically states:

Of course, Yeltsin is a Jew,

Because smart and determined.

The final blow is dealt by the editor-in-chief of LN, Edmund Iodkovsky. He does not have a shadow of a doubt about the nationality of Boris Nikolaevich, only he prefers to talk about it in a narrow circle of like-minded people, on the editorial board, but not with the "Black Hundred bastards" from the Moscow Tavern.

There is no doubt that Alexander Ivanov is right: Yeltsin is smart and decisive. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was also smart and decisive, and if he had lived as many years as Boris Nikolaevich, then he would certainly have become an excellent democrat from a hard stone red-brown Marxist, and his mummy would not be lying on Red Square now.

Perhaps the leader's illness coincided with the breaking of his convictions. Here Boris Nikolaevich turned out to be stronger: he was a communist butterfly, he became a democratic caterpillar. It is a pity that Vladimir Ilyich pupated before he managed to develop into an architect of perestroika.

By the way, Vladimir Ilyich also showed biblical roots from the time of Adam. As documented by G. M. Deutsch in his pamphlet “The Jewish Ancestors of Lenin” (New York, 1991), Vladimir Ilyich’s maternal grandfather was Israel Blank of the Jewish faith, who, before entering the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy, converted to Orthodoxy and replaced name - became Alexander Blank. (See TsGIA USSR, Fund No. 1297 - Medical

department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, inventory 10, 1820, unit. ridge 10, ll. 206/208.)

It cannot be denied that much in the behavior of Vladimir Ilyich and Boris Nikolayevich is similar. One spoke from an armored car, the other from a tank (what can you do - progress). Both of them put Russia on a starvation ration. Both have big plans. Lenin - to build socialism. During the critical period, Yanaev proposed gekachepism, and Boris Nikolayevich created a new doctrine - gekaotchepism.

And now in our CIS country, we, its citizens, the CIS members and our children, the CIS members, whether you like it or not, have to build gekaotchepism.

It is interesting that The Day, an antagonist of LN, supports its line on the issue of Yeltsin's roots. This is what a marvelous quatrain, published in The Day (No. 43, 92) says, to a motive close to our president:

Everything is like a parade today

Everything is on the way to burbulism

In the Gaidar-Shokhinsky "brigade"

Benya Yeltsin ahead!

The reason to cross Boris in Benya, apparently, was the book "Sweet Gift" by the Russian writer Alla Ktorova living in the USA. Excerpts from the book were published in The Day a little earlier (No. 36, 92):

“This surname (Yeltsin. - V.R.) to an ordinary citizen of the country inexperienced in onomastics seems typically Russian, and only a professional onomast can understand how Russified it is obscured ... Before it flashed on the pages of the press, the surname “pulled "to write the ending through" Y ", that is, Yeltsin. The alternation of “y” and “and” in the endings of some Russian surnames plays an important role, and a naming specialist, having made an onomastic analysis, will attribute the surname Yeltsin to the layer of those that are not formed from the name of the city of Yelets (in this case it would be Yeltsov, Yeletsky - character of the opera The Queen of Spades or Elchaninov, a representative of an old noble family), but from a Jewish anthroponym, a deminative (diminutive) female name Yelts ... "

From here, according to the researcher, Jewish surnames such as Yeltsin, Elkin, Elchin, Elshin came from ... “As for the surname Yeltsin, it is also found in the United States, having come to America along with Jews who emigrated here at the end of the 19th century ... »

I am personally convinced that our dear and beloved B. N. Yeltsin, his last name came from a Christmas tree (not to be confused with oak and linden). By the way, the young Moscow historian-archivist D. A. Panov, subtly catching the demand of the moment, promptly issued a brochure “The experience of a generational painting of the Yeltsin family. (Perm, 1992), which, according to press reports, made the president very happy. I was also pleased. Still: our president has nothing to do with the Jews who emigrated to the United States, Yeltsin, or with the Chinese Qing dynasty. The historical operative claims that the ancestors of Boris Nikolayevich used to be called the Yeltsins, then in one tribe the Yeltsins, and only the surname of the parent of the current president (perhaps under the influence of the international ideas of the Great October Revolution) began to be written in a modern manner - Yeltsin.

The mockery of the democratic parodists from LN is surely a claim to give a fortress to a small nation. The patriots from The Day apparently want to emphasize the amazing similarity of the two revolutions: the October 1917 and August 1991 revolutions. Therefore, so that no one has even a shadow of a doubt that the Christmas tree is ordinary, from the Russian forest, and not some exotic blue spruce from the nursery, it is necessary to change only one letter by the highest decree: instead of Yeltsin, write Yeltsin in the Russian manner, like Skobeltsyn , Ptitsyn, Kuritsyn, Sinitsyn ...

In our time of landslide renaming, changing just one letter is a mere trifle. But then no "Literary News" and "Days" will undermine. And then already "Moscow News" (No. 40, p. 13, 92) managed to write the name of the famous academician Skobeltsyn in the Yeltsin manner through "and".


people's deputy

Sverdlovsk District Council of Moscow

"Young Guard" No. 3, 1993

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