Fragrances in your home. Aromatization of indoor air with essential oils What is the best oil for aromatization of a room

Aromatherapy is considered an excellent tool that can affect the psycho-emotional state of a person. Most often at home, various methods are used to aromatize the air. For example, aerosols with all kinds of smells: floral, marine, etc.

But experts recommend aromatizing their apartments using natural products, namely, essential oils, which are extracted from natural raw materials. Qualitative aromatization of premises allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • Create a favorable atmosphere.
  • Cheer up.
  • Eliminate unpleasant odors in the room.
  • Disinfect the air.

Essential oils and their effects

Different essential oils have very different effects on a person. Many of them can be used on their own, as well as in combination with other esters. In order to aromatize the air in your own home, you need to study exactly how this or that essential oil can affect the mood, as well as what smell and properties it has.

  • Grapefruit, orange, mint oils are well suited to relieve fatigue.
  • Lavender essential oil can help relieve anxiety and stress.
  • Aromas of rose, bergamot and jasmine can stimulate creativity.
  • Lemon, mint, sage invigorate and increase the level of efficiency.
  • Eucalyptus, tea tree and all citrus oils - disinfect the air and help to cope with the symptoms of colds.
  • Lavender, frankincense, ylang ylang, cinnamon are effective against stress and depression.
  • To strengthen memory, the smells of cloves, rosemary, lemon balm are good.
  • To give self-confidence, it is recommended to inhale the aromas of geranium, anise, ylang ylang.

Since essential oils are concentrated, just a few drops are enough to fill the room with a pleasant aroma and immerse yourself in a relaxing or, conversely, invigorating atmosphere.

Using an aroma lamp

To aromatize their apartment, many people use a special device called an aroma lamp, the demand for which is due to ease of use and low price.

It is a ceramic case with a bowl and a special place under it, designed to place a candle. A small amount of aromatic liquid is usually poured into the bowl, or a mixture of water with a few drops of one or another ether. Then a candle is lit, and as the water heats up, the air begins to fill with the chosen aroma and exert its healing effect.

There are also electric aroma burners equipped with a thermoblock.

Before using the aroma lamp, you need to study a few rules for its use:

  • Before the aromatization procedure, it is desirable to ventilate the room.
  • Windows must be tightly closed.
  • Do not turn on the aroma burner in places where ignition is possible, for example, on a plastic surface.
  • The first procedure should not last more than fifteen minutes.
  • Use only the recommended amount of essential oil, do not exceed the dose, so as not to achieve the opposite effect.
  • After each use, the device must be washed in soapy water and disinfected.

Also, you should always remember that the working aroma lamp should be located in an area inaccessible to children.

Other flavoring methods

In addition to using an incense burner, there are a number of methods designed to create a favorable atmosphere in an apartment with the help of aromas.

For example, you can prepare an aromatic liquid and pour it into a spray bottle and spray it where it is required. The aroma of the ether used in this case will soar around the apartment for at least two hours.

To create a unique atmosphere of comfort in the bedroom, you can add a few drops of your favorite ether when rinsing textile accessories.

One of the old and proven methods is a small piece of cloth or gauze soaked in an aromatic mixture of water and ethers, placed on a heating device.

In specialized stores, so-called incense sticks are sold, consisting of components such as flower extracts, resins, oils, herbs. The advantages of incense sticks include the following factors:

  • Their ability to effectively purify the air in a variety of rooms.
  • Contribute to the creation of a cozy family microclimate.
  • They help to get rid of unpleasant odors and harmful impurities in the air, for example, from tobacco smoke, from the characteristic smell in the toilet and in the kitchen, etc.
  • The aromas of some incense sticks can repel insects.
  • They have a good effect on the emotional state of a person, helping to eliminate signs of depression.

Before you start the air aromatization procedure at home, you need to make sure that the chosen smell or mixture of aromas is really suitable, evokes only positive emotions and meets the goals of the procedure. In simpler terms, the aroma should just be pleasant and not cause irritation.

Any person may show symptoms of individual intolerance to certain components, and if several symptoms occur, the procedure should be stopped immediately and the room ventilated. These are symptoms such as:

  • Shortness of breath, breathing problems.
  • Heartbeat disorders.
  • Migraine, dizziness, nausea.

With such signs, you can simply replace the essential oil.

As for contraindications, pregnancy and childhood should be mentioned here. But there are a few scents that can be used for children's rooms. Peppermint essential oil should not be used if there is an infant under one year old in the apartment. And for children who are less than fourteen years old, the aromas of cloves, tea tree, geraniums will be harmful.

When choosing air fragrance products, you should always pay attention to the quality and naturalness of the product, a good and natural essential oil should be sold in a dark glass bottle.

It is believed that some of the ethers are capable of exerting a certain negative impact. For example, there is a risk of an allergic reaction when using lemon or orange flavors. And if you abuse camphor oil, you can cause poisoning.


There are many recipes for using esters in an incense burner. For cheerfulness and good mood at the beginning of the day, a composition of the following oils is recommended:

  • clove;
  • pink;
  • orange.

And to relieve tension, a mixture of lavender essential oil, juniper, mint is suitable. To refresh and purify the air from harmful impurities, it is useful to add lemon, cinnamon, grapefruit and orange oil to the aroma lamp bowl.

You should always remember that using no more than five or six drops of each particular ester is enough to make the room smell pleasant.

Video: Aromatherapy for home

Aromatization of rooms is one of the most popular uses of essential oils. With the help of magnificent aromas, not only everyday tasks are solved, but also prevention and disinfection are carried out, a special mood is created. Aromatization is the least intense and strict and the most accessible method of aromatherapy.

To flavor the air, it is enough to buy a simple aroma lamp, it is not at all necessary to delve into the basics of the doctrine of the influence of essential oils. But the methods of economic use of essential oils are not limited to the aroma lamp, although it still remains the main tool that allows you to create a unique atmosphere.

Aromatization of the room is primarily used for the psycho-emotional correction of various conditions. Disinfection and prevention are additional, local goals that are set only in special cases, most often with colds and viral diseases of one of the family members. The specific direction of this procedure varies depending on the essential oils used for aromatization.

Aromatization with an aroma lamp

Popularity today is explained not only by their availability and ingenuity, but also by ease of use. In order to start the aromatherapy procedure, you just need to fill the bowl of the aroma lamp with water, drop a few drops of the desired essential oil into it and place a lighted candle under the bowl. As soon as the water begins to warm up and evaporate, the aroma oil, along with it, will slowly spread throughout the room.

There are also electric aroma lamps in which you don’t even have to worry about lighting a candle - you just need to plug them into a socket.

You can read more about what aroma lamps are and what you need to pay attention to when choosing them in the article "". But no matter what type of aroma lamp you choose, remember that precautions must always be observed, in no case allowing the water to completely evaporate when a candle is lit or electrically heated.

No matter how delightfully light and unobtrusive the aroma lamp method is, it is absolutely impossible to breathe air saturated with essential oils around the clock. One air aromatization procedure should not last longer than 2 hours, and if these are the first procedures for you (including after a long break), then the maximum duration should be reduced to 20 minutes.

On the same day, the total duration of the aroma lamp operation is considered to be about 8 hours. Each essential oil has its own dosage recommendations for aroma lamps, which should not be exceeded. Typically, 2 to 4 drops of oils, or combinations thereof, are used.

Methods for aromatizing a room

In addition to aroma lamps, you can refer to other methods of aromatization of premises:

  1. By dropping a few drops of the desired aroma oil into the water, it can be sprayed around the room with a spray bottle. Just make sure that the oils do not harm your fabrics and furniture. The aroma after such a wet spray will last no more than 2 hours, which just meets the norms for aromatization of rooms.
  2. The source of a constant pleasant smell can also be the so-called, placed in a beautiful dish or vase - flower petals, plant leaves or large spices. It is enough to periodically renew the fragrance with a few drops of aromatic oils - and the natural "aroma lamp" is ready.
  3. In the bedroom, textiles or bedding can be used for aromatization: for this, add up to 3 drops of essential oil to the conditioner during rinsing.
  4. Also, favorite aromas can be applied to, however, in this case it will not be about aromatizing the entire room, but only its individual zones.
  5. Instead of a conventional aroma lamp, you can use a paper napkin or cotton wool soaked in oils, placed discreetly under a table or behind a photograph. True, do not forget that periodically all fragrant items should be taken away, resting from their aromas.

Selection of essential oils

Let's try to understand the influence of essential oils and the possibilities of their use in the procedures for aromatizing rooms. As we have already indicated, the main spheres of influence of aroma oils by the method of deodorizing rooms remain the emotional and psychological state.

Different essential oils and their mixtures can sometimes radically change the features of internal perception and mood.

  • With unreasonable anxiety and fears during aromatization, it is better to use, and for weakness and nervous exhaustion - a mixture of mint and rosemary aromatic oils.
  • Irritability and overexcitation perfectly remove the smells of the same geranium, but hysteria - lavender with a drop.
  • More serious problems with self-perception, such as an inferiority complex and low self-esteem, help to overcome the confidence-carrying duo and geraniums.
  • One of the most serious problems of the modern worker today - constant fatigue and overwork - will help to remove the aromatic oils of the sun, and the soothing smells that balance them, and.
  • If fatigue has led to the appearance of a natural defensive reaction - stress, then when scenting rooms it is better to use other combinations: lavender and rosemary or lavender and ylang-ylang.
  • With at any stage, aromas of incense, orange, rose, and lavender will help to work.
  • Essential oils, rosemary, lemon, sage, and mint will help increase concentration.
  • Increase the tone of thought processes - amazing smells of geranium, cedar, cypress, eucalyptus, rosemary, ginger,

Essential oils have been known for thousands of years. They have a lot of useful properties. Let's take a look at ideas on how to use them in your home.

1. Use as a flavoring

To stop using store fresheners, apply a couple of drops of essential oil to a cotton ball and attach it to a flower pot or the bottom of a chair.

2. Decontaminate surfaces

Because essential oils have antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, they work well to create natural cleaning products. Simply add 2-3 drops of lavender, lemon or orange cleanser to liquid soap diluted with water and pour into a spray bottle.

3. Clean the toilet

The same essential oils can be used to clean toilets mixed with baking soda.

4. Replace oils with herbs in your diet

Instead of a whole tablespoon of herbs that you add to your food, take just one drop of the right essential oil. They can also be added to desserts. Everyone knows the importance of drinking a certain amount of water daily. If you can't bring yourself to drink as much liquid as you need, add a drop of orange oil to a glass of water to make it more palatable.

5. Wash vegetables and fruits

It is difficult to imagine how many hands touched fruits and vegetables bought in a supermarket or market. Everyone understands that they contain many microbes. Experts advise adding five drops of lemon oil to the water for washing vegetables and fruits.

6. Protect lawns and gardens

Most pest control products sold are not safe for children and animals. If insects attack your lawn, mix 10 drops of essential oil with a glass of water and castile soap and spray onto the surface. If the pests are moles and ground squirrels, use peppermint oil.

7. Protect yourself from mosquito bites

In a small spray bottle, mix 50-100 grams of distilled water, 40 grams of vodka and 30-50 drops of any essential oil. This composition can be used instead of a commercial repellent with many chemical components.

8. Get rid of ants

If ants have invaded your home, cinnamon will help. It affects their nervous system, forcing them to leave the area. Another great solution is lemongrass. Dilute 10-20 drops of the product in 50-75 g of water. Spray on areas where ants are most likely to appear.

9. Improve laundry odor

Add your favorite essential oil to your laundry for a pleasant, fresh scent.

10. Neutralize pet odors

To freshen up the room, you can prepare an oil spray. They can also treat the pet's bedding, as well as hands, before you massage the animal. But before using this, be sure to consult a veterinarian. It is usually suggested to use lavender and ylang-ylang oil.

11. Use as a sun spray

If you're out in the sun for too long, mix half a cup of witch hazel with three tablespoons of aloe gel and five drops of lavender oil in a spray bottle. Spray the body as needed.

12. Soothe the pain

Mix 4 drops of almond and mint oils, 2 drops of rosemary, 1 drop of lavender, chamomile and frankincense oils. Shake well and apply to the temples and the back of the neck if you have a headache. This is a great alternative to painkillers.

13. Make a sanitizer

To 30 grams of aloe leaf gel, add 10 drops of tea tree oil and 7 drops of lavender. This mixture can be used as a hand sanitizer instead of store-bought alcohol-scented formulations.

14. Relieve allergy symptoms

Seasonal allergies can be very debilitating. On a cotton cord, drip four drops of sweet orange oil and seven drops of cedar oil. Place in a plastic case. Suitable packaging for lipstick. Use as an inhaler as needed.

15. Clean carpets

Baking soda is great for removing pet and some food odors, while essential oils will leave your carpet and entire room smelling fresh. Add a few drops of your favorite oil to the baking soda, scatter the mixture all over the carpet, scrub with a brush or sponge, and then vacuum.

16. Remove dirt from the floor

People often use vinegar to clean surfaces, but few people like its smell. Add a glass of white vinegar and 5 drops of orange and lemon oil to a bucket of warm water. The latter neutralize unpleasant odors and add antibacterial and antifungal properties.

17. Relieve sore muscles

Essential oils have powerful soothing properties when applied topically to the skin. Almost all massage therapists use them in their practice.

18. Nourish and grow your hair

Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your regular hair conditioner and use as usual or use as a scalp massage.

19. Change the smell of your lotion

Most body creams and lotions already include moisturizing ingredients, but the addition of essential oils will bring additional benefits. The most useful in this case will be oils of tea tree, lavender and lemongrass.

20. Pamper your face

One of the easiest ways to incorporate essential oils into your skincare routine is to steam inhale them every week. Just one drop of oil, such as lavender, will be enough for a bowl of water. The procedure should be carried out within one to three minutes.

21. Make a beard oil

To 30 grams of jojoba oil, add 5 drops of orange, 6 drops of cedar, 2 drops of vetiver and 3 drops of lavender. Shake the bottle well. Men will love it!

22. Clean your makeup brushes

Experts recommend rinsing brushes and makeup brushes daily to prevent the spread of bacteria. For this purpose, you can also use a mixture of essential oils to avoid unnecessary spending on cleaning products, which include incomprehensible components.

23. Deodorize sports equipment

Take a little more than a liter of water and add a couple of drops of lemon and tea tree oil to it, as well as four tablespoons of table soda. Mix and use to clean everything from knitwear to sports accessories and sneakers. This will help get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat after strenuous exercise.

24. Remove the dirt from the shower curtain

Fill a spray bottle with water (450g) and add four drops each of eucalyptus and tea tree oil. Spray onto shower curtain to kill mold.

25. Refresh the trash can

Even if you are careful, sooner or later the bucket will start to give off an unpleasant odor. Put in it a cotton ball soaked in orange, lemon and tea tree oils. The result will please you.

26. Make a natural deodorant

Mix equal parts baking soda, coconut oil, and cornstarch, and then add your choice of tea tree oil or thuja oil, which have antimicrobial properties.

27. Normalize digestion

Peppermint and ginger are helpful in soothing an upset stomach and aiding digestion, especially in relieving irritable bowel syndrome. Mix their oils and apply on the stomach.

28. Eliminate the smell of cigarette smoke

Regardless of where a person smokes - at home or on the street, an unpleasant smell will appear in the room sooner or later. Combine 4 drops each of eucalyptus, rosemary and tea tree oils, add water and pour into a spray bottle, spray the mixture around the house.

29. Change spark plugs

If you are afraid to leave a scented candle burning, you can use essential oils. In this case, the fragrance can be chosen according to the season or mood.

30. Make toothpaste

Combine baking soda and some sea salt, along with xylitol and essential oils from coconut and peppermint. This idea will allow you to enjoy clean teeth and fresh breath.

There are several tasks for essential oils in our homes - this is not only the aromatization of rooms, but also the elimination of unpleasant odors, air purification in the house, its disinfection, the fight against unwanted insects and the prevention of their appearance in the apartment. But the main sign of the use of essential oils in the home is, of course, that special atmosphere of comfort and celebration that they create around us.

However, it is important to take into account that there are many ways in which the aromas of essential oils affect people, they not only fill the air with smells, but also, depending on the chosen oil, affect the mood, mental state, and emotional background of a person. Some aroma oils liberate and increase self-esteem, others help to calm down, others contribute to concentration, etc.

Why use essential oils in your home

Wanting to change the atmosphere in our home, we can use essential oils:

  • to create the necessary microclimate in the premises;
  • to remove unpleasant odors;
  • for the extermination of pathogens in the house, since almost every essential oil has the ability to disinfect;
  • to prevent the appearance of harmful insects in the home.

Having considered the practical aspects of the use of essential oils, it is worth paying attention to their ability to influence the psycho-emotional state of both each person and the whole family. The use of essential oils can significantly soften the family microclimate, preventing quarrels and conflicts from developing, extinguishing outbursts of irritability to which each of us is prone. By choosing the right aroma of essential oil, you can create a favorable atmosphere of trust and understanding between people, which is especially important when we all get together, on weekends, on holidays, at moments of joint rest. Therefore, the use of aromatic essential oils in the home can be considered a kind of “family” aroma therapy that helps create an atmosphere of harmony and love.

How to use essential oils at home

The most suitable way to aromatize the air in the house with essential oils is to use an aromatic lamp. You can also use a spray bottle to spray the fragrance yourself. Aromatic sachets, aroma stones and even strips of filtered paper soaked in aromatic oils will also do.

There are also less traditional ways to scent the air in a room, such as adding essential oil to the water for washing floors, this method is most suitable for washrooms. At the same time, it is very important to take into account the fact that not every smell will be pleasant to everyone. Therefore, do not be zealous and saturate the house with intense aromas, let it be a light veil of aroma, and not a blow to the sense of smell.

The most common way to create a fragrant environment is an aroma lamp, which helps to create a lighter atmosphere than, for example, an aroma burner. Moreover, the soft light of an aromatic lamp will also fill the house with comfort.

A fragrance for every corner of the house

It is very important to consider that different rooms in the house require different aromatization.

hallway fragrance. To create a welcoming environment right from the doorstep of the house is the dream of every hospitable hostess. And the essential oils of pine, cedar, bergamot, lavender, orange or lemon will contribute to this. If you live in a common stairwell, then not very pleasant aromas from the corridor can be avoided by using aromatic oils of citrus fruits and coniferous trees.

The scent of the living room. It's no secret that smells can promote relaxation and communication between people. So even unfamiliar people can relax and enjoy communication in an atmosphere of aromas of lavender, rose, sandalwood, essential oils of ylang-ylang, lemon, mandarin. To clean the air of germs, dust and not very pleasant odors, you need to give preference to the essential oils of tea tree, clary sage, geranium or spruce. If you have pets in your home, consider lavender, rosemary, lemon, or geranium oils that are effective against these odors.

Bedroom fragrance. Of course, the atmosphere of the bedroom should be special, as it is a place of rest, relaxation and restoration of vitality. Neroli, rose, orange, ylang-ylang, geranium or sandalwood oils will help solve the problem. You can also scent the bed linen itself by applying a few drops of oil directly to the fabric of the blanket or pillow.

Office scent. And it is not at all necessary that it be a separate room, perhaps the living room will become your workplace for some time, and you will be able to create the right atmosphere there. You need to relieve fatigue and increase concentration, in this case, choose oils of mint, lemon, rosemary, lavender or jasmine. When working with a computer, give preference to oils of rosemary, lemongrass, ginger and jasmine. And essential oils of neroli, rose, mandarin, bergamot or jasmine will help increase creativity.

Aroma of the kitchen. Unfortunately, our kitchens do not always smell of fresh buns, so we have to deal with unpleasant odors and freshen the air in the room. This will help the essential oils of eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, orange, geranium and rosemary. You can go further and refresh kitchen utensils (sponges, towels and rags) for this you need to dilute a few drops of any of the already mentioned oils in water to flavor the kitchen and soak the utensils for five minutes.

Bathroom fragrance. You need to deodorize and disinfect the air not only in the bathroom, but also in the toilet, and for this, essential oils such as tea tree, lemon, geranium, lavender, eucalyptus or rosemary oil are the best suited. Interestingly, tea tree oil will help get rid of not only unpleasant odors, but also mold (fungus) stains, as well as pathogenic microbes in the bathroom.

Antiseptic properties of essential oils for the home

Each essential oil has bactericidal properties and the effect of natural antiseptics, which should be used to disinfect the air and surfaces in the house. Thus, it will be possible not only to prevent the occurrence of mold and fungus, but also to improve the atmosphere so much that even during seasonal outbreaks of colds, your house will protect all its residents from pathogenic bacteria and speed up the recovery process of already sick household members.

To fully unleash the disinfecting properties of essential oils, use them when cleaning your floors around the house. To do this, choose the right oil and, combining it with an emulsifier (for example, salt) in the amount of 30 drops, dilute it in a bucket of water. The most useful in terms of antiseptic treatment will be the essential oils of tea tree, orange, clary sage, lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, pine and mandarin.

With the help of essential oils, you can effectively polish and disinfect the furniture in the house. Take any of the above essential oils (10 drops) and combine with two tablespoons of a mixture of alcohol (a tablespoon) and jojoba oil (a tablespoon).

Any detergent can be enriched with fragrant oil, both used for washing dishes and for other surfaces. It is enough to mix it with essential oil, in an amount of 5 to 10 drops. This amount of oil will be enough to enrich 100 ml of detergent. The most suitable in this case will be lemon, geranium and tangerine oils.

You can aromatize not only bed linen, but also any other thing by adding essential oil (10-20 drops) to the washing powder or rinse aid. It is best to wash with rose, spruce, lavender or ylang-ylang oils.

How to deal with insects using essential oil

Often we have to apply chemical repellents to scare off intrusive insects. So in our homes there are electric fumigators, spirals, ointments, creams and many other products that are based on chemistry dangerous to human health.

An alternative way to deal with harmful insects can be the use of essential oils. In this case, clove oil gives a wonderful effect. Geranium, lavender, citronella, eucalyptus, frankincense, patchouli, mint, sage, thyme, cedar and tea tree oils are also great. Moreover, with the help of tea tree oil, you can get rid of the effects of insect bites, even in case of allergic reactions to them.

If you are not already using essential oils in your home, then be sure to consider this wonderful opportunity to make your life and the life of your family more enjoyable in a cozy home filled with the magical aromas of essential oils.

Romanchukevich Tatiana
for women's magazine site

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Essential oils can be used not only for treatment, but also for aromatizing the air of the rooms in which you stay all day.

To flavor the premises, you will need the following essential oils: lemon or orange, anise, bergamot, basil, geranium, carnation, mint, lavender, pine or fir, mandarin, rosemary, rose, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, sage, eucalyptus. In addition to essential oils, you will need an aroma lamp, 100 ml of ethyl alcohol, a bandage, a cup for evaporation and inhalation, and strips of filter paper.

At work.

Using aroma lamps at work is not so convenient, so in the morning when cleaning the room, add 2-3 drops of lavender and lemon essential oil to the water.

After dinner, to stimulate the brain and to aromatize the air in the room with essential oils, you can use a mixture of: lemon, pine, cloves and tangerine in a ratio of 4:2:1:1 or pine, lemon, cloves, bergamot in a ratio of 2: 1:1:2, or lemon, mint, rosemary and coriander at the rate of 2:2:1:1. The ratios are selected for the mixture, the unit of which is a drop per room of 5 m2. If you experience pain or heaviness in your head while working, inhale deeply the aroma of rose, geranium and lemon, taken equally.

How to use aroma lamps.

Aroma lamps are a convenient and quick way to aromatize the air in the room, giving it a pleasant smell. The aroma lamp is a bowl with a space underneath for placing a candle. Pour water into the bowl, drip a few drops of essential oils. The water is heated by a candle lit under it and begins to evaporate the essential oil, filling your room with a pleasant smell. During the use of the aroma lamp, doors and vents should be closed. This is how the air in the room is aromatized with essential oils.

Aromatization of the air in the apartment.

In the hallway or living room, it is best to use an aroma lamp. Make a mixture of 4-7 drops of essential oils of pine, lemon and bergamot at a ratio of 1:2:2 or orange, pine (fir), mint and lavender at a ratio of 3:2:1:1 or lavender, mandarin, rose, bergamot from calculation 2:1:1:1.

Such aromatization of the air in the hallway and living room gives you the opportunity to feel the warmth of the hearth, peace and comfort and free you from viral diseases.

To remove kitchen odors, refresh and flavor the air in the kitchen, use a mixture of essential oils: lemon, pine and mint at a rate of 2: 1: 1 or lemon, lavender, geranium at a rate of 1: 2: 3 or fir, lavender, geranium, orange in ratio 2:3:2:1.

Indoor flowers.

Phytoncides are released into the air not only by spruce or pine trees in the forest, and juniper groves, but also by ordinary houseplants. So, it has long been known that in the air of those rooms where myrtle is grown, pathogenic microorganisms are half as much as where it is not.

Chinese rose, various creepers and Springer's asparagus also contribute to air purification.

Geranium cleanses and refreshes a stale room. And its aroma helps relieve stress and fatigue. has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and normalizes sleep.

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