Rostec highly appreciates the technical and personnel potential of KMZ. The main stake in Kurganmashzavod came under the control of the state corporation Rostec. "Uralvagonzavod" officially became part of "Rostec": Russia will create a single armored holding

The court revealed the details of the multibillion-dollar proceedings between Kurganmashzavod and the structure of the Concern Tractor Plants. After submitting claims to arbitration, the Kurgan defense enterprise was forced to request from structures related to it documents on financial transactions, including those 13 years old. However, analysts believe that the return of funds by Rostec managers, who now manage Kurganmashzavod, can be extremely complicated due to a series of bankruptcy proceedings and a dubious scheme for transferring assets and liabilities within the holding. Bolotin and Bakov, as insiders say, even bowling alleys and sanatoriums were used to transfer funds. Earlier, one of the enterprises of the concern already tried to recover hundreds of millions of rubles from opponents in the Kurganmashzavod dispute, but lost in three instances due to the lack of confirmation of transactions - the necessary documents simply do not exist. In the meantime, Rostec is preparing to finally absorb the Kurgan enterprise, which means accepting billions of accumulated losses and going to court again.

One of the largest and operating enterprises of the Trans-Urals, the Kurgan Machine-Building Plant (KMZ, controlled by the Rostec State Corporation through RT-Kurganmashzavod JSC), is trying to recover 2.68 billion rubles from the Tractor Plants Concern LLC (KTZ). The relevant requirements are being considered by the Moscow Arbitration Court, which, at the request of Kurganmashzavod, has already requested documents on financial transactions of companies from the arbitration manager Promtractor-Finance LLC and the founder of this organization Industrial Leasing LLC.


The list of documents requested by the court included 5 agreements on the assignment of rights of claim concluded between Concern Tractor Plants LLC and Promtractor-Finance LLC in 2010, and 5 loan agreements concluded with Agromashholding BV in 2006. In addition, the arbitration indicated the need to provide proof of loans.

In this case, it should be noted that Kurganmashzavod, in fact, is included with the defendant in the same group of persons. According to the Kontur.Fokus system, the founder of KTZ LLC is Cheboksary Aggregate Plant PJSC, which, in turn, through another LLC, is controlled by JSC Machine Building and Industrial Group Concern Tractor Plants Mikhail Bolotin and Albert Bakov.

According to the system, the balance of KTZ LLC at the end of 2017 was 9 billion rubles. And all of them accounted for some financial investments. In the line "Fixed assets of the enterprise" in the reporting was indicated "0". At the same time, revenue was fixed at the level of 1.3 million rubles, net profit - 844 thousand rubles.

In turn, in relation to the founder of LLC "KTZ" - "Cheboksary Aggregate Plant" - last year, at the suit of "Vnesheconombank", the first stage of bankruptcy was introduced - the monitoring procedure.

It is noteworthy that the structures from which Kurganmashzavod was forced to demand documents through the court have also recently been associated with it.

As stated above, the founder of Promtractor-Finance LLC is Industrial Leasing LLC. At the same time, according to the information of Kontur.Focus, the Kurgan defense enterprise itself has been the owner of the latter since 2017. In addition, since 2018, Kurganmashzavod has also become the management company of Industrial Leasing.

LLC Promtractor-Finance, meanwhile, was declared bankrupt last year, only at the time of observation, claims were made against the company for more than 4.4 billion rubles.

Discussing the circumstances of a major financial dispute, experts come to the conclusion that the recovery of funds can be an extremely problematic task for Rostec managers who manage Kurganmashzavod.

In this regard, other court proceedings appear to be extremely remarkable, in which a number of the structures described above appear and, possibly, similar circumstances of the dispute.

So, KTZ LLC, from which Kurganmashzavod demands billions, in 2017 already became a participant in major financial disputes. Then a claim in the amount of about 260 million was filed against him by Promtractor-Promlit LLC, also affiliated with the Tractor Plants Concern.

As explained in the materials of the arbitration case, in 2015, Promtractor-Finance, under an assignment agreement, transferred the right to claim more than 255.4 million rubles from KTZ to Promtractor-Promlit (Cheboksary Industrial Casting Plant), which arose on the basis of a loan from 2006.

In parallel, between the two structures that transferred the debt, an agreement was concluded on the offset of counterclaims. That is, Promtractor-Promlit fulfilled its obligations to Promtractor-Finance.

Problems arose later, when KTZ LLC did not pay off its obligations, after which Promtractor-Promlit went to court. The arbitration, meanwhile, refused the company, pointing out the lack of documents confirming the debt.

“... the plaintiff did not prove the presence of the defendant's debt in the amount claimed, since he did not submit documents confirming the grounds for the occurrence of the debt and its amount (loan agreement, payment documents, etc.).<…>None of the evidence was presented to the court, with the justification of finding them with the defendant. At the same time, the plaintiff limited himself to a petition for the reclamation of the said evidence from the defendant.<…>By not requiring the assignor (Promtractor-Finance. - Ed.) to transfer documents certifying the right to claim, the plaintiff assumed the risk of negative consequences in the form of the impossibility of proving the existence of the debt and its amount, ”the decision of the Moscow Arbitration indicates.

It should be noted that Promtractor-Promlit tried to challenge this decision in an appeal and cassation, but lost both proceedings. It is possible that the same difficulties can now await Kurganmashzavod, which is still trying to obtain documents for billions in liabilities.

“In the Tractor Plants Concern, which united a huge number of assets, many structures were used to pump finance. It got to the point that the funds went through bowling alleys and sanatoriums owned by Bolotin. Therefore, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to track the movement of funds and all obligations,” says an interlocutor familiar with the work of the holding's enterprises.

Meanwhile, the financial condition of the Kurgan enterprise itself, which is the country's only manufacturer of infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) and their modifications, still leaves much to be desired. Despite the fact that in the short term, the work of Kurganmashzavod was stabilized and, following the results of 9 months of 2018, it even showed a net profit of 844 million rubles (in 2017, a loss for 9 months - 2.79 billion), a set of accumulated obligations and problems remains huge.

Recall that at the end of 2017, Kurganmashzavod showed a loss of 108 billion rubles. Back in April last year, the head of the Rostec State Corporation Sergey Chemezov addressed at that time to the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin with a request to hold a meeting of the government commission in a short time and consider issues related to the introduction of bankruptcy procedures in relation to Kurganmashzavod.

Then the idea was expressed of initiating the bankruptcy of Kurganmashzavod with the subsequent merger of the enterprise with the Tula Design Bureau of Instrument Engineering named after Rostec. Academician Shipunov. In July, Chemezov, according to RBC, also informed Dmitry Medvedev that the plans of VEB (the main creditor of the Concern Tractor Plants)

This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov.

“KTZ (its defense assets - Kurganmashzavod and VgTZ) will be transferred to the management of Rostec. And taking into account the inclusion of UVZ in Rostec, in the same division of armored vehicles, UVZ will need to manage Kurganmashzavod. That is, if UVZ is contributed to the capital of Rostec, KTZ will be transferred to management,” the minister said.

Thus, Kurganmashzavod and VgTZ will be accountable to UVZ head Alexander Potapov, Manturov confirmed.

Armored holding "Rostec" can be formed by July

Armored holding in the state corporation "Rostec" is expected to be formed within a few months. DEFENCE.RU

As reported, Rostec, in the course of restructuring the debts of KTZ, received five enterprises of the military division of the concern: Kurganmashzavod, Lipetsk caterpillar tractor plant, Volgograd machine-building company VgTZ, Zauralsk forging and casting plant, Special Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering ".

Rogozin: A heavy metal holding is being created in Rostec

The transfer of Uralvagonzavod to the state corporation Rostec is connected with the need to create an armored holding and improve the financial position of UVZ. This was stated in an interview with Interfax by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. DEFENCE.RU Recall that at the end of December 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the transfer of 100% of the shares of Uralvagonzavod to Rostec. Source

"Uralvagonzavod" officially became part of "Rostec": Russia will create a single armored holding

A decree was issued by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on the transfer of shares of Uralvagonzavod to Rostec. There he will merge with Kurganmashzavod, which is also transferred to the Chemezov corporation, into a single armored holding. DEFENCE.RU

The Rostec State Corporation, which will soon include the Kurgan Machine-Building Plant, highly appreciates the production and personnel potential of the enterprise and the prospects for its development. Sergey Abramov, industrial director of the cluster of conventional weapons, ammunition and special chemistry of the Rostec state corporation, spoke about this, answering questions from trans-Ural journalists. After a working meeting with Governor Alexei Kokorin, on November 10, he, together with Deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank Petr Zolotarev, General Director of KKU Concern Tractor Plants Albert Bakov and Deputy Head of the Region - Director of the Department of Industry, Transport, Communications and Energy Alexander Konstantinov visited KMZ. The delegation appreciated the assembly and acceptance production, as well as the exhibition, at which the company presented samples of infantry fighting vehicles "Kurganets-25", MP "Dragun", armored personnel carriers and samples of civilian equipment.

Deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank Petr Zolotarev explained:

Now a fundamental decision has been made to carry out an organized rehabilitation, to get rid of the accumulated debt. Fundamental decisions were made on the operational control of the Rostec Corporation. We provide them with all kinds of assistance. We have a working group in the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The Supervisory Board of Vnesheconombank made a decision to allocate financial resources in order to maintain the enterprise's efficiency during the transition period. The task is to preserve the production potential and labor collectives.

Sergey Abramov noted that the work on the transfer of the enterprises of the Tractor Plants Concern to Rostec will be organized within the framework of the relevant instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Prime Minister of Russia:

Our task is to ensure a smooth transition, the fulfillment of government contracts. We personally get acquainted with production, labor collectives. We know Kurganmashzavod directly. We understand the load until 2027, taking into account the draft weapons program, we understand what new areas will be organized today as part of the work on the already existing nomenclature, as well as on the nomenclature of new types of weapons and military equipment. We highly appreciate the technical and personnel potential of the enterprise and, of course, this potential will be the basis of our joint successful work.

The industrial director of the cluster of conventional weapons, ammunition and special chemicals of the Rostec State Corporation emphasized:

First of all, we agreed with the Governor on effective working cooperation. We will jointly resolve issues that have accumulated over these long years, including in the work with natural monopolies.

Until the end of the month, they plan to carry out the appropriate procedures related to the transfer of the enterprise to the management of Rostec. By the end of the year, a plan and a roadmap for the rehabilitation and further development of the KMZ will be approved and put into effect, which will significantly increase, among other things, the efficiency of production processes.

According to Albert Bakov, Director General of the Tractor Plants Concern, the transfer of KMZ to the Rostec State Corporation will have a positive impact on the further development of the enterprise:

A decision was made to financially rehabilitate, write off the debt, it is possible through the bankruptcy procedure. Thus, the state facilitates the work of the plant, removing from it a monstrous debt burden.

I am a member of the working group for the development of KMZ and the improvement of the process at this enterprise. From the side of the region, of course, participation will be required, primarily in the promotion of civilian products, the production of which will be organized at the enterprise, and interaction with the public. We look forward to a constructive dialogue and interaction.

Press Service of the Governor of the Kurgan Region, Tatyana Pankova

The General Director of the management company RT-Kurganmashzavod JSC was interested in the opinion of professionals

The program of the visit to Kurgan by the director of the military equipment division of the Tractor Plants concern (general director of the management company JSC RT-Kurganmashzavod) Evgeny Fomichev was very rich: a visit to the plant, a meeting with the regional leadership, a press conference ...

Nevertheless, even at the end of the day, he met the city council of veterans with a working group on the development of Kurganmashzavod. This probably says something. For example, about the fact that a professional wanted to hear the opinion of professionals - veterans of the KMZ, members of the working group, once held key positions at the enterprise.

A one and a half hour conversation took place, which was also attended by Alexander Konstantinov, Deputy Governor - Director of the Department of Industry, Transport, Communications and Energy of the Kurgan Region.

- In mid-December, the working group sent a letter to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, in which she positively assessed the decision to deprivatize the most important defense enterprises and transfer them to the state corporation Rostec. But at the same time, the letter noted that, in our opinion, a fundamentally important decision is distorted by ill-conceived further actions.

Thus, Albert Bakov was appointed interim general director of KMZ, whose activities as a manager are characterized by bringing KMZ to bankruptcy, - shared Alexander Mazein, chairman of the Kurgan city council of veterans. — We asked V.V. Putin to help create professional management at Kurganmashzavod, which would ensure the reliability of the enterprise for the production of high-quality defense equipment and civilian products. From the Department for Work with Citizens' Appeals of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, we were informed: "In order to receive an answer on the merits, your appeal has been sent to the Rostec State Corporation." I think that Evgeny Gennadyevich Fomichev met with us just to get the answer to the point. After all, the position of the working group does not always coincide with the standard assessments of specialists from all structures, it differs from the assessments and tactics of the former management of Kurganmashzavod.

In response to the veterans' statement that Albert Bakov should not be in charge of KMZ, since he is from the team that led the enterprise to bankruptcy, Evgeny Fomichev explained: at this stage, it is important to understand the situation at the enterprise as quickly as possible. This will be easier to do with the help of the existing plant owners.

- Evgeny Gennadievich was interested in our assessment of the personnel situation that has developed at KMZ. The working group drew his attention to the fact that today in the team of Kurganmashzavod there is a situation where people are afraid to speak frankly, because they are threatened with dismissal for disagreeing with the decisions of the “owners,” continues Alexander Mazein. - The personnel policy of the leaders of the Tractor Plants concern was such that during their reign, 7 directors were replaced at KMZ; about 30 most experienced heads of various services were practically "survived" from the factory - only because they did not agree with the actions of the concern's management. And if we seriously restore production, we cannot do without these people - the "Varangians" do not know the essence of the matter as they do, members of the working group believe.

The veterans were pleased that Evgeny Fomichev shares their opinion on the need to develop the production of civilian products, to carry out the technical re-equipment of the KMZ.

The main wish of the working group was that a new team should come with a real plan to get KMZ out of a difficult situation and an enterprise development strategy with which the veterans are ready to interact.

Yevgeny Fomichev listened attentively and took notes. He left his details, and also asked to send him updated information on certain areas. That is, he is ready to cooperate with the working group. This is an obvious recognition that the creation of the group and its activities for almost two years have brought results.

In contact with


"Rostec" considers it necessary to start the bankruptcy of the only Russian manufacturer of infantry fighting vehicles - Kurganmashzavod (KMZ), and after that to merge the enterprise with the Tula Design Bureau of Instrument Engineering, which is part of the state corporation. Academician Shipunov, according to a letter from Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.

The General Director of Rostec, in a letter dated April 2 (its authenticity was confirmed by the press service of Rostec), asked the Deputy Prime Minister "as soon as possible" to hold a meeting of the government commission to ensure and implement measures to prevent the bankruptcy of strategic enterprises and defense industry organizations and to discuss at it issues that are related to the introduction of bankruptcy procedures in relation to KMZ.

“The current financial and economic state of Kurganmashzavod JSC and the group of affiliated companies is difficult,” Chemezov notes. According to the results of last year, the enterprise had a loss of about 7 billion rubles, in addition, the plant missed the deadlines for "manufacturing property under an export contract in the interests of a foreign customer." Chemezov also clarifies that KMZ has problems with fulfilling the state defense order for this year as well - the enterprise needs an additional 16 billion rubles, but there are no sources of financing. Chemezov proposes to sign contracts for the transfer of KMZ production sites to the Tula enterprise from next year.

KMZ was established in 1950, the enterprise is part of the Tractor Plants concern. According to SPARK, 55 percent of KMZ is owned by MIG KTZ JSC (the managing company of Tractor Plants), which, in turn, is owned by Machinery & Industrial Group N.V. (Amsterdam) - this company is affiliated with the interim director of KMZ, the general director of Tractor Plants Albert Bakov, as well as the chairman of the board of directors of the concern Mikhail Bolotin. The Krasnoyarsk Design and Technological Institute of Combine Construction, including that owned by Machinery & Industrial Group, owns 19 percent of KMZ. 13 percent of the plant is owned by OAO SKBM, which is owned by KMZ itself.

KMZ is engaged in the production and repair of armored vehicles of the BMP class. The plant produces BMP-2 and BMP-3, which, in addition to the Russian army, operate the armed forces of almost 30 countries of the world, according to the KMZ website. The enterprise makes prototypes of the modernized BMD-4, on the basis of which KMZ produced the Rakushka armored personnel carrier. KMZ also produces civilian products - trailers and tractor buckets. The KMZ includes 10 factories and 5 workshops, the staff is approximately 5,000 people.

The Tractor Plants Concern, which, along with 130 other enterprises, includes KMZ, is also experiencing financial difficulties. Last autumn, the government transferred the concern to the operational management of Rostec. The concern's total debts amount to more than 100 billion rubles. Its main creditor is Vnesheconombank (VEB), the concern owes Rostec over 4 billion rubles. In October last year, VEB filed a lawsuit with the Chuvash arbitration court to declare Tractor Plants bankrupt due to a debt of 68.5 billion rubles. In November, the Arbitration Court introduced a monitoring procedure for the concern.

In Rostec, they argued the situation with Tractor Plants by the crisis of the engineering industry as a whole and the wrong decisions in the management of enterprises: the concern's factories were heavily indebted against assets, the company was unable to service debts.

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